THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. MARCH 5. 1898 The Weekly Gbroniele. TBI DALLES, OUKGOIS FKB80NAI. MEStlOS' Wednesday s Dally. H. F. Woodcock of Wamic is in tbe city today. Frank Falton is in the city irooo Sber nan county. Weather forecast for tonight and Thursday fair. . ' Eev. Joseph De Forest went to Hood Siver this morning. Charles W. Lord came down from Ar lington this morning. Mrs. Vernon Koontz went to Portland on the Regulator today. H. H. Griggs of Walla Walla arrived on this morning's train. H. F. Merrill arrived from North Da- Dr. M. E. Knowlee, , Montana sheep- today. . . Mrs. E. M. Wilson went to Portland on 'the Regulator this morning for a short visit. J. W. Searls of Helena arrived this morning to attend tbe meeting of tbe association. Harry Smith of Grass Valley if among the sheep men who are attending tbe convention. Grant Copeland of Walla Walla ie among the guests who arrived from tbattcity today. R. AlexanJ of Pendleton, a prominent merchant and wool-grower, is attending tbe convention. School Superintendent Gilbert went to Hood River and Cascade Locks today ' to visit tbe schools at those places. Governor-Lord and Hon. Phil Met ecban, who have been attending the convention in this city, returned to Salem today. Mr M. H. Roberts returned yester day morning from a visit to her old home in Maine, after an absence of forty-one years. Mrs. Roberts left last September. She visited two of ter. sis ters in Portland, Maine, and hereon, Thomas M. Roberts, who is attending tbe Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, in Boston. Thursday's Daily. Henry Hudson is in fron Dafnr today. T. H. Johnston In from his home at Do fur. Atty. J. M. Long of Portland is in the city today. F. W. Hendley of Pendleton is in tbe city today. ( Attorney Pierce Mays is in tbe city on business today. J. W. Aver of Baker City is in this city attending the convention. The water rent for the month of March will be collected by J. B. Crossen. Thomas Fargher, a prominent sheep and grain raiser from the Dufur vicinity, is in the city today. W. J. Furnish, cashier of the Pendle ton savings bank and a prominent sheep man, is in tne city. Herbert C. Gregg, editor of the Walla Walla Union, who has been attending the convention in this city, left for home last night. B. H. Geiger and wife, parents of A. C. Geiger, who have been visiting their eon in tbe city, left tor Salem tbis morn ing, where they will remain a few days before returning to ther home in Kans as. ' ' Friday'! Daily. R. T. Cos, of Arlinton, retured home last night. Mrs. S. Houser is in the ciiy from Tygh Valley. T. B. Wells, of Pendleton, returned home last night. T. H. Stanton of Hood River was in tbe city last night. C. W. Fairchild of Graea Valley is a visitor in the city. Mr. H. P. Michell and wife are in the city from Goldendale. E. E. Cooper, of the Columbia South-, ern, is in the city today. Earnest Sherar went to Portland on tbe morning train today. George D. Goodhue, of Salem, went to Hood River tbis morning. William jLander, of Sherar's Bridge, made this office a pleasant call today. Mrs. Robt.' Hood left laet night for Goldendale,-where ehe will visit her rel atives. Geo. Sherrard, of Salt Lake, who has been attending tbe convention, left for bis borne this morning. . Dr. M. E. Knowles, of Helena, Mont., went to Portland today. He has been attending tbe convention, Mrs. E. M. Wilson and Mrs. J. T. Peters returned on the boat yesterday from a short trip to Portland. - ' Prof. E. T. Pernot, of Corvallis, left for Hood River this morning, where he will attend the Farmers' Institute. . J. M. Barry of Chicago, who has been attending the association, left on the 5 :2Q train last evening lor his home. R. C. Judson, industrial 8gent of the 0, R. cVN., left for Hood River this morning, where he will attend the in stitute. ' ti . f . ' t- 1 i - r -i 1 1 - . . rroiefsor rrencu 01 VAirvaniB went to Hood River this morning to attend the Farmers' Institnte, which convenes there tbis afternoon. What They Are Doing at, Boyd. . Boyd, Feb. 28, 1S98. Editor ChboniclE: ' Farmers " are very " busy with their spring plowing at present, for there was little time for plowing, and bnt few did any plowing at that time, being busy hauling their grain to market and get ting their winter's wood ; bat there will be a larger acreage put in grain this year than ever before, as farmers ex- Well Children that are not very robust need a warming;, building; and fat-forming food something; to be used for two or three months in the fall that they may not suffer from cold SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want, lhey will thrive, grow strong- and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic. Nearly alt of them become very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the fall will put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be sure too ret SCOTT'S Emukioo. Sm that ihm pun and fish are on the wrapper. AH druggists ; 50c and f 1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. pect a good price for their wheat this fall. The MacCulloch literary society has held regular meetings every Saturday evening during tbe winter at the Liber ty scboolbouse. The society has held some interesting meetings, which were both instructive and entertaining. At tbe last meeting the subject for debate was "Resolved, Tbat Thomas Jefferson Did More for His Country than Alexan der Hamilton." The decision of the judges was in favor of the negative side. The literary will soon adjourn for the summer, there being but three more. meetings. Washington's birthday was celebrated in grand style by a few. At Mr. C. J. Nicholeon's another George W. opened his eyes to tbe light ot day, but we are not enre that its name will be George. Charlie says that he has given np the idea of Klondike, for he has all the busi ness he can attend to now, as little Georgia's lungs are so well developed tbat be requires a great amount of atten tion. Mr. C. R. Deems private school cele brated the 22d in true American style. Mr. Deems came from Pennsylvania last summer, and wishing to spend a winter in Eastern Oregon, opened a pri vate school. The pupils who have at tended this school have made great ad vancement in their studies, but tbe 22d was tbe best celebration In this part of the country. Mr. Deems bad the school room decorated with the national colors and with appropriate mottoes. A large number of visitors were present, and were well pleased with ' the exercises. The most prominent features of the en tertainment were two essays, one by Miss Ada Bell, entitled "Oar Flag," and the other by Mies Hattte Sternweiss, en titled "Our Country. " All the pupils took part in the exercises. - The school closed on Friday, Feb. 25th, and the pupils showed their appreciation for their teacher by presenting him with a fine present at the close of school. Mr. and Mrs. Tront celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the resi dence of "Mr. P. P. Underwood on the 1st of March. They have lived in this part o( tbe country for a number of years, and have numerous friends, who join in wishing them many years of hap piness. - Pat. Weealy Excursions In Through Car to the East. Another through tourists car to tbe East has been arranged for to run oat of Portland, giving four each week. Here after tbe car leaving Monday will rnn through without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. R. & N, Oregon Short Line, R. G. W., D. & R. G., Mo. Pacific and C. & A. That car has just previously been arranged for and the one previously arranged for has been changed to Thursday. It runs through to St. Louis, via. the Mo. Pacific line. Tbe car leaving Portland Tuesday goes through to Boston, and is promoted by theC, R. I. fe P. Wednesday's car runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City and 'St. Louis over theBnrlington. AH these special through cars are receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult the O. R. & N. agent before buying a ticket to the East. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of school district No. 12 of Wasco county, state of Oregon, that the annual school meeting for the said district will be held at the brick school house, cn Court street, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the first Monday, being . the 7tb day of March, 1898. This meeting is called for the purpose of considering the general re ports, financial and others, of tbe clerk and other school officers, and the tran saction of business usual at such meet ing. ' Dated Feb. 24, 1898. I . i . O. D. Doane, . " ' - Chairman Board Directors. Attest: G. P. Morgan, Diet. Clerk. ' " Advertised Letters- Following is the list of letters remain ing in tbe poetoffice at The Dalles un called for March 4, 1898. Persons calling for ' the same will give date cn which they were advertised : - . Angell.O F Johnson, Mrs F Bertram, C W Jones, Mrs C F Bartlett, Lillian Jehnson, Georgia Bennett, Harry Krmp, Fred Bela', Mrs L Kelly, Jos D Carlisle. W H Kline, Savannah Clyde, C J Larsen, Mrs Jen Darnielln, Mrs R H Lemple, Ed Esq Evans, Chas Mantell, May Evans, M Ada 2) McDonald, Mrs D Edwards, Lillie McCormick, Mrs M Evans, Pearle McCoy, Mrs V..E Favle, WH - McCnlly, Mrs A D Frazev, Mrs Geo McWpnen. H W Figard, James . Mathews, MrsFC Fortin, Mrs Annie Miller, J H (2) . Funk, Frd C Miller, Martin Greene, Etta M ody, D L Gilbert, Elizabeth Movee, Mama Henry. Lon . Paddon, Mrs Qnen Hansen, Henrv ' Patterson, Bert Hall, Chas " Prevoist, Dr A 8 Hickson, 8 Sannbnrg, Fred Hoag, E E Smith, Sames Hockman, Mrs D Smith, J M (2) Johnson, Chas A Spichenger, Mike -Johnson, Mamie .'Smith, Sherman Johnson, A Shipley, Osker Spring, H M Thomson, Mrs J P Thompson, CW Thomas, J W Wash, W A Whitaker, Jake Wright, John T Winzler, Sidney, . Woodcock, Jas. J. A. Cbosben. MISCELLANEOUS ITEIV3. Thie Maxim gun has only one bar yet It can discharge 600 shots in one ute. . A pet cat bit the finger of a little 6ov in Jasper county, Mo., and he died ten days later of blood poisoning. Lightning struck two hoes that a nerrro in Millington, Md., was carrying over his shoulders, and instantly killed him.' Endless leather belts, acting as moving staircases, convey the patron's of the large Parisian department stores from one floor to another. Four thousand thieves were arrest ed in Paris during the past 12 months, and among them were a princess, a duchess, and a countess. Eli Becker, of Cotton Hills, N. Y., became demented by religious zerLand tore out both his eyes, saying that the Lord had commanded him to do so. Wesley Dondhue, aged 13, of Louis ville, Ky., had brown hair just before he fell 14 feet from a ladder. The only injury he received from the fall was tliat his hair t'is turned perfectly gray. A loviflj- husband in Vienna com mitted s?ucide by hanging himself. In his roeket was a letter in which he left b11 his property the rope -with which he had hanged himself to his wife, from whom he had been divorced ten years. A certain Boston dentist is such a shrewd business man that he in sists on receiving payment in advance from customers who require the ad ministration of anaesthetics. This is to guard against the possibility of their dying in the chair. A 30-pound turtle clutched a boy's foot as he was adjusting a seine in the Ohio canal near Warren. Two men res cued the lad from drowning, with the turtle still clinging to him. The rep tile's head had to be cut off before its jaws could be relaxed. : - With the intention to poison mice, a 'man in the City of Mexico sprinkled strychnine on a banana skin, and put it where the mice would be likely to get it. A cat dropped the skin into the water jar, aid the entire family was poisoned, but found relief in the stom ach pump. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of tbe stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. at their office Saturday, April 2, 1898, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors, ana transact ing such other business as mav.properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles March 1, 1898.J C. L. Phillips, Secy. Wabnin: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed tbe warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and long troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. Ask your Druggist' ' for a generous IO CENT TRIAL. SIZE. Ely's Cream Cairn contains no cocafno, mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It Is quickly Absorbed, Gives Relief at once. It opens and cleanses T OLD ' HEAD Allars Inflammation. Heals and Protects tne Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full Sue 60c: Trial kSizelOe.; at .Diarists or by mail. LX BROTHERS, M Warren Street,' Wew York S : E ; 2 IB A splendid assortment of Vege table. Garden and Gi as Seeds In Kjf Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, --i Seed Barley, Seed Seed Kye. Oil Meal Cake and Fertilizers, E-Bee Supplies, Early Rose Fotn- imw mm toes. Eleven kinds of first class V-iZ, Seed Corn. Poultry and Eggs . bought and sold at - . D 1 H. CROSS' , T Cheap Cash Grocery and Feed Store, Second and Union Sts. S:'"'BrE':'D::;:S For more than fifty-six years it has never .failed in its -weekly -visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement 6f their, business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. ITfHAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. ! IT HAS led in all matters iarmers ana villagers, ana lor over iiait a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE and we' furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, j? Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- foil FlOUf k'8 'onr 18 manufactured expressly for family 11 use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower, than any bonse in tbe trade, and if yon don't tbmk so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. e9EEC99E9lSX3B9I!BeEHICI&Ia)SlBHei rill 1 Weekly Inter Ocean i V1 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF AHY It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with, ability and earnestnessjCjt SET THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature of. its columns is equal to that of tbe best maga zines. It is interesting to tbe chil dren as well as tbe parents., f..... THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest ' discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.ijt $l.00-PHICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $I.C0 I TEE DAILY ATOTODATDrTIOTTS OF THE ' IHTEE OCEAH ARE BEST OF THEIR EOT). . ! Priceof Dallrby mail. $4.00 per year , Price of Sundav bv mail 83 00 per year . All: a Lrwi7 sqa anoiuy dj mm Wholesale. VIflLtT MQUOfrS, Ulines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER TjnD rCTT 1vJJl irwJUU Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Gf andall DEALERS IN-. fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS " The Dalles, Or.- Funeral Supplies BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. pertaining to the welfare of POLITICAL PAPER IK THE WEST 2 JtBut it can always be relied on J for fair and honest reports of all po-1 litical movements jtjtjt jtjtjtjtjt OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Without a Peer. fo.u j - BUSCH and "DTPTn? on draught X3iliJCjV. and In oottles. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc' n 1 1 Sheriffs Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP Oregon for Wasco county. F. J. Field, plaintiff TS Wm. Birgfeld, LanraE. Blrgfeld. First National Bank of The Dulles, Thomas Kelly and A. . Bennett, defendants. By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly issued out of ana under the seal of tbe Circuit Court of the Sate of Oregon, for the the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 25tb day of February, 189S, upon a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judg ment reudeied and entered iu said Court on tbe 4th day of December, 1897, in the above entitled cause, in favor ot the plaintiff und against the defendants William Birgfeld and Laura E. Birg feld as judgment debtors, in the sum of fifteen bundnd and twelve dollars and twenty-nine cents, with Interest thereon from tbe 4th day of December, 1897, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, ana the further sum of onehundrd and fifty fiollnrs as attorney's fees, and the further sum of (i I teen dollars, costs, and the costs of and upon tbis wiit, and commanding me to make sale of tbe real property embraced in suoh ttcree of foreclosure and hereinafter decribed, I will on the 12th day of April, 1898, at the hour of two o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day. and at tbe front d"Or of the Countv Court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash i hand, all the right, title and interest which the defendants William Birgfeld and Laura E. Birgfeld, Thorn s Kelly and A. S. Ben nett, or either of them, bad on tbe 4'h day of August, 1892. the date of tbe mortgage foreclosed hvrein, or which Mich defendants or any of tbe defendants herein have acquired, or now have in and to tbe following described real property, situated and being in Warco County, Oregon, to-wit: An undivided one-tilth Interest of all of section No. 21, tbe nw U and the se of sec tion No. 23: also all of section No. 25, the nw lA and the se ot section No. 27, and the nw !4 ol section No. 35, all in township No 7, south of tange No. 17. east of the W. M; also of section No. 3, township No. 8, south of range No. 17, east of tbe W. M., containing in all 2881.98 acres ac cording to the Government survey (page 314, Vol. 0 of deeds) also the s of the sw M and tbe s of the se of section No. 34, township No. 7, south of range 17, east oi W. M., containing 160 acres, (paee 116, Voi. K. deeds) also all the nw of section No. 26, township 7, south of range 17, east of W. M., (page 350, Vol. N. of deeds.) Bald interest in the above described real property be ing the same descended to and Inherited by (he said Laura E. Birgfeld upon the death of Alexan der Rogers, and Mntilda Rogers, her father and mother. Said property will be sold subject to confirmation and redemption as by law pro vided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d day of March, 1898. mchf-li. T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled in the oftice of the County Clerk, of Waco County, her final account as administrix of the estate of I. I. Burget, and that by order of the County Court, for said County, Monday, the 2d day of May, 1898, has been fixed as tbe time and the court room of said Court as the place for the hearing of taid final account. All persons interested in said estate are notified to appear at said time aud place and show cause why said final account should not be approved and al lowed. A. T. BURGET, menJ-il. Administratrix. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as been regularly appointed by the county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County as administratrix of the estate of Charles W. John ston, decease-'. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them, with the proper vouchers, to me at tbe office of W. H. Wilson, In Dalles City, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dalles City, Oregon, Felt. 23, 1898. CARRIE M, JOHNSTON, fcb26-ii Administratrix. NOTICE ; TOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Thk Dalle?, Or.,( February la, 1898. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named sectlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In suppoit of his claim, and tbat said proof will made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, uregon, on Monday, April 16, 1898, viz: . James Hall, of Tne Dalles, H. E. No. 4747, for the 8E S S' NEJ and NE54 Sec. 34, Tp 1 N., K. 12 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Alexander Vance, Albert Walters, William Wolf, Frank Obrist, all of The Dalles, Oregon. 5-11 JAS. F. MOORE, Register. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Frank Ireland, deceased, has filed his final account as such ad mini'trator in tbe county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, and the judge there of has appointed Monday, tbe 7th day of March, 1898, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the county courtroom in the courthouse in Dalles City, In said county and state, as tbe time and pi ice for the bearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. AU heirs and creditors of the deceased, and all other per sons interested in said estate, are hereby notified to file their objections to said final account, if any they have, on or before the date fixed for the hearing and settlement thereof. Dalles City, Oregon, Feb. S, IStfJ. GEORGE IRELAND, jeb5-4w-ii Administrator. Regulator Line The Dalles. Portland art' Astoria Navigation Co.' . . sirs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN Tbe Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port land daily, cTQm Sunday. DOWN THE VALLEI Are you going to EASTERN OREGON? If so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia. The we-t-bound train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passengers to take the steamer, arriving in Portland In time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East bound passengers arriving in The Dalles in time to take tbe East-bound train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon, - Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt,, The Dalles. Oregon FEED. W. WIL80K, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, T11K l)ALLEi,0EEG0S Oflice ovet First Nat Bsnk. B 8 HUNTtKGTON B 8 WILSON . HUNTINGTON WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THE DALLES, OREGON Office 0Tr First Nat Bank.