THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. MAY 11. 1898. Governor of Porto Rico Reports Vessels, Sup posed to Be Sampson's Fleet. . V . - Madrid, May 10. The governor of Porto Rico re ports that three suspicious looking foreign vessels have been sighted of the coast. It is supposed that they are ships of Sampson's squadron. New York, May 10. Nothing has been received at Washington concerning the expected battle between the Spanish fleet and Sampson's squadron as yet, but officials, expect news by Thursday at the latest. ( , ' . CAPTURED BY SPANIARDS Major Smith Taken While Escorting a Party of Newspaper Men to Gomez' Camp Probably Executed. New Yobk, May 7. A special to the World from Tampa eays : A telegram from Genet al Jacret, re ceived tonight, gives the information that Major Smith-, who on April 24th landed at Caibraicon to escort a party of newspaper correspondents to General Gomez' camp, has been captnred by Spaniards and killed. The message was signed by a Cuban officer named Lorenez. He has been with Captain Dorst) of the Fourth cav lry, who, with t wo other officers, was cent by General Miles to confer with the insargents. Captain Dorst -reached America today and is due in Tampa late tonight, en route to Washington, where Tie will lay before the president and hie advisers the information he gained. The telegram regarding Smith is brief. It simply says that 'when his captors discovered his identity and nationality they beheaded, him. The news is re garded as authentic. Nothing is said of the fate of the newspaper men accompanying him. TIME NOT RIPE FOR INTERVENTION Berliner Post Publishes an Inspired Article, Defining Germany's Atti tude as Being Against European Mediation. Nkw Yobk, May. A dispatch to the World from Berlin says: The Berliner Post pnblishes, probably in reply to the rumor that tho capture of the Philippine islands bv the .Ameri can fleet calls for German inteference, the following declaration, which was in spired by the imperial foreign office : "Rumors of renewed attempts at me diation between the United States and Spain by the powers are again in circu lation. We can only repeat that this mediation is not possible at present. The very first requisite to such a step is lacking, viz: that Spain should ask for intervention to say nothing of the dis position to resent such interference man ifeeted by America. Absolutely nothing is known here of any attempt on Spain's part to solicit intervention." DISORDER IN SPAIN ON THE INCREASE Riots Have Broken Out at Cadiz and Alcante Trouble "at Many Other Points is Imminent Madrid, M ty 9. The disorder in the Spanish provinces is increasing. Biota have now broken out at Cadiz and Al . cante, and trouble is expected to spread to parts of the country which-have hith erto been quiet. At Martos men, women mod children have been parading the streets, crying : "Death to the thieves!" ' Serious rioting occured at Linars yes terday. . A mob attacked the town hall, tore out windows and threw everything . MATMhtft i r tn ha fir root A MnA!i. Ha. tween the civil guards and rioters result ed, it is said, in the death of fourteen persons. Sixty were wounded. Rein forcements were asked for. v The political situation here is un changed. ' Everybody 1 appears loatbt toaesome responsibilities of accepting office under the existing cjnditicn Of affaire. TWO HEPPNER POLITICAL MEETINGS Rousing Republican Reception While the Fusionists Were Looking On. HePpnbb, May 7. A Union meeting jf the Demo-Populists was held at this place tonight. Will'R. King, the nomi nee for governor on the Union tick et, addressed a small audience on the principal issues of the day. Little or no enthusiasm was shown and the meet ing throughout was a decidedly tame affair. A Republican meeting was also held. The nominee for joint senator, Mr. Gowan, made an eloquent epeech. The opera house was filled with enthusiastic people and during the meeting bon fires were burning and anvils fired. It was one of the most -enthusiastic politi cal meetings ever held in Heppner. THE OREGON NOW AT itt.II A A Spanish Warship Visits St. Thomas The St Paul Has Put to Sea Nine Spanish Vessels Sighted Off Cape Espicbel. Washington, May 9. A dispatch from Bahia, Brazil, today announces the arrival there of the battle-ship Oregon It is said her arrival at Bahia was in ac cordance with instructions from Wash ington. k The cruiser New Orleans, Captain Foleer, arrived at Hampton Roads this morning, and joined the flying squadron The new cruiser was watched with great interest by Commodore Schley and staff. They expressed great' admira tion for the new vessel. She evidently is better fitted than the detached Co lumbia, though not so fast. The Minne apolis will come - down this afternoon folly coaled, and the squadron will then consist of three cruisers, two battleships and a converted yacht. The auxiliary cruiser St. Paul, Sigsbee commanding, put to sea from Delaware breakwater this morning. Her destina tion is not known. Regarding the movements of the ene my's warships little is known here, or at least little is made public. A dis patch from St. Thomas, West Indies, saya the Spanish ironclad cruiser Isabel II arrived there this morning, and, after communicating with the Spanish consul, cleared immediately. . Here destination is unknown. A Lisbon dispatch says it is reported in that city that the Spanish fleet, consisting of nine vessels, passed Cape E'pichel, twenty-one miles south west of this port yesterday. The fleet was steering in a southe'rly course. LARGE ARMY TO MADE CUBA General Miles Favers the Sendidg of a Force Sufficient to Defeat the Hun dred Thousand. Spanfards. Washington, May 9. Sixty-six thou sand men will go to Cuba. This is the latest information from General Miles' office'. An army of this kind is altogeth er out of proportion to what it was pro posed to send enly ten days ago, then it was only 6000 instead of 60,000, and not only that the transports which were en gaged were chartered only for one round trip. , It was intended to land supplies of food and arms for. the insurgents to back np their efforts tt maintain a' support of their own, with a small force of United States regular;, and then withdraw un- til a great naval conflict shall have been fought. Dewey's victory in the Phil lipinea and the utter inability of the authorities to chase np reports concern ing the movements of the Spanish war ships and the troubles in PorttJ Rico, which have culminated in such great destruction of American property there, have all led to a radical departure from the original program. From the outset General Miles has favored .invading ' Cuba with a large army. He has not put much faith in the ability of the insurgents to send him reinforcements, and consequently he has insisted that the troops behind him shall be sufficient in numbers to conqner at least 100,000 Spanish soldiers.. Then, too, the question arose as to legal, an tboritv for carrying arms and food to the Cubau ineurgents. -It was clearly the intention of con gress that the suffering in Cuba should be relieved, and it was for'that purpose ostensibly at least that war was begun. EXPEDITIOTTO CUBA Its Purpose is to Arm aud Equip the Patriots. Tampa, Fla., May 9. The United States has begun the work of arming and equipping the patriots in Cuba. An expedition will leave Port Tampa in the morning on board the transport Gnssie. It will be in command of Captain Dorst, of the Fourth cavalry, and will carry 7000 rifles and 200,000 rounds of ammu nition to the Cubans, besides sufficient rations. Two companies of the First in fantry will go along as guards. Dorst is the man who successfully landed in Cuba, near Havana, last week and de livered to Col. Delgado, of the insurgent forces, rifles and a large amount of am munition. j ENCOUNTER, WITH . " THE SPANIARDS Three American Ships Fired , Upon in the Act of Landing Transports on the Cuban Coast Havana, May 9. While three Amer ican ships were trying to land men near Cardenas they were attacked by the Spanish gunboats, Antonio Lopez, Al erta and Ligera. Firing continued at long range for an hour. None of the Spaniards were injured. The Ameri cans retired, apparently hot having sus tained any damage. . The steamer LaFayette, which was captured bv the Annapolis and subse quently released, discharged her cargo here. The Washington government sent notice that the steamship wculd not be allowed to leave Havana unless her cargo was . re-loaded. This was done, and the steamer will eail tomor row. CONNECTIONS TO 1 BE RESTORED Dewey Will Fix the Manila Cable so That Advices Can Be Sent From the Philippine Island to the Out side World. Hong Kong, May 9. When the Unit ed States dispatch boat McCalloch sailed yesterday from here on her return trip to Manilla, she took with her an opera tor, who will work on the cable connect ing the Philippine capital with the out side world. The cable was cut by Dewey fifteen miles from Manila at the entrance to the bay, and both ends were attached to buoys. ' MISS BIRD'S noBKIbLE FATE, W as Fatally Burner! Sunday, and Died About Midnight. Portland, May 9. Miss Mary Bird, 18 year old, died at St. Vincent's hos pital ehortly before last midnight from bnrns she received in the afternoon. - While her parents were visiting the grave of a child in Lone Fif cemetery, Miss Bird started to prepare eupper for some of the younger children at their home cn Tenth and Lovtjoy streets, at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. While she was cooking, some grease spilt from a pan on top of the stove and canght fire. In attempting to. quench it Miss Bird's dress also ignited, and she ran out into the street to sava the chil dren, who were trying to help her. A large crowd was attracted, but assist ance came too late. She was taken to St.Vincent's hospital and died at midnight. FOR SALE. Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block 14, Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon. For particulars address the undersigned. M. E. Fuhbmabt, 19-4 w. Box 178, Goldendale, Wash. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets.. All druggists refund tie money if it fail 8 to cure. 25c. " DeWitf s Witch Hazel Salve Cares Pile, Scalds, Burns. DEATH ON THE ALASKA TRIIL Sudden Bteakiog of the Ice on Which the Goldseekers ' Were Walking .. Sent Them to Their Doom Without a Moment's Warning. San Fbacisco, May 9. A special to the Examiner from Victoria says: ' .On Monday last the ice covering a stream in a defile near Crater lake - gave way under the passing throng of Klon dikers, and more than a score of men were precipitated into the water , and carried to certain death beneath the river's frozen coating. Dr. J. F. Frizelle, of Los Angeles, who came down on the Al-Ki and who brings the news, passed the scene only a few hours after the calamity occurred. It was on the other side of the summit be tween Lindemann and the long lake, at a point in the canyon some 14 miles above Stonebouse, where an ice slide over a mountain stream had been util ized as a path for sleds by the fortune seekers. A numberof men were advancing in almost unbroken rank, each hauling his laden sled, when at 8 o'clock in the morning theie was a crash. The ice opened for 30 feet or more, and in an in stant 22 men with their supplies were whirled down and under the smooth surface of the stream to drown without even the chance of battling for life. The names of the victims of the ice break Frizelle cannot give. There is no possibility of identifying them now, he says, nor can the names be announced with positiveness until the bodies are delivered by the stream at the lake or the disappearance of the ice. Four Montana and two California men are thought to have been among the vic tims, while the other included an East ern party of seve"n, almost all being re membered only by the nicknames which Western freedom has given them. ARRANGING FOR TRANSPORTATION The City of Pekin Put in Shape for the California Troops A. Full Quota of Volunteers Ready. San Fbancisco, May 9. The steamer City of Pekin, which has been anxiously awaited, arrived in port shortly after 6 o'clock this evening. She will discharge her cargo with Very little delay. 8up plies and ammunition which are all in readiness will be placed on board, and arrangements for the accommodation of the troops which the steamer may be expected to carry, will only reqnire the work of a few hours. If the authorities at Washington de sire it, the Peking can undoubtedly be dispatched to Deyey's aid by Thursday. A full quota of California troops are now in San Francisco. Two batallions of infantry and one battery of artillery arrived this morning, making up the full compliment of troops wanted All troops will be mobilized with the regular army at the Presidio, for serv ice at the Philippines. These troops will be examined today by tho medical board and they will be mustered into the serv ice of the United States tomorrow. The California volunteers will then be com pleted. FITZ YIELDS TO FBE4SUBE. Challenges of Kid McCoy bett Accepted. and Cor- Boston, Mass., May 9. Bob Fitzsim mona has announced his acceptance of the offer of Kid McCoy to pay the cham pion $10,000 for a fight at middle-weight ; also his acceptance of the offer of Cor bet t of $25,000 for an opportunity to re gain the heavy-weight championship. Fitzsimmons will meet either man before the club offering the largest puree, but be will insist on a side bet of f 10,000 in each case, and lioth matches must take place before the last of September tbia year. DEWKl AN ADMIKAL. Fresldent Makes the Promotion and Congress Confirms It. Washington. May 9. In accordance with the recommendation of the presi dent, embodied in a message to 'congress this morning, that body touav passed a resolution of thanks to Commodore (now admiral; Dewey, and the officers and. crews of the vessels of lis tquadron, for their brilliant achievement in de feating the Spanieh fleet in Manila bay, and in capturing the fortifications and. defenses at Canite. A bill was also passed promoting Dewey to the rank of admiral. . WHEN NATIIKI ' Needs assistance it may be best to ren der it promptly, buf. one should re member to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs,, manufactnred by the Califarnia Fig Svrup Co. "Eagle" Acetylene Gas Generators are superior to all... Agency at Hansen & Thompson's planing mill.- a21-lm dw Schlitz's Bock Beer. Freeh and the first of the season at the Midway. - . ..Sheep for Sale.. AT THE King Ranch NEAR RUTLEDGE, Sherman County, Oregon. About 1750 head. consisting of RPR w with about 500 lambs; 200 2-year-old wethers and 370 yearlings. These sheep will be sold before June 1, and intending purchasers should apply be iore that date fcr information in regard to price uiu icuuo ui attic, or uau personally on MRS. EMMA KING. Rutledge,Sherman Co., Or. PHOFESSIOflli CARDS. A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & Co.'s Bunt 'Phone 6, THE DALLES, OREGON. J)AN ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Second Street, ' THE DALLE3, OREGON JRS- GEISENOOBFFEB ItUEDI, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given (o surgery. . Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vngt Block B 8 HUNTINGTON H S WILSON Hl TJNTINGTON & WILSON, AnODriMa AT LAW, '1111!; UALLi.5, Office over First Nat Bank. FRED. W. W1LSOV. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Till'. OALLhS, OREGON, Ofiice ovei First Nat. Bsnk. ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive euro. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Draepiits or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. JILY BROTHERS. 66 Warren St.. New York City. TOE CINCINNATI'S PHIZES. Two Spanish Cattle-Laden Steamers Captured Off Bayti. Poet au Pbince Hayti, May 7. The cruiser Cincinnrti arrived at Cape Hay tien, ninety miles north of here, this morning. Yesterday she captnred the Spanish steamers Lorenzo and Franz Buito, loaded with cattle, from Monte video to Havana. A French steamer just arrived here reports three Spanish and one French warship at Porto Rico. ACTIVITY AT POET TAMPA. Preparation for Transporting; Troops to Cuba Being; Hashed. Tampa, May 7. Unusual activity pre vails ft Port Tampa docks today. The work of making necessary alterations on transports is being pushed. By Monday everything will be in readiness for load ing. General Nunez left for Washing ton last night for a conference with Miles. - He is not expected back before Wednesday, and no movement of troops is looked for before then. From Another Source. Chicago, May 7. A special to the Tribune from Tampa says that the party of three correspondents who, in company with Major Smith, of Gomez' body-guard, started some time since to interview Go mez, has been captured by the Spaniards and beheaded. No mention is made of the fate of the other membors - of the party, and this story has not been con firmed. . Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in tne postomce at jjaiiee un called for May. 6, 1898. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Bruchard, G W Butcbe, Wm Chrietner, D D Collins, J J Cooley, A R Dodson, Conard Duncan, Jno H Findley, Presly Gregory, Fannie Foster.'E Gibson, Sam Gullion, Mollie Harrington, Edith Jones, Clyde May, DA Morris, Jno , Muchmore, Nora Patterson, AM ' Park, M Roberts, Frank Tilford, A L Wood, NE J. A. Crosses. Brown, Dome Childer?, Marion Compton, Edith Davis, Grace Duncan. M M Duncan, M Friedlv, F B Field, W Galloway, Sam'I Gunvon, Nora (2) Gnnyon, Bert Hudson. J J ' Kam merer, Ella Mclaughlin, Edw Moore, Ethel Parker, Ed Paulev, E(2) , Reid. George Smiley, Thos Wingfeld, Cora For Sale Cheap. A lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of the fair grounds.' A desirable residence location. A. S. Mac Allister. " . Chronicle Office. One Minute Cough' Cure,, cures. That is what It was made for. Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder. Jot 0B$ttob. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that nnder and by vir tue 01 an execution and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, daied the 18th day of April, 1898, and npon a decree and judgment therein rendered in a cause wherein H. H. Bailey was plaintiff nnd F. H. Button, Ethel F. Button, J. Edward Rand and 1 uella J. Rand, were de fendants, and to me directed and commanding me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy the judgment of the plaintiff in said cause for the sum of J820.55, with interest there on at the rate of ten per.cnt. per annum from the fith day of April, 1898, and the further sum of $80.00 as attorneys fees and the costs and ex penses of and upon said execution, I will on Saturday, the 91st day of May, 1808, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., at the courthouse door in lalles City In s-id countv and state sell, for cash in hand, at public auction, for the pur pose of satisfying the claims of the plaintiff above named, the following described lands and premises, to- wit : Beginning ut a piint 27 3-5 rods cast, var. 20 degrees east, and then south 40 feet, var. 20 de crees east, and then east 13 'A rods, var. 16 de grees east, from the north west corner of section 31 in township 3 north, range 11 east, W. M., runuing thence 5d!, rods east, var. 15 degrees east; thence south so rots, var. 20 degress east, to the south line of the n. w, quarter of the n. w. quarter of aid section j; thence west 69 rods, var. 20 degrees east: thence north 32 rods, var. 20 degrees east; thence east 13H rods, vit. 15 de grees east ; thence north 48 rods, var. 20 degrees east, to point of beginning, coutninlng 28 acres of land, excepting therefiom the following de scribed tract, to-wit: Beginning at a post 27 3-5 rods east, var 20. de grees east ; ttience south 40 feet, var. 20 degrees east; thence east 29 rods, var. 15 degrees east; thence south 26 rods, var. 20 degrees east, from the northwest corner of section 31 in township 3 north, range 11 V. M. ; thence east 13J rods, var. 15 degrees east; thence south 30 rods, var. 20 degrees east; thence west 13J rods, var. 15 degrees east: thence north 30 rods, var. 20 de grees east, to puint of beginning, containing 2 acres of land. Also the following described real estate: Be ginning at a point 47 rods south from the north west corner of sec:iou 31, township 3 north, range 11 east, W. M., running thence south S3 rods; thence east 27 88-100 rods; thence north 3 rods; thence west 27 88 100 rods to the place of beginning, containing 5 acres of land. Dulles city, Oreg n, April 18, 1898. T. J. DRIVER, ap20 i Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for Wasco County. William W. Hanna, plaintiff, vs Anna Blanche Hanna, defendant. To Anna Blanche Hanna, the above ntuned ds fendant. In the name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed-against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the first day of the next term of said court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for the pub lication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 23d day of May, lt98, and if you fail so to ap pear and answer, or otherwise plead, in said cause, the plaintiff for want theieof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint filed herein, to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved for ever. This summons is served upon you by publica tion theieof by order of Hon. w. L. Bradsnaw, judge of said court, which order bears date of March 19, 1898, and was made and dated at chambers in Dailes.City, Wasco County, Oregon, on" the lutn day of March, 1898. KKliD W. WILSON, mcb23-l Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon, for Wasco County. A. M. Crofoot, plaintiff, vs H. E. Crofoot, defendant . To H. E. Crofoot, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of the above named plaintiff filed in the above entitled suit against you on Monday, the 23d day of May, 1898, said day being the first day of the next regular term of said Court fol lowing the final publication of this summons, and.if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the above named plaintiff will applv to the above eniitled Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree of said Cou rt to he effect that the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between you and said plaintiff be forever annuled, set side and held for naught, and that said plaintiff have the care and custody of the minor children of you and s lid plaintiff. This tummons is serv 3d upon you by publica tion thereof for six consecutive weeks in The Dalles Chronicle by order of the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above entitled Court and of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Oregon, which order bears date the 18th da; of March, 1S9B. DUFUR & MENEFEE, ' meh23-i Attorneys for plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement Notloe is hereby given that the undersigned his filed with the clerk of the county court of the State of Oregon forWasco County, his final account as executor of the last wilt of Simon Mason, deceased, and by an order of said county court, made and entered on the 7th day of April, 1898, Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1898, was fixed as the time, and the county courtroom of said court as the place for the bearing of ob jections to said final account. aprl3-i JOHN END, Executor. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned assignee of the estate of John F. Root, an in solvent debtor, has filed bis final report and ac count in said etate and that said report and ac count will be called up for bearing in the Cir cuit Court, of the slate of Oregon, for Wasco County, on Monday the 23d day of May, 1898, said a ay beina the first day of the next regular term of said Court, and that said report will be heard at said time bv the Judee of said Court. or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard by said Court. All persons interested therein are notified to file their objections to said ac count if any there t e, prior to said day. Dated this zta aay oi April, ias. . HUGH GLENN, Asrlgnee of the estate of John F. Root, an in solvent debtor. apr23-wi Patronize the MUpRV. All kind of work. White Shirts a specialty. Family work at reduced rates. Wash collected and delivered free. Telephone Mo. 110. H. D. Parkins, Agt, A bushel of notions doesn't weigh 1 half as' much as one stubborn fact Garland's Happy Thought Salve is a sure factor for the' cure of Skin Troubles' and Piles. 50c glass Jars- : For sale at DOMEll'S;