Ml IS VOL. VIII. THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY. MARCH 5. 1898. NUMBER 18. THBTUZZLE UNSOLVED The Court Still Apparently Far From an End. THE INQUIRY STILL PROCEEDS Scene of tbe Inventlffatlon May Transferred to Havana Tomor row Madrid Waiting. be Washington, March 1. Two weeks ago toiiight the battleship Maine was destroyed in Havana harbor, and in spite of the greatest diligence on the officers charged with the-' inquiry into the affair, the cause of the disaster is still shrouded in mystery so far as any officials at Washington know. A few officials acqnainted with the formidable obstacles in the way of the operations of tbe divers are much ' surprised at this state of the affairs. ' Meanwhile officials of the navy de partment have reached the conclusion that barm is being done by broaching theories to account for tbe explosion, so noticehas been served upon experts who have been heard from in the press that it iB expected they will no longer discuss this matter in advance of the report of the findings of the court of in qniry. A meeting of the cabinet today, at which all of tbe members were present, disclosed further evidence that tbe government is still without news re garding tbe cause of the disaster to the Maine Up to this time the court of inquiry has not indicated in any way the trend of Investigation. The president and members of tbe cabinet are as completely in the dark as to what tbe news so far adduced discloses as they were the the day after tbe explo sion. The truth of this statement is vouched for by an authority not to be questioned. Following the cabinet meeting a report was circulated that Secretary Long bad stated that the element of Spanish re sponsibility had been iliminated from tbe incident of the disaster of tbe Maine. When seen Long said his reference to Spain's responsibility was that the ques tion of any official participation by tbe Spanish government in the destruction of tbe Maine was practically eliminated, in bis juugment. He desired to have it made clear that this was his personal view on tbe subject. No orders have gone ont from tbe de partment to the vessels of tbe squadron today, and. officials stamp as with foun dation tbe reports that yesterday the squadron was ordered to be held in readiness to sail for Havana. No ad vises have been received at either state or navy department that would warrant the statement that Spanish officials in Havana have attempted to interpose ob stacles to tbe prosecution of the work of the wreckers on the hull of the battle ship Maine THE DAY. IN CONGRESS. The Senate. Washington, Mar. 2. As soon as the senate convened today, on motion of Hale, it went in executive session. At 11 0 the senate resumed its open session. The conference report on the sundry civil appropriation bill presented by Perkins, was agreed to. Mason, of the committee on poBtoffices and post roads, presented a concurrent resolution from tbe committee for investigation of tbe Lake City, S. C, poetoffice murder, and on objection by Allen it was laid over until tomorrow. - In the House. Washington, Mar. 2. A resolution of inquiry was adopted by the bouse to day, asking tbe president to transmit to the house a copy of tbe proceedings of the international commission ' cn the question of the equitable distribution ot tbe waters of the Rio Grande, rpnriirerl of said commission by the protocol of May 6, 1896; - also the protest of Mr. Horcasitas, representing the citizens of . Mexico, against the construction of tbe dam by the Bio Grande Dam & Irriga tion Co. and action thereon, . A bill was passed creating a Knocks ville, Tenn., port qf entry. The house then resumed the. debate on the Loud bill in relation to the postage on second class mail matter. . . Eell of Colorado and Thompson of Kansas, Populists, and Clarke of Mis souri, Democrat, opposed the bill, main ly on tbe ground that it was inimical to the interests of the country newspaper men. - Patriotic Knight of Pythias. - Kimball, Neb., March '1. Informa- ti in ha. Koon r&naivaA a f atata I quarters from Major-General Carnahan that he bad tendered tbe president the services of 15,000 uniform rank Knights of Pythias in the United States when required lor war. prospects lor war cause activity at state headquarters. Or ders were issued mustering in a new company at uiair today, rue order in Nebraska ha9 forty-four companies at present. " The First Battle of the War. New York, March 1. A special from Paris says :'", In the Intransigeant Henry Bocbefort writes: VTo really grasp the situation, the ex plosion of the Maine .must be regarded as the first battle between Spain and tbe United States. As for as, we only Bee in it the last stages of tbe advance of tbe Cubans toward independence. The catastrophe has caused the death of 250 unfortunate sailors, but it has also saved tbe lives of millions of combatants, for it insures the final triumph of the insur rection before many weeks." . 1 The Discovery of the Cay. Aug. J. Bogel, tbe leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is tbe only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safibrds, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Colds and Coughs. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is no experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century. and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blake ley & Houghton's drug store. 6 Just a Little Bluff. Fbankfobt, Ky. March 1. Mr. Stout ot woodiord, Democrat, introduced a bill in the house today proposing to re peal tbe charter tf the Southern Pacific Company, declaring an emergency be cause of tbe refusal of the company to pay the franchise tax.' There is not enough of the session left to make- prob able if possible, the passage of any bill introduced at this time. Robbed the lirsih A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is narrated by him as follows : I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the first hot tie made a decided improvement I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. 1 know tbey saved my life and robbed tbe grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them Only 50 cents per bottle at Blakelev & Houghton's drug store. Swept Overboard In a" Gale. Adelaide, South Australia, Mar. 1 The French bark President Felix Faure, Captain Fossa rd, from Barry, November 15th, for Port Pierre, arrived here and reports that during a gale February 2d her second mate and fifteen sailors were swept overboard. r.vor. ana inve.tit.uon. . Washington, Mar. 2, The senate committee on postoffices and post roads today autnorized a lavorable report on I Mason s joint resolution tor investiga tion of the recent killing of the colored postmaster at Lake Citv, South Caroli na. The Dolphin Docked. New York, March 1. The dispatch- boat Dolphin has "been floated in the dry-dock at tbe navv-yard, where she has been undergoing repairs for several months.. It is the intention to have the Dolphin ready Jo go into commission by March. . Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had his tus sle with cholera morbus. He says be drove miles after'he was takeneick, and never came so near dying in his life. After this when he goes out in tbe coun try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him. Missouri Valley. (Iowa) Times? For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. Sheepmen, Attention! Clarke & 'Falk have secnrod the agency for the La Plata Sheep Sip. Mixes instantly with cold water. Alum v baking powder is almost as strong as Sf hillings Best. Yes, and prussic acid is stronger than vinegar. 623 . WAR CLOUDS LOWER Mission Ostensibly One Peace. of SECRETARY LONG HAS SO DECIDED The Armored Cruiser Montgomery and Nashville to be Dispatched to Havkna at Once. Washington, Mar. 2. Secretary Long as decided to send two naval vessels to Cuba with forty or fifty tons of provis ions for the relief of tbe suffering recon- centrados. It is said an emergency ex ists which makes it necessary to dispatch provisions at once to succor the starv- Tho Montgomery will take supplies to Matanzas and tbe - Nashville to Sagua la Grande. ' The vessels will return imme diately after delivering tber supplies, which were furnished by the New York Cuban relief committee. Tbe tension over the Maine affair is noticeably relieved in official quarters today, partly because of the absence of dispatches to the state or navy depart ments bearing on the subject, and also because of the conservatism inspired by Secretary Long's utterance to tbe effect that the element of Spanish' participation in the disaster had been eliminated in his judgment. Although tbe navy departments had no report from Havana or Key West, a dispatch announcing the departure of the cruiser Brooklyn from Lanta Lucia far La Goayra bad some direct signifi cance on the further romoving ot the larger vessels from what has thus far been tbe common center of naval activity at Key West. Tbe Brooklyn will make a short stop at La Guara and will then proceed further southward. . The Day at Key West. Key Wkst, Mar.-2. The court of in quiry rusumed its session here shortly after 10 o'clock. Ten more enlisted men were examined by tbe full board. Commander Forsythe was the first wit ness not on the list of the crew of the Maine to be called. Tbe torpedo-boat Ericsson left this morniong with mail matters for the fleet at Tortngas. She was expected to return this afternoon. The court took a recess for luncheon at 1 o'clock, It reassembled at 2 o'clock and proceeded at once to tbe barracks, where the survivors of the Maine who were confined in tbe hospital, .were ex amined. Ships Back Broken. ' New York, Mar. 2. A special from Havana says: . The Maine's back was broken. Later discoveries made by divers not only sup port the information printed by tbe Herald concerning the disclosures- of paramount importance by Ensign Pow ellson, but convince those in charge of tbe submarine investigation that a mine rent the battleship' asunder. Tbe keel of the SD1P naa been found in two pieces the nearest ends of which are separated by a distance of from two and one-half thfee feet; Tfae eectiong are n0 ,onr lying in one straight line, but show the effect of a force executed from port to starboard It is evident from tbe discovery of the present condition ot the keel that tbe section ot tbe bottom found twenty-five fleet from its natural .position 'was wrenched from its belt by the first ex plosion and driven upward. The keel itself was forced in the middle until it was broken and then collapsed in two sections, and well in position the divers found it yesterday. - Gall lor IT llletts' Point, New York, March 1. The work of mounting two 8-inch disappearing guns at Willett's Point, Long . Island, which was begun a week ago, is progressing rapidly. Only a short time ago three new guns were mounted at that place. One was '8 inch bore and tbe other two were 10-inch bore, weighing thirty -three tons each. Comment In France.' Paris, March 1. French newspa pers generally do full justice to the attitude of the United States in view of the loss of the battleship Maine, although they ! contend that the. "jingo newspapers'' have a dangerous influence. - Consul at Dellze. Washington, Mar. 2. The president has named William L. Averv, of . Mon tana, as consul at Belize, British Hon- auras. ' John Wilde Dead. Tkoy.N. Y. Mar. 2. John Wilde, the famous actor, passed away in this city today. NEWS NOTES. Wednesday's Dally. Today's bulletin states that there are no new developments in the Maine dis aster. .If the report of tbe Chicago Chroni cle's Key West correspondent be correct, Secretary Long is seriously alarmed for the safety of Americans in Cuba, and in preparation to meet an. emergency which he considers is imminent, bas ordered the warships stationed at Key We9t and Tortugas to prepare to leave for Havana at a moment's notice. Comptroller of .the Currency Dawes today accepted the resignation of Bank Examinei Charles Cieary.for Oregon and Washington district. He has transferred Examiner Eldrige from the California district, deary's old district. Cleary's resignation' was called for some time ago and its acceptance has been held up, pending the appointment for the Call fornia district. , Spanish officials at Havana, in despair of ever crushing the Cuban rebellion, are urging the Madrid government to de mand of the United , States that the Maine inquiry be concluded at once and an ultimatum rendered, apparently in the belief that defeat at the hands of the United States army and navy would be less humiliating than acknowledge ment of their failure to put down the re bellion. Margaret Dempsey, wife of tbe great pugilist, Jack Dempsey, died at the home of her parents on Grand avenue, Portland, last nigbt. Mrs. Dempsey was a victim of consumption, having been ailing for several years. Last June she went to California in hopes that the 'change would improve her health, but returned a couple of months ago, little improved, and since that time she has failed rapidly until her death last night. She leaves a little girl, a father and mother, one brother and two two sisters to mourn her loss. Thursday' Dally. The Nicaragua canal commission states that tbe route between the Pacific ocean and lake Nicaragua is very feasible, and estimates the cost of construction at not more than $100,000. Reports received yesterday state that in case of a war with the United States, Spain will not find allies in Europe. Tbe European countries are neutral to the United States and will, in all proba bility, remain neutral in case of trouble. A late dispatch received this morning states that it is known positively that the board of inquiry has reported,, but it is nnable so far to determine tbe cause of the accident. Tbe president is de termined to find ont tbe facts. " Tbe steamer College City has been pot on the Alaska route. Two Kiondikers are reported frozen to death near Skagnay with $100,000 in their possession. Tbe result of the recent battle of Hoi- guin, province of bantiago de Ouba, was not a Spanish victory, as was announced in the official report of the engagement sent to Havana. Letters received at New York from Cuban leaders show that the Spaniards not only were not victori ous, but that after five days of fighting they were driven from the field in con fusion and forced to retreat under cover of darkness, and that their losses in killed and wounded were the heaviest suffered in any single engagement which has been fought in many months. Friday' Daily." Japan is preparing to take a band in the Maine matter, as several Japanese subjects were killed in the Maine ex plosion. The New York Journal yesterday ad vanced a theory that the Maine was blown np by a submarine mine which was laid by the Spaniards and tonched off by a follower of Weyler. Late reports state that tbe Canadians have, planted a flag at the summit oi White's Pass, on the shore of Summit Lake. Both tbe ; United States and Canada claim this territory and bitter feeling is being engendered regarding it. A. Goldechmidt, a traveling man in the employ, ot C. H. Meyer & Bros., manufacturers of hats and caps at No. 28 and 30, Sansome street, San Fran cisco, familiarly known as "Little Goldie," and one of the best-known commercial men on the Pacific coast, ended his troubles with a 38-caliber six shooter at the Esmond hotel, in Port land, yesterday morning. - Bnokien'e anuca salve- The best ealve in the world for cuts, braieee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cm ea piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. - For sale 6y Blakeley and Hongh ton, druggists. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve Cares' Piles, Scalds, Born. IS NOT YET Court of Inquiry Has Made No Report. STATEMENT MADE BY SECY LONG i Madrid Public Excited Over the New of the Arrival of American War ship In Hong; Kong;. Washington, Mar. 3. Secretary Long today authorized an absolute denial of tbe rumor that a partial or preliminary report had been received from the Maine inquiry board indi cating or declaring the loss of the Maine to have been due to an ex ternal explosion. He eaid tbe pub lic had all the Information which had been received. Washington, Mar. 3. Secretary Long spent a good part of the morning in con versation with Chairman' Boutelle, of the house naval committee. He denied himself to all other callers,' and from time to time sent for various bureau chiefs of tbe department, a pretty clear indication that Boutelle was being sup plied with such information as the de partnrent conid supplv as to the imme diate needs of the naval service. Up to noon no word had come to the department from the court of inquiry at Key Weet. It is said the court is under no obligation to inform the departmen when it has completed this branch of the inquiry, nor is it necessary for the court to seek permission from the de partment to return to Havana. The state department received a call today from Senor da Base, the Spanish charge d'affairs, this being diplomatic day It is understood, however, to have had no relation to the Maine inquiry, which up to tbe present time, bas not become tbe subject of diplomatic exchange. Activity Not Abated. jnkw i ore, Mar. 6. inere is a con unusnce of unwonted activity at the New York arsenal. The shipping of shells and othei projectiles, to tbe fortl fications about the harbor continue. At army headquarters there are no new de velopements, and no orders out ot the ordinary routine are expected. It is said that a batterv of twenty 12-inch mortars will be soon received - at Sandy Hook for testing before they are forward ed to the places for which they are des tined. There are a number of unarmored guns at the proving-grounds awaiting the construction of carriages. The sup ply of ammunition has been increased in all the magazines, and is so arranged that it can be made immediately avail able. The men at the post seem much more pleased at the work tbey have to do than when the guna lay idle and in a cordition unfit for active use. At Sandy Hcok, however, there is a slight com plaint among the men, who say that too much work is expected of two small a force. ' A large consignment of ammunition, including powder and projectiles, is ready for shipment at the ordnance de partment in the New : York navy yard. ' Commander Swift, who has charge of the department, superintended the work of packing. Commander Swift has re ceived instructions from Washington to forward the supplies as soon as pos eible to Key West, whence they will be distributed among the United Slates warships how In that neighborhood. W ben asked if the consignment wa3 not an unusually large one, Commander Swift replied that is was not, and that when it was divided up among the sev eral ships they would not nave more than the usual compliment in their magazines. Many of the projectiles are for guns of large caliber. As yet no information has been re' ceived as to what disposition of the guns which have recently been shipped to tbe yard from Washington. These guns are of different sizes, and as .neither the Chicago nor the Atlanta, which are be ing overhauled at the yard, will be ready to receive guns for at least six months, it is rumored that they are for auxiliary vessels. - The Venezuelan Bevolt. Washington, Mar. . The state de partment has been informed that a small revolution has broken out at Valencia, about 200 miles from Caracas, tbe capi tal of Venezuela.. No details are given. This evidently directed against Presi dent Andrade, who was only a few days ago inaugurated as successor to Presi dent Creepo. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. mm POWDER Absolutely Pure ROVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Ready to Co-Operate. New Yoek, Mar. 3. A special from Havana says : . A messenger left Gomez' camp early last, week and is now on his way to Washington, bearing full details and data of insurgent field organization. In case hostilities break out General Gomez ex pects to co-operate with tbe American fleet, and for this reason desires that American officers shall have full, knowl edge of the rebtil force and equitment. It is uderstood here that General Go mez will offer to relinquish his command to any American general who may be sent from Washington. "' SlOO Reward SlOO. The readers of this paper will' be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive core known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cureis taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the disease and giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature ia doing its work. Tbe proprie tor! have B3 much faith in its curative pCTJrs, that they offer One Hundred Do iars for any case that it fails to enre. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toleda, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. William's Omlnua Word. Berlin, Mar. 3. The semiofficial North German Gazette says the follow ing passage occurred in the speech of Emperor William delivered Tuesday at Wilhelmshaven, upon the occasion of sweariog in tue naval recruits: 'Where the German eagle bas seized holt and fixed its claws, that country is German and will positively remain Ger- . man." - Chamberlain' Coach Remedy Always Prove Effectual. There are no better medicines on the market than Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved effectual. Almost daily we hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex tolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty pnff, paid 'for at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good faith, in the hope that suffering humanity may try-these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From the Glenville ; W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Foulz' cigars are on sale at the follow mg places: bntpes-Jiinersly, Ulark & Falk and M. Z. Donnell, druggists; Com mission iJo., Cieo. Ktich, Urea riener and Chas, Phillips, grocers; Columbia Candy Factory and A. Keller, confection ers; Unas, rrank, Ad. Keller, uan Baker, An. Bucbler, Ben Wilson and The Midwav, saloons. Bottle of CUTICURA RESOL VENT, greatest cf humor cures, is often sufficient to complete a permanent cure of the most torturing and ' disfiguring of skin, scalp, and blood humors. ' Speedy Cubk Tseatjtest tor six Skts and Blood Hdmobs. Warm tm'.be with Cuticuba Soap, gentle applications of Ccticdra (oint ments, the treat skin care, nod mild doses of Ccticcba Kesolvent, greatest of humor cares. Bold throughout the world. Price. CtlTimA. 5fle.t Soir. tle.l KlSOLVENT. Slid SI. POTTIB Dsi'O ajto Chzm. Ccep., Sole Prop , Boiton. r tlow to cure .vi j uomor, muica me. , .. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Tbe famous little pills. A 50 CENT