The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 18, 1898, PART 1, Image 4

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The Battleship Oregon Has Been Beard
. From France's Peculiar Attitude.
Washington, May 16. Orders have
been sent by the navy department to
Admiral Sam peon which change in im
portant particulars the original plans.
He is ordered to get in between the coast
of Cuba and the Spanish Cape Verde
fleet and not to allow it to reach the
harbor of Cienfngeo. News received by
Secretary Long today from Admiral
Sampson says that be has his vessels so
placed, with ecouts boats out in every
direction, that it is Hardly possible for
the Spanieh admiral to elude him if he
tries to reach either the southern coast
of Cuba, or aim to double on his
course and reach the Atlantic by way of
Martinique and Porto Rico. Swift scouts
patrol the Caribbean eea on the lookout
for the enemy's ships. Should they eail
around the western end of Cnba for Ha
vana, there is Schlev's squadron.
Should they strike for Havana by the
eastern end of the'island, by the wind
ward passage, there is Admiral Samp
eon. Should they strike for the south
ern coast of Cuba, Santiago or Cienfue-
Eos, there are scouts to discover them
and ncftify Sampson. The main par
pose is to prevent the enemy's fleet from
reaching Havana. If once the Spanish
fleet is connected with the powerful
modern ' fortifications of Havana and
where the torpedo-boat destroyers could
navigate to a better advantage, the prob
lem of destroying the Spaniards would
eeem more difficult.
The navy department heard from the
Oregon todav. Tbe'iiepartment well not
divulge her whereabouts, hut naval of
flcials say that no fears - are entertained
as to her safety.
Washington, May 16. With the
knowledge that Sampson's armor-clad
squadron and the Spanish fleet are
several hundred miles apart, there was
an absence today of the usual startling
rumors about engagements at sea.
The decision cf the navy department
to rigidly suppress all information about
war is being applied even to the advices
about the position of the enemy's ves
eels. Sampson is keeping in frequent tele
graphic communication with the navy
department. He is now probably off
the Haytian coast. He may be bound
for Havana or Cienfuegoe, or intend to
lie at the north or south end of the
' windward passage, in hopes that the
Spanish fleet will come that way. Few
men who know Sampson's program are
not talking now ; but everybody is con
fident Sampson knows his business and
will, brush the evasive enemy before
lonz. Admiral Cerveras obiect in taking
the Spanish fleeV to Curacoa is some
thing of a mystery to naval authorities.
He has thrown away the chance of cap
turing or destroying a number of infer
for American vessels. -The government
will welcome the movement to San
'Joan, for that port, with its. fortifica
tions annihilated, would be a good
place to crush the Spaniards. It ap
pears certain that Sampson and Schley
will hunt down Cervera, providing he
does not run away. The oTficers agree,
however, that the Spanish admiral will
make for Havana or Cienfuegoe, for
from the latter port supplies can come
from Havana by rail.
No credence is placed in the report
that three more Spanish crnisers are at
Martinique. They are believed to be at
Cadiz. .
Washington, May, 16. The very pe
cnliar attitude of the government of the
governments of France and the Nether
lands in permitting the Spanish fleet to
'-. coal and repair in the ports cf their col
onies, is in great contrast with the atti
tude of Great Bnttain in absolutely, liv
ing np to her pledge of neutrality. .
The speech of Colonial Minister Cham-
. berlain, last week, when taken in con
nection with, this fact, and the by no
.means improbable conflict between
Great Britain and France, has revealed
talk of an Anglo-American alliance, and
the more the subject is discussed the
more popular it seems to become. Mem
bers of congress and eastern Republican
senators seem to be particularly taken
with the idea; and many of them have
urged consideration of it upon the presi
dent with a great deal of force during
the past few days. .
It is mora than likely that the propo
sition of an Anglo-American alliance,
which is at present in only an embryotic
state, will take tangible shape before
this war is over, and such a- proposition
is certain to be ehdoreed by a strong
party in congress, made np of" both po
litical organizations, ' ,
'Seed to Om Eight Thousand Acrea in
the Boseburg Ulstrlct.
- Washington, May 14. The secretary
of the interior haa approved for .patent
to the Oregon & California railroad the
list of land, selected nnder the grant,
embracing 8093 acree, in the Rosebnrg
district. -' . . -'
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cares Piles, Scalds, Burns.
How the Spanish Gunboat Was Taken
in By Vesssels of Dewey's Fleet
Nkw Yobk, May 16. A World dis
patch from Manila, dated May 12th, by
way of Hong Kong, May loth, eays :
The Spanish gunboat Callao steamed
up the bay this morning. She came
from the southern islands, where she
has been stationed for the last sixteen
months. Her commander did not know
that war had been declared, and he had
heard nothing on his w.ay abotrt the bat
tle of Mani'a. He steamed straight for
Cavite, expecting to find the whole
Spanieh fleet anchored there.
. He arrived off Cavite at 7 o'clock in
the morning, with the Spanish flag fly
ing and -signal flag np. The Concord
onened fire. The Spanish commander
supposed the shots were for target prac
tice, and tnrned to get out of range, out
continued on. The Boston and Raleigh
joined' the Concord, and shots were
throwing spray over the Spanish ves
sel's deck when Ler commander began
to realize that it was no joke and
nulled down his flag. The commander
continued on, however, and the firing
was renewed. Finally he hove to, with a
white flag on his foremast, and the Ral
leigh steamed out to intercept her. Lieu
tenant Pou went aboard to Callao in a
small boat, and the situation was ex
plained to him. Then he surrendered
peacefully, and the Callao was brought
to anchoraee near the flagship. She is
an iron gunboat of 208 tons', equipped
with four modern guns and a crew of
thirty-five men. The ship was spick
and span in preparation for the admi
ral's inspections on her arrival here.
She will be useful for river work.
It May Be Necessary to Send That Num
ber Men Will Be Supplied With
Modern Arms..-
New Yobk, May 14. General Wesley
Merrit, commander of the department
of the east, notified the war department
today that it will be practically impos
sible for him to arrange his affairs so as
to leave for the Pacific coast inside of a
week or ten days. General Merrit, dur
ing his visit to Washington, when he
consented to accept the military gover
norship of the Philippines, impressed
upon the department anthorities the ab
solute necessity of arming the men who
are to make the long journey, with the
very lateet and most approved arms.
The department will furnish 15,000
troops ' with the latest pattern of the
Kreag-Jorgenaon rifles and will equip
them for a tropical campaign in eveiy
particular. It ia probable ; that some
men may leave the coast before the
modern arms can reach them, but every
effort will be made to have them fully
equipped before they embark, and if
these efforts fail, newer arms will be
sent forward as rapidly as they can be
assembled in San Francisco and trans
ported across the Pacific.
While it is said, tonight that 15,000
meiris the number which will leave the
coast for the Philippines, there is every
probability that the number may be
largely augmented and that an addition
al force will follow within the next few
days. This will certainly be done if it is
true, as reported from Europe, that the
Spanish anthorities are preparing to
send 20,000 additional troops to Manilla
by way of the Suez canal. Instructions
have been eent to the agent of the war
department in London to investigate
the truth of this report ; and ehould it
prove authentic, - General Merritt is'
likely to have at least 30,000 men be
hind him, instead of 15,000, before be
shall have occupied his new position a
month. "
There Seems to Be Mismanagement in
the War Department
San Francisco,' May 16. Gen. Mer-
riam, department commander, arrived
in San . Francisco from Portland this
morning and immediately took np bis
headquarters in the Phelan building.
General E. S.Otis, who is expected to
morrow morning, will be in command of
the Manila expedition until the arrival
of General Merritt, and he will go with
the second or larger -expedition. Gen.
Merriam will be in general command of
the volunteers until they are fully or
ganized, with duties entirely separate
and distinct from those of other . com
manders. It is now about settled that the City
of Pekin will not get away before Satur-
day. There does not seem ' to be any
person in authority who knows anything
about the expedition beyond the fact
that in the dim future it is supposed this
vessel will sail for Manila. ' In short,
there is circumstantial evidence of mis
management somewhere in the Wash
ington red-tape factory or in the little
ball of yarn that constitutes the said
factory's western string. .
As to the "swift" warship Charleston,
her case is becoming hopeless. She has
developed into a regular J'manna" ship.
In the meantime, Admiral Dewey and
his men are waiting for reinforcements
and - are probably wondering if the
promised he.lp is ever going to get started
from San Francisco.
Sagasta is Charged With the Duty of
Organizing a New One.
Madrid, May 16. Senor Sagasta this
afternoon visited the palace and formal
ly handed to the queen regent the resig
nation of the ministers. The queen re
gent charged Senor Sagasta with the
duty of forming a new cabinet. The
premier will this evening confer with
the presidents of the chambers and with
Senor Gamazou.
A communication has been sent to
the chambers annoncing the cabinet
crisis and BBking them to suspend their.
Bession pending the solution. Senor
Sagasta believes a new ministry will be
formed by Wednesday next.
Senor Moret, minister of the colonies,
today confirmed the statement that any
change made in the .composition of the
cabinet would be wholly in the direction
of a more active war policy.
Senor Moret said :
"Recent events have greatly increased
the war spirit of the nation. The great;
est reliance is placed on Senor Cerveras'
squadron and npon the skill of theSpan
ish officer. Ceveras is not hampered by
instructions and details. His plana ate
not even known to the ministers."
last Warship Sails From Curaco For
an Unknown Destination.
New Yobk, May 16. A Herald special
from Williamstad, Cnracoa. May 15th
The Spanish crnisers Vizcaya end
Maria .Teresa left this port at 6 o'clock
this evening. Their destination is un
known. The four other Spanish war
ships which were off the harbor disap
peared about noon, but this evening one
of the torpedo-boat destroyers was
sighted again. -
While here the two warships took on
a small quantity of coal and' provisions.
Their departure was due to - the govern
ment requesting them to leave as pro
vided in the decree of neutrality. There
were no collier's with the fleet. Nothing
is known as to their boilers. -
A ramor says there are some commer
cial ships in this vicinity.
Government Said to Have Use foi ev-
enty-five Thousand More Men.
Wabhington, May 16. There will
unquestionably soon be issued a second
call for volunteers, according to a well
known Western republican senator, who
holds intimate relations with Secretary
Alger. He eays that to properly hold
the Philippines it wiil be found that
from 30,000 to 50,000 men are none too
many. To clean up mattera in Cuba
in a quick manner will be needed not
far from 200,000. With . the regulars
and volunteers already in the field the
government is short about 75,000 men.
It is understood the' president is con
sidering a call for 100,000 additional
volunteers. It is also understood that
the secretary of war and General Miles
agree with the president." . '
, Price of Bread Advance.
New Yobk, . May . 16. The price of
bread was raised 1 cent a loaf by nearly
all the bakers in the city today as the re
sult of the great rise in the price of
wheat. . ' .
One brown bay mare branded BN on
left shoulder and eplit in left ear. One
brown bay mare branded L on left
shoulder and hip. Wiil give $10 for re
turn of same.. Address ,
' James English,
" Hood River, Or.
The Slowness of the War Board to Act
Is the Cause.
Washington, May 16. President Mc-.
Kinley has grown very tired of unjust
criticism of the war board and evident
misunderstanding, jealonsies and bick
ering, which have been the order of the
day among foremost officers of the army
and navy. During the past week theBe
misunderstandings and differences of
opinion have led , to orders which have
been countermanded, changed and reis
sued until there is decided fog as to the
program, which even the president of
the United States is unable to see
through. '
The president has finally decided to
take matters into his own hands. He
proposes to be commander in chief of
the army and navy in fact, as well as in
name, and to govern the movements of
troops and fleets according to his best
judgment and wilhont regard to the
game of cross purposes, which seems to
nave been eo successfully played be
tween the war board and tactical
board, and between the individual offi
cers of the army and navy.
It can be asserted positively, and
npon highest authority, that from this
time forward every order giving the
movement of the army or navy will em
anate from the president. The first of
these orders is assarted to have been is
sued today. It is declared that the
president, early this morning informed
Secretary Long- that he had a plan of
his own for handling and blockading
the fleet, and that in. carrying out his
plan he directed the secretary to imme
diately transmit its details to Commo
dore Watson. As a consequence the
dispatches will be carried to Commo
dore Watson tomorrow directing him to
hit a Spanish head whenever he sees it.
It is to crmse along the coast of the
blockaded tdistrict and shell thoroughly
everything along the coast outside of
Havana which looks like a battery or
There will be no more repetition of
the nnfortnnate Winslow .affair, or will.
there be any more cables cut by Amer
ican sailors within a hundred . feet of
masked rifle pits. '
The orders to. various volunteer regi
ments issued today will changed
again until the president decides' when
the Cuban invading army ehall move
There vill be no more orders issued by
one man to be countermanded by an
other; "but hereafter the movements of
the army and navy will be governed by
the commander and chief in person, and
no order will .be issued until.its effects
have been fully and carefully consid
The City of Pekin Will Take One Thous
and Men to the Philippines.
Washington, May 16. It is said at
the quartermaster-general's office that
the City of Pekin, with over 1000 men
abroad, will leave San Francisco . Thurs
day for the Philippines. Brigadier-General
Otis is expected to go with' the first
detachment of troops for the Philippines
and to be followed later by General Mer
ritt, who is to be commander-in-chief of
the expedition and military governor 'of
the island. General Miles has recom
mended to the president that two addi
tional brigadier-'generals also be sent,
but the names have not . yet been an
nounced. -
Headed By the Oregon, Squadron Re
ported Off Martinique Ready for
Immediate Action. ,
Chicago, May 16. A special to the
Journal from Washington says :
. A big surprise awaits the Spanish ad
miral if he sails tor Martinique. There
he is apt to find a new squadron, com
posed of the Oregon, Marietta, Buffalo,
Nichtheroy, Montgomery, Yale and St.
Louis. An order has been sent to Ad
miral Sampson to effect a janction with
Captain Clark and then remain near
Martinique. Under orders the Oregon
has made rapid time since she left Bahia.
; Bneklen'e Annca salTe. -
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, nlcera, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corne, and' all skin eruptions, and posi
tively .cm ea piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per : dot. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, ditteeists. :
At all times flour equal to the best for
sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at
prices to suit this times. ' Also mill feed.
W. M. Mc'Coekle, Prop.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Svrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress npon
all the importance of purchasing' the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is mannf actnred
by the California Fig Sx-bttp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding1 the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Srnrjp Co. with the medi
cal profession, and' the satisfaction
which- the genuine Syrup of Figs has.
given to millions of. families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In Order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
tne Company -
A Request.
It is respectfully requested by the ex
ecutive committee for the entertainment
of the G. A. R. and kindred societies on
the 17th, ISth and 19th inst., that bust
ness houses be closed between the hours
of 10 and 12 a. m. on Wednesday for all
to view the parade.
John W. Lewis,
. Chairman Ex. Com.
The Shakers of Mount' Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fear
ing men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always tbe same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long-
lived people that they are. The Shak
era never have indigestion. This is
partly, owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful poperities
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. - Indiges
tiom is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice;
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honestv of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle, sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00a bottle.
- Whooping Coach.
I had a little boy who wasnearly dead
from an attack of whooping cough. My
neighbors recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. I did not think that
any medicine would help him, but after
giving him a tew doses of the remedy 1
noticed an improvement, and one bottle
cured him entirely. It is the best cough
medicine I ever had in the house. P.
E. Moore, South Burgettstown, Pa.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
S 5
A splendid assortment of Vege
table, Garden and Grass Seeds in
Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Barley, Seed Seed Eye.
Oil Meal Cake and Fertilizers,
Bee Supplies, Early Rose Pota
toes. Eleven kinds of first class
Eisee supplies, cany nose rota- mbpv
toes. Eleven kinds of first class
Seed Com. Poultry and Eggs
bought and sold at
t J. H. CROSS' -b
Cheap Cash Grocery and Feed
Store, Second and Union Sts.
,.Sheep for Sale..
AT the
King Hanch
Sherman County, Oregon.
- - f
About 1750 head, oonslsting of 668 ewes -with
about 600 lambs; 200 2-year-old wethers and 370
yearlings. -These sheep will be sold before June
1, and intending purchasers should apply be
fore that daie fcr information in regard to price
and terms of sale, or call personally on
Rutledge,Sherman Co., Or.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
, - Eastern States. ... .
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.. .
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is ereby given that nnder and by vir
tue ol an execution and order of sale, issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wasco County, dated the 18th day of April,
1898, and npon a decree and judgment therein
rendered in a cause wherein H. H. Bailey was
plaintiff and F. H. Button, Ethel P. Button, J.
Edward Kand and l.uella J. Kand, were de
fendants, and to me directed and rntnmanri;nr
me to sell the real property hereinafter described
to satisfy the judgment of the plaintiff in said
cause for the sum of,:?820.55, with interest there
on at the rate of ten per ctnt. per annum from
the 6th day of April, 1898, and the further sum
of $80.00 us attorneys fees and the costs and ex
penses of and upon said execution, I will on
Saturday, the 21st day .of May, 1808,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., at the courthouse
door in Dalles City in sxidcountyand state sell,
for cash in hand, at public auction, for the pur
pose of satisfying the claims of the plaintiff
above named, the following described lands and
premises, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 27 8-5 rods east, var. 20
degrees east, and then south 40 feet, var. 20 de
grees east, and then east 13 J rods, var. 15 de
grees east, from the northwest comer of section
31 in township 3 north, range 11 east, W. M.,
running theuce 55J rods east, var. 15 degrees
east; thence south 80 rods, var. 20 degress east,
to the south line of the n. w. quarter of the n.
w. quarter of aid section!; thence west 69 rods.
var. iiu degrees east; thence north 82 rods, var.
20 degrees east; thence east 13' rods, vr. 15 de
grees east; thence north 48 rods, var. 20 degrees
east, to point of beginning, containing 28 acres
of land; excepting therefrom the following de
scribed tract, to-wit:
Beginning at a post 27 3-5 rods east, var 20. de
grees east ; thence south 40 feet, var. 20 degrees
east; thence east 29 lods, var. 15 degrees east:
thence south 26 rods, var.. 20 degrees east, from
the northwest corner of section 31 in township
3 north, range 11 east. W. M. ; thence east 13
rods, var. 15 degrees east; thence south 30 rods,
var. 20 degrees east; thence west WA rods, var.
15 -degrees east: thence north 30 rrvis. vr on de
grees east, to point of beginning, containing 214
mi-kc nf lunrl 0
Also the following described real estate: Be
ginning at a point 47 rods south from the north
west corner of section 31, township 3 north,
range 11 east, W. M., running thence south 33
rods; thence east 27 88-100 rods; theuce north Si
rods; thence west 27 88 100 rods to the place of
beginning, containing 5 acres of land.
jsiuiea iiiy, uregon, April IS, 1898.
ap20 1 Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
Oregon for Wasco County.
William W. Hanna, plaintiff,
Anna Blanche Banna, defendant.
To Anna Blanche Hanna, the above named de
fendant. In the name of tho State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the first day of the
next term of said court-following the expiration
of the timepresciibed in the order for the pub
lication of this summons, to-wit: on or before
the 23d day of May, 1898, and if you fail so to ap
pear and answer, or otherwise plead, in said
cause, the plaintiff for wane theieof will apply
to the court for the relief praved for in the com
plaint filed herein, to-wit: that the bonds of
matrimony now existing between plaintiff and
defendant be dissolved lor ever.
This summons is Berved upon you by publica
tion thereof by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw,
judge of said court, which order bears date of
March 19, 1S98, and was made and dated at
chambers in Dalles City, Wasco Count! , Oregou,
on the 19th day of March, 1898.
mch'23-i Attorney for Pluintiff.
Oregon, for Wasco County.
A. M. Crofoot, plaintiff,
H. E. Crofoot, defendant.
To H. E. Crofoot, the above named defendant:
In the name of the state of Orciron. vim urn
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above named plaintiff filed in the
above entitled suit against you on Monday, the
23d day of May, 1898, said day being the first
day of the next regular term of said Court fol
lowing the final publication of this summonB,
and if you fail so to appear and answer said
complaint the above named plaintiff will apply
nwic euiiiieu iuuri. hit we renei prayea
for in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree nf ssirl
Court to 'he effect that the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you and
sold plaintiff be forever annuled. set side and
held for naught, and that said nlaintiff have the
care and custody of the minor children of you
and said plaintiff.
i nis lummons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof for six conseciitive wppIck in This
Dalles Chronicle by order of the Hon. W. U.
Bradshaw. iudee of the above entitled Cnurt and
of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of
Oregon, which order bears date the 18th day of .
mch23-i Attorneys for plaintiff.
Notice of Pinal Settlement
Kotioe is herebv riven that the undersigned
his filed with the clerk of the county court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco County, his final
account as executor of the last will of Simon
Mason; deceased, and by an order of said county
court, made and entered on the 7th day of
April, 1898, Tuesday, the 5th day of Jnly, 1898,
was fixed as the time, and the countv courtroom
of said court as the place for the hearing of ob
jections to said final account.
apriii-i juhn t.M), .Executor.
Regulator Line
Tie Dalles.' Portland aiii Astoria
Navigation Co.'
a Regulator (S Dalles City
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port
land daily, evce. ounoay.
Are vou going 1
If so. save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on '
thp fviinmhlfl. The wet-bound train arrives at
The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take
the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East-
bound passengers arriving iu iuo a;ih-.
to take the East-bound train.
For further information apply w
J. N. HARNEY, Agent,
Oak Street Dock, rortiana. uregon.
Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt.,
. . . The Dalles. Oregon
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what it was made for.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what It was made lor. '