-SE dILI-WEEKLY: CHRONICLE i WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1898w rCBSOSAL Saturday's Daily. Troy Sbelley returned to Hood River by boat this morning.- Mrs. Frank ChrismarT left .for Port land on the boat jeBterday. . - . -Hon. J. L. Story, of Union, is today flatting bis daughters in the city. Y. - A. L. Hembree and family were la the city from GraBB Valley yesterday. J. M. Patterson came down from Was co this morning to spend Sunday -at borne., " ' .' . - Mrs. B. F. Laugblin left this morning - for Portland, where she will remain for several weeks. - J. C. Todd," of Prineville, was among the large namber. of passengers bound for Prineville today. Mrs. R. R. AllardV who ba been in the city for several days, returned to Hood River this morning; Rev. J. W. Jenkins arrived in the city . last nizht from Hood River to conduct the funeral service of G. H. Barnett. W. I. Westerfield, associate editor of . the Grass Valley Journal, accompanied by bis little son, is in the city toaay. Mrs. F. D. Hensley and family, who have been visiting relatives in Chicago and the East, returned this morning, Miss Hester Howe, who has been at tending the teachers' examination in this city, returned to Hood River day. . . . to- Clarence Barnett, who is attending cbool at Portland. Archie Barnett, and May and Edna Barnett,.-arrived last night to attend the funeral of their grandfather this afternoon. Mrs. Madeline B. Conkling, worthy - grand matron of the order of the fcistvn Star, arrived in this city this morning and left for her home in Prineville this afternoon. She is returning from the .general grand chapter at Washington, and was the gnest of Mrs. Myers bile here. ' .. ' '.. Monday' Dally. Grant Mays spent Sunday in Portland, returning last night. Miss Grace Hill returned Saturday from a short trip to Moro. Rev. Boltz went to Snrizue this morn inc. where he is conducting a series of . revival meetings. " Archie and John Barnett and Miesea - Mav and Edna Barnett returned to ' Portland today. - Mrs. H. M. Beall spent Sunday with her husband in this city, . returning to Portland this morning. Mrs. F. W. Wilson eame np from Portland Saturday evening anil will leave for Prineville tomorrow. . J. H. Jennings, city librarian of Ta coma, Wash., is in the city today on his way front) Baker City to Trcoma. Mrs.C. W.Taylor, of Walla Walla, left tbis morning for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. F. P. Mays,. in Portland. Mr. S. L. Brooks received word Satur day of the illness of his brother at Silver . ton, and left this morning to visit him. - Eugene. Moore left yesterday for Col fax, where he will be' employed ir the commission store owned by his brother, Chancey Moore. " Ed Patterson, who is employed in the hardware store of bis nncle'in Salem, came np Saturday, and will, visit his . parents for a few days. Miss Jeannette Meredith, who has ' spent three weeks in the city' visiting relatives, left for Portland tbis" morning, and will return to Salem Friday. J - Tuesday's Daily. . . F. M. Wi r.ier is in from Nacsene to day. , . . . . ' , C. A. Bcciley is in from Grass Valley today. v , . , . James Brpwn, of Mosier, called at the Chronicle office' this afternoon. M ss Eva Well man arrived in the city yesterday fr im Detroit, Michigan. .: Miss Edythe Randall left on " last night's t-ain for a short visit in Wasco. Miss Maude Kohne, who has been in ; Portland for the past few days, returned last night. Among the callers at the Chboniclb office yesterday was Cbas. - Davis - of Jtingsley. . v- Chas. Hilton arrived-in the city from Fossil yeEterday. He is on his way to visit his family in Portland; . Bert Phelps cime down from Heppner this morning. He is on his way to at tend the bar association in Portland. - I. J. Keffer, night operator at the depot, who. has - passed tie last two months visiting in the Eaet, returned this morning. - - " - -.. HABBUD. V - Y- - At the residence of Jos. Burger, in this city, Saturday, Nov. 12th, 1898, at . 7 :30 o'clock, Andrew McCabe and Katie Cook, Rev. J. H. Wood officiating. -------- : Advertised letters. Y . Following is the list of letters remain . ing in the postoffice at The Dalles Un called forKoyember 16, 1893. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Anderson, Frank Bailey, J W . Brenster, Fre 1 Dunham, J H ' . Aldrich, F B - Brown, Harry". .'. Carter, Tbo Donnelly, EN ' -Y Estabrobks, Elisba : Fincher, J A : ' Finch, Mark ' Howard, Perch - Hannn, Jim -Johnson, John Kelley, Wiston M "Logan, Fy? -. -'- Mair, Andrew -Miles, H -----Mathins, Ferdinand I'pJerson, Banna Dougla, Cal Fuller. Q N 'Fulton, David Grinshimner, Ike Heines, John Y. Inskeep, Wm - Kahler, W E Lincecam, J S -Logan, R O Mowery, Ella Murk, J.ihn ; Nihwn, Olaf (2) K seucrny, ii Kobinson, J T Riemenenidcr, Chas Scbmitling, Joseph Noeen, John Vinson, Maggie Wright, Annie Willooghby, H G White, Jack ; Young, Chas ; Wickers, A - -Wilson, 8 M - " , Wickers, A E Zink, Irine -A. Crossen, P. M. Nowjs the time to ' have your Xmas rotos made by Gilford. ' T". --' 1-lm Mia: . )riVk 1 U' TBE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP.0F FIGS is dne not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fie Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon, all the importance of purchasing' the -true, and original remedy. ' As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fie - Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of. that fact will assist one in avoiding the 'worthless imitations manufactured by other pa ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fra SyKCP Co. with the medi cal profession,' and the . satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of. the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, -liver and btfwels without irritating or weaken Ing thenr, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In Order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the same of the Company . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ; .- SAN FBAKCJ9CO, C-J. LOCMTILIE. Ky. . NEW TORE. K. T. ARCHBISHOP GROSS HAS PASSED AWAY His Death Was Entirely Un "'- expected; HIS CAREER AN : INTERESTING ONE Was Appointed a Bishop When Only 36 Years of Age Under : His Ad - ministration the Pacific Coast Has Made Great Strides. T ' Portlasd.'Nov. 14. Atchbishffp Wil liam Hickley Gross, of the Oregon Ro man Catholic church,' "died ' at St. Jo seph's hotpital, Baltimore,. Md., this morning, His grace had been in ill health for some time, and during the first week of last September, he decided to visit his old home in Baltimore. "Then he did not expect his ailments would terminate fatally. . But almost a week ago be took to his bed, from which he never arose, passing into a traacjuil etemai sleep, from general debility.. Qis death was an unexpected one, as bp to within a few hours of his grace's demise he gave evidence of recuperation. . ine uatboiic clergy ot tbis city ., were startled noon receiving Jbe mournful news, a8 they hoped for, something bet ter. On the late atchoisbop'a personal request, he will be laid to rest in his native city Thursday, and there will be no time for any prealate from, the Pacif ic coast to reach Baltimore for the fu neral. Oi Thursday there : will : te grand requiem niaes (Corcare Absenti). . The Most Reverend William H. Groep, D. D..G. SS. R., third archbishop ot Oregon.was born in thecity of Baltimore, Md., on Jane V2, 1837. . The Gross fam uy came originally from Alsace, and its Amer'ctn founder,' Jacob Grose, and his son, John J. Gross, took part in the de fence of Biltimore in 1812.:.. ; The archbishop received Jia early ed cation at the parochial school, attached to St. Vincent's church, Baltimore. In this chnrch be also made bis first com- muojon. .. In 1357 he was invested wHh the re ligious habit and formally began his ca reer as a Redemptorist novice. On April 3, 1858, he made hisfirst vows, when his aim was centered npon becoming a per fect Redemptorist.- In March, 1863, the deceased prelate was ordained a prelate at Annapolis, Md., by Archbishop Ken rick, of Baltimore. - -: .' ; He remained a part of the time as army chaplain at Annapolis.' His ix perlences during the civil war wrre 'of a trying order.' He was olmo3i incessant ly in the hospital, the field of.battle, the ekirmUh line or the lonely out poft.' -: When Archbishop (jruos ma prouioted to the archiepigcopal see of Oregon in 1885, he could point to a splendid cathe dral erected by his -exertions among a people of scanty means, the nomGer of priests .: increased to twenty-seven Churches and chapels to thirty, institu tions and orphan -asylums to fourteen. And all this was done in a Catholic popu- . . -:y lation not exceeding 25,000," - : , ; When Archbishop Seghere resigned in 1S84, in order to" devote, his life , more particularly, to the Indian mieEionaof the extreme 1 Northwest the - holy see, selected Bishop Gross- to succeed him. It was at his instance that the Bene dictine Fathers at Mount Angel opened a college for the higher education of the young, which is" advancing yearly in the number of its pupils and the efficiency of Its training. Later cn, at his request, a lesser and a "greater, seminary have been added, so that. -young Oregonians are now . providedrhjht at home with all the facilities needed for attaining the education, required by tEe church in candidates, for the priesthood. u, " The Christian Brothers have also been ntrod cced into Oregon to take charge o St. Michael's college and the parachial school attached to the cathedrals Acad emies for the education of - young ladies have increased from eight to twenty. In addition to the religious orders of wo men already in the diocese, six addition al orders have been introduced. In other workepf charity -his zeal' has been no less manifested. -- - " ' On the 26th, 27th - and ,28th of last April the silver jubilate" cf Archbishop Gross was celebrated-here.- On this oc casion, whici was the greatest church event in thehistorytf Oregon, a beauti ful residence was presented to-'birp. H'l Bamn Mature. - -. ' ' This readiness to accept the wonderful and miraculous in preference to com monplace truth. A plausible and glib- tongued doctor can go from town to town curing, or trying- to care, people, and have a great, influx of shekels, while every community in which th.e so-called doctor goes is supplied with quiet learned practitionore, who have forgotten more than the fakir ever learned," and ther can eive you the best . treatment within the reach of human knowledge, While your home doctors carry you from year to year, get up at alL times of the night and are your servants during the d?v. and vou pav them-when you are well orSble, the fakir gets the. cash, and is gone forever.: . If your eyes are troua ling you in any way, call on Prof.'-P. G, Daut, the only : graduated optician or doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two doors west of Keller's bakery. I am here to stay, and guarantee all eye work, - Pboj-. P. G. Dadt. " Deaineis Cannot De Cored J by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure .deafnes? and. that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. ,When this tube is in flamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it . is en tirely closed, Deafness is ' the result, and unless the inflammation can betaken out and tbis" tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for. ever; pine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces.'-' - ' .- " . We will five One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deaf nees (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's.. Catarrh Cure. : Send for .circulars: free. . F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0, CsySold by Druggists, 75e. 6-10 11000: fiEWHBD For the arrest, dead or alive, of Frank Forester, who killed Phil Brocan at Antelope, Or., Saturday evening, Not. 5. $400 of this reward is offered by the county court of Wasco county, $100 by the sLeriff of Wasco county and t5G0 by the citTr?ne of Antelope. - Forester is 35 or 40 years of age, abont & feet 2 inches highr eliifhtly stooped, walks - with, a swinging gait ; blue eyep, da? k- hair and heavy sandy mustache.:.--. - - " : '- ' - "A..M. Kelsay, - '" : County Clerk. To ; The buying of shoes is . "-'. ; fln Important 'i be economical buyer especially wants something tbat looks well, wears well, and is comfortable. . . " Here's where -we assist you If yon doubt it, read theae prices. " Men's, calf, lace, broad toe, that"-r ; were $5.00, now .. . ... $2 50 Men's, felt, Jace, that were $l.d0 - . now.:...... r:.. -....;"- l.OO Ladies', kid, lace, coin toe, that -were $1.50. now.,. , -. . .-; : l.OO Ladies' glove grain, button, that -were $1.50. now. . . '. . 7Bd Infants' kid, button, 0srls, 2il , that were $1.00, now. ; , . ... . . . . 25C ."DFPABT TIMS BCHEDutK.. ."AEBIVa,- Fob ' Fkom Dalles. ,Fbom.. v - ' Fast Salt Lakr, Denver, Ft. - ' Faut ' Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- ' Mail. 11:50 p.n. saa City, St. Louis, 8:10 a.m. 1.- . Chicago and East. - - - Spokane Walla Walla,' Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis. St. Haul, - Flser. 5:30 p.m. Doluth, Milwaukee. 6:50a.m. Chicago and East. t . . . 8 p. m. . Fboji Pobtlanb. "4 p.m.-" - . - Ocean Steamships. ' -5- -- All Sailing dates subject ' - Y . ' to chance. -j. For San Francisco "' : , ' - Y , Nov. 1,4, T. 10, 13, 16, - j '- : . 19, 22, 25, ?8. .... Y . Y S p. m. - . - 4p.m. Ez.Sunday Columbia Kv. Steamers. Ez.Sunda To Astoria and Way . Saturday - Iuidlngs r ' - -10 p.m. . . . - . . 6a. nu WiLtAMrrra RrvEB. 4:80 p.m. Ex.Bunday Oregon. City. Kewberg, Ex.bunday Salem 4 Way Land's. 7 a. m, Will a v ettx andStax- 3-.90 p. m. Tnea,Thur. hill Kivkrs. Mon.,Wed., and SsL Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-Ijtndings. 1 6a. m. Willamette Riveb.- 4:30p.m. Tue..Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue., rhur and Sat. and Way-Landings. . and Sat. ' Leave Lv Riparla ' Skakb Riveb. - Lewistom. daiiy Riparia to Lewlston. daily, except - - " - except ' Saturday. - ..- ; ' Friday. - For full particulars call on O. R. b N. Co.'s agent ine Dalles, or address - .'Y W. H. HDRLBNRT.- Gen. Pas. AgL, Portland, Or EAST and SOUTH via - The Shasta Route OF TUS Southern Pacific Compry. Trains leave and are due to arrive at PortlaL LEAVE. OVERLAND EX-1 gross, Salem, Rose-1 urg, Ashland, Sac- I 6:00 T.M, ramenio, ugaen,ean.i Franciseo, . Mojave, f Los Angeles, El Paso; 1 New Orleans . and 1 I East J 8:30 A. M. Koecburg and way tta- uona fVia Woodburn fori I MLAneel, Silverton, West Scio, Browns- V I ville.fiprtngfield and I INatron I P. M Dally "' except Sundays. Dally ' except . Sundays H:30 A. M.I KZ;2""a1 I :50P.M INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train jjaiiy (except eunoayj. . -i:50p.m." Lv. Portland ... Ar.i 8:25 a. m 7:80 p. m. Ai..McMinnviUe..Lv. 5;W,m 8:30 p. m. Independence.. Lv Daily. t Daily, except Sundays ' DIKING. CA RS ON OGDEN ROTJTK. ', . " . PDLU1AN BU.FFET 6LEEPER8"--AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS . - Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occl dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship uues lor jafajs and uulna. sailing dates on a plication. - . . - rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anC AUSlUAxJA.cau be obtained irom J. B. K1KKLAND, Ticket Agent. Throuarh Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where through tickets to all Doints in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rales irom - . 1. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets - YAMHILL DIVISION. " , Patsenger Depot, foot of Jederson street, .Y Leave for OSWEGO, dally, except Sunday, al 7:20 a. m.; 12:30, 1:55, 6:15, 6:25, 8:05 p.Tn. (and 11 :S0 p. m. on Satnrday only, and 9:00 a. m and 8:30 m. on -Sundays only). Arrive at Portland nullv at R:40 and Kr."J) a m and l:fi. 4:15,6:20 and 7:55 n. m.. (and 10:05 a. m . 3-16 d.iv p. ui. uii cuiiuayi vuijj j.. - Iave for 6heridan-, week days, at 1:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:80 a. m. - . - ... . . I-eave for AIRLIE on-Monday. Wednesday and Fri at 9:) a. m. Arrive at Portland. Tues- dav, Thursday and Saturday u8;05p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. R. K-.1.ER, " O, fl. MABKHAM, lanaccr. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Droegist or by mail ; samples 10c by mail. JCLZ BBdXiimtB, do warren Kb, W xorx vuj. we do: FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICES.' Chronicle Pub. Co: THE DALLES, OREGON. inn "iiiiir 'a' 1 ' ' . ...a JoIbbii Printing Id ORTHERN yj PACIFIC RY. H Pullman Elegant Toiurist Sleeping Gart Dining Cars -Sleeping Car : ' . , ST. PAUL " Y MINSKAPOI.I OCLTJIH FAKQO-. ' GRAND FOB . CKOQKSTOIt HELENA an - liCIIE -' TO Through Tiekets CHICAGO WASHINGTON , PHILADELPHIA FKW YORK - -BOSTON ANB ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH Y For information, time cards, map and tickets, cal on or write to - W. C. ALLA WAY. Agent, - r The Dalles, Oregon - Y- Y- OE A. D. ; A ELTON, Asst. G. P. A., 26 , rrison Cor. Third. PortlandOregOL Regulator LineA Tie Dalles.- Fortlana 1 and Astoria -Navigation Co.' FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE " ."' "'' - BETWEEN ,' " - The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port- . . . - land daily, pvcent bunday. ; - DOWN THE YALLEY .'.. OR TO ' - Are Ton going ' EASTERN OREGON? If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The wet-t-bound train arrives at The Dalleain amtle time for nasseneers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland In time for the outgoing Bonroern ana aorcnern trains; x.asi bound passengers arriving In The Defies In time so xaae me .asi-oouna u-atn.-- . For further Information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, - Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, - - Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt., Y The Dalles, Oregon PROFESSIONALS. W. LUNDELL, B. M- Teacher of Vocal Culture. ' - Sight Reading and Harmony. ' r Btndio at Residence, Cor. 6th and Liberty, ' InvcsgtiOD olteitea. - . , THE DALLES, OR. JJA. STURDEVANT, Y Dentist. '; 'Office over French i'Cc's Bank . Phone 6, - '.;'.- THE DALLE3, OREGON J)AN ROBERTS, " '-- - : . Attorn ey-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. - 3eeond Street, THK DALLES, OREGON. OLLIE V- O'LEARY, Y , . Art Studiip., Room 3, Chapman Block. - -.- Y China painting a specialty. J)K9' GEISBNDOBFFRK BTJEDY, Physicians and Surgeons, - Special attention given to surgery. . Roams 21 and 22, : ' Ted. 828 Vogt Block b a HtrirnjioToic V 8 WILSON HUNTINGTON & WILSON, :- r - : ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - THE DALLES, OREGON Office ovpt First Nat Bank. - . ,- FRED. W. WILSON. " ' ' . - ATTORNEY-AT LAW, - V THE DALLES, OREGON. Office oy.ei First Nat. Bank. . . . .. . FRENCH & CO., : 3 BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNSRALBANKINQ BUE1NE8 Letters of Credit issued available in the . Eastern States. Y- Sight 1 Exchange ''and. Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore eon, Seattle Wash,, and various poiD's in Oregon and Washington. .- , - Collections maie at all points on fav orable terms. - ' - ssk. Regulator Dalles .City SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT otthe State of Ore gon for Wasco County. AdeSa A Crcveling, plaintiff, - " 'Y, . . - ys - .- ' ; - - -. . Frank O. Creveling, defendants . - -To Frank O. Creveling, the above named defend ant: In the name oi the State of Oregon, you trre hereby requirted to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the term of the above entitled court, following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order of the judge of said court, for tho publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Monday the 14th day of : November, 1808, and If you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, viz: for a decree of divorce from the defendant and for the restora tion of her maiden name of Adelia A. Milligan, and for such other and lurther relief as may be equitable and just. This summon is served upon you by six weeks' publication thereof in The . Dalles Chbikiclb, by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above named court, made in cham bers at Dalles Citv, Oregon, and dated the 27th day of September. 1898. W.H.WILSON, 9-28-i .. - Attorney for Plaintiff. - Sheriff 's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an execution issued out 6 the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in a suit therein pending, wherelu J. C. Duncanson is plaintiff and O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, Joseph A. ,'ohnson, J. C. Flacders and C. W. Cather are defendants, to me directed, dated the lyth day of September, 1898, cammanding me to sell the lands herein described, I will, on the - - -22d Day of October. 1808, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the court house door, in Dal les City, Or., sell at ' publio sale to tho highest bidder for cash in hand, all ot the following described land, towit: The south i of the uortheaat VA, and the north 4 of the southeast , of Section 2, Township 1 south, Range 12 east, W. M., to satisfy the sum of J776.69 and interest at ten per cent per annum from September 15, 1898, and $o0 attornev's fees and 136.18 taxes ana interest at eight pr cent per annnm from said last njmed date, and costs and accruing costs; also the west of the northeast W, and the northeast i of the north wests, and the northwest of ihe southeast i of Seetion 12, Township ' south," Range H east, W. M., to satisfy the sum of 1802.01, and accru ing interest from September 15, 1898, and 13.20 taxes and interest as aforesaid, and costs and accrui' g costs. ROBERT KELLY. 9-251 . Sheriff of Wasco County. Notice Final Account. , Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of William M. Hock man, deceased, has filed his final account and report in said estate with the County Clerk for Wasco County, Oregon, and that Monday the 7tb day of November, 1898, at 10 o'clock, a. m. has been fixed as tho time and the county court mom cf the county court house, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed as the place for hearing said final account. All persons interested in said estate are herebv notified to be and appear at said-time and place and show cause why said account, should not be in all things, allowed, ratified, approved and confirmed, and an-order be made discharging said administrator and bis bondsmen from fur ther liability iu said trust. J. D. HOCKMAN, Administrator of , the estate of William M. Hockman, deceased. . 9-2-l. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, United States Land Office, The Dulles, Oregon, Au gust 19, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the order of the President of January 31, 1898, per manently reserving the following described tracts or parcels of land, for the use of a boat railway between The Dalles and Celilo, on the south side of the Columbia river, bas been re voked. Said tracts described as follows: One tract situated in theNWof See. 31, T. 2 N., R. 14 E., containing about four and one-half acres (no other description). The other tract in the NWJ4, Sec. 21, T. 2 N., R. 15 E., containing about one-half of an acre, pal tl3Ularl described as fol lows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said section 21, and running thence in a south erly direction along the west boundary line of said section 21, one hundred and seventy (170) feet to a point on said boundary line; t hence in a straight line to a point on the north boundary line of said section 81, distant two hundred and sixty (260) feet in an easterly direction from the point of beginning; and thence in a westerly directionalong the north boundary line of said -section 21 to the point of beginning. Said tracts are therefore restored to the public domain, and are subject to disposal the same as other public lands. By order of the Hon. Commissioner. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, August 19, 1898. JAY P. LUCAS, Register. aug24-I . OTIS PATTERSON, Receiver DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, Gen- , eral Land Office, Washington, D. C, May 27, 1898. Notice is hereby given of ihe following Executive Order, restoring certain lands in the Cascade Range Forest Reserve to settlement and entry: "EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, u. j.. April ft, leys, m accordance wiin me provisions of the Act of June 4. 1897 (30 Stat. - 36), upon the recommendation oi the Secretary of the Interior, the west half of Township one -South, of Range ten East, Willamette Meridian. Oregon, within the limits of the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, is hereby ordered restored to the public domain,a(ter sixty days notice hereof, by publication, as required by law.it appearing tbat said tract is better adapted to agrlcnlturaltbaa forest purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY.' The above land will be subject to entry at the-.. I'nited States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. on and atter October 17, 189. Dinger nermann, commissioner. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. . has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Sarah iieAtee, deceased, by said will and by order of the county court for Wasco county. Ali persons having claims ' against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, with the proper vouchers there for, at the office of Huntington Wilson, The Dalles. Oregon, within six months from the date of tbis notice ' Thomas Norval, Nov16-L . '. ...rf Executor. ..Work Wanted. A man and wife desire woik on a farm. The former is a good cook, and the latter will do general farm work. ' Inqaire at this office ' w-4t . The Paragon Oil- company's wagon will deliver bulk' oil 03 Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Telophone yonr order to No. 4. on both lines of the telephone, and yonr orders will be promptly at tended to." y ' The Paragon Oil Co.. - - . - - ' 11-lw . Mrs. A: H. Tackoian has fitted np a neat little greenhouse adjoining her res idence on ihe hill, and is now . prepared to furnish any who .may desire with cut flowers, either in bouqueta or de signs, and also with all varieties of pot ted plants; bnlbs, or ' any thing in her line. - 5; Y nll-3t tast and Final Notice. I hereby give notice that on and after the 1st of November, 1898, 1 will, with- ' oot farther notice, proceed to levy upon all property npon which taxes remain unpaid for the year 1897. ; Y y. ' : Eobeet Kblly, Sheriff, '-' Wasco County, . . Casta tn Hoar Ctoecks. , . All coontv - warran ts registered prior to ; Feb. 1, 1895, . will be paid at my office.' Interest ceases - after Nov. 14 1898. -. V C. L. Phillips, - Conntv Treasurer. ..- DeWittVs "Litt.c iary Risers, -i. V The Umuui, M.tir puLv. .