- - t THE' DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE : SATURDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1898, PERSONAL. MKHTION. Wednesday' Dally. -. Mrs. J. M. Garrison returned to Fort at Grove today. Hon. John Michell went to Portland this morning. Mrs. E. O. McCoy was a passenger for Portland on the -morning train. Dr. O. D.-Doane was a passenger on the weet-boand train this morning. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Hinton are 4a. the city from tbeir home near Bakeoven. A. Roderick Grant, repreeentine the Biamaoer Frank Drue Co., spent the day in the city on his way to Spokane. II. H. Gilfrey, of Washington, D. C, will arrive in the city this evening, hav ing spent some time in Salem and En gene. . Rev. Bpltz was a passenger on the boat this moroiot' bound for Spragne, where be will conduct the funeral ser vices of Mrs. Fanny Wileon today. Thursday's Dally. ' C. R. Clark is in the city from Ante lope. - IV. A. Young is in the city from Oregon , City. W. H. Fowler left this morning for Portland. F. E. Ward and wife returned to their borne in Kingsley today. - E. C. Pease returned this .morning from a, short trip to Arlington. M. Victor and family, of Bake Oven, are registered at the Farmer's Hotel. Mrs. O. L. -Barrett, who bas been visiting in Portland, returned home last night. ' Elder Shearman returned this morn . mg from attending the Baptist conven . tton at Haines. Among our Bake Oven visitors toJav are Bud Loh H. B. Miller, John Cox and Geo. Bastle. K. D. Cameron, of White Salmon, was a passenger on the boat on his return home this morning. Mrs. Bulger came np on last night's train and is the uuest of her daughter, Mre. John Michell. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Shaver of Moro, who . have been visiting in TheDallee, re - tnrned home last night. Mies Clara Sampson was a passenger on the train last night returning from a week's visit in Portland. - Mrs. J. A. Crossen left last night for Union, where she will visit ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Story. Miss Gussie Mcintosh, who has been attending the Baptist convention at Haines, returned home this morning. - Bruce Anson, who' was called to bis home in Bellevue, Michigan, eome two tnontbj agd on account of the illness and death of his mother, returned yesterday morning. Mrs. Kate Smith, who has been visit ing her brother in the city, left last - night to join her husband at North Powder, where he has a position with the railroad company. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Floyd and family, who for years have been considered resi dents of The Dalles, having lived on their farm five miles from tbe city, left . this morning to make their borne in Saattle. Friday's Daily. A. B. Hibbrrd is in from Ante'ope. Mr. W. J. Brown waB a 15-Mile visitor In the city today. - W. F. Johnson is a visitor in tbe city xrjm waidron. - Mrs. urace McAllister is in - the city irom iiienwood today. Miss Sadie Gideon, of Grass Valley, is i visiting friends in tbe city. Mrs. C. J. Crandall went to Hood Biver yesterday to spend eome time with friends. Miss Mamie Driver, who is teacher of tbe Wainic school, is spending a week's vacation at borne. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Driver, who. have spent tbe past two days in the city, re turned to their home in Wamic today. Miss Dottie McFarland arrived in ttie city last night from Seattle. She is a guest at tbe home of her uncle, S. Bolton Mr. N. P. O'Brien waa a vleitor at The Chronicle office this morning from Dufur. Wonld we had more of tbe same kind of callers. Mrs. W. H. Moody and children re- turned from Salem last evening, having attended the McCornack-Moody wed ding in that city. - Mrs. Joseph Webber, of California, sister of Wm. Mansfield, arrived in the city last night from Portland, where she has) been visiting relatives. - Mrs. C. L. Gilbert, daughter. Maud, and son, Clarence, returned this morn ing from an extended visit with relatives in Ohio and Indiana. Mrs. Gilbert was called there by tbe illness of her moth er, who died shortly after her arrival. Foddln' Head Wilaon Says: "The fool saith, 'Pot all thy eggs in different baskets;' which means, scatter your money and your attention ; but the wise man saith: 'Put alTonr eggs in one basket, and watch the bas ket.'" -. -' , We have on'y one basket, and we are watching it in optics. Having made a thorough study of the subject, graduat ing from three of the best colleges, we are enabled to give you a scientific ex- animation. It doesn't matter whether you buy a $10 glass or a $1 glass, or any classes at all,-you get an examination, and a thorough one at that, which alone is worth your time to know your eyes.' ;I fit all cases of eyes, and am permanent- " ly located in The Dalles. I am.no traveling fake, and best of all I guarantee all work - in optics to give yon entire satisfaction. . Yours to serve, : Prof. P. G. Daut, tbe optician. - Two doors west of Keller's bakery, The Dalles, Oregon. Freeh burned lime can be bad at the Hugh Glenn warehouse for $1.30 a barrel. Everybody reads Ths Chroniclr. j SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Oi the County Treasurer of Wasco County, Oregon, for tbe six months ending on . the 30th day of September, A. D. 1898, of money received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid out : - . " AMOUNTS RECEIVED, To amount on band from last report To amounts received from taxes To amount received from Dalles City taxes To amount received from Dufur taxes ....... To amount received from road tax and state. . . . . To amount received from licenses ....... ., ... .... To amount received from institnte, County Supt. To amount received from sundry fees. Balance on band, school fund.. . . To amount received from taxes To amount received from state . To amount received from criminal fine (2).'. . - AMOUSTS By amount paid out on county warrants.. - By amount paid out on School Superintendent's warrants. By balance general fund on hand.. . . By balance school fund on hand . . . ... Dalles City, Dr . ; . . . . ., . . Dnfur, Dr. : ......... Institute. ..1 Road ..- Dufur, by balance . ; Institute, by balance -. . . SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX FC.-:D. Warrants redeemed . '. .. Balance7 taxes By balance. Staxb of Oregon, County of Wasco ss. I, C. L. Phillips, do, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in tbe county treasury of safd county for the six months ending on the 30th day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1898. - . : Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D. 1808. " C. L. PHILLIPS, County Treasurer, SEMI-ANNUAL Of the amount of money and warrants County Treasurer by the Sheriff of ending on the 30th day of September, To amount received in coin and currency To amount received in coin and currency To amount received in coin and eurrencv Tn imnnnt received in coin and eurrencv To amount received in coin -and currency Bv amounts paid to the County Treasurer as per receipts - April, 1898 June, 1898 August, 1898. September. 1893. State of Obeqon, County of Wasco ss. I, Robert Kelly, Sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct and true. . . - - . Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D. 1898. . " ROBERT KELLY, Sheriff of Wa6co County, Oregon. ; SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT t . . . . Of the County Clerk of Wasco County, amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, amount of war rants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid,-from the 1st dav of April, A. D. 1898, to the 30th day of September, A. D. 1898, both days inclusive: . - On What Account Allowed." For salaries of County Judge, Commissioners, Clerk, Sheriff, District Attorney, School Superintendent, Aesessor, Treasurer, Stock In spector, and janitor : .......... . For paupers and county hospital.. ........ For roads and bridges .: ,...T. ........ ... For jurors in Circuit Court and grand jury . For fees in justice court. For stationery and office supplies ...'. For court honee and jail For bounty on wild animals .''......:;........:.. .. 899 00 For Supervisors' account ........... ...... 120 00 For insane account. ; : . . . ....... .. 7. ..... . , '. ... ...... 10 00 For Coroner's inquest .- -...,...-..'....' 95 75 For fuel and electric lights and telephone rent . : 275 20 For election...:. ......... . 528 60 For printing and advertising 252 70 For armory rent, O. N. G. and G. A. R. relief. ... ... ... 198 00 For rebate on taxes , . .. 216 24 Total amount of warrants drawn. . .... . Outstanding Warrants Unpaid- , .- ". Outstanding unpaid warrants,' Oct. 1, 1898.. . . Estimated accrued interest. . . - State of Oregon, County of Wasco ss. . ' : ' ' . :i. I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk of Wasco County, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by tbe County Court for the six months ending on the 30th day of September, A. D. 1898, on wbat account tbe same was allowed and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as tbe same appear upon the records oi my office and in my custody. -.. . Witness my hand and official seal. this 24th day of October, A. . - SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of the financial condition, of Wasco County, State of Oregon, on the 30th day of October, A. D. 1893: ; ; .... ' - . ' ' " J " LrABlLlTIES. ' -r..- .'- - ' V - ' Amount of warrants remaining unpaid April 1st. A. D. 1898 : ..$ 95,667 13 Amount ot warrants issued from April 1st, A. D. 1898, to October 1st, - ' A. D. 1898. ............. -. -. By warrants redeemed from April 1st, A. 1898, as per Treasurer's report now on Estimated accrued interest thereon to date Total liabilities October 1st, A. D.1898. '.i.;:. .. . .7: .;.$3,208 77 -.' ' -- " . - ' - resources. . - : ' '.. ' . " By funds -in hands of County Treasurer payment of county warrants,-Oct. 1st, tsy tunas in nanus oi bnerm uct. 1st, 1898, pavment oi connty warrants. By estimated amonnt of real estate bid in tax sales for tbe years 1890-91-92 93 94 By estimated amount of delinquent Uxes ed on rolls Ot 1895-90 97. Excess of liabilities over resources State of Oregon, County of Wasco ss. I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk of the hereby certify that the foregoing is a true AND FROM WHAT SOURCE. General . - Fund. . ...$10,063 67 -.. 38,425 72 . 3,858 72 ... 62 64 285 62 . . . 225 00 ... - 66 50 ... 1,437 81 School . Fund. 4.080 91 9,454 90 4.906 80 26 03 $54,425 68 $18,469 21 8 PAID OUT. $33,458 44 '. 16,829 38 3,858 72 . 23 13 56 50 . 150 00 39 51 10 00 $16,092 25 2,376 96 $54,425 63 $18,469 21 $10,523 63 516 73 9,721 65 10,238 38 ...... . . . $ 285 30 STATEMENT received for taxes, and money paid to the Wseco County, Oregon, for the six months A. D. 1898 : . .- . .. ' during month of April, 1898.. .$ 6,570 29 during month of May " 4,01 1 23 during month of July 4,725 60 durine month of August " ' . .'10,919 31 during month of Sept. . . 11,147 58 .$28,158 26 10,590 52 15,639 42 ..' : r. . . - 7 76 V-; ' - State of Oregon, sbowing the n'umber and . '. - V, "1, - Amount AUdiced. .$ 8,533 S3 . 1,497 09 . 1,512 44 512 70 . . 509 75 , " 445 56 . - 393 12 Z.......... $16,000 08 : Principal. - Interest. . .$78,208 77 $15,000 00 seal of the County Court of said county, D. 1898. - A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk. By Simeon Bolton, Deputy. v 16,000 08 $111,667 21 D. 1898, to October 1st, A. D. hie ". . ... ' 33,458 44 78,208 77 15,000 00 ........... applicable to the . : . ' ' 1898. .......... ..$16,829 38 applicable to tbe . 2,856 76 - . 3,000 oo - ;.. 15,000 00 $ 37,686 14 by tbe county at due and uncollect . ; - $ 55.522 63 . - " - - : ' :'- . ,r .. County of Waeco, Stale of Oregon, do and corn c! statement of tbe iicancial - J condition of said county as the .same county, in my office and custody, and from tbe reports of the Treasurer and Sheriff filed herein. ; . - - . .-' - ' c --Witness my band and the seal of tbe Court affixed, this the 24th day - seal. . of October, A. D. 1898. " - - " . . . : ; . A. M.- KELSAY, County Clerk. - '. - By" Simeon Bolton Deputy. GO SLOW ON WIDOWS. That Waa the Piece of Good Advice One of Them Gave a Smart ' Yous Man. A score of us were sitting in the shade of the depot bnildlng waiting for the train, which was an hour late, when a yoke of oxen attached to a queer-looking eart turned the" corner. They were driven by a woman about 50 years of age, who was barefoot and wore a man's straw hat.- . - "Git up thar', Buck!" she exclaimed, as she laid the "gad" on the off ox with a resounding whack." "You," thar", Peter, what you skittishun 'round that way fur? Whoa, now I Both" of yous tstan' still!" ' She turned them up to the platform, threw down some hay taken from the cart, and -came up among us to inquire of th,e depot agent about a barrel of salt. He was busy then and she was waiting around, when the smart Alick of the crowd, who was- traveling for a wine house, remarked in tones meant for her to overhear.: - . "I have always said if I married at all, I'd marry a woman who could drive oxen." - "Is that meant for me?" she asked, as she walked straight up to him. "Are you a widow, ma'am?" ".. "I am. Bin a widder ever since a .sawlog rolled over Jim nine years ago." - - - "And you'd marry again if you had the opportunity, would you?" - "I wouldT AVheri Jim lay a-dyin' in the'house lie tcld me to marry agin If J had a shew." "Ahem! I see. Could you love a sec ond husband?" "I ccrcld. It runs in our family to love. We begin airly and keep it up to the grave. What's your proposition- "M I n a plain woman, full o bizness, and never do any foohn .--If you ve got anything to say, spit it right out afore 'em all." - "I I don't want to marry just now," he stammered. : "Don't eh? Then what's the use of gettin' me on my tiptoes about it You man, you jest the same as asked m.e to have you, and' I jest the same as accepted you,! .. "0!" No, no! Imerelymade same in quiries! " he replied - v "Them inquiries was about love, sir, and my heart's a-thumping away like all git out! I said I'd marry again, andJ I wiIL We ore engaged. Wnendoyou want me to be ready? --. "Madam, you have totally misunder stood me, explained the young man, as he turned all sorts of colors and ap peared to grow small. "I asked you a few questions out of curiosity." : '"Mebjbe the jury will call it curiosity, and mebbe they won't," she said, as she set her jaw.. . - - -"They don't allow no foolin 'round in Posey county. When a feller goes as fur as you hev it's a hitch or dam ages. - I'm a-tremblin' all over like a girl, an my heart's a-tryin' to jump out. -" It's regular love or I don't know the road hum. You don't leave here young man, till this case is settled." "But, ma'am you see " . " -' "I don't know-nuthin' but marriage or damages. You've asked me to have you. I- said I would. Will you marry or settle " . "How how much?" he gasped, as he looked around and failed to find any sympathy. "T - ;"Wall, Saginaw salt is a dollar and a quarter a baT'l,""she -replied, as she glanced at a row of barrels down- the platform. "I. guess the oxen kin git hum' with two barls. Make it two and I'll call it squar'." r . . .Everybody grinned except the young man. lie realized that he was done for, and got out of the box by plank' ing down the $2.50 to the agent. The cart was driven around to the SDot. the barrels loaded up, and then the woman came- back to the young man: I ve settled-his case, and the salt is in the cart, Rnd I jest want to re mark that if you happen this way agin and you happen to feel so awfully cun- mn that you can t hold yourself, you'd better go slow on widders. Thar s 16 of us 'round here, an we all drive yel ler oxen hitched to carts. anrwe all go b arfoot in the summer and sigh to get married agin. The reg'lar figger is three bar'ls of salt and a pound of tea,, but, owing to your youth and that thunderstorm comin up, I ve let you off easy. - Good-day, bub; good-day all!" N..Y. Herald. Mow to Prevent Croup. : We have two children who are Bobject to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is coming on my wife gives them Cham berlin's Cough Remedy and it always prevents the attack. It is a household necessity in tbiejeoontry, and no matter what else we run oat of, it would not do to be - without Chamberlain's Coagb Remedy. - More of it is sold here than of all other cough - medicines combined. J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros., mer chants, Nickleville, Pa. For saie by Blakeley & Houghton. - - Ladles, No More Darning;., .' -The Magio Hand Loom made of pol ished rolled steel. ' Latest Invention for mending' clothing, underwear,' - table linens or heels and toes in hosiery.'-- A child can work it." Perfect weave. Sent postpaid for 25c. Great Western. Ad vertising and Novelty Co., 1155)4 Wash ington St., Oakland, Cal. ol2 lai . Aek your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pare concentrated flavoring extracts, tf appears of record from the books of said Weak Of If you have coughed and j coughed until the lining: mem- brane of your throat and lungs is inflamed, . " Scott's Emulsion 1 -- " - (..- of Cod-liver Oil'will soothe, strengthen and probably cure, w The cod-liver oil feeds and strengthens the weakened tis- $ sues. The glycerine soothes and heals them. The hypo- $ phosphites of lime and soda impart tone and vigor. Don't w a neo-lect these couchs. One A bottle of the Emulsion may do w more for you now than ten m can do later on. Be sure you i get SCOTT'S Emulsion. at jR . All druggists ; 50c nd $1.00. A SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. 6 Are Yoii Interested? The O. S. & N. Co'a. New book On the Besourses of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho is being distributed. Oar readers are requested to forward the addresses of tbeir Eastern friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the work will be eent them free. This is a mat ter all should be . interested in, and we wonld ask that everyone take an in terest and forward such addresses to W. H. HrjBLBUBT, General Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co., Portland. BUCKS. Delaines, Cots wolds, and Shropshire Rams for sale at reasonable prices'. ' C.A.Buckley,'' Grass Valley, Or, For Bale. 1,500 lambs about 800 ehropshires, balance merinos. Also 1000 ewes, all young and in good fix.- Anyone want ing some good stuff will do well to call on of address. -Albert b. kobeets, 18-dlw-w2t Box 507, The Dalles. A action Sale ' : . At my farm cn 5-Mile, Tuesday, Oct. 25th, larm implements, wagons, harness, etc. 10-11 d w tcT Wm. Floyd, - Bnckien'a Anna salve. The best ealve ip the wor.d for i-nie, braises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, and al! skin eruption?, and posi lively cui as piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or mcrieV refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For- sale Dy- Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. WE DO. til)! fi I KB FIRST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. Chronicle Pub. Co. -THE DALLES, OREGON. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oresron. Au gust 19, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the order of the President of January 81, 1898, per manently reserving the following described tracts or parcels of land, for the use of a boat railway between The Dalles and Celilo, on the south side of the Columbia river, has been re voked. Said tracts described as follows: Que trae sitnated in the N WW of Sec. 3VT. 2 N., R. 1 K , containing about Jour and one-nait acres io other description). The other tract In the WM. Sec. 21. T. i N.. B. 15 E . containing: about one-naif of an acre, particular!) described as fol lows: .Beginning at tne nonnwest corner ot said section 21.- and runnina thence in a south erly direction along the west boundary line of said section 21, one hundred and seventy (170) feet to a point en said boundary line; thence in a straight line to a point on the north boundary line of said section 21, distant two hundred and sixty (260) feet in an easterly direction from the point of beginning; and thence In a westerly direction along the north boundary line of said section 21 to the point of beginning. Said tracts are therefore restored to the public domain, and are subject to disposal tbe same as other public lands. By order of the Hon. Commissioner. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, August 19, 1898. JAY r. LUCAS. Reenter. e.ug24-l - - OTIS PJTTtKSON, Receiver Lungs Printing : SUMMONS.' IS THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore gon, lor the County oi Wasco. Maggie E. Stone, plaintiff, vs. Charles WV Stone, defendant. -To Charles. W. Stone, defendant: - In the name of the State'nf Oreg n. Yon are hereby required to appear and Answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled huit within ten days from thednteof the service of this summons upon you, if served within thiscounry; or if served within anv other coun ty ot this State, then within twenty daya from the date of the service ot this summons upon you; and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff wl'l take judgment pgntnst you for, or if served npon you by publication, then, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, towit: 011 or before the 1st day of the November, 1898. term of said court; and if yn fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, owit: Fur the dis solution of the bonds of matrimr.ny now exist ing between you and the plniutiff, and for the custody of Hazel M Stone, the minor child of plain ti ft and defendant. This summons is ssrved tipon yon, the safd Charles W.Stone.by order of the Hon. W. L. Brad shaw, Judge of said Cou-t, made on the ISth day of September, 1898. HUNTINGTON & WILSON. 9-17 il Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State ot Ore gon for Wasco County. Mable Gannon, plaintiff, vs E. J. Gannon, defendant. To E. J. Gannon, the above named defendant: In the name of the state- of Oiegon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the fl-st day of the above named court, following the exnirallon of the - Uime presci ibed in the order for the service of mis summons npon you ry p-iDli-ullon, to wit: on or before Moi.dny the 14th day of November, 1898, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief pruyed for in her complain), viz: for a decree of divorce. This summons Is served npon you by six week's publication thereof in The Dallbs Chronicle, by orderof Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above named court, made in cham bers at Dalles City, Oregon, October 1, 1898. W. H. WILSON", 101-ii - Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Fritz, late of Wasco County, Oregon, now deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to resent the same to me at my residence at alles City, Oregon, properly verified, within six months from the date of this notice. . Bated this 16th day of September, 1898 I. N. BARGENT, Administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Frit? deceased. . . Septl7-it Notice Final': Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned baa filed with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, his final account as administrator of the estate of Thos. J. Sullivan, jr.. and by order of said Connty Court tbe 7th day of November, 1898, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. Is txed as the time and the County Court room of said Court as the place for tbe homing of said final account and objec tions thereto if any there be. octl-H HOBATIO FARGHEB, i . , Administrator. ' Executor's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and in pursuance of an older ot the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, made and entered on the 0th day. of September, 1898, in the matter of tbe estate of Thomas Oleson, deceased, that tbe undesigned, executor of said estate, will sell at public sale at the Coun ty Court House door, in Dalles City r Oregon, on Tuesday, Kovember 1, 1808. at the hour of 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon ef said day, the following described real property be longing to saia estate, town: r. oi tne n w 8 W i, ail in section 8, Tp 1 N, Range 12 E, W M. in Wasco County, Oregon. Said property -will be sold to the highest bidder for cash in hand. s-j-ui it. r. uiuliab, executor. - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . U. B Land Office, The Dalles, Ob., I October 6, 1898. ( Notice ia herebv eiven that the followlne- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and mat saia prooi win De maae neiore me negisier and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday Kovember 18,1898, viz: Irvln Julian, of The Dalles; homestead application No. 4936, for the E14 El. section fourteen, township one north, range fourteen cast, W. M. He names the followfne witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of taid land, viz: Isaac Young, Charles Scares, Chris. English, James Gilberts, all of Tbe Dalles. Oregon. 10-8-ii i JAY If. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IT. S. Land Office, Tde Dalles, Ob., ) September 10, ViS. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named aettler bas filed notice of his intention -to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said nrool will be made before tbe Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, October 21, 1898, viz : Theresa Kllmt, for the heirs of Fred Klimt, deceased; H. E. No. 011. for the south half of the southeast quarter of section eighteen, township two north, range thirteen east, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation. of said land, viz: wiuiam joraan, vtutiam vru mDDer, r.. Learned, r. Egitas, all of The Dalles, Oregon. 9-1711 JAY P. LUCA3, Register. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is herebv elves that the undersigned has Sled his final account as Executor of the last will and testament of James McGahan. de ceased, with the Clerk of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and by an order of said Court dnly made and entered. Monday, the otn day ot bepteniDcr, isms is fixed as the time and tbe County Court room of said Court as the place for the hearing of said final account. . Dated this 27th day of July, 1S98. Jly30-ll, ; R. F. OIBONB, Executor. Administrator's Final Notice. Notice Is herebv eiven that the undersigned. administrator of the estate of Henry A. Baker, deceased, has filed his final account In the foiintv court of the State of Oresron for Wasco county, and the court has fixed and appointed Monday, tbe 6th day of September, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the connty court room in the court house in Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and place lor tne hearing ana settlement inere of. Any heir, creditor or other person interested in the estate is hereby required to appear on or before said day and file his objections thereto or to any particular item thereof. - Dalles City, Oregon, Auaust 4, 1898. " aug6-U . C. w. DIKTZEL, Administrator. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Gen- eral Land Office, Washington, D. C, May 27, 1898. Notice is hereby given of the following Executive Order, restoring certain lands In the Cascade Range Forest Reserve to settlement and entry: "EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, D. C, April 29, 1898. In accordance with the revisions of the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat,--), npon the recommendation ot tbe Secretary of the Interior, tbe west half of Township one South, of Range ten Eaat, Willamette Meridian, Oregon, within the limits of the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, is hereby ordcied restored to tbo nnblic domain.after sixty days notice hereof, bv publication, as required by law.lt appearing that said tract ia better adapted to agriculture than forest purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY, EY." The above land will be subiect to entrv at the United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, ou and after October 17, 1898, Dinger nermann, commissioner.