The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 27, 1898, PART 1, Image 1

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How tie Atlantic Spaflron Sailed
From Key Vest Yerterflay After
noon for (Man Waters.
In all Probability That Is the Intention
of the Fleet Two Monitor., One
Gunboat, Two Cruisers and Three
Torpedu-boata Left Behind.
Key West, April 22. The North At
lantic squadron, except the monitors
Terror and puritan and the smaller
cruiser?, sailed from Key West at.5;45
this morning headed for the Florida
straights. The skies were growing gray
with the approaching dawn when the
formibable family of destroyers quietly
and ' unostentatiously steamed away,
presumably on their way to the shores of
Besides the two monitors the ehipB
left behind are the grin boat Helena.cruie
ers Marblebcad and Detroit, dispatch
boat Dolphin anq the torpedo-boats
CuBhing, Dapont and Porter.
Throughout the long night unusual ac
tivity on the vessels of the fleet told
weary watchers on shore that the long
awaited advance on Havana was near at
hand, yet there was nothing on which to
found this belief. Washington advices
ot yesterday indicate the probadility of
a movement during the night or today,
but the naval men ashore disclaimed
any knowledge of such orders. They
averred that their condition of uncer
tainty was Btill a8 unchanged as it had
been heretofore.
Early in the evening, however, came
the first realization of the fact that the
ted ion 8 period of inaction was drawing
to a cloee. There occurred a decided
change in the situation when a special
boat hurried'from the flagship with or
ders for all who were ashore to immedi
ately return to the ships. Midnight
found the city empty of gold braid and
blue jackets, with which it bad grown
It was just 5 :42 a. m. whtnt the New
York, without unnecessary display,
moved pompiously down and slowly to
ward the outer waters of the gulf. The
red light flashed a Bignal to eager eyes
on board the following fleet, and told
them to get in motion at last. To those
ashore it looked as if the New York was
somewhat in advance of the line, with
the Iowa and Indiana following on either
side, but separated from her by a good
streatcb of water.
As the line advanced toward the hori
zon the ships pread out, until perhaps
there was a distance of three miles be
tween the tips of the crescent.
The Marhlehead is taking on water,
and will doubtless join the squadron in
two or three days. I
The fleet is moving well out to sea,
and may await farther orders, if those
so far received are not final. The torpedo-boats
here can quickly c-irry such
orders to the ships.
. The Dauntless, the dispatch-boat of
the Associated Press, left here with the
fleet. -
Students of the Several Universities
Make Demonstration. ,
Pbijtcetox, N. J., April 22. A great
student demonstration in regard to the
war took place on Princeton campus last
night. One thousand student paraded
through the streets and about the cauv
pus, finally drawing np in front of ex
President Cleveland's bouse, and with
ringing cheers induced him to come out.
Thee enthusiasm was unbounded, and
Mr. Cleveland made a speech f every sen
tence of which was met whith a volley
of cheers. - ,
. He sain in part :
I eupPose this demonstration is an
evidence of your patriotism in this crit
ical hour of our nation's history. Stand
by the country, when she is right, andl
am not so sure that we should not stand
by her when she is wrong. Let us hope
in this crisis which is upon us, our
arms may sustain their prowess and that
it may be demonstrated in after years
that we are right. Stern duties face the
American people today, and let ns hope
that these duties may be performed in
the same high way that our duties were
performed m the preliminary stages of
the trouble, and in the days to come let
ns prepare ourselves for the proper per
formance on all occasions of these duties.
Eat bo far as in us lies, let ns be con-
orct$ ENJOYS
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem, effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
centable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made It the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug'
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
servative and rignteous unto the very
Lond hurrahs were given for the ex
president defore the students took np
their march. "
Warshlps In These Waters More Than
a Match For Spain.
Mare Island, April 22. "We are
prepared today to capture or destroy
pny force that Spain could possibly send
against the Pacific coast" said Bear
Admiral Kirkland. '"In the first place,
the Spanish government has no vessels
in Pacific waters nearer to the coast
than the Philippines. We have a great
er force than Spain and can easily take
care of the opposing fleet.
'.'The next possibility lies in sending a
fleet through the Straights of Magellan.
Even if Spain had the ships they would
be practically useless after they get into
the Pacific, on account ' of the lack of
"We have two monitors, the Monad
nock and the Monterey, that are more
than a match for any vessel in the Span
ish navy. Besides these two we have
the Benriington and Mohican, which are
now en route from the Hawaiian Islands.
The Charleston will be in commission
May 1st, and if it were necessary we
could have the Philadelphia and Ydrk
town in fighting trim by the forepart of"
June. - '
"What I rely upon largely to complete
onr coast defences are the ten vessels re
cently acquired.
"Anotherivaluable adjunct to our Pa
cific coast defenses is the two torpedo
boats now nearing completion at Port
land and one on the Sound. This num
ber can be increased materially if the
necessity presents, since each requires
only about sixty days to be ready for
The Shakers ' of Mount Lebanon, i
community of simple, honest, God-fear
ing men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers, never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. . Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying ' enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. . Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorated the stomach and all its glands
so that after, awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the . honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1. 00a bottle.
Polo's Statement Denied.
Washington, April 25. Wilkie, who
holds the position of chief of the United
States service, makes an official and
very emphatic denial of Sen or Polo's
statement cencernin; Americans storm
ing the train in which he was riding in
Rochester, and holds' up the statement
of the -Spanish minister as a gross un
truth. . ' ' " : '
DeWitt'5 Witcti Hazel Salve
. Cares Piles, Scalds, turns.
Vessels of Sampson's FleetHaye AMy
Established a BlocMe of the
Most Prominent Ports.
The Ship or the Squadron Are on the
Lookout for Two More Spanish
Ship En Route to Cuba.
New Yokk, ApriL25. The
North Atlantic squadron is
enforcing the blockade of Cuba
and the flying squadron- re
mains in Hampton Roads
The cruisers San Francisco
and New Orleans are at the
Broklyn navy-yard, and may
sail tomorrow to join the fly
ing squadron. Every day adds
several vessels . to the auxil
iary fleet. y. .
The battle-ship Oregon and the Mari
etta are coming np the coast of' South
Atberica, and will probably touch at
Rio Janeiro in a few days. The
dynamite cruiser ' Nictberoy, just
purchased from Brazil, is still at Bio de
Janeiro. The newly purchased cruiser
Topeka is at sea on the way from
Portsmouth to New York, and the torpedo-boat
Somers is still at Portsmouth
ready for sea.
The Paris, for whose safety no alarm
is felt, will arrive in New York by the
middle of the week. - '
New York, April 25. Since the . war
with Spain has begnn the United States
naval forces have established a strict
blockade of Cuban ports, and have- cap
tured eight Spanish vessels. The prizes
are the steamers Buena Ventura, Pedro,
Miquel Joves, Catalina Saturnine, and
the schooners Mathilde, Candidla and
Antonio. All these veesels have . been
or will be taken to Key West, except the
Saturnina, which was seized at Ship is
land Mississippi.
The Spanish steamer Panama, from
New York, and the Alfonzo XIIJ., from
Spain, both ljpuud for Cuba, are likely
to be captured by the American warships
within a few days.
Spain has made no seizures so far as
known. The only movement of the
Spanish navy reported is the departure
of the torpedo-boat destroyer Audaz
from Queenstown for Spain, and the de
parture cf the Spanish fleet from the
Cape Verde islands for Cuba. -
It is expected that-when the Spanish
fleet reaches Cuban waters a battle is
almost certaib to take' place. . Other re
ports wonld indicate that the' fleet was
bound for points along the coast of the
United States, and at present nothing i
can be said as to its destination.
Text of the Report as Adopted by the
House and Senate.
Washington, April 25. Following Is
the text of the report of the house for
eign affairs committee, formally declar
ing that war exists between the United
States and Spain, as adopted by the
bouse and agreed to by the senate to
day: ..
"Be it enacted by the , senate and
house of representatives of the United
States, in congress assembled :
"First, Tnat war be. and the same is
hereby declared to exist, and that war
has existed since the 21st of April, 1898,
including Sunday, between the United
States and the kingdom of Spain.
"Second, That the president of the
United States Is hereby directed and em
powered to use the ntire land and na
val forces of the United States, and to
call into actual service the United States
militia of the several states to eucb ex
tent as may be necessary to carry this
act into effect."
Hundreds of Telegrams Ponrlns; in
From All Parts of the Country
Recruits Offer Their Services. '
Washington, April 26. At present
hundreds of telegrams are pouring into
the war department from all parts of
the country asking for information as to
the mustering ot volunteers. ' It is
thought that the war department will
issue notices as soon as possible detail
ing the plan of recruiting the army.
It is evident that no trouble will be en
countered in obtaining the 125,000 men
asked for by the president in his last
call, or as many more as may be neces
sary in future.
The army officials are beseiued by sen
ators and representatives who are" in
teresting themselves in behalf of appli
cants for commissions in .the voluntter
of Oluments fur Catarrh that
Contain Mercury.
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mncous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions fiom reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mncous
surfaces of the system. In baying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen
uine. It is taken internally and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle.
(BTSold by Druggists. 4.
A Call for Oregon Volunteers.
Washington, April 25. A call was
issued on Governor Lord, of Oregon,
this evening to furnish a regiment of in
fantry, on the state's quota of the 125,
000 volunteers, by Secretary Long. The
war department issued orders later that
the Oregon troops that will be enrolled
under the volunteers' call tendezvous
at Portland.
Our Strength Growing Momentarily
Washington, April 25. The navy de
partment today purchased the yacht
Corsan from J. Pierpont Morgan, which
vessel will immediately be put into serv
ice in the navv. John Jacob Aetor has
offered to equip a regiment at his own
expense, while John A.Logan will equip
another. ,
Beats tne Klondlae-
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville.Tex
has found a more valuable discovery
than has yet been made in the Klondike,
For years he suffered untold agony from
consumption, accom pained by hemmor-
rbages; and was absolutely cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
that gold ia of little value in comparison
with this marvelous care ; would have it,
even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle,
Asthma, Bronchitis. and all throat and
long affections are positively cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drag store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure
or price refunded. 2
Day Appointed to Succeed Sherman.
Washington, April 25. Secretary
Sherman's resignation was tendered at
12:15 today, and was immediately ac
cepted. Assistant Secretary Day has
been chosen to sncceed him. The ad
vanced age and feeble condition of Sec
retary Sherman made this move highly
necessary. :
To Prevent Yellow Fever.
Washington, April ib. The surgeon-
general of the United Sstates issued or
ders last evening instructing that pre
cautionary measures be taken that yel
low fever be - prevented from getting
started among the volunteers who go to
Cuba. Everything that can possibly be
I done towards preventing the breaking
out of the disease will be resorted to.
. All Spanlah Vessels Must Leave.'
Washington, April 25. A note is be
ing prepared by the state department
giving notice that five days will be al
lowed the Spanish vessels to leave the
American ports This move is in com
pliance with international law, and the
vessels will make haste to leave." .
Northern Pacific Kndeavoring to Secure
Transportation tor Troops.
Washington, April 25. Vice-presi
dent Lamont, ot the Northern Pacific
railroad, is in Washington at present
endeavoring to transport the Pacific
coast troops over his line to the Atlantic
eeaboard. - -
( Judge Hewitt's Action-
Salem, Or., April 25. Judge Hewitt
has sustained the straight Popnlists and
ordered a writ of mandamus command
ing Secretary of State KIncaid to file the
nominations and place the names on the
ballots. - ' '
No More Volunteers Wanted. . - '
Washington. April 25 It is authori
tatively stated that the president does
not contemplate a call for additional
volunteers at present. . -. j
Sailed From Hong Kongr. . ' ' '
Hong Kong. April 25, 7:30 p. ,. The
remainder of the United Stated equadron
has left this port. .
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and rrins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. i
That the Spanish
Fleet Be Ordered From
the Cape Verdes.
Fortngal Will Notify- Spain that
Fleet Mnst Leave Within
Forty-eight Honrs.
Washington, April 25.
Portugal has been forced to
reply to the ultimatum of the
United States. This govern
ment warned Portugal if she
continues to allow any of the
Spanish fleet to remain at the
Cape Verde islands it wil
have to take its position as an
ally of Spain and as an enemy
of the United States. The
notice sent to Portugal that it
must compel the Spanish fleet
to leave the Cape de Verdes
or else acknowledge its friend-
I liness to Spain was in the na
ture of an ultimatum. A re
dIv was demanded today at
10:15. This morning Assist
ant Secretary of State Adee
said : " We h a ve received offi
cial notice from Portugal tha
as soon as the United States
promulgates a declaration o:
war she will notify the Span
ish fleet now at Cape Verde
islands to leave within 48
hours or to remain until the
end of hostilities. Portugal
also notifies the United States
that she will do nothing until
the declaration of war is
made." " '
Free Pills-
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits
These Pills are easv in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con-
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ions substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken ' by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
tSuokien's Annca salve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
braises, sores, ulcers, Bait , rheum, fever
eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuirs piies, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or .money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Honghton. druazists.
A little boy aeked for a bottle of "get
up in the morning as fast ks you can,"
the druggist recognized a household
name tor "DeWitt's Little Early Risers"
and gave him a bottle of tboee famous
little pills for constipation, sick head
ache, liver, and stomach troubles.
Snipes Kinersly Drue Co. , "
At all times flour equal to the best for
sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed.
A W. M. McCobkle, Prop.
mchl6-6tn . ,
Cash is Tour Checks. '
-'. All countv warrants registered prior
to March 12, 1894, will be paid at my'
office. Interest ceases after April 20,
1898. C. L. Phuxipb,
: Conntv Treasurer.
Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk'a
and get prices on the Lv Plata Sheep
Dip. It is non-poisonous, mixes in
stantly with cold waterand it is an in
fallible cure for scab, hoof rot, lice and
ticks - ltf
.Ons Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it wu mede lor.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Whites Who Eiarry the Indian Wom
en of the North.
At Lake Lebargc we met an English
man who was taking his wife and three
children for a trip to Five Finger rap
ids. His wife was a squaw, and her
face was painted black, as were als
those of the1 children. I never did find
out the real reason those squaws have
for painting their faces black. Some
say it is because they think it mates'
them more beautiful, and still others
claim that it is a preventive from the
mosquitoes. We became quite friendly
with this Englishman. He was taking;
his family to visit some of his wife's
people. He had just received news from
England that the death of three per
sdns made him heir to a noble title,
and quite an inheritance, but to enjoy
its possession, etc., of course he would
have to return to England. "Of course,""
said I, "you are going at once." He
looked around at his family and said:
"Well, I could hardly take them witht
me, and Tin too fond of them to leave
them here; so I think 111 stay here my
self and let the other fellow enjoy my
property over there." This was all said
with a degree of pathes which was al
most sublime, and yet I could not help
picturing to myself the sensation that
that squaw wife would make at some
reception held among his titled friend.
if she were to enter au ncturcl, as we
were looking at her then. I think
something of the same thought must
have passed through our friend's mind,
for, hastily murmuring "what. might
have been," etc., he looked suspiciously
like shedding a few tears, bade us a.
hurried farewell, and gathered his
small family and belongings together
and proceeded on his way. There are
many white men in Alaska married to
the Indians. They call them squaw
men. Leslie's Magazine.
A Sure Cure. "Yes, Stubbs was go
in' into a decline an the doctor said
th' best thing for him was to get an
easy government job and lie around do
ing nrthiirg.' "A sinecure, eih?" "I
don't know what kind o' cure you call
it, but anyway he's cured." Cleveland
Menial Work. "Did you hear how
voung U;:i:ets made love to juiss
buckets?" ".No; bow did he?" "He
sent his valet to intercede for him.
Goodness! I never heard of such a
thing!" "Nor I; but 1 suppoee he
thought it was beneath him to press his
own suit." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
"A word to the wise is sufficient" and? -
a word Irom the wise should be eaf-
ficient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy Dersons may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M, Terry-
says UliamDeriain's ijonzn lieroeay
gives better satisfaction than any other
in the market. He baa been in the drug
business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve
years; has sold hundreds of bottles of
this remedy and nearly all other conghv
medicines manufactured, which show
conclusively that Chamberlain's is the
most satisfactory to the people, and la
the best. For sale by Elakeley &
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoe Kemedv in the Worcester Enter-
priee recently, which leads uie to write
this. I can truthfully say I never osetl
any remedy equal to it for colic and diar
rhoea. I have never had to use more
than one or two doses to cure the worst
case with myself or children. V.A.
Stroud, Popoinoke City, Md. tor sale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, end all throat and lung
diseasee. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Thirty-five years make a generation.
That is how .lonz Adolph Fisher, of
Zmesville, O., suffered from piles. He
was cured by using three boxes of De
Witt's ".Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. ' '
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tint Is what It was maii f jr.