THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 51898. - - m i -j i , v 2 ! All Right Clothing. At Prices that are all Right for you. Clothing that in fashion, material, make, cut and fit could not be better, and in PRICE could not be lower and give you what a gentleman ought to have. A visit to our Clothing Department will show you three counters piled high with bargains. - COUNTER NO. 1, at $3.85 a SUIT shows men's suits. This particular suit sells for a lot more money in the regular course of trade, but we want to clean them out. Don't let the low price stand against it. , COUNTER NO. 2, at $6.85 a SUIT carries this season's goods which we considered splendid values at $8.00 and $9.00. To close them out we have made a price of $6.85. Large range of patterns to choose from. COUNTER NO. 3, at $7.85 a SUIT. Here are the best values in men's clothing ever offered in this city. Suits that should retail for $10.00, $12.50 and $14.00 are in this lot. A few minutes spent in looking these goods over may save you dollars. Everything men -wear. Every thing right or your money back. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Or. The Weekly Ghfoniele. THIS 1JALLEH, - - - - - OKKQON OFFICIAL PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY. Published in two port, on Wednesday and Saturdays. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BT KAIL, POSTAGE PRIFAID, IS ADVAKCK. One year II 50 Six months . .'. 75 Three month 60 Advertising rate reasonable, and made known on application. Address all communication to "THB CHRON ICLE," The Kalles, Oregon.. Telephone No. 1. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. Nestor informs us the telephone to Prineville is a foregone conclusion, a sufficient amount having been subscribed to assure its success. The teachers of the public echool are busily' engaged in preparing the La fayette entertainment which will be given Saturday night at the Vogt opera house. All are expecting a treat, as their programs are always first class. The Oregon Telephone company is to start immediately to connect every town in Clatsop and Tillamook counties with Portland. As it will extend through Astoria to Tillamook, seasiders next season will have the benefit of a 'phone. Tonight and all day tomorrow you cau consult the German specialist free of charge at the Umatilla House. Will re tarn December 1st, 2d and 3d. Cross eyes straightened without the knife. Catarrh a specialty. Tou certainly have seen it already ; if not look over the ad ot the new cloth ing store, which will open tomorrow in the buildiug lately occupied by W. A. Johnston. They will make themselves known by their prices. Yesterday morning the Regulator bull left Portland about 4 o'clock in tow of the Hustler, and was taken as far as Kelley's Landing, below the Cascades. It has been impossible so far to secure a boat to tow her to this city, and it is thought the company's boats will be com pelled to undertake the job. The Omaha exposition closed Monday night, 75,000 people attending on the last day. The exposition was a financial success, something over $400,000 remain ing to be divided among the stockhold ers. It was not only a financial success, as will be attested by everyone who at tended, but a succees in every way. . The steamer Hattie Belle now floats in the waters of the Columbia as grace fully as if she bad never known an ac cident, having been successfully launch ed at 2 o'clock today. She will be taken to Portland at once, and the D. P. & A. N. company will no doubt keep her in service, the desiro being to run her be tween The Dalles and the Cascades. No man can estimate the damage be ing done this yea? to the Oregon fru industry by the marketing of the prod nct of infected apple' orchards. It will take ten years to overcome the ill repnte created by the mistaken policy cf a single season. It would have been in finitely better if the apple crop of the Btate had been a total failure. Ore . gonian. " -'. - Lillian Russell Thompson, the eldest of the little tots who so delighted the audience on the appearauce of the ''Pulse of New York" company in The Dalles last winter, died in SeattleSanday night cf Brighta disease. She was only 8 years old and the younger sister is abont 5. They completely captured everyone who heard them here, and were born actress es. Their borne is in Chelsea, Mass. Yesterday afternoon Fred Burchtorf was working on the roof of an addition which is being bnilt to the residence of Polk Mays, on Ninth street, when he stepped on the apron which he wore and stumbling fell to the ground, about fifteen feet. He was helped up and im mediately taken home, medical aid being summoned. It is impossible to tell as yet to what extent he is injured, but he is confined to bis bed at present, and may be for some weeks. Portland has a new daily paper, which will be published every evening with J. S. Dellinger, formerly of Astoria, as manager. It will be Republican in principle and has been christened as the Portland Daily Times. Somehow there's nothing new under the snn when it comes to newspaper names; but we wel come it just the same and hope it will be an exception to the general run of papers started In Portland, and prove that it has come to stay. There seems to be quite a move in newepnper circles in Oregon of late. Whether for the same reason that in dividuals change their place of residence often (to avoid paying rent or cleaning houee) we could not eay; at least we'd rather not, for we might want to move ourselves. The latest paper to seek greener fields is the Republic, which has been published at Wasco and will now be a Moroite, making its debnt on No vember 10th. Moro can now divide her kicks between three different sheets, and her interests should be well represented between an Observer, a Leader and a whole Republic. Agent Ireland is at present the happy possessor of a genuine Hoosier corn drill. Not that he contemplates starting ont as a doctor of "corns, bunions and in grown toe-naila ;" 'tis not this kind of an instrument, but one each as is used in old Indiany for planting corn. Mon day a man came tearing into the depot for the purpose of checking his baggage. Expecting to find a small blac' -glazed valise the baggage master proceeded to get out his checks, when he was invited to come ont on the platform-and tie the tag on the aforesaid corn trill. Refus ing to allow it to go as baggage, the valu able article was presented to the com pany. Anyone who is willing to sell chances is welcome to the encumbrance or the cash they may obtain from it. At the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blakeley and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake ley, in Pendleton, a pleasant reunion of the brothers of these two gentlemen is being enjoyed. The event, under any circumstances of exceeding pleasant na ture, is made all the more so in this case by the fact that not before in thirty years have all the brothers been togeth er. So. widely scattered and so pressing are the demands of business and home life, that it is not likely they will ever again be all together. The five broth ers are : W. M. Blakeley, . Eheriff of Umatilla county; Joseph Blakeley, dep uty sheriff of Umatilla county; James Blakeley, of Joseph, Walla Walla coun ty; Henry Blakeley of Brownsville, Or., and George Blakeley of The Dalles. Meeting the five eons, is the aged father, a venerable old gentleman in his 87th year, having been born in the year of 1812. East Oregonian. .. " . -Thursday's Dally. The business meeting of the members of the Church of Christ will be deferred until Sunday evening efter the sermon. Every member of the church is especial ly urged to be present. Miss Mollie O'Leary has opened her art studio in room No. 3, of the Chap man block, where she is prepared to re ceive pupils and take orders for work in her line. The admission to the Lafayette en tertainment Saturday night at the Vogt will be 15 cents; children 10 cents. It goes without saying that it will be good as our school entertainments are always first claes. . This morning Walter Rowe, formerly a Dalles boy, arrived in the city from Weiser, Idaho, with his bride. They were married at that place Tuesday and will spend a month or more here visiting Walter's relatives. He has been kept busy today meeting old friends and re ceiving congratulations. - Salem is to have three bicycle ordi nances, two prohibiting riding on side walks and the third requiring a rider to dismount within thirty feet of a pedes trian. Salemites certainly have" wheels," every person who is able to ride owning one, and they seem to have as many ac cidents es wheels from reports given in the paperj. Hence these ordinances. Mrs. Parmenter, grand chief of the Rathbone Sisters, will arrive on the 5:30 train this evening and be present at the meeting tonight to exemplify the work of the order. Beside, a good time is to be had, for the members of this lodge feel that "all work and no play makes Jack a bad boy." The Rathbones re quest that all members be present to meet Mrs. Parmenter. Forgetting that November was already here we said yesterday that the Catholic bazaar would be on the 23d and 24lh of next month. But next month will not be slighted, for the ladies of the Method ist church are to have their fair. Dalles people are to have the privilege of help ing along the ladies in each of the churches in their noble work. And none realize just how much the small help given by our citizens means to those who have this work in charge. Let ns cheer fully lend a hand to all. D. W Butler retur ned last night from The Dalles. Uncle Dan bad been down there the past month to take care of John Irvine, who is near death's door. Mr. Butler and Mr, Irvine came to this country in '52 together, and from that time to this it has been understood be- j tween them that whenever one became seriously ill and needed a nurse, the other, if able, should be in attendance ; hence, Dan has been at John's bedside in fulfillment of a promise made long ago. He is stopping with the family of I. J. Butler. Dufur Dispatch. The "hog" seems to have changed his place of residence from Salem to Port land, and is now endeavoring to gobble everything in sight, and "out of sight" too, for that matter. Not only is he swallowing the different schools which belong in other cities, but is making a desperate effort to capture the Btate fair, which has belonged to Salem almost since time immemorial. His next move will be to transfer his "pen." from the capital to Portland, or he will be insane enough to think be needs the asylum. The Dalles better be on the alert or he will capture her woolen mills. . If he does he'll strike something he can't digest. . . W. Williams, of the firm of W. P. Fuller & Co., Portland, is in the city superintending the work of putting in the large plate glass . windows in the I building which is to be used temporarily by Mays & Crowe, and into which they will move their goods abont the first of the week,. This structure will be an ornament to the city, and all are glad to see the old ruins formerly there trans formed into such a substantial building. This afternoon the lintels are being placed In pcettion in their new store op posite, and the brick work on the front will be begun at once. These two build ings are each as we wish might be placed on the corner of every business block in the city. The new four-cent passenger rate in the states of Washington and Idaho went-into effect Tuesday on the O. R. & N Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads, being a reduction of one cent on the rate that has been in force. The new rate between Portland and Tacoma is $5.75, being fifty cents lower than hitherto. To Seattle no change is made, the fare of $7 being still forty-four cents under the four-cent rate. The former fare bet wen Portland and Ellensburg was $13.50, and to Yakima $15; now the two places may be reached for $10.85 $12.30, respectively. To Spokane the Northern Pacific made the same rate as the O. R & N., $14 95, and to competi tive points in Montana tLe rates are made the same. More than 4000 ponnds of Christmas presents left Portland Tuesday night for the boys at Manila. Many of them had to be opened and re-packed, containing mnch over the fifty-pound limit. The contents of one big box had to be packed into seven small ones. Surely the boys are to be remembered, the fruit cakes, jellies and other goodies sent being cal culated to make the boys at home wish they were eoldier boys on Christmas day. Boxes continued to arrive in Port land from out of town yesterday and will have to be sent by express, ,when money is sent along to prepay the ex penses. The express company has granted a low rate tor this occasion, and all boxes that catch the next transport to leave San Francisco will have to be sent in this wav. Runaways seem to be the rule of the week, another occurring last night on the bluff. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hill, Mrs. Tnomas, who is Mrs. Hill's moth er, and Miss Bertha Hill, of Dry Hollow, were on their way home from prayer meeting with Mrs. Collins, her daughter and Carrie Robertson, who had gotten in to ride aa far as their residence near the fair gronnds,wben the horses became unruly and ran for a short distance. Mr Hill succeeded in getting them stopped in front of A. A. Brown's, when they began to kick. Some of the ladies jumped out, and Mrs. Thomas-was thrown onto the brake, injuring her wrist quite severely and otherwise shaking her up. It is not known how badly she is hurt, but it iff not thought seriously ,only the jar may prove too much for a woman of her years. The remainder of the party were not harmed, so far as we cqn learn. The tongne of the wagon was split into pieces, but no other damage caused to the rig. Friday's Daily. Arrange to hear the Lafayette enter tainment tomorrow evening at the Vogt. Admission 15 cents, children 10 cents. H. L. Dougherty and H. M. Peters are enjoying themselves" in the palatial quarters furnished by the city tor tboee who visit Recorder Gates and have not the wherewithal to reimburse the city for favors received from citizens whose sympathy they have aroused. The members of the Jackson Engine company will be compelled to settle np their dues now, as at the last meeting it was decided to expel any who may be in arrears the next time they meet. They also decided to have a drill, - which will take place Monday evening. Mr. A. A. Urquhart was made to be lieve that the storm was "all in bis eye" this morning when it blew what he thonght was a barn door into one of his optics, blinding him for a time. It was not nntil medical assistance was se cured that he was relieved and his eight restored. You need not worry over dressing dolls for the children this year, as the young ladies who are interested in the fair to be given by the ladies of the M. E. church, will save you the trouble. They ! have purchased some of the prettiest dolls to be had, and will dress them in the daintiest manner possible. Mrs. Thomas.Jwho was injured in the runaway accident Wednesday evening, has been removed to hr daughter's home, on Dry Hollow, and is getting along nicely. ' Fred Burchtorf, w ho was badly hurt a few days ago by falling from the roof of Pol Mays' residence, is also improyin?, . although still con fined to his bed. The meeting of the Rathbone Sisters last evening, when their grand chief, Mrs. Parmenter, visited them, was one of especial interest and veiy enjoyable. A large number were irjsent and the work of the order was txemplified by the chief. , At the close of 1 he session a banquet was served and several speeches were made, the one by Mrs. Parmenter being especially appreciated. Prof. Ryan was present and furnished music, while the guests joined heartily in dancing nntil a late hour. - A letter received JbyJ Mrs. Eliza Mc Farland from her grandson, Vard Mc Farland, who is now in Juneau, Alaska, informs her of his marriage with a young lady whose name we' could not obtain, who formerly resided ia Portland, but is now a resident of Juneaui Vard's friends in this city will be somewhat surprised to hear of his marriage, as it will bo hard for those who have not seen him since he left The Dalles to realize that he is not the same little lad he was when with his parents, Mr. and Mre. E. B. McFarland, he moved to Portland. On Wednesday Messrs. T. J. Seufert and A. J. Gorman made a trip into the country, visiling Sherars Bridge, Tygh, KingBley and Dnfur in the interest of the Seufert & Condon telephone line. Arrangements have been made to build a line to Sherars Bridge and from there on the people of the adjoining country will extend the line to Prineville. A branch telephone will also be put in reaching Wamic and Wapinitia, which will be a great convenience. The com pany intend to commence work at once and finish the line in the course of a month's time. From visitors who have recently re turned from Tygh Valley we hear much praise of the growth of that little berg. It is said that Van Duvn & Adams have the finest store and the largest stock of goods found in any . place of its size, while the flouring mill of F. S. Gordon. who is himself an expert miller, is turn ing ont fifty barrels a day of the best flour to be obtained anywhere. It is run by water power and contains the latest machinery, Mr. Gordon endeavor ing to make his mill an up-to-date in stitution. Tygh has also new water works, the town being furnished with water from a reservoir which receives its supply from the creek, a wheel hav ing been put in near to the flouring mill. ' Those of our citizens who were awak ened out of their peaceful slumbers in the night last niht were persuaded that the "wind bloweth where it listeth" and we have heard of a few who took to the basement, making up their minds to build a cyclone cellar today, unless the wind had all blown away by morning. Others came to the conclusion that they had the ague, at least they were a little shaky. The "zephyrs" still continued tc make their presence felt today, much to the disgust of the girl with bangs,who had also a hat to hold on, a dress to hold .up, numerous packages to carry and her self to keep on the sidewalk. If there's one thing The Dalles excels in its wind, and its citizens are compelled to "be blowed." However, we are told it is our salvation, keeping the place healthful and the atmosphere clear.. VETO PUT UNDER A BUSHEL. The Cooncll Say, Let There Be Light and There Will Be Light. Much interest was felt by every citi zen of The Dalles in the outcome of last night's council meeting, when a final vote was to be taken on the light ques tion, which has proven' itself decidedly "heavy." The conncilmen were also deeply con cerned in it as the result shows, and there were present: Stephens, Clougb, Barnett, Gunning, Keller, Butts, Johns and Kuck, as was also Ma) or Nolan, presiding. The most important subject was left till the last, and the council proceeded to other work, first deciding to loan out the surplus city funds in the hands of the treasurer. 'Twas moved and carried that the finance committee be empowered to em ploy an1 expert to inqure into the state of the taxes due from the county to the city, by looking over the tax list and records. The fire and water committee reported that a new chimney had been erected in the fire engine bouse. Councilman Johns, of the judiciary committee, reports that the outstanding warrants to be redeemed by the style A fund are to be ran two years longer. The style A fund is explained as being the fund of $1500 set apart in 1895, when the city decided to start in on-a cash basis, to redeem that much of city warrants. During the meeting it was decided to sell the lot belonging to the city on Third street, on which formerly stood the engine honse, if a suitable price could be obtained. Arriving at the question of the even ing, each councilman looked grave as if he had just then seen the city in dark ness calling npon him for light. The mayor's veto of the light ordinance was then read, and a silence followed, which, phon ed that each was studying the ques tion or had already decided the only- con rse to take, and ' a vote being taken dough, Johns, Gunning, Stephens. Barnett and Butts voted for, and Kuck and Keller against. No discussion of .the matter was bad, . but everything passed off very pleasantly. Now that the council has done what -seemed their duty to the city in regard to this matter, the only qnestion arising ia, can the mayor and recorder, whohave the contract to arrange with the Electric Light Company, come to a satisfactory agreement with them? It is thought no difficulty will arise in this matter, and: that lights are now assured. Many are inquiring as to the length of time it will require to place them in. , position. We are Informed by Mr.. French that it will require a month at least ; the exact time cannot be esti mated. The following bills were presented and ordered paid ; Chas Laner, marshal $75 0O Geo Brown, engiikeer 75 00 A Phirman, nightwatchman 60 00 Ned Gates, recorder 50 00 C 3 Crandall, treasurer 20 0Q John Blaser, mdse 5 25 Maier & Benton, mdse. : . 6 40 Hansen & Thomson, labor and mdse y-r. 4 60 Mrs Kllnt, wood. 10 00 Dufur & Menefee, legal serv 10 Oft F S Gunning, labor 12 25 Frank Ruffner, erec. flue in en gine house ' 17 30 Mays & Crowe, mdse 4 60 J T Peters & Co., mdse 18 58 J Hannon, hauling 3 00 H Glenn, mdse 8 50 Dalles Citv Water Works, rent, Sept and Oct 64 00 F L Bnrbam, hauling 1 Oft Ed Kurtz, hauling hose cart 2 50) E Benjamin, sawing wood 2 00 J B Goit, surveying 2 50 D W Mann, hauling 1 00 J W Blakeney, hauhng 3 50 Chas Jones, Labor 6 00 Dan Fisher, do 43 20 J Hebener, do 36 40 J Burton, do 6 00 T Driver, special, police 14 00 Elmer James, special police. .... 10 00 California Restaurant, meals 1 50 The Work or The Library. A meeting of the members of the library was held at the home of Mrs. F. L. Houghton last evening. This was the regular annual meeting, and election of officers took place. So well had the work of the present officers been done that all were desirous of retaining them, but such was not the will of the ladiea in question and the offices are to be filled as follows during the comiDg year: President, Mrs. W. H. Mansfield; secret tary, Mies Lang ; treasurer, Mrs. A. S. MacAUieter. To the purchasing com mittee were added the names of Mrs. J. S. Schenck and Mrs. W. H. Hobson. . The work accomplished during the , past year was very gratifying to the members and has also been appreciated by those who have shared in its fruits. The money raised from the special edi tion, gotten ont some time eince, has been expended very judiciously, and to the books which the library already con tained 210 have been added, and the number will be raised to about 300 in at few days. The expenses have also been. : paid op to date, leaving the association in a good condition financially. The ladies have worked diligently and deserve credit as well as encouragement. New members should be taken in every day, as no admission fee is charged, and but 25 cents a month does. Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of persons who may offer themselves aa candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county superintendent thereof will hold a pnblic examination at The " Dalles, Oregon, beginning Wednesday November, 9," 1898, at L o'clock p. m. C.L. Gilbkrt, County echool Superintendent. Wasco connty, Oregon. Dated this 31st day of October, 1898. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not afflicted with any disease, but that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a cpstive condition is easily cured by using Syrupof Figa. Manufactured-by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and, sold by all druggets. lillll Carload of the celebrated Wil son Heaters just received. All size3 arid kinds at your own price. Our Fire Sale is still on. All goods from 25 to 50 per cent reduction. TE-V" cb Crowe. XT i T- T J WcaVi! T-i rrfr.rt StrApf.