CO B fiLim. V1"" ' I II fflFTf- THE DALLES, "WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1898. VOL. VIII. NUMBER 15. M I II Ml DAY IN THE SENATE Three Measures Calculated to Aid. RESOLUTION BY MASOX OF ILLINOIS The President Asked to Order "pain to End the War Existing Con dition, the Cause, e Washingtos; Feb. 8. Senator Mason of Illinois presented the following reso lotion to the senate : "Resolved, That ther president of the United States is authorized and is here by requested to notify Spain and the in surgents of Cuba that the war (so-called must at once cease and be discontinned and that the United States of America hereby declare and will maintain peace on the island of Cuba." The resolution was preceded by the following preamble : "The war between Spain and the in eurgents in Cnba has continued until all Christendom is shocked at it barbarities pretended autonomy has been offered by Spain and refused by the Cubans in arms, Spaniards as a war measure have burned homes and sent women and children into the fortified towns, where some of tbem have been starved, others murdered, and women and children been debauched and treated beyond power of language to describe; daugh ters of insurgent soldiers have been sold into houses of infamy, and boys of ten der years have been shot as spies under the form of civilized war. "American citizens have been driven into towns and refused opportunity to work, and left to starve as part of the Spanish war measure, nntil we are com pelled to take, by appropriating the funds of the people of the United States, large sums of money to feed and clothe our citizens, and to return them to our country: and now the Spanish war measure of concentration baa continued so far that concentrados are unfed and . starving, naked and filthy, in as much that death is among them, and has spread into our own country. Hundreds of thousands have perished in this way and by this means. . The unholy work of extermination goes on, the slaughter of the innocents and noncombatants goes on. - "The flag of truce has been abandoned and extermination or independence of the insurgents must be the final out come. The people of the United States are sending money and food and cloth . ing to Cuba to aid the ' dying which . ought to be furnished by Spain for the . reason that the concentrados are legiti mate wards of Spain ; having been put in the present condition as a Spanish war measure, their care should devolve upon Spain, and wonld be so regarded by every civilized nation on the face of the earth. "Under the present charity-seeking of the administration, charitably disposed citizens of the United States cannot con tribute money, medicine or clothing to the Insurgents in the field or hospitals, and should any attempt be made to do so it would ' be captured and prevented by the government of the United States "All parties declared before the last election In favor of the independence of Cuba. The people of the United States do not seek to acquire title in Cuba nor do they seek to gain advantage in any way, directly or indirectly, of any nation by reason of this barbarism called war, They do not complain of . our loss of trade with Cuba and have patiently borne the assault on the health of the people by the filth of the Spanish rale in Cuba. They seek no redress for the loss of business, health or money ; they have patiently waited, not wishing even indirectly to interfere wjth the affairs of another nation, until the stench on our borders has passed endurance, and the barbarous situation in Cnba has become a stain upon our continent and a blot upon our Christian civilization. "The people of the Uaited States de manding no personal profit, having no fear and seeking no favor, clear and conscious as to the justice of oar position, do, in the presence of the CIV7 ilized nations of the world, and in the name of justice and liberty, demand that the so-called war in Cuba most cease." . i . The House. - Washington, Feb. 8. In the house today a bill was passed authorizing the Lewis ton & Concord Bridge Company to construct and maintain bride across the Snake riyer between Idaho and Washington. The senate amendment to the agricul- tural appropriation bill was disagreed to and the bill was ordered seat to con ference. ' Miller of Ohio, Republican, chairman of the election committe, then called op the contested case of Aldrich vs. Flow man, from the fourth district of Alabama. Another Resolution. Washington, Feb. 8. Cannon . of Utah, today offered a resolution to noti fy Spain that if Spain fails to recognize the independence of Cuba on or before the fourth of March next, the United States, on that date will recognize the belligerency of the Cuban patriots, and will within 90 days thereafter assert the independence of Cuba. Allen's Plan. Washington, Feb. 8. Senator Allen today offered as an amendment to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill, the Morgan resolution for recogni tion of the belligerency of Cuba. Troops for the North. Washington, Feb, 8. At a cabinet meeting today it was decided to send two companies of troops to Dyea and Skaguay immediately for the purpose of preserving order and protecting life and property. Free Fills Send your address to H. E. BuckTen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Fills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma' laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the eye tern. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) China eires It Up. St. Pktersbubo, Feb. 8. According to trustworthy intelligence China has finally abandoned the idea of raising a loqn in London or elsewhere. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fear ing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, simple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long- lived people that they are. The Shak ers never nave indigestion. This , is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. - Indiges tion is caused by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach and all its glands so that after awhile they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to f 1.00 per bot tle. ' ' Ordered to Cuba. Washington, Feb. 9. Orders have been sent to Captain Sampson,, in com mand of the north Atlantic squadron, off Key West, to send torpedo-boat Cash ing to Havana with stores for the use of the Maine. .' To Receive Prince Henrj. Pxking, Feb. 8. The tsung-li-yamen has instructed. the viceroy of Nanking to receive Prince Henry of Prussia upon the latter's arrival at Shanghai. Bucklen's Arinca salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei tores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption and posi tively cui es piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. ' The KeDels Strike. New York, Feb. 8. The first outbreak of the rebellion in Nicaragua took place today at San Juan del Sur. Use only ing teas Sc. s hilling Powder quart of flour. . You must mse two teaspoonfuls of other baking powder. . . -. cm ' ' ATTACK ON M'KINLEY The Spanish Minister Guilty of an Indiscretion. A REMARKABLE STOLEN DOCUMENT The Letter was Written to Senor Can elejas, bnt Fell Into the Rands of the Cuban Junta. Nbw York, Feb. 9. The Press this morning says that representatives of the Cuban junta yesterday gave out copies of a letter signed Enrique Dupuy de Lome who is minister of Spain at Washington, and addressed to Jose Canelejas, who went to Cuba last Sep tember, as Premier Sagasta's personal representative. In this letter the Span ish minister refers to President McKin- ley as "weak, and catering to the rab ble," and as "a low politician, who de sires to stand well with the jingoes of his party." The Washington correspondent of the Press says that when a copy of tt)e letter was shown to de Lome, he promptly pro nounced it as being a forgery. He also says that an official of. the state depart ment. in discussing the matter, ex claimed : "De Lome did not write the letter. The Cuban junta has been imposed upon by somebody." On the other hand, Horatio L. Rubens, counsel for the Cuban junta, says : "We know absolutely that this letter is genuine. A man risked his life to ob tain it. We do not hesitate to acknowl edge that It was stolen from Canelejas It is written on the paper of the lega tion. The handwriting is de Lomes, and the signature is his. He may deny it until he is black in the face, but it is genuine, and everybody who has seen the letter knows that it is. If be had attempted to steal the envelope he would never have got away with the letter." Mr.. Rubens was asked , about .-Aha translation, and if there was not some danger that it was . wrong. He re' plied:- "No : the translation was made bv a man who thoroughly understands both languages, and is as near correct as a translation could be." "Where is the letter now" he was asked. "That I decline to answer." Sensation at Washington. Washington, Feb.9. The publication of a letter, bearing the signature of the Spanish minister, Dupuy de Lome, addressed to Senor Canelejas, and mak ing severe strictures on President Mc Kinley, has created a profound impres sion in official circles, and it is expected to bring about important results in the immediate future.' The authenticity of the letter cannot be established rom any official source nor is any denial of it given out from any quarter. A strong impression pre vails that the letter is genuine in its substantial features. Little doubt exists in official circles that if the genuineness of the letter is fnlly established it will result in the retirement of de Lome and his replacement by another minis ter. , At the fcpamsh legation every avenue of inquiry as to the letter is closed. The minister positively .declines to be seen' concerning the subject. He will neither deny nor affirm the accuracy of the letter as a whole or in part. China Humbled. New York, Feb. 7 9. A special from Peking says : The imperial edict issued at the in stance of the German minister being held to be unsatisfactory, a second edict was issued February 1st. In this the emperor expressed regret at the murder one of Best Bak to a heap Doonful of the German missionaries at Kaio Chou. The uufortunate crime, be said, was committed by bandits in Shang Tung province. He had already pun ished the governor and the local offi cials. Permission has been granted to re build the churches and the houses of missionaries, and orders issued to all of ficials to protect the mission?. According to the treaty with Germany China has ceded to that country the bay of Kaio Chou and a zone of territory' 30 miles wide for the construction of a rail way 200 miles long from Kaio Chou to Shan Fu, the capital of the province of the flame name, together with mining privileges along .. line of the zone. Trouble In Sight. . Montevideo, Feb. 9. Several officers have been arrested tor complicity in the military plot and others have been im prisoned for refusing to pledge their support to the president ad iterim, Senor Cuestas. . The proclamation of a dictatorship is daily expected. ' Cuestas is loosing pop ularity owing to his indecision, and many people are leaving the city in or der to escape enrollment in the national guards. . Dr. Saranelli, who discovered a pre ventive for yellow fever has gone to Bra. Brazil to conduct experiments in the states of San Penlo, where yellow - fever is raging now Before leaving Saranelli, in order to perfectly test his serum, made three in jections upon himself. According to the doctor these applications" were made to show that the application tan be made without danger. Max La Prenza, of Buenos Ayres, in commenting upon Dr. Saranelli s test upon himself, says that although he has never made known the composition of the serum, this act is more significant than any declaration. . There have been great, losses to the army of Brazil from cholera, which has appeared in many places. Advices from Rio Janerio state that a series of collisions between students and the police of Rio Janerio, have occurred. Many were injured on both sides. The recently discovered gold fields in Brazil have not been purchased by any English syndicate, as was recently re ported. " ' WHEAT MARKET. " The Dalles Wheat market has stood firm at 70 cents for club and 72 cents for first-class blue stemv As most of the producers look for higher prices, but lit tle wheat is changing hands. Portland Local exporters have not been bidding very lively for wheat dur ing the past few days, the "waiting at titude of the English market not being altogether satisfactory. As much of the wheat remaining nnsold is in the hands sjf the growers who are financially fixed so that they, can hold it for an indefinite length of time, and as their faith in the better market . in the future is great, buyers and sellers at present are apart. Exporters have all ot the wheat they need to take care of near-by tonnage,and theyalso have tonnage for. the wheat, so they are likewise in an independent po sition. The ruling quotation for Walla Wally for the past few days has been 73c, with 74c as an outside figure for most of the- exporters. Bluestem and valley 7677c. : The mills have been paying a cent more most of the time. San Francisco Wheat, strong, both futures and spot advancing. Barley is firm held; spot no higher. -Oats are still rather dull; but dealers are firm in their views, ', The wheat quotations, , shipping, $1.41J1.42 for No. 1, and $1.43 for choice; milling, fl.451.50. Chicago The early market for wheat was rather colorless. May upened at a shade under yesterday's closing prices, the first trades being at 9696c, but the market was steady, and ' held at these figures. Then it steadily advanced to 96(sse. The early news, if any thing, , favored a decline. , The early Liverpool cables showed and advance of about &, hardly a full reponse to yes terday's advance here. The Northwest receipts were libaral. Yesterday's ex port engagements were put at : 54 boat loads,-and a continuation of the demand was looked for by some at the opening, but, on the contrary, New York reported cables bringing in no buying orders, and adding that Argentine offerings' are ex pected to increase shortly'. This news, however, had hardly .any effect on the market.- . .... ;. tj. : . ' ;, Liverpool Wheat, firm ;" cargoes off coast, nothing' doing ;' cargoes on pas sago, nominal, unchanged ; ' -English country markets, quiet; French country markets, a met. 1 DeWittks Little Early Risers, . The famous little pills. WILL BE RECALLED His Days of Usefulness are at an End. MADRID HAS BEEN SO NOTIFIED Minister Woodford Instructed to Pre' sent tbe Case to the Spanish State Department. As a result of the publication yes terday of a letter written by Senor Enrique Dupuy de Lome, Spanish minister at Washington, to Senor Canelejas, Premier Sagasta's former special agent in Cuba, which docu ment contained surioos strictures upon the president of the United States because of tbe latter's Cuban policy, instructions have been sent to Minister Woodford at Madrid, to inform the Spanish government that the usefulness of De Lome as its representative at Washington has been terminated bv this inci dent, and requesting his recall. There is little doubt that the re quest will be complied with, more especially as Senor de Lome has al ready sent his resignation to Madrid and nrges that it be accepted. Washington, Feb. 10. The state de partment this morning gave out for pub lication the substance of the cablegram sent yesterday to our minister to Mad rid in reference to tbe De Lome letter, The statement was as follows : . There has appeared in the public prints a letter addressed by the Spanish minister to Mr. Canelejas. This letter tbe minister admits was written by htm It contains expressions concerning tbe president of tbe United States of such a character as to terminate the minister's usefulness as a representative of his government to this country. General Woodford was therefore instructed at once to say to the minister of state that the immediate recall of De Lome is ex pected by the president. It is stated that up to this time no. response has been received from the Spanish govern ment. ' Up to 10 o'clock De Lome had not re ceived from the Spanish government an acceptance of his resignation, but it is believed it will soon be given, and tbe minister's official connection with the government as Spanish ' representative to the United States will come to a prompt termination without the neces sity of action by this, government by giving the minister his passports. De Lome regards himself now as a private citizen, although technically still the Spanish representative. Successor to Barrios, : Close upon the heels of the assas : si nation of President Barrios, of ; Guatemala, comes the news that ; Prosper Morales, leader of the recent : unsuccessful uprising, and Barrios' ; most bitter foe, has been declared : president. Thus, it appears, that : the rebela have accomplished by re : sort to trickery and assassination : what thev could not accomplish in : ODen rebellion the overturning of : : the rightful government of Gaate I mala. - - New York, Feb. 10. A dispatch from Mexico, says: , . News has reached here that General Prospero Moralese, formerly secretary Of war under President Barrios.and later head of the unsuccessful rebellion, has been declared president of Guatemala. General Morales is preparing to leave for Guatemala. He gave the following to the newspapers: "I have this day received telegraphic news from Guatemala relative to the death of General Barrios, president of Guatemala. As a citizen of Guatemala and a member of the republican, party I sincerely regret his tragic end, First, the honor of tne country is stained by a crime: second, as a loyal opponent of General Barrios, I would have preferred to have met him in a fair fight and de feated him on the field of battle. Nev ertheless, it is an inevitable fact that. much to my regret, the resonsible par ties are only those who with their anti- politic sentiments contributed to blind the man who now passes away, and by his death obscured the true situation of that country.' ' "As yet I have no detailed facts as to how General Barrioa met his end, but whatever they may be, I both deplore and condemn the crime, as it reflects on civilization and dishonors my native country. I am a personal' friend of General Barrios, and although if after ward L had been his politaoal opponent I would have preferred;,-many times to have seen him die on the field of battle fighting bravely for the liberty of Gua temala." '. - , Royal makes the food pure, ' wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. A FABULOUS DISCOVERY. Made on the American Ynkon. Side of the Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 10. It is re ported that a great gold find has been made on the American side in the Yu kon country. Fritz Behnsen, of Vic toria, writes to bis brother, Karl Behn sen, as follows: "We have struck it rich on an un known creek across the border never be fore seen by man. In the crevices of the rocks in one day we picked up- $50,000 in coarse gold. Sell your business, or give it away, and come up quick with ten men." The Behnsens have large interests in Vancouver, and are said to be very re liable. Several Klondikers were interviewed as to the probability of this report being true. The richness of the reputed dis covery seems so fabulous as to create in their minds a doubt as to its truthful ness. ; . The Surprise or All. Mr- James Jones, of the drug firm of Janes & Son, Cowden, 111., speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her caee grew so serious that physicians ot Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New . Discovery in etore and selling lots of it, he took a bottle borne, and to tbe surprise of all ehe be gan to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her soond and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial .bottles at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. '' 4 Miner Killed. Thomas Louks, a miner in the Morn ing mine at Wallace, was killed in a pe culiar way Thursday morning, says the Spokesman-Review. He was standing by the ore chute when a rock came down etriking him in the stomach and knock ing him against tbe wail with such violence as to1 break his neck. He was brought to the hospital here, but died two hours later. . He leaves a wife and two children. - Robber Boots for Doggies. Across the water they Bell India rub ber boots for pet dogs to wear while taking their daily rnn in muddy weath er. They lace up the side and are pro nounced " very neat and useful. As their price is two dollars a set, they are easily within the reach of those who, on occasion, pay two hundred dol lars for the dog that will wear them. It will strike the person who is not an intense admirer of the toy dogs that the world could get along very well with- , oat this addition to their impedimenta, says the New York Times, but since toy dogs stay, they might as well wear rubber boots. ' Spray Yoar Trees. All persons having fruit trees, which are infested with San Jose scale are hereby notified to spray the same with a solution of time, sulphur and salt with in sixty days after the date of this notice. ' 1. : 1 Emilb Schanno.' . Commissioner for the fourth district. For People That Are f A Sick or "Just Dontlsf I! I Jfcv Feel WeU." , ' I IbbV ONLY ONI rO A DO8E. M Removes Plmplet, cures Headache, Dyspepsia and Cosuvwmss. 25 ct. a box at druggists or by mall 6am plea Five, address Or. Bossnko Co. Phila. Fa. jjBr. Druggist Will von tell your cus tomers: Garland s Hap py Thought Salve is sold on a gurantee to cure as ; claimed for it. We wilt , give your. 50c back if you are not satisnea.. .. .For Sale at DONNELL'S. 1 5 r