IS Tfllfllt? f VOL. VIII. ' THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1898. NUMBER 17. WHITE PASS RAILWAY To be Built From the Head of Lynn Canal. THE WORK TO BE BEGUN AT ONCE An Eng II. h Company Furnish. a the Cap Ital Kocd to be Ready to Op- erate sumeTlme In May Montreal, Feb. 15. C. H.Wilkinson, representing tbe British Yukon Com pany, says tbe construction of a railroad through White pass, from the bead of Lynn canal to Lake Bennett, will be be gun immediately by bis company. The road, which will be 45 miles in length, will be completed within 90 days of the beginning of the work. The British Yukon Company, of which the Duke of Teck is president, also holds a charter from tbe Dominion govern xnent for the construction of a railroad through White pass. The announce ment, some weeks ago, of tbe govern ment'a having" negotiations with Messrs Mann and Mackenzie, determined the British Yukon Company to build the road over White pass at once. The width of the track will be three feet six inches. The grade over the pass will be three per cent, and at points where the grade is the steepest what is known as tbe "A. B. T." rail will be laid. This rail which has been used in the Hartz mountains in Europe, has notches for tbe grip to a cog wheel, and ia a part of tbe locomotive. DISAVOWED AT MADRID. Famous De Lome Letter to Canal ejas Formally Repudiated. New York, Feb. 15. A special from Washington says : A cablegram received by the secretary of state from Minister Woodford, at Madrid, announces that the .Spanish government has disavowed the letter of De Lome to Senor Canelejas. This dis claimer, as the administration officials are pleased to call regarded as satis factory, and the president has authorized the announcement that the incident is closed. New York, Feb. 15. The Washington correspondent of tbe Herald says that tbe announcement from Madrid that tbe Spanish ministry bad decided to re ply in a fitting manner to Minister Woodford's representation of tbe ' De Lome letter is highly satisfactory to the administration officials. No one is more pleased over the matter than the presi dent. He has never doubted that Spain would repudiate tbe action of her min ister. His only concern has been that tbe delay in closing the incident might lead to some outbreak in congress which would cause embarrassment to tbe ad ministration before the Spanish govern ment had had any opportunity to make a satisfactory response. Ashamed, Grieved and Sorry New York, Feb. 15. In conversation with a Madrid correspondent of the Herald, a cabinet minister made tbe fol lowing statement : "You may say openly, as coming from Senor Sagasta and from each of us that we entirely condemn, in the most abso lute manner, Senor de Lome's letter. We are ashamed, grieved and sory there at. The ministers feel more agrleved than President McKinley can possibly be. We are honest men, who have been placed in a wrong position by a fool." In reply to further questions, the min ister said ; "Canelejss' journey was absolutely private, and in no way possible did we trust or use him." FIto Were Killed. Pittsbukg, Feb. 15. The south wall of the Union Storage Company's build ing, which was destroyed by tbe big fire last Wednesday, fell shortly before noon today. A number of boys were at play about the ruins, and it is believed at least five were caught by the falling wall and are buried beneath the debris. Tbe news caused great excitement, as It was first reported that ten men had been killed. This was untrue. Tbe ex tent of tbe accident is not yet fully known. Samuel Lewis, a colored man, and Charles Cramer, a boy, were taken out alive. They were not dangerously hurt. Young Cramer says a number of his companions were caught under the wall. A large force is clearing the debris. The parts of tbe wall still standing are in a danaeronn condition, and the searchers are In danger of being buried. At 1 :30 p. m. the search waa aban doned and the workmen ordered from tbe ruiue, on account of the dangerous walls and the nncertainty of finding any alive in tbe wreckage. No more work will be done until tbe threatening walls have been torn down. Consumption Positively Cared. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chil howie, Va., certifies that be had con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies .be could hear of, but got no relief; 'spent nights sitting up in a chair; was in duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by two bottles. For past three years hae been attending to busi nexs and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and consumption. It don't fail Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug 8 tore. 5 Arbitration of Strikes. Washington, Feb. 15. Tbe senate committe on education and labor today decided by unanimous vote to report favorably tbe bill prepared by tbe train men of the country, and recently intro duced in the senate by Kyle, providing for tbe arbitration of railroad strikes by a board of arbitration to be chosen by tbe strikers and tbe interstate commerce committee. Row to Look Good. Good looks are reaily more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all tbe vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ; if your kidneys be effected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Elec tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and Tonic. Acts directly on tbe stomach liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood. cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5 Killed In Committee. Washington, Feb. 15. By a vote of 10 to 3' the house committee on military affairs refused to report favorably the Odell bill authorizing any denomination, sect or religious body to erect buildings tor religions worship on any military reservation in tbe country. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Always Proves Effectual. There are no better medicines on the market than Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved effectual. Almost daily we hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex tolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty puff, paid for at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good faith, in tbe hope that suffering humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From tbe Glenville ,'W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale by Blakeley & Honzbton. To Consider tbe Load Bill. Washington, Feb, 15. The house has agreed to consider the Loud bill relating to second-class mall matter March 12th and 13th. Postmaster at Oaksdale. Washington, Fob. 15. The president has nomited F. A. DaviB as postmaster at Oaksdale, Wash. Buekien's Anmca salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cui as piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or mcnev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Grain In Europe. Liverpool, Feb, 17. Wheat Firm ; No. 1 standard California, 39s; English markets, firm ; French country markets, firmer. Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since be had his tus sle with cholera morbus. He says be drove miles afterjhe waa takeneick, and never came so near dying in his life. After this when be goes out in the coun try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with him. Miseouri Valley (Iowa) Times. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. Smoke the popular brands, Prize Med al, Rose Queen and Guarantee,. For sale by all first-class dealers. Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder. The Power o Schilling's Best baking powder is wonderful. . . 638 " FEELINGS VERY BITTER An ti-American Sentiment is General, t WAR DEMANDED BY THE PEOPLE Tbe Spaniards Seem to Think they Stand a Good Chance to Win In' Such an Event. New Yoke, Feb. 16. A dispatch from Madrid-says: Tbe public feeling here against the United States is very strong. In the public mind tbe . general conviction is that the United States intends to force war upon Spain, and that tbe latter must absolutely stand her ground; that in Cuba the autonomists will side with Spain, fightiDg against tbe UnitedStates troops and that tbe Spanish would en courage the landing of American troops in great numbers now that the unhealthy season is coming on, would kill them off like flies. At the same time tbe ships of war would bombard the coast towns, which with the exception of New York, are considered un protected, the United States not having enough warships to patrol the entire coast. . At the same time another calculation is made on tbe widespread ruin which would fall upon business men in the United States, whereas the bourse here would scarcely change as is the case with tbe United States. It would merely be the first step toward tbe solution of the question, which is slowly bleeding tbe resources of the country to death. Such is the representative idea of pub lic Spanish feeling today. Senor Canelejas declares that his re cent visit to tbe United States and Cuba was not connected with tbe gov ernment. He went solely to learn for himself the condition of affairs. - In cob elusion he considers Senor de Lome's letter as private and confidential. The action ot the government did not popularize it at home. There are indi cations that the ministers are not dis pleased to be rid of a representative who could not sincerely reflect their feelings, for Senor de Lome was a fervent mem ber of tbe national party, beaded by Robledo and Weyler. Tbe government feels relieved now at having one of its own men at the post, who trnely repre sents the most liberal ideas of the cabi net. The government organ, El Correro, says of the letter : i "It gives the Spanish government of fense far exceeding that to tbe president of the United States. Against the un judicious words as to the president, we deplore the imputation against tbe Spanish government and resent it ex ceedingly. It is deplorable that a pub lic functionary, invested with a diplo matic character, could write, even in a private letter, ideas which are so dis graceful as those from the pen of tbe late minister to Washington." El Heraldo says : "'The Spanish government has nothing to do with the letter. It did not inspire a single paragraph and had no idea ot its existence." El Heraldo refers to the almost con tinuous claim that the United States keeps bringing against Spain, and says that this reflects public opinion that tbe United States wants to force a war upon Spain. This view is taken on 'change, where there are general declines. The government has no easy time. The Day In the 8enate. Washington, Feb. 16. The senate to day ignored tbe Maine disaster and con sidered a resolution to prevent the con firmation pf the Kansas Pacific agree ment. Without any action on the res- lution the senate went into executive session at 10 :30. Senator Morrill occupied attention of tbe senate in executive session in a pre pared speech on the Hawaiian treaty. He took positive grounds against annex ation. The Bouse. Washington, Feb. 16. The house to- today promptly took np the bankruptcy bill. Henderson of Iowa opened with a long explanatory speech. Maine Disaster Discussed. Washington, Feb. 16. The Maine disaster waa the principal subject under consideration by the senate committee on foreign relations today. ' Opinions generally expressed by the members of tbe committee in this informal ' confer ence are to tbe effect that the occurrence may result in grave complications, un less Spain makes it very plain that no Spaniard was in any way to blame for it. . Pulp Mill Sold. Quaku.Va, Wis., Feb. 16. Tbe deal by which tbe great water power at Quinn esc and the paper and pulp mills, with 1000 acre's of laud, passed from the bands of tbe Qninneec Falls Paper Com pany to the Kimberly & Clark Company, will be consummated this week. The figures are placed at about $300,000. The falls are a natural waterfall and dam, with a fall of six ieet, making ' it one of the best powers in tbe world. Publishers Meet. New York, Feb. 17. The American Newspaper Publisher's Association is holding its annual session at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. The session will laet three days. The first meeting was called to order by President Charles W. Knapp, of the St. Louis Republic. Kansas Pacific Sold. Tope k a, Feb." 16. The government lien on tbe Union Pacific road in Kaneas waa wiped out today. Tbe Kansas Pa cific road was bought in by Alvin W. Krecb, representing tbe reorganization committee, for $6,303,000. Krech' was the only bidder. In a recent letter from Washington, D. C, to an old friend, Major, G. A Studer, for twenty years United States Consul at Singapore, says : "While at Des Moines I became acqainted with a liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I found excellent against rheumatism as well as against soreness of the throat and chest (giving me much easier breathing. I had a touch of pneu monia early this week, and two applica tions freely applied to the throat and cheBt relieved me of it at once. I would not be witbont it for anything. " For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Fire Damp Exploded. Bercham Prus.', Feb. 17. A terrible explosion of fire damp" occurred in the LVereinigte Casolinongluck collieries at Hammerly this morning. Thirty- seven bodies have been recovered. It is believed that at least fifty persons were killed. , :A Warning: Persona who suffer from coughs and colds should heed tbe warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by UBlng One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. A River Steamer Sunk. Philadelphia, Feb.16. The passen ger and freight steamboat Erickson, which plies between this port and Bal timore, sank in the Delaware river off Wilmington this morning. Sixty pass engers were taken off. J. M. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas, eays that when be has a spell of indi gestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers at night, and be is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thing. Do you? Snipes Kineraly Drug Co. Drowned Himself. Seattle, Feb. 16. George Smith, a flunky on the steamer Excelsior, com mitted suicide early this morning by drowning himself in tbe bay. For a long time Smith ha'd shown signs of mental derangement, especially on the subject of spiritualism. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain enre are afforded by One Min ute Cough Cure. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.- Prults for Germany. Sacramento, Feb.16. HeinrichSachs, representing one of tbe largest mercan tile bouse in Hamburg, Germany, has just closed a $400,000 contract for Cali fornia dried fruits to be deliyered during the coming season. A Kesplte for Merry. Springfield, 111., Feb.17. Chris Mer ry, wbo was to nave Deen nangea in Chicago tomorrow for wife murder, was today granted a respite of 60 days by Governor Tanner. , There is no need of little children be ing tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per manently. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Dividend. Declared. New York, Feb. 16. The directors of tbe Burlington & Quincy have declared a quarterly dividend of 1 per cent. This increases tbe annual rate from four to five per cent. Yon can't cure consumption but you can avoid it ana cure any otner torm oi throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly. That's what you want. Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. DESIGN OR ACCIDENT? Hole Said to Have Been Found in the Vessel. i SOME UGLY RUMORS ARE AFLOAT The Origin of the Explosion Which De stroyed tbe Maine Is Still an Unsolved ProDlem. According to a Key West press corre spondent, divers working about the bot tom of the wrecked battleship Maine, have discovered an eight-inch percussion hole in her outer plates. This means, if tbe report is true, that the Maine was blown up from the outside, and by de sign. Secretary, of the Navy Long absolutely discredits the above report, saying that there is no such thing 'as an eight-inch percussion hole, and that no torpedo or other explosive missile would made such a hole as that described. . Tbe report that Captain Sigbee tele graphed as his opinion that the Maine was blown up by design is flatly contra dicted at Washington. . Admiral Sicard telegraphs the navy department that according to tbe report of Lieutenant Hood,, of the battleship Maine, the vessel is almost hopelessly wrecked. Key. West, Feb. 17. The correspond ent here of tbe Associated Press has re turned to this place on board the steamer Olivette from the scene of the wreck of the United States battleship Maine, in Havana harbor. Divers working about her bottom have discovered an eight inch percussion hole in tbe outer plates of tbe Maine. Admiral Manterola has summoned Captain Sigsbee to appear before Mili tary Judge Peral to make the necessary depositions; 'r '' ' ' - , When the keys of tbe magazine were delivered to Captain Sigsbee, the tern perature.of the forward magazine was 59 degress, and it is said no high explo sives were stored there, which would seem to make tbe mystery . more dense Fears are expressed here that divers will not be able to throw any light on tbe cause of the disaster, since the for ware part of .the Maine is practically in atoms. As this dispatch is sent no news of importance has been received her neither from Havana nor from the fleet. Keport Mot Verified. New York, Feb. 17. One of the regu lar correspondents of the Associated Press at Key West cabled from there at 11:35 this morning that the report of the finding of a hole in the hull of tbe Maine evidently caused by a torpedo was sent from Havana just before the Olivette sailed, and was from a source regarded as reliable, but it cannot be verified, owing to the strict censorship at Havana. - The report is not verified by tbe officers of the Maine wbo have ar rived at Key West. The Evening World has received from Sylvester Scovel, its correspodent at Ha vana, tbe following reply to an inquiry whether strangers were allowed on the Maine the day of the disaster: "Yes ; visitors were on the Maine all the afternoon of the day of the explosion. A bomb might have been deposited near tbe magazine as I have already cabled. Cables are much delayed here.' Tbe dispatch appears under date of today. Bear-Admiral Ktmberly Advises. Newton, Mass., Feb. 17. Rear-Ad miral Louis A. Kimberly, who com manded tbe United States squadron at Apia, Samoa, at the time of'tbe disaster there, was seen at his home in West Newton. Asked for an opinion on the Maine disaster, he said : "One thing seems to me certain : Tbe less that is said against Spain and tbe Spanish government at the present time the better it will be and the less cause for trouble there may be hereafter. It seems unreasonable to connect the Span ish government with a disaster, and in justice both to Spain and to the officers of tbe Maine, public judgment should be suspended, for a time. An explosion of the magazine might have occurred or there might bave been some explosive in the ship's stores. The exact cause of the explosion will not be known until the ship has been raised and a court . of inquiry has investigated tbe matter thoroughly." Tanner to tbe Beseue. Springfield, 111., Feb. 17. Governor Tanner today called on tbe legislature to authorize him to tender the president of Royal makes tbe food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWOER CO., NEW YORK. the United States the moral and finan cial support of Illinois "to prevt-n- or punish any attempt at hostile invasion of our country." At the conclusion ot the reading of bis message to tbe senate, there was a burst of applauses from both sides. Through Tourist Cars to St. Lools. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Missouri Pacific and every Wednesday via the Barling ton ronte at 8 p. m. ; and The Dalles at 11 :45 p. m. via the O. R. & N., through Salt Lake and Denver, without change to St. Louis,, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going East and consult O. R. & N. agents or address W. H. Hcrlbdrt, Gen. Pasngr Agt., Portland, Or. Strike In a Sawmill. Tacoma. Feb. 17. The Tacoma lum ber mill had to close down this morning on account of a strike. The men re fused to go to work unless a raise of 25c a day was made. Tbe committee was refused an audience by Manager Hansen and 240 men quit work. , They . have been receiving $1.50 and demanded $1.75. Tbe manager is now trying to get new men. lOO Reward SIOO. . The' readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure, in all its stages, and that ia Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive core known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bein a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cnreie taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the disease and giving the patient strength by build ing up tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie tors bave S3 much faith in its curative psTTirs, that they offer One Hundred Do lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney,, & Co., Toleda, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Roosevelt Expresses an Opinion. New York, Feb. 17. The Journal quotes Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt as saying : 'I am convinced that the destruction ot tbe Maine was by no means an acci dent. ' ' The Shakers of Monnt Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many yeare, and it is always tbe same, simple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make tbe Shakers tbe bealtby, long lived people that they are. The Shak ers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion is caused by the Btomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Sbaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands so that after awhile tbey don't need help. As evidence of tbe honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is Drinted on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bot tle. m iVe want to send you a a free sample of "Happy Thought" Salve ' and our book. Send your name and ad dress to Garland's Happy Thought Salve Co Seattle, Wash. For Sale at DOMELL'S.