THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8. 1808. AN ENTRANCE WAS FORGED The Bombardment of Santi ago Eenewed. TWO SPANISH VESSELS SUNK One American Vessel Said to Be Badly Damaged Troops From Key West Effected a 'Landing Attack Soon to Be Made. Poet ao Pbisce, Jone 6. Advices re ceived here today Uate that , tbe bom bard men t of Santiago was resumed this morning by the American fleet. It is said the American fleet succeeded in forcing tbe harbor, having first de stroyed the wreck of the Merrimac. After entering the harbor they en gaged the Spanish fleet and after some very hot fighting sank two of them. It is reported that one American vea- 83l was damaged, bat this is not con firmed. The United Stales military expedition consisting of 5000 troops, which re cently left Key Wet, has been landed at Ponta Gorda. Tbe expedition is said to be thoronghly equipped with siege gone which will be need in the reduction of Santiago. The Landing party comprised three regiments of infantry, three batteries and one battalion of engineers. Tbe men who landed werennder protection of the battleships and got ashore expediently and without seriousVipposition. There are now twenty-nine American warships hovering off Santiago. GREAT VICTORY FOR REPUBLICANS Geer Elected by 7000, While tbe State Ticket Will Be Elected fcy 5000. man the Merrimac eight men, . who are now prisoners of . war in Santiago, performed an act of great peril, which can scarcely be appreciated at this distance and that there should have been four thousand eager to volun teer for duty, demonstrates more forci ble than could be demonstrated in any other manner that the American navy is composed of men who can be de pended on for any sort of perilous duty on any occasion. Every one of the Mer ri mac's crew fs certain to be prom'oted as soon as they 'are released, and it is likely that some means will be devised whereby warrants or commissions will be provided for enlisted men. THE OREGON TAKES A PRIZE FIERCE BATTLE IS EXPECTED Schley Reports That tlie Battle of Sauti ap Will he the Bloodiest of the far With Spin. Torpedo Boat Terror Recently Cap tured Clears the Way for the Transportation of Troops. Portland, June 7. The returns from - tbe state election show a complete vic tory for tbe Republicans. The plurality of Geer for governor will approach 7,000, and it is almost certain that tbe entire Republican state ticket will be elected by at least 5,000 plurality. Tbe Republicans have elected the ma jority of the members of the legislature "d both congressmen. M. A. Moody, the Republican nominee for congress in the Second district, will have at least 2,000 plurality, and probably more; while Thomas Tongue, in the First dis trict, will be elected by 1,000 majority. In Multnomah county all the Repub lican legislative ticket has been elected, while tbe contest for state senator be tween Joseph Simon and W. T. Home is considered very close. Washington-, June 6. Tbe sinking of the Terror, a Spanish torpedo-boat destroyer, by the Oregon, still further clears the situation so tar as tbe-send- ing of troops to Porto Rico is concerned. According to the best advices of the navy department there is today not a single vessel of tbe Spanish fleet any where in the vicinity of the northern coast line of tbe Antilles more formida ble than a gunboat. The troop-ships, which have sailed from Mobile and which are to receive reinforcements fro in Tampa and Jack sonville, will require fewer convoys than it was . originally intended to send witb them. So long as the Terror, which tbe navy department fully believes has been destroyed, was fl she was a dan gerous menace to t fleet of transports. The Terror's epeed was twenty-eight knots an hour, and she might have sunk half-dozen troop ships before she could have been overtaken by even the fleetest vessel in the squadron. There are etiil believed to be three or four Spanish vessels in the-vicinity of San Juan, but they are not of such a character as to create the slightest ap prehension on tbe part of tbe authori ties there. Consequently the Porto Rican expedition will be pushed with all possible speed, and present indica tions are that by the first of next week a landing will have been effected which will reeult in the speedy capture of that island by the American forces. IS CERYERA STILL AT SANTIAGO DE CUBA Nothing Definite Received to Confirm Statements as to His Whereabouts The Cristobal Colon Certainly in the Harbor. 5000 TROOPS 1 NEAR SANTIAGO BRAVE AMERICANS TO BE REWARDED The Heroic Crew of the Merrimac Will be Promoted This Act Demon strates Dependance That Can be Placed on Our American Sailors. Washington, June 4. Soon after the meeting of tbe house on Monday a reso lution will be introduced, calling on the secretary of the navy to ascertain and report to congress immediately of the eeven men, who with the naval con structor, Hobeon, formed tbe crew of the Merrimac just before she was sunk in the channel at the entrance to the har bor at Santiago. It is tbe present intention to offer a resolution of thanks to each of the eight men by name. Tbe magnificent bravery which tbev displayed in volunteering for such a perilous task has excited the admiration of every man in' congress who has beard tbe details, and it is safe to say that if those whose names were known, and if. the boose was in session tonight, a resolution ot thanks' would go through unanimously. . The fact that Cervera, under a flag of truce, sent to Sampson his recognition of this magnificient act of gallantry, is an indication that in volunteering to The First Expedition From the United States Said to Have Landed and Joined Garcia's Forces. New York, June 6. A special from Kingston reports that 5000 United States troops have landed near Punta Cabrera, a little to tbe weet of Santiago, wbere a junction was effected with Gen eral Calixto Garcia's army of 3000 insur gents. It is added that the landing was effected under "cover of tbe fire of Samp- eon's fleet. Witb tbe troops were sev eral heavy siege guns. THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN GRIDLEY One of the Heroes of Manila Succumbs to His Wound. Erie, Pa., June 6. Last night the family of Captain Gridley, residing here, was notified by tbe navy department of the death of tbe husband and father as a reeult of the battle of Manila. Captain Gridley has two daughters and a son. - Mrs. Gridley was in tbe midat of preparations to go to San Fran cisco to meet ber husband and accom pany him across tbe continent to his home. NO SEA ROOM IN JHE CHANNEL Kky West, June 6. Advice by the dispatch boat, received here this after noon, from Santiago, state that only thirty-one feet of eea room is left in tbe channel, the rest be'ng now blockaded by tbe wreck of the Merrimac. There fore, none but smaller vessels' can get in or out. , Washington, June 3. Commodore Schley has demonstrated to the presi dent and the navy department in dis patches received from him today that Santiago de Cuba . is likely to be the scene of the bloodiest battle of the war. The fortresses guarding the entrance to the harbor are so strong and their guns so effective that he thought it prudent to try first conclusions with them at a dis tance of four miles. Toe commodore's dispatches were laid before the president and his cabi net, and subsequently fuller details were bulletined at the navy department. It is now quite evident tbat Schley, after making observations and before fiirng on Santiago fortresses, "sent for Sampson and a large part of .the rear admiral's squadron. Schley's dispatches made it manifest to tbe preeideut and bis cabinet tbat tbe final flattie at Santiago will be the turn ing point of the war, and that place can only be aesanlted successfully by tbe combined American fleets. The navy department bulletin con firms in all important details the Jour nal'a vivid description of last Tneeday's engagement. The bulletin issued at this late day is important only for its buggestions. Two lines are important, witn significant reading between them. First, that tbe decisive battle now pending or in pro-, gress, must be at long range. Second, that the foots are weli sup plied with large long range guns. This clearly implies that thecombined fleet of Schley and Sampson will be re quired to do the work. Schley on the 29th of May, after re ceiving reports, sketches and observa tions from Sigsbee on the St. Paul, sent Capt. Sigsbee to find Sampson. Tbe rear-admiral moved, according to all re ports, on Monday night to make a junc tion with Schley. In the meantime, on May 31st, Schley forced tbe Santiago forte to reveal their place and power. - The last reports from Sampson were by Sigsbee; who met the rear admiral moving east along the north shore of Cuba. Sampson was then conveying part oi a transport fleet, and this fact explains why Sampson had not arrived at Santiago de Cnba on Tuesday at 1 :45 p. jn. when Schley opened fire on the batteries. The bulletin was commented on un favorably by some of the department people. They said thatthere is nothing in the text to affirm without qualifica tion that Cervera's equadron is in San tiago harbor. The department, it is noted, did not think it necessary to report in the space of the bulletin issued the official statements of either Sigbee or Schley, and the press reports confirm the fact that at least tbe Crietobal Colon was in evidence on tbe day of the en gagement. Mas tae Burwell detachable Tire, The best thing yet. Hasn't a single drawback. The weight of the BURWELL TJRE Is less than that of any oth er detachable tire now on the market. Ladies' and Gents' djheels for flent. BJheels Hepaired. ...niaier Denton " 1 " ' .... THE ... . S p I h IPilEEOfelEROOEillill IHOa9 , J E9S3 1 LSRGBST CIRCULATION C? M FOLITICAL H?EX III THE EISll tt . ws,"A g It is radically Repe&icar, advccitiiiij j jSB-rt it c.v.1 ateays be relied ong H the cardinal doctrines oi tint pany for fiir c.zf. hcusi reports cf all po- ra with ability and earnestaessJJj hticil cdvsaisii&:S..5$A..jM ra NJv... .-. -vn--s 3 ra n-atp-i THE WEEKLY INTEI? OCEAi SUPPLIES AJ.I. S S,9 jl THE NEWS AN 9 CSSTCOERSgTUYERATURS a It Is Morally Clean and zs a Fsu-Iy Payer Is Wii&oal z Peer. n fa H 1 9 5 ( The Literature of its cc.'i-jr:?'? is equal to tbat of tlio b?st maga zines. Itis interesting ioi.'iicLi." p dren as weli as the p.n-znis..... - n t-.. - n . ft T'HE INT ER OCEAN is a. WESTERN r-TFST3?APER, M J. . waue st ''rings to ma tiiniiy iru;. i-xws ur THE WORLD and gives tfs readers t'ts beat and ablest g discussions of all questions of the da", t is in fall sycijatJiy S3 with the ideas aad aspirations' 01 Vesicru pe&plV t dtsiasses literature and politics from the Western standpoints C9 . $ oas dsulu pes yzab-smki PS o - 6H S a TrTF DAI7.Y ARB SPKBAT EMTTOT'? OF TE IKTik GCAH ARE .BESI Oi' THE IE El.tO. r ImI.S Price or nilv lv maU .' St.OO ner Tear " - Y .J m 1 r r- . .- -Miming Dy:i'.nii ; i ir yrr jrar. Q CO MS 5 . -- . ' " . 1 CiV A. B. i) a iaiiy ana bati'lay by inait ;.oo jmr year rri 1 1 7 HI & S3 e 8KB fteux Columbia Hotel GENERAL -JUL lorse-SMeii. HEALERS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Wheels, Axles and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Special attention will be given to all classes oi worjt. ALL OUR WORK WARRANTED. Wagon Shop In connection. Tel. 157. SECOND STEEET. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. v ullman Elegent Tourist Tp t i Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. PAUL MIXNKAPOLI DCLDTH PAUGO GRAND FUR CKOOKSTON WISMFEO Helena u BUTTE Through Tiekets CHICAGO T ' WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA ' FEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH KODAKS. We tell them because we have tbe right kind. Any price from $1 to $10. Easy to take, develop and finish. Come and eee a sample of pictures taken witb. them." '. Donnell, Druggist. Sheep Men, Attention I If you want to employ a man to herd eheep who can be depended on every day in the year, write to the under signed. J. J. Woblxt, jel-2t,d-w Oregon City, Or. Jot 0S$Satewl& ELY'S CREAM BALM la a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It ia quickly absorbed. 60' cents at Drneeists or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. SLX BROTHERS, 64 Warren St.. New York City. For Information, time cards, maps and ticket cal on or write to. W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Orecoti ILJL ONE FOR A DOSE. ."" l-lmples, Pnrrmt Biliousness, Purify theBlood. Car.Hniulu)i..nJ IA : A movement of the bowel Care Headache and Dyspepsia. A mnWAmm n I I 1 . Si rZu A I? J"" mail sample free, or full box for be. Bold b, druMist.. OR. B0SANK0 CO. Phila. Pa- TJae Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for rough ekin. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Konrad Lohrli, has presented hfs petition to the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wa&co County, asking that his name be changed from Konrad Lohrli to Konrad Lohrli Houser, and tbat said petition will be called up for hearing and beard by said Conrt at tbe Conn ty Court room in the County Conrt House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Thursday the 7th day of July, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m. oi said day, said day being one of the days of the regular July 1698 term of said court. All persons are cereDy nounea to appear at sata time and place and show cause. If any there be, why an order of said Court should not be made decreeing said change of name as above men- uonea. Dated this 7th day of .'unc, 1898. juib-t KO.NKAD LOHELL IS THE BEST fi.oo per DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY. J. JW. TOOmEY, Prop. The Dalles, Op Cloudy Weather Preferred fov Sittings. Chapman Block. MY WORK MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR. REMOVAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posloffice, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. 1 L LIVERY AND-FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention, to Feeding Transient Stock. Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES. OR. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc WascoWarehouse C ompany Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot a ktr-ds. Headquarters for Rolled CiraLi, ai -xnds. Headquarters for Bran. fc-.arts, "o Headquarters for "ByersV Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Floor is manufactured expressly for family nee; every flack is gnaranteed to give satisfaction. We eell our goods lower than any honee in tbe trade, and if yon don't think so call and get oar prices and be convinced. . Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats.