CO W THE DALLES. WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1898. NUMBER 32. VOL. VIII. II VII M HE The Indications That the Entire Republican State Ticket Is Elected Overwhelmingly. GEER LEADS THW The RaceBetween Dunbar and Kincaid Is Close, But the Clat- sop Man Is Considered Safe Geer Is Elected By a Majority of Fully 5,000 .Votes. PORTLAND, June 8.-3:00 a. ra. The count of the election rsturns in the outly ing counties of the state is proving slow. Complete returns have been received here from but one, Sherman, and the result there is a Republican land slide. The returns from " Douglas county indicate the election of the fusion candidates by small majorities. In Yamhill Republican majorities are assured for the entire state and county ticket with possibly one or two exceptions. In Marion county also the Republicans have swept everything, with the exception of two or three county officers. In Josephine fusion has apparently carried the day, as it has also done in Coos. Geer for governor is undoubtedly safe, with a majority of from five to six thousand. Dunbar has probably polled a majority of the votes in the state, although several mp-valley counties which are noted for being fusion strongholds have gone for Kincaid. The result of the contest for this office will probably be decided by the vote in Clatsop. The other Republican candidates on the state ticket are probably all safe, although 'Geer will lead them all as regards the numerical strength of his majority. Up to 3 o'clock 8700 vertes on state senator had been quarters. Simon's vote a littj -3400, the remainder scattering. ly growing. It would appear are yet to be counted. SflliTlflGO FORTS HOW III Warsbiis of Captain .Sampson's fleet Eiddle tlie Fortiflcations Vitn Slisf and M In TAree Hours. SPANISH SHIPS FIRED UPON Spanish Forces Attacked the American Expedition and a Pitched' Battle . Ensued in Which the Spaniards Were Defeated. Cap Haytiex, June 7. Fighting be fore and in the vicinity of Santiago con tinned the greater part of . yesterday from 7:45 a. m. until nearly 11. Ten . warships maintained, a steady and care fully directed : fire against Morro castle and the batteries at Punta Gordo, So- RIIS VICTORY IS COMPLiETE exceeded 3800 votes; Hume's vote was a little short of .'--'" Simon's pleurality lap to that hour was 434, and constant that he has been -elected by 5000 to 8000. About 6000 ballots capa and Cinnoremles, in addition to bombording the Spanish fleet in the harbor. The percemtage of effective pro jectiles was very large, It appears from the best informatien obtainable at this place from the cable et ion-connecting with Santiago, that immense damage was itfflicted on the1 enemy. The Spaniards admit that the -bombardment by the American fleet -was mot destructive. About 1600 pro jectiles are said to have been fired by the AmeiCcans. and it seems the respon sive fire from the Spanish forts and fihtfis was -scarcely feit at all. The fortifications near the entrance to the harbor are described as being rid dled with solid shot and shattered by the explosion of immenee -shells fired by the Americas battle-ships. The Span ish batteries are understood to have been virtually silenced and El Morro and tfav? . fortifications at Socapa and Ponta Gorda are reported to have been demolished by tfaree hoars uninterrupt ed hammering of the fleet. The Ameri canttack is said to have been specially directed against ' Aguadorea, a small town a little to the east of the entrance to Santiago bay. The idea of the American admiral, it appears, was to land troops there after reducing the defense of the plaee, and thence ; to make a close assanlt upon Santiago, which, in view of the present conditions of the fortifications, may be expected to yield very soon after the be ginning of such an attack. A heavy cannonade was 'opened upon Aghadores about midday yesterday. i ' The latest advices received from Span ish eonrce8 do not indicate the duration of the fire or whether the American reported at Republican head troops and siege suns were actually landed at Agsadores. but from inform tion obtainable., it cannot be doubted that the net result of Mooday's fighting was extremely disastrous to the Spanish defenses. It is also understood that, the Cuban troops maintained throughout the great er part of yesterday an attack by laad noon Santiago, and Spanish reports say the garrison lost beavilv in killed and wounded. The military commander of Santiago acknowledges the loes -of six Spanish officers and many soldiers. He also ad mits severe loss of naval forces. The loos on the American side, Santiago t .ports say, is not known. 3?be Spaniards acknowledge 'that a great-deal of damage -was inflicted on the Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes, and say Morro castle shews great gaping breaches in its waits. Later in thelay, it appears, a landing of American teoops was effected near Daiquiri,' some .distance east of Agua- -dores and neanthft railroad station con necting with Samtiago. An engagement took place between an American force and a column of Spanish troops sent against the landing party. Accounts of toe battle obtainable here being from Spanish eources do not eet forth the re Bait, and therefore it is inferred toat the Americans were victorious. There is a report ear rent here that tbe first-class armored Spanish erniser Ma ria Teresa was sunk by the fire - of the American ships. It is said that only 500 American troops were landed at Dai quiri or possibly at Aguadoree, tbe two places being confused in reports reach ing here.; It seems to be admitted that tbe American soldiers were so accurate that the Spanish were compelled to flee from the fortifications they were defend- j mg. - . J WENT THROUGH WITH A WHOOP Republican State and Congressional Tickets Safe and With Votes to Spare. Majorities are Heavy. Portland, June 8. Late election re turns from the outside counties prove conclusively that the entire Republican state and congressional tickets ,, have been elected, and that there will be a Republican majority of torty in the next legislature on joint ballot, thus assuring the election of an unpreflxed Republi can United States Kenator. Geer'a majority for governor will, judging from present indications, be not less than 10,000, and it will not be sur prising if it considerably exceeds that figure.. Dunbar, tor secretary of state, has a plurality up to the present over Kincaid of over 5000. This figure may be to some extent reduced when complete re turns are in, but a majority of not less than' 4000 for the Clatsop man is as sured. . t For state superintendent of schools, Ackerman leads Lyman by over 5000. These figures will probably not be mate rially altered by subsequent retnrna. All the other candidates on' the state ticket are elected by heavy majorities. Moody's majority in the second con gressional district is fully 6000, and is likely to 'exceed that figure by eeveral hundred.'- Ia the. first congressional district Tongue defeats Veatch by between 2000 and 3000. . . SPAIN'S EFFORTS ARE ALL FUTILE Unable to Secure a Loan Abroad Once Aeain She Turns to the Bank of Spain for Funds. New York, June 8. A dispatch to the World from Madrid says : All negotiations for a foreign loan have failed, and the minister of finance has arranged with the Bank of Spain for more funds to be guaranteed by a re issue of Portugal fours. The bank will take from its gold cash in hand money to pay , for government war stores and ammunition. War material is largely imported from France and Germany. There are strong rumors again of an intrigue between the Vatican and the Austrian court to bring about a concert of mediation this summer. MORE TRANSPORTS FOR MANILA Many More Vessels for the Transporta tion f Troops to tbe Philippines Have Been Secured. Wasiusgtox, June 8. Assistant Mei k-eljohn has . chartered the steamships Indiana, Morgan City and City of Para lor the transportation ef. troops to the Philippines, and has closed a contract for the Victoria, Olympia and Arizona, of tbe Forth Pacific steamship line, and seeared the privilege of acquiring the Tacoma and Columbia, if needed, all fire on condition that they are given American register. He also has ordered pressed - into service the Senator, Qaeen and City of Puebla, of tbe Pacific Steamship Company, if found satisfac tory. . ' , At Cklckamaaga Park. . Chickamacqa, National Park, June 8. The usual hard drills and maneu vers are employing the various regi ments of General Brook's big volunteer army today. The .temperature continnes higb. What the -whole army is now praying for is a hard rain. The dust is increasing daily and unless tbe rain soon comes will become an almost un bearable nuisance. A movement is now on foot to have the' president and snch of bis cabinet officers as can accompany him inspect a part of tbe army on the Fonrtlof July. . . . !EBjI ivn n 0 Shells From Sampsons IlflJJ 1 U11UU Among Cervera's Vessels. SINKING OF THE REINA One Officer, Five Sailors and Twenty-Nine Marines Were Killed. NEW YORK, June 8. A special from Kingston, Jamaica, reports that the Spanish cruiser Vizcaya and the torpedoboat destroyer Furor were badly damaged during the bombardment of Monday. A shell from the Brooklyn is said to have burst under tbe Vizcaya'a port quarter, dismounting a gun, injuring the cruiser's rudder and wounding several sailors. The Reina Mercedes Destroyed. MADRID, June 8. Tbe following semi-official report was published here today, purporting to give an account of the boraba.dment of Santiago by the American fleet on Monday laet : "The American navy under Sampson fiercely attacked Santiago, ane a bloody encounter resulted. The Americans made three attacks on the Spanish marine and land batteries, which replied. As a consequence the Americans were repulsed "with heavy losses, estimated at 1500 men. The American projectiles, however, sank the Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes, and one officer, five sailors and twety four marines on board were killed. Spanish Losses at Santiago. MADRID, June 8. A dispatch from Havana from Spanish . forces Bayer "The Americans were again repulsed at the last bombar raeax:( Santiago." ' According to official Spanish dispatches the exact 1- oJ tTfe..Spaniard8 at Santiago, Monday, were as follows: Land forces, one e- uued-and five offi- cirs wounded. Sea forces, one officer and twenty marines killed, and one i officer and eleven sailors wounded. Terror Again Sported Sonk. NEW YORK, June 8; Sever x( paper8 poiHia dispatches from the- West Indies stating that a Spnfe torpedoboat destroyer, supposed to be the; Terror, was sunk on Monday aear the mouth of Santiago harbor. THE OREGON A MODEL WARSHIP Her Recent Celebrated Trip From San Francisco to Key West no Surprise . to Her Constructors. New York, Jnne 8. Irving M. Scott, the bnilder of the battleship Oregon, sailed tor Europe on the Kaiser Wil helm der Grosse. He goes to St. Peters burg, it is said, to seek contracts for warehips from the Russian government. The builder of the Oregon arrived in this city May 30th, after spending eev eral days in Washington. There he was overwhelmed with praise of the Oregon's achievement. President McKinley was among those who congratulated him "The Oregon represents the best type of battleship this country has yet built." said Mr. Scott. "It "vas desired to have something to fight with after the big guns in the turrets had been destroyed, hence eight guns in turrets forward and aft were introduced. The Royal Sover eign class, which England built, had 13 inch guns in barbettes forward and aft and ten six-inch, rapid-fires, five on each side. ' Only four of these broadside guns were protected, and if it lost its big guns it would only have tbe six-inch ones to protect itself with. - .' . - "Tbe run of tbe Oregon was not more than those who knew the vessel felt sure n FIIRllR BADLY I HI r Warships Created Havoc MERCEDES CONFIRMED it would make. It is not the first ship w have -built that prove.d its ability to make such a trip and be in first-class condition on its arrival, ready for any duty assigned it. At the- time of the nayal review at Hampton' Roods the San Francisco made a similar run and needed r : r.airs when it was over, as the engineer's report on file at Wash ington will show. "Captain Clark's efficient seamanship is entitled to the highest praise, and everyone who knows him believes that if opportunity offers, be and his ship will become as famous as Dewey and the Olympia or Nelson and the Victoria. READY FOR TARGET PRACTICE Toops of Camp Merritt Will Shoot on the Presidio Ranges. Sak Fbajccisco, Jnne 8. Preparatory to their departure for Manila the men of the Colorado and Pennsylvania regi ments have been supplied with ammu nition tor target practice. All the troops now in camp will stiootover tne Presidio ranges in turn, beginning tomorrow. The Utah cavalry is armed with heavy intrenebment knivec, instead of sabers. Tbe knives are about a toot long, and their blades are as wide as the base of a mason's, trowel.' They are very formid able weapons at close quarters. ' Contributions to tbe Rid Cross now amount to 40,530.