The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 16, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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    41 w
Senate Practically
on a Resolution.
It Will Also Declare la Favor of Be
qalrloff the Immediate Kruu
tlon of the Island by Spain..
Washington, April 12.
The senate foreign relations CaWrh Cure be sure you get the gen
committee is understood tO nine- It is taken internally, and made
, , ., , in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
nave prwuvaiiy ueaueu uu
resolution declaring lor lm
. mediate intervention and re
quiring the evacuation of Cuba
' by Spain.
Washington April 12.
f . A.
The foreign relations com
mittee resumed its sitting this
morninfr. Thev immediately
i ,1 i e f 1
iuuk. up we las ui ""ii-
ing a resolution denning its
idea of the course to be pur
sued in the present complica
tions with fopam. . iney are
hopeful of being able to report
today, but the report may be
delayed so as to afford an op-1
Dortunitv to hear General
A as
The committee Is finding it
a Very difficult task to reach
an agreement on the terms of
the resolution. There is by
no means the same unanimi
ty as when they first met and
decided to renort the Foraker
. . ." ,, . ,. ..
resolutions. The indications
at the beginning of today S
session were that there would
be a return to the Compromise
proposition which was made
prior tO the reception of the
The committee remained together un
til noon, and then adjourned till 3:30, to
hear General Lee. A formal vote was
taken, but the committee knew what its
report would be when it adjourned at
noon. The result was not made public.
The best information obtainable is that
it will be a declaration for immediate
intervention, and that no action on the
part of Spain short of evacuation of the
island will satisfy this country.
No Agreement Beached and No Report
to Be Made Today.
Washington, April 12. The Demo
crats of the house foreign affairs com
mittee have agreed on a resolution of
independence and armed intervention
The Republicans are divided still. The
house comniitta will make no report to
Washington, April 12. The foreign
affairs committee of the house took a re
cess at noon until 3 o'clock this after
noon. They expect to have General Lee
before them at that time. The Repub
licans are coming together on a resolu
tion for intervention. ;
Kxlrsordlnary AdTsnoea Booted on the
Produce Exchange.
San Francisco, April 12. Both bar
ley and wheat have made great and ex
traordinary advances on the .produce
exchange call board. The advance in
May wneat irom baturday's figures is
- 10c a cental, or $2.05 a ton, and in
December options 16c a cental, equiva
lent to 3 20 a ton. - .
In barley the advance is 12 and 10c
a cental, while since Thursday May htB
' gone up from $4.15 to $1.44, or 18 ic a
cental, equal to $3.65 a ton, and D
cember from $1.25 to $!., or 15c
a cental, or $3.15. a ton.
Oar Minister to Bpaln Will Probably
- Leave Madrid Today, '
Madrid, April 12. It is stated that
United States Minister Woodford leaves
Madrid today. It is further alleged that
he will be accompanied to the frontier
by an eecort of gendarmes.
The foreign embassadors met at the
Italian embassy today. 1 It is understood
the meeting was called, as a result of
news from Washington. :
Beware of Olomcou (or C.tarrh
' Contain Mercury,
As mercury will sorely destroy the sense
of smell and completely .derange the
whole system when entering it through
tuo mucous nuriacea. oucu . urucieu
sboald never be nsed except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good yoa can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Clieney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, act-
p mooa-na mucous
surfaces of the system. In hnvincr Hall's
Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by Druggists.
Patriotic Indiana.
Appleton, Wib., April 12. A delega
tion of a dozen Indians from the Oneida
reservation is endeavoring to make ar
rangements for the enlistment of a num
ber of Indians in caee of war with Spain.
They are disappointed in not being able
to find anyone with authority to enlist
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of eimple, honest, God-fear'
ing men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. . The Shak
ers never have indigestion. - This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indices
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
o that after awhile they don't nee'd
neip. as evidence 01 me. nonesiy 01
I Soaker-Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to 1.U0 per bot
Sheep marking paint ; ready for
Tw0 color8 black and red- Wh
should use our sheep paint.
Maa th . rnA
First, be
cause the colors are ground tboronghly
in pure linseed oil by fine machinery
I color. With, the Droner amonnt of drvers
added to give it binding and lasting
.nH". wblfcb Prevent it from washing
economical , because it is always ready
for use. We guarantee our sheep mark
ing paints to give satisfaction. Try it
and be convinced.' Clarke & Falk,
agents, The Dalles, Or.
Decline of the Alaska Rath.
Tacoma, April 12. Tbe Steamers AI-
Ki and City of Seattle left for Alaska
ports today, both passenger and freight
lists being very light. The former car
ried 75 passengers. The steamer Aus
tralia has withdrawn from the Alaska
service and will carry wheat to San
Francisco. v
. .: Free Fills
Send your address to H. . Bncklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free earn pie
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince yon of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con-
stipation and Sick Headache. Eor Ma
laria and Liver troubles tbey have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from' every deleter
ious subBtance and to be purely vegeta
ble. ' They do not . weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2)
Thousands of euffererj from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma,' and all throat and lung
diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
... sheepmen, A t ten tlon 1 :
Clarke & Falk have securod the
agency lor toe la rWata Sheep Dip,
Mixes instantly with cold water. '
1 ' '
v If youtf grocer
doesn't sell Schilling's Best tea, tell us his name,
what kind you want (Japan, English Breakfast, '
Oolong, Ceylon, or Blend) , and what size pack-'
age you want We'll see that you get it
Don't send us any money. We don't sell at
retail. '-'. V..;. ...V
san Francisco ; ' to, Schilling & Company
Cnliaiis Cannot Notify Comrades in tne
Fielfl of Eyents at VasMngton.
Cable Connection With Havana I. Also
Cut Off Spaniard Are Bnsily Engaged
In Fortifying Mediterranean Islands in
Anticipation of War.
Key West, April 13. Agents of the
Cuban inanrgentB are trying to commu
nicate the probable action of congress to
their associates In the field. They may
get news across the gulf by means ot a
boat from other ports. No .vessels are
leaving Key West for Havana, and. none
have arrived from there.- Though cable
messages are sent, no answers are re
ceived. Nothing has been received since
General Lee's departure from Havana.
Spain Fortifying and Manning Her Med
iterranean Islands.
Madeid, April 13. As the result of
long, important cabinet council last
night, the Spanish war office is actively
engaged in fortifying and manning the
Mediterranean islands of Spain and
placing other portions of the kingdom in
a state of defense. It is understood in
struction9 have been . cabled Captain
General Blanco to- carry suspension of
hostilities into practical effect "accord
ing to circumstances in each district.'
The cabinet refused to recognize the
right of the United States to intervene
in Cuba. ;
Government Bays the Warship, Subject
to Inspection by Committee.
' New York, April 13. A Herald dis
patch from Washington says-:
Admission is made at the navy de
partment that the Brazilian cruiser
Nictheroy has been purchased subject to
an inspection by a naval committee to
be appointed by Minister Bryan.
The Nictheroy, which is equipped with
a dynamite gun, will, naval authorities
say, be available for Biege doty, provided
she is still in good condition. She was
built at Newport News five years ago
and sold to Brazil six months after her
completion, being converted for that
government into a man-of-war. She is
a steel vessel of 7080 tons displacement,
and her one screw prepels her at the
rate ot 19 knots an hour. Her engines
and boilers are protected by coal bunk
ers, and her armament consists of one
15 inch pneumatic dynamite gun, one 4
inch quick-fire gun two 3.9-inch quick'
fire guns, eight 6-pounders, ten 1-pound'
ers and four Howell torpedo tubes.
By the terms of the contract under
which she will be sold to the government
she will be delivered at any point 'on the
coast of the United States that the de
partment may designate. " 1 .
. There has been some talk in naval cir
cles of holding the Nictheroy at Rio Ja
neiro until the arrival of the Oregon and
the gunboat Marietta at that point so
that tbey may shift a crew to her and
convey her to Key West. These vessels,
however, will not reach Rio in less than
24 days, and if war were declared in the
meantime and the Nictheroy had become
the property of this government, Brazil
would be compelled to refuse to deliver
her. If the Nictheroy should leave Rio
and war be declared a few days after her
departure, the officials say the Spanish
government might eend the torpedo-boat
Temeriario, which is still In Montevideo,
after the American ship in order to seize
her as contraband of war, and should
She risist, the Spanish wocld make an
effort to sink her.
The department has determined, how
ever, that it is to the interest of the gov
ernment to have the vessel in American
waters before the sale is confirmed, and
by this means it is believed we cannot
possibly enffer toss. ,
The President Determined to Veto Res
olntlon for Recognition.
. Washington, April 14. The presideut
is determined to veto the1 Cuban resolu
tions if they carry a provision for recog
nition of Cuban independence. He
stated this today to a senator who called
on him.
.Washington, April 14. The action of yesterday in adopting the Cu
ban! resolution made the eenate today
the storm center of the war elemente.
The. galleries were packed andthoueands
were turned away..
Hale presented a memorial, calling at
tention to the necessity of repealing
some of the present navigation laws in
the event of war. The laws, he said,
prevent our merchant vessels from sail
ing under, a foreign flig, while every
Spanish merchantman would be under
the French flag. : Our ships would there
fore be preyed upon by Spanish priva'
teera. '"
Penroee presented the following tele
gram from Philadelphia:
"The house resolution is dishwater;
the Davis resolution is satisfactory; re'
member the Maine." -.-
A message was received from the
house transmitting to the senate the
Cuban resolution passed bv the house
by unanimous consent.
The resolution yesterday reported by
the eenate foreign relations committee
was laid before the eenate. and Turner
(Wash.) beean a speech, in which he
sharply criticised the administration for
its vacillating, irresolute, cowardly and
pusillanimous policy in the Cuban ques
tion." He said tbe developments of. the
past two weeks had shaken his faith in
those who held the president's ear and
confidence. -
Turner declared bimBelf strongly in
favor of the minority resolution, main
taming congress could not delegate to
the president power to make war, and
vehemently attacked the president for
delays in serding his message to con
gress, charging that the delay was not
due tfc-treneral Lee's request, bnt to tbe
fact that ArchbiBhop Ireland cabled the
Vatican in the hope that tbe pope might
bring about a peaceful solution of the
Turner ridiculed the diplomatic nego
tiations of the administration, and de
clared with bitter sarcasm that with
Euch diplomatic agents as we have rep
resenting the United States, the Madrid
government might eventually, for a suit
able indemnity, absolve this country for
blocking the harbor of Havana with the
shattered bulk of the Maine.
Hoar followed Turner. . He said this
was no time lor impassioned rneiorir,
and manifestations of approval greeted
the sentiment. He said that Turner,
who represented only half a state, wae
making MnKinley, who represented 45
states, the subject of the same kind of
objurgations that were , inflicted upon
Washington. Hoar thought the Maine
affair was enough to justify war. . Still
he thought honorable reparation might
possibly be secured without war.
Turpie followed Hoar with a speech
for the recognition of the Cuban repub
Second. Spanish Torpedo-Boat Flotilla
. Kxpected Pally.
New York, April 13. A dispatch to
the Herald from St. Vincent, Cape Verde
islands, says :
The secend Spanish torpedo flotilla is
expected daily by the officers of the tor
pedo-boats now in port. Portuguese
war vessels are expected to arrive here
within a very short time.- The governor
of the Cape Verde islands, it is'said, will
remain at St. Vincent nntil advised that
the differences have been settled. The
name of the transport with tbe torpedo
boats is the Ciudad Cadiz,
Another Dirty" Fight Ahead.
.Sax Francisco, April 13. Articles
were signed last evening bv represents
Uvea of Tom Sharkey and Jim Jeffries
for a contest to take place May 4. Alex.
Greggains was selected as referee, and it
was agreed tbe men should be read7 at
command of the referee, and that hit
ting with one hand free is permissible.
It was further agreed that the pugilists
may bandage their hands if they desire.
Two Ships for the NTy.
Washington, April 13. The navy de
partment has decided to buy the trans
Atlantic liners St. Paul and St. Louis.
It is understood Captain Sigsbee will be
assigned to commrnd either the. St.
Louis or the St. Paul. ' '
- Baeuea't Ansa nlr
The beat salve in the- worid for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers', ealt rheum, fevel
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cuius piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 26 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Honghton, druggists. - -
Spain Will Have a Eight on
Her Hands.
Proof, It Is Claimed. Can Be Fnrnlthcd
That Havana Harbor Was Mot mined
Opposition Press Brings Weyler
- ' Out as the Prospective Savior cf
Madrid, April 14.-The newspapers
here regard war as inevitable. Tbe lat
est dispatches lrom Washington have
created profound excitement throughout
Spain. The Spaniards protest against
the "odious imputation" that Spanish
officers are responsible for the loss of the
Maine. It is asserted that proof can be
furnished to show that no torpedoes
have ever been laid in Havana harbor.
Tbe official Gazette tomorrow will pub
lish a decree organizing a national sub
scription to increase tbe strength of the
Spanish fleet. ' :
The featnre of the opposition press is
an endeavor to bring Weyler to the front
and make him champion of the canse of
revolution, under the guise of the savior
of national honor. Weyler today un
doubtedly has numerous followers, and
even the newspapers which, ever since
his return from Cuba, have violently de
nounced him, are now lauding the for
mer captain-general of Cuba as tbe man
who can save the nation.
Weyler si Madrid.
Madbid, April 14. Weyler. arrived
here today, apparently having been
called. by the government. He consid
ers war with the United States- as ineV'
i table. -S . -. .
Spain Determined to Resist Any Such
Demand It Made.
London, April 14. According to
special from Madrid today, a Spanish
minister has declared in an interview
that should President McKinley notify
Spain to evacuate Cuba this government
will immediately and emphatically re
fuse, arid is folly prepared to take the
consequence?, lhe government does not
regret according an armistice, as it there'
by proves its position from an interna
tional iH)int of view and makes it more
difficult for the United States to inter
vene without putting itself completely
in the wrong. '
There was a big revolntionarv demon
stration at Valencia, capital of the Span
ish province of that name, yesterdav
evening. A large crowd assembled, a
red flag was waved and the "Marseil
laise" was sung. Tbe police dispersed
the people who took' part in the demon
stration and captured the red flag. .
' I was
reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rboe Bemedy in the Worcester Enter
prise recently, which leads me tp write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for colic and diar
rhoea. I have never bad to use more
than one or two doses to cure the worst
case with myself or children. W. A.
Stroud, Popomoke Citv, Md. For sale
by Blakeley & Honghton.
A little boy asked for a bottle of "get
up in tbe morning as fast as you can,"
the droggist recognized a household
name tor "DeWitt's Little Early Risers"
and gave him a bottle of those famous
little pills for constipation, eick bead-
ache, liver and stomach troubles.
Snipes Kinersiy Drug Co.
The farmer, the mechanic and tbe bi
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts
and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the best thing to keep on hand.
It heals quickly, and is a well known
cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
test to be the best non-poisonousfluid
dip in the world ; guaranteed to cure
scab, itch, sore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles. :
Ask your
, ' for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury cor any other
injurious drag.
It Is quickly Absorbed.
Gives Belief at once.
It opens and clonuses
XV 1 T)
the Nasal Passage.
Allan Inflammation
Heals and Protects tbe Membrane. Restores tbe
Senses ot Taste and Smell. Full Size 60c ; Trial
Size i.oc. ; at DmtnriBts or by mail,
it V.BKO'i' Warren Street, ew Tort
Royal makes the food pare, ,
wholesome and dellcioas.
Absolutely Pure
Sir Edwin Arnold's Life In the Flow
ery Kingdom.
Sir Edwin Arnold, who legalized liis
union with a fascinating Japanese
widow by an English marriage service
in London recently, wa always cosmo
politan in his ideas. Surely no English
man born and bred has ever succeeded
in merging his own individuality into
that of other people's as the anthor ot
"The Light of Asia" "and "The Ligfit
cf the World" has done. When Hexras
in India in his young days his work
showed his intense sympathy wit&tlia
Buddhists', and in the preface ta "The?
Light of Asia" he wrote: ''TB is book
was written by one who loved India,anct
the Indian people." ,
For two score of years he was Eng
lish to the core of his heart in the edi
torials he wrote-for the London Tele
graph, and in lfeOOhe came to America,
seemed quite able to understand ns (aa
few of his countrymen could do), and
then he went on to Japan and immedi
ately began to live a la Japanais.
He lived in a native house, left hi
shoes at his door, slept on a thick quilt
and, they say, ate in trne Japanese
?tyle. In his bedroom he had a cheap
European washstand, two Japanese
chests of drawers of white wood and
black iron work, end the usual sliding
cupboard, into which his bed was pus
when it was rolle'd up in the daytime--.
' The walls of the room were of tissue
paper panels powdered with silver"'
maple leaves, and a clear glass belt ran
around the room "at a height incondtr-'
cive to propriety," as one correspondent
of the day remarked.
The drawing-room was glass paneled
from door to ceiling, and the only thing'
in the whole house that hinted at other .
civilizations was an American stove,
which stood in' one of the corners.
With such surroundings it is .not
much wonder that the impressionable
poet found himself going through the
ceremony of tea drinking with lis .
charming companion of the hour, and
that he was content to accept the cere
mony as a bona fide marriage is f ribnte
to his kinship with genius that since
the world began has ever flaunted a
little the staid laws and regulations that
ordinary folks .find necessary to com
fortable existence.
It was in Japan, by the way,:that
Sir Edwin' began "The Light of the
World," and, indeed, completed it, too,
during his stay of several years. Phil- .
adelphia Kecord.
The Proportion "Largest In the United
States and Smallest In Germany.
There are in the United States, roagb-
ly speaking, 350,000 school teachers,
and of this number 120,000 are men -and
230,000 are women. In other wtirds.
there are nearly twice as many female
as male teachers, and the disparity is
increasing year by year. According
to tbe last official census of Prussia
there were 68,000 school teachers in the
kingdom, of whom 9,000 were women
and 59.0CO men. It is evident, therefore,
that the Prussian preference is for male
teachers. In all Germany there are,
including the government, church and
private schools, 135,000 teachers, and
the number of pupils is nearly 10,000,-"
000. There are 140,000 , teachers im
France, of whom 65,000 are men and
75,000 are women, the number of eacbr ....
being subject to about the same ratio
of increase. There are,' it is supposed,,
about 100,000 teachers in Great Britain
but authentic figures are lacking.
. ironical If s.
' If a man does you an ill turn he will
never forgive you for it.
. If a man re-leases a piece of property
he takes a fresh grip on it.
If people didn't have bobbies .the ,
world would soon cease to revolve.
If a man once uses porous plastershe .
is apt to" become much attached to
them. , .' '
If hope assumes the guise of an eas--
ter bonnet it springs eternal in'thefe-s.-
male breast. '
If it is necessary to write to anyone
you don't care two cents for, use a postal
card. . . . - , ' '
'If we listen to the troubles of other
people it sometimes makes us better .
satisfied with our own.
It two sou's find they zr bnt a '
single thought it is -useless to waste
any time contemplating matrimony-
If a man marries a wo main because
she has more sense than he hast he is ;
never allowed to lose sight of the fact.
Chicago Evening News.