CHI THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1898. A WHOLESOME WARNING FOR THE GERMANS The BatflBsliips Oregon ail lata are Now Under Orders to Proceed te , . lne Philippine Islands. THEY STOP AT MOLEU The Vessels Will be Held There Pending the Conclusion of the Peace Nego tiations With Spain.' New Yokk, Sept. 15. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary of the Navy Long stated last night that the battle-ships Iowa and Oregon are under orders to proceed to Manila, via Honolulu, to reinforce ifcear Admiral Dewey's command. In direct ing them to tonch at Honolulu, the au thorities were actuated by two motives the first to pet them in a central position where they cjold be available for any dnty in the Pacific and which might be considered desirable, and the second because (bey did not care to send reinturcements to Kear-Admiral Diwey before the armietica between the United States and Spain expired. It is expected in official circles that the battle-ships and the five colliers which, will accompany them will be ready to sail by Monday next. The ships will not waste any time in mak ing the voyage. They will make few stops and these only to coal and com tnunicate with the department. While believing there will be no in ternational developments to change the programme, the authorities no not pro pose to be in ench s position that they cannot modify the instructions to the vessels in case of necessity and it is for this reason they are to touch at certain points to report and receive orders. 'The dispatch of the colliers with the battle-ships is due to the desire of the authorities to keep them so well sup- . plied with coal that if it become neces sary to change the coarse of the ships . and send them to Samoa, or by a short cct to Manila, they can make the voyage without difficulty. So far as Germany is concerned, the authorities say there is nothing in ber attitude to cause the belief that she proposes to interfere with any dieposi tion of the Philippines this government may see fit to make. It is appreciated, however, that it will be the part of wis ' dom for the United States to pnt in the Pacific a force eo formidable as to diS' courage even this suggestion of inter ference. Geimany's force in the Pacific con lists of the armored cruisers Kaiser and Deutschland ; the protected cruisers Kaisesin Anbusta, Irene, Princess Wil helm, Geifon, Cor moral and Falke. The displacement of Rear-Admiral Dewey's present force amounts to 30,832 tons, while that of the German com xnander reaches 37,881. Rear-Ad miral Dewe's ships, however, . are - better armed than the German men-of-war, . and their men have the advantage of having been nnder fire. The monitors Monterey and Monad nock are mainly serviceable for work in smooth water, and if the German ships should start for the Paciffic coast, as would be the case in the event of war, Rear-Admiral Dewey wonld have only . his protected cruisers and gunboats to depend noon. With two battle-ships at his disposal, increasing the tonnage of his squadron to 52,359 tons, he would have a most formidable force.- Notice. We, the undersigned, have this day. ' Sept. 9, formed a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on a general mer chandise bnslnees at Boyd, Ore., where - we will, at all times, keep on hand sea sonable goods at right prices. In a short time our stock will be in -. creased and we will be better able to ac' commodate you. Call and get prices, as we are glad to see you any time. Thutik . ing you for past favors and soliciting. your future orders, we are yours RespU- Southebn & Butler, . Boyd, Ore. . - . Notice, ' ., " - ' Notice is hereby given that ' I have this day purchased the interest" of L. McLellan in The Dalles Steam Laundry ' . and will collect all bills . and pay all ' debts against the same. . "J ' - " - " - A. 8. MacAllistie. J ask my. friends and patrons to accord W to Mr. MacAllister the same generous patronage given to me. ' i -Sept. 6, L. McLeuax. UPON THE OF A TERRIBLE ABYSS Just a Yen Slight Pnsi'is Needed to pipes France Headlong Into a BeyoMon. V ; THE CRISIS IS VERY GRATE Ministry Now Almost .Unanimously la Favor j)f a Revisioo of the Dreyfus Case. " BILLS ALLOWED. At the Last Meeting of the Commis sioners Court. .. ' Wood, Wood. - Best grades of Dry Fir and Oak Wood always on hand for sale at minimum rate. Jog. f. Pjjtibs. -Phone 23.", - " ' .;'"' New Yobk, Sept. 15. A special from Paris says: . France is on the brink of the gravest crisis since the birth of the third Re public. The situation is briefly this : Premier Brieson and all the members of the cabinet, with the exception of Zarlinden, the minister of war, and pos sibly Lockroy, are convinced of the ab solute necessity of a revision of the Drey fus case. General Brugere has signified his willingness to take the portfolio of war and accept a revision."' At Satur day's meeting of the cabinet a decision will he taken and it is certain a revision will be decreed. President Faure has been a deter mined opponent of the proposed revis ion, and caused it to be rumored that he would resign if it was granted. - No one believes that he will resign, but every one sees that this threat to do bo is a desperate expedient to get rid of Bris son's cabinet and together with it the revision. - ' But Faure'a unconstitutional action :n indirectly interfering with the responsi bility of the cabinet affords an example of the lawlessness in high places that is the first step toward revolution. A mil itary coupe d' etat is freely conjectured as a probable ontcome of the crisis, if Faure's effjrt to buldoze the Brisson cabinet fail. Colonel P-ity da Clam in an interview says: . , "I know very well my being put on the inactive list has set to wagging all the tongues of Paris, but there is to be no eensationed sequel whatever. My relations with this accursed controversy are solely official. - - "All those statements about my bav in hounded Dreyfus and persecuted his wife are execrable lies. As to my- re ported- connection with Bordeaux, I have none. The war minister .best knows why he has retired me temporar ily, and like a soldier. If you are seek ing a theatrical sensation, let me say you are on the wrong track. The light, abt ut which Zola has prated so much, can do nothing but good to me in my situation." Nevertheless it is rumored today that Clam has suddenly disappeared from Paris. - . ' ' - Beat! tne Klondike- Mr. A. C. Thomas', of Marysville,Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompained by hemmor rbages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with thie marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 2 roK bile, . The sheep, lands, building and every thing needed to carry, on the successful business in sheep and wool growing, of the late John Grant, in the Bath Can yon and Pine Hollow near Antelope Fall particulars furnished and bids in vited for entire property. J. Duff McAndie, Administrator, tf Antelope, Wasco Co., Oregon Next to the' general prosperity prevail ing throughout the northwest, the sub ject most talked of is the great Oregon Industrial Exposition at Portland from Sept. 22 to Oct. 22. On every hand you hear people eay they would not miss this great fair for anything, and the railroad and steamboat lines are going to grant greatly reduced rates. All who attend the fair will make a splendid "in vestment. ' ;- J L Klinger, rebate Veckfoid. .." assessment 1891 ..$ A Stewart, appraiser of road. . . . WTMcCleere, do. L Lane, do Frank Hill, clerical services on tax roll . L J Klinger, lumber for bridge. J O Mack, clerical services on tax roll.... Chris Dethman, deputy sheriff. . Chas Chandler, appraiser of road H H Bailey, .do .... C H Stracanan, do W N Wiley, witness grand jury (not allowed) Bertha Keller, witness fees. L Lamb, appraiser of road . . . Dr Shackelford, examiniug in sane. . MreM Denton, witness feee. . . . Miss M Den ton, do :. C W Denton,- do Glass & Preedhome, sup O R & N Co, fare of Mrs Harris and children to Omaba Irwin-Hodson Co, supplies clerk's office A G Stogsdill, services as as sessor W H Butts, coroner fees F B Crane, juror inquest. . ...... C E Simmons, do : . Joe Mullet, inquest jury Joe Collins, do - H R Otes, do " F Forth. do ... Geo Rutledge, wit cor jury.'. ... . Frank Olsen, do J M Marden, rent voting place. Mays & Crowe.labor and mater ial for ceurt house .- Oregon Telephone Co, rent and messages Chronicle Pub Co., publishing and printing... .... F M Shaw M D, examination of Insane Irwin-Hodeon Cj, letter heads and euppiies. ; : F M Shaw M D; attendance on , paupers ...... .-. . . J M Marden, rebate on taxes. . . J M Toomey, board and lodging to paupers. Ed Wilson rebate on taxes J H Pankonin, rebate on poll tax, not ally wed W H Whipple, assessor.. G I Gisling, deputy assessor. . . FM Driver deputy eheriff and fixing booths ,. J H Gill & Co, supplies M M Cnshing, burial of pauper. Oregon Telephone Co, rent and messages Dalles Lumbering Co, material for building...'. C F Williams, sprinkling streets Jacobsen Book & Music store, supplies.... Stadelman Commission Co, ice J E Barnett, deputy assessor. . . C L Gilbert, examination teach-. era -. , C L Gilbert, service in clerk's . office. C L Gilbert, service in assessor's office.-. ... C L Gilbert, stamps. . . ..... John Gavin, examination of teachers. '. J T Neff, examination of teach ers Dalles City water works, water rent Blakely & Houghton, 'medicine for paupers. M Z Donnell......; Dr H Logan attendance panper -A S McAllister, insurance pre- - minm ,. " W 8 Myers, insurance prem . J M Huntington, insurance premium. J 0 Hostettler, insurance pre mium R F Gibbous, insurance prem.. . W Whealdon, do Mays & Crowe, supplies county roads Robert Kelly, board of prison- ers and sundries A A Jayne, sundry fees. J L Klinger, bridge timber. .. . Chas Durham- do Wm Kennedy, labor on road. . U I Hurst, do Ben Hurst, . do Chas Murgatroyd, do ' P H Meeker, do - S D Fisher, timber for road. .. . J T Peters & Co, lumber. $ J W Harriman, lumber for bridge Chronicle PulrCo, sup :. Ynen Tai, washing jail blankets. F G Connollv, constable fees F G Connolly, do F F Hill, do Chas Bayard, justice fee 16 60 2 00 2 00 2 00 38 50 11G 82 38 50 3 00 2 CO .2 oo 2 00 28 20 - 2 00 2 00 5 00 4 CO 4 00 "4 00 14 00 46 90 95 60 17 .00 17 75 1 00 1 00 1.00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 2 50 .5 41 6 7j5 52 75 " 5 00 120 00 15 00 43 98 75 2 92 1 83 212 00 111 00 8 50 4 53 20 90 7 50 2 8.1 6 00 3 75 7 25 204 00 12 00 ' 48 00 48 00 3 00 15 00 -15 00 11 25 14 50 12 25 - 19 00 50 00 , 75 00 50 00 50 00 . 75 03 50 00 8 75 234 97 57 50 116 82 37 90 3 50 (i 75 ". 3 00 4 00 12 00 6 50 57 00 16 00 ' 13 00 . 5 75 4 20 12 50 63 40 34 10 -. notice. . Outstanding warrents on school dis trict No. 12, Wasco county, Oregon, will be paid - on presentation at my office. Interest ceases on and after this date. ' C. E. Schmidt, Clerx. The Dalles, Sept. 12, 1898. " . " , One Minute Cough Cure cures. . . Tut I WHt it was made lor. ; - - . - WITNB88E8. . Mrs Geo Herbert! . . ........ Mrs John Fergueon. . . .". Dr Belle C Rhinhart. Fred Baily W E Walthers..-. P Pearlman.... Then Meqnet Mrs V Mesplie Mrs S Crate Mrs W F Bartlett Maggie Walsh.....-...- George Cozel H Wickman Richard Southwell Chas Deckert. .. . . PF Foutz.... Chas Graham William Moabus Bessie Holmes.. .. .. ..- Pat McNeal.... Robert Murray. W E Walthers.........:. August Deckert .v. August Clappa : Robert Brook William Gaw.. William Miller. A B Bateham, nee of voting place. C Dethman, sundry bills .: G P Crawell, nails. . : ; . . P McCray, lumber....... J B Goit, surveying .......... Andrei Urquhart, viewing roads. C W Denton, . do O D Taylor, do . Charles Gosline, chain man LFSandoz,.- do A W Turner, marker. C M Denton, use of team, not al- ' - lowed. . .-. William Michel), use voting place A 1 Desbraw, rebate on taxes. . . .. R Rand & Son, nails.... ......... Pease & Mavs. BUD.Dauners r. N H Gates, justice less CF Lauer, constable fees. ...... ... . P & A N Co, transportation pau pers: 2 90 2 90 2 90 6 50 4 50 4 50 3 50 3 50 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 2 00 8 00 2 90 50 39 10 50 4 00J 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 60 7 70 2 45 25 76 20 65 8 40 10 50 12 Perfect Pictures on 12 Glass Plates in 12 Seconds without reloading Igagazineyiy H Cameras. ETery part niHdo to produce perfect pic tures simply and easily, Every l.ens speci ally ground, tested and guaranteed, fcitnit ter sets itself and is alwiys ready, flutes changed by the turn ol n button. . Any one can take pictures with the "Cyclone." It cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, und requires no extras. IN THREE SIZES No. L 24x24, H.50 No. 2. 3!x4;i, $li 00 No. 3. 4x4, $10.00 1 HSNBSCSS Send fop 1893 Catalogue. :m &vAy 5 sii.!j yy - is,-... ... ... '-. 7I. Z. DONNELL Event Extraordinary . Event Extraordinary j'lii 5 Chaplain C: C. OleCabe, BISHOP IN-THE M E. CHURCH, In ens wer to an urgent call by the church in - this city, will deliver his famous lecture on the 1 of Life in Lilj PiisoiV' - AT THE Methodist Church, Sept. 22, at 7:30 p.m. This continues to be one of the most noted lectures of the day. It is always given in the interests of the church, and has made for it more than $150,01)0. The price of this lecture in all Eastern cities is $1.00, but we have reduced the price to 50 cc-nts, to give all an opportunity .to hear it, especially accomodating those of neighboring towns and counties. Bishop McCabe sees a bright side in every thine. This lecture is instructive, entertaining and inspiring. It was Chaplain McCabe that tore up his ehirt to make a flag 'with which to celebrate the 4th of July in Lihby Prison. His sinking has inspired many a soul to deeds ot nenoBm ana many a tainting lieart to renewed courage. - - DON'T FAIL TO HEAR HIM. FAiR! FAIR! FAIR! - - The Tenth Annual FaJr.and Race Meeting of Secona Eastern Oregon District flgricuuurai society Embracing: the Counties of WASCO,- SHERMAN, GILLIAM, CROOK, MORROW AND UMATILLA Administrator's Final Notice. ; j nuuucis uereiiv given muL lue uiiucitisum, : KdmiDistrtor of tne estate of Henry A. Baker, oeceused, lias filed liis final account in the county court of the Stute of Oregon for Wasco '. county, and the court has fixed and appointed llondny, the 6th d:iv of September, lsyS, at 10 o'clocic a. m., at the' emmy court room in the court house iu Dalles City, On-pon, as the time and place for the henrinK and xettleuient there of. Any heir, creditor or other person interested in the estate is hereby required to appear on or before said day and die his objections thereto or to any particular item thereof. Dalles City, Oregon. Annt i, 1I8. aug6 ii C. W. KIKTZKL, Administrator. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the Stnta of Ore gon, for the County of Wasco. Maggie E. Stone, plaiuliff, vs, Charles W. " Stone, defendant. To Charles W. Stone, defendant : In the name of the State of Orcgr t. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com -phiiiit filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from tliednteof the service of Ibis summons upon yon, if served with! n ' ihiscoun'y; or if served within any other coun ty of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you ; and if yon fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff wi!l take judgment against you for, or it served upon you by publication, then, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, towit: on or before the 1st day of the November, 18S8. term of sold conrt; and if yu fail so to answer, fur want thereof, the plaintin" will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, 'on it: For the dis solution of the bonds of matrimony now exist ing between you and the plaintirt, and for the custody of Hazel M. Stone, the minor child of piaiutitt and defendant. This summons is served upon you, the said CharUsW. 8tone,by order of the Hon. W. U Brad ehaw, Judge of said Comt, made on the l"ith day or" September, 1898. HUNTINGTON & WILSON. 9 17 ii Attorneys for Plaintiff. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., i September 1, IS'8. f Notice is hereby given that the following named aettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, October 22, 1898, viz : Theresa Ellmt, for the heirs of Fred Klimt, deceased; II. E. No. 5011, for the south half of the southeast quarter of section eighteen, township two north, range thirteen east, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Jordan, William Van Bibber, E. Learned, P. Kgitas, all of The Dalles, Oregon. 9 17 11 JAY F. LUCAS, Register. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hPrcby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Fritz, late of Wasco County, Oregon, now deceased. All persons having claims against Enid estate are notified to present the same to me at my residence at Dalles City, Oregon, properly verified, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 16th day of September, 1898. I. N. SARGENT, Administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Fritz deceased. -. Sept 17-1 1 Will Be Held at THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OR Tuesday, October 18, 1898, Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days. For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack, Secretary, The Dalles, Oregon. -- , A. S. MAU AJ-X,lsiJiK, free. Wasco W arelioiise Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ? 11 kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, fntt?Li.kFEdE9i Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Floor te manufactured expressly -for family use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wj anil nnr ormrtu lnirur than nt hnnnfl in the trade, and it van dnn't think ea call and get oar prices and be convinced. - ' Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. F. S. GDWlflG, BLACKSMITH and WAGONMAKER. Blacksmith's Supplies. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Second and Laughlin Streets, . . . THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Complete Line of School Supplies, Stationery, fishing Tackle, Notions, Ham-. f ; -mocks, Baby Carriages at bedrock prices, at the - Jacobsen Book & Music Co. .Where will also be found the largest and most complete line " " of Pianos and other Musical Instruments in Eastern Oregon. " Ne-wVogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed bis final account as Executor of the last will and testament of James McGahan, de ceased, with the Clerk of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and by an order of said Court dnly made and entered, Monday, the 5'h day of September, 1898, is fixed as the time and the County Court room of said Court as the place for the bearing of said final account. Dated this 27th day of July, 1898. -jlyao-il, E. F. UIBONS, Executor. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, United States Land Otllce, The Dalles, Oregon, Au gust 19, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the order of the President of January 31, 189S, per manently reserving the following described tracts or parcels of land, for the use of a boat railway between The Dalles and Celilo, on the south side of the Columbia river, has been re voked. Said tracts described as follows: One tract situated in the NW of Sec. 31, T. 2 N., R. 14 E., containing about four and one-half acres ' ino other description). The other tract in the SVi'H, Sec. 21, T. i N., R. 15 E., containing about one-half of an acre, particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said sretion 21, and running thence in a south erly direction along the west boundary line of said section 21, one hundred and seventy (170) feet to a point on said boundary line; thence in a straight line t a point on the north boundary line of said section 21, distant two hundred ana sixty (200) feet in an easterly direction from the point of beginning; and thence in a westerly direction along the north boundary line of said section 21 to the point of Deginning. Said tracts are therefore restored to the public domain, and are subject to disposal the same as other public lnnds. By order of the Hon. Commissioner. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, August 19, 1898. - JAY Y. LUCAS, Register. aug21-i OTIS PA TTKKSON, Receiver DEPARTMENT OF TUB INTERIOR, Gen eral Land Office, Washington, D. C, May 27, l&itt. Notice is hereby given of the following Kxeoutive Order', restoring certain lands in the Cascade Range Forest Reserve to settlement and entry: -EXECUTIVE MAN.-ION, Washington, D. C. April 29, 1898. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat, 3d), upon the recommendation oi tbe Secretary of the Interior, the west half of Township one S u!h, of Range ten East, n illamette Meridian, Oregon, within the limits of the Cascade Range Foret Reserve, is hereby ordcied re stored to the public domai!i,nfter s xty days notice hereof, by nub'.icntion.ns rcaui'ea bv aooenrine that said tract is better adapted to agrlcnlturaltban forest purposes WILLIAM McKINLEY.' j Be above iana win re suDjeci to entry at tne United States Lind Otiire, The Dalles, Oregon. ou and after October 17, 1898. jjinger nermann, commissioner. State florral GCleston, Ot. The most successful rears work of the State Normal School at Weston, Oregon, closed last June with the graduation ot twenty students. . - ' Fall Trm Operjs Sept. 5, 1898.; Full cnnruA nf stnrlr. tcMentifjc and professional, vocll and instrumental musics Healthful location, good society, and pleasant eurroundings. Board in families -from J2.50 to $3.50. Rooms for those who desire to board themselves can be had at reasonable rates."- ' . ..BOHRDltfG tf Alili.. Ttnnrriincr hall for vonnsr ladies in COn- Dection with the school, nnder the care ful supervision of a matron. Board, fuel and lights at $2.50 to f 3.50 per week. Catalogues and information furnished! upon application. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous littl; pills. '.