The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 05, 1898, PART 1, Image 1

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    C O
Mm 1
Mitchell Republicans Take Steps
' to Stop the Row in Multno-
; man County.
The Simon Republicsns Have Now No
Reasonable Excuse to Give Why
They Should Net Meet This tfnr.
' The following is the full text of an
offer to effect a compromise between
the two factions within the republican
party in Jiultnomah county submitted
by Hoa. Sol Uirsch, chairman of the
county -central committer, of v'.utt Is
known' ns Hit Mitchi-U faction, to
Hon. Donald McKay, chairman at Hie
county central committee, cf the Si
nion faction:
.Portland, Or., Dee. 27, 1897.
' Honorable Douald McKay, Port-
land, Oregon Dear Sir: Whereas,
unfortunate factional differences in
the republican party In this city and
county, growing out of the primary
election of 1896, culminated In a- di
vision of the party in this county, and
the organization of two different com
mittees, one composed of yourself as
chairman, and six other gentlemen,
and the other composed of the under
signed, being one member from each
ward 1 nthe city of Portland, and
two members from the preeincits.ln
the county outside of the city, with
Honorable Sol Hirsch as chairman,
each of which committees- claim to
represents the republican party of this
county and city, for convenience, -the
former of said committees will hereaf
ter be designed as "your" commit
tee, and the latter as "our" commit
tee, and,
Whereas, further, it Is universally
known that leading and influential re
. publicans throughout the state, irre
spective of their preferences as to men
or factions, or their past or present
affiliations, are earnest in the expres
sion of their wishes and opinions to
the effect that the republican party
of Multnomah county should speedily
settle for themselves these factional
differences in the party, and thus pre
sent a united front x to the common
v enemy;
Therefore, without entering upon
either statement or discussion, as to
what person or persons, faction or
factions, if any, are responsible, eith
er in whole or in part, for the unfor
tunate state of affairs In the repub
lican party of this city and county,
and in the spirit of entire fairness,
and solely with the view of bringing
alHnt if possible, unity or organiza
tion and action in the republican par
ry, on a basis alike fair and honora
ble to every republican and all fac
tions, our committee here submit to
you for the consideration of your
committee the following propositions,
having for the sole purpose provis
ions for a fair primary election to be
held at the proper time next spring,
in which all republicans may partic
ipate, and1 at which each and every
-. faction of the party in this city and
county shall be at liberty to support
their own ticket for delegates to the
city and county conventions to be
.held later for the purpose of nominat
ing candidates for precinct, city and
county officers, including members of
the legislature, and delegates to the
state and district conventions, the
persons so nominated at such conven
tions to .receive the cordial and earn
est support of all republicans.
We propose that there shall be one
and only one, republican county and
city convention held in the county o
Multnomah, in the spring of 1898,
which shall possess "all the powers
and discharge all the duties usually
pertaining to such conventions in ac
cordance with the time honored us
ages of the republican 'party.
That there shall be one and only
one republican primary election held
In said Multnomah county In the
spring of 1898. and it shall be held In
accordance with' the provisions of an
act of the legislative assembly of the
state of Oregon, approved February
11, 1891, relating to primary elections,
and known as" the Primary Law. At
such primary election shall be elected
. the delegates who, and who alone,
shall be entitled to a seat in said
county and city convention.
That the annual call shall be issued
. at the proper time for such primary
election and - convention, and shall
besigBcd by the chairman and sec
retary of each of said committees.
There being in the city of Portland
11 wards, numbered respectively and
consecutively from one to eleven, and
In the county of Multnomah outside
of said city, 28 election precincts,
numbered respectively and consecu
tively from fifty-four upward to
eighty-one, inclusive, which election
precincts are also designated by de
stinctive names, as follows: St. Johns,
No. 54; Bertha, 55; Mt Zion, 56;
Rnssellville, 57; Linnton, 58: Holl
nrook. 59; Columbia. 60; Willamette
Slough, 61; Montavilla,' 62; - Willam
ette, 63; Mount Tabor, 64; South
Mount Tabor. 65; Woodstock, 66;
Jnts, 67; Killgaver, 68; " Falrvlew,
69: Gresham. 70: Powells Valley, 71;
'Troutdale, .72; Hnrlbnrt, 73; Bridal
: Veil, 74; Bower. 75; Sylvan, . 76;
Rockwood, 77; Wnrrendale. 78; Cor
nell -Koad, 79; West Portland, 80;
' TWillsburg, 81.
' Our committee propose that the ap
portionment of the delegates to the
county and city conventions, 1 .afore
said, shall be as follows; such of said
wards and precincts as cast over 100
Totes each In 1896 for McKinley for
president, shall be allowed respective
ly, one delegate for each 100 votes so
cast, and one delegates for each 40 or
more over an even hundred, cast, and
each of said precincts which cast less
than 100 votes for McKinley in 1896
shall be allowed one delegate.
That the chairmen respectively of said
committees eball each appoint from the
committee of which he is chairman a sub
committee of -three, which sub-commiteee
ch.ill, at the prpoer time, select and pro
cure the use of a place m each ward in
said city and a place in each of said pre
cincts in said county, outside of said city,
for a polling place for such ward or pre
cinct. That each of said committeees
shall pay one-half of the expenses neces
sarily incurred for such polling places and
a publication of the call for said primary
That the judges of said primary election
shall be seleted as fellows: In . wards
numbered respectively one, three,- - five,
gi ven, nine an eleven, that is, in all the
odd-numbered wards in said city, one of
such sub-committee, or its representative,
li.tving first choice, which choice Is to be
determined by lots as hereinafter provided,
sh:iil select two judges for the. primary places in each of said wards, ana
the other of such sub-committee, or its
re;i esentative, shall select one judge in
each of said odd-numbered wards; while
in wards numbered respectively two, four,
six, eight and ten, that is to say in all the
even-numbered wards or said city, said
sub-committee, or its representatives, hav
ing second choice, shall select two judges
for each of said even-numbered wards,
while the other sub-committee, or its rep
resentatives, shall select one judge for each
of said even-numbered wards.
And the question as to which sub-com
mittee or its representative, shall have sec
ond choice, as aforesaid, snail, unless soon
er agreed upon by said committee, be de
termined by lot as aforesaid on or before
the 10th day of January, 1898, in the pres
ence and under the direction- of the arbiter
hereinafter named, and said- judges shall
be named at the time of preparing the call
for said primary election. . ,
The judges of election in the 28 elec
tion precincts outside of the city, num
bered respectively and consecutively from
54 upward to 81, inclusive, as aforesaid,
shall be selected as follows: The sub
committee, or- its representative, having
nrst choice, such choice to be determined
by lots as hereinafter provided, shall se
lect two judges in each of the 14 of such
election precincts as are- designated by
odd numbers, while the sub-committee, or
its representatives having second choice, to
be determined as above by lots, shall, se
lect one judge for the primary election in
each of the said election precincts desl;
nnted by odd numbers; while the sub-com
mittee, or its representative, having second
choice, shall select, two judges for said
primary election in each of trie 14 of said
elective precincts designated by even num
bers, while the other sub-committee, or its
representative, shall select one judge for
said primary election, in each of said elec
tion precincts designated by even numbers.
And the question as to which committee,
or its representative, shall have first choice
shall, unless sooner mutually agreed upon
by said committees, be determined by lot
on or before the 10th day of January, 1S98,
at the same time as casting lots for first
choice in said city wards "aforesaid ; this
also to be done in the presence and under
the direction of the arbiter hereinafter
named. And said judges for said . pre
cincts respectively, outside of the city,
shall all be named at the time of preparing
tne call for said primary election.
That the judge or iudzes of said Dollinz-
place, who shall have been selected by our
committee, or its representative, shall be
permitted to select one person for clerk for
sucn pomng-p.lace, and that each of the
judge or judges, for each polling-place,
who shall have been selected by your
committee or its representative, shall be
permitted to select one person for clerk
for such polling-place, and the persons so
selected respectively shall be duly appoint
ed and qualified and act as such clerks. '
That in addition to the two poll books
vi aum ji iiutiiy eiei'uuu retpiireu dj law
to be kept by the judges and clerks, there
shall be Kept at each polling-place by such
judges and clerks, an additional poll book,
to be in all respects a duplicate of the
other pool books kept as required by law,
and that one of said three pool books so
kept shall be delivered to you committee,
one to our committee, and one to the clerk
of the county court of Multnomah county
at the close ofattiid election. - .
That Hon. George H. Williams, of Port
land, Oregon ,a gentleman of unquestioned
integrity, a republican of undoubted loyal
ty, a statesman of great ability, and a
judge whose actions cannot be improperly
controlled, influenced or biased by any
person of persons, faction or factions, shall
be arbiter for the purposes herein named.
That the said arbiter shall have power
and authrity from the time of the accept
ance of these propositions by your com
mittee to the time of holding such primary
elections, io decide all questions with ref
erence to which said committees or sub
committee shall disagree ,and to call meet
ings of said sub-committee, and his decis
ions thereon shall be final and binding on
all concerned. ' ' ' .
That said arbiter shall also call the
aforesaid ' county and city convention to
order, and be temporary chairman thereof;
he shall appoint two from each of the con
tending factionstherein who, . with him
self as chairman thereof, shall constitute
the committee on credentials for such con
vention.' That no proxies shall be used in said
convention except that in case of the ab
sence o fany delegate a person to act as
proxy in his place shall be selected by the
delegates fronv the ward for which said
absent delegate was- elected, and in case
such absent delegate as elected by a pre
cinct, the proxy for him shall be selected
by the convention. - .
"That both our committee and your com
mittee shall pledge themselves to abide by
the results of such primary election, and
to loyally support the entire ticket which
shall be nominated by said county and
city convention, Tind that we shall further
pledge our united efforts to secure reforms
in both city and ccsnty governments in all
respects and especially by reduction of tax
ation and in the expenditure of public
We deem each and all the parts of these
propositions absolutely fair and honorable,
and such as every republican can agree to
without any sacrifice of principle, and all
of which we nowtender in good faith: in
the spirit of compromise, looking solely,
not to the candidacy or promotion of any
man or men, but to the unity and welfare
of the republican party in thjs city, county
and state. -Assuaing
that you and your ajmmittee, ,
in view of the existing conditions, will
promptly accept these propositions, we, in
the event of such acceptance in writing,
within 10 days from the receipt by you of
this communication, pledge ourselves In
advance to give loyal support to the entire
ticket which shall be nominated by said
county and city conventions, and, unless
your committee shall so accept in writing
we shall understand that you reject these
SOL. HIRSCH, chairman, 4th ward.
W. T. HUME, secretary, 2d ward.
' P. L. WILLIS, 1st ward.
JAMES LOTAN, 3d ward.
W. F. MATHEWS, 5th ward.
CARL A. BRANDIES, 6th ward.
H. M. BUSH, 7th ward. .r,r
JOHN WOOD. 8th ward. ' '. v
JOHN M. LEWIS, 0th ward. '
D. A. MORRIS 10th ward.
W. H. MOORE. 11th ward.
Judge Williams is favorable to the
scheme of harmony that is presented by
the united republican county committee.
"I believe in harmony," said he last night,
at his residence, "and will do all in my
power to bring it about. The matter was
explained to me today by a few gentle
men, and I agree with the proposition as
described by them. There of course may
be more details which require" alteration,
but the general" proposition is very fair,
and I hope that the other side may see fit
to accept it.
"I beloilg to no faction; I am identified
with neither, but I hope to see the repub
lican party Succeed in the coming election.
The factions must get together if they
expect to win.
"The use of my name as arbiter is
wholly unauthorized. No one has consult
ed me upon the subject. I cannot say
whether or not, I would accept the respon
sibility till I have fully examined the mat
ter. I desire to understand the terms of
the arbitration." '
Joseph Simon, who is the leader of the
opposing faction, was not ready to express
an opinion upon the subject. "I have
heard of the paper," said he, "but I have
not) had time to examine it, and I am
therefore not in a position to discuss it."
A copy was offered Mr. Simon for per
usal, but lie said that he was too busy
with legal matters to study it. "The pro
position will doubtless receive considera
tion from the county committee," said he,
"and it will take whatever action it may
see fit. A meeting will probably be called
to consider the subject. Just now I am
very busy preparing a case for tomorrow,
and I shall not have time to investigate
the subject." . ;
. r Notwithstanding Mr. Simon's disclaim
er, It seems very evident that he has given
the paper some thought. Mr. Hume, the
secretary of the Mitchell-Republican coun
ty committee, served the notice upon
Chairman Donald McKay, of the opposing
faction's county committee, at about 9:30
yesterday morning. An hour afterward,
Mr. McKay went to Mr. Simon's office,
carrying the paper in his hand.
When Chairman McKay was asked for
his opinion he had none to offer. "The
proposition will have to be considered by
the county committee. As yet I have not
called a meeting of the committee, and do
not know that one will be held this week.
I have just received the document and
have not had time to thoroughly examine
it," . !
"Has Mr. Simon seen the proposition
yet?" was asked. . r
"No, ho has not seen it yet," replied
the chairman.
Ex-Senator John' H. Mitchell as seen,
and this inquiry made of him:
"Have you seen and are you familiar
with the written proposition submitted to
day by the republican county committee
of which Hon. Sol. Hirsch Is chairman, to
the republican county committee of which
Hon. Donald ,McKay is chairman, and -if
so has it your approval?"
xes, 1 am cognizant and. perfectly fa
miliar with the proposition submitted to
day by the republican county committee
of which Mr, Hirsch is chairman, to the
republican county committee of which
Mr. McKay is chairman, having for its
purpose the unification of the republican
party and its representative organization
in Multnomah county," said he.
Ihe proposition has my unqualified an-
broval, and as one member of the remihli-
can party I have labored assiduously dur- j
uuc jjasL. iiiuuii tu uriug it aoouu - in
my judgment it presents a means abso
lutely fair whereby the party can. be
united,-without any sacrifice of principle
or humiliation upon the part of anyone,
and It is, therefore, one which should re
ceive the cordial endorsement of every
true republican.
1 cannot but have implicit faith that
a proposition so eminently fair in every re
spect will meet witn acceptance from Mr.
McKay and every member of his com
mittee." Hon. Sol-Hirsch, chairman of the com
mittee which mode "the proposition, did not
care to discuss it. Ihe paper speaks for
itself," said he. "But you may say that I
hope that it will be accepted. That the
republican party, to be sure of victory,
should be uited nad all factional' differ
ences should be settled.".
Charles H. Carey, chairman of the re
publican congressional committee for the
second district, had this to say when ask
ed concerning the proposition:
"So far as 1 am personally concerned it
is a matter, of entire indifference to me
whether the proposition is accepted or re
jected. I am always and at all times in
favor of the settlement of party differences
within the party ranks, and I believe that
the committee has done a very proper
thing in trying to arrange for but one set
of republican primaries.
"At- the same time it seems to me that
the overtures for peace should rather-have
come from those who have been at fault.
We are all partisans, and it is hard to be
a good party man and yet be perfectly
fair, but it must be manifest that the
cause of all the trouble has been in the re
fusal of some prominent members of the
party to stand b ythe principle of rule by
majority. . The majority of the county
convention in the last campaign put up
the ticket, but the minority put up
another and compelled the majority to re
sort to the' indirect method of us
ing . the Mitchell-Republican . assembly 1
scheme to get their ticket printed on the
ballot, ' .
,- "The majority o fthe legislature agreed
upon Mitchell for senator, but the minor
ity went in with Bourne and the populists
to defeat the will of the party. ' The ma
jority of the congressional convention nom
inated Ellis for congressman, but the mi
nority brought out an independent candi
date. "So, as I look at it, the committee has
been very good natured to those who have
been out of harmony . with the party,
though I must say that I would like to
see the party united and fighting their
natural enemies rather than among them
selves "The party should be greater than
its individual members, and if we can
ever get back to the old-fashioned
plan of letting the neighborhood vot
ers nominate viva voce and elect their
delegates to the county and city con
ventions, instead of having the whole
list of delegates as well as the whole
ticket prepared in' advance .in some
body's office, it will be better for the
party and everybody will have a fair
' Charles F. Lord, when seen and
asked his opinion of the offer of com
promise, said:
"I can scarcely conceive of a rea
sonable objection to the offer of -compromise
made by the republican cen
tral committee to the so-called Simon
faction of the republican party. It is
certainly very unfortunate that any
misunderstanding should have arisen;
and the interests of the republican
party of this county, and, in fact, of
this state, it seems. to me, should be
considered before that of the ambi
tions of any person or persons. This
can only be accomplished by a full
and fair settlement of the imagined
difficulties between the two factions
in this city and county.
"By the terms of the compromise
the so-c ailed Simon faction is allowed
the choice of any course it may desire.
If any objection is raised it can only
be that they dare not submit to an
honest vote "of the people of this city
the various propositions which they
have so often claimed as their own.
"This is a government by the peo
ple, and the majority should always
rule to the exclusion of any bosses. It
is an honest offer to heal the differ
ences In the republican party, and I
sincerely hope that an agreement may
be reached between the two factions,
as it would materially conduce to the
future success of the republican party
in the county and state." Portland
Tribune. - -
A most Important move was 'made'
by the regular republican party or
ganization of Multnomah county, yes
terday with a view to securing, har
mony between the factions. The re
publican city and county central com
mittee submitted to the Simon-Cor-bett
manager as fair proposition to
hold the primary 'election, at which
delegates to the city and county con
ventions will be selected in a fair and
honest manner in accordance with the
requirements of the primary law which
regulates primary elections in Mult
nomah county.
This is the shrewdest political move
of the season, and indicates not only
that the regular party committee is
confident of having a majority of the
republicans in accord with its anti
Simon views, but also that it does not
fear to use its power magnanimously,
and ,often generously to procure party
unity. -
As is well known, there is a di
vision of the republican party in this
county due to' the outgraeons attempt
of Simon, McKay and others, sup
ported by - Scott and certain local
moneyed Interests, to forcibly sieze
the control of the party convention
and. to' retain the organization Of the
party for the purpose of engineering
a new charter -mu for - .rortiana
through the legislature and. Incident
ally, to secure the .defeat of Senator
J. H. Mitchell.
The Simon people had a majority
of the city and county committee two
years ago and refused to allow tne
minority to participate in the selec
tion of judges or clerks In the primar
ies., A written request by Mr. 1). M.
Dunne and Mr. David Morris, mem
bers of the committee, that none but
republicans of high standing be se
lected as judges of the primary elec
tion was refused, as was also the re
quest that the minority be allowed to
name one Judge of the three. "
Simon was chairman of the com
mittee, and without a meeting of the
committee and in spite of protests, he
issued . the call for the primaries, se
lecting in some cases the most dis
reputable dives in, the city for polling
places and naming among the judges
a number of persons to be depended
upon to count in the Simon- ticket, win
or lose.
The consequence was that public
Indignation was . aroused and the
Simon ticket was overwhelmingly 'de
feated at the polls. The Simon peo
ple had their ticket printed on strip
ed paper, so that the judges could re
cognize them at a glance. The Judges
accepted and, counted these tickets
and refused the others. They denied
well-known residents and citizens the
right to vote and sustained challenges
against those known to be agajnst the
gang. On the other hand,' repeaters,
thugs and gamblers in the employ of
the Simon - Oregonian combination,
backed by a large force of deputy
sheriffs sworn in for the purpose, had
free license. Colonies of tramps were
brought into the city and stationed
in convenient localities, as In the no
torious Larry Sullivan's sailor boarding-house
where, one of the' polling
places were established, and ' In a cot
lodging halL openly conducted for the
purpose by the unsavory Sandy Olds
and his partner, Barrett, the sure
thing gambler, now in the county Jail
under indictment for murder. -
The citizens insisted on a fair count,
Svd la wards where this wa3 denied, j
filed contests "on the ground of fraud.
The consequence was that there was
a strong anti-Simon majority in the
convention; but the gang was not yet
ready to acknowledge defeat, and the
meeting of the delegates in the A. O.
U. W. hall was made the occasion of
a scene of disgraceful riot and disor
der in the attempt of Simon and his
friends to steal, the chairmanship of
the convention. - -
The. majority, however, not to be
Intimidated by deputy sheriffs or by
actual force, selected the chairman
and elected delegates to the state and
congressional conventions and subse
quently put up the full regular re
publican city and county ticket and
selected the county and city commit
tee in accordance with the party prac
tice. The minority, however, true to .their
boss, remained In the hall after the
convention adjourned and went
through a pretence of putting up a
ticket and naming a city and county
committee, of whom Douald McKay,
D. M. McLauchlan, H. H. Holmes and
S. Farrell, were also members of the
central committee of 1896. which was
really responsible for the outrages
above mentioned. ,
Donald McKay is nominal chairman
of this committee, and Joseph Simon
is the whole committee. The Simon
people controlled the county clerk, so
that they had the advantage-of having
their ticket printed as the republican
ticket on the Australian ballots, and
the regular organization, after having
been denied by the county clerk the
right to have their ticket pi-inted. as
the republican ticket' were compelled
In order to get the names on the bal
lot at all to convene an "assembly"
under the Australian ballot act, after
the adjornnment of their convention,
and have' the nominees of the conven
tion renominated by the assembly un
der the temporary title of the Mitchell
Republican ticket.
. The. Oregonian, of ' course, made
great capital out of the fact that the
ticket was dubbed the Mitchell-Republican
ticket and misrepresented
the facts to the public In such man
ner as to give out the impressionthat
the regular orffanization was under
the control of Simon Instead of in ,the
hands of the anti-Simon republicans.
The contest was carried into the
congressional and state conventions
where the two delegations represent
ing the two county conventions ap
plied for seats. Although the regular
delegation was clearly entitled to the
sole right to- represent Multnomah
county in the state and- congressional
conventions, the Simon people . hod
the support of . the Oregonian, which
was practically -the: only ' means-, by
which the delegates to those conven
tions representing other counties could
gain Information as to the facts.
Scott was a tool of his masters,' and in
his usual violent and abusive style
misrepresented the facts and threat
ened the convention with the loss of
the ticket at the polls nnless the
"Simon delegation" was recognized.
The conventions finally decided in the
interest of harmony, and, to prevent
the defeat of the party on election
day, to seat both delegations, dividing
the vote of Multnomah county be
tween them.
Both Simon and Scott were mem
bers of the state and congressional
conventioap, and according to all par
ty usage and os honorable men they
should have abided by the ticket elect
ed at the convention. Dead to honor
or sense of shame, they and their
associates on the adjournment of the
conventions put up H,. II. Northup as
an' independent nominee for congress
in the second district, with the hope
of dividing the vote of the regular re
publican nominee, Hon. W. R. Ellis,
and -thus throwing the district to
Quinn. the .populist candidate. .
In the first district, the attempt was
made to defeat- Tongue and to elect
Vanderburg. a popnlist. The effort
was in both cases almost successful,
but. fortunately, the republican candi
dates were . elected, notwithstanding
the attempt to defeat them. .
The recent example in the legisla
ture of the lengths to which this gang
will go in their effort to destroy, is
fresh in mind. By a combination of a
few republicans under the - Simon
Scott influence, with some of the pop
ulists, the legislature was held up for
the full constitutional term of forty
days. By the most shameless meth
ods the regular republican caucus
nominee. Senator J. H. Mitchell, who
also had a 'majority of all the votes
of the legislature pledged to his sup
port, was cheated out of the election,
and by a corrupt bargain with the
chief executive of the state, Mr. H.
W. Corbett was given pretended cre
dentials as the, governor's appointee
to fiy the vacancy occasioned by the
failure to elect. Mr Corbett is still
seeking admission to the senate on
these credentials, and .the indications
are that 1 will not be recognized as
entitled to a seat, . .
The county and city committee has
held several meetings, and after care
ful consideration decided to make an
a ttempt to bring about party harmony.
It was decided to prepare a plan for
holding the republican primaries
which would be fair In every particu
lar, but wonld be so designed as to
prevent the Corbett-SImon ring from
repeating their shameful practices of
two years ago. There is no doubt that
if Simon accepts the proposal he will
be defeated, for the people will em
brace the opportunity to rebuke the
gang for their actions both at the last
election and at the legislature. -
The propositions is, In brief, to
draw lots for the naming of the ma
jority of the fudges in each' ward at
the primaries, the wards to go alter
nately to each side, and those nam
ing the majority . indges in ore ward
naming the minority in the next ward,
and so on.
' Hon. George H. Williams, an emi
nently fair and impartial republican,
is selected as referee to overlook the
drawing of lots and to preside - .
Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and delicious
Absolutely Pure
Highest at Glbralisr and Lowest om
the Inland of Malta. .
In no place on th e surface of the globe
is rent so high as at Gibraltar, the rea-
Lson , being, says the Philadelphia In
quirer, that the geographical position
of the town precludes the possibility,
of its being extended in any direction.
A long, narrow strip of what was once
sea beach is alone available for build
ing purposes. All the rest is'jrecipitou
rock. . ,
Upon this narrow parapet, in some
cases less than 100 yards in width, are
crowded the homes of 25,000- people.
As much as ten dollars a week is asked
and obtained for the use of one small
room, and this, too, in a place where
the normal rate cf wages is quite ten
per cent, less than in America. Natural
ly, the overcrowding- is fearful, and,
the water supply being rcarce and in
termittent, cleanliness of living, as we
understand it, is almost impossible.
No wonder that in the old days the '
plague and the cholera' ravaged the ,
"rock" with a virulence unknown in the
filthy and pestilential cities of the far
In Malta, on the other hand, house
rent is ridiculously cheap. Anywhere
outside of Valetta an excellent seven
room house can be had for $15 a year,
while rates and- taxes are unknown.
The houses " are built" entirely of the
cream-colored stone of which' the island
is composed, and which is so soft that
it can be cut wTth a saw into blocks or
slabs of any desired size or shape. So,'
while the Maltese builder is digging- np
his foundation, he is at the same time
getting out the material for his wallsL,'
his. flooring end his roof.
The Deaf and Dumb Man Had te
"In my time," etid a broker to his
friends at Delmonieo's the other day,
according to the New York Times, "I
have observed many sad and touching
scenes, but never one which affected
me as much as the one I witr- -xdlast
"Passing alcng- a busy thoroughfare.
I paused for en instant in order to read
and reflect upon the miseries cf n man
who bore the legc::d 'Deaf and Buni,
picturing to myself my own conditio "
under like circumstances, wheu the fot-
lowing remark somewhat starticd raei
" 'Say, Jimmie, here's a pcor deaf and
dumb man. Father gave me five cena
to spend, but I think I'd rather give it
to him. He needs it more than 1 do." .
. "This was followed by the chink of m
coin in the tin cup.
"Instinctively I turned to the ly
who had made this remark to his eena
panion and said:
"'Noble boy, I overheard your gener
ous words. You shall not want for "tie
money. Here is a dime.'
"With a curtsey and 'Thank you, sir,"
he fled.
"I turned to the deaf and dumb maa.'
The muscles of his face seemed to be
working to a degree rarely seen oa a
man bereft of those important senses.
Unable to contain himself longer, be
blurted out:
" 'Say, you're dopey. That kid b
worked that , racket before. Ttos
fi-pence is made of lead!' -
"I went home and communed witi
Rins; Made of Diamonds. .
r ling recently exhibited at Antwerp
was the admiration of diamond cutters
and merchants, because it was the first
successful attempt to cut a ring out of '.
a single stone. There are a great many
difficulties in this method of cutting- .
diamonds, as the stones have a certaiit
cleavage and particular veins, all el.
which have to be carefully studied in
order to prevent splitting just as sue- .
cess seems within reach. After several .:
years' labor the feat has been accom
plished by the patience and skill of M. , ,
Antdinie,' one of the-best-known lapi-v
daries of Antwerp. The ring is abon
six-eighths of an inch in diameter. Ia ' v
the Marlborough cabinet there is- e,
ring cut out of one entire and perfect "
sapphire. '- .rvtfSf -:
' According to an eminent Italian hy
gienic expert, official medical returns
show that in Italy 200,000 persons die
every year from infectious that is,
from preventable maladies, most o .
them being young, "fhe.hope of fami
lies.' - . . ; .' ' ...