THE DAIiLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER. 9 1898. The Weekly fltfoniele. THK DALLE9. - BEGUN OFFICIAL PAPEB OF WASCO COUNTY. Published in two parU, on Wednesday and Saturday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, . BY KAIL, POSTAGE PEIPilD, IX ADVANCE. One year flM Six months W Three months v Advertising rates reasonable, and made known 0nj$ireMM commnnicstlons to"THF CHBON ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon.. Telephone No. 1. LOCAL BBETIT1ES. Saturday's Daily. Marriage license wag today granted to Oliver Bowers and Ida L. Ganger, both of The Dalles. The contract has been let by Seufert & Condon for the new telephone line between Dufur and Tygh. A slight blaze occured at the hooEe owned by Dr. Hollister, and adjoining bis residence, yesterday afternoon, the walk in the back yard catching fire from eparks from the laundry near by. The fire was extinguished by a small garden hose. Yesterday afternoon when Lulu, daughter of L. L. Hill, was playing in the echool yard of the old Academy building ibo stepped into a hole in the gronnd, which could not be noticed for the growth of grass, and falling broke ber left wriett The fall was slight, ;but seemed to be jast in the right way to t cause the accident. .Little Urover Bonn is starting in life in the right manner, and yesterday pre sented the young ladies of the Chronicle force with a basket of sweet water grapes, which were gathered from the vines at his home on the hill. If Grover con tinue in the course he now pursues by the time he is a young man be will be a favorite with the girls, and not only grapes, bnt ice cream and oyster fries will come in for their share of attention. Mr, Simpson, the telephone operator at Canyon City, informs ns that the first report that went abroad last week regarding the Indian trouble in Grant county, was erroneous to a great extent and that parties returning from the "seat of war" say that only one Indian was killed and another slightly wonnded. Geo. Cutting was the only white uan killed, and that no particular Indian scare was experienced by the -citizens around Izee. The affair has, however, stirred np bad blood between the settlers and the Indians, and more trouble may ensue. Heppner Times. This morning word reached here of the death of Charles Shanks yester day at Starbuck, Wash. His death was caused indirectly from typhoid fever. The body will be brought to this city, reaching here in the morning. It can not be positively said at what time the funeral will be held until the train ar rives and arrangements are made known. Mr. Shanks was about 45 yearB old and - formerly resided in The Dalles, being employed at the shops as boiler maker under John Albriffit. His friends can not say positively, but are of the opinion that be is a member of the Workmen and Foresters of America. . Among'lhe names of the boys in Ma nila to whom Christmas boxes have been forwarded by the. Emergency Corps of Portland for relatives and friends, ap pears that of Admiral Dewey. This box was sent by an old lady in Oregon who - failed to leave her same. . It contained large, red Oregon apples raised by the good old lady who picked each one and carefully packed them and brought them to town. She bad no boy of ber own there, and thinking -Admiral Dewey might be an orphan boy, or that bis friends might forget him, thereby caus ing him to spend a gloomy Christmas, she determined to send him the apples. If they will stand the trip, which is more than doubtful, it is safe to predict that the hero of Manila will have as good a time as any of the soldier boys ' when the boxes arrive, and we believe ' among all the presents Admiral Dewey receives be will not fail to appreciate the gift of the dear old lady. An exhibition of cool nerve was given laBt Thursday evening on 3-Miie which discounts many of which our cities can boast. Parties, who were more than sociably inclined, drove into the orchard of David Creighton and proceeded, to load themselves down with apples, not considering it necessary to wait for an . invitation to make themselves at borne. A neighbor and one of Mr. Creighton 's men who came upon the scene ventured to inquire as to their authority for such "proceedings, whereupon one of the men drew a revolver and politely asked him to step aside and let them pass. Not caring to argue the question, under the circumstances, they, were allowed to drive out, and no hint as to who they might be has since been obtained. However, Mr. Creighton being an honest, good-hearted man, and desirous of rec ognizing grit wherever he finds it, wish "! es to inform them that they left a basket behind, which they may have 'upon in--: -quiring at his farm on 3-Mile. " Monday's Dally. ' Mays & Crowe are now domiciled in their temporal y quarters on the corner of Second and Federal streets, ' Yesterday's Oregonian announces that the marriage of Miss Laura Knowles, of Portland and Mr. Frank Sommerville, of Hay Creek, will be celebrated on Thurs day, December 8th. . High bowling tcores at the Umatilla last week - were as follows : Monday, Nolan, S3; Tuesday, J. Flemming, 67, Wednesday, Maetz, 71 ;Thursday. Maelz, 71 ; Friday, Maetz, 70; Saturday, Maetz, 65; Sunday, S. Cathcart, 66. At a meeting of the members of the Christian church last evening their pas tor, Rev. Boltz, gave notice that it was bis intention to enter the evangelistic field at the close of this year's work, as that has always been the . work most preferable to him. Yeaterdav morning the body of Charles Shanks was brought to this city and taken to the Crandall & Burget undertaking parlors. At 1 :30 the funeral procession left for the cemetery, followed by members of the orders of Workmen and Foresters. The services were con- ductel at the grave by Rev. J. H. Wood A gypsy outfit was in the city yester day and left on the boat this morning. They must have belonged to the gypsy "400" from their outfit, one wagon-cf which they claim was . worth $550 Whether a gypsy's character may be known by the coat he wears we know not ; but as far as we have learned they were very peaceable. The Sarah Dixon was delayed some what yesterday on account of the heavy wind, which is always more noticable on the river. However, she arrived at the wharf last evening about 7:30 o'clock with the Dalles City and Regulator hulls. Work was commenced on the Regulator 1 his morning and it is ex pected the house can be placed on her new bull in about ten days. Residents awoke this morning to le greeted by a "cold frost," the coldest of the season, the thermometer being down to 29 degrees. At about 10 o'clock a few stray snow flakes were seen flitting in the air, reminding us that winter is at hand, while the Klickitat hills looked as if they were preparing to don their win ter garb, for tbey are usually the leaders in the winter styles. Yesterday afternoon at 1:39 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents about five miles west of The Dalles, Oliver Bowers and Ida L. Ganger were united in marriage by Elder Wm. Michel!. About twenty-five of the relatives of the young people were present, and after congratulations bad been extended to them, a wedding dinner was served and the occasion proved a joyous one for all. In spite of the many privations and homesickness which our soldiers seem to be passing through, they have not forgotten their Dalles friends and many socvenirs have been received here. In the window of Van Norden's jewelry store a collection is displayed which was received Saturday by Miss Bertie Glenn, and Mr. Garretson's window also con tains many interesting souvenirs which Fred Grunow brought with him from historical places which he visited. For the past week the friends of Mrs. Joseph Erhart, who was taken to the hospital in Portland about a month ago to be treated ior stomach trouble, have been hearing of the hopelessness of her case, and feared the worse, as ber disease was pronounced cancer of the stomach. ! This morning a message was received telling of her death at that place last night and that ber remains would Le brought home this evening. Her hus band and daughter, Miss Edna, were at her bedside and will accompany the re mains. Mrs. Erhart has always been considered a very . healthy woman till within the past few months, and her friends can scarcely realize she is to be brought home a corpse. Deep sympathy is expressed for the husband and i daughter, the latter seeming, to so fully rely upon her mother not only as a daughter always does, . but for a close companionship, having no sisters nor brothers. - Tuesday's Daily. . Courtland Green, whose trial for the murder of John Linn has been going on in Eugene, was sentenced yesterday to life imprisonment, he having confessed to complicity in the crime. ' Last night Jackson Engine Company had a fire drill. Quite a number of members were present, and it is intend ed to occasionally have euch drills, for the purpose of keeping in practice. Prof. Ryan informs ns that the Wilder Quintette Club, who are musicians of a high order and well known In Portland, will be in this city on Thursday, No vember 17th, and give a concert in the Baldwin. This will be 'good news to the music-loving public. ' - The froet is now on the "punkin," and the flowers bb well, compelling all who wish to keep their, plants alive to cover them. The chrysanthemums are just now beginning to be the most beauti ful and it seems cruel for the boary froBt to nip them so mercilessly. Mr. Einerely has solved a problem of great moment to the ladies of The Dalles, and from now' on they may finish their shopping without being com pelled to go borne and. find out whether their hats are on straight, . In one of his show windows he has arranged mir rors galore of all descriptions. Whether this is to attract the ladies has not been determined, but the aforesaid gentleman no doubt ha9 on eye to business. Last night after the regular practice of the mandolin and guitar club at Frater nity hall about thirty young people joined them and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The? music furnished by the club proved to be excellent, as the time was peifect and the selections good. Those who were present hope this will not be their last invitation to spend a few houis so pleasantly. - Another serious accident occurred this afternoon when Hon. Robert Mays, who was assisting the workmen to remove some heavy stones which are being used in his new building, from the wacon, mashed his left hand very badly. The stone fell on his band cutting a deep gash in the center of it, and it is feared it will be rendered useless. This acci dent is doubly unfortunate as Mr. Mays loet the use of his right hand about two years ago from rheumatism. - The funeral service of Philip Brogan, which took place this morning at 9 o'clock in the Catholic church, was one of the largest ever held in The Dalles, and the long procession which followed the re mains to the cemetery evidenced the re gard felt for the deceased, who met such an untimely death. The order of Catho lic Knights preceeded the bier, which was carried by Messrs. M. T. Nolan, K McLellan, F. McRae, A. Bettingen, J, Malone and Henry Meier. Father Bronsgeest conducted the service, which was extremely affecting, the eorrow of the children of the deceased over the loss of their only parent making the scene doubly sad. This morning Messrs. Ed.Gleason and Tom Condon arrived in the city from Antelope with Joe Aubin, nicknamed "Slim," and Raymond Chavies, who are held as accessories to the murder of Philip Brogan. The last heard of For ester, the murderer, he was at Trout creek, fourteen miles-from Antelope, and it was expected he would be cap tured last night. Leaving Antelope directly after committing the deed, he went to Eagle valley and from there to Trout creek. As there was not auffi cent men at the place to attempt to take him, word was sent to Antelope and a force of men were dispatched im mediately to capture him. The Prineville Review Bays concerning the large traction engine which was in The Dalles some months ago on its way to Silver Lake: "Last week we said that the people of Silver Lake might hear the whistle of Christman's engine next 4th of July, but we were mistaken. He has come to grief or rather the engine has. After being laid up at Haystack for sev eral weeks undergoing repairs, another start was made. When near what is called Mud Springs, the engine blew up and we understood it is a total wreck. No one was hurt. The engine will be abandoned and another trial made next spring. We'll extend the time a little and eay be may arrive at his destination some lime next fall." . The chapter of accidents and fatalities still continues, and we are compelled to chronicle one after another of these sad news items. About noon today Mr. C. G. Whitmore, who lives on the right fork of Mill creek, arrived in town bear ing the news of the death of hie father-in-law, James Hartman. He bad been engaged in work on the road and laet night after eating a hearty supper re tired. Being called this morning no response was heard and upon going into bis room he was found dead in bed. Heart disease is said to be the cause. . It was thought best that an inquest be held and Coroner Butts went out for that purpose this afternoon. Mr. Hart- man, who was 60 years old, was an old soldier, and made his home with his son-in-law. The funeral will be held at their residence on Mill creek on Friday. A "to" right. The noble red man is making himself known in these parts of late, and Friday night distinguished himself by getting into a drnnken fight. A number of Watm Springs Indians were in the city yesterday, and many of ttem left last evening. This morning about 2 o'clock the nightwatebman was la- formed that an Indian had been found in the feed yard in the East End of town who was very badly injured and needing assistance. He immediately went op and found Joe Kulup, of Warm Springs, in an unconscious, condition with a dreadful gash in his bead, which looked as if it might have been made, with a pick. He was nnable to talk to Dr. Hollister, who attended him, but from all that can be found out, the si- washes had been quarreling, with the above result. This morning an Indian was arrested and has spent the day in jail. However, Marshal Lauer feels pretty sure be is not the guilty man, and it is thought some of those who left last night are responsible for the deed. The injured man will probably not survive, bis skull being badly fractured. This Is Tour Opportunity. . On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, cronarnnn EAirmla will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (JSiy a cream xsaim snmoieui v uemwu etrate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BKOTttJSBS, 66 Warren St, New York City. .Ti- rtf (irml Tolls. Mont.. recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. r I can emphasize his. statement, "It is a poai- tive cure ior catarrn u useu as uiroowsu. Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. TT Onrn Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury sor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. STABBED TO DEATH PHILIP BROSAN MURDERED AT ANTELOPE SATURDAY. Frank Forester, tils Camp Packer, Commits the Dreadrnl Deed and Esoapes Officers Sent In N ' Pursuit of the FagitlTe From J as t Ice. This seems to be a season of accidents and fatalities and The Dalles has not for years been so afflicted in the loss of citizens as during the pa6t year or more. Yesterday morning ' residents were shocked to lenrn of the muider of one of its highly respected and prominent men, Philip Brogan, at Antelope. ; A telephone message received from Grass Valley first conveyed the news to friends here, and it was not many minutes un til the subject was uppermost in the conversation of all. Many conflicting reports may be heard in regard to the manner in which the dreadful affair took place, but as nearly as can be determined the facta are as follows: A man by the name of Frank Forester who has been working for Mr. Brogan for some time as camp packer owed Brogan (100, 'which be was to work out, and there was some misunder standing as to its settlement. Friday Brogan was thrown from his horso and hurt very badly, so that when Forester wished a settlement Saturday bis em ployer asked that it be lett nntil Sunday, when he would be feeling better, and it was so decided. During the day Forester and two com panions, a fellow known as Slim and a Mexican followed Mr. Brogan from place to place, and seemed desirous of picking a quarrel, and. at one time For ester and a Mr. Gumm had some hot words. Saturday night Mr. Brogan was in Silvertooth'a saloon in Antelope, when Slim, the Mexican and Forester entered. As they stepped to the bar, Brogan was invited to take a drink, but he refused, saying be did not feel well. In a short time a man named Frank Gumm and Forester began quarreling, when' the former knocked the latter'down. "Slim" then took-a hand and pulled Gomm off of Forester.' McRae, who was in the sa loon at the same time, In turn separated Slim" and Gumm. At this juncture Brogan, who had previously stayed in the back part of the room, walked to the front, and ''Slim" thinking he meant to leave, picked up a chair and was about to knock him down, when McRae in terfered. Forester then made a dash at Brogan with a knife stabbing him in the heart. He lived but about two minutes after. The murderer then dashed out of the saloon and escaped. Sheriff Brown at once sent a posse in pursuit, but no word has been received as to the result of their search. "Phil" Brogan is a man of about 56 years,' and was perhaps as widely known as any man in the county, having been in the sheep business near Antelope for years. That he should have met such a violent death is greatly to be regretted. About eight years ago he moved to this city, built a home on Third street where his family now resides. A short time previous to that bis wife died and was brought here for burial, so that the six children, five daughters and one son, are now left motherless and fatherless. Reports as to Foresters' character are conflicting, some saying he was not of a quarrelsome disposition, but that his deed must have been caused from a biain fired by liquor. Others say be was always hot-headed and ready for a fight, having the reputation of being de cidedly "tough.". -' This morning Brogan's remains were brought to this city, accompanied by a number ef friends of the deceased. - The funeral will take place from the Catholic church tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Later Reports received here late this afternoon are to the effect that two per sons have been arrested as suspects. Rewards have been offered, - and the sheriff is now contemplating sending out a posse from here in pursuit of the flee ing fugitive from justice. MANILA AS SHE IS.' Soldier Boys Don't Like It Bow They Were Treated. . A number of letters were received in the city this morning from- our boys at Manila, and their contents were eagerly devoured by their relatives and friends. One teceived by H. D. Parkins from A. E. Trask is yery interesting and gives a good idea of the life of the boys there. He eays they are anxions to get home, but nothing definite as to when they can return can be determined, tome say before Christmas;, others" not for two years, lie is not enthusiastic over Manila. Says it is too warm and the water very poor. When - the troops reached there it was the dirtiest ' place imaginable, but the Americans com pelled the residents to clean up the city. The people, be says, are no good, and, worse, are full of diseases of all descrip tion, leprosy included. Beside, tbey are about ' two hundred years behind the times, the only things modern being electric lights and telephones, and those are the first invented. There is not so much sick aess among the troops there as the boys bad in Cuba, only one man being lost out. of Uompany L Will "Field. Fred Kennedy and Jim Elton were in the hospital when ne wrote on Oct. 3d, but wero not dan gerously ill. Many of the boys are "dumpy," but able lo drill. Referring to their trip over on the Australia, he says: "We were treated like dogs. I have often fed bogs better than we were fed. The supplies put on board for ns we never saw . unless we paid for them. Yes, we did see them, but they were on the table in the cabin. The donation of tobacco made by the Durham company we also paid for, and after my money was gone I went with out a smoke. Beside, we went to bed many a night hungry." Letters published in the Oregonian re cently verify these statements, and make the blood of every citizen boil as he thinks of the manner in which our boys have been treated. Many of them, in deed most of them, were from homes of luxury, and their bravery and patriot ism in leaving all for their country is thus rewarded. The question arises, why should it follow that because a man is a private in an army, no matter what his pieviouB record may be, be is to be placed on a level with the lower animals and be lorded over by men with whom, in the every day walks of liie, perhaps, be would not deign to associate? The Lara; ette Entertainment. The interest taken in anything given by our public schools was shown Satur day night when the Vogt opera house was crowded with an audience eager to hear the Lafayette entertainment. We will defy any city in Oregon to excel The Dalles in the standard of school programs rendered. Whether we have unasual talent or whether the interest and energy manifested by our proficient teachers, assisted by parents who en courage the children, is accountable for the successes acheived, we know not; but certain It is that they can't be beat. Saturday evening was not an exception to the rule, and choruses, solos, essays, tableaux and recitations showed that talent and training wer both predomi nant. To mention any particular numbers would not be justice to the rest, but we cannot refrain from noticing the two tibleanx, "France Consoling the God dess" and "Unveiling the Lafayette Monument." In the former Miss Anna Haslam represented the Goddess, of Lib- a.-ty and Carrie Zeigler.France. In the lat ter George Ruch, mounted on a pedes tal, represenedt the statue of Lafayette, which Clarence Gilbert unveiled, and the little children dropping their tribute of flowers, made a beautiful scene as the red light was thrown on it. The chorus "Marseilles Hymn" and"Battle Hymn of the Republic," which were sung by sev eral children dressed in costume, was particularly pleasing, the march being executed perfectly and the singing good. But we must refrain, for each number is deserving of mention, but space for bids. ' " The receipts of the evening, which will De forwarded to the Lafayette fund, were over $50. Every Thursday the Tear Bound. In more than half a million homes The Youth's Companion comes every week, the welcome guest of young and old read with equal interest by every member of the household. Tbe best of fiction, poetry, sketches of travel, in structive articles, comment on current events and selected miscellany and anecdotes fill its columns from week to week and from year to year. The pub lishers promise that the volume for 1899 will surpass all former ones, in variety, interest and value. Among the two hundred distinguished contributors al ready engaged are Hon. John D. Long, Secretary of the navy, Edward Everett Hale, Henry M. Stanley, Sarah Orne Jewett, W. D. Howells, Poullney Bige low, Herbert E. Hamblen, Hon. Carl Schurz, Rt. Hon. James- Bryce, John Burroughs, Robert Barr, Thomas Nelson Page, Bret Harte. William Black, Al fred Austin, Andrew Lang and Dr. Will iam A. Hammond. All subscribers to the ,1899 volume will receive The Com panion's new calendar, exquisitely colored, with a border of stamped gold. Tbe paper will be given free also, from the time subscription is received until January 1, 1899, then a full year to Jan uary 1, 1900. A handsome illustrated announcement and sample copies will be sent free to any one addressing The Youth's Companion, 211 Columbus Ave., .. Boston, Mass. Il'l Snfflin Kature. This readiness to accept tbe wonderful and miraculous in preference to com monplace truth.. A plausible end glib tongued doctor can go from town to town' curing, or trying to cure, people, and have a great influx of ehekels, while every community in which tbe so-called doctor goes is supplied . with quiet, learned practitionors, who have forgotten more than the fakir ever learned, and tbey can give yon tbe best treatment within the reach of human knowledge. While your home doctors carry you from year to year, get up at all times of the night and are your servants during the dpy, and you pay them when you are well or able.-the fakir gets the cash, and is gone forever. ' If your eyes are troub ling you in any way, call on Prof. P. G. Daut, the only graduated optician or doc-tor of refraction in The ' Dalles, two doors west of Keller's bakery. " I am here to stay, and guarantee all eye work. . Peof. P. G. Daut. INSTITUTE EXERCISES Dedication of New School Building Barrett's District, No, 4. The institute opened with a chorus "Greeting Glee." Miss Grace Grahamt read an interesting paper upon Reading-. She mentioned a number of good meth ods and devices to be employed in teach ing reading. A general discus sion fol lowed, developing the fact that mora supplementary reading along tbe line ol Biography, History, Geography and Travel should be supplied, county Supee intendentGilbert's making a great stride, in this direction. Miss'Kate Davenport read A paper on Writing, showing that if the best of re suite are expeced pupils must be sap plied with the best of material for prac tice work. A discussion followed and Superintendent Gilbert called attention. to the fact that it is a great deal cheaper to buy this material in bulk and furnish it to the children, than to allow them, each to buy their own. Principal J. T. Neff gave an interest ing talk upon the methods of teaching; . decimals Mrs. R. R. Allard recited a pathetic poem entitled "Oa Guard." It called up imaginary scenes in Manila. The meeting adjourned at 12 o'clock for lunch, which was served in the old -school building, the ladies of the dis trict having brought forth a generous supply of the good things that make man contented. The teachers displayed wonderful aptitude along this line. The dedication exercises took place in. the afternoon. A vocal chorus "Our Nation" was first on the program. In vocation by Rev. J. W. Jenkins followed and then a five minutes talk by Super intendent Gilbert upon what Wasco county is doing along the line of build ing up schools. He said that (35.000 and over were spent, during the school year of '97 and '98. Dr. P. G. Barrett then gave a thorough review of the history and organization, of the district, telling what a struggle they had in 1877 to raise the necessary funds with which to build the old school house, which has been used ever since. The people of District No. 4 now point with pride, and justly so, too, to a two-roomed school building, well heated. well lighted, and well ventilated. It ia supplied with the best of furniture and located in a pretty spot.. It is tbe effort and result of an intelligent neighbor hood. The audience waB then favored with, another song by the school entitled "The Flag Above our House." The next scene was a presentation of a fine new flag by R. R. Imbler, who represented the pupils of the district. The presentation was neatly and elo quently made. The acceptance by C. G. Cunning was a patriotic review of several flag pre sentations occurring on or near some of tbe battle fields of the Civil war. Mr. Cunning was asked to yublish his speech, by vote of the meeting. ". " " America was then sung by tbe entire audience, which then passed out and witnessed the raising and saluting of the new flag. The next educational meeting is to be held at Frankton school bouse two miles west of Hoo 1 River, on Saturday,, November 19th. Teachers present : Superintendent C. L. Gilbert, J. T. Neff, Miss Erma Ben eon, Miss Nettie Hart, Miss Mella White, Miss Grace Graham, Miss Eliza Stevens, Miss Anna Smith, Miss Kate Daven port, Misa Hester Howe, Miss Nettie Kemp, Mrs. R. -R. Allard, Mr. R. R. Allard, H. Howe, Mr. Edgar Stevens, Mr. Troy Shelly. . MRS. ERHART'S DEATH. Fnneral Will Take Place at the M. K. Church Tomorrow Afternoon. The body of Mrs. Joseph Erhart was. brought to the city on last evening's train, accompanied by ber husband and daughter, Miss Edna. They were met at the depot by members of tbe Eastern Star, of which order Miss Erhart is a member. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at the M. E. church at 2 o'clock, and. will be conducted by Rev. J. H. Wood, in the absence of the pastor of the First Baptist church, of which deceased was a member. - Mrs. Alieo Erhart, whose maiden name was Laycoek, was born in Placer county, California, and was 44 years of age. She has resided in The Dalles for . the past sixteen years, and has always been esteemed for ber sweet disposition and generous nature. Daring her illness, which developed into heart trouble, Bhe ' suffered much, but uncomplainingly, en deavoring to meet her fate with resigna tion. ' She leaves, beside her husband, a daughter, Edna, son, Arthur, and three sisters and two brothers, her father and mother being dead. All ' her brothers and sisters reside in California except Wm. Laycoek, who lives in Portland, and will be present at the funeral. ( Ladles, No More Darning. Tbe Magic Hand Loom made of pol ished rolled steel. Latest invention for mending clothing; underwear, table linens or heels and toes in hosiery. A. child can work it. Perfect weave. Sent postpaid for 25c. Great Western Ad vertising and Novelty Co., 1155 Wash ingten St., Oakland, Cal. ' el2 l:n