3 THE DAIiLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1898. 1-4 off on Fancy Silks. To acom mo date 1-4 off Pattern Suits. lJni about It. Our special sale of Ladle.' rattern Suits at) off regular price will contiuue this week. the many who were unable to take advantage of our special sale of Fancy Silks last werk, we vtll con tinue the sale-during this entire week. All waist pa'ttrns of 5 yard lengths reduced in price. m Specials in every Dep't. mad" intesestin, convenient and advantages to you. Money back II goods are not us rtprtneuteu. Boys' Clothing". Strong Suits for the Boys. Every stitch and seam I true and firm. Tbe fabric is strong and of a color tbat wont sotlcailly. These suits are put to gether for tbe Toughest Kind of wear. You might pay a dollar or so mora for them elsewhere; here they are marked $2.50 EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST DRY GOODS STORE. . . ' - . 1 We credit every one with common sense improbable stories never find place under our name in these column?. This week's bre news is brimful of good thing?. We might fill this page with a collection of bargains (?). bnt a Rtrict rnle in this house forbids in discriminate advertising. There must be some good reason for telling the story of en article here. The price and quality is inst as good as you wish to have theui. The quantity large enough to supply anyone who might aek. NOTE THE THINGS WE SPEAK OF TODAY. Bojs' ' Reefer Coats. boys will not wear an overcoat: however will not object to a retler. black and tan. They are very handsome and much admired by -every on the boos especi a 11 y. Some tbese same boys Colors arc red , $3.75, 4.50 and 6.00. Boys' Cape Yes. we have them. The dependable, satis factory kind. The kind the least number of boys object to. Be cause the scyles are right; neatly braided around Cape. $2.00 to $5 00 ' kI " v -f" it ""S.'I"" ' 1 Ladies' Petticoats AH the new and want' d styles. Made of silk, (plain or change able) worsteds or yarns. Fine crochet pet icoat, made of a line yarn, in pret ty two-color com binations . pink and tan, blue and white, black and red, etc.; made with a specially : fitted waistband. Special prices 4:0 to 50c. Velvet, -Silk and Wool $1.50 to 8.00 Children s Jackets. Artistic creations for the little Miss" of 4 to 12. Pric es not high when quality is consid ered. Lot 22G5, is a beautiful coat, made of a novelty cloth of excellant wearing qunlity, handsomely trimmed, Waists 1 3 mm at $4.00 Other styles, plenty of them at 11.75 and on to $7.50. Infant's Cloaks. 75c to SI. 23. Real choice ones Made of cotton eiderdown.in pret ty mixtures and fancy patt ems, trimmed around collar with white Angora fur. Our extra buy ing facilities help ed us out again. Ordinarily we wonld ask front fifty cents to a dollar more, for them. Infant's Mittens. Cream white, "pair 10c ;ream,pink or blue l.c Pure silk mittens, cream. red or black, 2 jo ChildrenB' mitten", black 10c KgJ fr-wnij nfiaCaCflat V : -i-i ..Ladies' Mittens.. Nice warm cozy ones heart desires. any style or kind your 10 cents to $1.75. Ask to see our 50e special t '- mitten. They are double knit, puie silk, satin r yn bow on back. Men's Black Clay Suits These suits are sold by our competitors at 110.00. The material is a Black Clay Worsted, full a) ox. weight: the style a round cut sack coat. See these before buying elsewhere. Portieres. Pretty hangings add much to the pleasant ness of your rooms. Our derby cloth por tieres from si.eo to $12.00 offer you all that's new and attractive in this line. Consider these for Xmos giving The place to trade on every purennse. Money goods are not an represented. Money Bavin g at everv turn back always. If Notion Department. You can buy these little things anywhere, bnt nowhere at auch little piices. Note these and remember them: . Sperm sewing machine oil, per bottle 4c W hisk brooms, each 3c Toilet soap, per cake ; .M 1 package non-twist tape, 5 widths 4n Hand brushes, each 2c 1 box black pins 1c 1 dozen curtain pins 2c 1 key ring tc 1 leather watch chain 2o 1 bottle ink 8c Gut Prices on Shoes Eiderdown Beautifully. Trimmed in Braid and . , Fur S3 to C4.50. A clearance sale of odd lines of men's and children's fine shoes is now in progress in oar shoe department. Men's 5.50 shoes reduced to. . Men's $4.50 shot-s reduced to . . Men's $2.50 sloes reduced to . . Child s kid shoes, patent tips, duced to Child's $1.50, reduced to worth $1.00, re- . $3.60 .. 2.95 1.00 1.20 1.05 fi. pi. Wiifc s i THE GERMAN SPECIALIST From Portland, Will Ba at the Umatilla. Bonn December It 2, 3. 1008. If you have a Chronic Catarrh, con eultation is free of charge. Do you blow mucus from the nose? Are you troubled with bleeding of the nose?. . Are the nostrils obstructed, making breathing difficult. Are you hoarse at times? Is the mucus dropping down from the back of nose into the throat? Is your nose slopped up? Is your hearing affected? Is your throat sore at times? Do you spit a good deal when rising in the morning? Do you hem and hawk to cleat your throat? Catarrh is a dangerous disease, which leads into consumption. Weak eyes cured ; Cross eyes straight ened without operation ; Catar acts removed without a knife; Glasses fitted where all oiherg have failed ; pnp. lore anil Hernia cared without tmeses or . operation, sure cure for kidneys. Chronic Rheumatism cured. Do not fall to see tlio German Special ist. A friendly talk will cost yon nolh inz, and is bound to result in a great deal of good to you. Will return monthly. Are You Interested? . ... I ! , Th O. li. & N. Co'i Jiew Book On the Resourses of Oregon, Washing ton aud Idaho is being distributed. Our readers re requested to forward the addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the work will he sent them free. This ia a mat ter all sbonld be interested in, and we would ask tbat everyone take, an in terest and forward such'addresses to W. H. HoBLBCET.GeneralPasseneer Agent, O. E. & X. Co., Portland. For Sale. The improvements of the fair grounds, fences, tanks, water cart, grand stand, pavilion, stables and sheds. Sealed Did 9 - will be received for any part or whole of this property bv tbe undersigned on Dec, 1 " 189S. the nroperty to be removed from the grounds by January 1, 1899, Sight reserved to refuse any or all bids A. 8. MacAllistek, . 7 : P.O. Box 285, ' The Dallea.Qre. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, deoending entirely on a healthy Ytnriition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have" a biliouslook ' 'if vnnr kidnevs be effected, yon have a ninhed look. Secure sood health and too will eurelv have good looks. "Elec trie Bitters" is a good Alternative and Tonin' Acta directly on the stomach Hour and kidneys. Purifies the blood cares pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough ton's drag store. 50 cents per bottle, i PROFESSIONALS. I A W. LUNDELL, B. M- ! Teacher of Vocal Culture". Sight Reading and Harmony. Studio at Residence, Cor. 6th and Liberty,, tncsgrion olicltei. THE DALLES, OR. Oi Ri & il. CO JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French Si Co.'s Bank Phone 6, THE DALLES, OREGON J)AN ROBERTS, Attorn ey-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. ' THK DALLES, OSEGOX. Second Street, WE DO, A Job.... Printing FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. Chronicle Pub. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. Depart Fob Fast Mail 11:50 p. m. Spokane Flyer 5:30 p. m 8 p. m. TIHK SCHEDUI.j. 1 bom Dalles. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Till, 1,1. (IlllUUUl n-u sas City, St. Louis, Chicago and East. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, bt. raui. D n 1 u t b, Milwaukee,! ChicaKO and nasu From Portland. Ocean Steamships. All Sailing dates subject to cnange. For San FTancisco Nov. 28, Dec. 3, 8. 13, 18, S3, 2&, Jan. z, 7. 8 t. m. Ex.fcundayicolumbia Ry. Steamers. 'Ta Astoria and Wav Saturday 10 p. m. Landings. A. m I WlIT IMfTTF RTVFTl. Ex.bunday Oregon City, Newberg, tsvusux Oi. n ay ajuiiu b. 7 a. m, Tuea,Thur. and bvu 6 a. m. Tue..Thur, and Sat. Lv Riparla oany except Satarday. Willamette axd Yam hill kivers. Oregon City, Dayton and Way-landings. A KBITS Fbom. Fat Mail. 8:10 a. m. Spokane Flyer. 6:30 a. m. 4 p. m. i v. m. Ex.Sunda C. tJ. STUBmjSLO- Wholesale and Retail x Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour ash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMP0STED G0GITA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old. ALIICBBIA IIAEB1IS from $3.25 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. Imported Alo and Porter. . JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. 4:30 P. m. Kx.sunduy 30 p. m. Mon.,WeL, and in. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallis, and Way-Landings. 4:30 P. m. Tue., I bur and Sat. Shake Kiter. Biparia to Lewis ton. Leave LewistoK, daily except Friday. For full particulars call on O. B. & S. Vo.'b agent Tbe Dalles, or address W. H. HTJRLBNKT, 6en. Pas. Agt, Portland, Or SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks rrniir. Copyrights Ac ' Anonendlng a sketch andjserlonmay onlckly ascertain onr opinion free whether an fnrentW is Probably patentaWeommunlej. tlonsrtrtctlyconfldentMU. HaiKibookon Patent sent free. Oldest agency forrtg patent. Patent taken throueh Mann Co. reoelye tpeeial notics, wlthoot chsrse, in the Scientific Httierican. A handsomely illustrated weeWy. Lantest rir- KUNN&Co.38,Bre-New York Bnicn Omoe7eE5 V St, Washington. D.C. For Five Dollars yon can boy a Camera tbat will take larger pictnrea than any other Camera on the market. For aale by Clarke & Falk. - tf ..GHflS. AMERICAN SILVER I L TRUSS. Is Used by Many i t ine4(fitHnn& thi-nni?hAiit the United states and Canada, and have been adopted by Gn j4 Wcst ,ir,.t..r iinsnitAls. London. England. In this iruss the principle hitherto so greatly desired has at last been achieved, that of firmly and constantly hold ing the rupture with a gende hand-like pressure. , It docs not pass around the hip. like other trasses, but over the bips. tbe silver wire lysng in the hpllow ol side, thereby allowing the free movement of the hips and limbs, allowing tbe wearer to stride out freely, and doing away with tbe fear and drejd that something will go wrong that usually attends the wealing of other trusses. - ,1.-1. . iB rAatYinvoicrht: In enmDarison with other trosses. It is so Uht tbe wearer scarcely knows he hasanvthincon.andthisis a Kictt comfort, enab ling the wearer to forget his ailments, to the shape of the body, not being made of hardened steel. Retains Severest Hernia with Comfort. Hi No LIGHT, COOL, Easy to Wear. pressure on ps or Back. understraps. Never moves. ncsn DC Bliereu il wraiu w tire suaw u iu. iwji " . . an and can, with a little judicious and careful bending, bo made stronger or weaker in pleasure, as NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, Vancocveb, Wash.,( November, as, 1S98. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to inane iinai proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B. Pres by, United States Commissioner for District of Washington, at his office in Gpldend ale, Wash ington, on Friday, January 6th, 1899, viz: Oustav H erinan Koline, 1 Homestead Entry No. 8119, for the S'-of the NEJ4 and &i of tbeNW4, section eleven, town ship three north, of range thirteen. East W. 31. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Angus Campbell. David K. ciarif, oi naruana. Washington, wenaci leiai, uuorge u of tioldendale, 11-30 i Lindsey, Washington. W. It. Dukbar, Begister. NOTICE. if i U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Ob. t November, -Si, 1S98. j Complaint having been entered at this office by Frank C. Wilson against Gustavo A. Brock man for abandoning his homestead entry, No. 4949, dated Oct. 21, 1S93, upon tbe V SE;4 sec tion twenty-two and the N'J NE section twentv-seven, township five south, range ten easi, W. M. in Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry. an$ said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 10th day of January, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 11 dU-1 IAX i.iUo, J"6'' Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby givon that the undersigned , has been duly appointed executor of the lost will and testament ol Sarah McAtee, deceased, by said will and by order of the county court for Wasco conntv. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, with t,he proper vouchers there for, at the office of Huntington & Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon, within six months Irom the date of this notice. Thomas Nobval, NovlS-i. Executor. D M. Z. Donnell, Druggist. Ths Dalles, Or. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Butehefs and Farmefs ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEEK, ncknowl- : edged tbe best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. AUo tbe Finest brands of Wines, Liquors '. aud Cigars. S abduriehes . . of all Kinds always on hand. TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE Branch Office Oregon Viavi Company, Boom 7, over French's Bank. - Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m- Charlotte F. Boberts. Local Manager. HOME HEALTH CLUB. fCat this out and forward it with $1.00 to The Inter Ocean Pob. Co., Chicago, 111.) MNO Jt-Jt Jb'A X THE INTER OCEAN PUB. CO: I hereby accept the invitation to become a member of the Home Health Club,o n close herewith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription to The Weekly Inter Ocean, which, I understand, enlill' we to a life member ship, a record number, and a copy of Volume 1 of the Home Health Club books price, $1.00) free ofexper.se.' Name .......... ; .. - ' - -' - ' . . - Townhr City - '- ' ' . ' '.':. ... ,. '' : Street No V .. ....j Stale .'. ' One of the most practical and beneficial courses of study ever offered to its readers bv anv newspaper. Not only are there a series of practical lessons In paper each week, bnt the subscriber is presented, free of expense, with a beauti ful cloth-bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life membetsbip in the great club. Subscribe at once and get the special lessons now being published. EPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, United. States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Au- - gust 19, 1898. Notice u uereoy given tuai, u , order of fae President of January SI, 1S98, per-- ....!- .o.orvinir the following described tracts or parcels of land, for the use of a boat- , railwav betv.cen The Dalles and C'elilo.on tne south side of tbe Columbia river, bas been re- . voked. Said tracts described as jollows: One tract situated in the SWK of See. 31, T. 2 N., R 14 E., containing about four and one-hali acres (iio other dcription). The other tract in the NWM, Sec- 21. T. 3 N., B.. 15 E., cont.iining about j one-half of an acre, partlcnlarH desciibed as fol lows: Beginning at the northwest corner or , said section 21: aud running tnce in a south- , eily direction along the west bound.iry nneol said section 11, one hnndrd -aud venty1'' j lineof'saidsrciiouai, distant two hundred and J sixty (2i) feet in au easterly airecu01. noint ot begluP'nT; aw inc.. ... . ;i i L, " ..!" irr., Aynh hnundsrv line of saidT section 21 to the point oi Beginning. Said tracts- ;..-wi tn t.h nnhlin domain, and v are Hjejiwiciv,w,.u , , . , . are subject to disposal tbe same as other public : lands. By order of the Hon. Commissioner. Dated at The Dalies, uiegon, Augusi i, y JAY V. LUCAS, Keginer. OTIS PATTEUSON, receiver aug24-l Notice Final Accoxmt.i t I: Notice is hereby given tbat ?e undersigned administrator ..t the estate of Oliva Eing, deceased, bas filed his final unt. TiTWirt 111 BfilO e Hie Willi iuo vjiaia V""T ' ""I CountvToreiton, and that Monday the 2d j e I.. ...... t-c lrir) ftt 111 O HlOCJa,. B. !" uuy " -.,'- h ,i ,ntv court been nxu as io , -'.t:,,., rlt room of the county cour t house. In j Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed as tnej Tvlnce for hearing said final account. . P AU persons interested in said estate are herebTv- notified to be and appear at said time fnd placer , and show cause why said account should not be ' in all things, allowed, ratified, approved and v; TOnnrmed,andan order be made discharging -said administrator and bis bondsmen from fur ther liability in said trust. tchELL, . Administrator ol the estate of Oliva Espingj. deceased. 12-8-ii DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Buna. .