The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 09, 1898, PART 1, Image 1

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ri i n ii ii
Negotiations Have Not Been
Broken Off. -
Points Involved, However, Were Out
side of the American Propositions
Americans Will Patiently Weigh
Points Involved and Consider the
Arguments of Spaniards.
Paris, Nov. 4 The joint session of
the peace commissioners today lasted
. two hoars. The Spaniards refused the
proposals made by the Americana on
Monday lastbut negotiolions were not
broken off. While it is believed no for
mal counter proposition was made, there
was a brief discussion of the Philippine
question outside the lines of the Ameri
can propositions.
The commissioners then adjourned un
til Tuesday next. " -
The statement is printed here today
with much prominence that the Ameri
cans will insist upon the immediate and
complete surrender of Spain's sovereign-
ty over the Philippines, and in the event
of the Spanish commissioners refusing
to agree to thle, Judge Day, acting under
instructions from Washington, will pre
sent an ultimatum to the Spaniards. It
is further alleged that this seeming
baste is due to a desire to settle the ne
gotiation before the elections in the
United States take place.
No ultimatum is contemplated, and
there Is no probability of drastic meas
ures being taken by Americans. The
' two comrnisoiona are now considering
an open question, and the Americans
expect to patiently weigh the points in
volved and to carefully consider the ar
guments of the Spaniards.
Gaulois today says it has' been in
formed on absolutely reliable authority
that Spain will refuse to discuss tho un
conditional surrender of the Philippines.
The Fondo says, ' "The claims of the
United States on the Philippines are
locked upon with disfavor at St. Peters
burg. The powers might, in case of the
Americans proving too obetinate on this
point, be provoked to protest." '
Evenment eays, " 'Your money or
your life' is the attitude taken by the
Americans in relation to Spain.''
- Washington, Nov. 4. Up to 1 o'clock
nothing has been received from the
peace commission at Paris, and,' con
sequently, the cabinet adjourned.. If a
cablegram is received during the after
noon or evening, another meeting may
be called.
Porto Ricans Have Xot Been Fairly
. Treated Since the American Occu
pation, and Naturally are Resent
ful Military Government of the
Island Thus Far Has-Been Far
From Satisfactory. .
New York,' Nov. 4. General Eoy
Stone, who has just returned from Porto
Rico, says: ". - . -
The people of Porto Rico are not at
all satisfied with American rule. There
' is a growing difference between the na
tives and the militia which is greatly to
be regretted. When the army of occu
pation first invaded the island, the na
tives received the Americans cordially,
and they wished to be treated as people
of this country and not as a conquered
" province. ' The treatment they have re-
- ceived at our hands has been just the
opposite. This has produced a chilly
feeling between them. . -
"What the Porto Ricana want is to be
taken in as part of . the United States.
" They do not expect to enter the Union
as a state, but as a people in training to
be advanced to statehood. -. In addition
to this they want free' trade with the
United States, and there is no reason
that I can see why they should not have
it. At present they are forced to pay
duty on all .imported goods, Spanish
goods included, which weie free before
the invasion.
. "Our military government of the iel
and has been far from satisfactory. We
have destroyed the Spanish military
rule and have not replaced it with Amer
ican forces, thus destroying their safe
guards to life and property. As a result
of this from 150 to 200 of the finest plan
tations have .been destroyed by fire,
Just who is responsible for this I cannot
"The infantry there la of very little
use in policing the island. In addition
there should ba a civil guard, composed
of Porto Ricau privates and American
Found Guilty of Murder in the First
Degree at Albany Jury Was Out
All Sight.
Albasy Nov. 3. The jury in the Mfr
Grath murder case, at 6:30 o'clock this
morning, after being out all night, re
turned a verdict of guilty of murder in
the first degree. The prisoner exhibited
no surprise. He stood without flinch
ing while the verdict was read. - He is
about 65, and his hair is almost white.
He has lived in the vicinity of Harris'
ourg for twenty-five years or more. The
evidence showed' conclusively that his
excitable, jealous disposition led to his
undoing. His wife, and bis two sons,
who are almost the age of the murdered
boy, were witnesses, and told a straight
forward story of the crime. The evidence
of tho state's witnesses showed beyond
a doubt that McGratb, having armed
himself with a revolver, deliberately
went into a hayfield where young Tor
ner was at work, abused him, and, as
be retreated, 'shot him down. 'Every
line of defense failed, and the verdict
was expected.
French Government Has Decided Not
to Retain the Marchand Mission
at Fashoda
Pabis, ov. 4. A semi-official note
issued this evening says the government
has resolved not to retain the Mar
chand mission at Fashoda, adding that
this decision was arrived at by the cabi
net, after an exhaustive examination of
the questicn. . -
London, Nov. 4. The most Tehable
information from Paris -. confirms
the" earlier reports . that ' M.
frupuy, the premier.bas decided to wash
bis hands of Fashoda and to recall Maj.
Marchand, for whose mission he is not
responsible. '
The decision is, to some extent, doe to
a desire to allow nothing to . interfere
with the success of the exposition of
1900. Today will be important in the
history of the crisis. " j .:
It is expected that Baron de Courcel,
the French ambassador, will impart the
decision to Lord Salisbury, who ' will
speak this evening at the banquet to be
given the sirdir, General Lord Herbert
Eitchner. ' ' J; "
To Stop .Growth of Crime. . -
Spokane, Nov. 3. A special meeting
of the mayor, commissioners and chief
of police was held today, to take action
regarding the" growth of crime. The
city has become " infested with burglars
and highwaymen and holdups and rob
beries have become of nightly occurence.
As a result of the meeting the mayor
issued a proclamation offering a reward
of (500 for the arrest and conviction of
any of the men who have been engaged
in the recent holdups. It . was also de
cided to swear in as special policemen
any reputable citizens who may desire
to carry arma for their - own protection."
Tacoma Girl Burned to Death.
'. Tacoma, Nov. & Myrtle Mills", daught
er of Sheriff Mills, of Pierce county, who
was badly burned Thursday,', her drees
catching fire from, an open grate, died
this morning. She was a recent graduate
of the high . school. Her school friends
will act as pall bearers at (be funeral to
morrow." ' - ; '
Everybody reads Tna Cbboniclk.
Spain Will Not Sell the Phil
ippine Islands. .
Accuses the United States of Acting in
, Bad Faith and Says " the Action
Taken in Regard to the Philip-
pines Was Not Sanctioned by the
Protocol.. .
Pabis, Nov. 4. The Spanish corn mis
sioners, in the course ot a two hours
session of the peace commission today,
flatly refused to accept Monday's prop
osition by the Americans to take the en
tire group of the Philippines and to re
imburse Spain for her "pacific" expen
ditures there. . "'
This negative.' action was expected,
The Spanish commissioners had also a
number of positive declarations which
filled some thirty-seven typewritten
sheets. In this statement the Spaniards
claim' that the United States enter
tained no thought of annexing the Phil
ippineaatthe time the protocol was
signed, or it would have been expressed
in the protocol as clearly as the condi
tions regarding the cession of territory
inbe Antilles and the Orient. M. Cam
bon, before the signature of the protocol,
received from Madrid, the presentment
alleged, a cable message, clearly setting
forth that the maintenance of Spain's
authority over -the Philippines should
not be effected by the protocol, to which
reservation the United States at that
time made no protest or objection. Tbia
dispatch toM. Cambon, as the Spaniards
claimed today, embodied also the view
that the United States had no valid ba
sia for any claims in the archipelago
whatever. ' - ; '-'
It was further held today by Senor
Rioa and his colleagues that the capitu-
ation of Manila, having occurred after
the signing' of the protocol, - and thus
after the suspension of hostilities, was
invalid. - ' . .. . '
With all this for a groundwork, the
Spaniards make their first positive move
against the Americans,' and it consti
tuted their counter proposition. They
charged upon theUnited States a wrong
ful appropriation of pnblic money be
longing to Spain by seizing the tariff
duties at Manila, and they formally de
manded the return of these moneys in
the sum of. nearly one million of dol
lars. '
On these same premises the United
States was alleged to have made and
held aa prisoners the Spanish troops at
Manila, in - violation "of international
law, because done after the suspension
of hostilities under the protocol.
A further charge was that by the im
prisonment of the Spanish troops at
Manila the United States had prevented
Spain from quelling the insurrection,
and bad thus contributed to the violence
against Spain after the cessation of hos
tilities. .- . . ' " .
Today's Spanish presentment also
cited the refusal of the Americana to
consider the Cuban debt on the ground
that it was not sanctioned in the proto
col, and demanded an adherence to this,
aa a precedence to the discussion of the
Philippines, regarding a cession of
which the Spanish' commissioners held
that the protocol made no mention. .
The statement is printed here today
with much prominence that the Ameri
cans will insist upon the immediate and
complete surrender of Spain's sovereign
ty over the Philippines, and in the event
lithe Spanish commissioners refusing to
tgree to this, Judge Day, acting under
nstructions trom Washington, will pre-
sentau ultimatum to the Spaniards.' 'It
is further alleged that this seeming haste
is due to a desire to settle the negotia
tions before the elections in the United
States take place.
Strain Opened Leaks Which Could Sot
Be Stopped Ship Now. Lies Three
Miles Deep Heroic Conduct of the
Officers and Men. . - -
Cuablkston, S. C, Noy, 5. The tug
Merritt put intoCharleston this morning,
and reported the loss of the cruiser Maria
Teresa off San Salvador, the Bahama?
November 3d, in the midst of a furious
a torni.
. The cruiser left Caimanera, Cuba, on
the morning of October 30 in tow for
New York. She had already passed Cape
Maysi and started northeast around the
Bahamas. A furious storm overtook
her, and in her condition she was unable
to weather the gale. The strain opened
rents in the hull which had been patched
to enable her to make the journey, and
the began to fill rapidly. The Merritt
took off Lieutenant-Commander Harris
and crew from the sinking ship and she
oon went down. The Merritt brought
the officers and men here. No Uvea were
lost. " - ' -.'
J his afternoon the surviverg came
ashore. They lost all their clothing and
petsonal effects. ". ..
' The Teresa sank thirty miles off Wal
ling island at midnight Tuesday. She
met tho storm Tuesday moraine and be
gan to strain. Parts of the hull thought
to be safe became weakened, rivets broke
and water made rapidly in the bold,
The boilers began to give way and finally
the water extinguished the fires in the
engine room. . The pumps would not
work. The whole vessel showed signs
of collapse and the men stood stripped
awaiting orders to quit the ship.. The
Vulcan was towing the Teresa while the
Merritt rescued 114 of the crew, made
up of volunteers from the Cincinnati
Newark and Vulcan. Ropes were cut
and she then rapidly filled.
The Merritt then headed for Charles
ton with the rescued.'. The crew left this
afternoon for Norfolk. :
It is the opinion of the navy depart
ment that the govent " be'
side the value of the ship herself, only
the amount of the per diem of $800 per
day in the sinking of the vessel, because
the contract appears to have required
the delivery by the wrecking company
of the vessels at the navy yard at Nor
folk. .
. As near as they could .calculate,, the
vessel ' lies in about 2600 fathoms of
water, or nearly three miles deep. The
location is 24 degrees north latitude, by
74:30 west longitude, about 235 miles
distant from Nassua, and 310 miles from
Caimanera, the port from which she
started' a little over two daya before.
ColIapse,ef a Theater Buildirg ic De
troit in Which Fifteen Women
Were Killed. -
Detroit, Mich., Hov. 5. lhe new
five-story Wonderland theatre building
is tonight in a hopeless case cf collapse,
and fifteen or more lives have been sac
rificed by an appaling accident which
occurred there this afternoon .
Shortly before 2 o'clock, while some
thirty-five men were at work in various
parts of the half-flniebed theatre por
tion of the structure, the roof fell in
without a second warning.' Ne arly every
workman was carried down into the
theatre pit. The top gallery wae crashed
down upon the lower galleiy, forming a
sort of fatal hilieide, down which slid
broken steel girder?,, planks, timbers,
brick and 'a great quantity of cement
from the roof, r and carrying along a
struggling company of men into the pit
below, very few of" whonc. escaped in
jury.-- The front wall of the building re
mained practically intact but the east
side . wall bulged out' and . buckled
threateningly;". -; . '
Notwithstanding - tha latter . danger,
the work of rescuing the injured and
taking out the dead . was rushed, and
good progress made until ' -IS, when the
upper poi tic n ttf east wall felt. For
tunately noneo these to were struck
by the secord downfall was seriously in
jured, although several were precipated
into the basement. -'
Are You Interested?
The O. K. -fc M. Co'a Heir Book
On the Resources of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our
readers are requested to '. forward the
addressee of their Eastern friends and
acquaintances, and a copy of the work
will be sent them free.' This is a mat
ter' all should be' interested in, and we
would ask that . everyone take an in
terest and forward such addresses to W.
H. Hcelbuet, General Passenger Agent,
O.Tt. & N. Co., Portland.
DeWitf Witch Hazel Salve
' Care Piles, Scalds. Burns.
illli AT THE CAP-
Gas Explosion Wrecks Su
preme Court Koom.
Fire Followed the Explosion, Causing
Great Damage So Persons Were
Injured The . Library Was Al
. most Ruined by Fire, Smoke and
Washixgtos, Nov. 7. An explosion
and fire at 5 :13 this evening wrecked the
supreme court room and the room im-
mediately adjoining it on the main floor
of the capitol. The damage is enormous
The entire central-eastern part of the
great marble pile, from the main floor
to the subterranean basement, practical
ly is a mass of ruins. The force of the
explosion was so heavy that the coping
stone on the outer walls, just east of the
point where the explosion occurred,
were bulged out nearly two inches, and
locked doors were forced from their
hinges quite 150 feet from the scene of
it. - Fire followed the explosion so
quickly as to seem simultaneous with it
The explosion shook the immense
structure to its foundation, and wae
heard several squares from the capitol
It occurred in a small room tightly en
closed by heavy stone walls in ' the sub
terranean basement, immediately below
the main entrance- to the old - capitol
building. In this room was a 500-light
gaa meter, which was fed by a four-inch
main. - Very little gas is used in that
part of the building, but at the time of
the explosion the gaa was turned off at
the meter. The meter itself was wrecked
and the gaa pouring from the main
caught fire. The . flames originating
from the explosion darted up the eleva
tor ehaft, which had been completely
destroyed by the force of the explosion,
and communicated with the record room
of the supreme court room, the office of
the marshal of the court and the su
preme court library. -
Before the flames could be subdued
the priceless documents of the record-
room had been almoet totally destroyed,
and serious . damage had been done in
the marshal's room and some minor of
fices in the same vicinity. '-: '
The Itbrary of the supreme court con
tained about 20,000 volumes and was
nsed not only by the supreme court
jurists but by members of congress and
lawyers practicing before the supreme
cjurt. . . .
While many theories are offered as to
the cause of the explosion, it seems be
yond douot to have been due to escap
ing gas. At 7 minutes , after 5, Lieut.
Nelson, of the capitol police, detected an
ordor of gaa from the corridor adjoining
the supreme court room. While he was
endeavoring to locate the escape of the
gas the explosion occurred. - -
Several members of the capitol police
had narrow escapes, but no one was in
jured. ... 'r - -' -
Serious Accident in the Eugene Opera
' House The People Were Panic
Stricken. V -
Ecgene, Noy. 4. Tonight at about 10
o'clock, while the people were listening
to the performance at the opera housa,
the room being packed, a eection of one
of the upper floors, on which were about
thirty people, fell, without warning. The
lower floor waa also crowded. . The sec
tion of the fljor that fell was about eight
feet wide and twelve feet long. It was
built out from the,wall. ,The wall sup
ports gave way and the floor swung
back precipitating the people to the
floor below. Those underneath were
caneht under the timbers, but . miracu-
1 lously few of them were injured. A reg-
Royal makes the food pare,
. wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
ular panic followed the collapse, but the
bouse was emptied without further in
cidents, though another floor creaked
and came near going down during the
One man had his collar bone broken
and a boy about 15 years of age was se
verely injured in the back.
Was First Sandbagged and Then
Dragged .Across the Street Into an
Old Orchard, Where He Was
Strangled to Death! .
Pobtlasd, Nov. 7. A rope which it
ia believed waa used to choke to death
Antonio Sencko, the bootblack who was
murdered here last Friday night, has
been found. .
Earl Nickelson and Henry Stout,
boys, picked up the rope near the curb
stone where the body.was. dragged, into..
the orchard. They gave It to John Lin
den, of Eiet Twentieth an i Pacific
streets, and Mr. Linden said he found
long black hair on the rope, which he-?r
had wrapped around a match, but un- "
fortunate! v had lost it.
Everything goes to show. that the boy
was first sandbagged on the. eidewalk. - -
and then dragged across the street into
the orchard. - The nameless, revolting
crime, which the doctors say preceeded
the killing supplies in part the motive
for the murder.
The man must have stood behind a
telegraph pole and struck him as be ap-
proached. as tho bruise of the sandbag
ia on the forward part of the Bead. This -ocenred
within one hundred yards of the '
house. After the body waa dragged
across the street and laid in the orchard
the man must have fastened the twine
about his neck and tied his hands. This
was done so the boy could not Fcream or
move in case he regained consciousness. .
lie probably did regain consciousness.
By this time the man's savago passions
were excited to such an extent that he
pulled the twine with euch force aa to
strangle the victim. It may be that he
did not intend to kill the boy.
As the eviuonce is sifted down there
seems to have been an - ulterior motive. '
It is reported that some person made an ':"
advance to Antonio's 17-year-old sister,
Mary, and that Antonio acted as her : -protector,
and waa in the habit of seeing '
her home each evening, bhe was very : ,
anxious for him to be on hand the fate
ful evening of the crime.
' Suspicion rests on one of two men. .
The individual most concerned is an -Italian.
He told a small bootblack
Friday evening that Antonio had been
taken to the city j.iil by a policeman.
A person answering to his description .
was seen near the orchard that evening.
Saturday this man left for The Dalles,
saying that he; had work cn the new
railroad. It is believed that this waa .
the man who was said to have been re
pulsed by Mary. - - " -; ; ;
: A Clover Trick; t
- It certainly looks like it, bnt there ia - f
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it who has lame back and wenk kid- ;
neye, malaria or nervous -troubles.' We '
mean he can cure himself right away by
taking Electric Bitters. This medicine v
tones np the whole system, acts as a
stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a .
blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures
constipation, headache, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is -purely
vegetable, a mild laxative, and -restores
the system to its natural vigor.
Try Electric Bitters and be convinced
that they are a miracle worker." Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at ; '
Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 3 '
On 5 Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what It was ran; for- '