THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1898. PERSONAL MESTIOS. Ler relatives in the and Mrs. union of tbe visitor in the Saturday's Dally. Leo Rondeau and wife are in from - Kingsley. Rev. W. E. Rawson, of Tygh, went down on the boat this morning to fort land. Mrs. Walter Reed returned to Port land on the early morning train thii morning. f Miss Hattie Ricks came up from Bon neville Jast evening, retarning on the morning train. Misses Nell and Mvrtle Michell Mt on the early morning train for Portland to remain over fcunclay. W. 8. Elkine, of Polk county, repre senting the M t. Tabor nurseries, is spend ing the day in tbe city. , ... F. 8. Flood, of tbe Mountaineer force. vent to Portland this morning to spend Sunday with his mother. Miss Jeacettft Meredith, of Salem, came up on tbe 5 o'clock train last even . ing and is visiting city. ' Mrs. Root. Rintoul and two children arrived from Idaho this morning will visit - her mother-in-law, . Spink. Joseph Graham is in from Sisters, Oregon, and called at The Chronicle office today. His calls are the kind most appreciated by all newepaper people Tom Balour, of Lyle, will spend his Christmas this vear with his relatives in England, having left Thursday even ins for London, where family is to take place. Monday"! Dally. Edwin Mays spent Sitarday and Sun day in tbe city. O. Kinersly made a flying . trip to Portland yesterday. H. S. Davidson and family are in the city from Wapinitla. Miss M. Wagner is city from Hay Stack. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Hansen returned from Portland last night Mrs. W. Lord and Mrs. Houghton . went to Portlandthis moining. Mrs. J. M. Garrison is up from Forest Grove -visiting her husband lor a few days. W. R. Norway, who is traveling for the Jones, Paddock Co., spent yesterday with friends in the c.ty. -Chester Starr arrived in tbe city Sat urday from Grade. He is contemplat ing spending tbe winter here. C. A. Buckley returned from the East this morning and lelt lor bis home in Grass Valley later in the day. Dr. E. R. Wingate, formerly of this city, is visiting friends here, and at the time attending to matters ol business Mrs. G. W. Gray, accompanied by her grand laughter. Miss Benlah fatter eon, returned to her home in Salem Saturday. Rev. J. C. Baker, of Hartland, who . occupied tbe pulpit at tbe Calvary iJap tist church yesterday, left this morning ' lor f ortland. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. .Smith, of Prine . ville, who have been visiting Mrs, Smith's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. H. Adams, of Portland, are in tbe city on tbeir way borne, Thos. Burgess arrived in the city from isakeoven batnrday bringing with bim his little niece, who was met by her mother, Mre. Dan Malarky, and take to her home in Portland. . Mr. B. S. Waffle came down from Pen dleton yesterday morning and spent Sunday and today with his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Fowler. He will return this evening accompanied bv Mrs. Waffle, who ha been visiting here for the past two weeas. Tuesday'! Daily. - Albert Underwood came up on last evening'B train from Portland. A. G. Howard, advance agent for the Air Ship company, is in tbe city. Hon. E. B. Dofur returned last night from a short business trip to Portland. - Misses Eva Morrow and Bertie Web ber are visitors in the city from Wasco. F. N. Jones and C. M. Cartrigbt, well known sheep men, are. Dalles visitors today. Mrs. M. Foard, who has been visiting Mrs. G. A. Liebe, returned to her home in Astoria today. . Hon. John - Snmmerville spent today in the city on his way from Portland to bis home at Hay Creek. Miss Emily Leibe returned to Port land by boat today, having spent some time visiting relatives here. Jas. A. Cooke, of San Francisco, repre sentative for "Chilling's Best" tea, is registered at the Umatilla today. Dr. McKenzie, Portland's famous phy sician, passed through tbe city in bis special car this rooming, on bis way to Walla Walla. Hon. M. A. Moody and Mrs. W. H. Moody and two children left for Salem this morning to be present at the mar riage of Miss Edna Moody -and Mr. E. P. McCornack at Salem tomorrow. . - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Biggs will leave tonight for an extended visit in the East, stopping at Minneapolis and points along the ronte. They will vieit relatives in Canton, Missouri, for about two months, pending tbe remainder of the winter in Los Angeles, and returning in the spring, when we hope they will decide to make The Dalles their home. Mrs. Biggs re cently received word of the death of sister in California, which saddens what would otherwise have been a pleasant trip.- THE EXCELLENCE- OF SYfiUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fie Syrup Co. only, and we wish, to impress upon all the importance of purchasing1 the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fie Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pat ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fro Sykup Co. with the me Il eal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the same of the Company CALIFORNIA HG SYRDP.CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cat, LOUISVILLE. Kt- NEW YORK. N.T. YELLOW FEVER. It's O oman Nat are. This readiness to accept the won Jerfiil and miraculous in preference to com monplace truth. A plausible and glifc- tongued doctor can go from town to town curing, or trying to cure, people, and have a great influx of shekels, while every community in which the so-called doctor goes is supplied ' with quiet, learned practitionore, who have forgotten more than the fakir ever learned, and they can give you the best treatment within the reach of human knowledge. While your home doctors carry you from year to year, get up at all times of the night and are your servants during the dcy, and you pay them when you are well or able, the fakir gets the cash, and is gone forever. If your eyes are troub ling you in any way, call cn Prof. P. G. Daut, the only graduated optician or doctor of refraction in The Dalles, two doom west of Keller's bakery. I am here to stay,' and guarantee all eye. work. Prof. P. G. Daut. rOH SALE. The sheep, lands, building and every thing needed to carry on the successful business in sheep and wool growing, of tbe late John Grant, in the Bath Can yon and Pine Hollow near Antelope Full particulars furnished and bids in vited for entire property. J. Duff McAndie, Administrator, tf Antelope, Wasco Co., Oregon. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for snnburn and wind chafing. ' - tf y Opera House The Glorious Opportunity to Destrojr ' - . - It Now Belns Opened to Americana. The expected ha happened, and yel-. low fever has attacked our troops at Santiago. The first reports that were permitted to reach the public were dated July 12, on which day there were 14 new cases. " Within three or four days after that the total number of cases to date was admitted to have been upward of 300, so that it is certain that the disease has been among the troops for some time, probably having attacked them almost immediately af ter the landing vas made. The policy of corcealment was wholly justifiable at tliat time, for a confession of the truth would have served no purpose in protecting the home ports, and would simply have en couraged the Spaniards to delay sur render, and would have caused unavail ing anxiety and discouragement at home. All the accounts of the epidemic agree that the disease is in an unusual ly mild form, by far the greater num ber of those attacked recovering after the normal period of not very great suffering. Among the sufferers were very many of the Red Cross surgeons and nurses, all of whom, so far as is known, entirely recovered or are convalescent. Many immune surgeons and nurses are on the way now to San tiago, and will be assigned to the fever hospitals immediately upon their ar rival. ' ' - .Now that there is7 no human enemy in our way, our sanitary officers in the conquered province have an excellent opportunity to give to the world an object lesson in cleanliness. And we are perfectly' confident that, with the filth of Santiago destroyed ,the houses cleaned and disinfected, the infected huts burned, and our-camps removed to the hill3 as far as that may be pos sible. Gen. Voniito Negro will follow the lead of Gen. Toral and wield to the inevitable. We have always believed that the chief reward to our country for un dertaking this modern crusade against the Saracen, and one that will fully compensate us for expenditure of blood and money, will be the libera- tion of our southern states from tbe constant menace of yellow fever. We are fighting not only for the freedom of Cuba from Spanish tyranny, but for the freedom of America from Spanish disease. The accomplishment of the first object is almost realized, and that of the second is plainly in 6ight. It is not expected, however, that this glorious victory can be won without a struggle, and we therefore welcome the battle which is now on, fearful in deed that the loss may be heavy, yet with no misgiving as to the outcome of the contest. Medical Record. Saturday, October 29. ONE NIGHT ONLY 9 Sober and Snalrected. This is how he came to swear: It was four u. m. when he got home. He didn't fumble around the latch for an hour, stutter m his talk, or awaken everyone in the neighborhood with an unseemly noise. He was ober: hadn't drunk ajlrop. Instead, he struck the keyhole at the first attempt and entered. All was juiet. He put his hat and coat on the ball rack and was about to take off his shoes befqre going upstairs, when an old, familiar voice sounded gratingly on his car: "Is that vou, Jack?" . "Yes, Xell." . Then he began:. "It's three minutes after four.'-1 did not let the cat follow me in. I've just returned from one of our caucuses. jThe gas is turned clown lew. The doors ire all looked; the wiudows fastened. paid the taxes this afternoon. Mary "3 Daby's pot the measles. . That isn't our log barking." And when he tumhled into bed Xell looked at him out of sleepy eyes and. said: - , "Jack, you've been drinking." X. O, Times-Democrat. . Gvcu.TouUwut NOW Ship - - BORN. . .. Sunday morning, October 23d, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coopor, a son. - Ltdlei, Ko More Dainlnr.' . The Magic Hand Loom made of pol . ished rolled steel. Latest invention for mending clothing,' underwear, table linens or heels and toes in hosiery. A child can work it. Perfect weave. Sent postpaid for 25c. Great Western Ad .Tertising and Novelty Co., U-55 Wash ington St., Oakland, Ca!, . pJJ Jm "TO MAKE THE WORLD LAUGH.' A Spectacular Musical Farce The Air By J03. M. GAITES. .. " With the Original Great NEW YORK CAST Superb Scenery, Elaborate Costuming, - and a splendid Company of 20 ARTISTS 20 Reserved ssatg 75 cents, back sect fn cpnta. children 25 cents. Seats on sola kt the Snipes Mnerely Drug Co. . , .. Her Ides of Beam. The idea3 of children as to the beaux of kitchen maids are sometimes rather limited. "Maggie," said a little girl not long igo. "have you a. beau?" . "Why, of course, I have," replied Maggie- "Well, then," "persisted the little one, "what is he a policeman or a street car conductor?" Chicago Post. Not at All Gcrrulons. Gotplunks Money talks, you know. Jf oscads Xo, I don't know. I've never got within speaking distance of it. Up to Bate. . Ask your Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drag. . It is quickly Absorbed. Gives Belief at once. CATARRH YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THS HOME HEALTH CLUB. (Cut this oat and forward it with $1.00 to The Iuter Ocean Pub. Co., Chicago, Hi.) THE INTER OCEAN FC&. CO: I hereby accept the invitation fo become a member of the Horns Health Club, and I enclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription lo The Weekly Inter Ocean, which, I understand, enlitl rue to a life member- ship, a record numbe-; and a copy of. Volume 1 of the Home Health Club book (price, 1.00) fee of expewe.. . . : Name r ....... Town or City ........... Street No. State . One of the most practical and beneficial courses of study ever offered to its readers by any newspaper. Not only are there a aeries of practical lessons In paper each week, but the suhecriber is presented, free of expense, with a beauti ful cloth-bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life membership in the great club. Subscribe at once and net the special lessons now being published. A. Ad. KELLER, Renowned Old 0 Fmo Saloon 118 October 15 A. AD. KELLER Tbe Dalles, Or. 90 Second St., second door from Court. THE DALLES, OREGON. It opens and cleanses J , , , "L3 SlTi. COLD 'N HEAD Heals and Protects tbe Membrane. Restore tbe Senses of Taste and Smell. Fall Size 60c ; Trial Bize IOC.; at urngpra or oj mau. - . ELY BBOTHEKa. M Warren Street New Tort $0.90. SI worth of checks good for 10c drink. oFcIgar. ciieck witu each purchase Tom Burke's $P Homestead Whiskey Specialty in Imported French Liquors and Cognac. Best Domestic Liquors, Winw and Cigars. , The Lanrest and Best of August Bnchler's Home-made Beer and Porter. . . . Cloudy We&thep Ppefehved fop Sittings. MY. WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman. Block. THE DAiiLES, OR. fbdes 3T)d pabrie c ' We are ready to . show them in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough" is a poor principle. Those who make the earliest selections secure best results. The . stock is complete and new and we invite you to look at it. . p. Steprjs. 5. j. lai? jtforder Has a full Line of Watches that can be bought at reasonable prices All Goods as represented. fJext doop to -First flatlonal Bank, pine Watch Work a Specialty. - THE DALLES, OR. SUMMONS. rN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State ot Ore gon for Wasco County. Adelia A t'rcTeling, plaintiff, vs " Frank O. Crevehng, defendant. To Frank O. Creveliiig, the ulxive named defend ant: In the name oi the State of Oregon, you are hereby requirted to nppear and answer the com plaint filed sgaiost you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the term of the above entitled conrt, following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order of the judge of said coarr, for the publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Monday the 14th day of November, 1898, and if you fell to so appearand answer said compliant, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the courc for the relief prayed for In her complaint, viz: for a decree of divorce from the defendant and for the restora tion of her maiden name of Adelia A. Milligan, and for such other and lurthur relief as may be equitable and just. , This summon is served upon you by six weeks' publiiation thereof in The Dalles Chk nicli', by order of Hon. W. U Bradshaw, judge of tbe above named comt, made in cham bers at Dalles Citv, Oregon, uud dated the 27th day of September, 1898. V. H. WILSON, 9-8-1 Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an execution issued out o the Circuit Court of the Btnte of Oregon, in a suit therein pendirir, wherein J. c. Duncanson is plaintiff and O. D. Taylor, Surah K. Taylor, Joseph A. .'obnson, J. C. Flnidets and C. W. Cather are defendants, to me directed, dated the lath day of September, 1898, cammanding me to sell the lands herein detciibed, I will, un the 22d Day of October. 189S, al the hour of 2 o'clock In tbe afternoon, at the court bouse door, in Dal-es Citv, Or., sell at publio sale to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all ot the following described land, towit: The south of the uortheant and the north 4 of the southeast of Section 1, Township 1 south, Range 12 east, W. M., to sntify tbe sum of $776.69 nd interest at ten per cent per annum irooi oepiemDer i, i'j, ana sou attorney s lee: and 136.18 taxes and interest at eight p-r cent per annum from saH last njuied date, and costs and accruing costs; also the win of the northeast XA, nnd the northeast !4 of the north west , and tbe northwest of tbe south cast i of Section 12, Township ' south, Range I t east, W. M., to satisfy the sum of $8)2.01, and accru ing interest from September 15, 189S, and 13.20 taxes and intciest as aforesaid, and costs and aecruii g costs. KOHERT KELLY. 9-25-1 - Sheriff of Wasco County. Notice Final Account. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of William M. liock man, deceased, has filed his final account and report in said estate with the County Clerk for Wasco County, Oregon, aud that Monday the 7th day of November, 1898, at 10 o'clock, a. m. has been fixed as tbe time and tbe county court room if the county court house, iu Dalles City, Wasco County, Oiegon, has been fixed as tbe place for bearing said final account All parsons interested in said estate are herebv notified to be nnd appear at said time and placo and show cause why said account should not be in all things, allowed, ratified, approved and confirmed, and an order be made discharging said administrator and his bondsmeu from fur ther liability in said trust. J. D. HOCKMAN, Administrator of the estate of William M. Hockman, deceased. . - 9-2o-l. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this "well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and' Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE R U C H Pioneer Grocer. Plants For Chrlslmas Blooming. The'rjsea and cannas are cow' in full bloom. Come and order while yon can see tbe blossoms. Onr ca'.la lily, Easter lily, hyacinth, narcissus, double and single, and croens bulbs have arrived. Plant now for Christmas blooming. ' dlw w2t Mas. 'A. C. Stublikg. For Five Dollars you can buys Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera ou . Ihe" u:arket.. For sale by Cltti ke & Fuik. tf CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE . . ' Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. .wn Closed Hack Day or Night. - PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. 7 THE DALLES, OR. BLACKSMITH an Blacksmith's Supplies. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Second and Langhlin Streets, THE DALLES, - - .- - 1 OREGON. DEPARTMENT OF TOE INTERIOR, United States Land Olllce. The Dalles, Oregon, Au gust 19, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the order of the President of January 31, 1898, per manently reserving the following described tracts or parcels of land, for the use of a boat railway between The Dalles and Celilo, on the south side of the Columbia river, has been re voked. Said tracts described as follows: One tract situated in theNW of Bee. 31, T. 2 N., K. 14 E., containing about four and one-half acres (no other dtscription). The other tract in the NWJ4, Sec. 21, T. 2 N., R. 15 E., containing about one-half of an acre, particular!) desciibed as fol lows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said section 21, and running thence in a south erly direction along the west boundary line of said section 21, one hundred and seventy (170) feet to a point on said boundary line; thence in a straight line to a point on the north boundary line of said section 21, distant two hundred and Bixty (260) feet in an easterly direction from tbe Soint of beginning; and thence in a westerly irection along the nortb boundary line of said section 21 to the point of beginning. Said tracts are therefore restored to the public domain, and are subject to disposal the same as other public lands. Hy order of the Hon. Commissioner. Dated at the Dalles, Oregon, Angust 19, 1898. . - JAY Y. LUCA3, KegUter. aug24-I ' OTIS PATTtRSON, Beceiver DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Gen eral Land Office, Washington, D. C, May 27, 1898. Notice is hereby given of ihe following . Executive Order, restoring certain lands in the Cascade Range Forest Reserve to settlement and entry: "EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, D. C, April 29, 1898. In accordance with the S revisions of the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat., ), upon the recommendation ot tho Secretary of the Interior, the w eb-t half of Township one South, of Range ten East, is lllamette Meridian, Oregon, witbiu the limits of the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, is hereby ordeied restored to the public domain, after s'xty days notice hereof, bv publication, as required by appearing that said tract is better udapted to agricultural than forest purposes WILLIAM McKINLEY.' Tbe above land will be subject to entry at tbe I'nited States Lsnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon, on and after October 17, 1898. Blnger Hermann, Commissioner. Are You Interested? The O. B. i S. Co's Sew Book On the Resources of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are requested to forward .the addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the work will te sent them free. This is a mat ter all should be interested in, and we would ask that everyone take an ln terest'and forward each addresses to W. H. Hublburt, General Passenger Agent, O. It. & N. Co., Portland. - v For Sale. 1,500 lambs about 800 Shropshire?, balance merinos. Also 1000 ewes, all you ok and in good fix. Anyone want ing some good stuff will do well to call on or address. Albert S. Roberts, 18-dlw-w2t . Box 507, The Dalles. - . . . Win your battles against disease by - acting promptly. One Minute Cough Care produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents constipation. ' And in latter stages it famishes prompt relief. Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. . A Clever Trick: It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles, we mean he cm core himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cares constipation, headache, fainting spells,- ' sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, 'a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle.' worker.. Every bottle guaranteed.. Oaly 50e a bottle at." Blakeli-y . H-uj;litoi'ri drug store. 3