The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 09, 1898, PART 2, Image 4

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Exchange of
Hobson and His Brave Companions Once More Inside
American Lines. The" Heroes Return in Fine
Health and Spirits.
changed yesterday by the Spaniards for eighteen officers and men who had been captured
by our forces. He andhis companions were received with shouts and cheers along the
American lines, while on his part he had nothing to say. more than that he had been well
treated by the enemy while in their hands. -
Colonel John Jacob Astor and Lieutenaut Milloy were in charge of the Spanish pris
oners. These consisted of Lieutenants Amelio Volez and Aurelius, a German, belonging
to the Twenty-ninth regular infantry, who was captared at El Gauey Friday last, Lieut.
Adolph Aries, of the First provincial regiment of Barcelona, fourteen non-commissioned
officers and one private. Spanish prisoners were mounted and blindfolded.
Like tbe Other Expedition They Were
Received Royally Left for Manila
June 24th.
San Francisco,. Jaly 7. Word was
received here yesterday stating that the
steamer China, which is being used as
a transport to carry troops to Manila,
arrived at Honolulu on the morning of
the 23d and twelve hours later the Ze
londia, Colon and Senator were sighted.
The following day the troops landed
and were royally received by the people
of Honolulu. This function was carried
ont precisely on the lines of the first
expedition. Ladies waited on the
tables. The officers were entertained at
army beadqnarters. There was an
abundance of refreshments for everyr
The Monterey and collier Brutus ar
rived from San Diego on the 24th, hav
ing left the latter port on the lltb. The
Monterey experienced a heavy north
west swell nearly all the way. The
Monterey recoaled and was readv for
sea yesterday morning, bat was delayed
by tbe Brnlus, whose engines required
overhauling. Both vessels left for Ma
nila today.
Dispatch States That the Bombardment
- Has Commenced Both Sides Are
Fighting Fiercely. - '
Washington, July 8. A dispatch was
received here last night from Madrid
stating that tbe bombardment of Santi
ago de Cuba bad commenced. It stated
farther that both Spaniards and Ameri
cans were fighting vigorously.
Persons troubled with diarboea will
be interested in the experience of W. M.
Bash, clerk of the hotel Dorrance, Prov
idence, R. I. Fie says : "For several
yaars I have been almost a constant suf
ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at
tacks completely prostrating me and
rendering me unfit for my duty at this
hotel. About two years ago a traveling
salesman kindly gave me a small bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarboea Remedy. Much to my sur
prise and delight its effects were imme
diate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the
disease I would fortify myself against
the attack with a few doses of this val
ueabla remedy. .The result has been
very satisfactory and almost coniplete
relief from the affliction." For .sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
V :
Advice of The Times.
London, July 7. The Times, remark
ing editorially bow little disturbance
.' the war has caused to the interests of
' neutrals, and bow admirably and cour
teously it has been conducted by both
Americans and Spaniards,, "setting an
example ot humanity," expresses the
bope that the same spirit will be ob
served when peace is arranged, and
"There could be no more honorable
ending to a war which both sides have
waged in ways creditable to them than a
Richard H. Hobson and his
settlement which should disprove the
charge that the modern conqueror
drives a harder bargain with his toe
than was common in times when . war
was less humane."
En Route to Manila.
Kansas City, July 6. A body of 256
recruits for the Tenth Pennsylvania
passed through here daring tbe night
en route to San Ftancisco, whence they
will be forwarded to their regiment,
which has sailed to the Philippines.. All
were completely equipped, except for
gnns, which they will receive at San
The DltcoTcr; of the Day.
Aug J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., sa.ys: "Dr.'-King's
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Safford, Ariz., writes: Dr. King's New
Discovery is all that is claimed for it;
it never fails, and is a sure cure for con
sumption, coughs and colds.- I cannot
say enough for its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Colds
and Coughs is not an experiment. It
has been tried for a quarter of a century,
and today stands at tbe head. It never
disappoints. Trial bottles free at Blake
ley & Houghton's.
Another Spaniard Captured.
Key West, July 6. It is reported
here that the Spanish warship Alfonzo
XIII made sn attempt to run the block
ade of Havana harbor, and was prompt
ly captured by a United States cruiser.
A Wreck Sighted.'
Seattle, July 7. Captain Christen
son, of tbe schooner Eliza Miller, which
arrived at Port Blakeley yesterday, re
ports that on Jane 23d be sighted tbe
hull of a wrecked schooner 245 miles off
Coos bay. It is thought that it may
possibly be the wreck of tbe schooner
Nomad, which left Shanghai for Seattle
last December with ten people on board.
- To Care st Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine - Tab
lets. All druggists refund tie money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
His Fleet of Ten Warships is Now Passing
Through the Suez Canal, and There Is
No Doubt as to Its Destination.
V PORT SAID, July 5. The fleet of Admiral Camara
which consists of the Pelayo, Carles V, Patriots, Rapi do,
Isla de Panay, San Francisco, Buenos AjTes, Isla de Luzon,
San Augustin, and San -Ignacio de Loyola, is en route
through the .Suez Canal, and in all probability are headed
for the Philippines. The fleet is not accompanied by the
torpedo-boats, the having received orders to sail for Messina,
'Sicily.- ; .'
seven brave comrades were ex
Financial Report of the Southern Pa
cific for the Past Fiscal Year.
San Francisco, July 6. The financial
report of the Southern Pacific Company
for the last fiscal year shows an increase
in profits of $4,000,000 over tbe business
of tbe preceding year. This shows that
tbe last 12 months were the - most pros
perous in the history of the corporation.
The gain in earnings is largely attri
bated to tbe operation of the Pacific
Increases in profits have been noted
on nearly every -road in the system,
though in some few cases there has been
a falling off in travel and consequent
loss to the company.
Company B at Tacoma.
Tacoma, July 7. Company-B, of
Whatcom, was sworn in laet night, and
arrived by boat this morning nnder
command of Captain Hardin. Tbe
troops were given an ovation on their
arrival and escorted to tbe state encamp
ment at tbe exposition building.
BnoKlen's Arnica salve. S '
The best salve in tne wor.d for cues,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cui es piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mcuev refunded. Price 25 cents
per box.
For "sale
by Blakeley and
At all times flour equal to tbe best for
sale at Tygb Valley Roller Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.
W. M. McCoeele, Prop.
Portland Electrolysis Company.
Superfluous bair, warts, naoles'and all
facial blemishes removed permanently.
Chiropoaist work skillfully done. Head
quarters over land office in the Chapman
block. julyltf
. . v - ; i
Wednesday s Daily.
Jones, of Prftieville, !s in the
Tygh Valley, is in
Konrad Lohli, of
the city.
J. Adams, of Klickitat, is at the Uma
tilla House.
A. T. Striker, of Wasco, is in the city
on business.
John Medler, of Wasco, is in the city
on business:
Mrs. S. Hau
Uuihi ilia Hons--
of Tygh. is at the
Ehv. P.oltz is I wife returned last
night from a tri,. o the valley.
George Moabue is in the city from
Missoula, visiting his sister, Mrs." Nolan.
' Misses Boeeie and Annie Lang re
turned last night from Cloud Cap Inn
where thev spent the Fourth.
Miad L ziio Cox, of Kingsley, came np
from Portland last evening and is reg
istered at tbe Umatilla House.
Mies Estella Hermann, of San Fran
cisco, arrived in the city last evening,
and will visit the Misses Glenn.
Misses Elva Gaunt and Josephine
Brnne were in the city from their homes
in Klickitat county to spend the Fourth.
Louie Gheres, who has been visiting
friends in the city for some time, left
last night for Sprague where be has ac
cepted a position in a store.
L. B.'Coman, the genial 0. R. & N.
conductor; with his wife and dauuhter
came up on the evening train last even
ing and are visiting friends in the city.
Mrs. Samnels and two daughters,
Estella and Germaine, arrived on tbe
boat last evening to visit the family of
Huth Glenn. Tbey will return to Port
land on this morning's boat.
Thursday's Dally.'
James Whitman, of Antelope, is in the
B. F. Shoemaker, ot Hood River, is in
the city.
J. Senechal, of Dufur, is at tbe Uma
tilla House.
Mrs. A. M. Patterson is in the city
from Wasco.
J. TO . Mosier, of Mosier, was in the
city last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, ot Fort Simcoe,
are at the Umatilla.
Sherman Frank returned ' yesterday
from a trip to Walla Walla.
Mrs. N. Harris and family left yester
day to spend tbe summer at the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Buckley, of
Grass Valley, were in the city yester
day. Miss Lytle, who has spent several
days with Miss Patterson, will return to
Wasco this evening.
A. S. Johnston, formerly with the
Spokane Spokesman, made The Chron
icle office a pleasant call today.
Minor Lewis, a former resident of
of Prineville, but who now resides in
Portland, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Miller and
family left yesterday . for Ocean Park,
where they will spend-the summer.
Mrs. J. M. Patterson -and daughter,
Miss Beulah. will leave this evening for
Wasco, where .they expect to spend the
James Street and wife left for their
home in Walla Walla last night. They
have been visiting Mr. Street's step
father, Mr. Staniels.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McGrail, who have
been spending the Fourth with friends
in tbe city, returned to their home at
Nansene yesterday afternoon.
Miss Eva Slutftaer will return to ber
home, near Dafur, today.- She will be
accompanied by Miss Annette Michell,
who will spend a short time visiting her.
M. F. Kell v, brother of Tom Kelly, of
this citv, and proprietor of tbe Hotel
State, in Walla vv alia, left for bis home
in that city last night, after bavins
been visiting with his brother for sever
al days. . ?
Rev. Gray leaves on the Dixon this
morning for Portland, where he will re
main nntil Saaday. He will preach in
St. James Lutheran church in Portland
Sunday morning,- and will return in
time to hold services here in -the evening-
These will be the last services held
in the Lutheran church for some time,
as Rev. (iray intends taking a month's
Friday's Dally. , t
Ben Snipes, of Seattle, is in tbe city.
L. H. Holder, of Moro, was in tbe city
Mrs. Wacbter, of Bakeoven, is in the
city today. -. .
Captain Hendall, U. S. A., was in the
city yesterday.
L. D. Holder was in the city from
Moro yesterday.
W. D. Chnrch,.of Walla Walla, is in
the city on business.
J. A. Crossen went to Portland yester
day on a business trip.
Frank B. Sommerville left for bis
home in Hay Creek yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wbitemore, of Portland,
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bolton.
Drs. D. Walker and H. C. Johnston,
of Portland, spent yesterday in tbe city.
F. H. Horndon, traveling auditor of
tbe O. R. & N., spent yesterday, in tbe
Mrs. Ben Wilson and children left
yesterday for Yaqnina where they, will
spend the summer.
Mrs. 8imms and Miss Mar- Frazier,
who spent yesterday with friends in tbe
city, will return to Portland today.
Judge Bradehaw and family and Miss
Clara Davis will leave this morning for
Seaside, Clatsop county, where they
will spend the remainder of the gammer.
Prof. Newton and Messrs. Ellston and
Picotte, of tbe Berkeley Club, remained
in tbe city yesterday, returning; to Port
laud today. They will join tbe rejt of
tbe company and give a concert at
Gray's Harbor tomorrow night. Prof,
Newton will be among tbose who add to
tbe attractions at the Willamette Chan
tanqua Assembly.
"Just as
as Scotfs and we sell it mucin
cheaper, is a statement sometimes
made by the drueeist when Scott's
Emulsion is called for. This shows
that the druggists themselves regard
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda as the
standard, and the purchaser who
desires to procure the " standard n
because he knows it has been of
untold benefit, should not for one
instant think of taking the risk of
using some untried prepa
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
"just as good" for & stand
ard preparation twenty
five years on the market,
should not be permitted by
the intelligent purchaser.
Be sore you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. : See
that the man and fish are on the wrapper
50c. and $1.00, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Ue Ire Doii?$
feaE aqd
For treasonable
We Print Anything in
the Printing Line.
(Jive us a trial.
5l?ror;i pub. 5o.
Horse Shoeing
a Specialty.
Seeond St feet.
Land Office, The Dalles, Ob.,;
May 81. 1898. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be marie before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, July 13, 1898, viz:
Albert H. Swasey, of Hosier,
Homestead Application No. 4014 for the SE &
Section 19, Township 2 N, Range 12 E, W. M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove his
contlnuons residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
l. Evans, George Evans, James Brown and
Sidney M. Briggs", all of Mosier, Oregon,
JunsU J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office, The Dalles. Or.,)
May 16, 1898. i
Notice is hereby given that tbe following-
named settler has filed notice of bis intention
tn make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will bt made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday,
June 27, 189HV viz:
Joseph B. Hall, of The Dalles,
Homestead Application No. 3843, for the 14
neW, See. 35, Tp. IN, R 12 E, W. M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
01 saia iana, viz. :
A. Walters, Frank Obrlst, W. Wolf, James
Hall, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
my21-U JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Farm for Sale.
, A good farm for sale four end a half
miles from town, consisting of 420 acres
cleared land, ' 120 being in grain, four
horses, 10 bead of cattle and 6 of hogs.
Also a good dwelling house and barn.
The land will prod dee anything grown
in Wasco county. A good school within
a quarter of a mile ot tbe farm. No
mortgage or land agent in the way. Call
on or address . S eth Morgan,
jul?2-lm-w , - The Dalles, Or.
.' afOKK. .- .
'. In this city, Sunday, July 3d, to Mr.
and Mrs. D. S. Garner, a daughter.
Regulator Iine
The Dalles. Porllani ani Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sirs. Regulator 6DaIIes City
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port
land daily, eotit Kunday.
Are you going '
If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on
the Columbia. The west-bound train arrive at
Tbe Dalles in ample time for passenrers to take
the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trmrm; East
bound passengers arriving in The Dales in time
to take the East-bound train.
For further information apply to
J. N. HARNEY, Agent,
Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon,
Or W C. AIXAWAY, Gen. Agt.,
The Dalles. Oregon
and Fafmcps
Keeps on draught the celebrated
edged tbe best beer in The Dalles,
at the usmal price. Come in, try
it and be eocviuoed. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars. ,
of all Kinds always on hand.
Why do we retail more Cigars than
Why do smokers go oat of their way
and pass cigars of the same grade?
Not because we 'have better cigars
or better brands, or any greater variety ;
no, not that.
Why, because we have tbe finest ci
gar case in tbe state and keep our cigars
in better condition.
Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Tns CoiumDia packing Go..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
JIurersof BRAND
H. M. BkaL ,
First National Bank. -
A General Banking Business transacted
.Deposits received, snoject to bignt
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and ort
' land.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Scbxhck. '
Ed, M. Williaic s, . Geo. A. Libbb.
H. M. Be alu
Letters of Credit issued available in the
- Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections male at all points on fav
orable terms.
1 MKaktFft-t 1