The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 10, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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    i a -
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vol. IX
NO. 8
One Mere SpaM RepstNegatiyefl Ijy
the Unite! States.
Ships and Products of Spain Will Not
Be Granted the Same Rights as
Those of the United States Trea
ty Will be Signed in Three or Four
Days at the Outside.
Paris, Dec. 6. The joint peace com
mission met at 2 p. m., and are Etill ait
ting as this message is sent.
It has developed that yesterday's set
eioa was of far greater importance than
was at first generally snppoeed. . It re
sulted in the Americana unconipromis
ingly rejecting Spain's request that for a
term of years the ships of that country
and its products be admitted to Cuba
and Porto Rico ports under the same
regulations and tariffs as American
ships and products.' The Spanish com-'
mission for some days had been playing
for thie.
The Americans were anxious for de
- cisiou on the question of a coaling sta
tion in the Caroline islands, religious
tolerance in the Carolines and release of
political prisoners. The Spaniards were
unwilling to answer these points until
they beard what the Americans proposed
to do for their industries which had
been built np by the Cuban and Porto
Rica a trade.
This is why Spain contends that the
articles of the treaty should be disposed
of in their order, while ,the Americans
wanted first to eeltle their pressing
needs. The session yesterday was prac-
tically a fight on the order of procedure
Finally the Americans yielded and then
, the Spaniards proposed the shipping
and commercial contentions which the
Americans rejected in its entirety. The
session then adjourned, with neither
side in an especially amicable frame of
It is learned that there were differ
ences of opinion among the Americans
on the shipping question, ana numer
ous telegrams were exchanged with
Washington. Finally the American
commission was instructed to refuse.
the principal reason being that Porto
Rico is about to be declared within the
coast limit of the United States, while
as regards Cnba, authorities at Wash'
ington would make no promises, aa the
American occupation there is not fixed
and the future Cuban government will
make its own treaties. - Exactlv what
Spain requested was that ber ships and
products snouid De accorded tne same
privileges in Cuba and Porto Rico for
a period of ten years as had been con
ceded to Spain in the Philippines.
When the commissioners emerged
from the foreign office this evening af
ter a long session. Judge Day announced
all requests had been settled and that
the treaty would be signed in three or
President Transmits to Congress the
Report of the Special Commission.
Washington-, Dec. 6. The president
today transmitted to conenss the report
of the Hawaiian commission, together
with the text of hills drawn by the com
mission for government of the islands as
part of the United Slates. Three bills
are formulated fur the consideration of
congress. The first and principal one
outlines a general plan of government
' and the other two deal with subordinate
The main bill provides for the forma
tion of the islands into a territory of the
United States, to be etyled the terri
tory of Hawaii. The , bill ' contains
provision! for the government of the
territory, giving it legislative, executive
I and judicial officers. A governor, sec-
' retary of the territory, United States
district judge, United States district at
tornev and United States marshal are to
be appointed by the president and an
internal revenue district and a custom
district are created.
Probably the most important portion
of the bill is section 4, defining a citizen
ship, which provides: "All white per'
sons, including Portuguese and persons
of African descent, and all persons de
scending from tne Hawaiian race on
either paternal or maternal side who
were citizens of the republic of Hawaii
immediately prior to the transfer of sov
ereignty thereof to the United States are
hereby declared citizens of the United
No Vacant Seat Has Been Found For
Him on the Republican Side
the Senate.
New York, Dec. 6. A Special to the
Herald from Washington :
When Joseph Simon, the new sens tor
from Oregon, was formally sworn into
office, he found that there was no seat
for him in the senate.
After he had qualified, signed the roll
and received congratulations, he was
turned over to the sergeant-at-arms,
who was expected to provide him with a
desk and seat. The senatorship in Ore
gon has been vacant so long that in the
arrangements of seats no place was
made for Senator Simon on the Repub-
side side of the thambers.
The new senator resented the sugges
tion that he sit on the Democratic side
The Republican senators consulted and
it was suggested that Senato Butler, the
Populist frond Nor,th Carolina, might be
willing to move over to. the Democratic
side. The North Carolina man had
tried that side early in the tiay, and was
stung by a chance remark that in view
of the race troubles in his stale he would
hereafter - identify himself with the
Democratic party, so he refused to give
np his present seat, and Senator Simon
is still unseated. . -
Particulars of the Londonian Wreck
and 45 Survivors Brought (o Boston
by the Vedamore.
Bostox, Dec. 8. A dispatch received
at the FurnesB Steamship Company
from Baltimore announces that Captain
Lee and twenty-fonr of the crew of the
Londonian were lost, and forty-five sur
vivors rescued by the British steamer
Philadelhhia, Dec. 8. The British
steamer Vedamore, from Liverpool No
vember 22, for Baltimore, passed in Cape
Henry last night and reported that she
bad on board forty-five of the crew of
eighty-eight men of the steamer Lon
donian. 'The Londonian sailed - from
Boston November 15 for London.
This Is the first news of the where
abouts of the crew. The Londonian has
undoubtedly goue to the bottom of the
ocean. Nothing was said by Cij tain
Bartiett, of the Vedamore, to indicate
the fate of the balance of the crew. '
To Incorporate Seaside. .
Astoria, Dec. 6. The citizens of Sea-
aide are taking steps toward having their
town incorporated. The intention is to
introduce an incorporation bill at the
next session of the legislature. Last
night a meeting of the citizens was held
there to discuss the question and a com
mittee consisting of Judge McGuire, J.
H. Jobannsen, and H. F. L. Logan was
appointed to determine what should be
the limits of the proposed new town.
At present it is the intention to have
the town extend from Ohanna creek to
the Seaside hotel, including all the im
proved property on , both sides of the
N email-am. '
Boat Was Overturned.
Astoria, Dec. 6. Alex Hansen, a
fisherman, - about 50 years of age, was
drowned this afternoon in about three
feet of water on the tideflats in front of
Alderbrook. He was in a skiff that
overturned, and he made no effort to
save himself, although ropes and boards
were thrown to him from 'the net above.
He left a widow and several children.
AtmoBtsmenllasBccii GraOn
Bj tin War Department.
Regulars Will Go to Manila as Soon as
Transportation Can Be (Secured
and the Volunteers Will Be Re
turned in Their Order.
Portland, Dec. 7. A telegram was
received here this morning which ought
to bring joy and gladnesB to every 1 heart
in Oregon. It is as follows :
Denver, Dec. 7. TheRockyMoun
tain News prints the following tele
gram from Secretary Alger, dated at
Washington, Dec. 6:
"It is proposed to send regulars to
relieve the volunteer regiments in
Manila just as Boon as transporta
tion can be arranged. The volun
teers will be returned to the United
States in the order in which they
left.". J
This would bring the troops b."k in
the following order : First, aioVnia,
Second Oregon, First Coiado.L-.iAnth
Pennsylvania, and the U -jtfi battel
The circumstances surrounding t.e is
suance of this piece of information in
dicate that it is authentic and true.-
A few weeks ago the governor of , Col
rado, who had been usingiris1": influence
to have a prominent young Colorado
volunteer discharged from the service in
Manila, received a letter from Adjutant-
Ganeral Corbin stating that it was the
purpose of the president to have the
volouters sent home as soon as regulars
can be provided to take their place.
Beyond question the letter was not
intended for publication, as the peace
negotiation were at a critical point at
that time, but the letter fell into the
bands of the newspapers, and was wide-
printed. Secretary Alger wired a
contradiction of the statement, and it
was thought at the time that the war
department considered it bad policy, to
give out any such information until
peace was concluded.
A day or two after the announcement
that Spain would accept the terms of the
United States, and that peace was as
sured, a number ot regiments of regu
lars stationed in Wisconsin were ordered
to proceed to San Francisco, preparatory
to sailing for Manila early in January,
and now comes the information from
Secretary Alger that regulars will take
the place of volunteers as soon as the
change can be made.
The president has said it was his
purpose to relieve the volunteers with
regulars, and has asked congress to in
crease the army sufficiently to allow him
to do so.
It is the opinion of thoee who have
iven the matter thought that the ex
changes could not possibly be completed
in less than three months from the
time it begins, and as the regulars are
ordered to be ready to sail from San
Francisco between January 5th and 12th
it may be April or May before the . Ore
gon boys get borne. The thought that
they are soon to come, however will"
make the time go by rapidly, ' and in
less than a year from the time of their
departure it is very probable that the
brave boys of Oregon will again be set
tled down in their native land.
The Debate Was Started by Hoar, who
1 Made a Vigorous Protest '
Washington. Dec. 7. At 12:16 the
senate went into executive session, and
a long debate upon the question of con
firmation of the Hawaiian commission
ers. The debate was started by Hoar,
who made a vigorous protest against the
practice of appointing senators on such
a commission. . He said senators so ap
pointed became duly authorized agents
of the president to carry out his ideas and
wiebes, and claimed this was not com
patible with their fanctions as senators.
The same objection, he said, applied to
the peace commission at Paris.
The appointing of senators and com
missions was defended by Morgan I Ala. )
and Piatt, (Conn.) who claimed there
was nothing inconsistent in doing so.
The debate then became somewhat
general, and the constitutional peroga
tives of the president and rights of the
senate were discussed at length, npon
the legai and technical phrases of the
subject. -i -
Taken As Proof of Honesty of the
President's Purposes.
New York, Dec. 7.- A dispatch to the
Herald from Havana says :
President McKinley'a meseage has
given the greatest satisfaction to all
Cubans who look upon it as a definite
declaration of the policy of the United
States toward Cuba. Rafael Portildo,
the president of the Cuban assembly,
"The message is most satisfactory to
Cuban aspiration and will have an ex
cellent effect here. It proves beyond
further cavil and dispute the president's
honest intentions toward Cuba. It will
quiet many of our more violent associ
ates, who have talked loudly about
America and have been suspicious of her
intentions and it will enable those, like
myself, who have believed and trusted
in her, to co-operate more fully with her
officials in their work. It is a good mes
sage, and folly satisfies ns."
To Be Concluded this Week.
Paris, Dec. 7. There was no joint
session of the peace commission today,
as the 'Spaniards are still .occupied in
translating the American answer to their
proposals, in regard to the states oi Span
ish subjects in annexed territory.
As cabled last eyening, the eight prin
cipal articles of the treaty are settled,
and all that remains for the commissions
to attend to is the settlement of minor
points of the treaty. The latter n ill
probably be signed Saturday next,- for
the Spaniards are as anxious as the
Americans to finish the work in hand.
Fire Near Woodburn.
Woodbcrn, Or., Dec. 6. The farm
residence of Mrs. G. M. Engle, one and
a half miles east of Woodburn, was to
tally destroyed by fire at 9 :30 last night.
Mrs. Eagle is now a permanent resi
dent of Portland. The house was oc
cupied by I.,F. Clark, who lost every
thing except the clothing he wore. The
origin of the fire is a mystery. Mr. and
Mrs. Clark were visiting in Woodburn
at the time. The loss on the building is
$200; contents $ 500. There was no in
Henry B. Hyde Seriously 111.
I ew York, Dec. 7. The World says
that Henry B. Hyde, president of the
Equitable Life Assurance Society, is
seriously ill at his home in this city,
suffering from nervous exhaustion. His
physician said last night in reply to a
direct question whether Mr. Hyde wonld
would ever be able to resume his duties :
'It would certainly be against the ad
vice of his physicians. His age and ex
tremely enfeebled condition are not
such that the very great improvement
necessary can hardly be looked for:"
Magers Indicted for Murder.
Dallas, Or.,T)ec. 7. To'day the grand
jary returned an indictment of murder
in the first degree againet W. H. Magers
for the killing of Ray Sink, whose body
was found in the river near SaleirJ last
September. Magers plead not guilty.
His trial will begin tomorrow.' Magers
did not show any unusual signs of con
cern when the indictment was read to
him. This will be the socond murder
trial in Polk county in 1S98. Several
more grand jury cases are yet pending.
v Enterprlalog Druggists.
There are few. men more wide awake
and enterprising than Blakelsy & Hough
ton, who spare no pains to secure the
best of everything in their line for their
manv customers. They now have the
valuable agency for Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy
that is producing such a furor all over
the country by its many startling cures
It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, chest and lungs. Call at the
above drugstore and get atrial bottle
free or a regular size for 60 cents and
$1. Guaranteed to cure or price re
Points Settled at Yesterday's
Peace Commission.
of tne
Only the Engrossing of and the Affix
ing of Signatures to the Treaty
Remains to Be Done Attempt of
Rios to Drag the Maine Affair into
the Negotiations Checkmated.
Paris, Dec. 8. The American com
missioners entered the joint session of
the conference today in a nervous state
of mind. They evidentlv had reasons
to believe that the possibility existed
that even at this late hour there might
be a rupture. This feeling of apprehen
sion was based on the temper the Span
iards have displayed lately.
The- Americans are anxious not to
give the Spaniards any pretext to break
off the negotiations or take offense, so
far as the exercise of patience and di
plomacy can steer clear of protests.
Madrid papers are disposed to revive
the question of the Maine, and to excite
public opinion against the United States
on account of the references made to this
in President McKinle) 's meesage. They
report that Rios made an impaesioned
denunciation of McKinley at the last
joint session of the commission. Rios
did refer to the Maine, but only in calm
ly worded sentences, expressing regrets
that the president had not spoken.
The Spaniards had already . proposed
at this conference to have the responsi
bility of the Maine disaster reported
upon by a joint commission of European
powers. The American commissioners
refused to listen to this, and permitted
Rios' reference to the president's mes
sage to pass unchallenged, as a discus
sion would be involved in debate and
bad blood result. "
Members of the commission say the
treaty will contain little outside of the
scope of the Washington protocol, and
matters directlv based thereon.
Several points upon which they were
unable to agree were left open for diplo
matic negotiations.
The Spaniards refuse to admit that
they had failed to respect former treaties
euaranteeing religious freedom in the
Caroline islands, or that there was ne
cessity for such guarantee.-
The conclusion of the work was, ac
cording to the commissioners, marked
by politeness and all outward show of
good feeling, and the difficult task was
accomplished. When all the proposi
tions had been discussed, Day re
"There seems to be nothing to do but
to engross and sign the treaty."
'Rios acq jiesced to this, and the Amer
icans bowed themselves out before the
Spaniards, according to their custom.
Oregon Senator Paid His Respects to
the President Finally Secured a
: Washington, Dec. 7. Senator Simon
was at the interior department today,
and secured an order which will prevent
any action being taki n in the matter of
right of way across the Nez Perce In
dian reservation by either the O. R. &
N. or the Northern Pacific. These roads
are both seeking right of way, but the
former is nut jet ready to file its plat,
and the request for delay . was made on
that account.
Senators Simon and McBride made a
protest to the American commissioners
today against any provisions for free ad
mission ot lumber from Canadi in the
Anglo-American treaty beicg prepared
- The Washington Star says tonight:
"Senator Simon, of Oregon, paid his
first call at the White Home today. He
was accompanied by his colleague, Sen
ator McBride. ' Senator Simon made a
favorable . impression at the White
House. The
president congratulated
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
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Alum baking powders are the greatest
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him on the settlement of Republican
differences in Oregon."
Much ado about nothing waB made
out of the arrangement for a seat for
Senator Simon. On the opening day,
no desk had been provided on the Re
publican side. This was not done be
cause a suggestion had been made that
Butler, Populist, would move over to
the Democratic side and take one of the
vacant desks, leaving his place for Sen
ator Simon. As Butler did not arrive
until this morning of the session, he
could not be seen and his consent to this
change obtained. If Butler did not
move, it necessitated a closing up of
places and giving three or four desks to
make room for Senator Simon. This
could not be done after the session bft he
senate began, consequently the desk
could not be put in place until after ad
journment of the firBt day. No discour
tesy, was shown or intended to be shown
to Senator Simon, and through tne first,
day he occupied the seat of an absent,
Court House in Thaf City Almost De
stroyed by Flames.
Robebubg, Dec. 7. At 5:30 p. m. to
day,' after the adjournment of the cir
cuit court, flames were observed issuing;
from the courthouse cupola and from un
der the roof. Before the fire department
could begin work the whole -upper story-
was afire. To make matters worse the
hose burst. Meantime the fire gained
such headway that the fine building was
doomed. There being no wind blowing
the progress of the fire was slow, giving
time to carry out all records. Circuit
Judge Hamilton bad moved his extensive
library into his chambers, adjoining the
conrtroom. He lost a collection cover
ing many yearsj with no insurance ; also
papers in cases under consideration.
The npper story of the courthouse is en- -tirely
gone and the lower floor is serious
ly damaged, the courtroom floor being
burned through in 'many places. The
building cost $40,000 six years ago. The
insurance is n otknown. It is supposed
to be from $12,000 to $15,000. The lower
floor was occupied by the clerk, eherifT,
and other county officers and the upper
floor by the courtroora.judge's chambers,
etc. The origin of the fire is unknown.
It is thought to have been caused by a
defective flue or electric wireB. Tha
prisoners were moved from the county
to the city jail when the fire was first
Locomotive Struck Him.
Oakland, Cal., Dec. 6. Samuel P.
Flint, assistant superintendent of the
railway mail service, was struck by a lo
comotive at Fourteenth and Franklin
streets, and received injuries which
proved fatal. He had just returned
from Los Angeles and was on his way
home across the track when the accident
occurred. He was thrown about fifteen
feet and bis bead was badly cut. He
lingered in mnch pain for several hours
before he died.
Mr. Flint hal ben long in the gov
ernment employ, and was well known
throughout the Pacific coast states.
Hold-t'p in Tacoma.
Tacoma, Dec. 6. Two bandits held
np the coaductor and motorman if an
ist Side street-jar at 8 :30 tonight. The.
men entered the car together drawing
handkerchiefs over their faces at the
same time. ' The conductor and motor
man were compelled to turn their faces
away while their pockets were rifled.
The section where the robbery cccorrtd ,'
is near the citv limits, but not three
blocka from a well lighted and thickly
settled section of the city.