The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 06, 1898, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghrotiele.
Saturday's Dally.
Chas. H. Williams, of Moro, ia in the
37. N. McCnne ia in the city -from
Miee Nan Cooper went to Hood Hirer
this morning.
P. J. McGrail is in the city today from
lus home at Nanaene.
Mieees Kate and Ella Cooper left on
boat today for Hood Biver.
John Yackel, of Glennwood, Klickitat
. county, is in toe city today.
Dr. Logan returned from a business
trip to Portland last evening.
Miss Salina Phirman left for Hood
Biver on the Dalles City today.
' Mies Lena Snell left today to attend
' the teachers institute at Hood Eiver,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morgan left on the
boat this morning for Cascade Locks,
John Johnson was in the city today
from Erekineville and called at this
D. C. Allard came in from Boyd last
evening and left for Hood Biver this
Mrs. Kate Roach and Mrs. J. C. Bald
win art attending the Hood River insti
tute today. -
Mies Melissa Hill was among the
teachers who went to Hood River to at
tend the institute today.
Misses Charlotte and Emma Roberts
were among the passengers to Hood
Biver on the boat today.
Misses Loaise and Tena Rintoal are
among the Dalles teachers who are at
tending the institute today.
County Superintendent Gilbert and
Professor Gavin went to Hood Biver to
day to be present at the institute. They
were accompanied by Gilbert
and Gavin.
Edward Clanton, who has extensive
fishing interests near Celilo on the
Washington side, is in the city. He says
there are all ready some salmon in the
river ,and he is anxiously awaiting the
10th, so they can begin operations.
Monday's Dally.
I. H. Taffe is in the city from Celilo
T. Balfour, of Lyle, was in the city
Waldo Brigham, of Dufurr spent Sun
day in this city.
H. M. Spalding, of Goldendale, was in
the city yesterday.
Chas. Lord, of Arlington, spent San
day with relatives in this city.
Mrs. Hugh McCnlly, of Albina, is vis
iting ber mother, Mrs. W m. Wiley, in
this city.
Miss Dorothy Fredden left for Portland
yesterday, where she will spend a few
weeks visiting relatives.
D. C. Allard, who has been attending
tbe teachers institute at Hood Biver, re
turned to Boyd yesterday.
" Mrs. 8. P. M. Brigg8 went to Arlington
Saturday evening to spend Sunday with
Mr. Briggs and the. children, who are
living there at present.
Mr. W. S. Chipp, of this city, has ac
cepted a position with tbe Smith mer
cantile company at Arlington, and left
a lew days ago to commence work.
Sister Mary Alherta, who has been in
this city to attend the funeral of her
father, A. Bettingirtl-and the superior
ol the Jacksonville codvent, left on this
morning's train for Jacksonville.
Tuesday' Daily.
T. H. Johnston Js in from Dufur today,
John Malone is its the city from Ante
lope. -".
Wm. Keleay is in from Antelope to
J. C. King, of Antelope, is in the city
J. D. Gibson, of Wasco, is in the city
Thomas Butler is in the city from
Mrs. A. K. Dufur and daughter are in
tbe city today.
Chas. Cockerline, ot Boyd, is at the
Umatilla House.
J. M. Beeder. of Antelope, is in the
city on business.
E. S. Olinger was in the city from
xiooa iiiver yesterday.
Robert Mays, jr., is in the city from
Antelope to attend ihe.Repnbllcan conn'
ty convention.
Mrs. A. J. Tolmie and her sister, Miss
Aimee Eckler, were passengers on tbe
boat this morning for Portland, where
tney will spend a week visiting friends,
Miss Ida Carlisle, who has been em
ployed at the Central Hotel during tbe
winter, will start for California Mon
day, where she will make her home in
the future.
Ueorge ferguson, who has for some
time been in Scio, Linn countp, returned
last night. Mrs. Ferguson, who has
jrooe there for her health, is feeling
improved, and her many Dalles 'friends
hope to see her return soon fully recov
ered. Harry Lonsdale came np from Port
land on last evening's train, having re
turned tj Portland from his home in
Colombia, Missouri,. Sunday morning.
He is much improved in health, and
more than anxious to remain in Tbe
Dalle, while bis friends are equally anx
ious that he do so. '
One sorrel mare, white strip in face;
.weight about 1000 pounds; branded J
on left stifle and on left shoulder. One
: light son el horse, about same weight;
. swinnied on left shoulder; branded A. A.
' on left stifle. . Anyone leaving same at
Jiui Walker's place, head of Rattlesnake
- grade, will be paid f-5. Address.
J. B. Jackson,
apr-3w . Hood River, Or.
Poet am Cerial Food Coffee at Com
xoiesion & Grocery Co. 'a. , tf
Brrn MTrr Girls Teatcli at Sportive
r Harvard Youth Staanera. --
A Chicago young1 man. In Cambridge
found recently that be could not make
fun of the women's colleges with im
punity. In bis letters to his sister, re
ports tbe Chronicle of that city, he had
spoken of ber college as an incubator
several times and said he wondered
when the chicks would hatch and if
they would take a postgraduate in a
brooder. F' sister didn't care much
for that sort of thing1 from a brother,
who was only a freshman himself, albeit
a Harvard freshman, nor did the other
Bryn Mawr girls, to whom she repeated
his remarks.
On the day of the receipt of a letter
from him Baying he was coming down
to inspect the "apparatus" the mem
bers of bis sister's class held a meeting-
in her room. On his arrival, two days
later, he was ushered with some cere
mony into the reception-room.
After waiting 20 minutes a girl tame
in hurriedly, looked fairly at him and
said "Oh!" Then she left abruptly. In
five minutes a second girl rushed in,
saying- "Oh!" turned round and walked
out Five minutes later a third girl did
likewise, and in another five minutes it
happened again. This continued for
just one hour, when all of the 20 girls
that had said "Oh!", together with
about as many more, all strangers,
came in in a body, said "Oh!" and filed
' Then the freshman's sister came in.
by which time the youth was ready to
collapse, and asked him how he liked
the chicks, and if he didn't think they
could peep prettily, after which she in
vited him to a spread In her room with
the chicks, where they demonstrated
they could pick up crumbs as well as
Only One of the Cashier's Precautions
Overlooked by the Forger.
In the course of a lecture devlivered
recently on chemical tests used in dis.
covering by the ink the age of docu
ments, and whether there have been in.
terpolations, Prof. C. A. Doremus told
of a curious discovery in the case of a
raised check, made by his father, who
is an expert in chemistry and in docu
merits. The interests involved m this
case, says the New York Sun, were
very large, and it was not practicable
nered with or chemically treated. For
purposes of testimony an enlarged pho
tograph of the check was taken by Dr.
Doremus, who was called as an expert
in the case. The first trial resulted in
no decision, and on the second trial,
what purported to be the original check
was produced. It was handed to the
cashier of the bank for identification,
He examined it and said:
"This is not the original check."
"How do vou know that?" demanded
the amazed lawyer.
"Because in the beading of the orig
inal check I pricked a hole in the center
of each of the 'o's' with a pin," was the
replv. "This check has not those
In all other respects the check
seemed to be identical. . The court
called for Dr. Doremus photograph to
be produced. It plainly showed the pin
holes. Upon this the lawyer for the de
fense threw up his case, and the guijty
substitutor of the false check fled the
A Darinar Joke.
The celebrated Handel had such sen
sitive nerves that he could not bear the
tuning of instruments, and so this was
always done before he arrived at the
theater. A musical wag wishing to
make mirth from Handel's irascibility
of temper, 6tole into the orchestra on a
night when the prince of Wales was to
be present and untuned all the instru
ments. As soon as the prince arrived
Handel gave the signal for beginning
con spirit o; but suoh was the horrible
discord that the enraged master start
ed up from his seat, and overturning a
double-bass which stood in his way, he
seized a kettle-drum end threw it with
such violence at the head of the leader
of the band that he lost bis wig- in the
effort. Without waiting to replace it,
he advanced bareheaded to the front of
the orchestra, breathing vengeance,
but so choked with passion that he
could not speak. In this ridiculous at
titude he stood stamping and staring
for some moments, amid a convulsion
of laughter. Nor could he be prevailed
upon to resume his seat until the prince
went in person and with much difficul
ty appeased his wrath.- , .
Beats the Klondlae-
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,Tex,
has found a more valuable discovery
than has yet been made in the Klondike,
For years he suffered untold agony from
consumption, accompained by bemmor
rhages; and was absolutely cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. He declares
that gold is of little value in comparison
with this marvelous cure; would have it,
even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
long" affections are positively -cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Trial bottles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to core
or price refunded. 2
Farm fur Bent.
The farm known as the Crate Dona
tion Claim, situated on the river, five
miles est of The Dulles, consisting of
about 400 acres, will be rented to re
sponsible party.' Also a responsible
farm hand wanted to take charge of a
farm. Apply to
mar23-6c Max Vogt & Co,
Cash In Xoar Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Jan. 3, 1894, will be paid at my
office. ' Interest ceases after March. 17,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
. County Treaanxer.
For more than fiftv-six years it has never failed in
its -weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored
ness, for the improvement ot their business and home
interests, for education, for the elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth-
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the
proper time to convert them into the largest possible
amount of money. t ' .
IT HAS led in all matters
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and esteem. '
and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ? mTllfeed
Headquarters for "JByers' Best" Pendle-
nri "RMoilT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
JJ, J- XKJ U.A use . every flacfc j8 guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our (roods lower than any honse in the trade, and if -you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
I Weekly Inter Ocean Iw!
hob .
J It is radically Republican, advocating
the cardinal doctrines of that party
with ability and earnestness Ju.
It Is Morally Clean and as a
The Literature ot its columns is
equal to that of tbe best maga
zines. It Is interesting to the chil
dren as well as tbe parents........
and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF g
. THE WORLD and gives it readers the best and ablest
. discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy
5 with the ideas and aspirations ot Western people and
discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. Jt J.
et eiH i hn-DRinr niiir nm i m cfb YFiR-$l.OO
Price of Dally by mall .....$4.00 per year
Price of Sunday by mail $3 OO per year
0 Daily and Sunday by mail.
"Very Much to the Good."
. .sreseei?t Bieyeles..
1898 Models are now ready for inspection. .
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells
Bicycles Cleaned
and Repaired.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
for their prosperity and happi
pertaining to the welfare of
Jt JtBut it can always fee relied on
for fair and honest reports of all po-
litical movementsJM. JJ Jtjtjt jt
Family Paper Is Without a Peer.
90.UV per year
at an honest price.
TWO Transcontinental. ROUTES
Salt Lake
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Leave Portland every five days for
Kverv Four Days for
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong via North
em JfHcinc steamship (Jo., in connection
withO. R. &N.
For full details call on 6. B, & Co. s Agent
The Dalles, or address
Gen. Pass. Agt , Portland, Or
DODSON, CARLILL & CO., Gen. Agts.,
North Pacific Steamship Co.
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives
at 5:25 p. m., leaves at 5:30 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle
ton, Baker City and Union Paclfic,arrives at 11:45
p, m., aeparts at u:ou p. m.
No 3, from Spokane and Great Northern, ar
rives at o'ou a. m., aeparts at 6:55 a. m. No. 1
from Bakir City and Union Pacific, arrives at
a:2u(a. in., aeparts at 3 :au a. m.
The following freight trains carry passengers
on ine nrst ana secoua aistricts, Dut ao not stop
at station pjaiiorms:
No. 23 west, arrive at S p. m., departs at 9:45
a. m.
No. 24 east, arrive at 112:30 p. m.. departs at
1:40 p. m.
w. a., uuulbukt. tren. rass. Agt
Portland. Oregon
Regulator Line.
Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
strs. Regulator &DaIIes City
Tbe Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port
land daily, ff-rcint Sunday.
oa to
Are you going 1
II so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on
the Columbia. Tbe west-bound train arrives at
Tbe Dallea in ample time for passengers to take
tbe steamer, arriving in Portland in time for tbe
outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East
bound passengers arriving In Tbe Jales In time
to take the East-bound train.
For further information apply to
J. N. HARNEY, Agent,
Oak 8treet Bock. Portland. Oregon,
Or Wj C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt,
Tbe Dalles. Oregon
This offer ia made bv the
provided application be made at once, in order
that its inventions, appliances and never failing
remedies may receive tbe widest possible pub
licity, and prove their own merits by actual
use and permanent cures. So Money
whatever will be received by the Illinois
State Sanitarium from anyone under Its treat
ment until beneficial results are Mhnowl
d ced . Its remedies and appliances have been
commended by the newspapers of Two Conti
nents and endorsed by tbe greatest doctors in
the world. Where development is desired, they
accomplish it and never fail to invigorate, up
build and fortify.
They infuse new life and energy. They per
manently stoD all losses which undermine tbe
constitution and produce despondency.- Tbey
re-tone, refresb and restore to manoooa, re
nrdiMi of aire. Thev cure evil habits and
pe manently remove their effects, as well as
those of excesses and over-taxed brain work,
neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No fail
ure, no publicity, no deception, no disap
pointment. Y KIT K IU-1IAV.
Kvanaton, 111.
The only original and genuine French-Female
Kecjalator, of Mme St. Germain, Paris.
Unsurpassed as being safe, sure, and reliable in
every case. Sold under positive guarantee or
monev refunded. Get the genuine. Price $1.00
per box by mail. Sola agents for tbe United
States and Canada. KI.VO HAKViKD CO,
1S7 Washington St.. Chicago.
Sheriff's Sale.
Byvtitueof nr. execution and order of sale
duly issued out oi the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Wasco County, to me directed, and
dated March 18, 1898, upon a judgaient and de
cree rendered ana eutered in said court on No
vember 11, 1891. in favor of the pixintiff, in a
case wherelu the Alliance Trust Company, a
corporation, was plaintiff, and against thede
fendents therein, C. W. Denton and Elizabeth
Denton, for the sum of 1891.48, with interest
thereon from the said dute at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, and the costs of and upon
this writ (which said judgement and decree was
on the Sth day of January, 1892, duly assigned
and conveyed to Mrs. IS. E. Thomson), and com
.manding me to make sale of certain of the real
property embraced in such decree and herein
after fully described, I will, on
April 86,. 1808.
at 2 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the county
court house In Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore-
?on, sell at public auction to tbe highest 'bidder
or cash in baud, all the, right, title and interest
which the defendants, and each of them, had on
July 6, 1889, the date of the mortgage foreclosed
by said decree, in and to the following described
twenty (20) acres of land, to-wit: That certain
twenty (20) acres in square form out of the
northeast corner of tbe donation land claim of
Charles W. Denton and Elizabeth Denton, his
wife, said donation land claim being Notifica
tion No. 8019, Claim No. 42, and beiug parts of
sections 5 and 8, in township 1 north, range 13
east of Willamette Meridian, in Wasco County,
State of Oregon, and is more purticulaily de
scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a
point 13 chains 77 links east and 6 chains 7 links
north of the southwest corner of said section S;
thence south 69 chains SO links; tbeuce east 16
chains 29 links; thence north 22 cha'ns 20 links;
thence east 43 chains 56 links: thence north 11
minutes west 47 chains, 42 links; and thence
west 59 chains 85 lluks to the place of beginning
containing 329 51-100 acies, more or less.
The Dalles, Oregon, March 22, 1898.
t . T. J. DRIVER,
mch23-i Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and bv vir
tue of au execution and order of sale issued out
of tbe circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Wasco County, on the 22d day of March, 1898,
upon a judgment and decree given and ren
dered therein on the 12th day of March, 1898, in
v cause Mieii aim meretoiore penaing tnerein, In
which W. Landes was plaintiff and Fannie A.
Kennedy et al, were defendants, which said exe
cution and order of sale is to me directed, and
commanding me to sell the lands and premises
hereinafter mentioned for he purpose of satis
fying and paying the amount adjudged to be
due to the plaintiff, to-wit: The sum of :!209.60,
and -the further sum of $200 attorney's fees, and
$15.00 costs, I will, on Suturduy, the 23d day of
April, 1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the
courthouse door, in Dalles City, in Wasco coun
ty, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder, for cash in h:md, for the purpose of sat
isfying the judgment mid decree above men
tioned, all tbe following described lands and
premises to-wit:
Beginning at a point 10.49 cbains south of the
quarter section earner between sections six and
seven, in township two north of range eleven
east of W illamet'e Meridian, and running thence
north 10.49 chains; thence west 21.69 chains;
thence in a southerly direction 24.09 chains to
the place of beginning, containing eleven and
56-100 acres. Also all of, tbe southwest quarter
of section six in township two north range
eleven east of V illamette Meridian, excepting
two certain tracts heretofore conveyed there
from to W. V. Johnson and now of record, one
containing two and three-fourths acres, and the
otber containing 22 5-8 acres, and also excepting
a tract of twenty acres conveyed by deed of Dec.
23, 1893, to Ira D. Smith,
Dalles City, Oregon, March 22, 1898.
mch23-i T. J. DKIVEtt, 8herlff.
Oregon for W'usco County.
William W. Hanna, plaintiff,
Anna Blanche Hanna, defendant
To Anna Blanche Hanna, the above named d
In tbe name of tbo State of Oregon, von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against vou in the above entitled
court and caute on or before the first day of the
next term of said court following the expiration
of the timepresciibed in the order for tbe pub-
ucation oi imu summons, to-wit: on or Deiore
tbe 23d dav of Mav. 1(-9K. and if vou fall so to ap
pear aDd answer, or otherwise plead, in said
cause, tbe plaintiff for want tbeieof will apply
to me court lor ine reuei prayed tor in toe com
plaint filed herein, to-wit: that the bonds of
matrimony now existing between nlalntiffand
defendant be dissolved for ever.
This summons Is served upon you by publica
tion thereof bv order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw.
judge of said court, which order bears date of
March 19, 1898, and was made and dated at
chambers in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
on the 19th day of March, 1898.
f uel! v . wiiurf,
mcb23-i Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon, for Wasco County. .
A. M. Crofoot, plaintiff,
H. E. Crofoot. defendant.
To H. E. Crofoot, the above named defendant:
In the name of tbe state of Oregon, vou are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above named plaintiff filed in the
above entitled suit against you on Monday, tbe
23d day of May, 1898, said day being the first
day of the next regular term of said Court fol
lowing tbe final publication of this summons,
and if you fall so to appear and answer said
complaint the above named plaintiff will apply
to toe arjove enutiea uourt xur me renei prayea
for In her complaint, to-wit: for a decree of said
Court to 'he effect that the bonds of matrlmonv
heretofore and now existing between you and
said plaintiff be forever annuled. set side and
held for nauaht. and that said plaintiff have the
care and custody of the minor children of you
and sua piMnuri.
This summons is served upon yon by publica
tion thereof for six consecutive weeks in Thb
Dalles Chbokiclk bv order of the Hon. W. L.
Bradshaw, judge of the above entitled Court and
of the Seventh Judicial District of tbe State of
Oregon, which order bears date the 18th day of
March, 189&.
mch23-l Attorneys for plaintiff.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the'undersfgned
has been rctrnlarlv appointed bv the county
court of the State of Oregon for Waico County aa
administratrix of the estate of Charles W. John
ston, deceased. All persons bavlng claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them, with the proper vouchers, to me at
tbe office of W. H. Wilson, In Dalles City, Ore
gon, within six months from the date oi this
notice. .
Dalies City, Oregon, Feb. zs, iaa.
feb26- i ' Administratrix.
Land Offick, Th Dalles, Or.,i
February 15, 1898. i
Notice Is hereby given that tbe following-
named settlei has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made Deiore register ana
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday,
April 16, 1898, viz:
- James Ball, of Tbe Dallea, '
H. E. No. 4747, for the BEX NWJ. nd
NE4 NE5i Sec. 34, Tp 1 N., R. 12 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz.: ,.
Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, William
Wolf, Frank Obrist, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
5-iI JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention given to surgery.
Rooms 21 and 22, TeL 328 Vogt Block
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Pilea, Scalds, turns.