vV AK VOL. VIII. THE DALLES.' WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1898. NUMBER 27. WILL BE SENT TO THE PHILIPPINES REDUCED IF ; TWOMINUTES WAV Spain Will Send Her Fleet to Intercept the Oregon -Aid Will Be Sent- Washington, May 3. The-navy department are well satisfied now that Spain's Cape Verde fleet is on its way to the Brazilian coast to intercept the Oregon, Marietta and dynamite cruiser Buffalo, just purchased from Brazil. The department will send aid- in a day or two. Spain's evident plan is -to send her fleet out over the course these vessels take and overhaul them. CONTEMPLATES A SUDDEN BLOW Firing Heard Near Cape Race Proba bly Caused by the Capturing of Merchantmen.. Washington, May 5. Reports re ceived from Madrid this afternoon an nounced that Spain proposed to mass her entire fleet and strike one supreme blow at the navy of the United States. That some scheme has been in contem plation by the Spanish naval authorities has been suspected for some time, and it has been the occasion of the most anxiety manifested by the navy depart ment during the past week or ten days. Thus far the bureau of naval intelli gence, upon which devolves the duty of securing the data concerning the fore eign naval movements, has been nnable to secure definite knowledge of the movements of the principal vessels of the Cadiz fleet. At last advices at least two most formidable Spanish vessels were reported to be undergoing ex ten -- eive repairs, and it ia not certain they bave been completed, still the naval tactical board has every reason to be lieve that a powerful fleet is sailing nnder the Spanish flag and is headed in the direction of Porto Rico. Reiterated statements to the effect that a move ment is contemplated against the cities ot the North Atlantic ' seaboard is not credited by the naval board, but Secre tary Long evidently , takes some stock in tba story ' and this accounts for the movement of the Columbia and Minneapolis with sev eral auxiliary cruisers to points along - the New England oast. This move ment was doe to, the secretary alone, , aud was ordered in response to the Iran-, tic appeals for- protection which "came from Massachusetts : particularly, "but also from Maine, Rhode Island and Connecticut' to lesser 'degrees. Scouts have been sent out quietly all over the northern track of trans-Atlantic steam ers, and reports received from them are emphatic in declaring that no Spanish warebips are anywhere between the coast defenses and banks of New Fouud- - iand tonight. Dispatches from Halifax report that heavy firing was heard in the neighbor hood of Cape Race. Inquiry at. the navy department developed the fact that the San Francieco and one or two other vessels of our navy are supposed to be in the neighborhood, but that ; there is no Spanish man-of-war any where in view. It is therefore concl ad- ed that the firing was from the Ameri can vessels. It was undoubtedly due to an attack upon a Spanish merchantman ; but no information ' whatever has been received of an engagement of any char- acter near Cape Race. V '' It was learned officially this evening that at least five more aoxilliary cruis ers will be sent out with quick-firing guns ot six-inch calibre. By tb'e end of tbe 'weekjif Spain contemplates a grand naval coup reports that it behoove? her officers to place her fleets within v gun fire of America as rapidly as possi ble, as every day's delay adds to the effectiveness of America's fleet. In cluding battle ships, armored and pro tected cruisers, torpedo boats, destroy ers and effective steamers of the Ameri can navy in and near the Atlantic coast . at the present time Is upward of 125. While the most formidable sections of this great fleet are massed near Havana, Key West and Hampton Roads, many of them are stretched out along the coaet. ' ' i The officers in the Atlantic squadron are just a little jealous of Dewey's fame, and are aching to demonstrate that the American navy is full of Deweye. . DASHING TEXAS CAVALRY REGIMENT It Will be Composed of Men From AI1 Classes Who Will Die Rather Than Give up to the Spaniards. Washington, May 3. Assistant Sec retary Roosevelt will leave the state department Friday and proceed at once to San. Antonio, Texas, where with Colonel Wood, be will proceed to organ ize the first regiment of rough riders. - The general supposition throughout the country Is that these three regiments will be composed largely of rough front iersmen, but if the indications seen at Washington are to be taken for anything there could be no more erroneus impres sion possible. Today, for instance, thirty young fel lows from Yale apd Harvard, men who have been foremost in the athletic sports of these two institutions, came to Wash ington, and, after passing a physicial examination, were accepted and sent forward to Texas. . Every man among them expects to be on the islands inside ot ten days, and there is not a man in the party who will surrender to the Spaniards while there is breath in his body or a cartridge in his pistol. . POINTSOf CONCENTRATION Chickamaoga and Washington Bave ' Been Absolutely Decided Upon. Washington, May 3. Cbickamauga and Washington have been absolutely decided upon as the volunteer army-concentration points. At least one other Eastern point will be chosen, probably in New York or Pennsylvania.. Expecting that the senate would be in session today, the war department of ficials prepared a list of persons whose nominations were to be sent in as major generals and brigadier-generals. . The list included the name of Fitzhngh Lee as major general, and it ia believed also those of W.' R. Shafter, commanding a brigade at New Orleans, and J. E. Wade, commanding regiments at Tampa, both of whom are now brigadier generate, to be major generals. ' A Suspicious Circumstance. Santa Cbdz, Calif., May 3. The coro ner has learned that two Spaniards called at certain houses here on the day of the fatal explosion, and inquired the direction ot the powder works. Opera tions at the works bave been resumed. No one excepting employes is allowed to pass the' gates without a pass. The works are now guarded day and night. Gladston Bast Easier. London, May 3. Advices from Ha warden today eay Gladstone is resting distinctly easier. Extra choice, full weight, Tillamook creamery butter at 50 cents per square at Maier & Ben ton's. Five Thonsana Pacific foast Volunteers ; are Liiely to Be Sent to the Snjji ; jjort of Cpmoiore Dewey : ' Wilflin Ten Days. DETERMINED TO ' HOLD THE ISLANDS Secretary Long Announces That the Brave Commodore Will Be Promo t ed to the Rank of Rear-Admiral ; - Supplies to Be Sent to the Asiatic Squadron at Once. Washington, May 3. The cabinet meeting today resulted in a decision to await the report of Dewey and send him the number of troops necessary to ' en force control of the -Philippines. For these purposes the Pacific coast troops will be used, and it ia expected that at least fiye thousand will be en' route within ten' day 8. There does not seem to be any doubt as to the government's purpose to hold the islands pending a final settlement with Spain, when they will be used as collateral to secure pay ment to the United States of a war in demnity. High officials are of the opinion that the powers will not seriously dispute our right to make such a final disposition of the lBlands as suits our purpose in the enforcement of war- 'claims against Spain. In any event, this government will be prepared to contest any point raised on this score. ' Secretary Long says Dewey will be made acting admiral and afterward nom inated rear admiral. Deficiency esti mates to the amount of $10,000,000 for the purchase of supplies for the Asiatic squadron have been prepared for sub mission to congress. . A dispatch, has been received from New York saying that a Wall street news agency published . under date of Hong Kong a dispatch declaring that Manilla had. fallen, and that the Btars and stripes wave oyer the Philippines. No official confirmation of this report has reached the government, nor has any news whatever been received from Dewey, due probably to the fact that the Manila cable has in some way been severed.. ' - FIRED ON A: TORPEDO-BOAT Fire Was Returned by the New York and the Spaniards Flee. Kbt West, May 3, A regiment of cavalry which has been patrolling the Cuban coast for five miles west of Ha vana, fired on a tor pod o-boat which was steaming along close to the shore, yes terday. The horsemen were close to the waters edge but the shots went wide of the mark. The Spanish kept peppering away. - A ' few volleys . from the New York from her 4-inch guns were fired and two shots took effect. . The Spanish fled preclpitatediy leaving a large num ber of dead and wounded behind them. PAVKCEFOTB TO KB KECALLED. Sir Thoinan Sanderson to Succeed Him as British Ambassador. t London, May 3. According to a re port published here today, the British ambassador, at Washington, Sir Julian Panncefote, ia to be succeeded by Sir Thomas H. Sanderson, K. C. B., K. C. M. G., permanent under-e cretary of state for the foreign affairs and one of the most prominent officials in the British service. Officers on the Passes. Washington, May 3. Secretary Gage has been officially informed that the Canadian government bas established officers on the passes leading from Dyea and Skaway, where mininj licenses may be obtained. Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion for rough skin. . ; : '. Gnntet MinEton Destroys a' Soanish : Fort f Wen' Has Jnst Been Bnilt Near Cojiko. . : RUIN WAS COMPLETE A Body of Spanish Troops Scattered and Demoralized by the Same Ves sel Near Jaruco Beach. New Yobk, May 4. A dispatch to the World from Key West says : The gunboat Wilmington early this morning deetroyed a Spanish . fort just being finished about four miles east of Cojiraa. The Wilimington also fired kt a troop of cavalry passing Jaruco. Two men were seen to drop on the beach. The Ericsson on Sunday saw a largx body of infantry passing eastward toward Mantanzas on the beach. . The Ericsson followed them for miles, but need ho guns. Later they noticed another large body of infantry going eastward and apparently driving pneoners before it. The Ericsson also saw about 200 cavalry and 300 infantry passing Jsrnco beach toward Matanzas. ' She signaled ' the Wilmington, which fired a small gun and then a four-inch shell. Though a mile and a half away, two men -could be seen to drop, and the cavalry and infan try dashed pell-mell into the bushes and up the hill. There was a fine confusion of hqrses, pack mnles and cavalry and infantry foran instant. .; . The Ericsson yesterday discovered a force of men building a fort near Cojima, on the second of four or five small bills at some distance from the shore. All the af ternoon and night the Ericeson's men watched them at work. They made out 58 cavalrymen quartered in a plantation house near the fort, and the Ericsson ran across the Wilmington and informed Captain Tood of that bad been Been. "They'll never finish it," he said. "Jnst watch." The Ericsson drew away and the Wil mington leisurely proceeded toward the coast. In lees than two - minutes the fort was a shapeless Wreck. A PLUCKY . CALIFORNIA WOMAN LShe Puts Two Shaniaids to Flight With a Monkey Wrench---They Attempt , ed to Haul Down the Ameriean ,;. Flag Over Her House. Los Angeles, May 4. Two husky Spaniards attempted to html down the American flag over the residence of W. . H. . Wilcox,- 825, Golden Avenue, choosing an hour when they would have only a woman to deal with. Thewoman tbey encountered had good fightin blood, as well as courage, not to speak of a monkey wrench. Mrs. . Wilcox was alone in the" house, and there was no help within call, but ehe resolved not to surrender her- colors, and shut the door in the 'face of a patriot of Spain, who amnsed himself banging it. When she opened it again he was threatening and very angry. In her hand she held a tiiiy nickel-plated bicycle wrench, which she pointed at him like a revolver and told him to be off. He went away growling.. She. watched. him go down the street until he was joined by an other Spaniard. The two had a confer- Pence and then attempted a flank move ment. The second don sneaked around the side of the house,' whiie the first marched boldly up to the door. Before be reached it the plucky woman opened it suddenly and, with s wild yell, poked her shining weapon right' under his nose. Like Mark Twain's coyote, there was only a crack on the landscape to .in dicate which direction the Spaniards' flying footsteps had taken. . Mrs. Wilcox ' has re-inforced her monkey wrench with auxiliary battery consisting of a six abooter, and ia pre pared to defend her colors against all comera. ' Fifty American Sailors and Marines Killed 1 and One Hundred Wounded.' San Francisco, May 4. Reports from the Mare Island navy yard tonight, from . a trustworthy source, say that Admiral Kirkland received today a cipher mes sage from the navy department saying that Commodore Dewey sent a brief cable message from Hong Kong giv ing the losses in the Manila fight at fifty Americans killed and one hundred wounded. The report also said that the Concord and Petrel were badly damaged in the fight, particularly in the upper works. n Dewey asked for a hospital ship and a force of 2,000 men,- with supplies for three months, to be sent to the Philipines as soon as possible. . PORTLAND'S NEW POSTMASTER The President Nominates Croasman to 'Succeed Protzman. ' Portland, May 4. The president has nominated Allen. B. Croasman to be postmaster at thia place. News of Mr,.. Croasman's nomination does not come as a surprise to people of Pdrland. It has been generally conced ed for some time past by well-informed pereon's that he wonld secure this rich plum, as the Oregon delegation in con gress was known to be favorably die posed toward him. Mr. Croasman is about 50 years of age, and has been a resident of Oregon for thirtyrfour years. The new postmaster is a sound-money Republican, and his candidacy was indorsed by over 200 of Portland's leading business men. He expects tov be .ready to assume hia du ties as postmaster about June 1st. TWO COASTERS REPORTED MISSING The Alton and Forest Queen are Over due and Supposed to be Lost i. San Francisco, May 4. Two coasting vessels are missing and it is eared both have gone down : with all hands. No tidings of the Alton, which left the Sound two weeks ago for Copper river, has been received. The . Forest Queen from Tacoma is overdue at San Pedro. ' MURDERER CAPTURED The Assassin of Hendrickson and Burns Captured by Canadian Police. Seattle, Wash., May 4. The Cana? dian police bave arretted Clews, who confesped to the murder of Hendrickson and Burno-on the Stickeen river last ApriK Two pocket books belonging to tbe muidered men were found on Clews, who will probably be lynched, as feeling against' him Is ftrong at Telegraph Creek, where CI ws. was brought after his capture. .', - , " ' . ' r ' Use Clarice -& Falk'a Rosofoam for the teeth. .J , X bushel of . notions doesn't weigh' half as -'much as one stubborn fact . Garland's, .Happy Thought Salve is a sure- factor for the core of ' Skin Troubles and Piles. ' ' 5CC glass jars " For sale at DONNELLY Royal make the food pare, wholesome and delicious. mi - Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. CAMP WILL BE AT SAN FRANCISCO Orders Have ' Been Received to Select Suitable Grounds for the Encamp ment of Six Thousand Men. San Fbanci8co, May 5. Orders were received yesterday from General Mer riam, commanding the departments ot California and the Columbia, instruct ing Colonel Morris, commanding the post at the Presidio, to select a location fortbeencimpment of 6003 volunteer troops, from the states of Washington, Oregon and California. About 500 men, it is said, can be - cared for on Angel island. It ia the opinion of Colonel. Morris that some of the men manning; the batteries of heavy artillery hero will be sent to Manila to man the light .bat teries, and that their places will be 6 1 led from among the California volun teers recently enlisted and about to be mustered into tbe service of the United States. - ' THE STATEMENT , IS AUTHORIZED War Department Authorizes the State ment that Volunteers From the Western States Will Be Sent to. the Philippines. Washington, May 6. The war de partment lat- last ' evening authorized the statement that the volunteers from the militia oreanizdiians of California, Oregon and other iates west of the Rockies will form the main body or the military fonw which ia to t-e gent to the Philippines. . , .Pensions Oranted. ' Washington, May 5. The following pen8ion8haveleen garnted! . Original John J. Paddock, The Dalles.$6 ; Robert son S. Allen, Newbridge, $6; Antoa Abigton, soldiers home, Douz)ai$l2. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and brni8es. - DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve ia the beat thing to keep on hand. It heala qo'c'tly,' and i a well known cure for pilee. Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co.