The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 23, 1898, PART 1, Image 1

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An Infernal Machine Seen
Strong Kvidenca that an Enemy Caused
the Kxploslon The Story Lacks
A wounded sailor in the marine hos
pital at Key West has told a New York
Herald correspondent that while look
ing over the Maine's bow into Havana
harbor-just previous to the battleship's
destruction, he saw an illuminated mis
sile apparently a torpedo approaching
in the waters, and that before be could
give the alarm the explosion occurred.
If true, this story settles all doubt as to
the destruction of the Maine having
been the work of an enemy of the United
A joint reeolation passed both houses
of coneress todav. appropriating $200
000 for the purpose of raising the Maine.
Until this has been accomplished it 11
probable that the mannerof thedestruc
tion cannot be definitely learned.
New York, Feb. 18. The Herald this
morning prints the following from Key
"I learn on undoubted authority that
one of the Maine's sailors who was taken
to the marine hospital, out of gratitude
for the kind treatment and careful nurs
ing received from surgeons and attend'
ants, has broken the seal of silence en
joined by his superior officers before
leaving Havana, and makes statements,
the truth of which cannot be doubted,
and which points to the deliberate de
struction of the vessel.
"The sailor, whose name for obvious
reasons is withheld for the present, says
be was on watch on the ' forward deck
shortly before the explosion occurred.
While looking over the Maine's bow into
the waters of the bay be saw a black
object slowly approaching the vessel
The object, whatever it was, was appar
ently illuminated and emitted smoke.
He suspected something wrong and
started to coinmanicate the fact to the
officer of the day, when the explosion
occurred. The Maine was reared in the
air and he was thrown to the deck stun
ned and bleeding.
"He also eays that simultaneously
with the raising of the Maine be saw
the steam launch which was moored
alongside of her, also thrown out of the
water. This was before the second ex
plosion in the Maine's magazine was
felt, and which sent her to the bottom."
Colonisation Scheme.
New Yobk, Feb. 18. One of the
greatest colonization schemes the world
has ever seen was practically begun
yesterday when John Jacob Astor started
for Honduras. He left here in a private
car tor Palm Beach, where bis yacht,
Normanhal is in waiting. Mr. Astor
goes in the interest of a syndicate recent
ly formed.
The syndicate has also started a na
tional bank in Honduras, erected light
houses, established a revenue-cutter
service and begun the extension of the
Honduras railroad to the Pacific ocean
It has taken charge of the custom-house
on a guarantee to the government of one
million dollars, and has already confis
cated eighteen thousand dollars worth of
smuggled goods.
Mr. Astor will go direct to the capi
The new railroad baa already reached
the great coffee belt and there wi'l be a
colony formed there in which every man
will bave a chance of fortnne. Only men
with families, with some little money,
with practical experience and with the
best of reputation will be taken. To
them will be given concessions of land,
importation of implements, etc., and up
to a certain point financial aid will be
given them.
The details of the colonization plan is
not perfected, and will not be arranged
and made public until after Mr. Aster's
return, in March.
' The Maine to be Kalsed. '
Washington, Feb. 18. A resolution
offered in the senate by Hale appropri
ating $200,000 for raising the battleship
Maine add saving what property could
be saved, was passed by the senate with
out objection, being amended so as to
authorize the secretary to direst that the
remains of the officers and sailors be
brought to the United States for inter
ment. The bouse passed a resolution similar
to that passed by the senate relative to
the Maine.
The vessel with her stores, guns, ma
terial, equipment, fittings and appurte
nances cost appreximately $5,000,000.
As an illustration of the value of single
items which may have escaped serious
injury, it may be said that the 10-inch
tcuns, of which the Maine carried four,
were worth, with their mounts, $43,500
The sinking of the Maine will - be
made the subject of an immediate and
exhaustive inquiry, and congress will be
fully advised as to the result ot such in
Japanese Time Thinks China la Fermenting-
New, Yobk, Feb. 18. A Herald spe
cial from Yokohama says:
The Japanese Times takes a gloomy
view of the Eastern situation. The fol
lowing is from its leading editorial:
"Things are in a state of suspense.
Will the threatened storm pass away
without occassioning any actual eiplo
sion? Nobody should answer in the the
affirmative. We should say that the
real dangers of the situation have yet to
be faced. What these dangers will be
it is not easy nor safe to foretell, but we
may state broadly that they will disclose
themselves when the time comes for
Japan to act the hero part on the stage."
The Times speculating as to the prob
ability of Japan refusing China's request
for time in which to pay the war indem
nity, continues:
"If oar neighbors succeed in raising
the money before that time it will be all
right, but should their efforts be unsuc
cessful then would be the inauguration
of operations in the Eastern crisis. Un
der the development of events, things
may easily come very near to the point
of explosion. China's failure to find
money will open a new scene in the
drama, a scene which will be of more
lively interert than anything thus far
SlOO Reward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly npon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the disease
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprie
tor! have S3 much faith in its curative
parrus, that they offer One Hundred
Do lars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address,
F. J; Cheney, & Co., Toleda, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
. Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The New Irish Bill.
London, Feb. 21. The house of com
mons was crowded today when the first
lord of the treasury, Balfour, introduced
the Irish local government- bill. In so
doing Balfour said he thought' it possi
ble the new order of the things would at
first seem a failure, bat he believed it
would work through failure to the suc
cess which it deserved.
In a recent letter from Washington,
D. C, to an old friend, Major, 6. A.
Studer, for twenty years United States
Consul at Singapore, says : "While at
Des Moines I became acqainted with a
liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which I fonnd excellent against
rheumatism as well as against soreness
of the throat and chest (giving me much
easier breathing. I had a touch of pneu
monia early this week, and two applica
tions freely applied to the throat and
chest relieved me of it at once. I would
not be without it for anything." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
To Raise the Maine.
New Yobk, Feb. 18. The Commercial
Advertiser says : .
It was reported at the navy-yard today
that Naval Contractor Bowles is to be
sent to Havana to superintend the work
of raising the Maine.
Chamberlain's Conch Remedy Always
Proves Effectual.
There are no better medicines on the
market than Chamberlain's. . We have
a Bed the Cough Remedy when all others
failed, and in every instance it proved
effectual. Almost daily we bear the
virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex
tolled by those who' bave used them.
This is hot an empty puff, paid for at so
much a line, but is voluntarily given in
good faith, in the hope that suffering
humanity may try these remedies and,
like the writer, be benefited. From the
Glenville ;W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale
by .Blakeley & Houghton. ' .
Overproduction of OH.
. Los Angeles, Feb. 21. It is stated
that the overproduction of oil in the Los
Angeles oil fields at the present time is
nearly 500 barrels a day. . ' i
Warlike Preparations are
Being Made Generally.
More Men lor Fortifications Extra
Drills at the Various Forts
Guards for Big Onns.
Chicago, Feb.19. Since Fridav morn
ing Fort Sheridan, where the Fourth
infantry and the First cavalry are sta
tioned, has been a state of the utmost
activity. Soldiers have been polishing
their weapons, arranging mess kits
grooming horses and preparing general
ly to march at a moments notice. Colo
nel Robert H. Hall in command of the
fort, yesterday received one telegram
among many messages which caused
him to take action. He at once ordered
that general preparations for a possible
Immediat summons be made. Accord
ingly every man at the fort was set to
work. Every man of the 700 soldiers at
the fort busied himself arranging bis
army belongings. Every man has been
supplied with ammunition sufficient for
100 rounds of shot. This is in both cav
alry and infantry. Orders were issued
to the soldiers to turn defective weapons
into the ordinance department, and new
ones have been supplied. Today final
preparations, in compliance with the
orders, were completed, ana tnose Bia-
tioned at the fort were in readiness to
receive orders of any character.
A New Spanish Plot. .
London, Feb. 19. There Is a carious
discussion in the Spanish press as to the
possibility of confederating the Latin re
publics of South America with Spain
against the United States. El Pais con
tends that the Spanish republics are
weak through isolation, and that if
united in a military and diplomatic al
liance, they would be the first power in
the world in territory, the second in
population, and their armies and navies
would have sufficient power to insure
The papers point out that the jealous
ies of the republics prevent them from
taking the initiative, but Spain, it is
claimed, ought to urge her diplomats to
approach the republics with the view of
combining for the deiense of Latin in
terests, endangered by the intrusion of
the Anglo-Saxons.
EI Pais thinks Spain's advice would
not be disregarded if she warned Latin
Amsrica against the United States, ad'
"For it is well known that the greedy
Yankees, once the Panama canal is
opened to the world's commerce, will do
all which their perfidity can suggest to
wrest it from the Latin countries of
Central America, even as England did
the Suez canal. Tending in this direc
tion is the desire of tbe Americana to se
cure Cuba."
In conclusion El Pais says:
"Tbe advances of the United States in
the sea of tbe Antilles, are preliminary
steps in the blockade and occupation of
the canal."
Referring to tbe Latin American conn
tries, the Spectator, in a long article,
points out that there is no doubt of tbe
existence of an understanding between
France and Spain, which has lately been
strengthened, and says :
There are well-informed people who
believe that In the autumn, when tbe
United States and Spain .almost colided,
the United States found there was a
stiffness in the Spanish attitude which
could only be accounted for by the fact
that Spain knew she could appeal to a
power which ccfuld not neglect her de
mands for help."
The Sunday review expresses the be
lief that France allowed tbe United
States to understand, indirectly, that
considerations of importance to ber
would not allow her to see Spain treated
in an unfriendly manner, and that a
Spanish appeal to France must result in
tbe latter's Intervention. The Saturday
review believes that this accounts for
the "way the United States shrank from
potting in practice tbe treatment ot
Spain suggested in the original protests
of the Washington government." The
Spectator understands that if France
had not helped Spain, the latter would
have applied for assistance to the drei
bund, with almost a certainty of suc
cess. -A, Gale at New Orleans.
New Orleans, Feb. 19. A severe
storm of lightning and wind struck New
Orleans today. The gale was so heavy
that tbe rear of the . city sheds were
knocked down, chimneys toppled over,
M iA "rah. -tw
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Fig8 is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the syS'
tern effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its Kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptahle to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
loomvuie. nr. hew iork. .r.
trees uprooted and fences laid low. One
man was seriousty injured by lightning,
Telegraph and telephone weres were
dewn in many quarters. Forty thousand
dollars wouldTje a rough estimate of the
Scovel Says the Forward Magazine is
Still In Tact.
New York. Feb. 19. A copywright
cablegram to the Evening World from
SylvesterScovel under date of today .from
Havana, says :
"The consensus of opinion of those
who have studied the wreck closely is
now that the wreck was caused by a sub
marine mine. The forward magazine
it is now generally supposed, is in tact
also the forward Bix-inch magazines,
This leaves only a few saluting charges
and a few small-caliber shells in the.
pilot-house which could posBibly have
exploded aboard the ship. At the same
time, tbe fearful damage is too great for
anything but an extremely large torpe
do. If it were true, the divers will find
the torpedo, fragments, but if it was a
submarine mine, no trace will be found.
All of the Amerioan officers are internal-.
ly doubting. There is no one of them,
from Captain Sigsbee down, who is not
fairly convinced a eubmarine mine did
it. The Spanieh dailies are loudly clam
oring "accident, accident" when even
now the fact is known that tbe entire
middle deck, which was blown straight
up, never had an ounce of ship's powder
under it, and that was where the first
flame was seen."
' Consumption Positively Cured.
Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Cbil-
bowie, Va., certifies that he had con
sumption, was given up to die, sought
all medical treatment that money could
procure, tried all cough remedies he
could hear of, .but got no relief; spent
nights sitting up in a chair; was in
duced t8 try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by two bottles. For past
three years has been attending to bus!
ness and says Dr. King's New Discovery
is the grandest remedy ever made, as it
has done so much for him and also for
others in his community. Dr. King's
New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs,
Colds and consumption. It don't fail
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 5
Denver & Pacific Sold.'
Denver, Feb. 21. Special MasterCor-
nish today sold under first mortgage
foreclosure tbe road and appurtenances
of the Denver & Pacific Railway and
Telegraph Company. The property was
bought by Lawrence Greer on behalf of
tbe reorganization committee for $2,-
000,000. There was no other bider at
the sale.
Warning : Persons who suffer from
coughs and colds should heed the warn
ings of danger and save themselves suf
fering and fatal results by using One
Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible
remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all
throat and long troubles. Snipes-Kin-
ersly Drug Co.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cares Piles, Scalds, Barns. .
Divers Report a Startling
JBxploslon Shown to Have Come From
Without or From the Central
Portion of the Vessel.
New Yokes Feb. 21. A Key West
Bpecial says :
It is learned from what may be con
sidered a semi-official sonrce that divers
sent down on behalf of the United States
to examine the wreck of the battleship
Maine, have made a preliminary report
of tbeir work.
Incredible as it may seem, it says that
after a practical examination of the mag
azines of the Maine, tbe divers report
that tbe one in which the explosion is
supposed to have occurred is in tact.
According to the correspondent's in
formant, tbe contents of the magazines
are uninjured. Therefore, if this is true
an entirely different aspect is given to
the terriffic. explosion which brought
death and destruction to the Maine on
the 15th Inst.
This report reaching Key West, it is
said, caused the members of the court of
inquiry to decide to proceed to Havana
and begin their investigation at once,
instead of organizing the court here. At
any rate, the lighthouse tender Man
grove, with the courtof inquiry onboard,
left for Havana yesterday evening. Up'
on reaching Havana'the court will make
a personal examination of tbe wreck,
and will then take testimony regarding
the loss" of the vessel. When the Man
grove sailed it had not been decided
wberetbe board would convene, but Ad'
miral Sicard told a press correspondent
this evening it would probably meet on
board the Mangrove or the Fern, the
supply ship of the Norto Atlantic squad
ron, which is now in Havana. The ad
miral added that the court would, in all
probability bold another session in Key
WeBt before its final conclusions are
reached. .
The Day in the Senate.
Washington, Feb. 21. The galleries
were filled today when tbe senate con
vened, the crowd of spectators doubtless
being attracted by the probability of
further debate upon Cuban affair or
matters connected with tbe catastrophe
to the battleship Maine.
Hoar introduced a joint resolution di
recting the transfer ot valuable historic
al records from several departments to
tbe national library.
Allen introduced tbe following resolu
tion :
"Resolved, That the committee on na
val affairs be and is hereby directed to
make a thorough examination of tbe de
struction of tbe battleship Maine in Ha
vana harbor on the 15th inst., and report
to the senate."
Tbe resolution was passed without a
word of debate.
In the Honse.
Washington, Feb. 15. Under the
arrangement made last week while the
bankruptcy bill was being debated, today
in the tbe bouse the time was given gp
to the consideration of privy bills.
Magazine Keys Found.
New Yobk, Feb. 21. A Havana dis
patch says :
The divers bave only made three de
scents to the wreck of tbe battleahi p
Maine. Captain Sigsbee's state docu
ments were rescued from a private
drawer in bis cabin, i The keys to the
magazines were found - just above tbe
hook over tbe bead of the captain's b;d,
tbe usul place. They had been floated
upward by the rising of the matress of
the berth.
About 100 of the Maine's heroes are
yet in tbe wreck.
To Sound International Organs.
New York, Feb. 21. The invention
has been announced of a phonodoscope.
an instrument of .wonderful value in
studying tbe conditions of the internal
organs of tbe body. It is declared by
physicians to be a wondeful advance on
tbe old stethoscope. The phonodoscope
conveys to the physicians sounds made
by tbe internal organs, thus telling him
whether or not they are in a perfectly
healthy condition.
Prescott Hotel Burned.
Presscott, Ariz., Feb. 21. A disas
trous fire occurred here last night result
ing in the total destruction of the John
son hotel. The bouse contained between
twenty and thirty guests and the fire
made euch rapid headway before being
Royal makes tbe food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
discovered that it resulted in almost to
tal loss of nearly everything, and many
had hairbreadth escapes. While no fa
talities occurred, many- were seriously
Annie Pierson, a chambermaid, made
the discovery and remained in the third
story awakening the gueets until tbe
flames cut off every avenue of escape by
the stairways, and she then was com
pelled to crawl through a window to the
roof, where she was rescued very badly -burned.
Tbe Shakers of .Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared tbe
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always tbe same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped!
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that tbey are. The Shak
ers never bave indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to tbe wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges-.
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands. .
bo that after awhile tbey don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is. printed on every bottle. Sold by
dmggiats, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot
tle. Through Tourist Cars to St. Iiouls.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
land every' Monday via Missouri Pacific
and every Wednesday via the Burling
ton route at 8 p.m.; and The Dalles at
11 :45 p. m. via tbe O. R. & N., through
Salt Lake and Denver, without change
to St. Louis, and under the supervision
of experienced conductors. No change
of cars to Kansas City or St. Louis.
Keep this service in mind when going
East and consult O. R. & N. agents or
address .W. H. Hcblburt,
Gen. Pasngr Agt.,
Portland. Or.
How to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If the
liver be inactive, yon have a bilious look ;
if your kidneys be effected, you have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks. "Elec
tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly on tbe stomach
liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, and
gives a good complexion. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5
J. M. Thirswend, of Groebeck, Texas,
eays that when he has a spell of indi
gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he
takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers at night, and he is all right the next
morning. Many thousands of others do
tbe eame thing. Do you? Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
The cigars manufactured by S. F.
Fouts are all high grade goods, and are
placed before the smoking public en
tirely on their merits.
Smoke the popular brands, Prize Med- -al,
Rase Queen and Guarantee,. For
sale by all first-class dealers.
The best specific for dandruff and to
prevent baldness is Clarke &' Falk'a
compound quinine hair tonic. 9-lm
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That is what it was made for.
a a IF 16 6a mm
We want to send vou a
a free sample of
"Happy Thought" Salve
and our book.
Send your name and ad
drees to Garland's
Happy Thought Salve Co
Seattle, Wash.
For Sale at DONNELLY.