THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1898. The Weekly GltfoMele. 1HK UALLK9, - - DKKUON OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Published in two parts, oh Wedtiesdays and Saturdays. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY Kill., P08TA0I ruFUD, IIT ADVAKCB. One year 1 SO Six months 75 Three months SO Advertising rates reasonable, and made known on application. Address aU communications to "THE OHRON' CLE, The Dalles, Oregon. LOCAL BREVITIES. Saturday's Daily Men glance at the paet if she who pissed is yoang and pretty. The male quartet will sing at the Lu tberan church tomorrow evening. Perhaps it is the microbes in kisses . that cause people to fall "dead in love The moment a man boasts of his righteous life, be shows the devil on his lips. The weather report eavs that there are indications that we will have buow tomorrow. If it weren't for their own parents, children would respect other people's parents more. We know a yoang lady who is so modest that she positively refuses to sink into the arms of Morpheus. "Are you ready for the winter, Adol phus?" "Yes; my wife has taken the embroidered red-plush cover off the snowshovel." The Sarah Dixon has bten placed on the Portland-La Center run until the Mascot, which sank the other day, is again ready for business. Aunt Maria When Mr. Borbon a6ked you to drink, Henry; I hope yon didn't say yes. Henry No, aunt ; I turned it off by Baying, "I don't care if I do." Tbe first thing a woman says when ehe hears that the husband of a woman she has no use for has done something bad is how she pities his poor wife. The following will wed, bavins se cured the permission of . the county through its clerk : Jos. . Lane and Mrs. Anna M. Adkins, of this city, and John W. Taylor and Caldonia Ring, of this county. Tbe Seafert & Condon 'phones were pat in at Kingsley this afternoon. These are said to be the best long distance 'phones now in use. One of the stations for this line will be at the Gorman place between Dufur and Kingsley. "I see that a soldier boy with only two days' training broke all the loot ball rec ords for punting," said Jaggs.' . "That's nawthin'," remarked Skate. "Any volunteer soldier of six months' standin' is a harder kicker than any guy what ever wore padded clothes." One of the most beautiful and largest chrysanthemums we have ever seen is displayed in the window of Blakeley & Houghton's drug store today. It was raised by Miss Delphina Velarde, at her borne on the East bill. Beside it, are several fine specimens of the same flower, which are much admired. This morning about 10 o'clock tbe body of Mrs. Mary Foley was brought to this city by her husband and a number of friends and taken to the Crandall Burget undertaking parlors. Mrs. Foley who is a sister of M. J. Manning, died at Grade on the 6th, of typhoid fever She was about 35 years old. The funeral will fake place from the Catholic church Monday at 9 o clock. , The opportunity offered you to hear Miss Bloch sing next week at the fair will be ah unusual one. The ladies have procured her services at a great expense, bat you may bear one of Oregon's best singers for the small sum of 25 cents, Besides, there are to be many other ex cellent numbers on the program. Ar range to attend, and while you are en joying yourselves, help the ladies in their good work. W. H. Beeves, who was injured yes terday morning at Grants, was this morning taken to the hospital at Port land for treatment. It is said that eel dom is such nerve seen as was displayed by him at the time ot the accident. His right foot was terribly mashed, but, throwing himself of his back, he gave the gave the usual signal to the engineer to back the train, which was done, and be crawled out of barm's way till he could be assisted. Coming to tbe Baldwin opera house Tuesday, Dec. 15, Mahara's Minstrels, a company of thirty five (35) people beaded by the sineing comedian, Mr. Billy Young. Will introduce one of the swellest colored attractions on the road. There will be singing and dancing galore, cake walking, Buck and Wing dancing for a prize. Quartetts, Shooters, Jubilee Singing, Camp Meeting Hymns, Con tortionists, Acrobats, Fun Makers. Tbe show is handsomely dressed and staged, strictly moral and refined, see the big sensational street parade at noon. Murder will out, and so away out to Oregon comes a Bellevue paper which says : "Joe and Gas Bonn left last night for their home at The "Dalles, Or. We understand that Joe will return here at no distant day but that is bis business." young ladies to ferret out. If 'twere policy so to do we would say for their comfort, "don't believe all you read in a newspaper;" but bis avowal of constancy to a half-dozen or more of them will per haps be sufficient.- That is for them but we fear "not for Joseph, if be knows it." Mr. J. H. Brennan, who has been added to the efficient corps 'of clerks at Pease & Mays, is an artist in window dressing, which fact tbe display in their show windows today discloses. In the corner one the drapery or dress goods and silks is verv graceful, while tbe center window contains dress skirts, jackets, ribbons, etc., so arranged as to show to the best advantage the articles displayed, which are beautifnl and at tractive to every passer-by. The firm is fortunate in seen ring tbe services ol a clerk with sucn artistic taste. "Tbe Dazzler" continues to do its usual big business at Cordray's, and is adding every day to its reputation. Tbe clever songs, gay scenes and bright cos turning all combine to catch tbe popular favor, and not a few faces bave been seen in Uordray s several times tn-s week. "The Dazzler" cannot be seen too often. Saturday's matinee will draw a big bouse, judging from the advance sale, which is unusually large. "The Dazzler V songs and dances are sure to take ' the children's fancy, and the musical treat is one they should not be allowed to miss. Oregonian. At tbe Vogt Monday night.. Steamboat men who run between The Dalles and Portland have quite a breeze to steam, as well as the river current, tn passing up around Cape Horn, oppo site Rooster Rock. The strong, cold down-stream wind blows the spray u over tbe pilot-house and tbere it forms icicles, while the pretty waterfalls are now blown to leeward 500 feet, making things look quite arctic-like for the present. There is about and inch of ice t Cascade locks, which caused tbe boats yesterday a two-hours delay. It is feared the traffic on the river may have to cease , although in other years the boats have continued to run When there was much more ice in tbe river. Monday's Daily. When we get so selfish that we want the earth, we are not likely to give much thought to the world to come. Many a man who wouldn't think making a wile ot his cook has no scruples about making a cook of his wife, Job's wife, probably insisted that those boils were just because he wouldn't wear around bread-and-milk poultices on them. Nothing disconcerts a girl more than to brace herself to meet the shock of marriage proposal and the shock fails to materialize. According to tbe bible, there will be no marrying or giving in marriage in Heaven probably because there won' be enough men to go around. When a man marries a girl with golden hair and it gradually assumes a terra cotta hue he is up against the old gold-brick swindle in a new form. ine wool press at the Wasco ware. house is running today for tbe first time since August and tbev are at work grad ing wool. Tbe feed mill is also running and in all about fifteen men are em' ployed. Sunday nigbt Night Watchman Phir- man arrested G.'C. Rich for being drunk and disorderly. This morning he made bis appearance before Recorder Gates, when he was fined $5, in default of which he will occupy the city jail for two days. This morning when a brakeman employed N., was uncoupling second and third fingers of his right hand were badly mashed. Dr. Geisen dorfer dressed tbe wound and he will of M. E. Laughan, by the O. R. A some cars, the leave for the hospital in Portland. The Sign," a paper published at the Oregon school for the deaf says : "Twenty' eight years ago the 17th of November the first pupil of tbe Oregon school for the deaf was enrolled. This first pupil was Arthur M. Walker from Tbe Dalles. He is now forty-six years old and lives in Sherman county. A Grass Valley paper announces that there are several cases of diphtheria in Th D.lles. Who said soT One case has been reported, and as far as we can learn that is all. True, many have in sisted that cases which the doctors pro nounce tonsilitip were diphtheria, bat surety physicians are more competent to judge than anyone else. Those who have previously received such cold receptions at tbe Vogt opera house will be more than pleased to learn that Manager Kinersfy has placed a large beater in the hall and that, with the furnaee, will keep it as warm as pie. In the future when vou attend tbe Vogt, instead of playing freeze out, you'll have s hot time, wbich commences tonight. A telegram of inquiry to shipping headquarters in Kan Francisco as to tbe date of tbe arrival in Manila of the United States transport Senator, was I answered Saturday as follows: "The Senator arrived at Manila November 21st." This news will allay fear among relatives and friends, of the 300 Oregon recruits who were transported on that vessel. J. H. Crad'ebaugh, the Sage of Green land and elsewhere. His return has been delayed by the severe illness of his wife at Portland, but ehe is now out of danger. Mr. Cradlebaugb, will begin active development work on his Imperial group, wbich he expects to become th equal or superior of the Red Boy Bonanza. Sumpter News. Will Darragh, the cripple, who is familiar character here, proved himself a hero this morning. A runaway team was seen going up Court street, when he jumped to the reins. Being unable to stop them in that manner, he threw down his crutches and finally succeeded in jumping on the back of one and in some way gained control of them. Two ladies occupied the wagon, but tbiough ms en on s were not injured. The biennial state council of the Cath olic Knights of America will be held in this city tomorrow even ni at the hall of Sc. Peters Branch. Delegates will be In attendance from Portland, Salem, Oregon City and other places in tbe state. Borne of whom will arrive this evening. Rev. A. Bronsgeest and M. Nolan are among the executive offi cers. M. Mclnnis is a delegate from Drancti mo. 4ol of Tne Dalles. A Portland piper says of Mahara's minstrels which appears tomorrow even ing at the Baldwin : "From the time the curtain raises until it descends in tbe last act, there is a succession of song and dance, and neat bits of acting, which show a well balanced company, there not being a weak part observable at any time or place. There are no lees than ten soloists, ranging from the deep and sonorous basso, to a tenor who can warble like a bird." It is understood that on or before tbe first of tbe year important changes will be made in tbe time schedules on the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific roads. Under the proposed change the eastern mail service will be greatly im proved as the mail which now reaches Tbe Dalles at 3 :20 a.m. will arrive 12 hours earlier. The change will be made in order to make more convenient con nection with the eastern roads, which bave just adopted faster schedules from the Atlantic seaboard westward. i Now, that soonds something like an in-I born, returned Monday from a two Bin nation, wbich it is the duty of Dalles 1 weeks' visit below, to Tbe Dalles, Port- The cold weather still continues, the thermometer this morning going down to 10 above, the coldest it has been for two years. And it eeems to be general throughout both states. Even in Port land and tbe valley towns tbe ponds are covered in ice and skates are much in evidence. Yesterday tbe sloughs .above town were covered with skaters all day, and the ice is said to be very good, while the atmosphere was not eo cold as to make it unpleasant to venture out, many of tbe boys removing their overcoats. The great trouble with this particular amusement at The Dalles is the dietance one has to eo before . the ponds are reached. If tbe cold snap continues, the river will probably freeze over and then is the time for skating along its edges, where tbe ice is generally smooth. Monday's Daily. This morning the thermometer stood at 7 above, moderating considerably during the day. Arthur Clarke has disposed of his jw elry business, in tbe East End, to Mr. Stoufer, who is a first-class jeweler, A professional fortune teller and palm ist from the Willamette valley will be at the fair each night. Consult her, for she is capable of telling your future. Miss JBioch will arrive in tbe city to night. Don't miss bearing her at the fair tomorrow and Thursday nights. Ad mission 25 cents ; children 10 cents. etui the list of Oregon's dead at Manila increases, three having been added to the list: Fred Norton, 21 years old, who enlisted from Snohomish ; Frank Hibbs, 21 years, of McMinnviile, and Harry. Hibbard, 24 years, of Wil- Iard, Oregon. Today the employes of the D. P. & A. IN. are having a winter picnic in getting a move on the wharf boat and taking it np to Hungry Harbor, where the Reg- uiater now is. It is slow work cutting through the ice and pulling it along by ropes; bntit is thought the goal wil finally be reached. . Tbe new beater wbich has been placed in the Vogt, made itself felt last night, and all were comfortable. Even the cold shoulder, which .the young ladv might give an escort who remembers that he bas important business with a man on the outside and leaves her for the purpose of transacting it, will have no chilling effect now. Most people speak too loudly over the p tunes, especially when ench instru ments are in use as those Seufeit & Condon have put in between this city and Kingsley. Saturday evening when Mr Wentworth called up The Chron icle office from the latter place, we were surprised to hear every word dis tinctly when he spoke in a whisper. It wonderful when telephoning gets down to such a fine point. It was expected that the Columbia Southern Railroad would be through to Mora today. If not eo soon, it will reach that point in a few days, . when Moroites are to bave a grand celebra tion. The head office will be moved froroVasco, and Mr. I. H. Kefler, of this city, is to accept the position as agent. Mies Mae Ecright, who is sec retary, will also move to that place. Tne four men ipjured in the collision near Pendleton Sunday morning were taken to St. Vincent hospital in Port land that nigbt. They were David Filger, an old man of 64, who was on his way to the coast from Manunk, III. ; Jay Adams, of San Francisco general Pacific coast agent for the Nickel Plate road, who was cut and scalded ; Louis Plech- ner, traveling salesman for tbe whole sale house of Ginterman Bros., St. Paul, and Fireman Harry Barrows, of the freight train, who received a cut on tbe fjrehead. The river today is frozen solid from bank to bank and at 7 o'clock this morning Howard Marshall, driver of tbe Goldendale stage, accompanied bv Messrs. J. and R. Crocker, of Portland, walked over on the ice, the former carrying tbe mail. Skatera were also seen ekimming over the ice on its edges From Chas. Alden, who returned from Portland last night, we learn that tbe Columbia is blocked from here to Crate's Point; from Memaloose to Klickitat Landing, and from Washougal to ten miles below the mouth of tbe Wil lamette. This is winter in earnest. Articles of incorporation of tbe Lost Lake Lumbering Company were today filed fbr record with the clerk. The capital stock is $75,000, divided into 750 shares of (100 each. Its incorporators are F. H. Button. Ethel P. Button and P. S. Davidson, Jr., and the object is to LET US CONSIDER THE LIVING. Not Being; Extravagant In Our Offices for the Dead. engage in baying and selling timber land and other real property ; to build, construct and maintain saw mills; to sell and otherwise handle saw logs and other wooden produce; to build and operate steamboats and other water crafts on the Columbia and tributaries; and to improve tbe stream of Hood River and other locging streams. Tbe principal office of the company will be a'. Hood River. THE DAZZLER PLEASES. Every Actor an Artist and a Good Play Presented. Just to show you that we know a good thing when we hear it we are now ready to say that a better show in its line has never been seen in The Dalles than that presented by the "Dazzler" company last night. From tbe moment tbe two comedians. Boulden and Wright, came upon the stage, tbe audience was as eureo. iney were to nave tneir money s worth, and their every appearance was greeted with applause. The former is an all-around actor a comedian, trage dian and first-class musician combiner, his stege presence being faultless; aid the latter falls not far short of him. Before the play ended every actor ai d actress bad proven themselves stars in some line, either being a graceful actor, fine singer or a first-class dancer. The "Dazzler" was dazzling in the extreme, her beauty capturing the an dience and her sweet voice holding them during the entire performance. While most of the actresses possess fine voices, perhaps that of Mies Grace Warren might be chosen as the richest, its ex cellence being shown in tbe burlesque opera. Reidy and Beddell also won great favor, for none could listen to their voices without being captivated by them. While every feature of the second and third acts was deserving of special men lion, we cannot refrain from mentioning the song and dance by Rose Leslie and Evelyn Audley; tbe mirror trio by Wright, Reidy and Beddell, and the perfect dancing of James Dooling, who is a wonder in bis line. One of the most beautiful features of the evening was the operatic war picture at the end of the second act; and great applause followed the final triumph of our stars and stripes. Particular affect ing was the tableau wherein the wounded soldier received the ministra tions of a nurse of the Red Cross society and was applauded by the nation. Tbe mnsical performance of Boulden and Griffin in the last act was worth tbe price of admission, while their jokes were extremely witty, not including a single joke which has grown stale or be- Cme a chestnut. Ibe Dazzler will be repeated tonight as tbe vogt. . Admission 50 cents. The following remarks of the Ore gonian concerning the wishes of the late ArcDDiehop Crross are very apropos, and meet with the sanction of every person who has given the matter serious thought: The clause in the will of the late Arch bishop Gross directing that no flowers be used at bis funeral, that the funeral bf as simple as possible, and that the remains De ouned in an inexpensive n uuueu cumn, is a aistinct, though gen tle rebuke to funeral extra VflfTAnn anrl display which is frequently most con spicuous wnere it can least be afforded. The unselfishness and love for hu manity which always characterized the acts of tbe good archbishop were not only felt during his lifetime, but their fruits are to be seen when his band of charity is forever closed, and teach a lesson hich should be heeded by all. That his wealth might assist in carrying on the work he had commenced he leaves it to the church and its charitable institutions, requesting at the same time that the extravagance often dieplayed at funerals be omitted in his case. Not that anyone would advocate a carelessness in Ihe offices of love toward those for whom the last kind acts are performed ; nor would the satisfaction of giving them the very best be denied where it may be done without robbing tftoee who are to eurvive. In the first anguish of grief the thonght comes, to rich and poor alike, that the best and ncnest are not good enough, and the feeling is as strong in one case as the other. But how often have we seen the very bread taken from tbe mouths of children that remain in order to pur chase the most expensive of caskets, the most elaborate of robes in which to lay to rest the little one who is taken away. The love is not less strong when it occurs to those who are unable to provide the best that something plain and neat, with less expenditure, is as adequate to express the love, as the more gorgeous pall and shroud; while the ones who are leit may be spared manv an achin? heart and comfortless hour by reaping the benefits derived from being less ex travagant along this line. 'Tis not the costly gifts and display of wealth which is most appreciated dur ing the lifetime ; but the love manifested by the giver and which the gift convevs. Therefore, would it not be far better were those who are struggling for an ex istence, barely able" to keep the wolf from the door, to pause at the death bed of their loved ones and consider these matters, robbing not the living for the dead. During their life time we dressed them as our circumstances would permit. Shall we not follow the same rule as we provide the last robe, wbich is far less needed by them and is wholly inade quate to warm the frozen blood, and quicken the pulse, no matter how costly it inav be. Surgill, Nellie Fox, Hattie Glenn, May Jackson, Pearl Joles, Anna Haslam, Maude Micbell, Jennie Beresford, Lily Senfert. Marairattn tn narolv WRECK near priuni CTnm FrelghtTrslnNo.Sl Crashes Into Fassen ger Mo. 1 and Injures Several Persons. Married In Portland. Read This Program. It is certainly worth many times tbe price of admission to the fair to hear Miss Bloch eing; but besides three selections, and likely three encores, there are other excellent numbers cn the. program. For tomorrow night it will be as follows : Song Columbia Quartet Solo Miss Rose Bloch Kecitation "Blacking the Babv." Miss JohanneEen Solo ;.Miss Bloch Lantern Swinging Messrs. Van Norden, Campbell and Pruyne Solo....... '. ; Miss Bloch Enterprising Trngglsts. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Blakeley & Hough ton, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. Tbev now bave the valuable agency . for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing: such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures It absolutely cares Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of tbe throat, chest and lungs. Call at the above drugstore and get a trial bottle free or & regular size for 50 cents and $1. Guaranteed to cure or price re funded. . At noon, Wednesday, tbe 7th, at tbe Unitarian church, Dr. Eliot officiating, occurred the marriage of Miss' Laura Knowles, daughter of Charles W Knowles, to Mr. F. B. Sommerville. The church was beautifully decorated with palms and cedars. At the stroke of 12 tbe bridal party left tbe vestry and proceeded up the center aisle, the bride on the arm of her father, following the maid of honor and the ushers who led the way. At tbe pulpit' were waiting the groom and his best man, Mr. George Dekum, where the impressive ring serv ice was used in tbe marriage ceremony. The bridal gown was of white taffeta with a ruffle of chiffon, and a veil of point d'esprit. She carried a large bunch of violets tied with pink ribbons. Tbe gown of Miss Tallant, of Astoria, the maid of honor, was of white organdie with ruffles of green and white. Hei flowers were pinks, tied with green rib bon. Mr. Sommerville's nshers were: Dr Charles W. Chance, Mr. Albert Webber, Dr. Macraoi, F. W. Wilson, J.F. Hamp- sh i re, of The Dalles, and Mr. Samuel Luders. A reception for tbe bridal party was held at the residence of Mr. Charles W. Knowles, after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Sommerville departed for Eastern Oregon at 2 o'clock. Telegram. Helen Hudson Entertains Her Friends. F.rom the passengers who arrived in the city on No. 1 west-bound last, even ing we learn the particulars of the wreck which occurred yesterday morning. Thesnow being very had in the mount ains, passenger train No. 1, Conductor Burns, which is due here at 3 :20, was eeverai hours late, and at Bingham Springs passed freight train No. 21. Up on reaching Cayuse, a few , miles eaBt of Pendleton, about 8 o'clock, - eeverai horses, wbich were caught in a bridge, compelled the trainmen to stop and en deavor to extricate them befoie they could proceed. About four minntes af ter tbe stop, and before the flagman couid get back to flag it, No. 21 came on and crashed into the Pullman, knocking; out tbe trucks and almost completely -demolishing it, besides injuring the other cars considerably, destroying their plat forms and breaking most of the windows. Several passengers were injured more or less, three who were badlv hurt beinz taken to Pendleton. Their names we were unable to learn. The freight train, which was com posed of twenty-eight cars, it ie said, was com pletely telescoped, the engine being badly wrecked. No 1, which was again made up at Pendleton, came on to The Dalles, pass ing here at 4 :45 p. m. J, L. Story, who was on his way to Walla Walla, was an occupant of tbe third car and writes his daughter that none of the passengers es caped without having somewhat of a shaking up though not being injured. He says tbe newsboy was knocked through the door aa if be were a feather. Taken all in all the accident was a for tunateone. as no lives were lost, and as far as we can learn the Injuries were not fatal. IN WINTER'S ICY GRASP. The Klver Blocked' and Traffic Suspend ed Boats to go to Hungry Harbor. : Some people seldom lend a helping hand, unless it is to help themeelves. Saturday afterroon was a happy one for tbe friends of Helen Hudson, who were invited to spend the afternoon with her. The parlors of her home on Second street had been beautifully decorated with chrysanthemums, and everything poesible had been provided to make the enjoyment complete. Target shooting was tbe first game indulged in, at which Hattie Glenn came nearest the mark, Valeeca Liebe falling tbe farthest short. Bonbons were then distributed and with tbe paper caps on their heads they entered tbe dining room to partake of a delicious lunch. ' Much amusement was afterward caused by attempts to pin tbe tail on the black pig, which was successfully done by Margarette iwnerely, but Pru dence Patterson when blind folded knew not where the tail belonged.. Other games were played, and about 6 o'clock the 'guests departed. Those invited were Martha Baldwin, May . Jonea, Emma Creigbton, Emily Crossen, Lena Zimmerman, Prudence Patterson, Helen Lytle, Daisy Deane, Bessie Eddon, Lucy Fox, Dora Nie'een, Edith O'Leary, Sue Visitors to the water front today were persuaded that winter had come, and from reports has come to stay. Not be cause today is the coldest we bave had since December '93, but the river presents a eight, which though causing a cessation of traffic and much annoyance to steam boat men, is beautifnl to look upon. Floating down tbe river are huge blocks of ice, which have completely blocked the stream at Crate's Point and on down, and along its edge the ice is an inch aid a half thick. This morning the employes at the D. P. & A. N. dock were bueily engaged in breaking the ire and removing freight from the wharf boat, preparatory to tak ing that, with tbe Dalles City bull and tbe Regulator, hp to Hungry Harbor, about a half mile above the city, as great damage would result were they to re main in their present position, tbe ice jam being strongest at that point. Later the bull was , successfully moved, and the Regulator was taken for a short distance by attaching horees to ber, and she is now waiting a little above the foot of Washington street until tbe wind changes, when the' ferry boat will tow lur to her winter destination. The Klickitat will also follow suit and be t ed up to await developments. Saturday about 12:30 the Inland Flyer passed tbe Dalles City in tbe locks, the latter going on to Portland; but aa the water was very low the .former was C 3m pel led to wait for four hours before getting out. Finally succeeding and passing out of the upper gate she en- countered ice and remained there' till 8 :30, when the passengers were trans ferred to the train and brought to this city. . . Yes erday about 4:10 she again started , up the river and by working bravely passed Hood River at 8 o'clock this morning, bat upon reaching Rankin's Landing just across the river, they were compelltd to give up tbe job, and there she has taken up winter quarters. We are informed that the freight for this line will be brought up by train. Tbe river gauge this morning stood at zero, and the water being so low will no doubt cause extra difficulty, for from weather reports, the cold snap will continue. Oregon Yoang Man at Washington. Saturday's Oregonian contained the following dispatch from Washington, concerning a young man well known in The Dalles and who ia a brother of Otis Patterson, receiver of the land office here. It ia only another proof of what Oregon young men can do and are al ways doing wherever tbey go: It says : A. W. Patterson, of Oregon, well known in newspaper and political circles of that state, and at present clerk uf the .house committee on irrigation of arid lands, and a leading student at the Col- '. umbian law university, of this city, was awarded first place in the openine pub- ' lie debate of that university last Satur day evening. Hia strung plea for ter ritorial expansion, the question ender discussion, was tbe subject of favorable comment in the ' announcement of the ' decision of the judges, one of whom was Justice Harlan, of tbe supreme court. Mr. Patterson won the Grst place in the second public contest of last year, also - , winning the prize debate at the close ot the year, wbich was composed ot those who had won in tbe six public contests. The victory will again entitle him to participate in tbe university's annual prize event.