The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 13, 1898, PART 1, Image 1

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F.A.JEt.'tl? X. O
fully avail oureelves of letters of marque.
The Maine was loet through ignorance
or carelessness on the part of her officers
and crew."
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and dellckou.
Lee Will Make Startling
The President mnd HI. Cabinet
cnlle.1 Every Detail of the
Mtter' Today.
Washington, April 8. An
as authority for the statement
that General Lee will make
startling disclosures before the
senate committee .on foreign
relations when he arrived
here, regarding the conspiracy
to blow up the U. S. battleship
"I understand Lee is to
supply the missing link in
the testimony," said Repre
sentative Lorimer. "My in
formation is that Captain
Sigsbee is in possession of
facts, but does not feel at lib
erty to give them until the
person who gave them to him
releases him from the word of
secrecy exacted. That per
son, I was led to believe, is
Washixgtox, April 8. The Spaoish
American situation ia regarded today as
even more grave than any day hereto
fore. Hoepefal views of peace hereto
fore entertained have given way to the
conviction that the iBSue between the
United States and Spain has become
well-nigh unreconcilable. Preparation
for all eventualities is proceeding rapid
ly. One significant movement in this
direction developed today when it was
learned that the United States consul at
Porto Rico was about to leave his post
of duty,
. Inquiry at the foreign embasies and
legations today made it plain that the
action of the great powers yesterday in
presenting a joint note urging peace con
stituted ail the powers. There is no
present purpose to take farther action,
or follow up this guarded and diplomat
ic utterance with any suggestion of me-
- diation or intervention. There is no
doubt, however, that these foreign in
fluences will be strongly urged at Mad
rid toward securing further concessions
though foreign representatives begin to
, doubt seriously whether Spain is in a
position to concede any more.
One of the best-knows diplomats
tersely summed np the situation today
thus: .
"Spain has placed her back against
the wall, determined to yield no more.
Even the heroic efforts of the queen re
gent for peace by granting extreme con'
cessions seems to be over and the radical
element in control.
Judge MeGnlre Opena Court Ed Lord
Get Five Year.
Seattle, April 8. J. G. Courtney and
D. A. Campbell arrived from Dawson
- last evening on the steamer Victoria,
They left Dawson on March 4th, and
made the trip in 22 days. They report
that Judge McGuire had reached Daw-
eon and bad opened court.
Ed .Lord the man who stole $20,000
from a saloon last tall, was sentenced to
five years hard labor.
A shooting scrape is reported to have
taken place at Skaguay the day the Vic
torian left. No particalare were ob
The Victorian brought $50,000 in gold
from the Treadwell mine as far as Port
Townsend, from where it will be shipped
to San Francisco. - . x
Knockout Proved Fatal.
Columbus, O., April - 8. Geo. Stout,
of Philadelphia, who was knocked out
by Oscar Gardner, the Omaha Kid, in a'
hot fight last night, died from the effects
of the blow this morning. It was in the
12th round that the fatal jolt was de
livered, Stoat falling heavily and never
- regaining consciousness. He was taken
to the hospital, but nothing could De
done for him.
ComMia de titorlins; Dead.
Santa Ckuz, April 8. The Comtesse
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-'
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
de Sterling died today. She was a na
tive of England, aged 61, and was the
widow of J. A. Shortt, who was British
consul at Corsica for thirteen years.
Her first husband was Commander
Henry Trefreey Fox, of the navy of
Great Britain.
Off no a ftalnboir Cuase.
Pas Fbaxcisco, April 8. The schoon
er Altairo has been fitted out to search
for the somewhat mythical "Island of
God," that H. Talbot Watson and sev
eral British associates have gone in
search of in the schooner Free Trade.
Still Quiet at Ilavana.
Havana, April 8. Everything is quiet
here, and the state of waiting expect
ancy and doubt continues, as it has dur
ing the past week or more. From today
on all code telegrams to or troin Cuba
must be translated at the -elisor's office
with the code books in eight.
The Pelts of Animals Arc Current In
Rural West Virginia.
"The strangest money I ever saw,"
said a drummer for a Main street house
the other' evening, "was in the moun
tain districts- of Kentucky and West
.Virginia. Last summer I was making
my semiannual" tour through this dis
trict and I stopped one day at a little
grocery and saloon, not to sell goods,
but to get a drink of the 'mountain
dew. While I was pouring out my
drink a big husky mountaineer en
tered the place and called for a dritli.
As he finished gulping it down he
reached into a big bulky pocket and
drew forth what looked to be a coon-
skin, lie laid the skin on the counter,
I the barkeeper took the skin and, open
ing a drawer, hauled out a rabbit skin,
which I suppose was the change. The
mountaineer picked up the rabbit skin
and started to the front part of the
store, which was the grocery. He there
bought a twist of tobacco and tendered
the rabbit skin in payment. . He re
ceived a big twist of long green, and
I was surprised to see the storekeeper
reach in another drawer and tender him
a squirrel skin. The mountaineer
tucked the squirrel skin in his pocket,
walked - out, unhitched his horse and
-rode away.
"I became interested and engaged the
proprietor in conversation. He told
me that sometimes he would go months
without seeing any "real money, and J
that the mountaineers used the skins
in all kinds of trades, such as buying
horses, etc. He said that four times
a year a hide buyer from Lexington) or
Cincinnati visited ihe country and
bought up all the s-kins, which were
generally concentrafed in the few
stores in the vicinity." Louisville Dis
patch. . .
Occupation for Them.
"I wonder what the arctic explorers
will do after the north pole has been
discovered?" .
"Well, they can make trips to see if
it is still there!" Puck.
Thirty-five years make' a generation.
That Is how lone ; Adolph Fisher of
Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He
was cured by using tbrea boxes of Da
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Suipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The famous little pills.
Lee and the Consuls Sail for
Key West.
Xo Disturbance Wat Caused in the
City by Thrlr Departure
Havasa, April 9. At 10 o'clock- this
morning the United States consul gen
eral, accompanied by British Cousul
Gollin, called upon General Blanco to
bid hi in good-bye. The governor-general
was very busy and could not receive
General Lee.
The American flag rn the consulate
building was taken down by the consul
ate employes this afternoon.
At 1 o'clock this afternoon, Consul-
Genera! Lee, accompanied by his staff,
boarded the dispatch boat Fern, and
Consuls Springer snd Baker went on
board at 5 o'clock. The Machina wharf,
where they embarked, was crowded
with curious persons, but no discourtesy
was shown.
At. 5:30 the American vessel began
leaving the port. The Spanish tug Susie
towed out the schooner James Dudley,
which arrived here Thureday last from
Pensacolo, with lumber, but did not dis
charge her cargo.
The steamer Evelyn followed with
about 50 passengers, and after her came
the Olivette, with 247 passengers.
There was shipped today on the steam
er Orizaba, $42,000 in French gold Tor
New York.
. 1 Correo says that sixteen electors
from the suburb Chavez, who voted at
the last election, left today, having been
supplied with passports as American
citizens. ' . ..
The inhabitants.of this city enjoyed a
fine tropical day. Holy Saturday was
generally observed at all the -churches.
The news of the American) consuls
leaving the port spread rapidly about
the city and produced considerable sur
prise. The matter was talked about, and
the remark, "WelL, let them go." wa-B
heard here and there.
Alexander Gollin. Britieh consul here,
is ready to take charge of American in
terests so far as allowed.
Campos Will Probably Be Restored to
London, April 9. A dis-
patch from Biarritz says :
Yesterday the queen regent
and Senor Sagasta had con
ferences with leading men,
including Senor Castelar and
Generrl Poleviejas, as to the
strongest government forthem
in the event that war should
be declared. It was the al
most unanimous opinion that
Sagasta should remain in
power, but there is little doubt
expressed that it would not
be long before a military gov
ernment would be constituted
and in all probability under
General Campos.
The only voice raised against an oth
erwise unanimous resolution to support
Senor Sagasta was the voice of General
Weyler, who said : K
"I do not balieved iu the probability
of war, for the reason that I am sure
Senor Sagasta will yield to American
'It is announced that 20,000 troops are
going to Porto Rico. A second torjedo
fleet is expected to leave Cadiz Sunday
for St. Vincent and Porto Rico. .- - J
Another naval squadron is being
formed with the newly bought vessel,
and some fast liners of the Spansb
trans-Atlantic company.
A Statesman and a Fool.
'London, Aprill 10. Lloyd's Weekly
this morning publishes .prominently an
interview with Colonel John Hay. the
American embassador whose remarks
are of . the most indiscreet character.
The paper also publishes an interview
with Count Derascona, who is reported
to have said: .
"The responsibility rests with Presi
dent McKinley.. If he makes war, there
will be war which will last our or five
years, or forever, end will r'uin both
Spain and the United States. We shall
Two Spanish Cruisers Go. to Join the
' Flotilla.
Washington, April 9. Two of trie
Spanish cruieers that have been with
the fleet at Cadiz have left that place
for the Cape Verde islands, where one
of the torpedo fleets is rendezvoused.
This" information came to the navy de
partment today. These two vessels are
the Crystoba) Colon and the Infanta
Maria -Theresea, both of which are ar
mored cruisers. i
The information in possession of the
department is that only a portion of the
original torpedo fleet that left Spain
and the Canaries, presumably for Porto
Rico, has yet reached the Cape Verde
Ireland's Alleged Telegram.
London, April 10. The Rome corre
spondent of the Sunday Special wired
the following:
Archbishop Ireland has cabled to the
Vatican :
"I am in despair. There is no longer,
any hope for preventing war."
They Fearlessly Attacit Wild Animals
and Reptiles. r
In some things the natives of Bengal
and Behar are wonderfully courageous,
and the bravest deed that 1 ever wit
nessed says a writer in Gentleman's
Magazine, was performed in the coolest
manner possible by two of my own do
mestic servants.' One morning, while
seated in the veranda of my bungalow,
a mad jackal rushed through the
grounds and went under a raised go
down, which was close to the bunga
low. 1 left the veranda for my gun,
and on my return 1 discovered two of
my servants armed with hog spears
creeping under the godown until they
came within striking distance of the
jackal, when they quickly transfixed
him with their spears. The offer of a
bank check on the Bank of England
would not have induced me to act in
the way that these brave fellows did.
An old" mihtar (sweeper), a man of
the lowest caste in my service, who was
nearly bent double with age, was the
smartest hand at killing a venomous
snake that I ever knew. The old fel
low used to sit up at night in the fowl
house for the purpose of destroying the
Vobras that came after the eggs; and
one morning before dawn, 1 stepped
into the veranda of my bungalow in
time to see him pulling a karait out of
a hole with one hand, which grasped
the reptile's tail, while in the other
hand was held a stick, which promptly
descended on the karit's head ad soon
as it appeared in view. It was all done
very neatly and smartly, and as quietly
as if the old man had been crushing a
After a Long Fight. ,"
At last, after a quarter of a century,
there seems to be a disposition among
British legislators to give the deceased
wife's sister bill a real chance. It is
stated that it will be taken up and
passed at the next session of parlia
ment, thus taking away from the Brit
ish humorists one of their oldest stand
bys. '
Horse Taking; Care cf Sheep.
A shepherd at Chambery, Savoy, em
ploys a horse instead of a dog to keep
the herd together. The horse under
stands the orders given him and carries
them out as intelligently as the best
trained dog. -
Profitable Russian Business.
The manufacture of steel rails has
been so profitable in Russia that rail
rolling mills have paid from 60 to 70 per
cent, dividends.
'.The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, pimple, hon
est, curative medicine'that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers 'never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properities
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive ' juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates jthe stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on . every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1-00 per bot
tle. The lulphlu Sails.
New York, April 11 The United
States dispatch-boat ' Dolphin sailed
from here today. - "..''
. The farmer, the mechanic and the bi
cycle rider are liable to unexpected cots
and bruises. . DeJVitt'e Witch Hazel
Save is the best thing to keep on hand.
It heals quickly, and is a well known
cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. '
President Wants Authority
; to Take Measures.
Congress Asked to Authorize the Presi
dent to Take Measures to Secure a
, Termination of Hostilities in Cuba1
Main Incident a Feature.
Washington, April 11.
The president's message asks
congress to authorize the ad
ministration to take measures
to end the war in Guba, to se
cure the establishment of a
stable government there, and
to use the naval and military
and naval forces of the Unit
ed States, if necessary, for that
' The president says the only
hope for relief from a condi
tion which can no longer be
endured is the enforced paci
fication of the island. The
issue is now with congress,and
he awaits its action, standing
prepared to carry out ever7 ob
ligation imposed on him by
that body.
Spain's decreeof suspension
of hostilities is submitted to
congress for just and . careful
attention,, with the observa
tion that if the measure at
tains a successful result, "our
aspirations as a peace-loving
people will be satisfied. If it
fails it will only be another
justification of our contem
plated action."
The Maine incident figure's prominent
ly in the message. The president says
that the wreck of the Maine in Havana
harbor shows that Spain is not able to
guarantee safety to foreign vessels.
Spain has offered to submit to arbitra
tion all the differences which may arise
from that affair. '
The president expresses the view that
recognition of the independence , of Cu
ba at this time would be ili-advised and
unwarranted and unjustified, and cites
precedents to justify his attitude, call
ing attention particularly to President
Jackson's refusal to recognize Texas
when that state was struggling to throw
off the Mexican yoke, and quoting Jack
son's utterances on tLat occasion.
Washington, April 11. The presi
dent's message was received In the sen
ate and referred to the committee on
foreign relations. Stewart then took
the floor, and declared that intervention
without recognition of the insurgents
would look like conquest.
The senate, at 1 :15 p. m., on motion
oi Allison, adjourned, and the committee
on foreign relations was called in special
session to consider the message.
A prominent Republican member of
the senate committee on foreign rela
tions said that congress could not be in
duced to make war on Gum- z.
The president's message did not, after
the first reading, receive the indorse
ment of the majority of the senators, and
many excused themselves from speaking
about it until they could have time for a
careful perusa'. In a general way the
objections were based on the ground
that it did not go far enough in recog
nizing the rights of the Cubans. A large
number of Democratic senators refused
to express themselves at all, as did sev
eral Republicans, on the ground that as
they could not speak in complimentary
terms, thev preferred to say nothing at
all. - . .
The most significant utterances en the
snrject of the message was that of Sena
tor Foraker, Republican, from the pres
ident's own state, and a member of the
foreign affairs committee. 'i
Senator Foraker said :
. "I have no patience with the message,
and you can say eo."
Washington. April 11. The reading
of the message in the house was greeted
with scattering applause from the Ri
Absolutely Pure
publican side. - The galleries made no
demonstration. The message was re
ferred to the committee on foreign af
fairs without debate, and the house pro
ceeded with the ' District of Columbia
The bouse committee on foreighn af
fairs was in session an hour this morn
ing, but reached no conclusion as to the
form or subject-matter of the resolntroa
which will be reported. The committee
will hold another meeting tomorrow
The honse Republicans who were in
the movement for ageressive action nre
to meet this afternoon to decide upon a
plan of action.
"A word to the wise is sufficient" and
a word from the wise should be suf
ficient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy uersons may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M, Terry
says Chamberlain's Congh Remedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
in the market. He has been in the drug
business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve
years; has sold hundreds of bottles of
this remedy and nearly all other congbi
medicines manufactured, which shows
conclusively that Chamberlain's is the
most satisfactory to the people, and is
the best. For sale by Blakeley &
A Fay Day on Sunday.
Valestine, Neb., April 11. Sunday
was pay day at Fort Niobrara. A Snn-
utty yay uuv id a vci y uuuouai 1 1 t.uiu
stance at a military post, and it is re
ported the Twelfth infantry,- stationed
at the post, is nnder orders to be ready
to leave by Tuesday morning.
Free Pills
Send your address to J3." E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free' sampler
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince-you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are-
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have bees ,
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleteT-
ble. They do not. weaken by their
action, bnt by giving tone to stomach,
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. ' Regular size 25c. per box. Soldi
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (2) ,
Naval Malltta Ordered Oat.
Albany, April 11. One hundred and
two naval militiamen have been ordered
to man the Nabqnant, at Philladepb'.a.
A hot number : Three acres of ground
all set to bearing fruit of different va
rieties, small berries and a spring of wa
ter that will irrigate, the entire tract and
all under the highept state of cultivation.
Price $850, on reasonable terms. Located
within one mile of the postoffice. Tbi
is one of Dad Butts' latest snaps andt
will only be on the market for a short..
.... - . . .
tune at this price, uon c stanu arounu.
good people, with your hands on yonr
purse looking for something better un
less yon expect to gel the world for tent
cents, but come up and see Butts, and
you will greatfully remember the day he
sold you this property.
Cralaers off Halifax.
Halifax, N. S., April 11. The Unit
ed States cruisers have been Righted off
this port.
A bushel ot notions
doesn't weigh half as
ranch as one stubborn
Happy Thought Salre
is a sore factor for the
cure of Skin Troubles
. and Piles.
50c glass jars
For sale at DOMELL'S.