cm THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY. JULY 27. 1898. ONE VESSEL SUNK, - FEYER AND SCURVY; AMERICAN SILVER : : IS DISCOUNTED ANOTHER DAMAGED AT DAWSON IS Steamer Edward Smith No. 2 Runs Into the Schooner Aurora and is Dashed Into the Sunken Lake Steamer St. Clair With Such Force as to Sink the Smith. Telegram Has Been Received ' From Steamer Garronne Arrives With Almost - Two Million . Dollars Dawson Crowded With Idle Men. ' General. Shatter Requesting that Gold and Paper Money Alone Be Sent to Santiago. . UlNliEY EMBftRKftSSED The Question of the Powers Con . cerning the Possession of the Phil ippines is Being Considered. - WASHINGTON, July 25. The powers have , embarrassed McKinley and his advisers by their formal inquiries as the this government's intentions in the matter oi the disposal of the Philippines. ; The fact that all foreign embassadors should -suddenly cut their summer vacations short in order to reiterate their assurance of distinguished consid eration at the White House, is considered most sig nificant. . - TRAGEDY IN LASSEN COUNTY Charles Saling Killed by Frank Miller Trouble Arose Over a Pool Game Miller Placed in Jail. Susanyillb, Calif., July 25. Frank Miller shot and killed Charles F.aling at Amedee, Lassen county, Sonday after noon. Siling and a man named Chap man had tome trouble over a pool game and Sallnx threatened to kill Chapman. He procured a pistol and returned with the intention of cirrying out his threat. Miller, who had been watching them, went to bia cart and getting his Bhot gun, loaded it, and returning fired through the screen doors of the barroom at Saling. The firet shot took effect in the right breast, the second in the lower part of the face. Miller was arrested and brought to Susanville today and placed in jail. Both men are strangers here. GENERAL BROOK WILL SAIL TODAY The War Department Has No Doubt - "That the Miles Expedition is Now On the Way to Porto Rico. Washington, July 25. GeneralBrooke commanding the First army corps, will today on the St. Louis from Newport News to join General Miles. The St. Louis will be accompanied on the rrfh by the St. Paul. The war department has no doubt General Miles is now on his way to Porto Rico, and all his troops will be ashore before the end of the week. - "' v ' , Stoi ANOTHER MILLION AND ONE-HALF The Charles Nelson Arrives From Alaska With that Amount in Dust and-Nugjjets and 173 Passengers Some Rich Strikes Reported. . Seattle, July 25. The steamship Charles Nelson arrived from St. Mich aels today with 173 Elcndikers and a million ani a half in treasure. Only a few of the passengers were without gold in some form. The largest- holding was that of Prof. F. 8. Lippy, a well-known educator, who' went into Klondike two years ago. He brought from claim num ber 16, on Eldorado, over a ton of dust, valued at over $300,000. The claim is not for sale. .' - CUBANS MAKING "TROUBLE AT SANTIAGO Work of Restoring Order Has Been Re tarded by Their Course Span iards Quietly Accept the Situation. New Yobk, July 25. Dispatches to the World from Santiago say: -- The Cuban insurgents are retarding the work of the military governor In re storing order in the city. -They still are disgruntled because the town is not de livered over to - them. The Spaniards are accepting the change of government in Santiago with a good grace. Garcia's forces have left the American camp and gone into the interior. They have been warned, nnder threat of extreme penal ty, not to molest Spanish' reeidents or return to the old system oi brigandage. 'Detroit, July 25. The steamer Ed ward Smith No. 2 was run into the snnken lake steamer St. Clair ner the fiats by the schooner' Anrania, in tow of the Aurora. - The steamer Smith was bound up to load and without a con sort, while the Aurora and Aurania were bound down. - Another, large propeller was also bound down near the town, and it is supposed the man in charge ot the Smith got the -propeller and the tow mixed in his mind, and in dodging the propeller dashed into the Aurora, which was making in the neighborhood of sev enteen miles an hour. ' . The force of the blow sent the Smith over to the west side of the channel and sank her. - The Aurora was badiy dam aged about the bow. The crew and a pleasure party on board the Smith were rescued without accident and sent to the Old Club. - . The Smith is owned by John Smith.of Cleveland, end valued at $65,000. 1 The Aurania is the property ot Corrigan, of Cleveland, and valued at $150,000. Details are very meager none of the crew having arrived here yet.; ' ..; To Be Published .Today. Washington, July 26. The official reports concerning the naval operations culminating in the destruction of Cer vera's fleet will be published tonight. Probably Bound for Manila. London, July 25. A special from Shanghai says that four Kasaian men- of-war have left Port Arthur, and h&t it is supposed their destination is the Philippine islands. jinn Dh 11 RcporM ii Mai The Spaniards Say Our Army Has Been Repulsed Little Stock Taken in the Rumor by Either Amer icans or Spaniards. - MADRID, July 25. The American troops are disembarking on the southern coast of Porto Rico, near Ponce. The usual reports Tof Spanish victory ; are being circulated. . It is said that the official re ports state that the Americans , were repulsed with considerable loss while attempting to effect a land ing at Bahia Honda. The people have been fooled so often recently by reports of this character that the news has created but little excitement. -a Victobia, B. C, July 23. The steamer Garronne.'which arrived today from St. Michaels, brought 166 miners, a million and a -half in dust ...v( nuggets, and probably enough in 'iraits to raise the total to over two million dollars. - The latest news from Dawson is that fever and scurvy, prevail to a serious extent. -V Twenty thousand idle men crowd Dawson - without work until winter comes again and opens the mines once more." ' . Canadian royalty bids fair to ruin the kings, of Klondike who have invested heavily in properties that it will not pay to work because of the heavy roy alty tax. - ' " Only Three Escaped. . Ottawa, July 23. Eev. O. L. String er, an Anglican missionary engaged among the Esquimaux, writes to a friend here stating that of the eleven whaling ships that left the Arctic for the West last fall, only three managed to get out. The others were caught in the ice and had to be abandoned. Four men were lost in trying to reach land. . "Farm for Sale. A good farm for sale fonr and a half miles from town, consisting of 420 acres good land, 120 being in grain,' four horses,. 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs. Also a good dwelling bouse and barn. The land will produce anything grown in Wasco county. ' A good school within a quarter of a mile of the farm. No mortgage or land agent in the way. Call on or address ; ' Seth Mobgax, jul2-lm-w r The Dalles, Or. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. . ry Washington, July 23. Major SnifBn, accompanied by three paymasters, wil 1 leave New York tomorrow for Santiago, to pay Shafter's army, and then proceed to Porto Eico to pay Miles' forces. - A telegram . has been received from Sbafter requesting that gold and paper be sent to' Santiago, as tradesmen re fuee to accept Amarican silver dollars at par value, and rate them at fifty cents 011 the dollar. Considerable indignation is expressed that the American money is discounted, and the suggestion has been made to to the secretary of war that any tradesman who refuses to ac cept United States money of any kind at 100 cents on the dollar should be re moved from the territory over which the American flag floats. - The supposition is that the refusal to accept silver dollars is the result of the long use of silver in Mexico and South American countries which has never passed for more than half its face value. EXCELLENT RACING ; IS IN PROSPECT An Excellent Program for Coney Island : Club's Fall Meet The Twin City Handicap and the Autumn Cup - Will be the Star Events. New York, July 25. The fall meeting of the Coney Island Jockey Club prom ises to furnish excellent racing. The secretary has just announced the num ber of entries in each stake. There are C32 entries in IS stakes. All the stars of the Eastern turf are in. The particu lar races are the Twin City handicap and the Autumn cup. One is to be run September 6 and the other on Septem ber 9. Ornament and Hamburg are en tered in both. In both these races Ornament will meet Tillo, and in one Ogden. Tbe game little Sir Walter bobs up again in the Twin City, while the great Western Plaudit may start in each race. As high a class will be found in tbe other stakes. ' -: , Fatal Fire at Sea. San Francisco, July 25. A private dispatch here says the ship Kenilworth, bound from Hilo, Hawaii, for New York, with a cargo of sugar, has put into Yal paraiso on fire. The captain and mate are reported dead. . ' Mora Dlaorder In Spain. , Paris, July 25. Private letters from Madrid dated July 23d say international disorder in the Spanish provinces still continue. "- ' " There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional . treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teasooonful. It acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. ' They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for Circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 . C. Blanks, of Lewisville, . Texas, writes that one box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is worth $50 to him. It cured bis piles of ten years standing. He ad vises others to try it. It also cures ec zema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly, Drug Company.: . - - ''Ask yourl Druggist for a generous . ' 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm ' HKtrtvr m contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It is quickly Absorbed. GiTea Relief at once. It opens and cleanses COLD1 HEAD AJlavs Inflammation, Heals and Protects the Membrane. Eeetorea the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full Size 60c; Trial Size 10c. ; at Dm trusts ot by mail. . LY SBOTHEBk 98 Warren Street, New York. TBE EXCELENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sitbup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true- and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California .Fia Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pal j ties. - The high standing; of the Cali fornia Fi9 Syrup Co. with the medi- : cal profession, and the. satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor j nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 84N FRANCISCO. Cat ' LOUISVILLE, Ky. NEW TORE, N. T. LAND SCRIPT. We have several thousand acres that will locate either turteyed or unsurveyed land in any state or territory of the Unites States. No residence required and TJ. S. patent issues direct to locator. Price $5.00 per acre. Address, Hannah & Miller, '" Attorneys at law, jul9-lm. , Visalia, California ESTRAY." Brown gelding 9 years old, branded JP (connected) on right shoulder, weighs about 1000 lbs. One cream gelding about 10 years, branded 1 on left thigh, came to my place on 3-Mile about January 1, 1898. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges on same, jnl9-lm. F. P. Taylok. S40.0O DOLLARS REWARD. One brownish bay mare, branded JN, (connected) on left shoulder, and split in left ear. One brownish bay mare, branded L on left shoulder and left hip. Both work horses, weighing each about 1250 lbs. Tbe above reward will be paid for their return, to - James English, jyl6 2w Hood River, Or. Administrator' Sale. Notice Is hcrebv given that In pursuance of an crder of sale made by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, bearing date the 8th day of Jane, 1898, directing the ad ministrator of the estate of OUva Esping, de ceased, to sell In the manner provided by law. certain real property belonging to said estate, I will on the S6th day of July, 1808, at the Court House door, at tbe hour of S o'clock p. m., sell at public auction to the highest bid der, the following described real property, sit uate and being in Dalles City, Wasco couuty, Oregon, towit: Lots A, B, C. J, K and L, in block 32 in Fort Dalles Military Reseivation addition to Dalles City. Said sale will be made subject to confirm ation. Dated this 17th day of June, 1898. - WM. MICHELL, Administrator of the estate of OUva EBping, deceased. jun22 i NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an order has been duly made, rendered by the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for. Wasco County, on the 6th day of July, 1898, changing the name of the undersigned from Konrad Lohrli to Konrad Lohrli Houser, and that an application will be made to said Court on Wednesday, the 7th day of September, 1898, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, for a certificate of such change of name, to be issued and provided by la w. Dated this 15th day of July, 1898. jyl9i . KONRAD LOHRLI. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is wbat It was mede for. , Ue Ire Doing ; ffeat apd Irtstie por Reasonable pnee5. We Print Anything in the Printing Line. ; Qve us a trial. l?ro9i;l pub; 5o.