The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 12, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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World's Peace Hangs by a
Slender Thread
British. Statesmen MHeve the "Ituatiun
Very Grave War Cloud ore
- General at Present.
New Yobk, Mar. 8. Nothing abort of
a miracle can preserve tha pwice of the
world, it is believed among British
statesmen and politicians, . wireB the
London correspondent of the New York
Not since the Napoleonic wars has
danger threatened from so many quar
Today's news from Washington com
bined with the grave tidings from China
and West Africa, sent consols down
on the stock exchange, and the panicky
feeliDg there was reflected in the house
of commons lobby.
In their present temper the English
wonld regard with extreme distavor the
transfer of any British-built ship to any
foreign nation. The admiralty was sav
agely attacked today for permitting
Spain to take over two torpedo-boats re
cently completed for her. Yet these
boats were only the partial filling .of an
order from Spain given more than a
year ago, when fonr were contracted for
from the Fairfield shipbuilding plant.
It is proof of the extreme urgency of
Spain's requirements that those two tor-
pedo-catchers are accepted, notwith
standing that they failed in speed trials
and n sowed other defects which there
has not been time to make good. They
were contracted for as 30-knot boats, but
they only attain 25.
The work on the remaining two boats
is being strenuously poshed, bnt it can
not be completed under six weeks at the
A late Tribune dispatch from London
There has been a heavy fall in consols,
Americans and stocks of all kinds today
in conseuuenee of the rumors from Chi
na, West Africa. Spain and America,
with rumbling tbnnder ' all aronnd the
sky. There were signs of alarm .in ev
ery section of the stock, list, American
securities showing the greatest weak
ness. .
In Quest of Naval Ships.
New York, Mar. 8. A Herald special
. says: . " .......
Secretary Long having given orders to
Commander Brownson, now on duty as
a member of the board of inspection and
survey, to leave at once for England and
France to inspect the vessels which have
been offered to the government, and to
report without delay if they are suitable
for service in the United States . navy.
Commander Brownson will not only
look at the vessels offered, bnt will ex
amine other warships under construc
tion for foreign nations, and should he
report that any are desirable and ready
for sea,-this government will undoubt
edly enter into negotiations with the
m-n nnlpraH tfiA fthinft with a vlnar
to the Bale of them to the United
Secretary Long talked with Comman
der Brownson and told him ' what he
wanted, and the instructions given dur
ing the consultation will guide the naval
office in the important work which has
been placed in its charge.
Cannon Bill Reported.
Washington, Mar. 8. The appropri
ation committee of the house, at a meet
ing this morning, unanimously agreed
to report favorably the bill appropriat
ing $50,000,000 for the national defense
There was practically no discussion in
committee. The members had inform
ally discnseed the bill yesterday after
noon and it met with the hearty approv
alofall. -
- ' As the bill was to be called up imme
diately after the house met today, Sayres
of Texas, the ranking minority member
of the eommittee, was more solicitous
obout making a sitisfactory arrangement
for the conduct of the debate than any
thing else. He protested against the in
troduction of a special rule as liable to
place the Democrats in false attitude,
and asked, he said, only for a reasonable
length of time to allow them - to define
their position. . V . -
He submitted a proportion which in
cluded a provision for a general. debate
of three hours, one and one-half hours
on each side, -and one hour for debate
under the five minute rule. t
. Chairman Cannon, of the appropria
tions committee, conferred with the
speaker after the committee adjourned
relatives to the proposition submitted by
Sayres. It was agreed to, and the bill
was considered for four hours without
special rate.
The bill will be reported as a deficiency
bill, and will include in addition to $50,
000,000 for the national defense, the fol
lowing items :
For printing, $66,000; bureau of med
icine and surgery, naval establishment,
$10,000; bureau ofeqvipment, naval es
tablishment, $100,000; bureau of ordi
nance, naval establishment, 7,000; total
Cannon, in his opening speech will
argue '.hat it is a peace measure.
The ThlefrTraekers.
Another curious profession among
the Bedouin is that of the "thief-track
ers." Being without paddocks or
stables, and their animals more or less
at liberty, theft of srtock would ap
pear to be an easy and frequent mat
ter. Bach tribe, however, has its lit
tle company of "trackers," and it would
be either a bold or an ignorant man in
deed who ventured to interfere -with on
Arab's live stock. I have heard of one
instance in which a camel stolen from
a camp near Ismailia was, after weeks
of laibor,. successfully tracked to the
Sudan, where the beast was recaptured
and.summary vengeance wreaked upon
the robbers. Selected for natural abil
ity, and trained from boyhood to dis
criminate between each animal's foot
print, this faculty becomes so highly
developed that a particular horse's or
camel's trail is unerringly picked up
from among' the thousands of impres
sions on the dusty highway. B. Tal
bot Kelly, in Century.
Yonr Nose. .
The nose, the form of which has so
much to do with the beauty, of a face.
is amenable to culture, and we have it
on the authority of a German physician
that it is beyond dispute that during
half an ordinary human life the nose
is capable of receiving more noble form.
The mental training of an individual
has a great deal to do with shaping toe
nose.-r-Detroit Free Press.
Klondlkers In Trouble.
New York, Mar.. 8. A special from
Valparaiso eays:
The American steamer Columbia,
which started from New York to the
Klondike, is still here. - Her supplies
are liable to be cut off, as her captain
has been unable to raise money and her
owners in New York have failed to send
him money to pay for repairs, provisions
and coal. The passengers are. becoming
doeperate. There is a possibility of the
ship being seized for debt.
Americans here are indignant over
the conduct of the vessel's owners.. The
U. S. consul can do nothing as matters
now stand.
Weekly Excursions In Through Cars to
the East. -
Another ' through tourists . car to the
East has been arranged for to run out of
Portland, giving four each week. Here
after the car leaving Monday wilt run
through without change to Kansas City
and Chicago, over the O. & N, Oregon
Short Line, E. G. W., D. & K. G., Mo.
Pacific and C. St A. That car has just
previously - been arranged for and the
one previously arranged for has been
changed to Thursday. It runs through to
St. Louis, via the Mo. Pacific line. The
car . leaving Portland Tuesday goes
through to Boston, and is promoted by
the C, E. LAP. Wednesday's car runs
to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis
over the Burlington. All these special
through cars are receiving a gratifying
patronage. - Consult the O. R. & N.
agent before buying a ticket to the East.
Whooping cough is the most distress
ing malady; but its duration can be cut
short by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure, which is also ' the best known
remedy for croup and all lung and bron
chial trouble.
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets.' All druggists refund tLe money if
they fail to cure. 25c,
Use only one heap
in g teaspoo nfu 1 o f
Schilling's Best Bak
ing Powder to a
quart of flour.
. . ' " "
You must use twi teaspoonfuls of other baking powder.
Orders Given for Immediate
Representatives of Both the Washing
ton and Madrid Governments
Negotiating; for Vessels. .
New York, Mar. 9. Commander
Brownson, United States navy, sailed
for Southampton on the American line
steamer St Paul today. He said:
"I am going to England under orders
direct from the navy department, not
from the president. My mission is to
prepare for the exigencies of the situa
tion and to see what can be bad and
what can be done in case of. war, the
' possibilities of which I think are very
remote. I may be absent a month, and
perhaps longer. I expect to- be two
weeks in London, but I cannot tell where
I shall go after reaching England."
The commander's attentionjwas called
to published statements that foreign
shipbuilders were trying to unload their
defective ships on the United States
To this he answered :
'You may rest assured that they
won't sell me any trash."
Charles H. Cramp, the shipbuilder,
also sailed on the St. Paul. He said he
was going abroad simply on a business
15,000,000 for Warships.
New York, Mar. 9. A Herald dis
patch says :
It is known that the authority expect
to expend $15,000,000 or $20,000,000 in
purchasing ships, if such sums can be
spent judiciously and to the advantage
of this government. Secretary Long ad
mitted that he has a list of vessels which
Commander Brownson will inspect par
ticularly, and which this government
hopes to acquire.
Not only is the navy department
searching private yards for vessels that
Ate not completed, but foreign govern
ments, through our diplomatic repre
sentativee accredited to them,' bad been
approached with a view to acqiring some
of the most formidable ships that belong
to or are being constructed for their
navies. So far, inquiries have met with
no definite responses. "
: From information which the authori
ties have secured, an ' impression has
arisen that the government may not be
able to purchase battleships under ' con
struction or in the possession of foreign
powers. But the obstacle which has de
veloped in the shape of the disinclina
tion of powers to part with ships, the
president and his advisers hope to sweep
away by the employmentof liberal sums
of money, and to add to the navy within
a short time a fleet of warships which
will make undoubted our superiority
over the navy of Spain and our ability
to defend the dignity of the United
States, and deal out punishment to our
It is evident that the United States is
certain of getting possession of two war
ships nnder construction for Japan at
Philadelphia and San Francisco. Aside
from these ships-, the navy department
is 'without definite knowledgeof any ves
sel f for sale.
General Miles has conferred with Sec
retary Alger on the general situation and
discussed the redistribution of the artil
lery and plans for the expenditure of a
portion of the appropriation of $50,000,'
009 in the purchase of guns and ammo
nition. .
The ordinance'department is consider
Ing plans for the enlargement of the
Springfield arsenal, where all the Krag
Jorgenson improved rifles are manufac
tured, as well as a large quantity of
Springfield rifles with which most of the
state national guards are now armed
Should the present serious condition of
affairs continue, the double of the capac
ity of the arsenal will be immediately
Similar steps will be also taken in
case of emergency with the Rock
Island arsenal, which manufactures gun
cartridges, cavalry and artillery harness,
etc., and tlie Watertown and Watervliet
.- Charles Shales, of the ordnance de
partment, met several representatives
of ordnance manufacturing and supply
firms, and received from them assurance
that they had ample facilities to furnish
the department at 'short notice with
large supplies of ammunition and guns
of various caliber.
Wants to Go Home.
New York, Mar. 9. A special
Havana says;
Captain Sigsbee has communicated
with Washington regarding his recall,
but is nevertheless anxionsto wind np
his work here and get away. His health
has bees' gradually failing since the
destruction of the Maine, and now that
the excitement no longer sustains him
he fears a collapse. His case is not ser
ious, but he seldom appears in the city
now, feeling unable to get about.
The Diarie de la Marina declares that
Lieutenant Blandin talked so freely as
to make himself objectionable both to
Madrid and Washington. The Same
paper continues :
"It is to the interest of both, govern
ments that the court of inquiry be ex
plicit in its findings, and for the court
to say that the explosion was due to an
unknown cause would be unsatisfactory.
It must say whether the oxplosion was
due to an internal or external cause."
The same paper intimates that Spain
may expect the United States to de
mand a heavy indemnity.
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fear
ing men and women,' have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it Is always the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the SbakerB the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers never nave indigestion. Xnis is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. . Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough ' digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting.. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot
Robbed by a Cabman.
New York, Mar. 10. Mrs. Horace
Porter, wife of the United States embas
sador here, lodged a complaint against
a cabman, who she charges wit h stealing
s portmanteau containing a large sum
of money and some valuable jewelry,
says the Paris correspondent of the Her
ald. It apperrs from the Temps that Mrs.
Porter took the cab on March 4th at
Gare de l'Est. Upon reaching her bouse
she paid the cabman, but forgot the port
manteau, which she left in the cab. The
cabman drove off and never returned
An inquiry is on foot at the perfecture
of police with the object of finding out
which cabmen were at the station on the
date named.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleaa
anter or belter way to do it than by rec
ommending One Minute Cough Cure as
preventive of- pneumonia, consump
tion and other serious lung troubles that
follow neglected colds. .
' Denied at Washington.
Washington, Mar. 9. The adminis
tration has definite information from a
source which it considers beyond ques
tion to the effect that Spain baa not pur
chased two Brazilian cruisers.
Don't annoy others by your coughing,
and risk your life by ' neglecting a cold.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, croup, grippe and all throat and
lung troubles. " .
Two Warships Commissioned.
Washington, Mar. 10. The monitor
Miantonomoh and the ram Katahdin
were placed in commission this after
noon at the League Island navy yard.
Cash tn Yonr Checks.
All coubtv warrants registered prior
to Nov. 22, 1893, . will ' be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Feb. 16th,
1898. . ' C. L. Phillips,
, . - Coontv Treasurer.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cares Piles, Scalds. Burns.
Conjunctive Movement in
the British Parliament.
Will Be Sent to Congress Within Two
Weeks London Press Com
ment Friendly.
London, Mar. 10. In the house of
commons today Hon. Hubart Val
entine Duncob, conservative, will
ask the parliamentary secretary for
the foreign office, Curzon. whether
with a view to recognizing the ident
ity of the interests of all English
speaking peoples, her majesty's
govenrnment will consider the ad
visability of placing the services of
the British fleet at the disposal of
the United States, in the event of
complications between the United
States and any foreign power.
In addition Donald Monroe Fer
guson, liberal, will question the
government as to whether there is
any truth in the report that com
munications on the Cuban question
have been exchanged between the
British embassador at Washington
and the government of the United
London, Mar. 10. The Chronicle's ar
ticle on the Cuban question character
izes President McKinlev a action
throughout the crisis as a model of
statesmanship.' It declares that the ac
tion of the Washington government in
connection with the Maine disaster de
serves the highest recognition.
"There is every indication," says the
Chronicle. That the United States is
preparing for the inevitable struggle,
Soon it will be necessarv for Great Brit
ain to show on which side her sympa
tbies lie."
Arguing at considerable length upon
the unselfishness of America's motives
in desiring to put an end to the "hell
upon earth, Cuba," and insisting that
America has a better right to interfere
than has been put forward in justifies
tion of two out of any three wars in his
"We hope Great Britain will not sup
port the United States only as far aa the
limits of international law permits, but
that public optnion will declare itself
openly, unmistakably and in the face of
all Europe if necessary, as sympathizing
heartily with the motives impelling
America to take a step at last so natural
and yet one she" has so long hesitated to
take. At the same a time, we wish it
were possible to persuade Spain, even at
the eleventh hour, that her honor and
and Cuba might be saved by the recog
nition of inevitable facts. To bid Cuba
be free would be a hard task, but it
would be the safest and most dignified
The Daily News says editorially this
'While crediting the United States
with the generous error of giving the
world a noble example of sacrifice for
peace by unpreparedness for war, we
are glad to see that they have ehown
themselves wise in time."
A Carry County Mystery.
Rosebubg, Mar. 10. Yestesday the
body of a man was found on a trail lead
ing from West Fork station, Cow Creek
canyon to Gold Beach, Curry county,
The remains are supposed to be those of I
James Calvert, who left that station sev
eral months ago for Gold. Beach, and
who has not since been - beard from.
.Coroner Miller and Deputy District-Attorney
Riddle, went south on the morn
ing's train to hold an inquest. Calvert
was formerly a contractor for the Coos
Bay mail route.
American Liners Seized.
Chicago. Mar. 10. A Washington
special eays :
TbeUnited States government has vir
tually taken possession ot the American
line of steamers, consisting of the St.
Louis, St. Paul, Paris and New York.
Federal officers will be put in charge
practically of each vessels as it arrives
and sails from these shores. - Command
er Brownson Is virtually in command of
the St. Panl, which sailed from New
York yesterday.- ;Y'; .
". To Admit War Materials Free.
Washington, Mar. 10. Senator Chan
dler has introduced a bill providing for
the remission of duties on war materials
that may be imported. '.
DeWitfs Little Early Risers
The famous ti:tlc pills. -
Royal makes the food pore,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
. To Enlist Artilerymen.
Chicago, Mar. 10. The recruiting of
ficers of the United States army located
in Chicago have received this telegram
from the adjutant-general at Washing
ton. '
"Enlist all desirable applicants fitted
for artilery, heavy aud light, and send
them to Fort Sheridan.
Robbed the tirare.
A startling incident of which Mr. John:
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject
is narrated by him as follows : I was in
a mot dreadful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians,
had given me np. Fortunately, a friend
advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to
my great joy and surprise, the first bot
tle made a decided improvement I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they saved
my lite and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50 r?.nte per bottle at Blakeley &
HougLton' 1 drug store. :
No Warship Bonght.
Bbelin, Mar. 10. The United States
so far has made no purchase of warships
I oin among her options in Germany.
L'eutenant-Coinniander Niblock, United
States Laval attache here, and also at
Rome, has returned to that city.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This remedy is intended especially for
coughs, colds) croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It has become famous
for its cares of these diseases, over a
large part of the civilized world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works ; of the aggravating and persist
ent coughs it has cored ; of severe colds
that have yielded promptly to its sooth
ing effects, and of the dangerous attacks
of croup it has cured, often saving the
life of the child. The extensive use of
it for whooping coughs has shown that
it robs that disease of all dangerous con
sequences. For sale by Blakeley &
-The Review. Teacher "Now,
class, what did the Master turn the
water into?" Dairyman's Son "The
milk, sir.' Detroit Free Press. -
"Is papa strong1 as Samson, aunty?"
"Why, no, Willie, of course not." "Well,
mamma saTJ he had you on his hands
for two months.'.' Scribner's. "
"But she married with her eyes
open, did she not ?" "Well, she knows ,
who all were at her wedding; and how
they were dressed." Detroit Journal.
"Poverty," said the platitudinous
boarder, "is the cause of most crime."
"Strange, isn't it," commented the
Cheerful Idiot, "how straitened circum
stances will make a man crooked?
Indianapolis Journal.
Talkative. "You was in the min
strel business, wasn't you, Mr. Mari
gold?" "Why, no, Johnnie; what makes
you ask thai ' "ra said xnai 11 you
could only be corked up, you wouldn't
be such a bad sort of fellow." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Resenting It. "Cyrus Winterside,"
snapped the indignant wife, as the quar
rel waxed fiercer, you married me for
my monev,- and you know it'." " 'Tis
false!" roared Mr. Winterside, "I marT
ried you for your-amiable disposition,
you virago!--Cbieago Tribune. .
Metaphysical. Bronco Pete
(thoughtfully) "Wonder wot ever be
come uv Tarantula Jim?" Grizzly Dan
"W'y, don't you remember helping to
lynch him last July7" Bronco I'ete ,
"W'y, uV cour&e I do! but I wonder
wot ever become nv him finally.?
Puck. .
Bncklen's Annca -salve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fevel
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively ' cuius piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mouey refunded. Price 2o cents
per box. For sale by . Blakeley and
Hongbton, druggists.