The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 07, 1898, PART 2, Image 4

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On the Way to Seize Porto Rico-Commodore
Schley Ready to Sail.
. Vashixgto3t, May 5. Sampson's fleet is. bound for
Porto Rico to complete the preparations made for the
occupation of Ih6 islands. '
Schley is also ready
moment's notice.
It Is Asserted in Washington that this
Movement Will Be Executed.
Washington, May 5. Persons' who
.were with the president today aseert
that there is a etrong likelihood that
Porto Rico will be in the hands of the
United States witb forty-eight hoars.
The immediate seizure of the island,
they aeeert, has been ordered, though di
rect confirmation of the report is lack
ing. The sadden departure of Samp
eon's fleet from Key West yesterday for
an unknown destination is believed to
have been in furtherance of this plan.
No official confirmation is obtainable,
however, of the various reports concern
ing the movements of Admiral Samp
eon's fleet. In addition to the persons
supposed to share the confidence of the
administration, who declare Sampson
has gone to seize Porto Rico, are others
who with equal positiveness declare the
fleet has gone to meet the Oregvn and
escort her safely uorth. Still another
report is to the effect that Sampson has
gone to eciz9 Mataczae, to use it as a
base of operations.
Government officials absolutely refuse
to make public the plana ol the naval
strategy board.
Disturbances Continue on Account of
the High Prices and Scarcity of
Food and Clashes are Frequent
New York, May 5. A Epecial to
the World from Madrid says: .
Troops are held ia the barracks ready
to march at any instant against the mob
. or the revolutionists. Cavalry 'and in
fantry patrol the streets from nightfall
to sunrise. All the public buildings are
crowded inside with foot and mounted
police. In the rest of the kingdom the
precautions, though less visible, are
equally strict, because the court and the
government apprehend graver move
ments ' still if a fresh reverse occurs in
Cuba or to the fleet. High-handed
measures are considered necessary to
keep the adversaries of the , monarchy
and the trasses down nntil the moment
comes when the rulers of Spain can de
clare that honor is satisfied and that the
time has come for the appeal to the Eu
ropean governments to step in and se
cure terms of peace honorable to Spain.
Premier Sagaeta went twice to see the
queen and offered to resign if she be
Jieved a conservative or military cabinet
coald better defend the dynasty and the
monarchy than the government, whose
members stick to their post now- only
from a sense of loyalty to the c,rown and
eelf-respect, as they do, not wish to be
accused of abandoning the reigns of state
in the midst of war.
The chief fear is of a popular revolu
tion, which everyone can see is brewing.
The civil authorities at Madrid got so
alarmed at the attitude of the republi
cans and Cjrlisia that they frankly told
Senor Sagasta that they could not
.answer for order longer.
The Bircelona authorities report a
very eerlont condition of affairs there.
The republicans are working upon the
masses who are discontented because of
the rise in prica of all provisions and
.' the closing of many factories in ' conse
quence of the loss of the Cuban and
Philippine markets.
The queen has aake I Senor Sagasta to
remain in office. He consented to do so
on the condition that she would give
permission to proclaim a state of siege
in Madrid. .-
Now martial lw rules. Anyon9 cir
culating news about the war can be sent
to a military prison. Conrt-martiala are
.held. On9 Carliet, one socialist, one
to sail for Porto Rico
military, one independent- and one re
publican paper have been seized . and
Much Speculation Entered Into No
Member of the Strategy Board
Will Speak on the Subject
Washington, May 5. The reported
appearance of four Spanish warships off
the Barbadoes almost coincident with
the departure of several armor clads of
Sampson's fleet from Key West, has ex
cited likely speculation among the
officers outside of the strategic board.
No member of the board will say any
thing, however, regarding the naval
plans. A member, of the board told a
reporter tonight that the four ships off
the British port were probably Spanish
gunboats which had got out of the way
of the blockade.
The government has ' many agents
keeping a lookout for the enemy's ships
and reporting the movements of the
warships of all nations. Lloyd's agency
reportB are also much depended on.
So far nothing has been learned defi
nitely as to the whereabouts of the Cape
Verde fleet. The government has been
unable to locate the fleet of Spanish
gunboats formerly engaged in heading
off the filibusters from the Cuban coast.
For this reason it is believed thai some
of these now off the Barbadoes are the
missing vessels. Many reasons, how
ever, are eiven against this belief. The
Barbadoes are in the presumable route
of the Oregon and Mariette. The au
thority given is the presumption that
the enemies force there is the one from
Cape Verde, by the fact that this squad
ron has had about time to reach the
Barbadoes from St. Vincent. This fits
the departure of Sampson's fleet.
Paris Correspondent of the London Daily
Mail Authority for This Statement
London, May 5. A Paris correspond
ent to the Daily Mail says he has indis
putable authority for saying that the
Spanish warships, including the Pelayo,
hav-e, not yet been supplied with ammu
nition. This was the reason that tbey
did not leave Cape Verdes before. .He
further states- that the boilers in the
cruiser Nimancia are in no condition
for use, and the Philippines squadron is
in equally as bad condition.
Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk's
and set prices on the La Plata Sheep
Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in
stantly with cold water, and it is an in
fallible cure for scab, boot rot, lice and
ticks. - ' ' . . ' ' - . 1-tf
Special on new Waverley bicycles
Only $30 while they last. Mays &
Crowe. m4 d&wtf
Use only; one heap
ing teaspoonful of
Ypu must use two tcaspoonfuls
General Miles Opposes the Sending of a
Small Army to Cuba Volunteers
Will be Concentrated in Florida.
'Washington, May 5. It is learned
upon reliable authority today that the
reason the president has delayed send
ing an invading army to Cuba is that
he has been anxious to ascertain defi
nitely what could be expected in the way
of aid and support from Gomez' soldiers.
The president has been led to beleive
that Gomez ; could put at least 20,000
armed men . behind the invading forces
almost as quickly as the landing could
be made. Military agants who . have
been sent on a reconnoisance tour re
ported to the presidents that 'Gomez'
army is scattered, and it would be im
possible for him to gather more than a
thousand men in time to assist the
small United States force.
Gene- ul Miles opooees the scheme of
sending five thousand men to Cuba, be
cause he realizes that, nnder the pres
ent conditions, it would be impossible to
reinforce them promptly in the case it
should be necessary to do so, as it un
doubtedly will. -.
If congress should authorize tbe secur
ing of three or four brigades of immunes
General Miles believes he can have such
an army mustered and equipped within
a week. ' '
Advices from Texas, South Dakota and
Wyoming serve to convince the general
that three regiments of rough riders can
be ready to sail with the invading army
within a week. Besides this 60,000 vol
unteers can be concentrated in the vi
cinitv of ' Florida at the same time, and.
if be have seven days betore moving the
army, he will be able to land them in
Cuba m each a shape as to insure a suc
cessful, sharp and speedy campaign.
General " Miles . said th is evening to
Secretary Alger, that, with an army of
one hundred thousand men, he can, in
side of a week, occupy every foot of .ter
ritory in the western hemisphere, now
controlled by Spaniards. This suggestion
is likely to form a basis for the military
occupation of the islands. ."
Washington, May 5. The president
today decided to annex tbe Hawaii Is
lands. The house will concur in this
movement and little opposition is ex
pected in tbe senate.
Later reports positively contradict tbe
' - Bow' TtUs!
We offer one hundred dollar reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
' We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, . Rinnan oV Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Pricet
75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free. 1-5-9 ;
Wyandotte Chickens.
Fine table fowl, good winter layers,
$1.00 each or $9.00 per dozen. Eggs for
8itting,ot 13,$l.UU
Italian Bees.
Tested queens hy mail, 50o each. In
quire of Mrs. A. Bonney,
al3-lm. Tygh Valley, Or.
Paid by. .ir -
The Stockmen's Union
. . . .
For tbe best fleecps shorn frou your
sheep this year. J or particulars ad
drees, enclosing etamp, . M. Haley,
Secretary. Antelope, Oregon. apr29-lm
to a
of other baking powder.
i Wednesday. "
E. O. McCoy went to Wasco last even
ing.; , . . : , . .. ..... ... ......
Af J. Swift, of Wamic, is in tbe city
Henry Driver is in irotn his home at
G. W. Hawkins, of Canyon City, is in
the city.
H, Ladhoff, of Viento, was in the city
Cbas. F. Lord, of Portland, is visiting
relatives in this city. .
Miss Lena Bier, of Salem, came up on
tbe late train last night to visit Mrs. J.
C. Hertz. -
Thomas Balfour came up from Lyle
last evening for a short visit with friends
in this city.
Rev. W. H. Iliff, who spent Sunday
and Monday in the city, returned Cq
Portland yesterday.'
Miss L. McNary and L. A. McNary. of
Portland, are in "the city vieiting the
family of Mr. Lord. ;
Max Pracht, of Ashland, who is a
superintendent of the department of the
interior, is in tbe city attending to busi
ness. Miss Daisy Dufur, of Dnfur, who has
been visiting Mrs. Frank Menefee for
several days, returned to her home yes
terday. .
Charles Buckley, the Grass Valley
stockman, left for Portland on the boat
yesterday. He went to sell dratt horses
in tbe Portland market.
Col. E. H. Dyer, of Pittsburg, Penn
sylvania, arrived in the city on the
Dalles City last evening and will visit
friends for a short time.
Mrs. E. Rand and Miss H. D, Lord, of
Saco, Maine, who are traveling through
the Northwest, are in tbe city visiting
the family of Mr. W'. Lord.
Mrs Wm. Mansfield and her sister,
Miss Emma VanDuvn, of Eugene, ar
rived on ihe Dalles City laet night. Miss
VanDujn will visit Mr", and Mrs. Mans
field for a ehort time.'
Today Mrs. Branner will leave for
Skaguay, Alaska, where her husband is
at present running a pack train on the
pass, and will make that lively boom
town her future home. -.
- ' v Thursday's Dolly.
' .Ike Sicbel came op from Portland last
evening. .
Frank Burns, of Antelope is at the
Umatilla House.
R. S. Allen, of McMinneville, is in the
city visiting friends.
. Mrs. James Fault went to Portland
yesterday morning for a ehort -visit.
Al Nelson returned last evening from
a fishing trip to Mosier. - ,
J. M. Kelly returned from Collins'
landjng, where he bad beeen purchasing
Mrs. D. M. French returned on the
Spokane local from a ehort visit to Port
land. .:
S. 8. Brooks returned from Portland
last evening, where he has been for a
few days on business.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fagan left on the
overland train last evening for Pendle
ton, where they will visit friends for a
few days. '
Mrs. C. W.Taylor, Of Wallula, is vis
iting her mother. Mrs. Elizabeth M.
Wilson. - She will spend a portion of the
summer here.
' Judge W. C. Vi illitson and wife and
and their grandson, Harry Ritch, of
Red Wing, Minnesota, came up on the
Dixon from Portland last night, and will
visit a few days witb Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks, in this city.
Friday's Daily.
S. C. Duncan is in the city from Gol
dendale. Miss Rose Haley is in the city from
Goldendale. . V
Will Cantrell was in the city from
Dufur yesterday. '
H. C. R oo per returned to his home at
Ridgeway yesterday.
F. King, of the King & Coke SSap Co.,
was in tbe city yesterday.
J. F. Sroythe, of Arlington, was in the
city on businees yesterday.
Sidney Arnold, of North Yakima,
Wash., is in tbe city on business.
Paul Kreft was a passenger on the
overland last night for Arlington.
Mrs. M. Sellick and daughter were in
from Boyd yesterday, and called at this
office. ; .
Harry Lonsdale returned on the Dalles
City last evening from a visit to friends
in Portland.
I. J. Keffer, the operator at the depot,
returned last evening from a short visit
to Portland.
C. L. Morrisj of Tygh Valley, was in
tbe city and made this office .a pleasant
call yesterday. .
B. A. Spivey Teceived a telegram last
evening calling him to Heppner, and
left on the night train.
Conductor Fowler is in the city meet
ing his many friends. He will spend
several days visiting relatives here.
Michael Morran, of Centerville, is in
the city today. He reports tbat crops
are in need of rain in that vicinity.
Mr. W. Johnston and wife, of Wasco,
were iu the city yesterday. Mr. John
ston is one of the" leading merchants of
tbat place. . . , ,
T. H. Rowe returned last evening
from a trip to California where he ha
hern for the benefit of his health. He
returns much improved.
Mrs. Elizi Lytle came down ' from
Wasco on tbe morning truin yesterday.
She was accompanied by her grand
daughters, Misees Verna, Laura and
Helen Lytle, who will return home to
day, while Mrs. Lytle will leave tomor
row for Tacoms. ..."
At all times flour equal to the best for
sale at Tygh . Valley Roller Mille, at
j prices to suit the "times. Also mill feed.
I W. M. McCobklb, Frop.
1 mchIQ-'6m -
All Anxious to" See Another Great Saval
Washington, . May 5. Careful in
quiry at the state department shows our
government does not anticipate inter
vention by any foreign powers. In dip
lomatic circles it is well understood nei
tner Great Britain, Germany, Russia
nor Japan have made the slightest
moves in the direction of restoring
peace, and none will be made until an
other great naval battle has been fought.
Each of these countries has spent - mill
ions building navies which have never
been tried. Their, guns and ships are
largely experimental and they want to
know what the navy in the future is
going to be. The United States is
equally . anxious to measure strength
with Spain's best ships, and that there
will be another battle before the war
ends there is absolutely no doubt. Some
powers may make Spain desist, but they
will not dictate to the United States
what conditions shall be. Europe can
not bring' sach pressure to bear on us,
which has for its object tfte relinquish
ment of the fruits of war, as was put up
by Japan when she was compelled to
give up Maucbnn aud everthing else
he won from China. It would be in
imical to Britain's interest to join such
a movement. Besides there is no assur
ance that the United States would be
amicable under such circumstances.
Dewey will not permit meddling by
any country ' in affairs at Manila. He
may permit the landing of troops for the
protection of individual interests; but
anything further than tbat would re
sult in bis having the gnus of the Asiatic
squadron turned upon trespassers.
Perfect Success M nolo Good Those
Who Attended,
Last night at the K. of P. ball one of
the most enjoyable of dancing parties
was given by some of our society young
men. Perhaps on account of the scar
city of this particular amusement the
past winter, or. because it was the last
party of the season, it seemed tbat
everyone present was 'determined to
make the most of the evening's pleas
ure, and sc tbe enjoyment was complete.
The music was furnished by Professor
Birgfeld and Miss Schmidt, which in
lteelf was enough to insure the dancers a
fine time. Then, too, the crowd was
just the right size and composed of the
right people to be congenial, tbe follow
ing persons being present:
- Mr and Mrs Seufert, Mr and Mrs Van
Norden, Mr and Mrs M Donnell, Mrs
Bradahaw, Mrs McCoy, Misses Virginia
Marden, Laura Thompson, Annette
Michell, Nona Ruch, AHce Lyle, Eliza
beth Schooling, Clara Sampson, Myrtle
Michell, Mattie Cashing, Maie Cashing,
Verna, Laura and Helen Lytle, Miss
Wick ham, Messrs. Lewis Porter, A L
Glide, R J Gorman, John Weigel, L
Heppner, Arthur Clarke, Charlie Clarke,
Ray Logan, Will Crossen, Archie Mc-.
Cully, John Hampshire, H Parkins, Joe
Bonn,' Vic Marden, Max Vogt, Mr Nut
ting. The Rathbone Sisters, who during the
early part of the evening gave a social
session, furnished ice cream to the
dancers when the evening was partly
Report of tbe Proceedings Bill for the
Month Allowed.
The regular monthly' meeting of the
city council was held last evening. '." The
following members were present :
. Mayor, M. T. Nolan ; Councilmen, T.
F. Wood, R. E. Saltmarshe, H. L. Kuck,
C. F. Stephens, W. A. Johnston and H.
Minutes for the month of April were
read and approved.
Bonds of C. F. Michelbach and Fonts
& Hanna, for liquor license, were read
and on motion accepted. . .
. The recorder was instructed to publish
a notice, stating tbat all dog licenses
must be renewed before May 12th. t
The special committee on streets asked
to be discharged, and there being no ob
jection, on motion, the committee -was-discharged.
The following bills were' allowed and
warrants ordered issued for the respect
ive amounts: '
C F Lauer, marshal
Geo J Brown, engineer. .
C J Crandall, treasurer. . .
R B Sinnott, recorder. . ...
Ma vs & Crowe, mdse
J P'MclDerny. " ......
Msier & Benton. " , . .
D W Mann, hanling. . .'.
O R & N Co. rails .
.$ 75 00
. 75 00
20 00
. 50 00
. 1 65
. 1 75
. 75
. 96 00
J T Peters & Co. mdse. 32 47
Gntta Percha Rubber Co. hose. w 500 00
J Kocher, labor. .
51 00
P T Burham, labor . . . :
Water rent .'. .
Electric Light Co, lights.. . ..
Gunning & Hockman, labor. .
H Clough. labor. . ,
W A Johnston, mdse. ........
64 00
13 30
6 45
9 99
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tbat. Is what it was made for. -
Everybody reads Thb Chbolnicx. -
orn Out?
Do you come to the close of
thedaythorottglily exhausted?
Does this continue day after
day, possibly week after week?
Perhaps you are even too ex
hausted to sleep. Then some
thing; is wrong;. '. AH these
thing-s indicate that you are
suffering: from nervous ex
haustion. Your nerves need
feeding; and your blood enriching-,
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver OiL with Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda,
contains just the remedies to
meet these wants. The cod
liver oil , gives the needed
strength, enriches the blood,
feeds the nerves, and the hy
pophosphites give them tone
and vigor. Be sure you get
SCOTT'S Emulsion.
' ' All druggists; 50c and $1.00. .
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Sheriff's Sale.
Oregon fur Wasco county.
T. LFIeld, plaintiff
ffro, Birgfeld, Laura E. Birgfeld. First National
Bank of The Dalles, Thomas Kelly and A. S.
Bennett, defenoan ta.
By virtue of on execution, decree and order of
sale, duly issued out of ana under the seal of
the Circuit Court of the Sate of Oregon, for tbe
tbe Count? of Wasco, to me directed and dated
the 19th day of April, 1898, upon a decree for
tbe foreclosure of a certain mortgnge, and judg
ment recdeied and entered in said Conrt on the
4th day of December, 1897, in the above entitled
cause. In favor ot the plaintiff und against the
defendants William Birgfeld and Laura E. Birg
feld as judgment debtors, in tbe sum pf fif
teen bnndrcd and twelve dollars $1512.00
with interest thereon from the 4th day of
December, 1897, ac the rate of ten per cent per
annum, and tbe farther sam of one hundred and
tift dollars as attorney's fees, and the further
sum of filteen dollars, costs, and, the costs of
and upon this wiit, and commanding me to
make sale of tbe real property embraced in such
i cree of foreclosure and hereinafter decribed, I
will on tbe
21st day of May, 1898,
at the hour of two o'clock In tbe afternoon of
said day, and at the front door of the County
Court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore-
?:on, sell at public auction to the highest bidder
or cash ir. hand, all the right, title and interest
which tbe defendants William Birgfeld and
Laura E. Birgfeld, Thom 8 Kelly and A. S. Ben
nett, or either of them, had on the 4h day of
August, 1892 the date of tbe mortgage foreclosed
herein, or which such defendants or any of the
defendants berein have since acquired, or now
have in and to ibe following described real prop
erty situate and being in Wa-co County, Oregon,
to-wit: An undivided one-filth interest of all
of section No. 21, the nand these '4 of sec
tion No. 23; also all of section No. 25, the nw
and the Beirut section No. 27, and tbe nw lA ol
section No. 35, all in township No 7, south of '
range No. 17. east of the W. M ; also all of section
No. 3, township No. 8, south of range No. 17, east
of the W. M.. containing in all 2881.98 acres ac
cording to the Government survey (page 314, Vol.
O of deed!-) also the s of the sw and the s U
of tbe bo of sect, on No. 34, township No. 1,
south nf range 17, east ol W. M., containing ICO
acres, (page llG.Voi. K. deeds) also all the nw M.
of section No. 26, township 7, south of range 17,
east of W. M ., (page 350, Vol. N. of deeds.) Said
interest in the above described real property be
ing the same descended to and Inherited by tbe
said Laura E. Birgfeld upon tbe death of Alexan
der Rogers, and Mntilda Rogers, her father and
mother; or so much of (said property as will sat
isfy said judgment and decree, with costs and
accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confirm
ation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 20th day of
April, 1898. " app23-il
. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an order of the county court of tbe State
of Oregon for Wasco county, made on the 7tt
day of Match, 1898, the undersigned, as admin
istrator ot tbe estate nf W. J. Meins, deceased,
will, from and after Saturday, the 7th day of
May, 18j8, proceed to sell the real estate belt ng
lng to said estate and heielnaf ter more particu
larly described, at rrivate sale. The terms of
sale will be one-tbiid in cash, one-third on tbe
1st day of January, 1899. and one-tbira on tbe 1st
day of January, 1900, with interest at 8 per cent,
per annum on the deferred paymentsecured by
mortgage upon tbe premises. -
The lands and premises above referred to, and
which will be sold as aforesaid, are described as
Tbe north half of the northwest quarter, the
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and
the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section 12, in township 1 south, range 12 east,
W, M., in Wasco County, Oregon, containing
160 acres. - '
The south half of the southeast quarter, and
the south half of tbe southwest quarter in said
section, township and range, and containing 160
Dalles City, Oregon, April 8, 1898.
ap9-iiw4 3. C. MEINS, Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the estate of John F. Root, an in
solvent debtor, has filed his final report and ac
count in said estate and that said report and ac
couutwill be called up for hearing in the Cir
cuit Court, of the state of Oregon, for Wasco
County, on Monday the 23d day of May, 1898,
said oay beinit the lirat day of the next regular
term of said Court, and tbat said report will be
heard at said time by the Judge, of said Court,
or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard
by said Court. All persons interested therein
are notified to file their objections to said ac
count if any there e, prior fo said day.
Dated this 22d day of April
Assignee of the estate of John F. Boot, an In
solvent debtor. aprt3-wl
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
adminiotrator of the estate of James M. Taylor,
deceased, has tiled bis final account in tbe Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Coun
ty, and Monday, the 2d day of May, 1898. at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m., baa been appointed I a
the time for hearing objections thereto and the
settlement thereof. All persons interested in
aid estme are lequiied to file any objection
tbey may have thereto on or before said date.
I J. lSOttJlAjtf
apr2-il Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by tho County Court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco County, as admini
strator of th estate of Oliva Esping, deceased.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present them to me at my
otticein The Dalles, Oregon, properly verified
with tbe proper vouchers, within six months
from the date of this notice. -
DaUos City, uregou, pn