The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 01, 1898, PART 1, Image 1

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4 lw
vj y - 4r 4.
TMs Island Is usl as a Bass of Sup
plies for tte Spaaiards General
Miles Fayors the More.
A Sweeping Assault Will Soon Be Made
The Island of Cnba w ill Not Be
Invaded for Some Time The Cli
mate of Porto Rico Said Not to Be
An Unhealthy One.
Washington, May 27. Many people
find it almost impossible to believe that
the president has consented (o abandon
the reconcentrados in Cnba to their fate
for some months to come, while Porto
Rico and the Philippine! receive the at
tention of the United Slates army, yet
the report is made repeatedly and ap
parently on the best of aathority that
this is the case.
. General Miles who has been opposed
to an immediate advance npon Cnba
is said to highly favor ,the invasion of
Torto Rico.
General Miles has crged upon the
president and secretary of war, and he
has been supported by General Schofield
that from a strategic view it is impera
live that Porto Rico be taken. He says
that there the Spaniards have bmlt
their biggest forts and stored their larg
est supplies of food and coal, for the par
pose of making that island a base of
' operations against the United States.
To go ahead now and capture Cnba
leaving Porto Rico in Spanish bands,
woald, in General Miles' opinion, be
making the enemy a present of a base
of operations from which they conld
continually threaten the . army in Cnba
and the entire Atlantic coast -." this
country. '
In Miles opinion it would require
many more men and ships to condnct a
war with Spain on that basis than if we
go ahead and take Porto Kico now.
The president, it is said by his per
sonal friends, has listened with favor to
Geperal Miles' argument. He has a
particnlar horror of diseases that are
liable to ravage the American armv if it
tries to operate in Cuba during the
rainy season. He has all along feared
that disaster would overtake the admin
istration and the Republican pa.iv "
the army in Cuba should be decimatf-i
by pestilence, "because he . believes .t
would take a very short time for ?'' y-
fever in the army to place mourn. nx
npon at least one family in every to n
hip in the United States.
Porto Rico and the1 Philippines, on the
other band, are deemed by the presi
dent as comparatively healthy. In
Porto Rico, according lo Gen. Milee,
the deadly fevers of Cnba are unknown.
The operations in Porto Rico and the
Philippines, it is explained by the pres
ident's friends, would occupy every man
of the army that can be drilled and
eqipped during the next two or three
months. This would, in a sense, it is
hoped, satisfy the country.
In the meantime, if it does appear to
satisfy the country, it is said to be the
intention of the president to get every
thing in shape for a grand sweeping
three weeks' assault npon Cuba as soon
- as the rainy season is over, taking
everything in eight as fast as reached.
This program will be helped by the de
cision to besiege Santiago. The county
around that city is about as high and
healthy as Porto Rico, and a mild cam
paign is expected to help the popular
desire for the invasion of Cuba.
Washington, May 27. News of ina-
portance, understood to be from Schley,
was received by the navy department
late tonight. Contrary to (he custom
Lon went to the department at a late
hour and was closeted with Assistant
Secretary Allen and Lieut. Whlttleey,
the cipher expert, in view of the ar
rangementa made for giving to the prees
any advices from Schley that Cervera'
fleet was still at Santiago. His failure
to make public anything about the mes
sage would indicate that Cervera has
escaped, hut this cannot be stated posi
Some dozen of projected military and
naval operations was bad at the cabinet
meeting today. The place of campaign
w,as decided or was sketched to the cab
inet officer. If Cervera has escaped
initiation of the plan will be postponed
and the scheme will probably be re'
arranged. Meanwhile arrangements to
carry out the plans are under way and
won't be suspended unless definite as
surances that Or vera has escaoed are
received. The military and naval pro
gram contemplates first the routing ou
of Cervera's ships in Santiago and
possible their capture, then an invasion
of Cuba by a large army. After that, or
simultaneous, will be the occupation of
Porto Rico.
Will Comprise Four Ocean Liners, Car
rying 5000 More Troops to the
San Fkancisco, May 27. Preparations
for the next expedition to Manila will
b6 hastened. It can be stated on good
authority that the expedition wili - sail
next week. General Merritt will not go
nntil all his forces have been dispatched
to the islands. It is probable, however,
that General Otis will sail with the next
fleet, which will comprise the troop
ships Zialandi, Centennial, China and
the Ohio. The two last named vessels
were chartered by the government today
The four vessels will carry five thous
and men. The China arrived this noon
from Hong """eg, twenty-four hours
ahead c-f Is me.
It is almost certain that the Pennsyl
vania and Minnesota regiments will go.
Possibly tl" 1 Seventh regiment of this
state wiil 'eo be sent.. In addition two
regiments of regulars, the Eighteenth
and Tweutv-third, now en route from
New Orleans, will go with this expedi
tion. The cruiser Philadelphia will in
all probability carry General Merritt
and bis staff to Manila. Repairs on the
vessel are being rushed and it is a mat
ter of onlv a few davs before she will be
teady to eail, '
A New York Lawyer and. Others Ac
cused by Senor Jiminy The Dis
covery an Important One. : a
Key West, Mav 7. In connection
with the case of Senor Jiminy, who was
seized as a spy on the prize steamship
Panama on Wednesday, it is said that
two men on the New York and another
inWasbington are to be arrested at once,
One of these mtn is a lawyer, formerly
in the employ of the Cuban colonial gov
ernment. The others are said to be bus
iness men.. -.. ,
These mtn are supposed to be at the
head of the Spanish secret service in the
United Stetes.
- It is claimed that .the Washington
man nas sent uauy letters 10 nia bbu
ciate in New York, and that the latter
cabled the contents in cipher to France
li !;e finally transmitted from there to
the authorities in Madrid.
There are several men suspected here
and they may be arrested at . any mo-,
ment. It is said that one of these men
paid $750 for cable message to Havana
in which he asked that $10 be put to the
credit of one Senorita Maria. The mes
sage of course was a blind.
- Whooping- Cough. v- A
' I had a little boy who was nearly dead
from an attack of whooping cough. My
neighbors recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. I did not think that
any medicine would help him, but after
giving him a few doses of the remedy 1
noticed an improvement, and one bottle
cured him entirely. It Is the best cough
medicine I ever had in the house. P.
E. Moore, South Borgettstown, Pa.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
A Dispatch Boat Brings the News That
Ceirera Is Not in SieM Schley
at Present is Looting for Bim.
The Wary Commander of the Spanish
Squadron Has Once More Given
. ' " v
the Americaos'the Slip Cervera's
, Whereabouts a Mystery.
Kingston, Jamaica, Aboard the Dis
patch Boat. 'Premier, May 27. Schley's
squadron c . -.c. -;it of Cienfuegos Tues
day night. iror three days they bad
watched the entrance of the harbor of
Cienfuegos, with every gun. shotted and
manued, almost positive that the Span
iards were inside. Not until dusk Tues
day, when .the Marblehead and Eagle
returned from a scouting expedition, in
the coarse of which they connected with
the insurgents ashore, was it learned
positively that the Spanish fleet was not
Nothing was left them then but to
start out and hunt again, and this was
done within an hour. A dispatch boat
followed the fleet for a while; but on
account of storms and the shortnees of
coal nnd water, put in here. On the
way she was fired on by the Scorpion.
The latter, thinking it had a prize, sent
a boarding party aboard. Thev said the
Spanish fleet wae not at Santiago, and
had not been seen, and started to rejoin
Schley. . '
Doubt Is Expressed as to the Spanish
Fleet Being Bottled Dp A Mis
take Has Evidently Beeq Made.
Key West, May 27. Although Wash
ington dispatches indicate that Ceve-
ra'a fleet is bottled' up at Santiago, no
information is obtained here looking to
the corroboration of this-, impression.
Washington is in possession of , the
official news from both Sampson and
Schley . later than anything that has
come in here; but still' that does not
carry a belief with everyone. Bulletins
were received here Wednesday stating
that the government officials were pos
itive Tuesday night that Schley bad the
Spanish fleet bard and fast in Santiago-,
and yet Schley's fleet on Tuesday night
was off Cienfuegos. . The torpedo boat
Dopont left that night for Key West,
arriving here yesterday. Sirce then no
dispatch boat has come to this port from
Schley's fleet, and if the government
has Deen communicated with it is
through other cables. -
Spanish Reserve Squadron Sails I m-
portant News Sent to Our Fleet in
Cuban Waters.
Madbid, May 28. It is officiallv an
nounced that the Spanish reserve squad
ron commanded by Admiral, Camara,
as left Cadiz. Before going to its des
tination, the 'squadron will maneuver
probably for several days in the open
sea, afterwards sailing tor the i'nilip-
pines, Cnba or the United Mates, as
the government may "judge more onor
tune". The squadron is understood to be
composed of 10 or 12 vessels.
Kingston, Jamaica, May 28.-1:30
A. M. United States Consul Dent has
received instructions from Washington
to forward to the United States fleet, if
possible, certain cipher orders accom
panying consular instructions. . Mr.
Dent, who is, of course,' ignoraVit of the
character of the orders, carried them in
person to Port Maria, where it is be
lieved a dispatch boat of the fleet was
waiting by pre arrangement to receive
the expected orders. "
New York, May 28. A dispatch from
Key West says .the cruiser Brooklyn
landed a large quantity of war supplies
at Cienfuegos on Tuesday. This is said
to tfave been done after a fight in which
the fort on the south side of Cienfuegos
bay was badly damaged. There was
also a fight between 700 insurgents and
a Spanish cavalry force, the latter being
defeated. t. ' "
Nothing Confirmatory Concerning Ce
vera s Whereabouts He Has,
' All Probability, Escaped. .
New Yobk, May 28. A special re
ceived from the Lagan News Bureau in
explanation' of last' night's report of
Cevera's escape, says : .
'.'Our Kingston story of last night
merely quoted one of the -Scorpion's
officers as. saying he bad not located
Cevera at Santiago. Schley's report to
the war department late this afternoon
gave no confirmation' of the fact that Jbe
bad Schley bottled up in Santiago har
bor." . , -
Kxj West, May 28. Advices received
tonight state that Cervera has eecaped,
and hia whereabouts are unknown. The
Associated Prese in its assertions con
cerning Cervera being bottled up was
unwarranted by any facts, and their re
ports tonight have him eecaped.
Dewey Has Cut the Last Telegraphic
Communication Between Manila
and Spain.
Hong Kong, Mav 281 Dispatch boat
Zafaria bag just arrived, bringing Mr
Williams, former United States consul
at Manila, to consult with Consul Wild'
man at Hong Kong, concerning the posi
tion of the insurgent force. The situa
tion at Manila is unchanged. Agninal-
do, the insurgent leader, U-Ja his head
quarters at Cavita, audi it is crowded
with volunteers. He ' captured on
Wednesday outside of Malila two tml
lock carts of ammunition and 4000 rifles,
without loss of life.
The Spaniards have been using the
cable line between Manila and Lloiloin
connection with a swift steamer to Ii
baan, British North Borneo, whence
there is cable connection with Spain
Dewey discovered this and cut the telr-
grapb line, thus isolating Captain-General
Augustl from communication with
'Spain.- The captain-general insists tlmt
relief for Manila is on its way ffom
The best of health prevails on Ameri
can ships at Manila.
New York,, May 28. A' dispatch to
the Worid from Manila via Hung Kong
The situation of the besieged inhabi
tants of Manila is growing more and
more desperate, owing to the .cutting
off of supplies. The blockade" by Dew
ey's squadron is complete, while the
insurgents have surrounded the city on
the land side, thus effectually closing
the place in. Dewey has deferred
further aggressive action at this point
until tne arrival 01 the cruiser
Charleston with coal and ammunition,
and of the promised troops for the mill
tory occupation of the islands! .
' ' .
I have been a - sufferer from chronic
diarrhoea ever since the war and have
nsed all kinds of medicines for it. : At
last I for.nd one remedy that has been a
success as a cure, and that is Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and - Diarrhoea
Remedy. P. E. Grieham, Gaare Mills,
La. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Cnhan . Inyasion to Be Delayed for an
Indefinite Period Porto Rico
. and Santiago" Mnst FalL "
At Least Fifteen Thousand Troops Will
Be Sent to Aid In the Taking of
Santiago and Cervera's Fleet.
Washington, May 30. Reasoned by
the dispatches from Schley regarding
the location of Cervera's fleet, thegov
ernment has taken steps to carry out
immediately its schemes for the mili
tary occupation of Santiago province
and Porto Rico.
The general campaign in Cuba' mnst
wait,' not only on account of fully
equipped troops for it, but because of
the greateyt interest of strategic war
fare.' Orders were sent last night to Major
General Suhaften at Tampa, directing
that from fifteen to twenty thousand
soldiers wonld be embarked at once. It
is known that troops wiil be landed very
soon in both Santiago province and
Portd Rico, but not known, which
project will be carried out first. It is
the intention of the government to land
at least fifteen thousand troops in San
tiago province at the earliest possible
moment to co-opera to with Schley's
squadron in dislodging the Spanish fleet
and reducing the city and ' its fortifica
tions. Equal eagerness is evident for the oc
cupation of Porto Rico with a - sufficient
force to overcome the enemy and repel
any attempt at recapture. It is the feel
ing in Washingtor out of official circles
that an obvious, plan to land forces in
Santiago is being used to cover the im
mediate purpose of the administration
to eend troops to Porto Rico. Nothing
more definite regarding military plans
will be given out.
A telegram was sent , to General Lee
today directing bim to proceed from
Tampa to Jacksonville, where a detach
ment of troops is expecting to embark,
Preparations for embarking troops have
been carried out so faithfully that no
delay is expected in starting troops
from Tampa and Jacksonville.
General Miles and staff left Washing
ton for the South tonight; bnt unless
his orders have been changed- since Sat
urday, he will not command the expedi
tion to Cuba or Porto Rico in person.
The Caroline Islands Will be Seized-"
No Doubt About the Capture of the
Philippines. V ' '
Washington, May 28. The complete
capture of the Philippines by the army
and navy of the United States' will be
followed by another important campaign
in the South Pacific Caroline island?.
The dependencv of Spain, it is under
stood, will be seized. Scpne of Admiral
Dewey's ships and possibly the admiral
himself will undertake the conquest. It
is the opinion here that the islands will
fall an easy prey to onr Pacific fleet un
less Spain should send naval reinforce
ments to the Pacific, which is consid
ered extremely probable. ': The Caroline
islands have given the American govern
ment a good deal of trouble during the
last few years because of the persecu
tion of American missionaries. ;
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble Snipes Kinersly Drug Co.
Royal makes the food pare,
, wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Chinese Mob Loots and Destroys Amer
f ican Mission. Troops Ordered t
Ouell the Outbreak.
Hong Kong, May 28. On Wednesday
a Chinese mob looted and bnrned the
American mission at Tong Chow near '
Wuchowfn. It is supposed that Mr.
Glover and other members of the mis
sion eecaped.
E. C. Bedloe, United States vice con
sul at Canton, has requested the viceroy
to dispatch troops to quiet the outbreak
against the missionaries.
Discovered by a Woman.
' Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
conntry. "Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
stood its severest tests, but her vital
organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and could not
sleep. She finally discovered a way to
recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for consump
tion, and was so much relieved on taking
first dose, that she slept all night; and
with two bottles, has been absolutely
cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.""
Thus writes W. C. Hamnick., of N. G.
Trial bootle free at Blaklcy & Houghton
Drugstore. Regular size 50c and $1.
Every bottle guaranteed. , 4
unc of Montana's Soldier Boys Meets,
a Sudden and Violent Death.
Butte, Mont., May 27. W. II, Bowen
while attempting to bid Ms brother
good-bye, on his departure for San Fran
cisco with the troops, fell beneath the
train and was killed.
Many Goldendsle Citizens Are Anxious
tu Knllst. .
Goldendale, Wash., May 28. Capt.
Hugh Phillips is kept busy these days,.
arj !:!ng the questions of would-be-voluuteers..
Many of them want to
know if there is any possibility that the ;
troops enlisted under the call wilt be
landed on Cuban soil. The number of
enlisted volunteers under Captain Phil
lips exceeds eighty.
Saclucu'e Arucft bs1t.'
, The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, feei
sores, tetter, chapped hande, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruption1), and posi
tively cui bs piiee," or no pay required
ft is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents
per ' box. 1 For sale by Blakeley and
flonghton. druggists. j y
KeceWerktalp Action Against
Colambla River Boad Quashed.
Tacoma, Mav .28. Receivership pro
ceedings against the Tacoma x Colum
bia River railroad came to a halt this
morning when a telegram iroin rresi-
dent Bailey, who is in New York, was
read, Btatmg that money had "- been
raised , to finish the road and clear up
the financial difficulty. The road is now
being built from this city south to the
Columbia river.
. To Core a Cold In One Day. "
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tie money 11
it tails to care. 25n.
DeWitt's Littie fcariy Risers,
Tbe famous ti: tic pill.