The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 02, 1898, PART 1, Image 4

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, Saturdays Welly. . . -Pror.
C. M. Sisfon is in from Boyd to
, dy. ..
Mrs. Jas.' Wilson and daughter, Una,
are in from Dafnr today.
Mrs. C. F. Stephens retnrned last even
ing from a week's stay in. Portland.
- H. H. Kiddell was a passenger ior
Portland on the boat this morning. . '
Miss Catherine Martin left on the
early morning train to spend bunaay in
Portland. : '-.
... Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davenport went
. to Portland this . morning for an over
Sunday visit. . . . . ,
O. L. Gilbert went to Wamic yester-
- day, where he presided over an educa-
tional meeting.
Mrs. M. Kice, daughter, Ella, and son,
Willie, went down to Portland on the
delayed tram this morning. ' '
Mr. and Mtb. Henry Cram came in
" from Prineville yesterday and left on
; the train this morning for Portland.
Elder Allen, evangelist of the Baptist
chnrch, came in on the morning train,
' and will be present at- the dedication of
the church at Hartland tomorrow.
Monday'! Daily.
B. B. Sinnott spent . Snnday in Port
land. Mrs. H. McCoy is in the city from
Chap. Lord was down from Arlington
yesterday. . '
Mr. and Mrs. H. T.. Mnrcbie are in
from Wasco today. . ..'.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Rica were in the city
today from 8-Mile. . . .
W. S. Chipp", of Arlington, spent yes
terday in the city.
Geo. W. Miller left this morning for a
, ehort trip to Portland.
John Donahne is in from Kent and
gave this office a' pleasant call.
F. H. Beaty, of Wamic, has began
teaching the school at Ridgeway, this
county. -..".
Miss Lola F.nbank returned today
from a week's visit with her aunt near
Prof. J. M. Garrison left last night for
Pendleton, where he expects to start a
-claes in writing. -
' Mr. E. K. White, who has spent some
time in The Dalles and vicinity, returned
to Salem today.
" Miss Viola Graham, of 'Salem, spent
'the summer in The Dalles, and returned
to her home today. - . "
Miss Mamie Driver returned to her
pcboDl work at district No. 63, near
Wamic, yesterday.
James Cowan and daughter, . Mrs.
-Meikel, are in the city from Warm
Springs. Mrs. Meikel will leaye tomor
row for Portland. j
C. A. Woody, editor : of the Pacific
Baptist of Portland, occupied the pulpit
of the Baptist church last evening, re
turning home this morning.
Jttecortier trates, won Has spent the
past few days in Antelope will return to
morrow and' assume bis duties. Surveyor
Goit has been fulfilling the duties of the
Mr. and MrsWilbur Bolton are in
the city from Antelope. Mr. Bolton's
new store in that little berg is com
pleted and they are npw djing business
therein; '
. Tuesday's Dally.
' Mrs. M. Nickelsen is up from Hood
Kiver visiting relatives.
T. H. Johnsou and W. H. H. Dufur
are visitors in the city today.
Mrs. Jewett was a paesenger from
White Salmon on the boat yesterday.
Miss Margaret Mackay, of Corvallie,
is in tne city visiting the Misses King.
T. M. Keeder, one of Antelope's well-
known sheepmen, is a visitor in the city
; Mr. John Stevens, of Dofur, ie in the
city today, and called at the Chronicle
omce. . - : . - .
'. Konrad Jeckel and wife, of Centerville,
left last night for a visit with relatives
in Osbkush, Wieconsin. . ". '
Mrs.- Frances McCowan and son.
James, came np from - Portland on the
..Dalles City yesterday.-. :. , ',- "
v .Miss Nona Such, who has been visit
ing in Portland for the past two weeks,
returned home last evening. .... . ...
. - Dr. A. W. Botkin arrived in the city
last evening from Portland and left oil
the midnight train for Arlington, where
tie eipecta to remain. ' -- '-- ".
In this city, October 28th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Norman, a son.
' . .- PaUdiu1 Head Wilson
. Says: 'The fool saitb, 'Pot all tby
egga in different baskets ; which meanp,
scatter your money and your attention ;
bnt the wise man saith : 'Put all j-cur
eggs in one basket, and .watch the bas
ket.' " . " - V
.We have on'y one basket, aDd we are
watching it in optics. Having made a
thorough stody of the subject, graduat
ing from three of the best colleges, we
areDabled to give you a scientific ex
amination. It doesn't matter whether
you buy a $10 glass or a $1 glass, or any
classes at all, you get an examination,
and a thorough one at that, which alone
-is worth your time to know your eyes.
I fit all cases of eyes, an'd am permanent
ly located in The Dalles. ". I am no
traveling fake, and best of all I guarantee
all work in optics to give you entire
satisfaction. " Yours. to serve,
XttOF. j G. LUnT, the optician.
Two doors west of Keller's bakery,
The Dal lee, Oregon. .-' " . - ". A
' Delaines, tJotswo'ds "and Shropshire
JRam.8 fo sale at reasonable prices.
' " ' -'. " C. A. BcCKLEY,
' . . 7-; Grass ValleyOr.". j
Is dne not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fia Sraup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Fig's is manufactured
by the California Fiq Syruf.Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding1 the worthless
imitations manufactured by other pat
ties. The high standing- of the Cali
fornia Fio Syrup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the same of
the Company
Jne Way of Disponing of on Obnof.
Ions Suitor. -
He was a theatric lover, and she didn't
like his style a little, bit, says the New
York Sun. .- .
He was constant in his devotion.
however, and that made matters worse.
She had tried gentle means to get
rid! of him, "but he had disregarded
them with painful persistency. -
In: this moment of her desperation
lie felt it incumbent npon him to pro
pose to her as men under similar cir
cumstances so often do. -
Which they wouldn't if they had aBy
sense at all. . -
"Dear one," he exclaimed, hurling
himself tragically at her feet, "I love
you. My life is yours. Will you take
it?" - ; 1
. She did not look like a murderess.
"Mr. Singleton," she responded, with
calm determination, "I will.
. He gazed at her rapturously. .
V "Don't do that," she begged, draw
ing back from him as if in horror." "I
have taken your life, as you requested
me to do, and yon are henceforth to all
intents and purposes deack"
He seemed dazed. '
"I do not, Mr. Singleton," she con
tinued, turning aside, "desire to have
a dead person in. the house, and if you
do not go away at once I shall ring for
an ambulance and have you removed
to the morgue. .
Then the dreadful situation in which
his own precipitate 'folly-had. placed
him was revealed, and he removed him
self with promptness and dispatch. '
acres of pink pond Lilies.
Floral Display That Delights Com
. ncctlent Railway. Travelers.
One of the most beautiful floral ex
hibits in New England is upon "Tad
pole," a famous pond lily pond on the
line of the Norwich & Worcester rail
road, one mile above Jewett City; Conn,
The surface of the pond is now a mass
of pink and white pond lilies, and their
fragrance is carried for miles by the
summer wands, says the New- York
Sun. ." "; . 7. ,
No one knows how long this remark
able garden of pond lilies has been in
existence but for many: years Tod-
pole's lilies .have been sought by picnic
parties from near-by .couuties in this
stater Massachusetts and. Rhode Island.
Cartloads of the flowers are, carried
away, but there seems to be no diminu
tion in the supply. .. - ,., .
" The railroad ' comes suddenly npoo
the ipond, which it divides in halves, anc
in an instant the passengers detect the
fragrance , of the lilies and . throw tip
the windows, the better to view the
beautiful and 'unusual sight. . In' one
section of Tadpole there is a large tract
of lilies the blossoms of vrftich are d
so rich a pink s to be , almost-rose
colored, it is said. They are of exceed
ingly rare beauty and are much sought
after by collectors.- ''' . : ' " '. .
Tadpole's imromaii tic name comes
from its "being' ': favorite place " foi
young frogs. : It has been known by
this title for years, but an effort is now
making tochange- its name to the still
more unroman,tic one of- Clayville.
ELI'S CREAM BALM is a positive cure.
Apply into the nostrfia. It Is quickly absorbed. CO
cents st DruUts or bj mail ; samples 10c. br maiL
ELT EBOTHKRS 66 Warren SUt Sw York City.
Old fashions in dress may be revived,
but no -old-fashioned medicine can re
place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea. Heme !y.' For sale by Blake-
02 the County Treasurer of Wasco County, Oregon, for the six months ending on
- - the 30cb day of September, A. D. J898, of .money received and paid out, from
whom received and from what sonrce, and on what account paid put : t: . .''
To amount on hand from'last report. v. -ii.V.'..
To amounts received from taxes
To amount received from Dalles City taxes .......
To amount received from Dufur taxes . .. r. . :-.
To amount receivedi'rom road tax and state. .... .
To amount received frotnjlicenees ..... ,,,'..,1,.,'.
To amount received from. institute, County Supt. .
To amount received from sundry fees. . ... . . . .
Balance on band, school fund.... ..... "... .
To amount received from taxes . . . . -.
To amount received froni state V. .-.'r, - - -.-
To amount received from criminal fine (2) . . ...
- y . '-.A. ;. ' AMOCSTS
Bv amount nald out on county warrants
By amount paid out on School Superintendent's warrants. .
By balance general fund on hand.. . .
By balance school fund on hand . . . ..
Dalles City, Dr. . .'. ........
Dufur, Dr . v..............................
institute. . . . . . ; . .,. ...... ............... .
Road '......... ....
Dufur, by balance. .; .
Institute, by balance v-'. " ' -
Warrants redeemed .
Balance, taxes ......
By balance. . . . . . .
State of Oeegos, County of Wasco ss. . t
. I, C. L. Phillips, do hereby certify that the Jbrpgoing is a true and correct
statement of the amounts rccaiyed,. paid out and remaining on hand, in the
county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 30th day of Sep?
timber, A. D. 1898. , . - - . . ' . ' ' . ;
Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D. 1808. ' - - , ;
' - :" - ." C. L. PHILLIPS, County TrenEurer.
- ; .' - : SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT . , .:
Of the'amonnt of money and warrants received" for taxes, and 'money paid to the
County Treasurer by the 'Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, for the six months
ending on the 30th day of September, A. D. 1898 : . ' ' "
To amount received in coin and currency during month of April, 1898., .$ 6,570 29
To amount received in coin and currency during month of May . .. " . . '4,011 23
To amount received fh coin and eurrencv dunue month of July " . . . 4,725 60
To amount received in coin and currency
To amount received in com and currency, during montn oi bejt. " . .11,147 bo
' . " By amount s paid to the County Treasurer as per receipts' - - " ' i
April; 1898. ; . .-V.'-'. ..... . . .. . .. . . . .$28,158 26
June, 1898 .10,590 52
August, 1898 . 15,639 42
September, 1893.1... ............. ,...,....., 766 76
State of Oregon, County of Wasco ss.
"-. il, Kobert Kelly, Sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing
statement is correct and trne. -
Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D. U98. r r. .
--:'-''.;-: ; ;, 7 ';---'. ROBERT KELLY,
- ' ";: r ' -.-" -"" ; j ; 'Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon
Of the County Clerk of Wasco County,
: amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, amount of w ar
- rants drawD, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st
day of April, A. D.1S98, to the 30th day of September, ArD. 1898, both days
;:" inclusive:' " -1 -r ' - . - :: ..-'-. - ,-r-
On What Account Allowed. ' '- ; - Amount Allowed,
For ealaries of County Judge, Commissioners, Clerk, Sheriff, District " " '
Attorney, -School Superintendent,
SDector, and janitor .........
For paupers and county hospital..
For roads and bridges
For iurors in Circuit Court and grand jury
For fees in justice court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; , ...
For stationery and office supplies . .......
For court house and jail ..V. .
For bounty ou wild animals.
For Supervisors' account .v.-.T. .
For insane account. . . ; ...... . -. . ; : . ... i .-
For Coroner's inquest .-, ...I . .. .X . .. . J., ...... v.
For fuel and electric lights and telephone rent. . .
For election. i .-. . . ... . .- . . ... :'.
For printing and advertising. .'. . : . '. .
For armory- rent, O. G. and G. A. R. relief.. .1
For rebate on taxes :.f.. .......s:
v Total amount of warrants drawn.' ; .
Outstanding Warrants Unpaid :: -
Outstanding unpaid warrants, Oct. 1, 1898.
uslimatea accruea interest.
State of Oregon,' Counfy of Wasco ss.
I,.A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk of Wasco County, State of Oregon, do hereby
certify that. the foregoing is a true and
amount of claims allowed by the Connty
30th day of September, A. D. 1898, on what account the same was allowed and the
amount of warrants drawn,, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid
as the same appear upon the records of my office and in'my custody, y ; '
.y. ;Witness my hand and official
seal. this 24th day of October, Al
- -v - ' 1 ; :
v-U.,.-f. :f :
Of the financial con lition of Wasco County, State of. Oregon, on the 30th day of
October, A. D.189S: . . -. :- , . - . .. v ; - . -
v" .' . - liabilities. - .,.7' .- - 2 1 " :'
Amount of warrants remaining nnnnid April 1st. A. D. 1898 95,667 13
Amount of warrants issued from April 1st, A. D. 1898, to October 1st, - -
A. D. 1898.. . . , r.:v. r. . . ......
By warrants redeemed from April 1st,' A.
18tf8, as per xreasurer a report now on
Estimated accrued interest thereon to date
Total Iiabilities October 1st, A. D. 1898. .
: '- : -. . -7 r,- - - - BESOCKCKS. -'f' ' ' ' 1 ."- ------: "
By funds in hands of County Treasurer' applicable to the' - -:
payment of county warrants, Oct. lst1898.v. ....i... .$16,829 38 - ;x -a y
By funds in hands of Sheriff Oct. 1st, 1898, applicable to the
- " payment of connty warrants:-....'... 2,856 76 1 -'-.'" ,;
By estimated amount of real estate bid in by the county at -'
-. tax sales for the years 1890-91-92 93 94 ... ..'..-. .. . . 3,000 00 - - " '
By estimated amount of delinquent taxes
ea on roiis oi i8o yo ..
Excess of liabilities over resources . i
State of Obegok, County of Wascc ss.
T, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk of the
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
- : General
7 H
33,425 72
3,858 72
;.. - j62 64 :.
.!v -.285 62
225 00
... 66 50
... 1,437 81
- Fund.
4.080 91
9,454 90
. 4,906 80
r 26 60
$54,425 68 $18,469 21
- PAID 0DT."r
. . .
.433,458 44
$16,092 25
2,376 96
-16,829 38
3,858 72
- 23 13
- 66 50
150 00
. - 39 51
.. 10 00
$54,425 68 . $18,469 21
. - -$10,523 68
.$ 516 73 .
. 9,721 65 10,238 38
. ... . .... .... .
$ . ; 285 30
dnrinp month of August " : . .. 10,919 31-
- . r i-' '.
- - - - -- - -: ' : ;'- ' '
State of Oregon, showing the number and
Assessor, - , treasurer, btock in
. .$ 8,533 93
. . -1,497 09
.. 1,512 44
.. ' 612 70
.V 509 75
... . 445 56
.. 393 12
. '. 899 00
: . : . :
.'.-'. .:v,
. 120 00
r: - -10 00
95 75
. . .... .275 20
528 60
. . " 252 70
. . . -i l98 00
r.: 1. 216 24
.V'";'.--. ;
.$16,000 X8
. , '".
" Principal.
. InUresU
. . ... .
$78,208 77.
$15,000 00
; -;; . -' . ' ic:
correct statement of the number and
Court for the six months ending on the
seal of the County Court of said county,
D. 1893. ; . , 'Il 'V; C ) ' -
:. . A. M. KELSAY, County Cleric.
By Simeon Boltqx,. Deputy. .
. ...... .,.....;...... . 16,000 08
$111,667 21
D. 1898, to October 1st, A. D.
nie.-j-,.. ...... ...
33,458 44
$ 78,208 77
. 15,000 00
. ;,$ 93,208 77
due and uncollect- r: -
......;............ii,uuu uu s 3,to,i4
r.'C: . . . . . .... . ." " ". $ 55,522 63
. . --''''',. .
County of Waeco, State of Oregon, do
and correct statement of the financial
condition of said county as the : same appears of record from . the books of said
county, in my office and custody, and from the reports of the Treasurer and Sheriff
filed herein. . ". '""".- .- "' i' '-i : y: ; j. -i ' '-: :
-..Witness my hand and the seal of the Court affixed, 'this the 24 th day
seal. - ' of October, A. D. 1898.- r -"";'-----.
'."'-.'r'r". -. ' . ' A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk. -..
. . - ; . '-. .' ... " '. ' '. ' "By Simeon Boltos, Deputy.
8t IWays
Have, two lots of Ladies' Shoes which
they desire to close out. To those who
want a genuine bargain we will eay, call
easly, ss the price .quoted will make
them quick sellers. . ,"."'.'.; :'-
-Ladies' Hand Turn,' Button, Pointed
toe,, widths B, C, and I), eizes 2 to 5.
$5.00 ehoe for : r ; . "
$1.50. x
r - Ladies' Kid, Bnttin, Narrow Square
toe, widths B, C and D, sizes 2 to 5.
$3.00 shoe for ; ; . ' , '. .
I n add ition to the above we offer
Misses' Kid, Button, Com toe, sizes 11
to 2, at . .
; 65 cents.
Misses' Pebble Grain, Button. Good
school shoe, . .
- Boys Veal, Congress, 2 to 52.$2.00
shoe for
:: $1.25.
time schedule.
Salt Lake. Denver. Ft
3:10 a. m.
Worth, Uiraba, Kan
11:50 p. m.
sas city, xonu,
utucago ana Jtast.
- Flyer
6:30 p. m
Walla Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis. St. Paul,
D u 1 u t b, Milwaukee,
6:50 a. m.
tnicago ana tasi.
8 p. m.
From Pobti,ani.
Ocean Steamehiua.
4 p.m.
All Sailing dates subject
to cnange. - -For
San Francisco
- Nov. 1; 4, 7,10,13,16,
id, a, -a, vs.
8. m.
4 p. m.
Colombia By, Steamers.
To Astoria and Way
10 p.m.
...- lanoings.
6 a.' mi
Wills mbttk Rivkb.
4:30 p. m.
Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New berg,
saiem s way Lana a
Willamette and Yam-
8:30 1 m.
Oregon .City, Dayton,
and Way-Landings.
. ana bt.
ana rn.
' 6 o. m.
Willamette River.
4:30 p. m.
Portland to Corvallis,
Tae., i hur
, ana. Bsc
ana nay-Lanaings,
and Sat.
Lv Rlparia
, daily
' except -
Brake River. -'
Riparia to Lewlston.
' For full particulars call on O. R. N. Co.'s
agent-The Dalles, or address - -- . . .
- Gen. Pss. Agt, Portland. Or
H ' ' " :- :)'y
: ::: - .-S - :
Pullman . . :- :--
.J:; Sleeping Car&
Elegant ';;;:i . '
: - -:.. .. Dining, Cars
Tourist - -r -.-.; . - -:-
- ;r Sleeping Car
. DVLVTH ' '
FA KG 6 ' " ; :
Thirou g h Tiekets
CBICAGO -1 ' !- .
PODfTS EAST and SOUTH - ' - '
For inlormatlon, time cards, maps and tickets,
cal on or write to - t
W. C. AIXA WAY. Agents :
- ; - : . . . .j- ; Tne Dalles, Oregon
A. D. - AELTON, Asst. O. P. A.,' "
25 . . rrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregua
Oi R.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, r
. The tiinous :i.tlj-puis. .. .
IS THE CIRCriT COI7RT of the State of Ore
gon for Wasco County.
Adelia A Crevellng, plaintiff,
Frank O. Crevehng, defendant.
Tn Priinb O f r.n-. f ti i. Ih. ihnpa n.moif HaFanil. -
ant: -
In the name ol the tat e otOrecon, yon are
hereby requirted to appear nnorautwer the com
plaint filed agaiust you in the ubive entitled
cause on or before the first dnv of the term of the
above entitled court, foUowing the expiration of
the time prescribed in the order of the judge of
said court, for the publication of this summons,
to-urit: on or before Monday the 14th day of
November, 1898, and if you fail to so appear and
answer said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief .
prayed for in her complaint, vis: for a decree of
divorce from tbe defendant and for the restora
tion of her maiden name of Adeliii A. Milligan,
and for snch other and lurther relief as may be
equitable and just. -
-This summon is 'served upon you by six
weeks' publication thereof in The Dalles
Chronicle, by order of Hon. W. L. Bradbhaw,
judge of the above named com t, made in cham
bers at Dalles Citv, Oregon, and dated the 27th
day of Hepteinber, 1898. W. H. WII.SON,
9-28-i . - Attorney for FlulnUff. .
Sheriff's Sale.
BY VIRTUE of an execution lrsned out o
the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, in
a suit therein peudiur, wherelu J. V. Duncanson
is plaintiff and O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor,
Joseph A. .'obnaon, J. C. Flanders and C. W.
Cather are defendants, to me directed, dated
tbe 19U1 day of September, 1898, cammanding
me to sell tbe lands berein described, 1 will,
22d Day of October. 1808,
at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at the
court house door, in Dalles City, Or., sell at
publio sale to tbo highest bidder for cash In
baud, all ot the following described land, towit:
The south of the northeast M, and the north
i of the southeast K. of Section 2, Township 1
south, Range 12 east, W. M., to satisfy the sum
of J776.69 and interest at ten per cent per annum
from September 15, 1898, and d0 attorney's fees
and $36.18 tiixes ann interest at eight ptr cent
per annum from said last numed date, aud costs'
and accruing costs; also the wr-M Yt of the
northeast , Mid the northc ist V, of the north
west Ji, and the northwest of the southeast
of Section 12, Township - south, Range 1-1 east,
V. M., to satisfy the sum of 802.01, and accru
ing interest from September 15, 1898, and $13.20
taxes and interest as aforesaid, and costs aud
arcruii costs. ROBERT KELLY,
9-25-1 Sheriff of Wasco County.
- Notice Final Account.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of tbe estate of William M. Hock
man, deceased, has filed his final account and
report in said estate with tbe County Clerk for
Wasco County, Oreson, aud that Monday the 7th
day of November, 1898, at 10 o'clock, a. m. has
been flxtd as the time and tbe connty court
mom if the county court house, in Dalles City,
Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed as the
place for hearing said final account.
All persons interested in said estate are herebr
notified to be and appear at Bald time aud place
and show cause why said account should not be
In ali things, allowed, ratified, approved and
confirmed, and an order be made discharging
said administrator and his bondsmen from fur-'
ther liability in said trust.- . .
- Administrator of tbe estate of William M.
Hockman, deceased. . 9-2o-l.
. States Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Oregon, Au
gust 19, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the
order of the President of January 31, 1898, per
manently reserving the following described
tracts or parcels of land, for the nse of a boat
railway between Tbe Dalles and Celilo, on tbe
south side of the. Columbia river, has been re
voked. Said tracts described as follows: One
tract situated in the SffV of Sec. 31, T. 2 N R.
14 E., containing about four and one-half acres
(no other description). Tbe other tract in the
NWJi, Sec. 21, T. 2 N., ft. 15 E., containing about
one-half of an acreparticularl) described as fol
lows: Beginning at the northwest corner of
said section 21, and running thence in a south
erly direction along the west boundary line of
said section 21, one hundred and seventy (170)
feet to a point on said boundary line; thence in
a straight line to a point on the north boundary
line of said section 21, distant two hundred and
sixty (2G0) feet in an easterly direction from the
point of beginning; and thence In a westerly
direction along tbe north boundary line of said
section 21 to the point of beginning. Said tracts
are therefore restored to the public domain, and
are subject to disposal the sarue as other publio
lands. By order of the Hon. Commissioner.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, August 19. 1898.
JAl r. 1.L1JA3, Kegifcier.
YJ eral Land Office, Washington, D.C.,May27,
1898. Notice is hereby given of ihe following
Executive Order, restoring certain lands in the
Cascade Range Forest Reserve to settlement and
entry.- "EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington,
D. C. April 29, 1898. In accordance with the
provisions of the Act of Juue 4, 1897 (39 StaL,
36). upon the recommendation ol the Secretary
of thelnteiior, the west half of Towushipone
South, of Range ten East, vtillumette Meridian,
Oregon within the limits of the Cascade Range
Forest Reserve, is hereby orde:ed restored to the
public domain,a(ter s xty days notice hereof, by
publication, as required by appearing that
Mid tract is better adapted to agricultural thaa
forest purpoies - - WILLIAM McKINLEY.'
1 he above land will be subject to entry at the
T'nited States Ltnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
ou and after October 17, 1898. -
Binger Hermann. Commissioner.
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