The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 05, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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Czar's Government will Con
cede Nothing.
England Malt Either Acqolesce lo Ko
sia's Policy In the Far Et,
or Flcbt.
New York, Feb. 1. A Herald dis
patch from London says :
There ia a startling dispatch in the
Daily Telegram today from St Peters
burg. This paper's correspondent there
has had interviews with a Russian ad
miral, now chief cf the squadron, and
with an eminent Russian diplomatist.
Their declarations, therefore, ' if true,
have semiofficial weight. Practically the
declarations it contained amount to a
menace on the part of Russia, toward
England, and unless England chooses to
acquiesce in the policy being pursued by
Rassia in the far east, war is inevita
ble. If this dispatch Is not a fake, Ras
sia has thrown down the gauntlet. The
dispatch reads as follows :
"St. Petersburg, Saturday. I have
had a conversation with a Russian ad
miral who has been appointed to the
post of chief of the squadron, concerning
the situation in the far east. This of the course of his remarks, said :
'Nearly the whole of the marine forces
of Russia will be. dispatched to the far
east, for it' is necessary for Russia to
place herself in a position of naval
strength in Chinese waters equal to that,
of Great Britain.
" 'Russia will not permit the opening
of a new port, either at Port Arthur or
at Talien Wan. We will soon see thatl
Germany will say the same thing with
regard to Kaio Chou and the bay of Sam
sab, while France will prevent the open
ing of the Siam gulf and Nanking as free
ports. Russia, France and Germany
will permit no European power to carry
out.any such attempt upon their inter
ests upon the pretext of encouraging
Chino European trade, for under that
condition the power in question will
become the mistress of China, directing
both her politics and finances.'
"I also called on the celebrated Rus
sian diplomatist, who said: 'The con
ditions of the loan of 2,000,000 which
England has offered to the Cninese gov
ernment are directed principally against
the interests of Russia and France, and
for this reason oqrembaesador at Peking
will, together with his French colleague,
struggle to prevent China from accepting
the British overtures. By the opening
of Talien Wan as a free port.the value of
Port Arthur as a naval station would be
diminished. In the spring Great Brit
ain will no longer engage herself with
the Chinese question, and will certainly
not take the offensive,findingas she will,
the necessity ot devoting her strength
and energy to India, as a revolt infinite
ly more serious than the Sepoy mutiny
is about to break out. Then Russia will
be able to penetrate without difficulty
through Afghanistan to the Indian pos
sessions of Great Britain, to whom she
will dictate terms. We have enough
troops and well fortified frontiers with
outposts in the rear reserves, by railways
and telegraphs, and we could in the
course of a few days place on the Afghan
istan frontier an army of 100,000 men.
You perceive that all the chances are on
onr side and we do not fear the threats
of England.' "
Where the Hitch Occurred.
London. Feb. 1. According to a spe
cial dispatch from Shanghai, the critical
point in the Chinese loan negotiations
was Great Britain's insistence that the
British shall always remain at the head
. of the Yang-tee-Kiang valley customs
' and assume their fall administration in
case of default. The dispatch adds that
several thousand Russian troops which
have been guarding the trans-Siberian
railroads have entered Manchura with
the consent of the Peking authorities.
More Demand! by Germany. '
Peking, Feb. 1. Germany has de
manded farther concessions in the shape
of railways in the Shantung peninsula
as compensation for the assassination of
the sailor, Schultz, who was murdered
by the Chinese mob, while on sentry
duty. '
More Crank.
Seattle, Feb. 1. A party of 34 from
Stamford, Conn.,' have arrived here and
have purchased the schooner Moonlight,
on which they will sail next Tuesday for
the mouth of the Copper river. They
have with them a snow Bled with a 20-,
horsepower r mine. The sled weighs
about seven tons and is propelled by a
stein wheel fitted with spokes to catch
in the ice and with paddles for snow.
Another Rich Strike.
Winnipeg, Feb. 1. News reached ile
gina that the first party of persons bound
tor the Yukon by the Prince Albert
route found gold in large quantities in
the Hay, Buffalo and other rivers run
ning into the Great Slave lake, 700 miles
from Prince Albert. The news comes
through Bishop Pascal and is considered
reliable. .
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of timple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years,
and it is always the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make the Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers never have indigestion. This is
partly owing to their simple mode of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle. Sold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $ 1.00 per bot
tle. A Disquieting Incident.
London, Feb. 3. Some afternoon pa
pers refer to the absence of the Russian
and German embassadors at the Marqui9
of Salisbury's regular Wednesday recep
tion to the diplomatic corps aB being o'f
disquieting portent. -
Dog for the Klondike.
Washington, Feb. 1. Consul Dudley,
at Vancouver, reports the arrival there,
January 19th, of 100 trained Newfound
land dogs for use in carrying freight in
the Klondike.
SlOO Reward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive core known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood ami mucous surfaces of the disease
and giving, the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprie
tors have B3 much faith in its cdrative
powers, that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toleda, O.
Sold' by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. .
Reindeer for the Klondike.
New York, Feb. 1. The steamer
Heckla, which arrived today from Co
penhagen, brought 35 reindeer for the
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy Always
Prove Effectual.
There are no better medicines on the
market than Chamberlain's. We have
used the Cough Remedy when all others
failed, and in every instance it proved
effectual. Almost daily we hear the
virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex
tolled by those who have used them.
This is not an empty puff, paid for at so
much a line, but is voluntarily given in
good faith, in the hope that suffering
humanity may try these remedies and,
like the writer, be benefited. From the
Glenville ;W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
M order Avenged.
Berlin, Feb. 3 It was anonnced here
in a dispatch from Kaio Chou that the
murderer of Shultz, the sentry killed
while on duty, has been executed after
a trial by the Chinese court.
Frank Sherwood was down town to
day, the first time since he had his tus
sle with cholera morbus. He says be
drove miles was taken sick, and
never came so near dying in bis life.
After this when he goes out in the conn
try he will take a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa)
Times. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Your Tax
for the coming year on baking powder will be
very light if you buy Schilling's Best and use
only one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of flour.
Republicans will Win the
Congressional Election.
Action of the Democrat oh the Teller
Resolution Liable to Cost Them
Extremely Dear.
New York, Feb. 2.-A Washington
special says :
The satisfaction of the president and
his advisers over the action of congress
on the Teller resolution is unmistakea
bly reflected in the reply of Secretary
Long to the correspondent of the Trib
une, who asked whether it was not prob
able that the resolution would material
ly affect the congressional election next
"It seems," said Secretary Long, "as
though their own foly has delivered the
Democrats into our hands. Had they
kept still, the usual reaction which takes
place after a presidential election and
the certainty that the new tarriff had
not put a gold spoon in every mouth,
might have given them the next house
of representatives.. But they have in
troduced and passed by 'their majority
in the senate a resolution practically fa
vorine a depreciated currency and the
free coinage of silver. This resolution
was carried in the senate by a Democrat
ic vote. It was carried there by tbe
votes of those states which went for Bry
an in the last presidential election. In
the bouse'in which there is a Republican
majority of fifty, it was overwhelmed by
practically a solid Republican vote. Tbe
result is that we shall go to the country
next fall in tbe congressional election
upon a square issue between a sound
currency and a depreciated one.
. "The signs all are that, under tbe new
tariff the revenues are increasing so that
they will exceed the expenditures ; that
our industries are reviving; and that
everyone of them which has been pro
tected by the new tariff is enlarging its
output and paving the way to an in
crease of wages, the only exception be
ing the cotton industry ,'in nearly all of
the schedules relating to which no
change has been made.
"Yet even at this prospect aa to our
increased revenues and inproying indus
tries, the chances of Republican success
has been tremendously enhanced by
this new phase of the currency issue."
The Thermometer at New York
Reached this Mark Yesterday.
New York, Feb. 2. This is the cold
est day of tbe season. At 8 o'clock this
morning the thermometer registered five
degrees below zero. East and North
rivers are full of ice and navigation is
much impeded. Surface and elevated
railroads run behind time and local traf
fic is considerably congested. The Third
avenue cable broke down.
Telegraphic communication is to be
had as far as Newton, eight miles from
Boston, and it is expected tbe wires will
be working into Boston this afternoon
Providence is still unconnected by wire
with tbe outside world.
At tbe hospitals in this city there are
many cases of frozen feet, fingers and
limbs, and surgeons are kept busy fixing
bones broken by falling on slippery
streets. The weather forecaster predicts
for torn morrow warmer weather, with
Tbe Storm In New England.
Boston, Feb. 2. The financial loss
caused by the great storm which swept
a great part of New England Monday
night and yesterday will amount to
more' than was first thought. In this
city aione it is estimated that the loss
will amount to over $1,000,000. The
Boston Elevated Railroad Company lost
about $225,000 by the storm. Today the
company has nearly 7500 men at work
clearing the tracks.
Reports of stranded vessels along tbe
coast continue to come in, and it is
thought at least fifteen lives were lost by
wrecks at various points. Tbe loss to
tbe smaller fishing craft of Gloucester
and vicinity is particularly heavy.
The feature of tbe storm was the large
number of fires in the city and surround
ing towns while it was at it height. The
weather is fine, today, and by tonight it
is expected most of tbe transportation
lines will be Jn regular operation.
Zero Weather General.
St. Paul, Feb. 2. Below zero weath
er was general in the Northwest today.
In this city it was twelve below at 7
o'clock, a drop of thirty degrees since
' Traffic Again Normal.
Albany, N. Y., Feb. 2. Railway traf
fic through the state has returned to al
most Us normal state. Trains are run
ning on their time schedules on most
Tbe Day In the Senate.
Washington, Feb. 2-In the senate
today Hawley secured tne adoption of a
resolution instructing tbe secretary of
the interior to furnish the senate with
information relative to the cost and in
fluence ot the education of Indian child
ren at the Indian schools.
At 12 :25 the vice-president laid before
tbe senate Pettigrew's resolution declar
iog'it to be opposed to the policy of the
United States to acquire territory, to de
fend which a navy would be required.
Hale moved that the senate discuss the
subject in executive session. The Hale
motion prevailed.
The House.
Washington, Feb. 2. At the opening
of the house today Crow of Pennsyl
vania, Republican, asked unanimous
consent for consideration of tbe resolu
tion directing the secretary of war to is
sue medals to 530 Pennsylvania soldiers
who belonged to the command which
passed through tlje mob at Baltimore,
April 13, 1861, and who received the
thanks of congress July 22, 1861. Hall,
chairman of the committee on foreign
affairs, objected. Several other requests
for unanimous consent met with a sim
ilar fate.
The army appropriation was sent to
conference, Hull of Iowa, Repnhcan,
Marsh of Illinois, Republican, and Cox
ot Tennessee, Democrat, being appoint
ed conferees. The house then went into
committee of tbe whole, and resumed
consideration of the District of Colum
bia appropriation bill.
Free Pills-
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of .Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4)
Blase tn New York.
New Yohk, Feb. 2. Two five-story
brick buildings on South street were
burned this morning. The loss on build
ings and contents will exceed $75,000.
The buildings were occupied by shipping
The Surprise of All. .
Mr- James Jones, of tbe drug firm of
Jjnee & Son, Cowden, 111., speaking of
Dr, King's New Discovery, says that last
winter his wife was attacked with La
Grippe, and her case grew so serious
that physicians ot Cowden and Pana
could ao nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, he took a bottle
home, and to the surprise of all she be
gan to get better from first' dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 4
Earthquake in Asia Minor.
Constantinople, Feb. 2. Violent
earthquake shocks have been felt at Ba
likelser and arotond Brusa, Asia Minor.
Numerous fatalities have resulted and a
great amount of damage has been done.
- Baekien' Arinca salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores,' ulcers, salt rheum, fevat
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cui es piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists. -
DeWitfs Little Early Risers,
Tbe famous little pill. .
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That I what It was made for.
Peace in Cuba is Now Almost
Spain to be Offered strong Financial
Inducement to Abandon the
Hopeless Struggle.
: Washington, Feb. 3. It now :
: looks as if the war that has been :
: raging so long in Cuba with so ap- :
: paling disaster to both life and :
: property, will be brought to an end. :
: It is certain that state department :
: officials have been in earnest :
: consultation with the insurgents, :
: and the concentration of tbe big na- :
: yal force of the United States about :
: the little island of Cuba carries out :
: the theory so prevalent that the :
: time has arrived to put a stop to :
: further barbarities. :
Chicago, Feb. 3. A Washington diS'
patch says :
Secret negotiations are now actually
in progress between the state depart
ment and the insurgents in Cuba look
ing to a stoppage of the war on some
financial basis to be agreed upon here'
after. President McKinley has not
recognized the insurgents as belligerents
and be cannot therefore treat with them
openly, as be would do with a diplomatic
representative of an independent nation.
Direct communication has, however,
been bad within the past two weeks be
tween the insurgent government and the
administration here.
The insurgents have expressed perfect
willingness to assume a reasonable share
of the Spanish bonds issued against the
Cuban revenues. The proposition has
been considered with some favor, and
the president and bis cabinet have con
sidered several plana for guaranteeing
the Cnban debt on tbe sole basis of in
These negotiations have gone side by
side with the gradual massing of the
ships of the 'north Atlantic squadron
within striking distance of Cuba. Orders
to the Cruiser Montgomery to sail at
once for tbe harbor of Matanzas - have
been issued and the ship is expected to
be received there quite as cordially as
tbe Maine was in Havana. The orders
to ber commander contemplate a call
on Consul Brice at Matanzas. Should
everything be found peaceable tbe ship
will proceed to Santiago dex Cuba, but
should affairs appear threatening at Ma
tanzas, another ship will be quietly
slipped to the latter port, and before
Captain-General Blanco knows what is
happening to him American ships will
be in tbe harbor of every important port
in Cuba.
Tbe gradual occupation of tbe island
by the naval forces is understood to be
part and parcel of the negotiations with
the insurgents. When they are con
cluded, if everything goes on well, tbe
United States will be in a position to
offer Spain a heavy financial bonus for
giving up the island, while at the same
time the insurgents will find themselves
in a position to make a junction with
the United States naval forces at any
one of. the half dozen ports.
A cablegram has been sent by the state
department to Consul Brice at Matanzas
notifying him that the Montgomery is
en roate to tbat port, and directing
him to make the necessary arrangements
for her reception. Although it is not
admitted by stale department officials,
tbe impression prevails tbat Consul
Brice in advising the department of the
recent riots occurring in Matanzas, sug
gested tbat a warship should be imme
diately sent there to protect Amer
ican interest. The fact that the state
department requested that the Mont
gomery be sent there has strengthened
this belief.
The sending of the Montgomery to
Matanzas is regarded here aa of equal
importance to the dispatch of tbe
Maine to Havana.
Labeled Wrong.
San Fbancisco, Feb. 2. Warrants
have been issued from the police courts
for the arrest of forty San Francisco
druggists charging them with selling
pills under counterfeit labels which they
knew to be bogus. . Tbe complainant is
a pill manufacturing company of New
York. .
American are Satisfied.
London, Feb. 3. In the acceptances
for the spring handicap published, it is
a notable fact that the owners of Ameri
can horses are satisfied with the weights
allotted their entries, for the only name
missing is that of Drakka, belonging to
Royal makes tbe food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
the Lorillard-Beresford combination,
which was nominated for the Great
Metropolitan and the Kempton Jubilee
and the Northampton stakes.
Pastor's Condolences on Her Husband's
Death Very Graciously Acknowledged.
A Xorth side Lutheran paster recent
ly assigned o a fiishiciiablc congrega
tion is wondering- whether hereafter it
will be policy for him to offer, con
dolences when young matrons of his
ilock lose their husbands, or forever
keep his peace. He is very much per
turbed over an incident which occurred
quite recently, eays the Chicago Chron
icle. .
Some time last summer and before he
had been assigned to this particular
church the invalid ri:s.tT.nd cf one of
his prominent church members went
to the far west in the hope that a change
of climate might restore him to health.
But the rarified atmosphere of the
mountains instead of benefiting the in
valid, who was a consumptive, rather
hastened the progress of the disease
and within a very few weeks he died.
Last week the young widow returned.
What more natural than that the par
son should offer his sympathies to the
bereaved one. '
"You have my sincerest sympathy,"
he said to the young woman. , "But,
after all, you have thisconsolation that
the dear one is now past all suffering
and probably much happier."
"You are too kind, parson," answered
the young willow. "Indeed, he lasted
much longer than. I thought he would.
I expected he would go much sooner.
It was a hopeless case."
Such a philosophic view of tie case
rather startled the good man. It came
so unexpectedly that it left him noth
ing more to say and he beat as hasty
a retreat as he could.
Singular Flan of Operations Adopted by
a Clticaco Hairdresser.
In a fashionable hairclrcssing parlor
on one of the downtown streets one
reads the sign: "Eyelashes made to
"I do not know that there is anything
particularly novel about it," said the
bloLd young woman who was asked for
information. "We have done this sort
of work for months."
"And have you many patrons in that
"Not so many as we have in the other
branch of our business, the removal of
hair or wrinkles by means of electric
ity, but still we have some."
And then she explained the process
of njaking artificial eyelashes. An ex
ceedingly delicate little instrument is
used. It consists of a needle operated
through a spring by means of the
finger. At cne end of the needle a hair
is inserted. When the operator is ready
to. work on the person she takes the
eyelid between two fingers of the left
hand. The needle is then thrust into
the fleshy part of the eyelid as close
to the eye as possible and the tiny hairs
are actually sewed on.
Eyelashes thus manufactured are
warranted to last two weeks without
repairs. Of course the process hurts
the patient, but what woman will not
willingly submit to suffering to retain
her beauty and her powers to charm ? .
According to a British consular re
port, invalids in search of a winter sta
tion might do worse than try the cap
ital of the Island of Corsica. The av
erage temperature is tU.ree to four de
grees higher than that of the Kiviera.
Ajaccio, moreover, being thoroughly
sheltered by the .surrounding moun
tains and the aspect of the bay being
duo south, the dreaded "mistral" is un
known. It is admitted, however, that
there are some drawbacks. Living in
the island is dear, nearly ell articles of
consumption usually required by for
eign residents having to be imported.
Altogether, affairs in Corsica do not ap
pear to be in a satisfactory state. The
island and its population are described
as "eminently poor," and were it not -for
flie assistance bestowed by France
the Corsicnns wonld be forced either to
starve or bestir tbemselves-tha latter
alternative appearing -to be one from
which they are decidedly averse.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tbat 1 what It was made lor. -