The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 12, 1898, PART 2, Image 4

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    --- -y y - i -
Wednesday's Dally.
, A- J. Brown of Goldendale ia in the
A. J. Henderson, of Heppner, is in
Vto city today. . -
Commissioner 'Doc Kimsey is attend
ing county conrt.
J. C. Ward, the Kingsley merchant,
is in the city on business.
A. B. Allison of Grasu Valley is among
the guests at the Umatilla Hon so.
County Commissioner A. 8. Blowers
- is in the city attending connty conrt.
: Ed. Micbell eame opfrom Portland on
tba Regulator Monday, and is visiting
"relatives and friends here.
Miss Jeannette Williams came np
from Portland yesterday; and is visiting
her Bister, Mrs. H. W. French, and other
Mrs. Stacy Shown, who has been vis
iting; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Floyd, of 5-Mile, for several weeks, left
for her home in Seittle on the morning
Thnrtday'i Dally. '
. George Bnxter, of Antelope is in the
George T. Prather, of Hood 'River, is
ia the city today.
' John MncAnlay, an Antelope stock
man, is in the city today.
Chris Detbman, tfie Hood River fruit
raiser, is in the city.
D. E. Hall, claim agent of the O. R
& N., is in the city today.
Homer McFarland left last night for
Bntte, Mont., after a visit with relatives
Mrs. Enrlght and Miss Enright left on
last evening's train for Wasco, where
they will mke their borne.
Mrs. David Allen came np from Port
land yesterday on a business trip, and
stayed over today to visit irienas.
H. M. Beall, of the First National
bank, of this city, left on the morning
train today. Mr. Beall intends visiting
California, and will be gone about a
Friday's Daily. ,
J. Stewart of Monkland is in the city
fin business.-
Charles E. Chandler and wife of Sil
Ter Lake are in the city today.
' Etml Morlock, of Carlyle, 111., an old
friend and schoolmate of FerdinandDiet
el, is visiting the latter in this city.
. Mrs. . W. Lord and Miss Etta Lord
went op to Arlington last evening to
cpend a few days with Mr, Cbas. Lord.
. . Miss Panline Drews returned on the
train last evening, after a visit of
ceveral weeks with friends in Portiand.
Mrs. M. E. Briggs went to Pendleton
on toe 5 :20 tram last evening, to assist
in instituting a Degree of Honor lodge
at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Winneck of Missoula
are spending a short time with Mrs.
"Winneck's sister, Mrs. Geo. Morgan.
They are on their way to California,
-where they will make their home.
Ernst L. Loddermsnn is in the city
from Virginia, visiting Mr. bode. -Mr.
Lnderman is very favorably impressed
with Oregon, and it he can find a suit
able opening he will make this city his
Juture borne.
Suspected Child Harder.
Assistant District Attorney J. H. Law
rev returned to Pendleton Monday even
ins; from Milton, where he was engaged
in looking np a case of suspected child
murder. Accompanied by Justice L. J.
Mclntyre, of Milton, be went to the
place where the crime was reported to
bave been committed. Harvey Hod
gins stated that his nephew, Ed Hod-
' sins, had found the body of a child and
bad buried it.
""Tn Investigating the "matter, a great
many conflicting stories were heard.
James Swash, of Walla Walla, who waa
the first to report the find, claimed that
a number of boys bad found the body
and bad told neighbors of it. Upon re
turning, it was missing. Ed Hodgins
denied that be had seen tne body and
bnried it. The stories conflicted also in
the dates, some witnesses claiming the
crime was committed a couple of months
ago, while others said it was committed
within the last few days.
The assistant district attorney and
justice found a bundle of rags and wo
man's clothes, bloodstained, and what
was most peculiar, the stains on the
rags indicated that they were made some
time ago, while the stain9 on the cloth
ing were seemingly fresh. The find in
dicated that possibly someone interested
bad attempted to give the impreeeion
that the body was recently found. The
officials will make another inquiry in
the near future.
Boyd School Report.
Hditob Chboniclx: " :
school for the month ending March 4th :
No. enrolled, SO.
Average belonging, 23.
- Average attendance, 22.
Cases of tardiness, 9.
Those who have been neither absent
nor tardy during the month are Emily
Baker, Pansy Wins-, Frank Headley.
Manson Headley, Willie Richards, Do
cia Bolton, Flora Baker, Andy Baker.
- The visitors daring the past month
-were: R. D. Butler, Misses Doliie
Smith. Maud Smith, Lela Fobs, Esta
Bolton, Mrs! Richards, C. H. Southern;
Mies Ada Bell, of Boyd ; . Mrs. Mary
Campbell, of Portland ; Miss Leabo, of
Endersby, and Miss Hattie Stirnweis of
Boyd. A great deal of interest is being
shown by the patrons in the welfare of
the school, v A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to visit us and note the
progress. D. C. Allabd, Teacher.
KntertmlnmeD t at Boyd.
Editor Chronicle:
The Boyd public school literary soci
ety gave the following program in a very
able manner at its second session oo
Friday, March 4th : .
Song Bins the Bell, Watchman School
Beading Bolton
Recitatfon Which Loves Best Gertie Abnet
Bee I Help Mamma All 1 Can. . . . Docia Bolton
Bee The Straddle Bug Andy Baker
Bee Fray Do Not Weep Frank Headly
Song I'm Going to Write to Papa .... . ...
.Pansy Wing and Emily Baker
Recitation-Sally's Bicycle Doliie Smith
Bee The Dream .......Guy Teel
Bee Onr Lessons Willie Richards
Song-The Southern Soldier's Little Boy ..
Lela and Nellie Foss
Recitation The Scarecrow Manson Heaoley
Bee Temperate Birds Maud Smith
Bee Keep SHU Edith Abnet
Bee Five Little Chickens .Flora Baker
Bee My Horse's Name Is Betsy Floyd Foss
Dialogue Loyd Bolton and George Headley
Scribe Columbus: Harry Southern
Recitation If I Were You Elmer Smith
Bee -A Little Boy :..JohnGoens
Rec The Dutchman's Mistake. . . .Lloyd Bolton
Beading of "Boyd Bee"... Ethel Southern
Song Soldier's Motherless Daughter School
The first edition of the Boyd Bee, by
Ethel Southern, deserves special men
tion, as it was full of life and right up
to date.
Quite a number of visitors weie pres
ent. Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remaining-
in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for March 11, 1898. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Bennett, H K Bennett, J A
Bickerton, Harry Bolton. Maggie
Bullock, Geo F Buchard, Geo (2)
Burrow, Albert J Bnrford, Orwan
Brown, Rev C P Cbristenson, A T
Coy, Gerald C (2) Curtis, Mrs J E
Davidson, Albert (4) Dean, Mrs Isabella
Dunn, W H & Sin- Evans, C H
gleton Frates, Frank
Farmer, Elisabeth Gschwend, Cbas J
Henrice, R E (4) Hygoert, Mr Matis
Kohler, Frank McCreadv, Clyde
McCoy, MiseGeorgia Martin, Mr
Mitchell, Abraham Mills, W E
Miller, Chas Morse, C L Esq
Moore, J W Morgan, Mrs Eva
Murbard, Mr O F Odell, J
Percy, Howard Rees, Wm (2)
Rnark, Mrs J P Sbwabee, Mrs
Stab, Miss A C Smith, Mr Davie -Taylor,
Mr A Twige, Miss Katie
Thomas, Clarence Trunk, Cbas (2)
Winslow, Olive Williams, Hattie
J. A. Cbosben.
One and One-Firm Fare to Walla Walla
For the Dairy and Hog Convention to
be held at Walla Walla March 15th, 16th
and 17th, the O. R. & N. Co. will make
a special rate of one and cne-fifth fare
for the round trip on thecertificate plan.
Passengers paying full fare to Walla
Walla will, npon request, be given a re
ceipt for fare paid, which, when signed
by the secretary of the convention, en
titles bolder to purchase return ticket at
one-fifth fare within three days after
close of meeting.
tf James Ireland, Agent.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 12. of Wasco
countv, state of Oregon, that the annual
school election for the said district will
be held at the city recorder's office, to
begin at the hour of 2 o'clock in the
afternoon, on the 2d Monday, being the
14th day of March, 1898, and closing at
6 o'clock p. m. This meeting is called
for the purpose of electing one director
to serve for the term of three years, and
one clerk to serve for the term of one
year. Dated this 3d day of March, 1898.
0. D. DOANE,
Chair, board of directors.
Geo. P. Morgan, Clerk.
Cotton of 12 different colors grows
in Peru.
The average life of women who
work for a living is 36 years.
In the polar regions the seas con
tain less salt than near the equator.
Upon half an acre of land in An
scn, Me., L. D. Tinkham last season
raised 290 bushels of turnips.
A horse -aids a shepherd at Cham
berg, Savoy, in keeping the herd to
gether, and does it as effectual as the
best trained dog.
It is a strange fact that injuries to
the tongue, whether of man or animal,
heal more quickly than those of any
other part of the system.
An organ of superior tone and
power has just been erected in the
Church of St. Ignatius, San Francisco.
It has 5,000 pipes and weighs 100,000
Relieved by
To cleanse, purify, and beautify the skin,
scalp, and hair, to allay itching and Irritation, to
heal chafing,, excoriations, and ulcerative weak
nesses, to speedily cure the first symptoms of
torturing, disfiguring skin and scalp humors,
nothing so pure, so sweet, so wholesome, so
speedily effective aa warm baths with Ccrictma
Boar, and gentle applications of Cuticora
(ointment), toe great skin cure.
Bold tbronrhoot Ul world, me, urnctraA, soci -
Soap. Sfict KtsoLTi,T. 50c end St.
juc sua si. - rvTTMM VmV9
tods.. Boston.
aid Csia. Coir., Sole Props., Boston.
How ts Car bkin llUaua, milled tm.
A oough which seems to hang
on in spite of all the remedies which
you have , applied certainly needs
energetic and sensible treatment.
For twenty-five years that stand
ard preparation of cod-liver oil.
has proved its effectiveness in cur
ing the trying , affections of the
throat and lungs, and this is the
reason why t the cod-liver oil, par
tially digested, strengthens and
vitalizes tne wnoie sys
tem; the hypophosphhes
act as a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heals the irritation. Can
vou think of any combi
nation so effective as this?
Be sure yon get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the
Bun end tish are on tne wrapper.
50c and $1.00, all druggists.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
An Apparently Earnest Argument
with at Continuous) Beg-inninar.
The man who was waiting for a train
and had nothing to do with an hour
walked down the avenue to see what he
could see, says the New York Sun. On
a corner stood four young men engaged
in apparently earnest argument. The
tall, slender one in a light coat waggled
a long forefinger at the others col
lectively, and said:
"Now, you take a dawg "
"Do wan' no dog," put in one of the
"Wha' kin' dog?" asked another.
The tall one straightened up, wabbled
a bit, and returned to the argument.
"You take a dawg," he said.
"Whozh dog?" asked one of the other
three. " is
The man waiting for a train walked
on out of hearing. He made several
blocks down ue avenue and then turned
back. The four young men still stood
on the corner, and as he came near He
heard the tall one say:
"Now, you take a dwag."
"Yellow dog?" asked one of the
"Wha'd take a dog for?" asked an
other. The man walked on quickly, and as he
passed out of sound the last he heard
"You take a dwag."
Perhaps by now the argument has
reached specifications.
What Thla Special Feature Telia of
Your Character.
A nose thick and flat is an unfavor
able feature with men as well as wom
en, usually signifying that the charac
ter is predominated by material in
stincts, while a turned-up nose with
wide nostrils betokens a vain disposi
tion, says an exchange.
Especially wide nostrils are signs of
courage, strength and pride; small nos
trils of weakness and timidity. Noses
large in every respect are usually
found among men, and when a woman
possesses a large nose it indicates th
she is masculine in character.
. The nose, the form of which has so
much to do with the beauty'Ox the face,
is amenable to culture, and wc have it
on the authority 6f a German physician
that it is beyond dispute that during
half an ordinary human life the nose
is capable of receiving more noble form.
The mental training of an individual
has a great deal to do with shaping tb
The small, flat nose, found among
women and called the soubrette none,
when occurring with an otherwise
agreeable cast of countenance, indi
cates a gracious and cherrfu naivete,
combined with considerable curiosity.
Such a nose is seldom found among
men, and when a man is unfortunate
enough to possess it he is characterized
by weak and deficient sagacity.
She Defeated Them.
The Oil City (Pa.) Derrick tells of a
party of boys of about 11 years of age
who were teasing a girl of about the
same age who was hauling her little
sister on handsled. The girl evidently
had a temper, and also self-reliance.
Singling out the largest boy in the lot,
she sailed into him like an infuriated
tomcat and had him thoroughly
whipped, end was chasing him up the
railroad track before the surprised
spectators recovered presence of mind
enough to part the combatants. The
other boys viewed the fate of their late
companion with consternation, and
when the girl returned and resumed
possession of the sled there was not one
in the crowd with courage enough to re
sume the teasing operations.
Making- Petrified Men.
Petrified men and women are made
to order in Minnesota. It has just been
discovered at a place appropriately
called Crookston that a colored woman
named Pheneie Finn had a cast of her
self made, which was to be sold to a
museum of natural history as a gen
uine human form in a state of petri
faction. '
- La Plata Sheep Dip, proven by every
test to be the beet nonpoieonons fluid
dip in the world ; guaranteed to cure
scab, itch, tore throat, lice and hoof-rot.
Clarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles.
Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powlor
Regulator Line
Tie -Dalles. Maui hi Astoria
Navigation Co.'
strs. Regulator & Dalles City
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port
land daily, -rHt Sunday.
Are you going '
II so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on
the Columbia, The west-bound train arrives at
The Dalles in ample time lor passengers to take
the steamer, arriving in Portland In time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East
bound passengers arriving In The Dales in time
to take the East-bound train.
For farther information apply to
J. N. HARNEY, Agent,
Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon,
Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt.,
The Dalles. Oregon
Sleeping Cars
Dining: Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tickets
For Information, time cards, maps and ticket
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. G. P. A.,
255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon
, Land Office, Th Dulles, Or.,)
February 15, 1898.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settlei has filed notice of bis Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday,
April 16, 1893, viz: -
James Hall, of The Dalles,
H. E. No. 4747, for the 8EJ4 NWJi, S'A NEJ and
NE! NEW Sec. 84. To 1 N.. K. 12 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence npon ana cultivation
of said land, viz. :
Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, William
Wolf, Frank Obrist, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
5-li JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Frank Ireland,
deceased, has filed his final account as such ad
minUtrator In the county court of the State -of
Oregon for Wasco County, and the udge there
of has appointed Monday, the 7th day of March,
1898, at the hour' of 10 o'clock a. m., at the
connty courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles
City, In said county and state, as the time and
place for the hearing of objections to said final
account and the settlement thereof. All heirs
and creditors of the deceased, and all other per
sons Interested in said estate, are hereby notified
to file their obteetions to said final account. If
any they have, on or before the date fixed for
the neanng ana settlement toereoi.
Dalles City, Oregon, Feb. 8, 1898.
Jeb5-4w-ii . Administrator.
A splendid assortment of Vege
table. Garden and Grass Seeds in
Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Barley, Seed Seed Rye.
OU Meal Cake and Fertilizers,
Ejmm ouppues, jLany sose rota- mm
toes. Eleven kinds of first class h:
Seed Corn. - Poultry and Eggs sfcJ
bought and Bold at
X J. H. CROSS' 2)
Cheap Cah Grocery and Feed -Store,
Second and Union Sts.
Bee Supplies, Early Rose Pota
toes. Eleven kinds of first class
Seed Corn. - Poultry and Eggs
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention given to surgery.
Rooms 21 and 22, ' TeL 328. Vogt Block.
e) (q
We Will Give
jl&l Subscribers
and Persons subscribing
and pajung up in ad
vance for the
Ghf oDiele
A Copy of
You may
Ask It.
Ready Jan. 1, 1898,
On All News Stands.
JC Jt Jt J J J J j
Larger, Better, More Complete
Than Ever.
Tb$ most widely soli Annual Refer-
put Book and Political Manual published.
Pulitzer Building, New York.
TWO Transcontinental ROUTES
Salt Lake
Chicago - Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
0?EG0fl, GEO. 01. EIiDEfi
- Leave Portland every five days for
JEerr Four Days for .
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hook Kong via North,
ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection
with O. R. & N. .
For rail details call on O. B & Civs Agent
The Dalles, or addresa ;
Gen. Pass. Agt , Portland, Or.
DODSON", CARULL & CO., Gen. Agts.,
North Pacific Steamship Co.
' timf rRn.
Ko. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives
at5:25p. m., leaves at 5:30 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle
ton, Belter City and Union Pacific,arrives at 11:45
p. m., departs at 11:50 p. m.
No 3, from Spokane and Great Northern, ar
rives at 6 50 a. m., -departs at 6:55 a. m. No. 1,
from Baker City and Onion Pacific, arrives at
3:20 a. m., departs at 3:80 a. m.
Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will
carry passengers. No. 23 arrives at 5 p. m..
No. 24 departs at 1:45 p. m. . -
Passengers for Heppner take No 2, leaving
here at 11:45 p. m.
W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt
. . Portland, Oregon
' R Ds)s)2
ay :
Slo. Iff
Gall for Republican County Convention
. and Notice of Primary Elections.-
The Republican County Convention of Wasco
connty. Slate of OreRou, Is hereby called to meet
in Dalles City, in said county, on ,
Wednesday, April O, 1898,
at the hour of 8 o'clock a. m. of sa!d day, for the
purpose of nominatiug candidates for the follow
ing county officers:
One County Commissioner, County Clerk,
Count Sheriff', County Treasurer, County As-'
sebsor. County School Superintendent, County
Coroner snd County Surveyor; also precinct of
ficers lor the several precincts of said county;
and ten delegates to the Republican State and
Second Di-tiict Congressional Conventions, and
to transact tuch other .business as may properly
come before suid County Convention.
The convention will consist of 93 delegates
chosen by the several precincts, and the several
precincts of said connty will be entitled to repre
sentation in said convention as follows:
Antelope 8 ' Kingslcy ...
Bin low 8 Moaler
Baldwin 2 Nansene . ..
Bake Oven 3 Oiik lirove . .
Columbia 2 Jiiimaev
Dufur 4 Tygh Valley
Detchutes 3 Trevitt 7
Eaj-t Dalles 9 Visnto.) 2
Eai-t Hood Ri let 5 W et Dalles 7
Eight Mile.. 2 -West Hood iiiver....8
falls ... . . .;. ,. ,, . 6 Wamic 2
The same being one' delegate at large from each
precinct, arid one delejate for every twenty-five
votes and, one delegate lor everv fraction over
,one-half of twenty-live votes cast in each of said
Srecii ols for Hon. T. T. tiper, Kepublican candl
ate for presidential elector at the November
election in 1S96. '-. .' i-
Primaries to elect idelegatea to said Connty
Convention will be held li-ea h of the several
precincts in said Wasco -eounty on March 26,
1898. In East Dalles prerihet the polls of said
primary election will be located at the East End
Hose Co.'s house, and D. H. Roberts, W. H. Butts
and L. 8. Davis will act as judges at said elec
tion. In Bigelow precinct the polls will be lo
cated at the office of Wm. Michell, and A. N.
Varney, J. E. Barnett and Douglas Dufur will
set as judges at said election. In Trevitt pre
cinct the polls will be located in the county
court loom, and C. E. Bayard, Frank Vogt and
8. L. Brooks will act as judges at said election;
and in West Dalles precinct the polls will be lo
cated at the City Mills, and W. D. Dart, C. M.
Fouts and S. F. Staniels will act as judges of
said election. In Antelope precinct the polls
wi'l be located at the usual voting place, and D.
8. Kimsey. F. N. Splcer and F. Irvine will act as
judges of said election.
The polls in each of said precincts, in said pri
mary election, will be kept open from 12 o'clock
noou to 7 p. m. for the reception of votes. The
polls in each of the other precincts in the county
will be located in the usual voting places in each
precinct, and will be opened at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. on said 26th day of March, 1S98, and
the election will be conducted in the usual
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 9th day of
March, 1898. J. M. PAT I'ERSON,
Chairman Republican County Com.
M. T. NOLAN, Secretary.
Sherifl's Sale.
Oregon for Wasco county.
T. J. Field, plaintiff
, vs
Wm. Birgfeld, Laura E. Blrgfeld, First National
Bank of The ball, s, Thomas Kelly and A. .
Bennett, defendants.
By virtue of ait execution, decree and order of
sale, duly issued out of ana under the seal of
the Circuit Court of the Sate of Oregon, for the
the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated
the 25th day of February, 1898, upon a decree for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judg
ment rendered and entered in said Conrt on the
4th day of December, 1697, in the above entitled
cause, in favor ot the plaintiff and against the
defendants William Birgfeld and Laura E. Birg
feld as judgment debtors, in the sum of fifteen
hundred and twelve dollars and twenty-nine
cents, with interest thereon from the 4th day of
December, 1897, at the rate of ten per cent per
annum, ana the further sum of one hundred and
fifty dollars aa attorney's fees, and the further
sum of fliteen dollars, costs, and the costs of
and upon this wilt, and commanding me to
make sale of the real propertv embraced in such
i cree of foreclosure and hereinafter decribed, I
will on the
12th day of April, 1898,
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day. aud at the front door of the Countv
Court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore
gon, sell atpublie auction to the highest bidder
for cash ii hand, all the right, title and interest
which the defendants William Birgfeld and
Laura E. Birgfeld, Thorn s Kelly and A. 8. Ben
nett, or either of them, had on the 4th day of
August, 1892. the date of the mortgage foreclosed
herein, or which such defendants or any of the
defendants herein have acquired, or now have in
and to the following described real property,
situated and being in Warco County, Oregon,
to-wit: An undivided one-fifth interest of all
ana tne se 4 oi section i?o. z, ana tne uw y ui
section No. 35,. all in township N 7, south of
range No. 17. east of the W. M; also of section
No. 3, township No. 8, south of range No. 17, east
of the W. M., containing in all 2881.98 acres ac
cording to the Government survey page 314, Vol.
O of deeds) also the s of the sw i and the s lA
of the se of section No. 84, township No. 7,
south of range 17, east ol W. M., containing 160
acres, (pase 116, Voi. K. deeds) also all the nw J
of section No. 26, township 7, south of range 17,
e-stof W. M., (page 350, Vol. N. of deeds.) Paid
interest in the above described real property be- .
ing the same descended to and inherited by the
said Laura B. Birgfeld upon the death of Alexan
der Rogers, and Matilda Rogers, her father and
mother. Said property will be sold subject to
confirmation and redemption as by law pro
vided. Duted at The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d day of
March, 1898. mch5-li.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given I hat tbe undersigned
as been regularly appointed by the county
court of the state of Oregon for Wasco County aa
administratrix of the estate of Charles W. John
ston, deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent tbem, with the proper vouchers, to me at
the office of W. H. Wilson, In Dalles City, Ore
gon, within six months from the date of this
Dalles City, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1898.
feb2C-il Administratrix.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has filed in the office of the Connty Clerk, of
Wauuw'niintv. her final account as administrix
of the estate of I. I. Burget, and that by order of
the Connty Court, for said County, Monday, the
2d day of May, 1898, has been fixed as the time
and the court room of said Court as the place for
the hearing of (aid final account. All persons
interested in said estate are notified to appear at
said time and place and show cause why said
final account should not be approved and al
lowed. A. T. BURGET,
mcb5-ii. Administratrix.
La I'D Office, Thk Dalles, Ob., I
February, 9, 1898. (
Notice la herebv aiven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Reeister and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Tuesday. March 22, 1898, viz:
Ollvor Bowers, of The Dalles,
H. E. No; 5807, for the SEJi N V. and NEJi SEJi
Sec 24, Tp 2 N. K 12 E, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said latjd, viz:
William ttunner, rerry onvain;,
Learned, H. H. Learned, all of The Dalles, Ore
gon. JAS. sr. Jiwsn, negisier.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco
county, made January 19. 1898, the undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator of the
estate of Thos. J. Sullivan, jr., deceased. AH
persons having claims against the estate of said
deceased, are hereby notified to present them to
me with the proper vouchers at the ottlce of
Huntington & Wilson, within six months from
date hereof.
. Dated January 19, 1898.
Administrator. .