The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 14, 1898, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Advertising Kates.
Per inch
One Inch or less In Dally H Sj
O er two Inches and under four Inches 1 00
O let (our Incbe and under twelve inchea. . 75
O .-er twelve Inches SO
Jne Inch or less, per Inch $2 50
Over one Inch and under four Inches 2 60
Over four Inches and under twelve Inches.. 1 50
Over twelve laches 1 00
It is now thirty-seven years since
"William H. Seward, as secretary of
state, gave these instructions to our
minister to Japan: "Will you, by
an equal, just, and honorable conduct
of vour mission, make the people of
Japan respect not only the institu
tions of your own country but ihe
institutions of Christianity and west
cm civiliziiion." Our new duty to
the Orient could not be better ex
. pressed in one sentence than in the
words of the great statesman who
during the most critical period of our
history filled the office now held by
John Hay.
In 1861 Japan was more civilized
in its way than the Philippines are
now, but it would be difficult to con
ceive a more difficult national task
than the removal of the prejudice
that tbe island empire then felt
toward the institutions of Christianity
and western civilization. The object
which our minister was ordered to
keep in view and the end toward
which he was to work seemed remote
in the extreme. But the instructions
given were followed. No pains were
spared to influence the people of
Japan through just and honorable
treatment Astonishing results were
obtained. Japan is now reckoned
among the civilized nations. Chris
tianity has been accepted and is tbe
religion of many thousand? of the
people, especially in the more intel
ligent class, ami our general western
civilization is making prodigious
strides forward. Japan is now our
next-door neighbor in tbe far East,
and nothing could induce her people
to go back to the conditions which
prevailed before Ihe Ametican gov
ernment ordered Commodore Perry
to compel the Japanese government
to open the port of Yokohama to the
commerce of the world.
What Perry began- statesmanship
possible statesmanship must make
actual. Diplomacy has very nearlj
3ines within which onr duties must be
-dose in the Orient of today. The
rest must be accomplished by the
American administrator, the Ameri
can school teacher, the American
merchant, and tbe American mission
ary. They are the men on whom
lies the burden of fulfilling the duly
of our civilization to that part of the
far east with w ) ieh destiny has cast
our lot.
France, $57,530,000; Belgium, $14,-
000,000 ; Austria, 18,1 58,000 ; Switzer
land, $13,840,000; Italy, $19,000,000
and the Netherl-nds, $12,824,000.
The United States was a more; valu
able customer in every way than
Spain. Her markets ore becoming
more valuable every year, and tbe
idea of American expansion was from
the business point of view not antag
onistic to European interests.
Sentimental and political as well
as business interests influenced Eng
land in our favor. Sentimental and
political considerations undoubtedly
influenced Russia to support the
United States. Outside of these two
great powers the question was purely
one of business. The greatest power
on the ocean, England, and the great
est power on land, Russia, are bidding
for our friendship. All of the Euro,
pean nations are reluctant to an tag.
onize the United States. These facts
make it clear that our policy should
be directed to the improvement of
our position among cations without
alliance with any. There may be
jealousy, unfriendliness, resentment,
but in tbe end our innate power as a
great commercial nation will decide
controversies in our - favor. Inter
The Cologue Gazette accounts for
the com de te silence of European
diplomatists in the peace negotiations
between Spain and the United States
by saying that interference by any
European power in the Philippine
question would have aroused the bit
terest enmity of the United States and
would have barred the importation
of the interfering power's products
into this country. Incidentally the
Gazette remarks that mutual envy
among the powers prevented concert
of action in continental Europe, al
though it was believed that England
favored American possession of tbe
Philippines with tbe idea of increas
ing the power of the Anglo-Saxon
race in the Asiatic Pacific. .
In the case of England, as well as
in tbe case of the continental powers,
there was recognition of the innate
strength of tbe United States. Tbe
question of interference in behalf of
Spain did not tarn on sentiment, on
the friendship of the people, but on
business interests. No one of tbe
European nations could afford to
sacrifice tbe American market; not
one cared to incur the hostility of a
nation ot 70,000,000 of people buy
ing European products.
We import from European and
Asiatic countries goods to tbe value
f $880,000,000 annually. Germany
in 1897 sold in Ametica merchandise
to the value of $111,210,000; Great
old merchandise in American
' '"to the value of 1168,000,000;
Closing scenes in the six-day
bicycle race at New York were a dis
grace to American civilization. All
the riders were "greggy" from over
exertion and loss of sleep. Some of
them were demented and silly, and
their brutal, unfeeling trainers had to
deal with them as one might humor a
child or an imbecile. Tbe contest
ants ceased to be free moral agents,
and were held to their odious task by
a species of intimidation.
Nothing good or wholesome can
come from these atrocious contests.
They are debasing, demoralizing, and
if the so-called "sport" should be
come at all general, tbe very existence
of the nation wonld be endangered, j
because no people can give way to a
desire for such brutalizing exhibitions
and preserve the fioer sensibilities
which lie back of national greatness
and glory.
Contests of this character are on a
much lower plane than prize-fighting.
Compared with them, tbe bull fight is
refined and elevating. Public decency
must be at a low ebb in a city wbicb
will permit them to continue for an
entire week without lodging an ef
fective remonstrance. Spokesman
The new senator from Oregon,
Joseph Simon, is accompanied by
Graham Glass, tbe secretary of the
Republican state central committee
of this state, who will act as Mr.
Simon's clerk during tbe senator's
Washington experience. It is some
honor to be a senator's clerk at $100
a month. '
They are arresting girls in Luzon,
U. S. A., for carrying concealed
cameras. Why the girls should con
ceal them it is to explain.
How they can conceal them, if the
pictures of Luzon girls we see in the
papers are faithful, is a mystery.
There are good reasons why tbe
United States and Spain hereafter
should be on friendly terms. Many
of our new citizens have an infusion
of .Spanish blood. The two nations
are neighbors in these days of swift
transportation across tbe Atlantic.
Tbe only chains of islands reach
ing across the Pacific belong to tbe
United States. Alaska and the Aleu
tians almost span tbe ocean in the
north, while the Philippines and
Hawaii are the main stepping stones
in tropical latitudes.
The bpanish dream that some
European nation would be willing to
pool issues with an exhausted and
foolish country has been disappoint
ed. Spain's trouble hereafter will be
to keep back European aggression.
"Admit tbe bearer and one wife"
is a formula of Artemas Ward that
may be of some service to the next
congress in dealing with the Utah
delegation. . .
England seems to be well pleased
with the president's message. We
find it less difficult than formerly to
please England. . The times have
changed. Also the conditions.
The head of the bureau of naviga
tion at Washington, Mr. Chamber
lain, gives in his last annual report
some information which is specially
pertinent at this time. Our country
is about to enter upon a . new era in
foreign commerce, and ought to re
gain the advantage in the ocean
carrying trade which it enjoyed in
the '50s and has never since been
able to recover. .
It is stated by Mr. Chamberlain
that the tonnage of American vessels
entered and cleared at seaports of the
United States in foreign trade during
the year 1897 comprised 7,248,625
tons, while the ton rage of the foreigu
vessels foots up 32,632,419 tons. This
is a showing: which ought to chal
lenge tbe attention of congress, and
secure the adoption of a policy which
will develop our shipping interest
As matters now ' stand, more than
four-bftbs of our foreign trade pays
toll to and is tbe support of foreign
shipping. The balance of foreign
shipping, as of foreign trade, ought,
on the contrary, to be in our own
A closer analysis makes a still
more unfavorable showing. It seems
that in the case of foreign ports more
than 1,500 miles distant American
shipping amounted to only 2,068,656
tons, the foreign shipping to 27,419,
026. In other words, our old world
trade, whether in Europe, Asia,
Africa, or the far islands, is conducted
on foreign bottoms, with the excep
tion of less than 8 per cent.
Mr. Chamberlain does not beat
about the busb. but flatly declares
bis belief that tbe most feasible course
is direct government aid, or snbsidy,
to vessels built in tbe United States.
That would increase both national
navigation shipbuilding, and make
them inseparable.
According to Mr. Chamberlain,
while our Pacific trade is rapidly
growing, it is slipping as rapidly
away from our navigation. This
tendency must be reversed. Tbe
next congress will have to take this
matter in hand- If we do not want j
our splendid victory in Manila bay
turned, so far as concerns American
navigation, into a "bayren ideality,"
we must not be deaf to the Chamber
lain note of warning.
" Wheat. -..
Last week's . wheat report was as
follows :-
The week jast closed has witnessed a
steady decline in the foreign markets,
with Chicago and New York following
suit, until Friday and Saturday, when
speculative Duying in l used a lew signs
of life into tbe market, and caused an
advance at those ports. Locally there
has been but very little doing, sellers
not yet being prepjred to accept figures
warranted by values abroad, and buyers
unable or unwilling to bid more than a
cent or two above the export value. Ex
porters have been dropping their limits
from day to day, until yesterday 58 cents
was given out as an extreme quotation
for Walla Walla, and no demand for
Valley at a nominal quotation of 60 cents.
Daring the week, a shade better than
these ngures was paid lot one or two
lots for a special purpose, but there was
not a day during the week, 'when the
foreign market and tbe local freight
situation justified anything above 58
cents. '
w inter wneat condition. ine aver
age condition for the whole breadth is
very high, standing 97.5 per cent, s
against 84.1 per cent last Decern oer, and
ior me six principal states it id Htf.a per
cant, aa contrasted with 79.5 per cent
last year. The average for tbe Pacifi
coast is ao.o per cent, wnicn la i.t per
cent higher than last December.
"It is very dry on the Pacific coast,
and in Washington especially seeding
has been greatly retarded. Rain is bad
ly needed to start tbe growth of the late
sowings and to invigorate tbe early.'
How He Spent the Greater Part of His Life A
Time When His Life was in Danger. .
From the Free Preti, Detroit, Mich.
One of the stannchest supporters of the
deep-water way from the Great Lakes to the
ocean is Maj. A. C. Bishop, of 713 Third
Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Mai. Bishoo has had unusual exoerienee
in that line of work and probably few are so
well qualified to speak intelligently of it
as he. For the ereater nart nf hia life hp
has been engaged in water ways, and is one
of the oldest and best known civil engineers
north of the Ohio river.
Commencing in 1850. lie waa for a nirmW
of years an assistant engineer for the Hud
son River Railroad, and later held like posi
tions wnn tne uenesee valley Canal, Iew
Oregon i an.
Today (Wednesday! 53 cents is beirg provement and Railroad Co.
paid here with a possibility of dropping
How to liook Good-
Good looks are reaily more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, yon have a bilious look ;
if your kidneys be effected, yon have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks.' "Elec
tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach
liver and kidneys. , Purifies the blood.
cares pimples, blotches and boils, and
gives a good complexion. Every, bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5
He has been superintendent of large min
ing operations and when the State Reforma
tory at Elmira, N. Y., was built, he was
...... v " ..Q.ut... - 1, j. mav
Major Bishop was attached to the staff of
Brigadier General Chamberlin, of the Na
tional Guard of New York, with the rank
of Major from 1857 to 1865.
He has been located in Detroit since 1885,
and has a large acquaintance among the busi
ness men and citizens of this city.
Two years ago, for the first time, Major
Bishop was in the hosnital. For two mnntha
he had the best of medical attendance but
when he was discharged he was not like the
Major Bishop of old.
w nen asked regarding his health, he said :
"When I had mv lost anell of Airbnp
and came out of the hospital I was a sorry
sight, I could not gain my strength, and
could not walk over a block . for several
weeks. ,
I noticed some articles in the Mwnniwn
regarding Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, which convinced me that ther went
worth trying and bought two boxes. I did
not take them for my complexion but for
strength. After using them I felt better,
and know they did me worlds of good. I
am pleased to recommend them to invalids
who need a tonic or to build up a shattered
constitution. "A. C. Bishop."
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
eighth day of January, 1898.
HOBEET rJ. hull, JR., JYetarn Public.
The pure, powerful vegetable insTedienta
in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
supply the antidote for poisonous matter in
the blood and add those elements needed to
build up body and brains. Many diseases
long supposed by the medical profession to
be incurable have succumbed to the nntrnt
influence of these pills. They can be taken
York, and also the Des Moines River Im- by young or old, being harmless in their
nature, but powerful in eliminating disease.
Clearance Sale of Bicycles
For Less than Half Price
"We wish to clear out all old stock before mov
ing into new store and have some bargains.
This is an opportunity to get a bicycle cheap
All wheels sold -at half regular price.
It seems sad that France should
continue to be wrapped up in local
troubles when there are so many op
portunities afforded ber of doing
mischief abroad.
Europe, generally speaking, is
reconciled to American expansion.
Just as a man who has the dyspepsia
becomes reconciled to it, sometimes.
Two Pointed Questions Answered.
What is the use of making a better
article than your competitor it you can
not get a better price for it?
Ana. Aa there is no difference in the
price the public will buy only the better,
so that while our profits may be smaller
on a single ecale they will be much
greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the public to know
your make is the beat?
If both articles are brought prominent
ly before the public both are certain to
be tried and the public will very quickly
pass judgment on them and use only the
better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham
berlain's Cough remedy. The people
have been using it for years and have
found that it can always be depended
upon. They may occasionally take np
with some fashionable novelty put fortn
with exaggerated claims, but are certain
to return to the one remedy that they
know to be reliable, and for coughs,
colds and croup there is nothing equal
to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Advertised Letter.
Mavs cfij Crowe.
Opposite old stand.
Skates grhnd
New line just received at
...Tiaier S Cenion
167 Second St. THE DALLES, OR.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the posloffice at The Dalles an
called for December, 8, 1898. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Anld, Wm Z, Bohn, Henry,
Bergraphy, .John, Bishop, C D,
Booth, H F, . Barber, W F,
Bolles, H M, Brown, J A,
Brown, O W, Brown. W C,
Bennett, ST, ' Davis, Agnes,
.bureKa, Art uo. (2), aley, id,
Fuson, C M,
Johnston. Pete,
Knowles. P T,
Laigey, Mr,
Mans, P F,
McCoy, BE,'
McLuin, Martha,
Perkins, W A,
Perry, Mary,
.Skippey, Mrs,
Spellman, Martin,
Windsor. T T,
Wilson, Mable,
Whitman, W E,
Haia-ht. PI.
- Knechtle, Pauline,
Lasher, Jacob, '
Maynard, John,
. McRenolds, Stella,
McMillan, J,
Peters, Geo,
Powell, Jnlia,
Sheets, Mr,
SiteB, Ed. .
Weaver, PA,
Whitman, W L,
Wilson, Nellie,
Word, J H, ,
A, Ceosskn, P. M.
0, R. & 1 CO
, .
Depart timu schedule. , Arrive
Fob, From Dalles. From.
Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast
Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Hall.
11:50 p.m. sas City, fit. Louis, 3:10a.m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis. St. Paul, Flyer.
6:30 p.m. Du lu t h, Milwaukee, 6:50 a.m.
Chicago and East.
8 p. m. From Portland. 1p.m.
Ocean Steamships.
All Sailing dates subject
to chance. -For
San Francisco '
Nov. 28, Deo. 3, 8, 13,
18, 2S, 28, Jan. 2, 7.
8 p.m. 1p.m.
Ex.bunday Columbia Kv. 6teamers. Ei.Bundaj
To Astoria and Way
Saturday Landings.
10 p.m.
6 a.m. . Willamette River. 4:30p.m.
Ex-Suuday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.bunday
Salem tie Way land's.
7 a. ra, Willamette and Yam- 8:80 p.m.
Tues.Thur. hill Kivers. Mon.,wed.,
and but. Oregon City, Dayton, andFri.
and Way-Landings.
6 a. m. ' Willamette River. 4:30 p. m.
Tue-.Thur, Portland to C'orvallis, Tue., 1'hur
- and Sat. and Way-landings. and Bat.
Lv Rlparia Snake River. Lewistom.
daily Rlparia to Lewii tor. daily
except except
Saturday. Friday.
For full particulars call on O. R. B N. Co.'s
agent The Dalles, or address
. , Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or
Jaekson Engine Company flo. 1,
ChasF Lauer, Geo A Liebe, WH Butte, John Blaeer, A. Sandrock.
M T Nolan, F S Gunning, TJSeufert, J B Crcssen, J S Fish,
H J Maier, L Heppner, J P Mclnerny, ' E Schanno,
W L Brdsbaw.
Gradt Mays, J Hampshire, H Lonpdale, R B Sinnott, J Fisher,
P Stadelman, F Chrisman, NJ Sinnott,. .FASeufert.
fill kinds of
Faneral Supplies
Grandall & Bafljet
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes,
We have the largest assortment ever displayed in Tbe Dalles, and
you will find our prices are lower than all of our competitors.
Books; in Endless Variety.
Cloth bound, 12 mo. 200 titles, 12c each. Chatterbox, latest edl
V tion, only 69e. All (roods marked in plain figures.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
170 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.