The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 14, 1898, PART 1, Image 1

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NO. 8
Weir final Pretest iialnsl terlcaM
Finite! tj Bios. .
Claim that Spain is a Victim of Abuse
of the Rights of One Nation by
Another The President's Alleged
Paris, Dec. 9. Riog, president of the
Spanish peace commission, and Ojeda,
the eecretary, are still . confined to their
beds. The illness of Ojeda delays the
engroesing of the treaty, and it is doubt
ful whether it will be signed before Mon
day. The Americana held the usual
Beesion this uorning. The Spaniards
continue making bitter comments con
cerning President McKinley's reference
to the Maine.
The Spaniards made a last contriba
tion in the recent aseehabling of the
commissions, when Eios presented a
vigorously worded protest, in which they
declared they had yielded to force, but
they invoked the conscience of the na
tions against the abase of the rights of
a nation, of which they were the vic
tims. The protest was for the purpose
of record, and consisted of argument in
support of every concession detnauded
.. by the Spaniards and the Americans re
fused. In spite of the secrecy observed by
' the Americans, it is learned that this
treaty in substance consists of thirteen
or fourteen articles. Te principal ar
ticles provide for the cession and evac
uation of Cuba, -Porto Rico and the
Philippine islands, and the political, fi
nancial and administrative results there
of, and acquisition by the United States
of public property and the relinquish
ment of the archives.
Articles of secondary importance de
termine tbe status of Spanish subjects
residing in tbe ceded territory and un
finished lawsuits and contracts, guaran
tees of the same terras to Spanish ship
ping and merchandise and American
shipping and merchandise in the Phil
ippines for ten years and leaying the
status of Spanish commerce in the
West Indies to be settled later. An im
portant provision is the guarantee of re
ligions freedom in the ceded territory.
Abarzuza Talks.
New York, Dec. 9. A World special
; from Paria says :
"A final, definitive treaty of peace,
containing fourteen articles, has been
agreed upon," said Senor Aberzuza, of
the Spanish commission. "It has been
drawn and engrossed on ' parchment in
triplicate, and will be signed at tbe Quai
d'Aorsay (French foreign ministry, where
the peace commissions have met), on
Saturday, or at the very latest, on next
Judge Day, president of the United
States commission, says the treaty will
be a secret document until it . reaches
President McKinley and the senate, but
"The conclusion of peace by a treaty
was a very gratifying thing. Failure in
respect of it wonld have been a misfor
tune for both nations."
United States and England Must Act
Promptly and Together If Their
Rights arc to be Maintained.
Shanghai, Dec. 9. John' Barrett,
formerly United States minister to Siaro,
has returned here after visiting Peking
and the principal cities and ports. He
Bays the situation in China is one of
the most criticafnitare, and Manchuri
is no longer Chinese, but Russian ter
ritory. He asserts that New Chwang,
the chief northern port for the move
ment of American products, is also prac
tically Russian', and is liable to be closed
any dav.
The only permanent safeguard to par
amount American and British interests,
Barrett says, is immediate and united
action by the interested governments to
defend their territory ' in the Chinese
empire, to force reforms iri' the govern
ment, to prevent fnrthertoeeeion of ports
and provinces, - and to insist npon an
"open door" policy in all the . ports of
China, including the spheres of influence
of Russia, Germany and France. Oth
erwise, Barrett contends, the impending
partition of the Chinese empire will se
riously curtail the field of trade by dis
astrously affecting American and British
influence in Asia.
Xcxt Expedition to Cross the Atlantic
Instead of tbe Pacific.
New York, Dec. 9. A dispatch to the
Tribune from Washington says: The
next regiment to start for 'Manila will
embark at New York about the end of
this month and will go through the Suez
canal. The expedition will consist of
three regiments of regular infantry, dis
ttibutcd between two of the largest con
verted transports owned by Ihe govern
ment, with perhaps a convoy of two war
The decision to use New York as the
point of embarkation . instead of San
Francisco, whence all the earlier forces
started for the Philippines, was reached
by General Corbin after a careful review
of a number of considerations, chief
among which was the urgency for haste,
The early completion of the treaty of
peace with Spain renders indispensable
a prompt increase of the American
forces, not only at Manila, but to provide
additional garrisons for important
centers in the archipelago, which will
immediately fall nnder American domi
nation with its accompanying responsi
bility for the security of life and prop
erty. ' .
At tbe present time the government is
wholly without available transports in
the Pacific ocean to meet the emergency.
Volunteers Stationed at Manila Soon to
Be Ordered Home to Be Mustered
Washington, Dec. 8. Representative
Tongue today interviewed the assistant
secretary of war and the adjutant-gen
eral with reference to procuring the dis
charge of several members of the Sec
ond Oregon volunteerp, now in Manila.
Mr. Tongue baa been asked on numer
ous occasions to secure the discharge of
different members of the regiment, some
on account of poor health and others
who are needed at home to support de
pendent families. Both officials with
whom he conversed aseured him that
the Oregon regiment will soon be ordered
home, and, after being furloughed for 60
days, as was tbe case with all volunteers
who saw service outside the United
States, will then be discharged. Before
discharges could be forwarded to Ma
nila, the troops will probably be on their
way home, and it will, therefore, be
useless to take further steps in this di
rection. Tbe secretary stated that the
friends of Oregon volunteers should be
patient, for it wonld be much better that
the regiment return as a body than that
tbe members come home individually.
Coming as a regiment, tbe men .will
have their transportation and rations
furnmhed by the government, whereas
individually some trouble might be ex
perienced in this respect. The eecretary
of war has telegraphed to headquarters
at Manila, stating that tbe volunteers
stationed at that station are to be mut
tered out in the same order in which
they reached the Philippines. Accord
ine'to this, the Oregon men will be
ii tno-jg the firat to come home.
Mrs. Cynthia L. Jackson.
Castle Rock,' Dec 10. Mrs. Cynthia
L. Jackson uied at her home near Castle
Rock this uiornine, at 8:15 o'clock, at
the age of 88. Mrs. Jackson, then Mrs,
Burbee, crossed the plains in 1843 with
an ox team. She settled , in Cowlitz
county the same year, where ehe had
lived since. She left six eons and a
number of grandchildren.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
, . ' That is wfact It was mcde tor. -
The Treat? fas Signed at Paris on last
Preliminary Arrangements Looking to
a Restoration of Displomatic Re
lations With Spain Under Way at
Paris. Dec. 10. Peace has been re
stored between the United States and
Spain. The treatyjwas eigned at 8:45
in the evening.
The joint commiesion met at 3:30 p
m., but the engrossing of the treaty had
not been finished, and at 5 o'clock a re
cess was taken until 7 p. m. Upon the
reassembling of thecommission, another
wait ensued. At 8:30 the engrossing
of the treaty had been completed, and
fifteen minutes later the treaty was
The extremely long session this af
ternoon and the subsequent recess were
duo only to the fact that each article of
tbe treaty bad to be carefully read and
compared in the Spanish and English,
and to the fact that - the . engrossing of
the last article in Spanish was incom
plete. It is expected that tbe session
which has just reconvened will only last
a few moments.
Many officials interestedly watched
every detail of tbe proceedings. The
last seal being impressed, the commis
sioners rose, and ithoui formality each
member ehook the hands of all his antag
onists and exchanged assurances of sin
cere personal esteem.
The Spaniards afterward commented
acridly npon what they termed the bad
taste ot tbe Americana in mustering a
crowd of attaches to gloat over tbe con
summation of their downfall and scram
ble for relics. '
The signing was finished at 8:45. At
that time the door of the chamber
opened, and Senor Villaurntia appeared,
and exclaimed to a a group of correspon
dents who were waiting in the corridor,
'TVoat Fini " Thn Atha. momKora rif
the Spanish commission followed him
and passed silent through the vestibule
to their waiting carriages.
The American commission Btrolled
out chatting complacently, and as they
descended the steps the lights in the
chamber were darkened. '
Diplomatic Relations to Be Restored.
Washington, Dec. 10. In view of the
approaching signature of the peace treaty
the government will be' obliged to very
speedily take steps looking to the res
toration of the diplomatic machinery
necessary to friendly relations with tbe
The recent visit to the White House
of Woodford, late minister to Madrid,
has been erroneously constructed to
indicate a determination on tbe part
of the president to return the minister
to Madrid. As a matter of fact this is
improbable, as the whole line of diplo
matic precedent is in the direction of
wiping ont all old issues and starting
anew after a war, with new ministers on
both sides. The reappointment of
Woodford might mean the return to
Washington of Polo y Bernabe, whose
residence in Canada during the war
rendered him so obnoxious to tbe Amer
ican people.
If custom is followed, either the next
United States minister to Madrid or next
Spanish minister to Washington will be
accredited with credentials as special
envoy to exchange the ratification of the
treaty now being completed at Paris.
Having fulfilled this function he will
then present his credentials as minister
resident, and remain in that capacity.
Just which of tbe ministers will be called
upon to perform this function depends
npon the place selected by the Paris
commissioners for exchange of the final
ratification. -
Severe Wind Storm.
San Francisco, Dec. 9. The etorm
which raged ' all over the Pacific coast
laat night and today was one of the most
severe ever recorded by tbe weather
bureau. It extended from the northern
border down to Texas and from the Pa
cific as far esst as Nebraska. In this
city the wind attained a velocity of 45
miles an hour, but at Point Reyes, right
in the teeth of the gale, the wind swept
along at 96 miles an hour. Considering
the great velocity" of the wind, the
damage done to shipping was slight,
aryl $10,000 will pay for everything, in
cluding the charges of towboat ir.en for
extricating vessels from dangerous po
Has No Desire to Go With His Regi
meat to Cuba.
Savannah, Dec. 10. Colonel W. J.
Bryan, of the Third Nebraska regiment,
has either forwarded his resignation to
Washington, or is about to do so. Of
this there seems to be no doubt. Today
he called on General Lee, commander of
the Seventh corps, and Colonel Keifer.
commander of the first division of the
corps of which Bryan's regiment is a
part, and is understood to have an
nounced hie intention of, quitting the
service. Gen. Lee is to sail for Havana
on the transport Panama tomorrow, and
Col. Bryan is believed to have hastened
his decision in order that his corps com
mander be made acquainted with bis
intentions prior to his departure for the
for the island.
"It is well to have the newspapers to
talk through," he said with a laugh.
They beat yonr hat all hollow."
One More Victim.
San Francisco, Dec. 9. Another
body was taken from the ruins of the
Baldwin hotel late last night. . Wreckers
delving into tbe debris on the Market
street side turned np a charred mass of
flesh, 'which at the morgue was pro
nounced to be the'remains of a human
being." -. .
There was absolutely nothing to indi
cate the identity of the corpse, which is
believed to be that of a womn. Several
letters were discovered near tbe body,
but they are not supposed to throw any
light on the mystery, as they are direct
ed to Mrs. Benjamine Wetherby, who
with her husband, escaped from the
building unharmed.,'- The Wetherbys
are now on their way to Portland, Or.
He is a traveling salesman for a Massa chusetts
shoe house.
Killed by a Horse.
Eugene, Or., Dec. 10. Thursday,
while Joseph' Brown was working in a
stable at his home, near Crow, in this
county, Le was jammed against the stall
by a horse and received injuries from
which he died yesterday. He was 85
years of age. .
Cave-in in Wardner Mine. :
Wallace, Idaho. Dec. 10. A cave-in
in the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mine at
Wardner today caught eeveral men.
Only meager details have been received
here. Twq men are known to be dead.
and probably throe. One of the victims
was John Lux ton, who leaves a wife
and three children. ' -
. Asbes of Columbus.
Havana, Dec. 11. The ashes of Co
lumbus will be transferred tomorrow
from the cathedral to the Conde De
Venado, and the cruiser will Bail for
Cadiz, convoyed by two ifunboats.
Great destitution prevails among the
laboring classes in Havana. There has
been no steady employment since the
blockade began last April, tbe only food
available being cornmenl. The local au
thorities can do nothing more, as their
funds are exhausted. Doctors, nurses,
medical supplies, rice, condensed milk.
trackers, bacon and canned beef are
needed at once and in enmcient
quantities for 30,000 people.
Murder in the First Degree.
Dallas, Or.J Dec. 11. Today at 10
o'clock the jury in the .. Magers case
brought in a verdict of murder in tbe
first degree. This was a surprise to
evervbodv, even to the prosecution. ,
A motion for a new trial will be made,
and, if refueed, a bill of exceptanc9 will
be filed, and the case taken to the su
preme court, in the hope of reversing
some of Judge Burnett's decisions on
vital points in tbe evidence.
Pama in tbe chest when a person has
a cold indicate a tendency toward pneu
monia. A piece of flannel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
bound on to tbe chest over 'the seat ot
pain will promptly relieve the pain and
prevent the threatened attack of pneu
monia. This same .treatment will cure
a lame back in a few hours. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton. . '.
Daes Net Find Plain' Sailing in Got
ernintli6 Island.
Refusal to Grant the Council of Peace
Constitutional Privileges Rankles
W ith tbe Autonomists Best Ele
ment, However, Sustains General
. Brooke in His Course.
San Juan. Porto Rico, Dec. 5. The
past week in San Juan has' shown cer
tain developments in the general sitna
tion of the island, and drifting straws
have been seen which indicate the cur
rent of growing discontent. There has
been much trouble' all over the island
since the American goyernnjent as
sumed a military protectorate, concern
ing the appointment of mayors and
councilmen of the different muni
cipalities, of which they are in all 72.
Men so appointed and those already in
office have been resigning and equab-
bling among themselves, and expressing
their displeasure at the appointment of
some colleague. The fact that General
Brooke declined to grant to tbe council
at Ponce the privileges of the sntonoa
mist constitution, which they were ar
rogating to themeelves, is what rankles
ever present in tbe minds of the . de
feated antonomiste. The accordance of
this privilege would have been for them
a great victory. The best judgement
here sustains General Brooke in this
action. If the privilege was granted to
cne council it would have to be granted
to all, and each of Porto Rico's 72 muni
cipal ties, acting with the power and
latitude contemplated by tbe autonomist
platform, would have brought mbcb con
fusion to tbe island.
The autonomist party sets np a pro
longed howl of discontent in which,
among other things, they declared that
Munoz ' Rivera, leader of General
Brooke's cabinet, had betrayed them,
inasmuch as be had used his influence to
bring about tbe decision against, their
demands. Rivera is an element of po
litical- discord. Six months ago he
theatrically declared he would die
wrapped in the flag of Spain, and he
was the first Porto Rican to swear al
legiance to the United States. He' is
the present eecretary of state, and since
October 17 the head of General Brooke's
advisory board in the. insular affaire.
He is a capable man and a ezhemer.
He probably long ago determined to be
come the political ruler ef Porto Rico.
Cuban Patriot a Victim of the Northern
.Climate He Died in Washiogton
Washington, Dee. 11. Genera! Calix-
to Garcia, the distinguished Cuban war
rior and leader, anl the head of the com
mission elected by the Cuban assembly
to visit this roaiitrr. died , here (bis
moniin? shott'y after 10 o'clock, at the
Hotel Rileigb, wl.ere the commission
hai its headquarters.
The sudden change . from the warm
climate of Cuba, with the ' hardships
he had there endured, to the wintry
weather of New York and Washington, i
is responsible for the pneumonia which
resulted in his death. He contracted a
slight cold in New York, which did not
assume an alarming stage until tbe early
part of last week. Tuesday night, Gen.
Garcia,' in company with the other
members of tbe commission, attended a
dinner given in his honor by Gen. Miles
and it was a result of his exposure that
culminated in his death. '
; During the twelve hours cr more pro
ceeding dissolution, Gen. Garcia was
conscious most of tbe time. At' inter
vals he wonld recognize one or- more of
those about him. In his dying moments
as all through bis busy and active life,
bis thoughts were for his beloved couu-l
Baking Powder
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try and its people, and, among his last
words, were irrational mutterings, in
which he gave orJers to hie son, who is
on his staff, for the battle which he sup
posed was to occur tomorrow, and in
which be understood there were only
400 Spaniards to combat. Just before
his death he embraced his foil
Old Miner at Susan ville Objected to
Attention Paid to His Daughter.
Long Creek, Or., Dec. 9. A messen
ger who arrived in the city late last
evening from Snsanville, in quest of a
surgeon, reports the shooting and prob
ably fatal wounding of Joseph Frazier
by an aged miner named Snodderly.'
Persistent attention on tbe part of Fra
zier toward Snodderly's 17-year-old
daughter is eaid to have been tbe cause
of the shooting. It is said that on the
morning previous to the ebooting the
old gentleman made arrangements pre
paratory to bringing bis daughter to
Long Creek I Frazier objected in a dem
onstrative way, and hot words were ex
changed. Later, while Snodderly was in the
Keeney store, Frazier came in, and
Snodderly picked np a rifle and fired,,
the ball entering the lower portion of
the right lung and passing through the?
According to statements of peison
down from Sueanville, the sentiment of
the community is with Snodderly, as it
appears that Froaier's attention toward
tbe daughter had been prohibited by the
father, and when he attempted to inter
fere with tbe old gentleman's plan to re- .
move her to this place he knew that
serious trouble would follow.
All Go Home Together.
San Fraxcisco. Dec. 12 Colonel
Rarhfir in disar.noiated bv a chance of
orders which postponed the departure-
ot the nve rew xorK companies now as
the Presidio until the arrival of tbe rest
of, the regiment from Honolulu.
"I was unprepared to start for New
York on Tuesday," eaid the colonel,,
"when the order came to make camp
ing grounds for 700 more men. That
will f make it Wednesday, possibly
Thursday, before the command may
leaye. It was tbe intention to place- nortion of mv reeinient expected on
I ' w
the Scandia and Alameda in the camp
abandoned by this detachment now
here. The first step on reaching New
York will be to end all the boys home
on furloughs. I believe the f ar de
partment has made no arrangements
fur the musterina out yet."
SlOO Iteward 8100.
The readers of tbi3 paper will be
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