Co THE DALLES. WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1898. VOL.IX. NUMBER CLOSING UP TOE BUSINESS Preparations for the Evac uation of Cuba. MONDAY WAS THE LAST DAY No New Business- to Be Inaugurated After that Time Admiral Samp son Will Not Leave Havana Until the Work of the Commission Has Been Completed. Netv Yokk, Nov. 2. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana eaye : The Spanish authorities are prepared to close al! matters of the administration - iseue. A decree has been issued by the minister of finance stating that October 31st was the last day for the inaugura tion of new business, and that all cur rent affairs would be - ended during, the month of November, when inventories of the different departments would be completed, filed and packed to' be sent to Spain. At the request of the Spaniards, a let ter has been addressed to General Wood at Santiago by the Americans, asking that he afford overy facility for the re moval of the bodies of Generals Para del Bey and Santoecilldes, the commit tee to remove which will leave Havana shortly. - A formal sote has passed giving Dr. Lane permission to visit the military hospitals. Admiral Sampson has decided not to leave Havana daring the work of the commission. - The work of cataloguing military property is progressing rapidly. It is expected that the work will be complet ed Friday, The construction of. the pier at Maria- -naohas been temporarily suspended, owing to rough weather. SEVEN MEN LOST THEIR LIVES Party Wandered From the Trail While On Their Way to the Atlin Gold Feld, in Alaska, j Victobia, E. C, Nov. 2. Frank J. Walker, of Atlin City, who came down by the Farailon, en route to Chicago, brings meagre, news of a etory current when be left the north of the loss of a party of seven Californians, headed by A. F. Englehardt, of Pasadena, from which locality all seven hailed originally The casualty occured in a swamp lying . between the new gold fields and the ter minus of steam navigation from Bennett lake. As nearly as could be ascertained, the party loet the trail, and waudering into the qaickeand forming the bed of a dry creek were engulfed. - A searching party was eent from Atlin City to investigate, but nothing bad been heard from them when Walker left. The-names are not obtainable. PLEAD GUILTY TO MURDER Sensational Denouement to the Lion . Murder Case at Eugene Green to Testify Against Branton To morrow. . . " Eugene, Or., Nov. 1. A highly . sen sational denouement to the John Linn murder case occurred today, when Courtland Green, jointly indicted with Claude Branton for the crime, plead guilty to .murder, in . the -first degree. Green has agreed to testify against Bran ton at 11 o'clock tomorrow forenoon, at the latter'8 trial, which began yester day. Green will receive his sentence next Monday. " - The first intimation that Linn had been murdered, came, it i9 remembered in a story told by Green to the authori ties of Lane county, to the effect that Brauton and Green were coming across the Cascade mountains with Linn, with a hand of horses last June. Linn and Branton had trouble over a settlemen while camping at Squaw creek, Crook county. . .- - . They arrived at Alder springs June loth, and corraled their horses. Linn lay down near the fire. Green said that soon after, while he was getting wood he heard the report of a pistol. He looked around and saw Branton stand ing over Linn with a smoking revolver in his hand. Linn had been shot through the head. An examination of the scene of the killing showed that Lint!' 8 body bad been chopped to pieces and carefully cremated. A oroner's jury accused Branton of the murder. Branton disap peared and no clue to his whereabonts could be obtained, although a reward of $250 was offered for his capture, until he was arrested on the streets of Eugene July 20th. . Branton disclaims any knowledge of the crime, declaring that he did not know that be was wanted - nntil a few minutes before his arrest. lie said that after be left the scene of the crime he went as far east as Topeka, Kas., in search of work, but finding none, re turned home. He was indicted by the Lane conntv grand jury for murder in toe first degree. At the preliminary examination Green was bound over to the grand jurv on a charge of being an accessory to a felony, bat later evidence was secured implicat ing him in the murder, and he was in dieted on the same charge as Branton. . . Later The . court decided to have Green come on the stand at 11 o'clock this morning. - and shortly afterward Branton broke down and cried like a baby. . - - SICK SOLDIERS FROM MANILA Transport Peru Arrives With Fifteen of Them on Board Colonel Bratt Seriously. Sax Fbancisco, Nov. 2. The trans port Pern, which arrived from Manila, brought fifteen soldiers and sailors, in eluding a number of officers t The few who were sick on the departure of the veseel are now nearly recovered. Colo nel John K. Bratt, of the First Nebraska regiment, is an exception. He i9 seri ously ill with gastritip, and was confined to his bed during the voyage. The trip was uneventful. The color seargeant. Palmer, says that many of the volunteer officers say that as soon as it becomes evident that this country will hold the Philippines they will eend in their resignations immediately. When the Peru left Manila there were 1300 sick among the men, and the physicians were terribly dismayed at the progress that smallpox was making. According to Palmer, in one day there were ten deaths from smallpox. Captain Linn said that be knew of but five deaths from that disease in a single day. The filth poured into the canals by the Chinese was said to be a probable source of disease. SIXTH VIRGINIA IS MUTINOUS Negroes Who Compose It Refuse to Be Commanded By White Officers Un jler Any Consideration. Camp Poland, Tenn., Nov. 2. The Sixth Virginia, a negro regiment camped within a quarter of a mile of the Thirty first Michigan, mutinied today because white officers superceded the negro offi cers, who bad resigned nnder pressure. The Thirty-first was ordered to quell the disturbance. The regiment started on double-quick time for the negro camp, bot were stopped by orders from head quarters and sent back. The negroes are parleying with the white officers. Six Cases; Three Deaths. Washington, Nov. 2. The marine hospital service received a dispatch from United States Consul Hurst, In Vienna, stating that three deaths have occurred there from bubonic plague, and there are now only six cases in the entire city. INVESTIGATION WAS VARIED AT LEXINGTON Medical Supplies Vere Woe fully Short in Cnba. TESTIMONY OF GENERAL BATES The Transportation Facilities Were Also Decidedly Inadequate Will Visit Camp Meade and Take Evidence There. Lexington, Nov. 1. Before the in vestigating committee today chief com missary officer, Marshal, of Camp Ham ilton, denied the statement of Lieuten ant-Colonel Mitchell, of the First terri torials last night. He said every requi sition bad been honored from the terri torials. : -The second witness was General J. C Bates, who testified as to the ' Santiago campaign, the camp at Mobile and at Chickainauga. He said : "The day beiore we left Mobile we were pretty well supplied with necessi ties. At Santiago we had bread and meat always. Montaok Point was not a proper place for sick soldiers at this time of the year. At Montauk Point I learned that the Long Island Railway Company had an exclusive contract' to haul soldiers to the city. I issued or ders to all the railroads to comd in and help take off the sick. In Cuba ' medi cal supplies wery woefully - short. think the ambulances we- took were the only ones ashore when the rough riders' fight occurred, on June 24th." . " When asked what, in his opinion, was the weakness of the medical department he said he thought a great mistake was made in not sending medical officers in sufficient number with regiments or dered to the field. - Bates conclued by saying : - "1 think there is not Bumcient excuse for medical supplies being short in Cuba. Better preparations could have been made for transportation.". Washington, Nov. 1. Members of the war investigation committee who did not go to Lexington, Cincinnati and other western cities, have reached Wash ington and will call a meeting tomorrow to arrange for a trip to Camp Meade, Pa,, where they will' take testimony bearing upon the conduct of affairs at camps Alger and Wikoff. SPAIN MUST KEEP HER DEBTS No Bonds Other Than Local and Mu nicipal Will be Assumed by the United States Balance of Twenty-five or Thirty Millions Likely to Be Due Spain on Final Account Washington, Nov. 1. The cabinet to day devoted most of its attention to con sideration of questions connected with the administration of affairs in Cuba and Porto Rico. The administrative feature of the Philippine question also received some attention. : Nothing- has been heard from the commission at Paris as to yesterday's proceedings, and it is realized that nothing is to be expected in the way of developments until Fri day's session. " - While the tabinet gave little attention today to the peace negotiations at Paris, there is no longer any donbt as to the general purpose of . the government to retain the entire Philippine archipelago. If after final balancing of account, viz.', the cost of war to the United States on one side and our acquisitions i on the other, it is fonnd any compensation is due the Spaniards, it will be made in a lumpsum. y'f- - What the United States will insist: upon is that it must be fully reimbursed for every dollar expended on account of the' war, -and -in the statement will be included an amount', sufficient to cover all payments, present and prospective, on account of pensions incidental to the J war. No Spanish bonds other than local or municipal will be paid or assumed by this government. What sum this government would consent to pay . Spain cannot be even estimated, but when a final account is rendereJ it is believed the balance due Spain will be small, probably . not ex ceeding 125,000,000 or $30,000,000. The belief still prevails among a ma jority of the members of the cabinet that the Spaniards will accept the termB laid down by the United States, and what ever delay occurs before the result is reached will be chargeable only to the purpose of the Spaniards to secure the best possible terms. - . So far as the cabinet discussion dealt with Porto Rico and Cuba, it was the purpose to form measures for the best means of collecting revenues and dae toms and for a satisfactory government of the cities and towns nntil congress shall have ordered otherwise. ." It is the intention of the president to maintain a military government in both Cuba and Porto Rico for the time being. TOOK PROMPT ACTION ON IT Consul Donaldson Instructed to Bring Nicaragua's President to Time Objection to Granting Franchise to any Private Corporation. New York, Nov. 3. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: Action has been taken by the' administration looking to the maintenance of the statue quo with respect to the concession ot the Maritime Canal Company for the con struction of the Nicaraguan canal. - Secretary Hay has cabled instructions to Minister Merry, nnder which, through Consul Donaldson, at Managua, reinon etrances will be lodged with President 9 Zelaya againstthe concession his govern ment has awarded to Messrs Eyre & Cragin, representing an American syndi cate, for the construction of the canal npon the expiration of-the contract held by the Maritime Company. The presi dent and members of -Lis cabinet are of the opinion that the new syndicate has not entered into the agreement with the Nicaraguan government to build the canal, but to make a deal with the Maritime Canal Company, under which the sycd:cate will receive a certain sum for its rights. So far as the administration is con cerned, its objection to a transfer of the concession lies in the bad effect it will have upon congress, which would hesi tate to vote the government aid so neces sary to the construction of the canal. "Private enterprise will never build that great waterway," said an official last night. "A government will have to build it, and that government will be the United States.. So far as the ad ministration ia concerned, it' is not a question of what company has a con tract, but the president is pledged to the construction of the canal. He believes it to be a necessity, and he therefore de tires that the status quo be maintained, in order that when the subject is dis cussed by congress no nnneceseary com plications may exist which could be need to the disadvantage of the proposition for the government to build the canal." The authorities are satisfied at Presi dent Zelay's announcement that the concession of the Maritime Canal Com pany will not -expire until October 19, 1899, and it is intended that every effort shall be directed to secure the passage by congress of one of the measures pro viding for government; aid in the con struction of the waterway. Work to Be Pushed. Union, Or., Oct. 31. Joseph Johnston, railroad builder, returned from Portland this morning where he has been for a few days perfecting arrangements for the construction of the Union, Cornucopia & Eastern railway, which is to connect this city with the Seven Devils country, in Idaho. A Chinese company of Port land secured the contract for doing the grading work, and today twenty Chinese arrived here, and are making camp ready for the work. Forty more Chinese will arrive tonight from the East, and a large number will be here in a few days. Mr. Johnston says he has interested a number of practical railway men in the enterprise, and the work of building the road will be pushed as rapidly as pos sible. . " - . " "' -.- For the beet results . nse Camera... For sale by the the Vive Fostoffice tf Pharmacy. WAR IS SAID TO BE IMMINEN British Warships are Cleared for Action. WARSHIPS AT PORT ARTHUR British Government Officials Claim that Russia Has Taken Advantage the Fashoda Crisis to Forward Her Aims in the Far East Xon-Re-sistance Means Loss to Great Britain of the Strategic Point of Manchuria. Wei-Mai-Wei. Nov.2-A11 the British warBhipe here have cleared for action and are ready for sea at an hour's notice. The first-class battle-ship Victorious and the first-c'aes cruiser Undaunted, at Cbe-Foo, are calling to their full ca pacity. The greatest secrecy is maintained as to the meeting of theee warlike prepara tione, but there is no donbt important instructions are expected at any mo ment.. A strong Russian fleet is assembled at Port Arthur. London, Nov. 2. The .dispatch from Wei-Hai-Wei, announcing war prepara tions, officials here announce as grave, coupjea witn - tne Anglo-trance war preparations. It is surmised that Rus- sia, - profiting by the present strained relations between - Great Britain and France, has decided to forward her aims in the Far East by seizing the valuable treaty port o'Niu Cbanng, which Great Britain cannot permit, it is said - A disratch from London to the Asso ciated Press October 20, eaid a cable message bad been received there from Shanghai as follows: "A Russian regiment occupied the town of Niu Chaung (prvoince of Leo Tjng), and the forte at the mouth of the River Liaou, October lo, thus securing complete possession of Niu Cbanng. - The native troops fled without making any opposition, nnder orders from the empress dowager and Li Husg Chang. A British gunboat was in the river at the time, ibis nonresistance is regarded as virtual abandonment of Manchuria to Russia, and gives Russia an invaluable strategic point, (jreat Britain is certain to loose the Niu Chaung trade, of which it has about 80 per cent. - DETAILS NOT YET PUBLISHED Implication that the Withdrawal of the . Fashoda Expedition Has Been . Agreed toby France, After Which More Negotiations Will Be Entered Upon for Final Adjustment of All the Points at Issue. " . . New Yoek, Nov. 3. The London cor respondent of the Evening Poet cables that a general and satisfactory agree ment has been effected between Great Britain and France on the Fashoda queetion. London, Nov. 3. An official note is sued this evening says : " - "There is good reason to hope that the political situation', is ameliorating. It can be confidentially etated that when the cause of irritation which unfortu nately recently exietcd between France and Great Britain on the Upper Nile ie removed, which is expected soon to-be the case, the door will be again open for the resumption of thoso friendly nego tiation which have characterized the normal state of the. relations between the two countries.". ,1 .' ' Coal For British Warships." - Philadelphia,-Nov. '3. A morning paper publishes the following : The prob bability of w8r'Tetee'n-EngTan4 and France received a fresh irjpetus here Royal makes the food pare, wholesome sad delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROVAl BAKING POWDCR CO., NEW YOKK. yesterday by the action of England, which purchased a ljrge amount of American coal for immediate delivery at her West Indian naval station. Ia response to hurried cablegrams from : London, ship brokers engaged in the West Indian trade spent the greater part of yesterday in searching for tonnage, suitable to transport the coal from Phila delphia and Newport News to points. where it will be more convenient for the English war craft to fill the bunkers- The first shipments are to be sent to Kingston, to be followed by vessels for Bermuda, St. Lucia and Deinerara which are the principal ports in the West Indies euhject to Great Britain. It was reported yesterday that two Brit ish warships bad been ordered here to undergo slight repairs, which, under or dinary circumstances, would have been made either at Halifax or the Bermuda islands. . . Peace at Any Price. New Yoek, Nov. 3. A dispatch to the- Herald from Paris save : France is regarding England with anx ious eyed, .bverytbmg indicates the warlike spirit prevailing across the channel. All the journals record the British naval preparations with pessi mistic comments. Nobody here desires war. In the first place, Fashoda is not worth it. In the sect nd, France is not ready. If force is resorted to it will be England that insists upon it. BIG RAILROAD -DEAL Negotiations for Sale of Uwaco Road1 in Progress. Astoria, Nov. 2. It was reported here this afternoon that negotiations are in progress between the Astoria & Colum bia River railroad company and the Iiwaco Riilroad & Navigation com pany. It is said the Astoria compary will absorb the Ilwace company, and that boats to Iiwaco and North beach will run from Fiavel, making close coa- n actions with the traius to and from Portland. This will permit summer visitors to reach North beach in six: hours, without experiencing the delay that has been the rule In the past. The scheme includes the improvement of the terminal facilities at Iiwaco, and the- road from there to Sealand. This will . give the Astoria & Columbia River road a practical monopoly of all tbe summer travel to the beaches on both sides of the Colombia. KICKED BY A HORSE Whitman County Farmer Was Acci - dentally Killed. Colfax, Nov. 3. Willis EUs", a farmer iving near Colfax, was accidentally killed last night. He was coming home ' fter dark, when his four-horso team be came frightened and tamed around. He umped out of bis wagour and one of his horses kicked him, breaking eeveral ribs and inflicting internal injuries from which he died in a few hours. He was 25 years old. - He was a native of Whit man county, his father being an old pioneer, xie leit a wiaow ana one email child. - ' BueKien'S Annca salve. - .The best salve in the world for cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin 'eruptions, and posi tively cm ea piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per ' box. For sale by Blakeley and! Houghton, druggists.