CO ct 1 f VOL. VIII. THE DALLES. WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, 31 AY 25, 1898. NUMBER 30. TWO LANDINGS ON CUBAN COAST Undertaking of the Tecumseh a Diffi cult One Othcr.Plans. Key W est, May. 20 The smart little steamer Tecumseh haa effected two landings upon the Cuban coast thirty five miles apart, and both within six hoars. The Cuban surf, the clear day light and the Spanish sentinels made undertaking difficult. For fifty miles east of Havana every ehelvered cove, every projecting point and almost every unfrequented strip of the practicable sand beach has its guard detachment of Spanish cavalry. These are in constant touch with the massed Spanish infantry and artilery occupying the crest of the low coast ridge. The body of the Spanish troops are posted about a mile and a half back fromjthe beach, ready to be thrown against the daily expected disembark ment of American troopa in force, and they keep a sharp lookout. Yesterday afternoon the Tecumseh shoved away from Cuba. Gen. Nunez was on board in charge of four Cuban couriers. One pair of them was Col. Baldomero Acosta and Estabaa Del god a, the other Major Alfredo Sims and OlympiaTra viez. Acosta has been repeatenly wounded, but has kept Havana's west ern suburbs in excitement for two years. Now be is in the eager, active service of the United States force. Siuims arrived in Key West only a week ago with his companion. He had captured a Span ish fishing boat and sailed to the block ading eqnadron. It was decided to at tempt to retrieve the Gussle's fail ure. One pair of couriers was to be landed at one point and if resisted there the other couple waa to be put ashore at an other place. Some how or other communications were to be established' with certain insurgent forces and such has been done. Cuban Coast Pilot Bonce saw on the black coast line shortly before daylight this morn ing Lient. G. R. Evans commanding the expedition on the tug Edward Laut erbacb. SHE MADE A DARING LEAP A Vancouver Woman Jumps Forty Feet From a Window. Vancouver, B. C, May 20. A woman of ill repute, named Hazleton, jumped forty feet from the top window of a building last night, as the police entered the front door, and escaped unhurt. She fled to the states with $550 which she had secured from a male visitor. The Hazleton family is notorious and her brothers are marked aa crooks. In any coast city they are bagged on sight. M'COY SCORES ANOTHER VICTORY Fight Decided in Twenty Rounds Cor bett Offers a Challenge. Syracuse, N. Y., May 20. Kid McCoy tonight showed how easv it is for a clever boxer to dispose of a man twenty pounds heavier than himself, providing his opponent, like Knhlin, is slow and uncertain. The contest "between the champion middle-weight and the giant Obion was vicious throughout. Before 15 rounds bad been fought one of Ruh lin's eyes was completely closed, and be fore the end of the battle the other had been partly shut up, leaving the fighter almost blind. The game showing that the Obion made, it was - impossible to realize -how unable he was to stop the shower of jabs and left upper cuts ad ministered by McCoy.. The big fellow kept pegging away, doing hie best all the time, but not making one iinpres eion. Once or twice the kid got careless and Ruhlin managed to land squarely, but at no time was he able to phase his clever antagonist. , At the end of the twentieth round, Referee Geortce Slier decided the contest in McCoy's favor. No sooner ' had the winner been announced than Corbett jumped between the ropes and demand ed a match. McCoy said he was quite willing to accommodate him, but that he had an engagement with Choynski to fill first. Corbett made some wild talk about being the champion and that iiis challenge must be recognized, but he obtained no satisfaction and finally de 'eisted. Goddard also offered to best McCoy in twelve rounds, and was also overlooked. The contest was for per centage of the gate receipts, 75 per cent going to the winner. This was accepted instead of a $2500 purse. CERVERA'S FLEET IN THE HARBOR The Report of Its Arrival in Santiago Harbor Confirmed in a Dispatch Received by the Spanish Minister of Marine. Madmd, May 20. At 10 o'clock last evening the minister of marine, Captain Aunon, received a dispatch from Admir al Cervera, in command of the Cape Verde squadron of the Spanish fleet. , It read : Santiago de Cuba, May 19. This morning I hare without incident entered this port, accompanied by the squadron. v Cervera. The minister of marine immediately went to the residence of Premier Sa easta and communicated the informa tion. He then proceeded to the palace for the purpose of informing the queen regent, but her majesty had already re tired, and the news was conveyed to her by the Infanta Isabella. Captain Au non then' went to the admiralty and cabled his congratulations, to Cervera. ' In an interview today the minister of marine is quoted as saying: ' "I am greatly rejoiced at the safe ar rival of the Spanish fleet at Santiago. It is an immense triumph for the Span ish navy. The earlors who executed the movement aud those who planned it are worthy of all praise." Kingston, Jamaica, May 20. No con firmation has yet been received here, of the reported arrival of the Spanish fleet at Santiago. " . PREPARING FOR AGGRESSION Spanish Authorities Getting Ready to Take the Aggiessive Side. Barcelona, May 20. A body of about 8,000 troops, drawn from Catalona and Alnsia provinces and around Aragon and Valencia, are embarking here for the Philippines to reinforce the Span ish troops and aid in defending the cap ital. . Madrid, May 20. Admiral Camara, commander of the Cadiz squadron, is here receiving instructions as to the des tination of his ships, which, it is ex pected, depends upon the requirements of war. 'Camara's ships are all ready to sail. Madrid, May 20. It is evident that the new Spanish cabinet intends to push the capaign vigorously. It is said the ministry will negotiate actively with foreign diplomats to protect Spain against a combination of her enemies. SPANISH GUN BOAT TAKEN American Vessel Sighted Off Jamaica With Her in Tow. Kingston, Jamaica, May 20. The Norwegian steamer America, Captain Evertb, from Baltimore, has arrived at Port Antonio, bringing news of the cap ture of a Spanish warship. When some distance from Jamaica yesterday, the America saw an American warship tow ing a vessel that looked to be a Spanish gunboat. The vessels were too far dis tant for their names to be distinguished, but Captain Evertb says the United States vessel was either the St. Louis or St. Paul. TWO MOBS FRIZES CAUGHT Blockading Fleet Baa Secured a Spanish ttteameir and Bark;. Key West, May 20. Two more prizes, a bark and a steamship, have been cap tured by the Cuban blockading fleet and are now on their way to this port in charge of prize crews. ' . Dynamite In a Depot. Oakland, Cal., May 21. The discov ery of a stick of dynamite in the Emory ville depot is causing the police much anxiety. The . dynamite Was found among some rubbish and is -now in pos session of Superintendent Aglar. AInch significance is atrached to the discovery, owing to the fact thai nearly everyday trains loaded with troops are; passing through that locality on their way to San Francisco. . ' CHARLESTON READY TO SAIL Government Charters More Transports Sunday the California Volunteers Will Board the City of Pekin. Vallejo, Cal., May 20. The con densers of the Charleston have been thoroughly repaired and the cruiser is now announced to be ready to sail to morrow morning. There was no imme diate danger of the sh'.p breaking down but Capt. Glass thought it best to have everything in first-class ' shape before starting on snch a long trip. It is now practically settled that the first expe dition . will leave Sunday or Tuesday at the latest on the steamer Citv of Pekin. Major-General Otis haa not issued or ders as yet for the departure of the trocps. but all indications point to the fact that next Sunday the first regiment of California volunteers will be occupy ing their quarters on board the City of Pekin, which with the steamer City of Sydney is almost ready. Today orders were sent to have their fires started, which means that the vessels could leave very shortly. The United States government today chartered Spreckles' steamer Zealandia for the transportation of troops to Ma nila. She will be put under the Amer ican register as she is now under British. The Zealandia, which is a sister ship of the Australia that has already been chartered, will arrive from Honolnlu next Monday and will be ready to be turned over to the government on Tues day. The Australia, with exception of her stores which are to come from Mare Island, is ready to sail immediately. . It is not understood why there should be any delay except that no vessel will leave here till General Merritt comes. . NEUTRALITY OF FRANCE State Department Assured That the Friendship of That Government for the United States is Unchanged. Washington, May 20. As the result of recent exchanges between the state department and the Fren-.'.h embassy, an agreeable understanding has been reached which gives assurance of the continuance of the traditional friendship between the United States end France. It has served to make clear that each gov ernment has the fullest confidence in the friendly attitude of the other, and any criticisms or animosities aroused by re cent incidents havo not beenBhared by the government of either country. The French authorities have given assurances that the French press criti cisms come from an unrepresentative class of radical partisan newspapers, and in . no war represented the senti ment entestained by the French government and , people toward the United States. FIVE SQUADRONS IN ATLANTIC GULF Spaniards Cannot Longer Avoid Con flict Battle as Memorable as that at Manila is Looked For. Washington, May 20. There are to night practically five squadrons in the Atlantic Gu'f and the Caribbean Sea. Sam peon, who has command of the most powerful of the five, and Schley, whose force runs as second, were last reported off Key West, Watson, who commands the blockading fleet off Ha vana, is still there. . The - fourth con sisting of the Oregon, Marietta, Buffalo, Yale and Harvard, is somewhere in the Carribbean Sea, according to the best information obtainable. The fifth de tachment of the Atlantic is scattered along the coast between Charleston, fe. C, and Portland, Maine. The navy department announced "officially" today that the Spanish Cape Verde squadron is in the harbor of San tiago; but that official announcement was based upon the information re ceived laBt night. It may or may not be there. At this writing, however, it maybe. The administration is deter mined that the game of hide and seek has .gone on long enough, and that a battle will soon come off. That seems to be absolutely known. "It is not be lieved the Spaniards can avoid one however much they desire to do so. This contest, which Sampson and Schley will naturally endeavor to make more memorable than Dewey's fight in Manila bay, can scarcely be delayed longer than three days, and it may be looked for most any time now. TROOPS TO DO GUARD DUTY First Regiment of Washington Volun teers Will Remain on the Coast Tacoma, Wash., May 20. A special from Washington says the First regi ment of Washington volunteers will not go tor the Philippines, but will be re tained to do guard duty at various points on the Pacific coast. . The dispatch says the order for the troops to go to Manila was countermanded principally on ac count of the request of the troops them selves ; and that orders have been issued for them to report to the department commander at San Francisco, who will assign them to defence duty. ' No one in the Btate knows anything about such a request ' being made, and Governor Rogers has uo information on the sub ject. He, as well as all othere. is indig nant that the troops are not allowed to proceed. It is reported that Captain Taylor, mustering officer, is responsible for the change, as his reports have been unfavorable from the start. MEASLES AMONG 0REG0NTR00PS Surgeon of the Opinion It Will Not Be come an Epidemic. San Francisco, May 20. Major Mc Carthy, ranking as surgeon at the Pre sidio encampment, declares that the measles will not become an epidemic among the Oregon regiment now under canvass at the parade ground. Nine men are isolated in two tents several hundred yards frem the encampment. They came from towns in Oregon where measles was prevalent when they left. No new cases have been reported since yesterday, and Major McCarthy is of the opinion that trouble from that quar ter is at an end. DEFINITE NEWS - FROM CERVERA The Spanish Fleet Has Sailed from Santiago De Cuba. Madrid, May 21. At midnight the minister of marine, Captain Aunon, an nounced that be had received a dispatch from Cervera, the commander ot the Spanish squadron, stating that be was ready to sail from the harbor of Santia go de Cuba. : Nothing has been given ont concerning his destination. B RATTAN AMD WALKER ARE NOW ALSO CLEAR. .- Their Counsel Appearea la Court ThU Morning; and Obtained an Order " Substituting Fleas ef Not Guilty for tbe Plea of Gnllty. PdRTLAND, May 20. The record iu the jury bribery case, in which I. H. Taftv, E. Killfeather, J. W. Walker and C. S. Brattan figured, was this morning clear ed up so far as Walker and Brattan are concerned. This morning tbeir connael appeared in the United States district courts, and asked Judge Bellinger for leave to wit) -draw the pleas of guilty and enter tli pleas of not guilty. Tbete being no ob jection on the part of District Attorney Hall, the order was granted. . District -Attorney Hall thereupon moved the court for a dismissal of the indictments, the court having held upon the hearing of tbe motion for a new trial in tbe case of Taffe and Killfeather that the indictments were defective. This motion was also grented and Walker and. Brattan are therefore free from any charge pending against them in court. Tbe only casehat yet remains on the docket is that of Killfeather. This case, at tbe time the indictments were held ti be defective, waa ordered resub mitted to the grand jury, and tbe federal jury now in session will no doubt take cognizance of it. Transports for Horses. Galveston, May 23. Orders have been received from . Washington to charter the - steam lighters Bessie and Laura. The belief is prealent here that the lighters will be used in transporting the horses of the "Rough Riders" who are expecte'd to embark from here for Cuba. - , ' ANOTHER NATAL VICTORY Sampson Said, to Have Sank Twelve Spanish Ships. OUR LOSS WAS LIGHT Two American Ships Disabled No Of ficial Information Received Not Fully Confirmed. Capr Haytien, May 21, A story from Point De Paix tonight gives turners of a sea fight in Windward Passage, in which twelve Spanish warships were sunk and two American'vessels disabled New York, May 21. A Washington special says that the report ot a battle between the American andjSpanish fleets oft St. Nicholas Mole is discredited. It is known that Sampson is in that vicinity and the Cape Verde fleet is not far away. Secretary Long predicted last night that a fight would take place with in the next 24 hours. The navy officers do not expect anything official before to morrow morning. MONTEREY IS UNDER ORDERS Her Destination Will Be Manila The . First Trip of the Kind Eever Made By a Monitor. Washington, May 21. It is expected that orders to tbe monitor Monterey to proceed to Manila were telegraphed to San Francisco this afternoon. Some slight changes will be made before the monitor starts ; but it is said at the navy department that she will probably get away by tbe end of next week. No monitor has ever taken such a voyage, and great interest is taken in naval cir cles in the trip. She will be accompa nied by the Collier and by tbe ocean going tug Tfoquois to give tow if neces sary. Her journey will take about fifty days. The official of the war office expect the first detachment of troops for the Phil ippines will embark at San Francisco tonight or early tomorrow, tbe ' exact time being now dependent npon author ities at San Francisco. It was stated today -that the City of Peking, with 1200 troops, would go within twenty-four hours, and that the City of Sydney, with the same number, might get away at the 'same time. General Merritt again conferred with officials today, and then he left for the West. POLO LEAVES BY REQUEST Our Ex-Spanish Minister, Acting on a Hint From the Dominion Govern ment, Sails For Liverpool. New York, May 21. A special from Montreal says : ' It has not been possible for Spain to postpone tbe departure of Senor Polo y Bernabe any longer. Today be will sail with all his staff by tbe steamer Domin ion for Liverpool. Senor Polo went on board the steamer last night, and will go from Liverpool to Madrid. He says that though be was detained . here for some time on business, he respected the dec laration of neutrality and left this coun try voluntarily. ' . He leaves behind, however, the Span ish consul to try to continue gatheting information for the Spanish - relative to the United States military goyernments. The authorities are closely watching tbe consul, and he will be promptly placed under arrest if the slightest deviation from the neutrality laws should be de tected. Senor Polo y Bernabe has been loud in his declarations that no official protest has been lodged again3t his proceedings here, but be now practically admits that he was requested to return to Mad rid, for it was learned last night from an unimpeachable eource that the Cana- Royal makes the food pore, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. dian government advised his departure. Owing to diplomatic fiction that sucb questions are not dealt with by the Ca nadian cabinet, it was possible for our secretary of state to say that the gov ernment did not interfere. The action was taken by the governor-general, who is the queen's direct representative here, and who as such is supposed to, bnt never does act, without the sanction of the cabinet. Captain Garranza, who left the city immediately after Downing's arrest, is, according to statements of some mem bers of Senor Polo's staff, to he sent tt the Philippines with a relief expedition. Other Spaniards, however, say Garranza went to Madrid with very important papers, and will endeavor to join Cer vera's fleet, or the fleet which expects to call at Miquelon. SPUN OBTAINS " . FINANCIAL RELIEF Hostile Feelings Existing Between Eng land and Russia European Inter est in the War Keen. London, May 21. The public atten tion ot England and Europe has been so absorbed in the national tragedy at Hawarden that the uneasiness over the vague political perils -threatening have been forgotten. Tbe gloomy utterances of Chamberlain aud Salisbury have,, however, caused a demand for assuran ces that there is no danger. The Franco British relations form a most acute feature of the situation, but the funda mental hostility between Russia and England is the most permanbnt source of danger. Russia's hostility has re cently become deep and implacable,., owing to tbe Czar's personal attitude. Interest in the American-Spanish war is still keen. While there is a great deal of admiration expressed at Cerve ra's clever maneuvers, general amuse ment has been caused over the Spanish exultation over the exploit. Spain's fortunes have been revived. She has obtained temporary financial relief, and is counting more than ever on ending; the war with the loss of Cuba, alone- ' PROVISIONS GETTING SCARCE Distress in Havana Greater Than Re ported Another Engagement. Washington, May 21. Secret infor mation received by the war department today is to tbe effect that serious rioting is imminent in Havana. Food is much scarcer and the distress greater than has been generally reported. Captain General Blanco, it is said, appreciates the fact that th.e pendine naval engage ment is apt to end the war, so far as sea fights are concerned, and that after it is over his last hope from home is cut off. Provisions are so scarce now that only; those who have private means at their command can secure supplies, and even then these are dealt out sparingly. At the Grst chance thousands of the natives carrying Spanish arms will desert and either fight along with tbe insurgents or turn their guns on the Spanish within their lines. An Insane Woman's Awful Deed. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 21. Mrs. Lena Spori, the insane 'widow of a fire man at Vassar collage,. murdered her two children, a son 2 years old and a daugh ter 5 months old by decapitating them early this morning. She will be sent to the Mettewan asylum for insana criminals. To Care m Cold In One Day. Take Laxitive Eromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists rifuid the money if it fails to ca:e. 25u, -