The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 12, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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Session of the Peace Com
mission Postponed.
Postponed at the Request of the Amer
icans to Allow Time For Transla
tion of the American Reply to the
Spanish Philippine Proposition.
Pabis, Nov. 8. The Spanish Ameri
can peaco commissioners have notified
the minister for foreign affairs, Del
Caese, that the joint session that was to
have taken place today will not be held,
and they will notify the minister when
they have determined npon the date of
another meeting. "
. Later a eemi-cfficial note was issued
saying the commissioners had informed
the French minister of foreign affairs
that their conferences were suspended.
Pabis, Nov. 8. Inquiry developed the
fact that the, failure to hold a meeting
of the commissioners was only due to
Americans asking for a postponement
of the joint session until tomorrow ; In
order to allow time for translation of the
reply of the United States to the latest
proposition regarding the Philippine
islands, which was received here this
El Liberal Advises Spain to Expedite
Nbw Yobk, Nov. 8. A dispatch to the
Herald from Madrid says : The Herald's
leading article says the Spanish govern
ment should conclude the negotiations
for peaca with the utmost rapidity to
ayoid Germany, Russia or BotneUther
country mixing in the question, which
could mean but fresh disaster to Spain.
The article has created a great sensation
Premier Sagaeta said it . was by no
means certain that Spain proposes send
ing a memorandum to the powers on
the subject of the Paris peace commis
Damage Was Xot So Great as Was at
First Expected. ,' '
Washington, Nov. 8. Architect Wood
today expressed th.e opinion that the
carnage to me capitoi Duuaing couia oe
repaired for $20,000.
ZTbe only damage that cannot be made
good was done in the fileroom of the
supreme court, in the basement. ' There
were stored all the official records and
original copies of opinions, from the
l foundation of the government. Com
paratively few of the papers were abso
lutely destroyed, but those 'which suf
fered this fate were among the most val
uable in the room. They included orig
inal opinions of the court in early days
of the republic, and among them were
manuscripts prepared in the handwrit
ing of jurists in the days of Washington,
Jefferson and Adams. . .
cruiser rnuaaeipma uraerea mere to
Protect American Interests York
town May Follow. ; "
San Francisco. Nov. 8. The cruiser
PhilaffoTnHia haa 1wn nrrlarA1 rnRamna
r- uw WW. j
and will leave within a few days. The
Y orktown will probably follow her. It
is feared that the forthcoming election I
of a new king may result in a revolution,
and it is desirable to bave war vessels
there to protect American interests. -
The United States training-ship
Adams will, on or a boat December 1st,
start on a eeven months' cruise. By
that date she will have received her
batteries al Maro island. She will pro
ceed from here to Magdelena bay, where
she will spend a month or so. She will
then ga to Honolulu and Oriental ports.
Washington, Nov. 8. Inquiry at the
navj department fails to confirm the
report from San Francisco that the
cruiser Philadelphia has been ordered to
S.imoa. -
There is No Mincing of
' Facts Regarding the
the War are Stated as
Words and
Conduct of
New York, Nov. 8. A special to the
Herald from Washington says ; -
Major-General Nelson A. Miles has
completed and submitted to tne war
department his report covering the en
tire period of the hostilities between the
United States and Spain.
It could not be learned at the war de
partment whether the report in its en
tirety will be given out for publication
in the near future or' at all. It is said
that certain portions of the report may
be withheld. The sum and substance of
the reason for withholding it, it is said,
is the fact that the report is said to deal
squarely with matters that certain offi
cials would much rather keep in the
in the background.
- Friends of General Miles, who claim
to be cognizant with the contents of the
report, say that it is exhaustive in deal
tag. with the minntest details, and
many - things which have- not . beeo-
clear to the general public aa to the con
duct of the war are fully -: and compre
heneively explained.
Two Masked
Men Made a Good Haul
at Arago.
Marshfield, Or., Nov. 7. Last night
at about 8 o'clock two masked robbers
entered the postoffice at Arago. The of
fice is in the residence of W. H. Schroe-
der, the postmaster. Mr. Schroeder was
in the upper part of the house when the
men entered, bnt a man, Peter. Crow,
was in the office. The robbers ordered
him outside. They tied his feet and
hands and fastened him securely to a
milk cart, in such a manner that bis
face was down and be was unable to
turn. Tbey then returned to the houee
and forced Mr. Schroeder to come down
stairs into the office, and at the point of
revolvers compelled him to open the
safe. The helped themselves to the con
tents. There was . about $1500 taken,
$1300 belonging to the Aarago cream
ery and $200 being postal funds. Post
master Schroeder is a cripple and was
nnable to offer resistance. Sheriff Gage
and a posse found the track of the rob
bers early this morning and followed
them until dark. . The country is well
guarded tonight, and the sheriff thinks
they cannot possibly make their escape.
Teresa Ashore at Cat Island.
Norfolk, Va., Nov. 8. The Merritt
Wrecking Company has received infor
mation that the Teresa is ashore at Cat
island. Captain Chittenden will leave
with the steamer Merritt at once.
Millions Glren Awajl
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the needy
and suffering. The proprietors of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Caughs and Colds, have given away over
ten million trial . bottles of thia great
medicine; and have the satisfaction of
knowing it has absolutely cured thous
ands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron
chitis, Hoarseness and diseases of the
Throat, Chest-and Lungs are" surely
cared by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists, and get a trial bottle free.
Regular eize 50c. and $1. Every bottle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 8 "
- Now is the time to have your Xmas
Fotos made by Gifford. ' ' 1-lra
Terms of Sien Senators Ex
pire March 4th.
California Gone Republican With Em
phasis Washington Also ' Gets
Into Line With a Clean Sweep
the Right Side.
Washington, Nov- 9. Returns estab
lish to a certainty that the United States
senate will have a Republican majority
after March next. . Of the present Re
publican total of 45, the terms of seven
senators expire March 4th next, leaving
thirty-eight hold-over Republicans. To
this number the electicn of yesterday
adds ten Republicans surely elected end
three probably elected, making '. a total
of forty-eight, or two more than
jority of the democrats, Populists
Silver Republicans. . -
There are 21 Democratic hold over
senators and to this- number, the elec
tion of yesterday added four with cer
tainty and one probably, giving total
of 25 votes. The Populist and Siivet
Republican hold-overs number eight,
and this was increased yesterday by one
piacticaily sure. Five etate legislatures
appear much in doubt, viz: Nebraska,
TWest Mrginia.' -MOniUHU, '.IndTantrand
Waf hington. and are not included iu fig
uring the totals
Today's returns Ehow that these Dem
ocratic senators will be succeeded by
Republicans: White' of California,
Mitchell of Wisconsin, Allen of Nebras
ka, Tarpie of Indiana,- Smith of New
Jersey, Faulkner ot West Virginia, Mur
phy of New York, and Gray of Dela
Interest in the election today centered
in the political complexion of the next
bouse. Although Chairman Babcdck of
of the Republican congressional com'
ccittee, made, this morning what he
terms an ultra conservative estimate, in
which he eliminated a number of doubt
ful lists, this estimate gives the Re
publicans 185 members in the next
house, a majority of thirteen over all.
At 2 o'clock Kerr, of the ' Democratic
congressional committee, claimed the
certain election of 190 Democrats and
Fueion'sts. - '- 1 -
Washington, Nov. 9. Returns re
ceived by the Associated Press indicate
the election to the houee of 167 Repub
licans and 164 Democrats, Populists and
Silver Republicans, with twenty-six dis
tricts in doubt.;: .
Later Since the foregoing was sent-
out, the late returns show the Republi
cans bave gained 'two doubtful districts in
Washington, two in Indiana and one in
Kansas - The Democrats . gained one
doubtful district in Indiana and one in
Massachusetts. -
Youk, Nov. 9. Revised returns
make practically no change in those of
last night, which showed the election of
Roosevelt by a pleurality of eighteen to
twenty"thousand. -. As compared "with
the election of 1S96, this ebons a loss to
the Republicans of from one hundred
and ninety to one hundred and ninety
five thousand. "
Roosevelt came to Harlem River with
105,000 pleurality, and 'Van Wyck had
but 85,000 in Greater New York with
which, to meet it." The vote outside the
city shews that Roosevelt lost 61,000 as
compared with Black. In the country
districts Van Wyck ran about 20,000
and in the city about 54,000 ahead of
PorUr. ' -
The state's congressional delegation
will prcbably stand fifteen Republicans
to nineteen Democrats, a Democratic
gain of twelve.
The legislature will be Republican on
joint ballot by thirty-two votes, insuring
the election of a Republican to succeed
Senator Murphy. " '
New Yobk, Nov. 9. Practically com-
plete returns on the vote for governor in
the entire etate give Roosevelt a pleural
ity of 19,533. The Democratic pleurality
in Greater New York was 82,203.
San . Fiiakcisco, Nov. . 9. California
has gone Republican with more em
phasis than ever ' before. The entire
etate ticket, with the possible exception
of secretary of state,- has been elected
According to Republican claims in San
Francisco, 221 precincts out of 303 give
Gage, Republican for governor, 20,063
Maguire, Democrat, 18,022.
Colorado. "
Denver, Nov. 9. The entire Fusion
state ticket is elected by about 50,000
The Fusioni8ts have an overwhelming
majority in the legislature.
Seattle, Nov. 9. Incomplete returns
from twenty-four counties out of thirty
four in the state give a majority of 2500
in favor of both Republican congress
men, and Republican candidates for
supreme judgeB. " CongreeBmen-at Large
W. L. Jones and F. W. Cushman, Re
publicans, are elected.
Goldendale, Wash., Nov. 9 Re
turns have been received from ten voting
places, with fourteen to hear from. A
Republican majjrity of 300 is assured
Herbert Baker and W. L. Jones lead in
the race. Congressman Lewis is ahead
of bis ticket. . An official count will be
required to settle the county attorney
contest between Darcb, Republican, and
Dustin, Democrat. Women's euffrage is
ahead. The single tax was defeated.
Dynamite in the Mails.
- San Francisco, Nov. 8 Two sticks of
noarly half a pound of dynamite were
carried in the mails which arrived on
the overland - train Sunday morning
The explosives were poured from the
mail sack on the distributing table at
the postoffice station, and one of the
clerks soon tossed tbein through a chute
to the table of the carrier who would
take them to the" destination as indi
J ...The .sticks of the explosives were in
separate "packages, and both were ad
dressed to George . Hall, Turkish con
snl, Parrott building, San Francisco
The postmarks were very indistinct, but
it is thought the dynamite .was mailed
in Montana. Several weeks ago Mr. Hall
received a similar package, but it was
opened safely. '
' Execution of Branton.
Eugene, Nov. 8. Claud Branton, con
victed of the murder of John A. Linn,
was this morning sentenced to be hanged
on Friday, December 22, at 10 o'clock a
m. His attorneys filed a motion for a
new tiial on . various grounds errors
made in the. trial, and the judge's in
structions to the jury. Judge Hamil
ton overruled it, and then in a few words
passed sentence upon Branton, who re
mained perfectly calm. When asked if
he had anything to say why eentence
should not be passed upon him he re
plied in a clear and steady voice :
"I have nothing to say." .
Railway Surveyors in Klickitat
Goldendale, Wash., Nov. 8. John
Golden, founder of the town named after
him, says a Camas Prairie settler in
forms him that a corps of railway sur
veyors, numbering sixteen men, are now
in Camas, working toward Goldendale.
The settler eays that the party seems to
bave come down the mountain from
Klickitat pass. Their actions in the
field indicate that tbey mean business.
It is generally presumed that the party
is working in the interest of the Port
land, Vancouver & Yakima Railway
Deafness Cannot De Cared
by local applications, 'as they cannot
j reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deafnes?
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing bnt an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. .
. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Care. . Send for circulars; free. . - -, "
- F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O."
CSTBoli by Druggists, 75c. 6-10
- For the beet results nse
Camera. For sate by the
Pharmacy. .
the Vive
Next Congress Will Be Ad
ministration Congress.
Ten Congressional Districts Are Yet in
Doubt, But Should They All Go
DemocratiCjthe Republicars Wonld
Still Have a Majority of Nine
Votes There YV ill be Not Less
Than 183 Republicans . in the.
Chicago.-Nov. 10. Dispatches to the
Associated Press up to 11 :12 today from
337 out of 357 congressional' districts
show the Republicans have elected 183,
and the Democrats- and. Fusioniets 184.
There are etill ten doubtful districts.
Washington, Nov.10. Babcock.of the
Republican congressional committee, be
lievs this morning that the Republican
majority in the next bouse will reach
twenty. .
At Democratic congressional head'
quarters they have no figures thia morn
ing. They did not concede the house,
claiming the returns from' many districts
were yet too meager to definitely deter
mine the result. Corruption was charged
against the Republican managers by the
Republican Victory an Indorsement of
the Administration. -
Chicago, Noy. 10. Aspecial to the
Tiines-Herald from Lincoln, Neb., says :
On the result of the election United
States Senator Thurston says:
"The sweeping Republican victory in
the West, including Nebraska, means
the unconditional indorsement of Presi
dent McKinley's administration, the
conduct of the war and his foreign policy.
rhe battle was fought on the straight
goldstandard platform, and the result,
in my judgment, absolutely eliminates
free silver as a national issue in 1900.
"The entire tendency of independent
voters ia to return to old party allegiance,
with permanent gains to the Republi
can party from , tne best elements of
Democracy and Populism. This is large
ly due to the prosperous conditions of
agriculture and business generally.- The
people are satisfied with present condi
"In Nebraska the Fusionists early in
the campaign practically abandoned the
free-silver issue, and for a time attempt
ed to maintain themselves by criticisms
of the conduct of the war. Driven from
tbis.they fell back on the McCleary bill.
."The Republican campaign was very
active and aggressive, and successfully
met the three issues in detail. Above
everything else, however, was the pa
triotic determination to stand by an ad
ministration whose victories in war and
whose far-reaching and successful for
eign policy have won the admiration of
Christendom." -
Republican Candidate for Governor of
California Gets 30,000 Majority.
San Francisco, Nov. 10. Although
complete returns have not been received
from all the counties in California, the
indications are that the majority of
Henry T. Gage, Republican, for govern
or, will be nearly 30,000. His associates
on the etate ticket are all elected, with
the possible exception of Curry for sec
retary of 6tate, who ran far behind and
may have been beaten by Thompson,
Democrat. s " " "
For justices of the supreme court, Mc-
Farland, Republican, and ; Van Dyke,
Democrat, are in the lead, and will prob
ably 'win, : as .' the ' precincts to be
heard from are not expected to change
the relative position of the opposing can
didates. . . " . ;
Mayor Phelan is re-elected in San
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Francisco by about 3.000 majority, but
with the acception of the assessor and:
three superior judges and two supervis
ors, the other municipal officers will be
Tho next legislature will have a large
Republican majority in joint ballot, In
suring the electicn of a Republican to
the United States eenate.
San Francisco, Nov. 10 With 755
precincts to hear from, Gage, the Repub
lican candidates for governor, leads Ma
guire, the Democratic candidate, by 23,
826. The Republicans have surely
elected all the rest of the etate ticket
except secretary of state and justice of
the Bupreme court. The congressional
ticket will probably stand six Republi
cans and one Democrat. The Republi
cans have a clear majority of forty-three''
joint ballot in the legislature.
A Republican Legislature. .
Paekebsbcbg, W. Va., Nov. 10.
White, secretary of the Republican etate
committee, eays: "The. West Virginia
legislature is Republican in both branch
es, the senate by ten, the house by
Fusionists Get Governor.
Omaha, Nov. 10. Chairman Schneider
of the Republican etate committee, con
cedes the'election of PoyhteirjJF'58'00"4
for governor by 1000. The balance of
the ticket reeulted in about the same"
proposition. The Republicans will have
a majority of four on joint ballot.
Views oi the Captain of the Steamer
Saginaw in Regard to the Re
; port of the Loss of the Vessel-
Boston, Nov, 10. If-the Spanuh-cruP-
ser Maria Teresa ia on Cat inland, Ba
hama?, there was iitile indication, of it
when Captain Garvin, of the steamer
Saginaw, passed thete on November 4,
three days after she was abandoned.
The Saginaw sailed from Port de Pals,
Hayti, on November 31, asd passed '
within thirty miles of Cat island the
next day. Captain Garvin said that
when off the island he encountered a
Beet of wreckers, or sponge fishermen,.
who are constantly on the lookout for
wrecks, especially after such a tale as
swept over the Bahams during the first
of the week. "
If the Toresa was REhore on the island
at that time, every one of those daring
fishermen would have flocked around
her within a few hours after she had
grounded, and . would not bave gone
hunting about the ocean with such av
prize so close at hand. .'
'" . The Greatest Offer Made Yet.
As a compliment to our many patrons,
and the public generally, for a short
time, we propose to give to every cus
tomer making Cash Purchases to the
amount of $20 a handsome three quarter,
life-siz?. Crayon or Water Color portrait
Free. To this end we have mnde a con-,
tract with one of the leading portrait
houses of America, tn furnish us with
their celebrated portraits. Remember
you are not required to buy a frame. We
are presenting yen the portrait as an
appreciation of your patronage. How
ever we shall carry a large line of frames
which wo will sell to portrait customers
at wholesale pries. . If yon can buy one
cheaper elsewhere, it is your privilege
to do so. . ;
Maieb & Ben-ton,
Hardware and Grocery Dealers.
.... BneklWt Aiisa '',
The best salve in the world for nuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevel .
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption, and posi
tively cui as piles, or no nay required,
It is guaranteed -to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, drupgiste. '