The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 21, 1898, PART 1, Image 4

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Killed a Man and Wounded
a Woman.
Was Crazen by the Effects of Hard
Drinking Officers Who Have Him
. in Charge Fear a Lynching.
Pendleton, Sept. 17. C. C. Cunning
ham, of Milton, at the O. &. & N. depot
Mnch Conjecture as to Cause
of Change.
War Department Announces That the
Move is Merely in Eurtherance of
a Plan to Garrison the Philippines
Cuba and Porto Rico.
WAsnisGTON, Sept. 10. The following
this evening at 8 o'clock ehot and killed . troops now at San Francisco have been
0. Young, Bhot Mra. Jnlina J. Worcester
and chased ber daughter, Effie, a block
with a cocked nietol in bis hand. .She
refuge in the first open place the First
Chance saloon. Conningbam followed
her. Several men erasped him, and
after a straggle succeeded in eecar:ng
him. No motive is to be assigned as yet
hat the case is developing interesting
features. Mr. Worcester was examinod
by the best physicians. -'Dr. Smith, who
is mayor of the city, says a cursory ex
amination shows a wound in the back
the ball entering near the kidneys. She
is now in an extremely dangerous con
Cunningham is believed to be insane,
He eaid he couldn't nnderstand how he
came to commit the terrible crime. He
had apparently been drinking. He was
assaulted at Milton a few days ago, and
came to Pendleton to secure the further
prosecution of his assailant.
Abdul Hamid Prepares for Emperor
William's Visit.
Berlin, Sept. 17. The approaching
visit of Enperor Willam to Tarky is
now arousing considerable interest. The
saltan is making extraordinary efforts to
please the emperor during the latter'a
stay at Constantinople. The palace in
teded for his reception is being fitted np
with laxury. Emperor Willam will stay
about 12 days at Constantinople.
Toe iurkish troops it is asserted, are
somewhat dissati-ficd on the enbject, as
their arrears of pay have been devoted
to the expense of Emperor William's
The preparations at Jerusalem for the
visit of Emperor William are in full
swing. Streets are being cut through the
city, and the regular mountains of rub
bish in the bazaar qoater have been re
moved. The garrison baa been espeuily
active in drilling, in order to impress
the emperor, though many of the sol
diers are baefooted and wear no uni
forms. .These soldiers, however, are to
receive new uniforms for the festivities
organized in honor of the visit of Em
peror William to the Holy Land.
ordered to Manila
Fifty-first Iowa regiment.
Twentieth Kansas regiment.
First Tennessee regiment.
First Washington regiment. ,
Recruits for the Second Oregon regi
ment. Arrangements for the embarkation of
the troops will be made at once,
It was stated at the war department
that no exigency bad arisen which made
it necessary to send the troop3 now at
San Francisco to Manila, but the order
issued todav was in accordance with the
general plan of the department regard
ing a garrison for the Philippines.
It was also said the plan included 20
000 men for the Philippines, 12-.500 for
Porto Kico and 60,000 for Cuba.
The troops to be sent to Manila under
today's order will fill the complement
for that station.
Washington, Sept. 19. The war de
partment has amended the orders rela
tive to the dispatch of reinfoicements to
the Philippines ao as to encrease the
number by 1161 privates and 36 officers,
Theae are made up of four companiea of
the Twentv-third infantry and recruita
for the Tenth Pennsylvan'a, First Ne
braska and First Colorado. These troops
made up the expedition under General
King, which recently left San Francisco
on the Arizona for the Philippines, but
was stopped by the department's orde
when two days out and returned to its
Denies that He is Unfriendly
to America.
Philioino Congress May Ask for a Fro-
tcctoraft They are Kindly Dis
pased Toward Us.
Annther Round-up-Made at San Fran
Cisco Last Xight.
; New Yobs, Sept. 19. A -dispatch to
the Herald from Santiago de Cnba says:
In regard to the story about the
trouble at Manzanillo, prior to the news
of peace, it is said the Cubans had cap
tared the small steam lannch Fernanda
in the harbor. One Cuban was killed
the next day, when the Spanish attempt
. ed to recapture the launch. The Fer
nando was taken by the Cubans to
uuamo, od mo vaato nver.a town wnicn
they were then occupying.
Salvador Bios, in command of the
Cubans, after the news of peace, hearing
that it was the intention of the Span
iards to march to Guaino for the pur
pose of bringing back the Fernando, in
formed the Spanish colonel in command
at Manzanillo that, notwithstanding the
suspension of hostilities, if any move
wag made an attack would be begun by
the entire force of Cubans. The Cubans
then began making preparations for the
"attack, and mined the entrance to the
Canto river. .
The Spanish commander gave no fur
ther intimation of a desire to disturb the
Cubans, but he refused to allow the
Cabana to come to town to purchase
food. - '
A government steamer went Sunday
night to bring back General Castillo and
hisetaff from Santa Cruz, whither they
had gone to confer with the Cuban pro
visional government. .
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
V That i wbat I u made tor.
San Francisco, Sept. 16. There wa
another round-np of drunken and dieor
derly Tennessee soldiers last night by a
provost gnard from the regiment. Majo
Maguire commanded the guard and Ad
jntant Pork Lieutenat Chapman of com
pany E, assisted him. The men did not
carry rifles, but each of them had a big
army revolves strapped to bis hip beneth
hia overcoat. All saloons in the tender
loin were raided and many intoxicated
men sent back to camp.
General Miller has strengthened the
guards at the entrance of the Presidio,
The lines of the Tennessee camp have
been closed excepl to the very few mem
Dera oi tee regiment, to whom passes
are given. At intervale of one and one'
bait hours a roll is called in each com
pany, and against every man away leave
charges are preferred befor a summary
Colonel Smith of the Tennssse regi
ment baa asked permission to send his
more turbulent men to Alcatraz island
Those who were arreeted the other night
for disorderly conduct were disharged
with lights sentences, or reprimands in
the police court. ,
Bucmen's Arincm salve.
the pest salve in tne wor.d for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevti
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and poai
tively cm es piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or motiey refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For eale by Blakeley and
Houghton, drnegiste. -
The sheep, lands, building and every
thing needed to carry on the successful
business in abeep and wool growing, of
the late John Grant, in the Bath Can
yon and Pine Hollow near Antelope
Full particulars furnished and bids in
vited for entire property.' ;.-.-J.
Dcff McAkdie, Administrator,
tf Antelope, Wasco Co., Oregon.
The entire'' fruit crop (not gathered
yet) of our orchards on 15-Mile (about
12 miles from . this city), consisting of
fine variety of apples and other fruits,
for sale. Apply immediately to
Max Vogt & Co.
Use Clarke & Falk'e Rosofoam for the
teeth. ;
New York, Sept. 19. The following
dispatch has been received at the Asso
ciated Presa office :
"Manila, Sept. 19. The Filipino gov
ernment desires to inform the American
government and people that the many
rumors circulated regarding the strained
relations between the Filipinos and
American forces are bai,e, malicious
slanders of an enemy to both parties;
are without truth and are circulated for
the purpose of prejudicing the appeul
of the Filipino9 for release from the
opposition and cruelty of Spain..
"The relations of our people and yours
have been and will continue of the most
friendly nature, and we have withdrawn
our forces from the suburbs of Manila
as additional evidence of our confidence
in the great American republic.
Washington, Sept. 19. The Associ
ated Press dispatch conveying Aguidal
do'e message to the American people
waa regarded with much intereet at the
White House. The president read the
statement with evident appreciation of
its importance, but did not volunteer
any information as to the attitude of
this government. , Officials near him
spoke of the message as a "very im
portant" document.
Pastor One of New York's
Prominent Churches.
w a
He Was on His Annual Visit to Europ
Rev. Hall Was a Great Church
Worker in Ireland and America.
Belfast, Ireland, Sept. 17. Rev. Dr.
John Hall, of New York, died this morn
ing at Bangor, County Down. Dr Hall
was on hia annual visit to Europe. He
died at his sister's residence.
. His health baa been broken down for
more than a year. He had. hoped to re
turn to New York shortly, and had al
ready engaged passage tn a steamer for
himself and wife. .
Governor Budd Refuses Extradition on
the Charge.
If Troops at the Presidio Are Not
Housed During the Coming Winter,
a Large Increase in the Number of
Hospital Cases is Inevitable.
Sas Francisco, Sept. 10. While Gen
eral Miller, in charge of the Presidio
military post, is strongly in favor of
substituting substantial barracks for the
tents now in nse, he will not act in the
matter until the return of General Mer
men from Honolulu.
Without an express appropriation
from congress, nothing but temporary
structures can be erected for the bar
racks. But even those would be vastly
superior to the scant protection against
the elements which the tents afford. .
The necessity of more careful housing
of the troops during the coming winter
is made apparent by the increase in the
sick liet at Camp Merriam. There have
been nine cases reported at the division
field hospital, making 318 in all, as
againet 300 when the camp waa moved.
Among the new cases are two of measles
and one suspected typhoid fever case.
San Francisco, kept. 17 In sum
marizing the result of the hearing of the
Botkin case beio.e the governor. The
Examiner says:
"Mrs. Cordelia Botkin cannot be tried
for murder. Governor Budd has decided
while granting a two weeks' postpone
ment of formal action in this matter.
that the woman cannot be extradited
Delaware. The prosecution admits that
the murder trial cannot be undertaken
in this etate, as it was iu Delaware that
the murder was actually committed
The only thing can be done
charge Mrs. Botken with preparing
candy package and depositing it in the
mails. This offense is felony, and
punishable by a 10-year term in the state
prison. . "
There is no apparent way of gettingtbe
case before the enpreme ourton the ex
tradition question except by agreement
or unless the governor refuses to act at
all." -
free i'llla-
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pilla are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con-
Btipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have beon
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter-
ioue substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. . They do not weaken by - their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
TO BLAME cL,17tr,ldeS
I wish to announce to the public that
I will teach a limited nun.ber of pupils
on the cornet or piano. Instructions in
harmony and thorough base will be
given free with piano lessons. Prices
reasonable. For further . information
on East Fourth St.
Albert T. Baldwin.
dividual Responsibility. However, is
Not Fixed in the Report, the Board
Having Been Unable to Secure
the Guilty Soldiers.
San Francisco, Sept. 19 The board
of survey appointed to diecover the Ten
nessee volunteers responsible for the out
rage on the Thomas family, has ninde its
report to General Miller,
The board reports that it has bet n un
able to discover the names of any of tne
participants in the riot, except those of
the four Teneeseeans who have been
tried already by court-martial Ander
son, Davis, Clark end Scrnggs.
In the report, the board states its be
lief that members of the Kansas, New
York and Iowa regiments, and the Call-
rfornia heavy artillery were a part of the
mob, but that the greater part of it was
from Tennessee.
There is no evidence to show that in
nry to the property of the Thomases
waa caused by any other than the Ten
neeaeeans, and is the belief of the board
that most of the members of the other
commands that Joined themselves to the
Tennesseeana were attracted as specta
tors. ' " ' : '- - -
ELY'S CREAM BAT.M is a positive onre.
Apply into the nostrils. It la quickly absorbed. SO
cents at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c by mail.
hlx ukotiusks, ea warren jsew yomc city.
Have your bicycle repairing done by
Chaa. Burchtorf, corner of Third and
Federal. Phone 49.
Bog Lost.
A black and white setter was lost last
Sunday in Pine Hollow, between the
Maya' ranch on Tygh Ridge and Dufnr.
The animal has curly black eara, large
white spots on back and ia a medium
sized animal, and will very likely stop
at some farm bouse. ; Finder will please
notify Billy Weggenman, The Dalles,
Or., and get liberal reward.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladiea may use Syrup of Figs,
under all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the trne and
genuine article, look for the name of the
California Fig Syrup Co., printed near
the bottom of the package. For sale by
all druggists'. . '.
Gravenstein apples 40 cents per box at
the Stadeiman Commission Co. ..
Event Extraordinary Event Extraordinary
Chaplain C. C. meCabe,
In answer to an urgent call by the church in
this city, will deliver his famous lecture on the
Dliyill Quid Ul Lilrj 11 LiUfjy filuUii.
. ' AT THE
-... uixu u vuuivill, kJJ u. Xi f.ovy jj. xxx.
This continues to be one of the most noted lectures ot the day. It is always
given in the interests of the church, and has made for it more than $150,000.
The price of this lecture in all Eastern cities is $1.00, but we have reduced the
price to 50 cents, to give all an opportunity to hear it, especially accomodating
those of neighboring towns and counties. ' v
Bishop McCabe see3 a bright side in every thicg. This lecture is instructive,
entertaining and inspiring. It waa Chaplain McCabe that tore up his shirt to make
a flag with which to celebrate the 4ih of July in Lihby Prison. His einping has
inspired many a soul to deeds of heriosm and many a fainting heart to renewed
Todes apd pabries
We are ready to show them in Dry
Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Capes and Jackets. "Time enough"
is a poor principle. Thosn who make the
earliest selections eecure best results. The
stock is complete and new and we invite
you to look at it. -
p. Step'rjs.
The Tenth Annual Fa?r and Race Meeting of
seconfl Eastern Oregon Distrlet figrleultural Soity
Embracing- the Counties of
Will Be Held at ,
Tuesday, October 18, 1898,
Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days.
For Premium List and any information reeardine the fair write to J. O. Mack.
Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. - A. S. MAC ALLISTEE, Pres.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portlai
Sheriff's Sale.
6:00 P.M.
8:30 A. II.
17:30 A. M.
nroRi. Rjilpfn- R rujfx. I
Burg, Ashland, Snc
ramento, Ogden.San
i- rauciseo, MO'ave,
T ft .. . T .. 171
New Orleans and I
RoseDurg and way feta
tion s
("Via Vt'oodburn fori
I McAopel, Bilverton,
West Scio, Browns-
I vllle.Sprlngneld and
(.Natron J
(CorvoUU and way)
(stations (
P. Al
Daily .
Daily (except Sunday).
;50p. m. (Lvv... Portland.. ..Ar.i 8:25a. m.
isup.m. Ai..MCMinnviuc..L.y. o;oua, m.
30 p.m. (Ar,, Independence.. Lv. 4:.i0a.m.
Dally. t Daily, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at Kan Francisco with Occl
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
luies ior jACASi ana jiixia bailing aaies on
Kates ana ticsets to eastern points, ana a
USTRALIA, can be obtained from
J. B. K.IRKLAND, Ticket Agent
Through Ticket Office. 131 Third street, xrher
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
I. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All above trains arrive at and depart from
Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets
- Passenger Depot, foot of J ederson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, dally, except Sunday, al
7:20 a. m.; 12:30, 1:55, 5:15, 6:25, 8:05 p. m.
(and 11 :30 p. m. on Saturday only, and 9:00 a. m
and 3:30 p. m. on Sundavs only). Arrive at
Portland dally at 6:40 and 8:80 a m.; and 1:35,
4:15, 6:20 and 7:55 p. m., (and 10:05 a. m , 8:15
6:10 p. m. on Sundays only).
VIRTUE of an execution issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon. In
n Ml it therein pending, wherein J. (J. Flanders
Is Diaintitf nnd O. D. Ttivlor. Surah K. Tnvlor:
Joseph A. .'ohnson, J. C. Flanders and C. VV.
catiier ore aetendants, to me directed, dated
tlie 1'jth day of September, 1S38, cammnnding
me tn sell the -lands herein described, I will,
on the
22d Day ol October. 1898,
at the honr of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
court house dour, in City, Or., sell at
publl" sale to thn highest bidder for cash in
ii.ind, nil ot the following described hind, to wit:
'I he Mulh 14 ot the uor!henjt and the north
of the southeast , of Section 2, Township 1
Mm'h, Utilise 13 east. W. M., to satisfy the sum
of $776.Gtf and interest at ten per cent per annum
from September 15, 18M, and ;5) attorney's fees,
and $36.18 taxes an. l interest ut eight per cent
per annum from snld last named date, and costs
and accruing costs; also the wrst of the
northeast i. Mid the northeast i of the north
west Ji, and the northwest of the southeast xi
of Section 12, Township south, Range It east,
W. M., to satisfy the Bum of $802.01, and accru
ing Interest from September 15, 1898, and $13.20
taxes and inteiest as aforesaid, and costs and
accrulrg costs. ROBERT KELLY,
9-21 i Sherifl' of Wasco County.,
Leave for Sheridan, wees days, ti:i
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. in.
lp. m
States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Au
gust 19, 189$. Notice is hereby given that the
order of the President of January 31, 1S98, per
manently reserving the following described
tracts or parcels of land, for the nse of a boat
railway between The Dulles and Celilo, on tie
south side of the Columbia river, has been re
voked. Said tracts described as follows: One
tract situated in the N W of Sec. 31, T. 2 N., R.
14 E., containing about four and one-half acres
(no other description). The other tract in the
NVi4. Sec. 21. T. 2 N.. R. 15 E . containing about
one-half of an acre, particularH described as fol
lows: beginning at ine nonnwesi comer ot
said section 21, and running thence in a south
erly direction along the west boundary line of
said section 21, one hundred and seventy (170)
feet to a point on aid boundary line; thence in
a straight line to a point on the north boundary
line of said section 21, distant two hundred and
sixty (200) feet in an easterly direction from the
point of beginning; and thence in a westerly
direction along the north boundary line of said
seciion 21 to the point of beginning. Said tracts
are therefore restored to the public domain, and
are subject to disposal the samo as other public
lands. By order of the Hon. Commissioner.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon. August 19, 1898.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register. "
ang24-l OTI8 PATTERSON, Receiver
Leave for AIRLIE on Mondav. Wednesdav and
Friday at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday It 8:06 p.m. .
Except Saturday,
Except Sunday,
- Asst. G. F. fc Pass. Art
Furnished rooms to rent, also auitea
of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Ap
ply to 19 and 20, Chapman block. . tf
eral Land Office. Washington. D. C, May 27.
1893. Notice is hereby given of the following
Executive Order, restoring certain lands in the
Cascade Range Forest Reserve to settlement and
entry: "EXECUTIVE MANSION. Washineton.
D. C, April 29, 1898. In accordance with the
S revisions of the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat,
), upon the recommendation ot the Secretary
of the Interior, tbe west half of Township one
South, of Range ten Eaat, W illamette Meridian,
Oregon, within the limits of the Cascade Range
Forest Reserve, is hereby ordcied restored to the
public domain, after sixty days notice hereof, by
publication, as required by law, it appearing that
said tract is better adapted to agrlculturaltban
forest purposes. WILLIAM McKINLEY.'
The above land will be subject to entry at the
United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
ou and after October 17, 1898, .. '
Binger Hermann, Commissioner,