The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 30, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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Lieutenant Freemont Laiils ontne Cntian
Coast Disnatclies to lis ' .
Insurgent IW.
A Large California Plant Blown Dp-
Ten Employes Killed
Fire Follows.
Victoria, B. C, April 26
The American fleet at Hong
Kong is well supplied with
fuel and ammunition, and is
ready .o start for - the attack
at Manilla as soon as notice
reaches them of the formal
declaration of war. The fleet
consists of the . Baltimore,
Yorktown, Raleigh, Olympia,
Monterey and Boston, which
makes one of the most for
midable fleets in the Asiatic
waters. .
Washington, April 26.
All the naval officers on duty.
' here today are talking of the
daring exploit of Lieutenant
John C. Freemont, son of the
famous general, in making
the landing from his little
vessel, the torpedo-boat Por
ter, on the Cuban coast near
Confirming press dispatches
telling of the exploit come to
the department today" from
Captain Sampson, who cabled
that the expedition was suc
cessful in every regard. The
purpose of the expedition was
to deliver dispatches to the
emissary ; of the insurgent
It has not been definitely
ascertained, but there are good
reasons to believe that an of
ficer of the United States
army, who was on the Porter,
is now proceeding to Gomez'
camp with full plans to sub
mit to the insurgent chief for
co-operation between that and
; the American armies.
Terrible Explosion and Fire.
Santa Cbuz, Cal., April 26. Reports
were received at this place this evening
of the killing of ten men in an explosion
at the California Powder Works plant
near here, this afternoon. Only - white
men were employed in the mill, and the
force of the explosion destroyed five
small Duildings in the immediate vicin
ity which were used as storehouses for
the smokeless powder manufactured. .
This plant was established last -summer
and only recently began operations.
Some of the first output of the mill was
sent east ten days ago. - It consisted of
an entire train of fifteen cars made up
principally of brown - prismatic powder
for the navy.
The explosion was followed by a - fire
which spread to the surrounding build
ings and timbered bill sides. .
A force of 100 employes were immedi
ately called out to fight, the fire.
Soma panlh. Sarcasm . nnd Soma News
Printed lnT narana Paper.
. Kky West, April 26. The following
is a translation of all important naws
printed in La Lncha, Havana, Monday,
April 25th, under the Lead "False
-News:" .. ; ' v
"All rumors that have been recently
circulated in regard to possible bom
bardment of this city are without foun
dation. We will advise oar ; readers
promptly when bombardment ia likely
to occur. ' ' The inemy is in light
blockade a3 follows : They are within
range of oar batteries, these monstrous
battleships, these enorncoaeBaby Whales
which McKinley has sent as in order to
inspire as to panic and deprive ua of
sustenance. Tfiey give uj courage;
their presence here fills as with enthu
siasm and incites us to combat. If they
have Dot done ' as violence it is only be
cause the desired instant has not ar
rived ; because they bavn'c placed them
selves inn position to start the ball roll
"The blockade has been broken by
steamship Availes' coming from Caraco
Sagua de Farino and Kuevitas, and by
steamship ' Cosmode Herrera' coming
from Sagua Li Gran le. These vessels
arrived at this port without news and
without having seen anything worth
mentioning. On their voyages bbth
ships knew of the blockade and came
with all (he precaution which the case
demanded ; hogging the coast like stick
ing plaster, preferring to ran aground
rather than be captured. It ie worthy
of notice that these vessels having much
less speed than they shoald have, and
which it is supposed that American war
ships have, broke the blockade which
Americans undertook to establish.
"It is said that last night 500 Ameri
can Negroes disembarked with Lacret
Morlah at Bambouranoo. Cavalry and
infantry were in hot pursuit. '
"On Saturnay afternoon coast steam
ship Availes entered port from Nueritis
with seventeen passengers, giving the
laugh to the blockade line established
by the Americpn squadron."
Spanish Town In the Hand of Rioters
at Frequent Interrals Dally.
New Yobk, April 26. Madrid and
more than 20 of the largest towns in
Spain are in the hands of the mob
several hours every day, says the Madrid
correspondent of the World. The 'gov
ernment has permitted "patriotic"
demonstrations as the best means of
giving vent to popular excitement. All
was well as long as they were ex
pressions of animosity toward America
ebullitions in anticipating of victory
over a foreigner always an object of
hate and suspicion with the SDanish
masses but now the demonstrations
are getting beyond control. . ' .
The government, is anxious and the
better classes are alarmed. The police
notice already In the throngs many
socialists, anarchists and republicans.
who may quickly tarn these demonstra
tions into anti-dynastic or anti-mon
archical movements or at least upset the
cabinet. Today news came of a serious
reverse beyond the seas. All Spanish
revolutions have began in just such out
breaks. The noisy street demonstra
tions are particularly dangerous now.
when all classes have been led to in
dulge in hopes of naval and military
The revolutionary parties are very ac
tive. They are almost publicly threat
ening to take matters in their own hands
if the government does not succeed in
promptly overcoming the United States.
Matters are critical politically and even
worse financially. Both aspects of the
situation are being employed by the
Spanish diplomats and court to impress
European courts and governments with
the urgent necessity of action- to save
Spain from both the foreigner and
herself. , '
Got Inside the Line.
Kingston, Jamaica, April 26. The
steamer Telesfora, which was bound
from Galveston to Manchester with a
cargo of gram and cotton, was sighted
and pursued at the highest speed by an
American cruiser today. . Although the
Telesfora carried every pound of steam,
her boilers ' would permit, the cruiser
gained on her rapidly, but the Spaniards
got inside the 3-mile limit before the
cruiser got within range, and escaped.
She is anchored hera at present.
Captnted the Fanama.
Key West, Fla.. April 26 All Key
West is singing the praises of the little
Mangrove and her crew, for to her be
longs the glory of having made the rich
est capture of the war up to date. This
morning the Mangrove took in the big
steamer Panama, a Spanish cruiser, off
the Cuban coaet. The Panama is a
steamer of 2800 tons and carried Btores
for the Spanish army. . - -
Declined TFIth Thank. ' ' .
Washington, April 27. The navy de
partment has . declined to ' accept the
Fnerst Bismarck and the Colombia, ten
dered to the government as auxiliary
cruisers, for the reasoa that the vesseles
are said to be unsuitable for service.
. Its Full War Strength.
Washington, April 27. Orders were
issued today to recruit the army to its
full war strength of 61,000.
The Stars anfl Stripes, It Hs TImeM,
fill Soon Waive Orer Those
Bsantiful Islands. -
His Subjects Endeavor to Have Dime
Declare a Keuteallty He Re
fuses for Good Reasons.
Honolulu, April 19. via.
San Francisco, April 26. The
raising of the American flag
on th.e Hawaiian islands did
not take place Thursday, as
expected, but it is believed
that the stars and stripes will
be hoisted as soon as the news
of the declaration - of war
is received.
The statement is not denied
by either the American min
ister or Admiral Miller, while
on the other hand the latter
said that his mission was to
annex the island.
Considerable influence has
been brought to bear on Pres
ident Dole by his ' subjects, to
the end that the islands be
declared neutral, as many of
the fugar-planters fear their
plantations will be ruined by
Spanish gunboats. v ' :
Dole and his advisers rec
ognize the fact that such a
course would be fatal to an-
nexation and reciprocity treat
ies, and for that reason, has
refused to comply with the re-,
Many supporters of the gov
ernment predict thatthe stars
and stripes will te floating
over the islands in a fortnight.
One of Our Torpedo-Boat Destroyers
slightly Disabled.
Havana, April 27. The Spanish gun
boat Ligera, it is announced here, en
countered near Cardenas, not far from
Matanzas, ant. American torpedo-boat
destroyer, which opened fire on the
Spanish warship. The gunboat, it is
added, answered with eleven shots. It
is claimed that the American vessel was
damaged and retreated.
The Spanis steamer Montserrat, from
Cadiz for Havana, has arrived safely, it
is announced, at Cienfuegos. She bad
on board (2,000,000 in silver and a good
quantity of ammunition.: It is an
nounced that the insurgent brigadier-
general, Masso, has - been authorized to
form a diyision of natives to fight with
the United States troops. ." Spanish
offiicals the well-known insurgent leader
Juan del Gado and (17 followers have
been killed near Cano.
The situation here today is one of ex
pectation, and quiet, patriotic enthusi
asm, combined With a desiro on the part
of the Spaniards for the opening of real
hostilities. . ' ' ' (
The Spanish coasting steamer Cosm'e
Herrera, which ran the . blockade, it
appears, is not the only vessel which
has reached this port since tho blockade
was established.
The arrival of the steamer Ayiles from
Neava Vistas is reported. :
Dispatches from Matanzas say an
American torpedo-boat destroyer, haa
twice entered that port, The second
time six shots were fired at her and she
retired. '
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoe Remedy in the Worcester Enter
prise recently, which leads me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for colic and diar
rhoea. I have never had. to use more
than one or two doseB to cure the worst
case with myself or children. W. A.
Stroud, Popomoke City, Md. For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton. . . ' ' v ,
Sampson's Fleet Pour Projectiles Into
f the Fortifications.
Key West, April 27.: Three ships of Captain Samp
son's fleet are blockading .the Cuban coast. The New
York,' Puritan and Cincinnati opened fire upon the for
tifications at Matanzas this afternoon. Nothing definite
is knoWnas to the result of the attack upon the city, but
it is believed the storm of projectiles into the fortifica
tions for nearly, twenty minutes must have caused great
loss of life. On our ships no casualties have occurred.
The attack began shortly before 1 o'clock and the bom
bardment was over in less than twenty minutes after 1.
The Spaniards had been actively at work on the forti
fications at Punta ,Gorda, and it was the knowledge of
this fact that led Sampson to shell the place, his purpose
being to prevent their completion. . x
A small battery on the eastern side of the bay opened
fire on the New York, and the flagship quickly respond
ed with her heav' guns. Probably twenty-five 8-inch
shells were sent from the battery at -our ships, but all of
them fell short. A few blank shells were also fired from
the incomplete battery. One or two of these whizzed
over Sampson's flagship.
After completing their work the ships put out to open
sea, the flagship returning to its post off Havana, while
the Cincinnati and ' Puritan remained on guard off Ma
tanzas. -
The Olptis tlie Capture of tue Spahisli
. Vessels Comnosing tie Flo
tilla Now at Manila.
Their Ideas About the Condition of Af
fairs Betweon the Two Nations.
Portland, April 28. A dispatch from
Hong Kong says : The American eqad
Ion sailed from Mies Bay this atternoon
for Manila. Thirty leades of the insur
rection in the Philippines wanted to
accompany .the American fleet to Ma
nila, but only a qnietralado rebel chief
was taken as their representative.
The primary object of the eqoadron is
the capture of the Spanish fleet. Upon
its arrival at Manila Commander Dewey
will demand the capitulation of the city
within thirty-eight minutes.
The governor at Manila has issued a
proclamation saying that the squadron,
without instruction or discipline, was
coming to the archipelago with the ruf
fianly intention of robbing the country
of all means of life, honor and liberty.
He further says : "The agg-essors shall
not gratify their lustful passions at the
cost of your wives and' daughters. They
shall not cover you with di9bono, be
cause your valor and patriotism will suf
fice to punish this miserable people."
Cape Verde Fleet to Pot to He Today
Battle Imminent Between Spanish-
" FhtUipplne and, American-Asiatic
Squadrons.' ; v. . . -
LondoS, April 27. There' are indica
tions today that the inactivity of the
Spanish naval fleets in varions parts of
the world is about to be, if indeed it has
not already been, changed into activity,
and that of an order most pronounced.
A dispatch from Madrid says that the
Spanish fleet has been at sea .some days,
and news of the bombardment of Amer
ican coast towns is expected at the Span
ish capital before long. This, it seems.
refer to the warships supposed to le
still off the Spanish coast, as a dispatch
from St. Vincent, Cape Verde islands,
says the Spanish torpedo fleet is still
, The Spanish minister of marine this
morning received a cipher dispatch from
Admiral Montejo, commanding the fleet
at Manila, Phlllippine islands, announc
ing that tie was about to sail with his
tquadrom to lake up a position where he
can await the coming American fleetrand
capture it. This was followed by a later
dispatch announcing that the Spanish
fleet. had actually sailed, and a still later
one. from the government at Manila,
saying that a naval engagement between
the Spanish and American squadron is
hourly expected. The dispatch added
that the Spanish fleet bail just captured
the American bark Saranac, coal laden,
off Manila.
Following closely after these important
advices cafue a dispatch from Lisbon,
saying that the state council meets there
tomorrow to proclaim neutrality, imme
diately after which the Spanish squad
ron will be ordered to leave the Cape
Verdes. Whether or not the vessels
will proceed to Cuban waters is not
known, but it is considered certain they
will bead for western waters.
To give color to reports of a Spanish
fleet being already abroad upon the At
lantic, a dispatch from Southampton
states that a Guernsey pilot reports hav
ing sighted two Spanish torpedo-boats
northeast of Caskets, and a large armed
ship between Douvres rock and TJsbant,
evidently on the lookout tor American
vessels, and a Dover dispatch says a
Spanish torpedo-boat destroyer passed
there this morning steaming west. '
Submarine Craft Likely to Be Used. in
Blowing Up Morn Castle.
. i Washington, April ' 27. Secretary
Long has announced his intention of
purchasing the Holland sab-marine tor-pedo-boit,
on Assistant Secretary
Roosevelt's recommendation, notwith
standing an adverse report of three na
yal officers who were delegated to make
an examination of the vessel. - The de
partment is convinced that if the boat
were allowed to go the French govern
ment would purchase it. .
Mr. Holland proposes to put the I oat
in immediate service at Havana. He
has offered his services to the govern
ment as commander, and says be can
hive a picked crew on board and - be in
Havana in ten days. His proposition is
to utilize the boat in blowing' up Morro
Castla, ' Owing to the construction of
the fortress he says his boat can do this
without difficulty. The boat can
used to great advantage in destroying
submarine mines in Cuban waters.
Mr. Holland's ofler is under advise
ment at the department. It is highly
probable the bo it will be sent to Havana
to join Captain Sampson's fleet. - It can
be placed on one of the battleships or
cruisers and carried without difficulty
to Havana harbor, where it can be pot
into active service.
Royal makes the food pure,
, wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
The Spanish Coaitlng Steamer Ambrose
Bolirer With Sixty Thousand Dol
lars In Sliver on Board CaparecS
Off the Cntian Coast.'
Key West, April 27. The monitor
Terror made a capture off the Coast of
Cardenas, Cuba, last night, which,
while not as rich as that made by the
little Mangrove yesterday, is still valua
ble enough to bring j iv to the hearts of
.the officers and crew of the Terror.
The priza is the Spanish coasting
6te amer Ambroso Brlivar. The cruise -Detroit
came into port this morning;
towing, the 'Spaniard, which had been
turned over to her by the terror.
Upon being searched after arriving:
here the Ambroso Bolivar was found to
have on board $60,000 in silver, which,"
of course, greatly increased the valne
of the capture. Particulars of the cap
ture have, not yet been given oat.
Ed Dougherty Instantly Killed in Ben
son & Co.'s Log-gins; Camp.
Oak Point, Wn., April 28. Edward
Dougherty, employed in Benson & Co.'s
logging camp at this piace, was accident
ally killed yesterday. Dougherty was
alone at the time, and it is supposed his
saw got stuck in a log which he was cut
ting and had propped up. He went un
der the log to extract the saw and the .
prop giving way, the log came down
on his tieid, killing him instantly.
Dougherty was if single man about
27 years old and highly respected by all.
He was? a member of the Odd Fellows
and Foresters lodges of Astoria, and of
the Maccabees'lodge of Enappton, Wn.
Information Concerning; the Organisa
tion of Volunteers.
Portland, April 28. A Washington
specjal received last night says:
Information was given the senators
who called at the White House this af
ternoon of the president's intention to
organize the volunteer-army into one
hundred and four regiments, four brig
ades, eleven divisions, and three army
corps.- This will give the president an
opportunity to appoint forty-eight gen
eral officers, besides their staff j. -
San Fbancisco, April 27. Commenc
in today the American mail will no
longer be sent to Spanish possessions in -the
Orient. Instructions from Wash
ington have been received by the postal
officials ordering ' all mail destined lor
the Philippine, Ladrope and Caroline ,
islands to be returned to eenaers if pos
sible. Otherwise it is to be eent to the ,
dead letter office. '
A large number of sacks of mail are- .
now layinit at the postoffice here wbicb
wi'l be affected by these instructions.
The reason for discontinuance of the die-, '
patch of mail to these points is that of
preventing importantinformation reach
ing the enemy. ; '"
Fatal Nockontat Sacramento, California
. April 87th.
' Sacramento, Cal. .April 28. McCarty,
who was knocked oat in the twentieth
roand by Griflb last night, did at th
hospital here tonight. Officers have ar
rived from San Francisco to arrest Urlf
fo and the rest of the gang on charges ot
murder i but they had disappeared.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That la what it was made for. '