THE DALLES WEEKLY ' CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1898. SPAIN IS READY TO CONCEDE ' OUR DEMANDS Figures on the Cost to Spain of the Straggle. ' Government of the Opinion, that With a Strong Navy There Might Have Been a Different Story to Tell Con cerning the War. - - 2kw York, Sept. 12. A Washinjton special eays : According to a report received here it ia evident that Spain deeply deplores her fail ore to add a large number of ships to her navy instead of applyinjr at least half of the appropriations made by i the cortes to the main'-enmce of the . navy. It is appreciated by the Madrid gov eminent that in view of the condition of her treasury and the further fact that ter naval force is now greatly inferior, it would be useless to continue the Strug gle, especially as there is - no nation in EuroDe willine to support her in case she should azain resort to the arbitra ment of arms. - Because of this the authorities have no Tiason to believe that there will be any lerioua bitch in the negotiations of the ceace commission, and while they ex pect the Spaniards will do everything possible to delay the completion of the treaty, believing they may bring about complications advantageous to their gov ernment, the American representatives will be in a position at any time to bring them to terms by a simple threat to withdraw. Aside from the loss of her colonies and the ships destroyed in battle, the war has cost Spain $334,800,000. Informa tion to this effect has been received at the navy department from the naval at taches of this government abroad. In1 eluding the cost of preparations- in an ticipating the war bngun by Spain in .May, 1895, these turns have been raieed and expended: From the sale of 322,944 Cuban notes, $25,242,255 ; from tho sale of 60,000 Cu ban notes, of 1896, $5,783,897; loan of 400,000,000 pesetas on the etistome guar antee, $74,400,000 ; from the sale of sil ver, etc , $806,338; loan of the bank of Spain cn the Cuban guarantee? $58,400, 000; loan of the bank of Spain on the customs goarantee, $58,200,000; loan of the bank of Spain on guarantee of con tribntions, $32,000,000; loan of the bank of Spain, 4 per cent internal debt, $20,- 000,000; Philippine taxes, $37,000,000. These earns do not inclvde debts - for transports, etc., contracted by the gov ernment which are placed at approxi mately $62,000,000. RAILROAD RATE WAR ENDED All Western Roads Agree to Restore Old Rates Sept 21 History of the Struggle and Its -Origin. Chicago, Sept. 12 All Western roads today agreed to a restoration of pas senger rates, to be effective September 21. ': - - : The rate war above referred to has been raging the greater part of a year. ' It has so demoralized railroad business that the roads are all losing money. But for an exceptionally heavy traffic, many of them would now be in bank ruptcy. The whole cobwebbed system of rail - roads in the Uoited Slates has been af fected, the war having been extended' into the remotest districts. This rate war will go down in history as the great railroad war. The fight originated over the Canadian Pacific .1 rr . . 1 1 . . . .uiaereniiais, anu sirange 10 say mat road made the first open cut. The American roads claimed the Canadian Pacific was a superior road,' and not entitled to differentials.- All this might have been adjusted, but the bitter competition for Alaska trade farther complicated matters and prcuipuniru lue war.- iub vanaaian (Pacific claimed the American roads had violated their tariff agreement, Xnd were cutting races secretly, men it an nounced an open cut,. The American roads showed their hands and slashed back. Then slashing commenced right and left, and the railroad world was turned topsy-tnrvy and bewildered. No man could eee the end. Meeting after meeting was held for the purpose of restoring rates, bnt the Canadian Pacific railroad held aloof, claiming tbe Ameri can roads would stand by no agreements. Bailroad managers met bnt to adjourn and slash rates still deeper. The Southern Pacific was the last road to give in. It entered the fight but recently. The minnte the Canadian Pacific railroad indicated its willingness to abolish differentials, that moment railroad men decided the war was ended. The telegram received proves they were .right. . - - ' THE SPANIARDS OVERLOOK OUR SUBJECTS AT LUZON The Condition at Manila is " Considered Critical. Dewey Asks for More Ships Rash As sertions Made by the Spaniards- Accepting Aid From Germany Convention This Week. Maxila, Sept. 12. Rear-Admiral Dewev says he considers the situation critical. He has asked for an additional cruiser and a battle-ship. The Spaniards assert that Germany will take a coaling station here, and that Spain will retain the remainder of the islands. The last Spanish garrisons at Ilocos and Lagua net have surrendered, and tbe whole island of Luzon is in tbe hands of tbe insurgents, except Manila and Cavite, Aguinaldo went to Lelollos on Friday He has announced his intention of con vening an assembly of the Filipinos on September 15 in order to decide upon the policy to ' be adopted - by tbe in surgents. As to the Americans, Agninaldo re marked that be considered them as brothers;, that "the two sovereign re- publics were allied against a common enemy." - When questioned as to whether tbe future of the Filipinos' policy would be absolutely independence, Aguinaldo ex ensed himself from replying, and asked what America intends to-do, and con tinuing, "We have been fighting for in dependence for a long time. The natives who profees to favor annexation are in sincere. It is merely a ruse to ascertain American views." The local governor has explained that the incident was a mistake, and has repudiated his subordinates' action Aguinaldo declared to this corresponden that the Filipino who made tbe tronble merely pretended to be an officer, and is entirely unconnected with ineurgent army. Aguinaldo complained that tbe Span isb were "disseminating these reports for tbe purpose of fomenting antagonism between the Filipinos - and tbe Ameri cans." . Tbe whole Interview conveyed the im- pression that Aguinaldo desires absolute independence, regarding the mission of the Americans here as accomplished and expects their withdrawal "iust as tbe French with Lafayette withdrew after helping the Americans in the war of independence, a war of humanity.' Just now Aguinaldo maintains the role of extreme friendship. . TEXAS FOR MANILA Navy Department Said to Contemplate Making the Battle-Ship the Flag ship of the Asiatic Station-Olympia to be Ordered Home. New Yokk, Sept. 12. A special to the Herald from Washington says: There is reason to believe that the navy department has selected the Texas as the future flagship of the Asiatic station. The understanding is that she will replace tbe protected cruiser Olym pia, which is to be ordered to the United States as soon as ner relief arrives on tbe Asiatic station. The period of the Olympia's cruise ex pired some mosths ago, bnt tbe break ing ont of the war with Spain necessitat ed "her retention in the East, and some hasty repairs to -her machinery were made at Hong Kong just before the declaration of hostilities. . ' '' JTre Fills . Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free earn pie box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince- you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of. Con stipation and Sick Headache, . For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. - They do not weaken by . their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly- invigorate tbe sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box.- . Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2) x Masonic Temple Burned, - C0LUMBD8, O., Sept. 11. A diepatch to the State Journal from Washington courthouse says the Masonic temple was destroyed by fire this morning.." The Springfield (O.) fire department ren dered timely assistance. The loss on tbe building is about $40,000. Frank L. Sutton, who had a large department store in the building, lost his entire 3tock, valued at $60,000. The losees are considerable. -' - - Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. The delinqent taxes of Wasco county, as shown on th6 rolls now in the hands of the sheriff are $60,000, an amount al most equal to the-indebtedness of the county. Every citizen will doubtless admit that this state of affairs should not exist, and that all taxes should be collected.- On ' account of hard times in tbe past tbe county court Las shown leniency to taxpayers, but that leniency has reached the limit, and the court cannot . wait longer on delinquents to make settlements. For this reason a warrant has been attached to each de linquent roll commanding the sheriff to collect all taxes by seizure and sale of property. With a bountiful crop now in eigbt, there can no longer be any rea sonable excuse for tbe non-payment of taxes. The sheriff is bound by oath to comply with the terms of the warrants attached to the tax rolls for the collec tion thereof, and has no option in tbe matter. Delinquent taxpayers can save the cost of seizure and sale of property by settling their taxes at once. . Pobebt Kelly, Sheriff and Tax Collector for Wasco County. ' r Dated, August 4, 1893.' Notice no tbe Public. That certain note given by the under signed to Mark T. Kady, for $174.00, dated. June 23d, 1898, payable four months after date, was obtained by and through false and fraudulent represen iations. The consideration therefor has wholly failed, and said note is now held by said Kady contrary to his agreement to return the same. All persons are warned not to purchase said note, and that th maker thereof will not pay it. - William O. Pattebbon, The DalleB, Oregon Dated Sept. 8, 1808. 1 - Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that tbe part nerebip heretofore existing between S. Gunning and J. D. Hockman, under the firm name and stvle of Gunning & Hockman; is this day dissolved bv mn tual coneent. All parties knowing tbem selves indebted to said firm are respect fully requested to tnake an early settle ment. Tbe Dalles, Oregon, August 30, 1898 F. 8. Gunning, J. D. Hockman. Tbe Chief Burgess of Milesbnrg, Pa.. says Uevvitt s Little .barly Kieers are the "beet pills be ever need in him family during forty years of house "keeping They cure constipation,' sick headach and stomach and liver troubles. Smal' in size but, great in results. Snipes Kinserly Drng Co. NOTICE. The Misses Taylor will open their kin dergarten and primary school at the Baptist church oh Wednesday, Septem ber 14tb at 1 o'clock p. m., instead of Monday as ' heretofore Stated. ' Session from 1 to 4 in the afternoon. A good cook and house beeper to work on a farm, ' Address John iredburg Gorman. Sherman county.' 9-10 2w . C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him It cared his piles of ten' years standing, He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obeti nate sores. Snipes-Sinersly Drng Co, Notice, Notice is hereby given that I have this day purchased tbe interest of L, McLellan in The Dalles Steam Laundry and will collect -all bills and pav all debts against the same. - A. S. MacAllistkr' I ask my friends and patrons to accord to Mr. MacAllister the same generous patronage given to me. Sept. 6, 1898. L. McLellan Cstb In Your Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to " Dec. 1, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Septem ber 8 1898. C. L. Phillips, . . T Countv Treasurer. ... TUB LADIES. " The pleaeant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may uee Syrnp of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy, To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of tbe California Fig Syrup Co., printed near tbe bottom of tbe package. For Sale by all druggists. '. .. ESTRAY. . An iron grey gelding, brand indistinct, looks like a quarter circle with a bar nder it, . The animal is nnbroken Came to my place at Nansene, 17 miles south of The Dalles.' Tbe owner can have same by proving property and pay ing all charges. . . Ed Wilson. . Sept. I, lmo. -. - ' . WANTED HOUSE ESTABLISHED Lady :or Gentleman, of good church (standing as CORRESPONDENT : and MAiMAUJf-K cere. Jieea not leave home.1 Salary $800 first year. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope to A. . Elder, General Manager, care Chron icle. - - '.- Sheep for Sale. : Band of fine stock sheep, between 25C0 and 2600 head ; (about 900 lambs, balance old sheep.) ; Price $2.50 per bead. Ample range and hay for 2000. Will sell either sheep or hay or both. In quire at this office. 8-27 3 w Tlie Tenth Annual Fa.'r and Race Meeting of - Second Eastern Oregon District BgriGulturaT Saei.Is Embracing- the Counties of GILLIAM, CROOK, MORROW WASCO, SI1ERMAN, Will Be THE DALLES, WASCO CO, OR. Tuesday, October 18, 1898, Continuing 5 days. Continuing 5 days. For Premium List and any information regarding the fair write to J. O. Mack, Secretary, The Dalles.-Oregon. A. b. MAC ALLISTEE, Pres. 12 Perfect Pictures on 12 Glass Plates in 12 Seconds without reloading CM0J1B Jrlagazine Every part made to produce perfect pic tures simply and easily, livery Lens speci al. y ground, tested and guaranteed. Shatter sets itself und Is always ready. Plates changed by the turn of a button. Anyone can take pictures with tbe "Cyclone."- It cost little, works easily, keeps in repair, and requires no extras. IN THREE SIZES Send for 1898 Catalogue. No. 1. Z4x2'A, tS.50 No. 2. 3'.X.V,-i, S6 00 No. 3. 4x4, . 110.00 - 7VZ. Z. eod TheN (Pictures and Rhyme), by PflUVE$ COX The o Ghieeig SUNDAT INTER OCEAN, BEGINNING SEPT. 11. WEEKLY INTER OCEAN, BEGINNING SEPT. 13. Order from newsdealers or. by -mail from THE INTER OCEAN, - C. J. STp BliIfiG Wholesale and Retail . Wines, Liquors and Cigars. .- Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Vn I In, I DIIUVVCMUIID OUUI WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon.' IMP0STED O0GITAO from $7.00 to $12.00 AIirCEIIA EBAKDIES from $3.25 to ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings. MY WORK MY Chapman Block. CITY LIVERY AN NortHwest Cor. Fourth Special Attention to Feeding '' Mmm., Closed Hack Day or Night. ; . ; ; PRICES REASONABLE: ' om A. Ward and Jos. T, Robertson, AND UMATILLA Held at X 1 i 35 11 n 1 111 3 S -i Bro&unies of' Inter Oeean - - - Chicago, 111. IHCldll (4 to 15 yeare 0ld.) per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.) $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR. D FEED STABLE and Federal Streets. Transient Stock.: ' Preps. J u THE DALLES, OR. j lameras. c-rtfeT""- - "1 1 S 9 fit islsmf CITATION. IN TIIE COTJXTY COURT of the State of Ore gon, Jor the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Olesen, deceased Citation. . To Sidsel Olesdatter, Mrs. C. W-. Tnylor and Fred W.Wilson, and all persons Interested in the obove,named estate, greeting: In the name of tho Sta'e of Oregon, you ro hereby cited and required to avvear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at Lalles City, in the County of Wasco, on Monday, - tbe 5th day of September, 1898. . at 2 o'clock in the cfternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an ordei should not be made authorizing and di recting the executor of said estate to sell all real property belonging thereto, at public auction, to-wit: The east half of the N IVW, Srt'Ji of NK i, and NEJi of SWJ-i of the SWJi, Sec. 8, Tp. 1 N.. R. 12 E., W. M. - Witness tbe Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the 6KAL.V County Court of the State of Oregon for the Countv of Wasco, with the seal of said Court affixed this 14th day of July, A. D. 1898. Attest: A. 11. KELSAY, Clerk. . - july!6-ii Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final account as Executor of the last will and testament of James McGuhan, de ceased, with the Clerk of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and by an order of said Court duly made and entered, Monday, the 5'h day of September, 189S, is fixed as the time and tbe County Court room of said Court as the place for the healing of said final account. Dated this 27th day of July, 1S9S. jlySpii, R. F. lilBONS, Executor. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, United t-tates Land Office, The Dulles, Oregon, Au gust 19, 1S9S. Notice is herebv given that the order oi the President of January 31, 1898, per manently reserving the following described tracts or parcels of land, for the use of a boat railway between The Dalles and Celilo, on the south side of tbe Columbia river, has been re voked. Said tracts described as follows: One tract situated in the X VJ of Sec. 81, T. 2 N., R. 14 E , containing about four and one-half acres (no other description). The other tract in the S'Wy,, Sec. 21. T. 2 N., R. 15 E , containing about one-half of an acre, particular described as fol lows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said section 21, and running thence in a south erly direction along the west boundary line of said section 21, one hundred and seventy (170) feet to a point on said boundary line; thence in a straight line ti a point on the north boundary line of said section 21, distant two hundred and' sixty (260) feet in an easterly direction from the point of beginning; and thence in a we-terly direction along the north boundary line of said section 21 to tbe point oi beginning. Said tracts are therefore restored to tbe public domain, and are subject to disposal the same as other publio lands. By order of the Hon. Commissioner. Dated at The Dulles, Oregon, Angust 19, 1898. JAY P. LUCAS, Register. aug24-l OTIS PATTERSON, Receiver Dtt-AKiair.-M- jt run ijciekiuk, Gen eral Land Office, Washington, D. C, May 27, 1898. Notice is hereby given of the following hxecntlve Order, restoring certain lsnds iu the Cascade Range 'orest Reserve to settlement and entry: "EXECUTIVE MAN.-ION, Washington, D. C. April 29, 1898. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat, 36), upon tbe recommendation ot the Secretary of the Interior, the west half of Township one South, of Range ten East, Willamette Meridian, Oregon, within the limits of the Casrade Range Forest Reserve, is hereby ordoied restored to tho public domain,after s xty days notice hereof, bv publication, as required by Uw,it appearing that said tract is better adapted to agricultural than forest purposes WILLIAM McKINLEY.- Tbe above land will be subject to entry at the United States Lind Office, The Dalles, Oregon, ou and af ttr October 17, 1898, Binger Hermann, Commissioner. Iters t)Esyt!3 Best 9327 Sold at Retail in 30 Days by the Snipes -Kinersly Drug Company. Always fresh by thing kept in tbe finest case in the state. List of Cigars now on hand. All the leading brands 25c-lo 3 for 5 Cents. ' Mi Prefer'da. 25p. La Integridud, J5. . " 3 for 60c List of 2 for 25 cent Krandav Estrella.-High Life. Monogram, Maria Stuart, Henry the Kourth, General Aitbur, Banquet Hll, Bouquet So Cayo, Mueso, The Ideal American. - List of 10 cent Brand. Bouquet De Cayo, Hueso, Robt. Burns, General Arthur, Mono gram, Btnquet Hall, Captain General, La f referenda. - OnrSceot Brand. Rothchilds. The Owl Brand, La Preferencia, Fxport. 2 for 5 eenta. Little Hnvanas, Blue' Points. Cigarettes, Etc. Sales increasing every day. FOR SALE. 320 acres of land, estate of W. J. Meins, 10 miles sooth of The Dalles 20O acres of which is good leve tillable land, balance 'pasture - with living water; Small toaae, good stables and barns. Will be - sold at a bargain ; one-third cash, balance credit. Enquire of J. C. Meins or W. H. Wilson, attorney. J. C. Meins, - Administrator Estate of W. J. Meins. - augl3-lmo d-w NOTICE. All freight for points east of Th Da'les must be delivered at the O. K. & N. depot by 3 :30 p. m. in order to g . forward the same day. AH freight for points west of The Dalles most be de- liverde at the depot before 5 p. m. to (to forward on train No. 23, ieaving at 7 :45 next morning, except perishable freight which will be received from 7 a.: ra. on- il 7:15 a. m. on the date the train leaves. ,.; Jas. Irklakd, Agent. .;. a4-S0d : - Ask your"! Druggist. for, a generous -.. . .. IO CENT ',. TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Ba!m contains . no cocaine, meicarT nor any : other CATARRH tcZ'W'wr.i injurious drug. ..-... It is quickly ADgornea. - Gives Belief atone i It opens and -cleanses COLD HEAD A I lava TnAftmmaitlmi Heais and Protects tbe Membrane. Bestores tbs Senses of Taste and Smeii. - Fall Size We. ; Trial Size 10c.; at Druggists or by mail. - , , ELTBKOX-ifiIi3.M Wftrrea Street. JfowYort