THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1898, FERSOSAL MKSiruS. Satuiday's Daily Mies Anuie Lsug left for. Portland this afternoon. Mies Zae Patterson left for Portland this morning. ' Mr. Frank S ufert went to Portland on this afternoon's train. Mr. William Mansfield is op from Sa lem to epend Sunday with his family Mrs. T. J. Driver and dauehter. Miss Edna, went to Portland this morning Mr. Clinton Alden will spend Snnday in Portland.attending the exposition to night. " Dr. C. Gertrude French will arrive in the city today and spend Sunday with her parents. Misse3 Jnli.i and Clara Hickelflen went to Portland today for a short visit with friends. Senator John Michell came np from Salem yesterday and will Bpend the day with bia family, Attorney John P. CavBnangh.a prom inent lawyer of Portland? is in the city on legal business. Miss Elizabeth Richards went down on the boat this morning, and will visit friends in Portland. H. C. Bateham and wife came np from Hood River yesterday to attend the Endeavor convention. Mesrs. Hugh Gonrlay, T. A. Hudson, and Ed. Sharp went to Goldendale to rinv on a businesa triD. Mrs. J. Wilson and Mrs. Lockman are up from Hood River attending the Endeavor convention. Miss Eckler left on last evening's train for her home in Dayton, after spending the day with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Tol mie. Hon. W. H. Wilson and (JouDty Clerk Kelsay will attend services in Portland tomorrow, going down on the afternoon's tram. Mrs. Edward Sullivan came np on this morning's train and returned to Portland with her eon, Ray Logan, this afternoon. Rev. D. V. Poling arrived in the city last evening, and is a guest at the home of E. C. Pease. Mrs. Poling will reach here on Monday. Mrs. Charles Alden and her sister, Miss Cora Joles, were passengers for Portland on the boat, where they will attend the exposition. Among the delegates attending the Christian Endeavor convention .are Miss Marv Underwood and Messrs. J. M. and R. D. O'Brien, of Dufur. C. H. Curtis, who left this city last spring for Dawson City, arrived home a few days since and will speed the winter here, returning in the spring. Mr. J. F- Fagan and wife left this morning for their ranch near Deschutes, where Mr. Fagan, in company with his . brother, will look after bis sheep in terests. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hinkle came in from Antelope yesterday, and this morn inn Mr. Hinkle, accompanied" by Dr. C. Adams, of Tvgb, left lor Glennwood, Wash. Mr. J. H. Rinehart, of Snmmerville, Oregon, came upon the evening train yesterday and remained over till the - night passenger, visiting bis danghter-in-law, Dr. Rinebart. Prof. Ryan narrowly escaped being left this morning, as the Dalles City was lis . i i i i i i putting out wueu no juuipeu auuitru, bound for Portland. It was a cold morn ing, but Prof, did not get left. Mr. R. J. Gorman, who has been in Salem for the past week and has an ap pointment as clerk of the printing com mittee, finds it difficult to wean him self away from The Dalles, and returned ast evening that be may attend church at home. If ho were a Methodist we might say he will also attend love feast - at 10. . Mr. and Mrs. I. X. Sargent came home on the Dalles City last evening, after spending a week in Salem. While there they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Le Fore, who are old friends of theirs, having crossed the plains in company with them. As this is the first time they have met for thirty-four years the visit was a very enjoyable one." Monday's Daily. L. J. Marshall is over from Golden dale. C. Sturgiss is a visitor from Sherar'B Bridge. Agent McCowan is in today from Warm Springs. The members of the Tennessee Stu dent company arrived in the city last night. Mr. Gleasson ' is in from Antelope in the interest of the fair soon to be held at that place. Miss Emma Bonney left this afternoon for Eugene, where she will attend the state university. Mrs. Chas. Allison, who has been visiting in the city, returned to her borne in California today. u. is. traunt, wite and two eons came over from Centerville today. Thev left on the afternoon train, and the boys will De placed in V ash on college. Dr. Hollister went to Hood River to- - xlay, being called to attend a brother of Mr. C. G. Roberts, who is dangerously ill at his farm near that place. Mr. Harrison, agent of the Columbia Southern at Wasco having reeigued, Miss Maie Enright has accepted that ; position and Mrs. Mand Eddon has been appointed her assistant. Mrs. Eddon left last night for Wasco to assume her duties. Mr. F. S. Peet, who has been in the city in the interests of our horticultural exhibit at the Omaha - exposition, re turned to Portland this afternoon. - Miss Anna Fulton, who has been spending some time in Hood River, came op uu icd ourau uuuu oaiuruay nignt, returning to her home near Wasco last evening. Tuesday's Daily. J. A. Stevena u in the city today from Dnfar. , R. B. May an 1 wife are visitors in the city today.. . Mrs. D, V. Poling and two eons ar- TEE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality end simplicity of the combination, bnt also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sirup Co. only, and we wish, to impress upon all the importance of purchasing' the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fia Sybuf Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pa ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which, the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAX FKAXCISCO, CaL MOSVILLE. Ey. NEW TORE. N.Y. rived on the boat last night from Port land. Rev. and Mrs. Poling will take up their residence in the house on Court street, oppoeite tbe Ulinatian cnurcn. B. H. Langley, of the Great Northern is in the city today. Mrs. Eastwood is visiting her brother at Centerville, Waeh. F. W. Wilson returned this morning from attending court at Wasco. Mis. J. C. Means made a trip to Port land today to attend the exposition. Mrs. Alden and Miss Cora Joles re- tnrned last night from a short trip to Portland. Mrs. Frank Taylor was among the passeneers from Portland on the boat last night. Mus Christian Nicklesen went to Portland this morning, where Ehe will spend a few days with friends. Mies Nettie Fredden, who has spent a week with friends in the metropolis, came upon the Unlles City yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Dean and family came np on the boat last night from Portland, where they attended the ex position. Mrs. J. Erhart and daughter, Miss Edna, went to Portland on the Dalles City this morning. Mrs. Erhart, who has been very ill, will enter the hospital in that city. Miss Mabel Sterling, who for the past year has been employed as stenographer by a firm in San Francisco, arrived on the 5:30 train last night, and will epend a month at home. BORN. In this city, this morning, Oct. 1, 1898, to Mr. and Mre. Frank Christian, aeon; weight twelve pounds. Fairfield School Report. The following is the monthly report of the school in district No. 17. Pupils. Pres Tardy Dept Alma Brooks 20 1 100 Beulah Brooks .16 1.... Ross Brooks 20 0 Claudia Gilpin 10 0 Helen Soue 19..2.... Ira Waterman 20 0 Joseph Jaksba 20. . ..1 Andrew Jakeha 20 1.... Mabel Harth 11. ...0.... Nora Bolton 17 0.... Guy Bolton 9 0.... Llovd Bolton 5 0 Agg'ie Gilbieth 12 1 Anna Gilbreth ....... 9 0.. .. Grace Gilbreth.. ....10 0 Frank Gilbreth 10 0 Sadie Young 15. . . .0. . . . .. 98 .. 98 ..100 .. 98 .. 98 .. 97 ,.100 .. 99 .. 99 .. 97 ..100 .. 97 .. 99 .. 99 ..100 .. 99 Viola Young 15 0 99 Alice Powell, Teacher. Oar Fralt Exhibit At Omaha. Yesterday Mr. F. S. Peet, of Portland, spent the day in this city endeavoring to awaken an interest in onr fruit ex hibit at the Omaha exposition, and suc ceeded somewhat in bis mission. .Today Pete Stadelman sent a fine exhibit of grapes direct to the grounds and others have signified their intention of follow ing bis example. One of onr Eastern Oregon papers has been objecting seriously to the bill which has been in the legislature asking for $18,000 to defray the expenses of our ex hibit there, saying that it has not been worth $15 to the slate. In regard to the appropriation, we have nothing toeay; bnt certain it is that the paper in ques tion knows nothing of the many visitors who stop to wonder at and admire the Oregon fruit there displayed, while those who know just what an excellent ex hibit we might make, are positively ashamed of what they behold. Mr. Peet informs us that a free rate on 1000 pounds a week has been secured through to Omaha, which leaves little exense for our Iruit men's neglect in failing to do this much towards adver tising our state. It is to be hoped that many boxes of Wasco county's wonder ful fruit will find their way to the ex hibition during the weeks remaining, where they will receive due credit as well as benefit tLe tl&'.e. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPESS IJf PORTLAND, SEPT. 22d, CLOSES OCTOBER 22, 1898. The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held in the Northwest. ...Horlicnltnral aiil A&rMtiiraL Products of Oregon and Washington will be dis played in wonderful profusion, including more varieties than ever before gath ered together in one exhibit. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded Marvelously Rich Specimens from Our Gold. Silver and Other Mines. BENNETT'S BENOWNED MILITARY BAND Has been engaged for the season. Astounding Aerial Feats and Acro batic Performances. Very Low Rates on All Railroads. ADMISSION Adults 25 cents, Children 10c. PROFESSIONALS. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. ' ' Office over French Si Co.'s Hank Phone C, THE DALLE 3, OREGON J)AN ROBERTS, Attorn ey-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Second Street, THIC DALLES, OREGON B 8 HDKTISGTON H S WILSON UNTINGTON & WILSON, ATTOKStlB AT LAW. THE DALLS, UKtUUi Office ornr first rac nans. FEED. W.WILSON, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, ' THE DALLES. OREGON OfUoe ovei First Nat. Bmlc. IGflrS.V Wlere ta Buy ttn Best 9327 Sold at Retail in 30 Days by the Snipes -Kinersly Drug Company. Always fresh by being kept in me nnest case in me state. List of Clears now on hand All the leading brands 25c to 3 ior o cents. Mi Preferlda. 25c. La Ictegridad, 25. " " 3 for 50c List of 2 for 25 cent Brands, Estrella. High Life. Monogram. Maria Stuart, Henry the f ourth, General Artbnr, Banquet llnll, Bouquet Do Cayo, Hueso, The ideal American. List of 10 cent Brand. Bounuct Do Cayo, Hueso, Robt. Burns, General Arthur, Mono gram, uanquet Hall, captain General, La Preferenci. Onr 5 cent Brands. Rothchilds, The Owl Brand", La Preferencia, Fx port. 2 fur 5 cents. Little Hitvanas, Blue Points. Cigarettes, Etc. Sales increasing every day. In Business Again ...R. B. HOOD... Has opened a- Second Hand Store In His New Building cn SECOND STREET. He carries a full stock of new and second band furniture, and is prepared to buv furniture of those who desire to leave the city' paying a reasonable price for the same. The Vive Camera is tbe best In use. For sale by tbe Posloffice Pharmacy, tf Ask your -grocer for Clarke & Falk'a pare concentrated flavoring extracts. f vtever la ELY'S CREAM BALM la a positive cure. Apply into tbe nof trils. It is quickly absorbed. SO cants at Drwrfrfrts or by mail ; samples 10c by maiL $LY SSOXSS&S, Warren St. Sew Xoik City. l,..,t.,.m....,r..., . The Tenth Annual Fair and Race Meeting of Ssoog Eastern SrepiDistriGt flgrlGultural Saclgty Embracing: GILLIAM, WASCO, SHERMAX, VIII Be THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OR. Tuesday, October 18, 1898, Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days. For Premium Liet and anv information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mark, Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon". A. S. MAO ALLISTEK, Pres. C. J. STTJBMfiG Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. IMF0ETED O0GITAO from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.) ALIICIIIIA EBAKDIES from $3.25 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, ana" Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oteii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o?m?"l fId Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- tOH FlOUI ThisFloor is manufactured expressly for family use: every Back is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than anv house in the trade, and if vou don't tnink eo call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Todes ai?d pabrie Grandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. funeral Supplies CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. , mm. i Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR. p. S. GUflfllG. BLACKSMITH and WAGONMAKER. Blacksmith's Supplies. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Second and Langhlin Streets, THE. DALLES, -'- , - the Counties of CROOK, - MORROW AND UMATILLA Held at and Retail (4 to 15 years old.) to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. We are ready to show them in . Dry Good?, Notions, Clothing, B :ots and Shoes, Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough" is a poor principle. Those who make the earliest selections eecure beet results. The stock is complete and new and we invite you to look at it. p. Stepf??i?s. & Burget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. and Federal Streets. - - - OREGON. SUMMONS. IS TIIE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore Ron for Wasco County. Addltt A Creveling, plaintiff, - vs Frank O. Crevelnir, defendant. To Frank O. Creveling, the above named defend ant: In the name oi the State of Oregron, you are hereby requirtert to eppear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first Uav of tbe term of the above entitled court, following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order of the judge of said court, for the publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Monday the 14th day of November, 1S98, and if yon fnil to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in Iter complaint, viz: for a decree of divorce from the defendant and for the restora tion of her maiden name of Adi'lia A. Milligan, and for such other aud further relief as may be equitable and just. This summon is served npon you by six weeks' publication thereof in Tiis' Dalles Chbonicl", by order of lion. W. K Bradf-haw, judge of the above named com t, made in cham bers at lalles Citv, Oregon, uud dated the 27th day of Beptember, lS'JS. V. H. WILSON, U-iiS-i Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice Final Account. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of William 11. Hock man, deceased, has tiled his final account and report in said estate with the County Clerk for Wasco County, Oregon, and that Monday tbe 7th. day of November, 1898, at 10 o'clock, a. m. has been fixed as the time and the county court room of the county court house, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed as the place for hearing said final account. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to be and appear at said time and place and show cause why said account- should not be in all things, allowed, ratified, approved and confirmed, and an older bo made discharging said administrator and his bandsmen from fur ther liability iu said trust. J. D. HOCKMAN, Administrator of the estate of William M. Hockman, deceased. a-2o-l. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the nnderslgned has filed his final account as Executor of tho last will and testament of James, McGaban, de ceased, with the Clerk of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and bv an order of said Court duly made and entered, Monday, the 5!h day of September, 1898, is fixed as tbe time and the County Court room of said Court as the place for the hearing of said final account. Dated this 27th day of July, 1898. jly30-ii, R. F. UIBOiiS, Executor. Administrator's Final Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of tne estate of Henry A. Baker, deceased, has filed his final account in the county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, and the court has fixed una appointed Monday, tbe 6th day of September, 1S98, at 10 o'clock a. m at the county court room in the courthouse lu Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and place for tbe hearing and settlement there of. Any heir, creditor or other person interested in the estate is hereby required to appear on or before said day and file his objections thereto or to any particular item thereof. Dalies Citv, Oregon. Aueust 4, 1898. augG ii C. W. DIETZEL, Administrator. ..ST. Under the direction of the Sistsrs of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This Institution is pleasantly situated near the Columbia on the line of the Union Pacific; thence it is easy of excess for all those who de sire to secure a comfortable home and a pro gressive seat of learning for their daughters or wards. The location of the Academy is one of the most healthy on the Pacific slope, this portion of Oregon being proverbial for its pure water, bracing air and picturesque scenery. The Academy is incorporated and authorized by the State to confer Academic honors. Board and tuition per Scholastic year, f 160. Studies will be iesumed Monday, September 5th. For detailed information apply to the Sister Superior. aug21-lm WAJER WORKS EXTENSION. Office of Water Commissioners, Ths Dallks, Oregon, Sept 20, 1898. Sealed proposals, addressed to Simeon Bolton. clerk of the board, and endorsed on the outside Proposals for Water orgs Extension, "will be received at this office until 8 P. M., October 10, 1898, for furnishing and laving 2100 feet 12-1 neb. cast iron water pipe, 1MKI feet 10-inch cast Iron water pipe, M0 feet 8-inch cast iron water pipe, 2000 feet 6-iuch cast iron water pipe, 275 feet 4-inch cast iron water pipe, about 11,000 lbs. "Specials," If, double nozzle fire hydrants, 18 gate-valves with cover boxes, tak ing up and re-laying 2400 feet of 8-inch pipe. Bids may be made for materials and labor separately. Plans and specifications on file in this office. A certified check for $o00 must ac rom i any each bid. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. SIMEON" BOLTON, Clerk. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK $6.50 PER TON DELIVERED. For car load lots call on E. KURTZ, Agent, Tel. 38. The Dalles, Or. C. E. .HAY WARD. Next door to Purity Soda Works. Candies, Nuts, Soda Water; ' . Ice Cream Soda, and Tobacco. All kinds of Soft Ciders ' and Summer Drinks. Jeweler