The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 25, 1898, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghroniele,
The only Republican Daily Newtpapei in
Wasco uountv.
County Judge. Bobt. Mays
Sheriff. T. J. Driver
Clerk A M. Kelsay
Treasurer C. L. Phillips
- , . I A. H. Blowers
unumaiuuen )D. 8. Klmsev
Assessor.. W. H. Whipple
Surveyor J l'Oii
Superintendent of Public Schools. . .C. L. Gilbert
Coroner W. H. Butts
For Governor,
of Marion County.
For Secretary of State,
, of Clatsop County. .
For State Treasurer,
of Klamath County.
- For State Printer,
of Jackson County.
For Attorney-General,
of Linn County.
For Supreme Judge,
of Columbia County.
For Superintendent Publio Instruction,
of Multnomah County. .
For Congressman, Second District,
- of Wasco County.
For Circuit Judge, Seventh lis trict,
of Wasco County.
For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh District,
of Wasco County.
For Member State Board of Equalization,
of Sherman County.
For Joint Representatives, Wasco and Sherman
of Wasco County.
For Sheriff,
For Clerk,
For Treasurer,
or School Superintendent,
For Assessor,'
For Surveyor,
For Coroner,
For Commissioner,
:m. C. EVANS.
'For Justice of the Peace,
For Constable,
Step by step the pan-American
idea of James G. Blaine is develop
ing into an accomplished fact, says
the mter-OceaD. The details of this
3lan may or may not be worked oat.
"They do not matter. The essential
'unity of American interests is becom
ing a conviction common to all
America. In the entire range of
J"South American countries, all, with
uwo exceptions, have given unmis
takable signs of friendliness in re
cent years. The two exceptions are
Chili and Argentine Republic.
The latest evidence of this friend-
, liness comes from Rio Janerio. A
dispatch from that capital announces
that the Brazilian Radicals are pre
paring to declare themselves in the
chamber of deputies as In favor of
of the United States and opposed to
Spain in the present conflict. ' The
government of Brazil gave the most
practical evidence of good will by
selling to our government one of the
best battleships of its navy, and that,
too, when the war was so near that
the sale versed upon 'an infringe
ment of neutrality. Our relations
with Brazil were always friendly, and
when the republic was struggling for
existence the United States rendered
it signal service by a practical appli-
cation of the Monroe Doctriae. Eu
ropean warships were sent there to
afford aid and comfort to the mon
archical rebels under Mello and Da
Gam a. Tbeir malign influence was
promptly and effectively checkmated
by a formidable counter naval dem
onstration on the pait of the United
Stales. . The great republic of Brazil
has hardly, if any, less occasion to
be grateful to our own government
than has Venezuela.
The greater the influence of the
United States in the affairs of Amer
ican'nations the better it will be for
all America. That the Agentine Re
public is unfriendly is due to the pre
Donderance of foreign influence. In
an evil hour that country ead a spasm
of speculation and wild fiatism
When the inevitable " collapse came
the European capitalists had a blan
ket mortgage on the country. The
present attitude of Argentine toward
the United States is due to this con
dition of bankruptcy and financial
dependence. As for Chili, there was
a time when it had a better navy
than the United States, and it still
cherishes an absurd ambition to dom
inate the rest of South America
Moreover, the Chilian government
still remembers the day when it was
brought to terms with Benjamin Har
rison's ultimatum.
The general and cordial good wil
of nearly all the other countries of
this continent is a potent factor in
enabling the United States to take
and maintain its right place among
the great powers of the world. The
time seems near at hand when James
G. Blaine's ideal of pan-American
alliance will become an international
In the house on Wednesday Rep
resentative Belknap declared that a
certain New York paper had "spread
broadcast to the world the location
of every mine in New York harbor,
If that is true, the publisher and
editor of that paper ought to be ar
rested and tried for treason, says the
Spokesman-Review. The constitu
tion of the United States defies trea
son as "levying war against the
United States, or in adhering to
their enemies, giving them aid and
The aid which might be given by
an American citizen who shouldered
a rifle for Spain would be infinitesi
mal in comparison with the aid it
would derive from learning the loca
tion of the mines in our harbors.
In timea like these it is preposter
ous for any newspaper . wishing to
print information damaging to this
government to seek shelter behind
the provision of the constitution
which declares that "congress shall
make no lav abridging the freedom
of speech or of the press." As well
might be claimed by some traitorous
wretch holding communication with
Spanish 'agents that interference by
our government was an abridgment
of his constitutional right of "free
No self-respecting or patriotic
journal will want to disseminate
news which would aid and comfort
the enemies of this country. Jour
nalistic "enterprise" which goes to
that length- ought to be brought up
with a sharp warning; and if the
offense be repeated, the proprietor
and his editor ought to be clapped in
prison, and made to answer to the
stern charge of treason.
Another great achievement must
be credited 10 the American navy.
Admiral Dewey proved the fighting
capacity of the modern battleships.
Captain Clark of the Oregon has
shown they are good sailors. When
the Oregon left San Francisco for the
long journey around Cape Horn it
was said no battleship should be put
to so severe a test. It was argued
that our great "floating batteries"
were built for fighting, not for long
voyages, and that to send the Ore
gon on a hurried trip of 14,000 miles
was more than hazardous. . '
The battleship, the pride of our
Pacific coast, started for the Atlan
tic squadron to make good the loss
of the Maine. While she has been
sailing down one side of the conti
nentand up the other, the war has
made rapid progress. . Other war
ships, purchased abroad, have joined
the Atlantic squadron in advance of
her, but no one has been followed
with such - anxiety as the Oregon.
Foes watched for her at strategic
points, but she escaped them all.
The voyage of the Oregon is the
mcst remarkable ever made by a bat
tleship. The naval experts in Eu
rope have watched the course of the
Oregon with as much interest as they
have watched the maneuvers of Ad
miral Sampson's fleet. If this high
est type of the modern battleship
could . stand the strain of high speed
for 14,000 miles and join the Atlan
tic squadron ready for battle an im
portant point in naval architecture
would be settled in favor of the new
The Oregon has been ready for
battle every day for two weeks. She
has been steaming toward her goal
over a path beset by Spanish war
vessels. She has been the objective
point of two or more Spanish expe
ditions, intended to delay or capture
her. But she has arrived in the Car
ibbean sea in lime to join in the na
val battle for which - she was ordered
from the Pacific to the Atlantic. She
is a sailer and a fighter. May her
shadow never grow less until she has
shown the Spaniards the stuff of
which she and her fighting men are
The present war has demonstrated
at least that there is no division of
popular sentiment with regard to the
question of increasing our naval
strength. Even political lines are
lost sight of when the question of
building up a great navy is discussed
in congress now. That is one tre
mendous gain in our favor, and it
must be counted, no matter what
other results are attained in the war
with Spain.
The newspaper correspondents cap
tured by the Spaniards in Cuba are
to be exchanged ior the Spanish offi
cers captured by the United States,
Governor-General Blanco has noti
tied the government that he is not
only willing but anxious to get rid of
them, and that he will take any kind
of S Danish officers in return -for
Weyler's brother, now a United
States prisoner of war, threatens to
reconcentrado himself to death, which,
in view of all circumstances, is the
proper thing for him to do. There
is a universal feeling of regret in
this country, however, that it isn't
Weyler's brother's brother, who is
going to do it. '
It is said that Admiral Dewey-
when a bov was the terror of the
nervous people in his native village
because of his mischievous pranks,
but the man who tells this specified
that his full name should appear in
connection with the story as an evi of good faith. ,
It used to be Grant's idea that all
personal misunderstandings would
keep till the war was over; but
Grant was an old-fashicned soldier
who entertained the silly notion that
what the country wanted him to do
was to make things hot for the
Spaniards are blamed for
this country with un
feigned derision; but what would
you think of a country whose nag
was floated by a gunboat called
Gussle, if you knew scarcely any
thing about its redeeming features.
For the benefit of those who do
not understand Spanish it might be
said that Boca Grande one of the
main t channels in Manila Harbor
means big mouth. Spain is cele
brated for its boca grandes.
One way to get even with Spain
would be to charge up against her
the expense involved in chasing her
fleet around the globe. We should
not forget the coal bills when the
day of settlement arrives.
The climate of the Philippines is
remarkably salubiious at this season
of the year. The rainy season has
not as yet set in, but days and nights
are quite Dewey at present.
Let us then be up and Deweying,
with a heart for any fate; still achiev
ing, still purseweying, learn to get
there, not to wait.
If the Spaniards were so anxious
to avoid a sea fight why didn't they
keep their fleet at home? "
. A torpid liver ' robs you of ambition
and wins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, care con
stipation and all stomach ' and liver
troublo. Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co.
A. M. KeUay For County Clerk.
In epeaking of the coming election and
the candidates who are . in the field the
Antelope Herald says of A. M. Kelsay,
the nominee for county clerk.
V Our readers are all acquainted with
the candidate for clerk, . A. M. Kelsay,
and he needs no very great amount of
recommendation. He is recognized as
having made the moat accomodating and
efficient officer that ever graced the office
of county clerk in Wasco county. He
has already had the office two terms and
has given sacb excellent service that the
people were so well satisfied that they
want to retain him.
In deciding how your ballot shall be on
the to men running for this important
office, consider well the adviaibility of
making a change when you know to a
certainty that Mr. Kelsay will prove
officient, while the other man, Mr.
Andereon,is an uncertainty and yon may
be sorry for the change should you make
one. .
"The worst and only formidable objec
tion to Mr. Keleay is that it is bis third
term, yet Mr. Gibons a Democrat, held
the office for six years in encceseion,
and resigned dunng his last term,
"We have stated before in our col
umns, that no better recommendation
than this could be had. Consider well
before you vote and cast your ballot for
A. M. Kelsay and make no mistake."
C. I,. Gilbert for Scbool Superintendent
Professor C. L. Gilbert, Republican
candidate for county school superinten
dent, is well known throughout the
county, having occupied that position
for the past two years. .
His devotion to educational matters,
together with the marked interest he
has manifested daring his term to im
prove the schools of Wasco county, will
insure him a very large vote.
Mr. Gilbert has the reputation, where
ever known, of being "the right man in
the right place," having performed his
duties as superintendent justly and im
partially to all.
Mr. Gilbert has filled the position of
principal of the public schools at Hood
River for four years, having taken charge
of these schools at a time when they
were perhaps not what they might have
been, and, during bis administration,
brought them np to a standard second
to none in the county.
His efficient work for the last two
years throughout the county is manifest.
and we can predict that if be is superin
tendent for the next two years, Wasco
county will be able to say proudly that
her schools are second to none in the
All who feel an interest, and every
good citizen should, in the future welfare
and education of tbe young, give him
their hearty support in the coming
He has always been an earnest, con
sistent Republican, but lor all this he
has sever allowed bis political views to
influence him in tte least in the dis
charge of .his duties as superintendent.
Vote for him and you will never regret
At all times flour equal to tbe best for
sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed
W. M. McCobklb, Prop.
La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
test to be tbe best non-poieonous fluid
dip in tbe world : guaranteed to cure
scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot,
Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles.
About 1200 cattle were ehipped from
Arlington Friday and Saturday, bring
irg the stockman about f 30,000. Nearly
$75,000 worth of cattle have left this
point within two weeks.
Horso Shoeing
a Specialty.
Second Street.
iw A A A A-A-A A-slV-A A A A-si
,.Sheep for Sale..
King Ranch
Sherman County, Oregon.
About 1750 hesd. consisting of 668 ewes with
about SCO lambs; 200 2-year-old wethers and 370
yearlings. These sheep will be sold before June
1, and intending purchasers should apply be
fore that date fcr information in regard to price
and terms of sale, or call personally on -
Rutledge,Sherman Co., Or.
A School lirrs
From the "New
Mothers who have young daughters of
school age should watch their health more
carefully than their studies. The proper
development of their body is of the first im
portance. After the confinement of the
school room, plenty of out-of-door exercise
should be taken. . It is better that their
children never learn their a, b, c's, than that
by learning them they lose their health.
But all this is self-evident. Everyone
admits it everyone knows it, but everyone
does not know how to build them up when
once they are broken down. The following
method of one mother, if rightly applied,
may save your daughter :
The young lady was Hiss Lucy Barnes,
the fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Barnes, who lives near Bur
ney, Ind.VJ She is a bright young lady, is
fond of books, although her progress in this
line has been considerably retarded by the
considerable amount of sickness she has ex
perienced. She bas missed two years of
school on account of her bad health, but now
she will be able to pursue her studies, since
her health has been restored.
Her father was talking of her case to a
newspaper man one day recently. "My
daughter has had a very serious time of it,
said Mr. Barnes, " but now we are all happy
to know that she is getting along all right
and is stronger than ever." Asked to relate
the story of his daughter, Mr. Barnes con
tinued: "About three years ago, when she
was twelve years old, she began to grow
weak and nervous. It was, of course, a deli
cate age for her. She gradually grew weaker
sod her nerves were at such a tension that
the least little noise would irritate her very
much, and she was very miserable. There
was a continual twitching in the arms and
lower limbs, and we were afraid that she
was spine to develop Stl Vitus' dance.
A" She kept getting worse and finally we
had to take her from her school and her
studies. She was strong and healthy before,
weighing eighty-five pounds, and in three
Saturday's Daily
Mrs. Ben Allen, of Prineville, is in the
city for a visit of a few daye.
C. H. Scburte, a sheep buyer from
Chicago, is at the Umatilla Honse.
Miss Ava Baltimore, a former resident
of this city, is visiting friends here for a
lew days.
J. F. Lackey, a prominent . stockman
of Ontario,, Oregon, is in the city on
Mr. Ab. Woolery, who has been in the
city for several days, left yesterday for
his home at Moro.
Harry King, connty commissioner for
Sherman county, is in tbe city, attend
ing to business matters.
Mr. J. H. Thatcher and Mr. Neslor, of
the Bell Telephone Co., are in tbe city
from Portland on business.
Mr. Pike, the present connty assessor
of Sherman county, was in the city yes
terday, and left for tiia home last even
ing. Mr. Armsworthy, father of J. W.
Armsworthy of tbe Watco News, who
has been in tbe city daring the encamp
ment, left for bis home last evening,.
C. C. Kuney returned to bis home in
Waeco after a short visit in the city.
Mr. Kuney is a nomfnee for the state
board of equalization on tbe Republican
Sunday's Daily.
F. M. Driver, of Wamic, is in the city.
W. A. Wallia is in the city from
Hon. W. L. Bradsbaw returned from
Portland yesterday.
Wm. Kerr, tbe Grass Valley stock
man, is in tbe city on business.
Mr. O. C. Nelson, of the Goldendale
Agriculturalist, is spending a few days
in our city.
- Rev. P. S. Unighf, of Salem, is in tli
city and will preach at tbe Congrega
tional church today.
Misses Hattie and Rose Ricks left
Friday night for Salt Lake, Utah, where
they will reside in the future.
Mr. John Marshall., of Portland, was
in tbe city yesterday visiting relatives,
and was the guest of his sister, Mrs.
Doane. '
Mies Annie L. Moore came up on tbe
boat yesterday, and will epend a few
days with her mother at their borne
near this place.
Mies Barbara Pfeiffer, of Albany was
in the city yesterday. She . bas been
visiting the family of Agent Cowan at
Warm Springs, and is on her way home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Meikle, who were
recently ' married at Warm Springs
agency, were in the city yeeterday, on
their way to their future home in Port
land. Tuesday s Daily.
Mrs. A. K. Dafur, of Dufar, is in tbe
Mrs. I. H. Taffe, of Celilo, is in tbe
tor a short visit.
W. A. Hunter, of Kingsley, is in the
city attending court.
Carl Gottfried went to Stevenson yes
terday for a short vieit.
Mart. Clansey, of Antelope, is visiting
in tbe city for a short tiaie.
J. A. Little, the Antelope stock man,
is in the city for a few days.
Dr. Levane, of Casdade Locks, is in
the city, being one of the jurors.
Al Everding left on the bo it yester
day for a short visit to the lucks. .
Len Rondeau, a prominent Kineeley
farmer, is in tbe city serving as a juror.
. W. A. Johnston, went to tbe Cascade
Locks yesterday morning and returned
on tbe Regulator last evening.
A. J. Toombs and B. S. Doty, capital
ists of Colorado Springs, Colorado, are
in the city for a short visit on their way
through the west.
Mrs. James Nickel), who has been
visiting her husband in this city for
some time, returned to Portland on tbe
Dalles City yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Butler and Miss Bessie
Cram arrived in tbe city from Port
Townsend Sunday, and are visiting their
mother, Mrs. P. Cram.
Era," Oreeneburg, Ind.
she had dwindled
to sixty-three
She was thin and
vale, and was
almost lifeless. We did everything we could
for her, and tried all the doctors who we
thought could do her any good, but without
"There was an old family friend neat
Milford who had a daughter afflicted the
same way, and she was cured by Dr. Wil
Hams' Pink PUls for Pale People. They
came here one day to spend Sunday, and
they told us about their daughter's case. Ii
was very much like Lucy's, and they advised
us to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for her.
We had no faith in them, but were finally
persuaded to try the pills. We have never
been sorry for it. They helped her at once,
and by the time she had taken eight boxes
of the medicine she wag entirely cured.
She took the last dose in April, and has, not
been bothered since. She is now stronger
than ever, weighs ten pounds more than ever
before, and her cheeks are full of color.
She can now gratify her ambition to study
and become an educated woman."
Those who are in a position to know, state
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
is not a patent medicine but a prescription
used for many years by an eminent practitioner
who produced the most wonderful results with
them, curing all forms of weakness arising
from a watery condition of the blood or
shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of al
most every ill to which flesh is heir. The
pills are also a specific for the troubles
peculiar to females, such as suppressions,
all forms of weakness, chronic constipation,
bearing down pains, etc., and in the case ol
men will give speedy relief and e fleet a per
manent cure in all cases arising from mental
worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever
nature. They are entirely harmless and can
be given to weak and sickly children with
the greatest good and without the slightest
danger. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on
receipt of price, 60 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 (they are nevemsold in bulk- or by
the 100), by addressing T)r. Williams' Med
cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. "
Messrs. Joseph and Edward Rondeau,
who have been to Antelope and other
points in the interior on business, left
for their homes in Gervais, Marion
county, yesterday.
'Mr. Geo. Small, editor' of the Baker
City Democrat, came op from Portland
on 'the 5 :20 train Snnday evening and
stayed over till the midnight train, when
he left for Baker. Mrs. Small came up
Saturday night and is a guest at the
home of Mrs. G. W. Rowland.
Yesterday Captain Waud left on the
Dalles City for Portland to which place
he was accompanied by his wife. From
Portland Captain Waud will leave for
AIaska,.wbere he will run a steamboat
on tbe Stickeen river during the sum
mer. He expects to return in about
six months.
In Albany, Oregon, on Wednesday,
May 18tb, to tbe wife of James Cram, of
Price, Oregon, a son.
In Port Townsend, bn May 17th, Ben
F. Butler, 14-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Butler, formerly of this
citv. He was the grandson of Mrs. P.
Cram, of this place.
We fire Doi'99
ffeat arpd
For Reasonable
We Print Anything in
the Printing Line.
(Jive us a trial.
2r)ropi pub. Qo.
Sole Proprietors of tba CELEBRATED
Hood River Nursery,
First-class Nursery Stock a Specialty
At the Diamond Mills,
Good milling wheat,
Tbe highest price
x , LOST.
, One brown bay mare branded BN on
left ehoulder and split in left ear. One
brown bay mare branded L on left
shoulder and hip. " Will' give $10 for re
turn of same. Address
' -; James English,
Hood River, Or.