I r ic 3 n VOL. VIII. THE DALLES. WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, L898. NUMBER 33. MORE TROOPS Warships Have Waters to kt Transport WASHINGTON, June 10. A powerful fleet of sixteen ships has assembled in Florida waters to convoy troop trans ports to Cuba. Officials of the war department decline to give out any information as to the strength of the expedition or when it may getaway, but the general opinion is that it will sail at once. THREE KI uunu nii unu Result of the Accidental Explosion of a Tor pedo Which Was Being Planted in St. Johns River, Fla. CHICAGO, June 10. A News special from Jackson ville, Florida says: Three men were killed and Lieutenant Hart, of the en gineers corps, was bably wounded by. the accidental explo sion of a torpedo which was being placed in the St. Johns river about eighteen miles south of Jacksonville. How the accident occurred the report does not show. PHILIPPINES') BE ANNEXED Complete Formation of a Policy for , Taking Possession of and Govern ing the Islands. Chicago, Jnne 10. A Tribune special from Washington says: From information just come to light it appears that the administration baa de termined npon a state policy concerning the Philippines. It is the evident in tention of this government to annex the islands. The policy has been hastily decided on, and it was , outlined before Admiral Dewey began operations. It will be operative as soon as Hawaii is annexed. This accounts in a measure for the vigor with which the president is puBhing the annexation of Hawaii. The Philippine policy will then be out lined to the powers. Shortly before Dewey was ordered to take the Philippines, United States Con sul Williams, at Manila, was instructed to collect all information, statistics, etc.; concerning the Spanish system of taxa tion in ' the islands; their resources of revenue, eta, and to forward the infor mation to- Washington at once. As sisted by Vice-Consul Duland, be hur riedly compiled the desired data, and his report came into possession of the stale department three weeks ago. As a result, a revised system of taxation is being formed, and is nearly completed now. A forea of twelve cleika has been working upon the facts sent by Cousul Williams, and npon their work being1 FR MAT HP jli Assembled .in Florida as Convoys to Steamships. completed the new system will be pro mulgated by the president to proper au thorities. ( In brief, the proposed plan of taxation is to remove entirely the tax imposed npon household goods, beasts of burden and native products, and to substitute a reasonable property and poll tax simi lar to those enacted in this country. No poll tax will be levied upon women. Import duties to the Philippines will be lower and cut in half. The native products will be admitted free to the United States, by which it is calculated to protect home industries where af fected. It is also proposed to regulate wages in the islands. Philippine labor is now rated at from five to twenty cents per day. A minimum tax will be in force, By this means the revenues of the isl ands will be cut to about $3,000,000. It is believed that this new order of things will give new zest to commercial affairs in the islands and eventually put tax revenues above the $20,000,000 now realized by Spain. - The government is considering the appointment of an offi cial collector of customs who shall be dispatched to the islands to inaugurate the new system. It is believed -the se lection has already been made, but there is no definite information concerning his identity. . '', now to Look Good. Good looks are really more than ekin deep, depending entirely on. a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilieuslook ; if your kidneys be effected, you have a pinched look. ' Secure good health and you will, surely .have good looks. - "Elec tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and Tonic. - Acts directly on the stomach liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. . SO cents per bottle. 5 1 WOUNDED HOBSON BRILLIANT ACHIEVEMENT Amiral Sampson Reports the . Daring Lieutenant. Attention of the Navy Department is Called to the Bravery Exhibited by the Lieutenant and Companions in the Recent Merriinac Episode at Santiago. Hobson' and His Men are Well. Nkw.Yobk, June 11. The Brit ish consul at Santiago ae Cuba has sent the following dispatch via Halifax to the World : "Replying to your telegram, Lieutenant Hobson and his men are well. They are also well cared for bv the authorities. I haye my jL self just seen Hobson." Washington, June 11. The navy de partment today posted the - following bulletin giving a detailed official report from Admiral Sampson upon the hero ism of Lieutenant Hobson and his men in sinking the Merrimac in Santiago harbor: "United States Flagship New York, off Santiago, June 3. Permit me to call your special attention to the achieve ment of . Assistant Naval Constructor Hobson. As stated in a special telegram, before coming here I was ordered to make the harbor entrance secure against the possibility of the egress of Spanish ships by obstructing the narrow part of the entrance by sinking a coilier at that point. Upon calling upon Hobson for a professional opinion as to a sure method of sinking the ship, he manifested .the most lively interest in the problem After several days' consideration, he presented a solution which he consid ered would insure the immediate sink' ing of the ship when ehe reached the desired point in the channel. This plan we prepared lor execution when we reached Santiago. "The plan contemplated the employ ment of a crew of only seven men, and Hobson, who begged that the matter be entrusted to him. . Anchor chains were arranged on deck for both anchors, for ward and aft, the plan including the anchoring of the ship almost automatic ally. As soon as I reached Santiago aod had a collier to work upon, the details were completed and diligently prose cuted to completion. The task was fin ished at 4 o'clock in the morning. After a careful inspection of the final prepa rations, I was forced to relinquish the plan for that morning, as dawn was breaking. - Hobson begged to try it at all hazards. . "This morning proved more propi tious, and a prompt start was made. Nothing could have been more gallantly executed... We waited impatiently after the firing by the Spanish iiad ceased. When they ,did not reappear from the harbor I feared tbey had all perished. The steam launch which bad been sent in charge of Naval Cadet Powell to res cue the men, appeared at this time, coming ont under the persistent fire of the batteries, bat brought none of the crew. A careful inspection of the har bor from the ship showed that the Mer rimac had been sunk in the channel. "This afternoon the chiet of staff of Admiral Cervera came out under a flag of truce, with a . letter, from Admiral Cervera, extolling the bravery of the crew in an unusual manner.- ; '- "I cannot myself too earnestly express my appreciation of the conduct of Hob son and his gallant Crew. I venture to say that a more brave or daring thing has not been done since Cushing blew up the Albemarle. ",'" "Referring to the inspiring letter which was addressed to the officers at the beginning of the war, I am sure you will offer suitable professional reward Royal make the food pare, wholesome and delicious. If!! POWDER Absolutely Pure ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. to Hobson and his companions. I muet add that Commander Miller relinquish ed his command with very great reluct ance, bavins: believed he would retain his command nnder all- circumstances. He was, however, finally convinced that the attempt of another person to cairy out the multitude of details, which had been in preparation by Hobson, might endanger its proper execution. I there fore took the liberty to relieve him for this reason only. There were hundreds of volunteers who were anxions to par ticipate, there being 150 men in the crew of this ship and large numbers from, all other ships of officers and men alike. Sampson." ALL WILL REACH MANILA TOGETHER Three Philippine Expeditions to Unite at Honolulu and Conclude' Their Voyage in Company. San Fbancisco, June 13. Brigadier- General H. G. Otis will today aseutne command of the Fourth brigade of the Manila expeditionary -force. An officer on his staff states that the first and second expeditions will be bold at Hon olulu to await a third, so that all may reach Manila together. . The Fourteenth infantry has received forty-four recruits from St. Louis and Cleveland. Major Robe's command now requires about 125 men to complete it. The fifty-first ' Iowa regiment will probably be assigned to the brigade commanded by General King. - The Nebraska regiment and one bat talion of the Idaho troops epeut'Sunday afternoon in target practice at the pre sidio range. The Idaho and Montana volunteers wil' be paid off today. The Thirteenth Minnesota ha been presented with a handsome state flair by Mrs. L. A. Runge, in behalf of the citi zens of Minneapolis. It is the hand somest banner that will be carried away by any of the troops who are going to the Philippines. The Christian committee, as the war department of the Y. M. C. A. is koown. will send Frank A. Jackpon and C. ia Glunz to Manila to woik among the troops sent to aid Admiral Dewey. - All the supplies of the South Dakota volunteers have' been received, and by this evening the regiment will be iully equipped. - I was seriously afflicted with' a cough for several yeare, and last fall had a more severe cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without re ceiving much relief, and being recom mended, to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, know ing me to be a poor widow, gave It to me I tried it, and with the most gratifying results. ' The first bottle relieved me very much and the second bottle has Ab solutely cured me. I have not had as good health tor twenty years. Respect lolly, Mrs. Mary A, Beard, Claremore, Ark. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. ... A ! TwUtar. r ' . San Antonio, Tex., June II. A tor nado decenrted yesterday on Riddleville, a small tow n 50 miles from here, and three people were killed outright. Sev eral others were injured. Much dam age is reported.' ." TYGH ! VALLEY ROLLING , MILL At all times floor equal to the Best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCobkle, Prop. mcbl6 6m " , - , SiTWS FORTS fllf Oil The Bombardment Was Reopened and Contin ued Three Hours Yesterday. SPANISH DISPATCHES SAY NO - ' . GREAT DAMAGE RESULTED The American Vessels are Said to Have Withdrawn After an Unsuccessful Attempt to Cover Landing of Troops. MADRID, June 11. An official dispatch received from Havana, dated j'esterday, saj's: This morning Admiral bombardment of Santiago. transports towed by a steamer approached and attempted to make a landing. The cannonade lasted three hours. The Spaniards, carefully posted, repulsed the attempted landing and the Americans drew off. No damage was caused, by the shells fr6m the ships, which kept distant, evidently being afraid to venture within range of the forts. A dispatch from Cuba announces that yellow fever is ravaging Sampson's fleet, the province of Santiago being, it is said, a hotbed of disease. Santiago Said to Have Fallen. CAPE HAYTIEN, June 11. There is no direct news from Cuba this morning, but the report is again current that Santiago has fallen. ',-.'.' BATTLE GOlfiG Ofi AT JVTAHlLifl Spaniards and Insurgents are Said to Be En- IMUJI lltIIIIV 1,1 M . UXU. Ill MS V NEW YORK, June 11. Kong says that a battle for progress today between the Aguinaldo. Dewey has promised' to prevent a massacre should the insurgents capture the city. . The Spanish governor-general has been notified that un less he immediately .withdraws the price set upon the head of the insurgent leader he will get no quarter. Otherwise the rules of civilized warfare will be strictly adhered to. As a result of this price being placed on his bead, three attempts have been made to take his life. SWORD FOR DEWEY; MEDALS FOR MEN Resolution of Congress Providing for Suitably Rewarding the Heroes of Manila Will Be Put in Effect Washington, June 11. The secretary of the navy has appointed a board to put in effect the joint resolution of con gress authorizing him to present a sword of honor to Admiral Dewey, and to distribute bronze medals commemo rating the battle of Manila bay to tbe officers and men of tbe ships of the Asia tic equadron of tbe United States, under command of Admiral Dewey on May 1st last. . ." . Tbe board consists of Mr. Allen, as sistant secretary of tbe navy; Senator Lodge and Professor Marshall Oliver. These men will select suitable designs for sword and medals, and submit an estimate of the cost of the same. . . Tbe joint resolution providing for tbe sword and medals carried an appropria tion of $10,000 for their manufacture. ' ' B FIBE Sampson's ships reopened the At the same time a number of W V&1J V V - A special cable from Hong the possession of Manila is in Spanish forces and those of CRUISER ST. LOUIS TAKES A' PRIZE She Captures a Spanish Merchantman Just Outside of Kingston. ,New Yobk, June 11. A dispatch to the World from Port Antonio, Jamaica, says : ' Tbe United States auxiliary cruiser St. Louis was off Morant point yester day. She reported that the ha cap tared a Spanish merchantman just out side of Kingston. Tba Modem neanty Thrives on good food Hnd sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. - Her . form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs tbe cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Fig?, made by the California Fig Syrup Go-, only. Use Clarke & Fa It's Kosofoam lor tbe teeth. tf