The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 25, 1898, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Gteoniele.
Published in two parts, on Wednesday;
and Saturdays.
One year H &?
Six months
Three months
Advertising rates reasonable, and made known
on application.
Address all Communications to "THE OHRON.
ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon.
Telephone No. 1.
Saturday's Daily.
Thursday Mrs. Stanley, who has bees
on the poor farm in this county for a
number of years, was examined by
Judge Mays and Dr. Eahelman and ad
judged insane. She was a former rest
dent of Hood River and will be taken to
the asylum in Salem.
Billy Watson, one of the boys who ran
in The Dalles hose team in '92 and who
is well known in this city, passed
through the town yesterday morning
with the Idaho volunteers. He holds
the rank of sergeant in his company
and is as anxious as the rest of oar west
em boys to meet the hated Spaniards.
C. M. Beason, of Ogden, Utah, and A,
Lucas, of Kearney, Nebraska, returned
yesterday from the interior where they
have been purchasing stock for eastern
markets. '
The courtesy extended by the officers
of the club was especially appreciated
by our visitors, and the cards of invita
tion presented to each will be kept as
souvenirs of a very happy occasion.
The river is ' coming up around the
Umatilla and the Baldwin opera house,
If it continues to come up at the present
rate a new ferry landing will have to be
chosen, as the teams coming off the fer-
rv today had to pull through the water
back of the opera house in order to reach
the incline. Last evening the water
stood close to the thirty-foot mark and
Bhows every indication of coming still
On Wednesday, May 18th, Mr. James
Meikle and Miss . Eva Cowan Newel
were united in marriage at the home of
J. L. Cowan, the U. S. Indian agent at
the Warm Springs reservation. Mr.
Meikel is a foreman in the Hammond
Packing Co. in Portland; while Miss
Newel is the daughter of Agent Cowan.
Both young people are highly esteemed
for their true worth, and have the con
gratulations of their many friends. Rev.
J. A. Speer, of Warm Springs, performed
the ceremony. The young couple will
make their future home in Portland.
Thursday night Fred W. Wilson re
turned from Sherman county where he
has been looking into his sheep inter
ests. He reports sheep in splendid
shape and that shearing is in full blast.
This year's clip is unusually heavy and
owing to the prevailing good -prices the
clip will net the sheep growers a hand
some profit. He Btates that the roads
between here and Grass Valley are in a
bad condition, but that the worst piece
ot road in the entire trip is that between
The Dalles and Floyd's place on Five
Mile. To have the roads in such a con
dition at this time of the year, when the
teaming has scarcely begun, will mean
that before the wool and grain which
has to come to this city is hauled they
will be almost impassable.
On account of delays along the line
. c . . : 1 1 tj.i .
L ii c ill o b ki niu w&uug iuo luauu bruupn
did not reach The Dalles yesterday
morning until 6:30. When they did
arrive, however, their reception was
warm. When the train pulled into the
depot a number of Dalles ladies and
members of the relief corps boarded the
train and refreshed the weary soldiers
with hot coffee and words of welcome
and encouragement. The members of
the 6. A. R. were out td bid the boys
God 8 peed, and the old veterans received
thrilling cheers from the young soldiers,
who in return ' received congratulations
and best wishes for their safe return.
The second division did not arrive until
8 o'clock, and at that time the G. A. R.
bad departed, but the reception they re
ceived at the hands of the people of The
Dalles was not less warm. In all there
were 700 able-bodied troops, of which"
any state might feel proud, and who we
can safely say will make their mark
when they reach the Philippines.
Sunday's Dally. .'
Word was received in this city yester
day afternoon for Hugh Jackson, stating
that bis father is' dsngerously ill at Gol ;
dendale. As Hugh is at Wapinitia, the
meesage was sent to that place.
Yesterday G. B. Halvor, who lives
about four , miles beiow ihe city, pre
sented the Chbokicle office with a box
of strawberiies. They were almost as
large as ben's eggs and as fine flavored
as any we have ever tasted.
. Yesterday afternoon a pleasant shower
of rain fell, which cooled the air and
freshened the growing crops. It was
not sufficient, however, and we hope be
fore the overhanging clouds clear away
we will have a good heavy rainfall.
. The Dalles City did not go through to
Portland yesterday. Freight and passen
gers were exchanged with' the Regulator
at the Locks and she returned to this
city last evening.' The Regulator has to
have her boilers cleaned and some other
improvements made, which causes the
I chanee.
A movement is on foot among' some of
our people who enjoy driving, to have
the Chenoweth road put. in first-class
shape. A great many people baye al
readv" contributed liberally toward the
project. It will certainly be a fine drive.
as it will be about eight miles long and
in fine condition. There are no good
drives in this vicinity at present, and we
hope this improvement will be made in
the near future.
A very pretty custom the women of
the Relief Corps has is the exchanging
of badges during their yearly sessions,
Many of the laiies have collected
a anfficient number of these badges to
enable them to make tbem into sofa pil
low covers or banners to hang on the
wall. Theee make valued souvenirs
and it is a happy idea.
The first Republican meeting of the
camnalen in Union was held at the
courthouse Thursday night, when S. C.
Spencer, of Portland, addressed a large
and enthusiastic audience. Mr. Spen
cer's remarks were principally upon the
money ' question, and his arguments
were logical, sound and unanswerable.
He made a good impression.
At 10 o'clock yesterday about 75 mem
bers of the different Sunday schools
by invitation of the M. E. Sunday
school of this city, left on a freight
train, . which had two passenger
coaches attached, to have a picnic at
Mosier. A nicer place could not be
chosen for such an occasion and every
one enjoyed the day immensely. They
returned on the 5 :20 train last evening.
The man who was arrested Friday
by Mr. Spellman for robbing the com
pany mess house, near this city, has
given his name as jonn aiay. i ester
day Marshal Lauer succeeded in locat
ing the other two men in the rocks west
of the shops. May identified them as
his confederates in the crime and all
three have been placed in jail. May
bad bis hearing already and has been
bound over under $200 bonds to appear
before the grand jury. The other two
men will have their hearing Monday.
Yesterday Nightwatchman Wiley re
ceived some views of Memaloose Island
and other points along the Columbia
from George A. Dorcy and E. Allen, two
students of the Field Columbia Museum
of Chicago. Mr. Wiley arrested them
last August for taking bones from the
island, and discharged them under con
dition that they would return the bones
of the dead Indians. They appreciated
the treatment shown them by Mr,
Wiley, in spite of the fact that he ar
rested them, and 'sent the photographs
as a remembrance.
Yesterday three sheriff's sales were
held at the county courthouse in this
city. The first was a piece of property
located near Hood River, which was
sold for $400 to eatisfy the judgment in
the case of H. H. Bailey vs. Frank But'
ton et al. In the case of William Field
vs. William Birgfeld et al, a piece of
property located near Antelope, was
sold to the plaintiff for $1789.94, the
amount of the judgment. The last was
an action of The First National Bank vs.
William Birgfeld et al. This sold to
ihe plaintiff for $1255.40.
The church at St. Paul, Marion coun
ty. Or., of which D. Faber is pastor, will
be consecrated next- Wednesday, May
25th, by Archbishop Gross, who will be
assisted by Bishop N. J. Glorieux, of
Boise, and ' by many priests. The
church is one of the oldest, if not the
oldest, brick buildings in Oregon. It
was built early in 1846, and was finished
and blessed November 1, 1846, and will
be the first church, consecrated in the
whole province of Oregon, and the first
one ever con seer a tea by Archbishop
Gross. v
Colfax was lighted with electricity
Tuesday night, after being in darkness
for three weeks, during which time a
new engine and new machinery were
put in. The new plant is now fully
equipped with modern .machinery, and
is one of the most complete in Easter j
It is an assured fact that th Dalles
Steam Laundry is a success, so far as the
quality of the work is concerned, and we
are prepared to do any and all work in
our line from now on and guarantee sat
isfaction and quick delivery. Patronize
home industry and keep your money at
home. Telephone 341.
T. A. Coffey, a cattleman from North
western Nebraska, is in Pendleton. He
spent last January and February in Pen
dleton, and bought 1700 head of cattle
throughout Eastern Oregon. He will
now receive them and will load them for
his ranges, May 23 and 24. The cattle
will be loaded at Arlington and Baker
City. -
Strawberry pickers are not yet p'lenti
ful in the Hood river valley. The Japs
will net be there this seaeon, as they
have found work elsewhere. Many of
the Yakima Indians, who in former
yeare went to pick berries, have gone
salmon fishing, but it is expected the
Warm Spring Indians will be there in
force by the time pickers are most need
ed. Monday's Dally.
A. ' Venator has paid out about $45,
000 for cattle in Harney county within
the last 60 days.
E. Abernetby, of Dora, in Coos county,
recently succeeded in killing a mother
panther and capturing ber two kittens
Two hundred and seventy-three crates
of strawberries were shipped from Hood
River last Saturday. The season is just
opening, and there is a promise of a big
crop and fair prices. They are quoted
at $6.50 a crate.
The commencement exercises of the
grammar school at Hood River were
held Saturday night at the Methodist
Episcopal church. Nine graduated,
and the exercises were very interest
ing and well rendered.
The scores at ' the Umatilla House
alleys for the week ending Sunday are :
Monday, H. Maetz 67; Tuesday, Maetz
67; Wednesday, Wm. Birgfeld 60;
Thursday, Jeff Walton 65; Friday,
Maetz 60; Saturday, Maetz 66; Sunday,
Maetz 63.
The high school commencement exer
cises will be held Saturday evening at
the Vogt opera house. The graduating
class numbers seventeen young ladies
and gentlemen, and the program will
no doubt be one of the most interesting
of the kind yet held by that school.
Curtis Spencer, the boy who was in
jured by the- bursting of . the cannon in
Baker City last Tursday, died Friday
morning. Ernest Worewick, whose leg
was fractured bv a flying piece of iron, is
resting easily at the St. Elizabeth's hos
pital. J. H. Parker, the banker; John
G. Foster, the groceryman, and Mrs.
William Good and others who were
more or less painfully braised, are able
to be up and about.
E. Jacobsen and C. B Martin, a rep
resentative of Hibbard, Spencer & Co,
returned last evening from an extended
trip to the interior. They state that an
abundance of rain has fallen in . the
southern part of the country, and that
the prospects are good for abundant
crops. ,
Mr. Herman Maetz, the champion
bowler of the Umatilla House bowling
alleys, in a contest for a wager with
Jack Donohue and Jim Woods made the
remarkable high average of 46.5 pins in
ten consecutive games, which, how
ever, is not quite np to bis regular
standard. .
The following score was made at the
Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club'
forHhe week ending Sunday : Monday,
Houghton 54; Tuesday, Stephens 59;
Wednesday, Bradshaw . 54 ; Thursday,
W. Eetchnm 53 ; Friday, Stephens 56 ;
Saturday, F. A. Seufert 54 ; " Sunday,
John Bonn 54.
The . funeral of Maudie Obarr took
place from the Farmers' Hotel yester
day morcing at 9 o'clock;. A short ser
vice was held, conducted by Rev. Wood.
The funeral procession immediately
afterward started for Dnfur, arriving at
about 2 o'clock, when the remains were
interred by the side of those ot the little
girl's father."
The coroner's jury that inquired into
the cause of the death of Melvin Green,
in Umatilla county, decided that he
came to his death from two gunshot
wounds, one in the left side and the
other in the head ; that the wound in
the left side was fired from a revolver in
the hands of Sam Mahaffy, without just
cause, but that the wound in the head
was caused by some person unknown to
the jury.
The crops between this place and Du-
fur are looking fine considering the dry
ness of the spring, and if rain comes
within the next few weeks the harvest
will be abundant. The writer finds the
roads between here and that city in a
bad condition, especially from this city
to 8-Mile. Four, six . and eight-horse
teams can be met at every turn as they
wind slowly to the city with their Joads
of golden fleece.
Yesterday morning, at 11 :30, a special
consisting of three coaches, the One-
onta, uneonta ii, ana a bunet car, car-r
rying Col is P. Huntington, of the South
ern Pacific, President Mohler, of ' the O.
& N. Co., and several other railroad
officials, passed through this city. They
are on a tour of inspection of the differ
ent northern roads and are bound east.
Their stay in this city was but brief, and
perhaps of not much importance. .
The Astorian says that, from reports
received, it appears that' more salmon
has been packed this seaeon than was
put up at this date last year. The Col
umbia river article will continue to make
Astoria's name famous. Fishermen say
that they are getting more fish in a given
time than they did last year, and some
of them, who thought they were short in
their catches this season, have found
that they were up to the average, within
a very few pounds, of what was caught
last year. , '.
Sunday a letter was received in this
city from Fred Grunow, an old Dalles
boy, who at present is serving in the
regular army, and is stationed at Tam
pa, Fla. After the breaking out of 'bos
tilities, his regiment, the 16th Infantry,
stationed at Boise City,' was sent to
Cbicamaugua and later to Tampa, where
he was when he wrote. At present
there are about 35,000 troops stationed
at' that place, awaiting orders to move
on to Cuba. He confirms the re
ports in the newspapers concerning the
attempts to poison the water which the
soldiers were using, and adds that it
must have been the work of Spanish
Most Successful Ever Held In This State
The Veterans Leave for Their
Respective Homes.
rriuay morning about. zUU mem
bers of the G. A. R. left on the Regulp.
tor for Portland and a better satisfied lot
of visitors never before departed from
onr city. Past Dept. Commander Reis
ner and the, officers of his staff state
that this was the largest encampment
that has ever been held in Oregon. This
along with the hospitable treatment re
ceived at the hands of our people, more
than pleased the veterans. From be
ginning to end there was not a disagree'
able feature to the encampment. In
fact everything passed off as pleasantly
as anyone could desire.
The success of the encampment is due
entirely to the antiring efforts of ' those
who bad charge of the same, and es
pecially to Captain J. W. Lewie, who
since preparations were begun until
everything was over, gave his whole
time and energy to make it what it has
been, and the success of the encamp.
ment proves how well his efforts were
We are sorry to see the old veterans
leave us and we hope that ere they have
to answer to the long roll call they will
all be granted the pleaenre of another
encampment in The Dalles.
Three Tramps Break Into the Building?
Friday One Captured.
Friday Martin Spellman, the sec
tion foreman at the O. R. & N. company
mess house, about seven ' miles above
this city, met a tramp coming along the
railroad near the section bouse, but at
the time paid no attention to him. Yes
terday evening, however, when he was
going home, he met the same man com
ing toward The Dalles with a heavy
pack on his shoulder.
, When be arrived at home be found
that his house had been broken into
and articles of clothing, bed clothes and
other things stolen.
He immediately got two of the Chinese
section bands and a handcar and started
to The Dalles. A short distance this
side of Seufert's cannery ' be came up
with the fellow in company with another
tramp. . Spellman held a gun on the
suspected robber and be surrendered
without the least resistance.
With the assistance of the Chinese the
the tramp's hands were tied behind his
back with a eilk handkerchief, and he
was brought to this city and turned over
to Nightwatchman Wiley, who lodged
him in jail.
Most of the stolen goods were found
in the possession of the man who was
arrested. He refuses to give his name
and says that two other men were con
cerned with bim in the robbery, one be'
ing the red-headed man who was with
him at the time of his arrest, and the
other an elderly man of about 50, who
wore a black fedora hat and dark cloth
ing. He was about five feet eight inches
in height and weighed, as near as he
could judge, about one hundred and
seventy-five pounds.
This man beaded east, and as be was
armed with a 44-Colts pistol, before
leaving bis pals he declared that he
would not be captured as long as he had
strength to fight.
The authorities have telegraphed to
points weet, and. in all probability, the
man will be captured.
We could not learn exactly all that
was stolen, but it was principally arti
cles of clothing, bedding, a gold watch
chain, valued at $18, and other articles
of less value. -
The man, who is at present in jail,
will have his bearing today in Justice
Filloon's, court.
Program to Be Rendered By the Nan
sene Schools.
The following program has been pre
pared by the teachers and pupils of the
Nansene schools, to be given on Monday
May 30th, at 1 :30 p. m. :
Address, "Our Nation's Heroes," C.
R. Deens.
Recitation, "Room at the Top." Ev
erett Wilson. "-
Recitation, "Mastered Out," Hugbie
Moore. .
Recitation, "Our Flag," Pearl Wilson.
Music, "Scatter Flowers."
Recitation, "Decoration Day," Darwin
"Memory Gems" by the School.
Recitation, "Requiem," Daisy But
ler. i Essay, "Memorial Day," C. R. Deens.
Music, "The Fairest Flower,"
Recitation, "Bringing Flowers," Ruby
Recitation, "To Some Little Southern
Girl," Belle Adams.
Essay, "The National Ensign," Dora
Recitation, "The Blue and the Gray,"
Minnie Wilson.
Reading, "Memorial Day," Mrs. Ada
Moore. .
Music, "Memorial Song," '.
- Recitation, "Decoration Day," Clara
Moore. "
Recitation, "The Silent March," Rho-
da Adams.
Address, "Our Soldiers," Nathan My
Recitation ''Columbia's Heroes," Hat- i
tie Adams.
Class Drill, "Memorial Day," Eleven
Addresses by Patrons.
Music, "Oh! There's Many a Battle."
; Dismissal.
All are cordially invited to be pres
ent. . '
After Three Weeks' Illness Pneumonia
Cansea Ber leath.
Saturday night about 8 'o'clock little
Maude Obarr, daughter of Mrs. Smith,
of the Farmers' Hotel, died of typhoid
About three weeks ago Maude was
taken with a severe attack of croup,
which, in spite of the remedies used to
check it, developed into typhoid pneu
monia. However, hoping till the very
last, her life was not despaired of until
yesterday afternoon, when it was evident
she could not recover. k "'
She was bora on their farm, near this
city, about ten years ago, and was an
exceptionally bright and attractive
child ; one whom it would be impossi
ble not to notice among any number of
children. ' It has been remarked often
during her illness by those attending
her of the absence of peevishness or
complaint, so patient was she, and yet
it was known her suffering ' was intense.
Maudie will be greatly missed by ber
little playmates, in school, Sunday
school, and the many places where they
were accustomed to meet her. How
much she will be missed in the borne
circle, "where she was like a sunbeam,
none but those who have had a like
sorrow can conjecture.
Ladles Thrown Oat of
with Serious Results.
About 1 o'clock Monday a serious
accident occurred on Third street near
St. Mary's Academy. Mrs. Lindsay and
Mrs. Plntler were driving down Third
street when the horse became fright
ened at a bicycle and turned in such a
manner as to upset the rig and throw
the two ladies out in the rocks and loose
dirt with which Lincoln street is being
filled with.
They both were rendered unconscious
with the fall, and were taken to the res
idence of Mrs. Seufert near by, where
with the assistance of Dr. Holliater, who
was called in, they were revived.
Mrs. Lindsey had a severe cut on the
mouth and serious bruises on the body.
Mrs. Pintler also received serious
bruises, but last night was feeling much
better. Although the accident was
serious, still it is very lucky that the
ladies escaped with their lives.
The buggy was badly broken and the
harness was considerably . damaged.
The horse tore loose from the buggy at
Moody's corner and ran to the east end
where he was stopped.
Nansene School Report.
The following is a report of the Nan
sene school lor the month beginning
April 11th and ending May 6tb :
Number of phpils enrolled : Boys,
five; girls, fourteen. Total nineteen.
Those who have not missed any days
are : Dora Moore, flattie Adams, Daisy
Butler, Belle AdamB, Clara Moore, Min
nie Wilson, Ruby Moore. Rboda Adams,
Pearl Wilson, Darwin Adame, Hugh
Moore and Everett Wilson.
Those whose deportment has bee,n
perfect are : Hattle Adams, Daisy Bat
tler, Rhoda Adams, Lottie Buttter,.Dora
Moore, Belle Adams, Minnie Wilson,
Nancy Neeley, Lulu Jones, PearlWilaon,
Victoria Jones, Barbara Neeley, Darwin
Adams, Barkley Jones and Everett Wil-
Total attendance for the weeks, 92, 88,
Average attendance for the weeks, 18,
Average attendance during the month
Visitors 3.
All friends of education are invited to
attend our school.
C. R. Deens, Teacher. .
There Is little wheat left in the hands
of the farmers of the Palouse country,
and the price is most irregular., Monday
last wheat was quoted at from 70 to 80
cents at different points in Whitman
county, with none being sold. The only
considerable amount of wheat in the
country is a pool of 35,000 bushels in the
Farmers warehouse at Fallons, six miles
south of Palouse. This is being held at
$1 per bushel. F. L. Titus owns 10,000
bushels of this amount, the remainder
belonging to other farmers near Fallons.
Local mills are paying about 80 cents
for good milling wheat. ' .
Needs assistance it may be best to ren
der it promptly, but one should re
member to use even the most .perfect
remedies only when needed. The best
and most simple and gentle remedy is
the Syrup of Figs, . manufactured by the
Califarnia Fig Syrup Co.
Cash in Sour Cheeks.
AH countv warrants registered prior
to March -12. 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 20,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
- County Treasurer.
LEMP'S II On draught at the White-
ST. LOUIS bouse Saloon. Charles
BEER. j Michelbach, Prop.
Again Oar Correapondens leeaaeaaberav
Us Politics In a Mining Camp.
Gbebnhobx, May 15, 1898. -'
It is epring in the Greenhorn, the snow
being about all gone, though there ia
enough to show bow fond old Winter is
of bis seat in the- lap- of Spring. It is a
decided ' pleasure to note the coy ad
vances of the dainty, flower-bedecked
damsel in a mountain camp like this.
At first the tops ot the stumps began to
peep out from under the snow ; then the
icicles on the eaves of the house grew
longer and 'larger and more abnndant;
then some little fir would yank a limb
loose from the enow and wave it for a
moment in the air, just to see if it was-'
all right. As the snow settled still more,,
the old rubber boots, potato sacks, tin
eans, discarded overalls, redolent socks
and other flora indigenous to a bache
lor's camp, by slow degrees emerged
from beneath the beautiful. They are
all in full bloom now. So are the dog
tooth violets and purple iris, though the
latter is a decided pink instead of a par
pie, here. The epring crop of poetry is
also ripe in this neighborhood.
Despite the fact that the principal
topic here is quartz-ore, tunnels, mills,
winzes, slopes and mines galore, we are
all, as good American citizens, inter
ested in the war news; though from
this remote point of observation, the
newspapers coming semi-occaBionally
make us weary. The Oregonian of the
11th, in a scare-headline, stated that
there was a "Bustle on the Flying
Squadron," from which we hastily con
cluded that Admiral Sampson expected
an attack in the rear. Another thing
that became wearisome was the ex
pressed fear, that the battleship Oregon
might , run across a Spanish war vessel.
It Btruck us that that was what she was
built for, and that she was abundantly
able; to give a good account of herself.
That belief waa emphasized by Dewey
at Manila. As the Grand Dnke of Ce
nto would say: "Say! I say, toys!
Say! Didn't he, make h1 smell of
garlic?" I imagine he did, for the per
fumed breezes that cross the Pacific to
kiss old Greenhorn, had a decided smell
of onions about the time we were crown
ing our May Queen.
Everything is mines up this way,
even to the exclusion of politics. Still a
breath of the latter certainly is felt even
here. It noticed at the Don Juan mine
yesterday a big blue poster announcing -that
Hon. J. L. Story, of The Dalles,
would "Address the citizens of Sumpter
and vicinity about May 17th. Old Vir
gil wrote, "Facilis decensus Averai Sed
revocare grandum" but that is a differ
ent Story. I fear me muchly that our
distinguished fellow-townsman with his
eye on the attorney-general's office, will
rnn afoul of a merger but such is poli
tics. This is a free silver stronghold,
though Bonanza will poll a few Republi
can votes. However, I, for one, am not
interested in politics, having somthing
more alluring in sight in the shape of
"yaller metal," good under any stand
ard anywhere, any time.
Mining is hard work, and conducive
to worrying- It pnts corns on one'
hands, grey hairs among one's tress (if
one has any) and takes the picturesque
out ot one's appearance. A Klondiker,
with 240 pounds of bear skin clothing,
nineteen dogs and a bob-sled, looks well
in the "yaller journals" (though our own
blessed Oregonian knocks the sentiment
out of bim in its illustrations) but a
Greenbornor, in blue overalls, ragged
shirt and run-over shoes, is not that
kind of a bird. The work is hard, but
it is enticing, and certainly more to be
commended than that of some of our
city cousins, who spend their time suck
ing a grape-vine cane and herding a'
silver mounted, open-faced bull Jpop,
with a pedigree as long as his under jaw,
and an intellect superier to bis master's,
I might write you a column or two
about the mines here, but as I will be
in The Dalles about the 25th, prefer to
have yon send your reporter around
then accidentally, of couree, and I will
fill him up. But the mines are dandies
just the same, and that is the honest
opinion of Gbeenhorn.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
The following cases were disposed of
in the circuit court yesterday :
G E Bartell vs. Geo T Thompson, con
tinued. M E Sykes vs Wm Turner, confirma
tion granted.
The Singer Manufacturing Co vs. E
M Husbands, settled and dismissed.
Eastern Oregon Land Co vs. S. R.
Brooks, continued.
C C English va Mary English, taken
under advieenent.
J C Baldwin vs Dalles City, taken un
der advisement.
; B A Osgood vs Ida Dunn et al, con
firmation granted.
G F Showater et al vs W R Winana
et al, confirmation granted.
W Landers vs .Wm Kennedy et al.
confirmation granted,
Eastern Oregon Land Co vs P E Fin-
elly, continued.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
Cure Piles, Scalds. Bums.