The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 01, 1898, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Ghfoniele.
County Judge. ; Kobt Mays
Sheriff. T. J. Driver
Clerk t A M. Kelssy
Treasurer C. L. Phillips
Commissioners g. 8. Kimsev
Assessor ". W.H. Whipple
Surveyor..' .....J. B. oit
BDDenntendent of Public Schools. . .C. L. Gilbert
Coroner W.H. Butts
B.ivernoT W. P. Lord
nartni nf stta H R Kincaid
Treasurer Phillip Metschan
Bapt. of Public Instruction i. m. irwiu
AttnmpTAmpTftl CM. Idleman
(G. W. McBride
nnitura J . H. Mitchell
some method
in all of Portland's
The Mitchell Republicans have
made a proposition of compromise
with the Simon forces. To an ordi
nary observer the proposal seems
fair, and is one which, in the inter
ests of harmony, should be accepted.
In this crisis, as in the struggle of
two years ago, it is proposed that
George H. Williams, ex attorney-
Congressmen...... 15, feS?,!n general, shall act as arbiter, .Judge
statePrinter w.n. ioeas winiams Dems tue only iiepuoncan
who has
deficits began under the Wilson bill
the Democratic press asked for time
that the merits " of the measure
might be shows. - The country wait-
also helped. -'There was official con fir
nation of the email exports from all
countries to Europe last week. . A weak
spell succeeded the firm, start, caused by
the heavv receinta in Chicago and . the
ed, and nearly went bankrupt while Northwest, and an estimate that Argen.
doing so. - We are confident that a tine would have an exportable surplus
far different storv can be told when
the Dingley. law shall have been in
operation as long a time as its prede
cessor. It may not be perfect ; that
there is room for improvement in
some particulars is true, but the prin.
clple upon which it isTounded is the
correct one for maintaining the pros
perity of the United States, and at
of 600,000 bushels. Trading was very
dull, and the market broke very easy on
the moderate offerings, May selling down
to 93c. -'
Tne Leuer people wtre conspicuous
buyers on the advance. After 12 o'clock
the market experienced another weak
spell, during which May dropped to
93J493aC, but toward the close the
market became quite strong again, and
gradually recovered to 94c, where it
Weekly dobbins; Bates
Chronicle and Oregonian. 2 25
Chronicle and Examiner 2 25
Chronicle and Inter Ocean $1.85
Chronicle and Tribune
Chronicle and N. Y. World
in Oregon, seem inglv,
the close of President McKinley's closed. December was weak early, but
If it is true, as is reported from
Washington, that a fight is being
made to oust Secretary Gage from the
president's cabinet, the episode is one
of the most disgraceful in American
politics. " The appointment of Mr.
Gage to be secretary of the treasury
met with much enthusiasm among
business circles, and any attempt
looking to his forced retirement will
be received with displeasure by all
save the petty politicians who want
nothing which resembles rectitude
and ability in office.
become biased one way or the other.
The general outlines of the plan of
compromise provide that only one
1 75 county convention and one primary
2 00 election shall be held, and that' the
call for the same shall be signed by
the chairmen of the respective fac
tions. Judge Williams is to act as
terrporary chaiiman of the county
convention and appoint a committee
consisting of the same number from
administration this fact will be gen
erally recognized, if such, is not the
case even now. x .
As a'tltled blackmailer the Prince
of Monaco has no equal. He is in
the same class in his particular line
as is the gambling territory irom
which he derives his immense reve
nue, ilair a million a year is me
minimum sum the prince will accept yegterday
shot tip to $1.00j on the selling of prob
ably 25,000 bushels. Afternoon deliv
eries of wheat amounted to 250,000
bushels, half of which came from ' Ar
mour, Allen & drier receiving it.
One Man Killed and Two Seriously In
. Jured. v
A slide in which one man lost his life
and two were seriously injured, occurred
near tunnel No. 3, on the O. R. and N.
for rent of his kingdom to the devo- The man who was killed was John
eadh side, which committee, together tee3 ot cnance. Like the railroads, Joice, a laborer about 55 years of age,
with Judge Williams, shall pass upon i, i10-r. w tno trer.o will e was working with some other men
when the rocks fell, and it seems that as
u : r l i
,a n itt to lt,.T finrl rPrtV1flofl THf TTIAnV I I 1 a . T ., A . 1 11 1 i I D
to M-""- ""-- - -- j i dv inue me scamps or ne oiu worm at.n-fc him
the credentials. The communication bear aD(j jg pressing the limit. Little
matters of detail.
l on the back of head, fractur-
are learning the tricks 01 tne new. ma his skull and inflicting injuries from
The situation in Portland has been The prince would make a model cap- which be died instantly. He was dug
one of anxiety and regret to good in of police for some of America's oat 88 80on 88 Possible, but before the
Rpnnhlifians throughout the state. Ii , t. : rocKS were removea irom nis nouy ne
c o ' i migci viLica, nucic vice 19 yiiiuiiy I ,
an1 fiiia rf?ctw f r tnoof ho if wa TT arill I , , . t - i .1 I
"vv" "" licensea ana me people KnowDOlUlDg The ininrad men wer Torn Corrr.1
be pleasing to the party generally. of it- where inspectors of great police and S. Malcom. Tbev were broueht to
We are not the least afraid that Its refusal or wveptence by the Si- systems are enabled to build man- this city on a special and Dr. Doane was
A New Year's Offer.
. The Semi-Weekly Chronicle and
. Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean
Only $1.85 Only-
, m" :-THE-- 111:
IB Weekly Inter Ocean III
H Iti
M the cardinal doctrines of that party
with ability and carncstaessJlJ
jStit it can always be relied on"
for fair and honest reports of all po- S
litical movemenisutjstjtjtjtjtjltjt
It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Papsr Is Without a Peer.
The Literature of its columns is
equal to that of the best maga
zines. It is interesting to the chil
dren ss well as the parents.
and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF
THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest
discussions of ail questions of the day, it is in full sympathy
with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and
discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint...?
President McKinley will allow the
secretary of the treasury to. resign.
The president is too patriotic, high-
minded and far-seeing to allow him
self to be swayed by tbe threats and
entreaties of the gang of agitators in
the senate, who, unless free silver is
made the fetich on all occasions,
seek to destroy- the temple.
Nothing will come of all tbe talk
concerning Mr. Gage's removal, but
the incident shows too plainly what
called to attend to ' their - injuries. He
fcnnd that no bones were broken, but
they received serious bruises from fall
ins; rock. They were sent to Portland
this morning for treatment.
. An inquest was held over the remains
the following
The closing years of the century
dangerous men occupy "the seats of I bid fair to see some mighty, changes
tbe mighty." When statesmanship among the government of the earth
has given way to demagogy in vim- The hunying of fleets toward China,
lent form; when United States sena- whether it mean the partition of that
.tors are influenced by absolutely no I moribund monarchy or not, gives
motive but the desire for re election, evidence that some territorial read-
- it is time for the American people to justment is in prospect. The theater
; pause and consider. of action is changed from Europe to
It is m ;re than probable that with Asia, and tbe shores of the Pacific
mon wing win snow wnemer mai s;ons an(i invest in government
gentleman is willing to be reasonable bonds on a salary cf a. few thousand
or whether he wants it all. Ihe a vear- Spokesman-Review.
party, In the state is watching tne
matter, and the conntry delegates If Sesretary Alger were to run for
will be prepared to vote intelligently office in Portland, he w juld be un- of Joice this morning and
when it comes to consider Multno- mercifullv slaughtered. His re- veraict was renaerea
I I Tim T"W T x Ta n-o Tnn Ol 1 COT
t .. a. :L1. it. i. I e I a 11 XI 4-T 1 I ah lyajuuaot vaM icii. til, ion
man cpunw s iruuoies in ice uen uusai iu auuw jruruuuu w ujci w thA nmnanpw hv J M P,1
the Klondike relief expedition has loon, acting coroner of Wasco county,
caused Portland people to speak of SsV'SaSpSwK
the secretary of . war in no pleasant I body is now before us, after having
terms. At the same time bis action
is loudly praised by Seattleites. Are
the starving miners on the Klondike
state convention.
by the
ins at Columbus to determine who
a continuation of' good times much, mark tbe place where stirring scenes shall be United States senator. The
-of the comDlaint now attacking the may be witnessed. friends of Mark Hanna are confident
nation may be removed, but nothing Tbe latter part of the eighteenth of his election, and his opponents are
like a cure can be obtained until the centurv saw the American revolution equally sure he will be defeated. It
general tone of statesmanship can be and the terrible anarcby of France ; is more than likely that the Ohio leg'
Taised and men elected to the United in the beginning of this one were islature will., be thrown into a squab
States senate shall be chosen by rea- enacted the deeds of NapoleSn and ble, which will bring disgrace upon
son or ability, ana not because or ine temporary crusning or ranee, mas suite as iue uregun legislature
political pull. It is fortunate for the It'ls not probable that the world will did upon us. In the meantime the
country that we have a few such be shaken by war now as it was then, agitation lor election ot senators by
men as President McKinley, Secre- for the strength of the great nations direct vole of the people goes on un-
tary Gage and Speaker Reed at the lis more evenly balanced, and as each ceasingly.
listened to tne testimony given
different witnesses ' called and
find as follows : - '
That the name of the deceased was
John Joice, a native of Ireland, of tbe
age of about fifty or sixty years, and so
far as we are able to learn was a single
man at the time of his death and nroh-
of ably has a sister living in San Francisco,
enBBltBM, a ;a ?f -:AiY I vauiornia: mac tne accident wmcn
Secretary Alger is quite right and Langed hi8'death happened on the 30th
pjoper. ' day of December, 1897, at or near tunnel
Iio. 3, on cne line ot tne j. a. & jn. uo.
in Wasco county, Or. ; that the accident
wuicu cauBeu oia ueato was uue m rouKS
to be made the subject of adverlis
ing rivalry on the part of Portland
and Seattle ? I If so, the action
41 nn-Pamr nvc nm i an cm vrxn-ti rtn
Price of Daily by mail... .....$4.00 per year
Price of Sunday by mail $3.00 per year
Daily and Sunday by mail $6.00 per year
Twice-a-Week Chronicle and
Weekly Inter Ocean for one year
falling from a bluff under, which he was
working, and a rock or rocks falling on
mm and causing instant death.
A. N. Varnet
H. C. Nielsen
John Bcbgbaf
J. H. Wood '
John B. Crate.
head of affairs.
Portland business men state the
holiday trade for 1897 to be the
largest for years. The same may be
said of The Dalles and doubtless of
tbe other Northwest towns which
were not built altogether on the boom
basis, ihe continued good pqces
for all kinds of cereals, and the prom
ise of still further advances in cattle, from h occnpation of Port Ahhur
looks upon the preparations of the
other, there is less and less wish for
the. beginning of hostilities.
At the same time the social unrest
in the European countries will serve
as an incentiyefor the different rulers
to engage tbe-attention of their sub
jects away . from home.' , China
would be a good field for this, and
the complications that may ensue
A Good Dictionary for Two Cent.
A dictionary containing the definition
of 10,000 of the most useful and import
ant words in the Eneliah language, is
published by the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Schenectadr, N. Y. While it con
tains some advertising, it is a complete
dictionary, conciee and correct.
In compiling this book care has been
taken . to omit none of those common
words whose spelling or- exact use occa.
sheep and wool make the outlook
for next year still more enconraging.
In addition to this, all lines of busi
ness upon the coast will receive an
impetus from tbe rush to Klonkike.
From every part of the world people
are coming with money to spend in
, the Northwest, fitting out for the
Alaska gold fields. Many of them
may cnange tneir minds and remain
here.. Those who do not, will leave
.pleasant reminders of their visit in
the shape ef United States gold
standard dollars.
If the breach in the Republican
party in Multnomah county can be
healed, as it is possible now it may
be, the Republican League meeting sious at limes a momentary difficulty
in Fphriinrv will be in the nature of even to well educated people. The main
lv. Wr. t nplphrftf thA nrorti. aim h" been to 8ive M much useful
... . , formation as possible in a limited space.
gai rcuru. um uuo - vuC . .. - . adiective
wayward son eacn can aeciae tor snd Terb are all obviously connected in
himself. meaning, usually one only has been in
nerted The vol a ma will thus be found
An Eastern Oregon- paper has t0 contain the meaning of very many
by Russia may be a sufficient pretext nominated T. T. Geer for governor I more words than it professes to explain
for the clashing of the powers, on the Republican ticket." This is To those who already have a dlction-
Shnnl tr. mm. mnntr re willing as near to the ouhernatorial chair. ary. 111,8 b00 ml1 commend itself be
, j o I o . ' I .- , A
to. predict, all previous conflicts probably, as Tall Timothy" will get; i,
would be small in comparison to this He is not the sort of man. the politi- whatever it will be invaluable. One
one. -
War has its benefits as well as its
horror, and as the United States can
be counted upon to keep itself clear,
the prospect may be viewed with
more complacency from our stand
point than from that of the nations
more directly interested.
ciars of Oregon want.
may be secured by writing to tbe above
concern, mentioning this paper, and en
La Grande has secured the sugar j closing a two-cent stamp
refinery. "Watch its smoke:'"
Items from Kndergby.
The reorganization of the Union
Pacific marks an important event in
railroad circles. This one . great
transcontinental road has been the
prey of the plunderers of Wall street
fintil if, fia c liomtma IfffTa mswA thnn a
wreck. The men who have now
taken hold are capitalists of standing
and .wealth, and their connection
with it means that the- Union Pacific
shall be conducted upon a business
basis. -. . . .' " .
San Fbancibco Spot wheat is firm at
an advance ; speculative business : prac
tically at a standstill ; Chicago Decern'
ber wheat went beyond the dollar mark.
. liie treasury statement tor Decern, but dropped. Barley, unchanged; mar-
ber shows a greati increase in the I ket firm. Oats firm.
government s . receipts for . that
mnnth TiW nno ,UV ihe. . rOBTLAHD ineTO 18 tot little Change
in ine local wneac aitnation. . fixportera
will not go above 76c as a track quota-
One day ine increase
from customs alone was $735,567,
the highest figure reached since the tion for Walla Walla, bnt miners are ent enjoyed the red checked
new tariff law went into effect. On
several different days in December
the receipts exceeded $600,000, and
it is estimated that the excess of
December over November will be
obove $2,500,000. Those who have
watched the situation closely say this
were only a daily mail may be kept up for an indefinite
the Klondike so' that period. When it is remembered
reported to be paying folly a cent above
these ficn rea. Local flour trade is oniet.
but there is a fairly good shipping de- gueBts enjoyed these "good -things till a
Endebsbt, Ob., Dec. 30, 1897.
Editor Ciibonicle :
The entertainment at the Endersby
school house held a few days ago, was a
grand success. A . good program was
rendered, the most pleasing number of
which were the music by the Enderby
Glee Club, siDging'by .the Egbert Bros.,
recitations, declamations and dialogues,
After the program was over the ladies
served a boantiful Sapper, and all pres-
the popcorn and other sweets so appro
priate for tbe Christmas . time. Tbe
. Wheat Walla Walla, 7576c: blue-
stem and Valley, 7879c. .
' Flour Portland Salem, Cascades and
Dayton are quoted at $3.85 per barrel.
Golden Pheasant, $4.25;. graham, $3.40;
superfine $2.25.
.Chicago The opening in wheat was I
. If there
service to
copies of the Oregonian telling about what immense imports were received
Portland s efforts to send relief ex-1 just-previous to the going Into effect firm, May starting at 94c. : There was
peditions. the imprisoned miners of the Din2lev law. it ean be seen moderate buying at the start; influenced
WOnld bfi IllltV tft hn t.hpir novt I iKof olion . a fa!, Ifi'iHi iriiuii ttiA
,. . -. . , .... . . f advance was recorded, in the face of a
onmmnn a ani-inl wrm I t. t tern '11 t . m 3 I
DU ouo u, iu uicguu preseiinariu measuie wm oe" iouna jitc decline here yesterday. The
metropolis, is it possible there may working satisfactorily. - When the
late hour, when the delightful gathering
broke up for the niht.
The funeral of the late W. S. Ward
was held at the Odd Fellow's cemetery
near Dnfur, Wednesday, ' at 11 o'clock.
The services was conducted . by Rev.
Jenkins, of Hood River. , ,
Bight Mile Debating Club. '
Eight Mile, Dec. 30, 1897.
Anyone' passing! 8-Mile schoolhouee
by Etrength at Liverpool, where 2d last night might have thought, that a
campmeeting was in session owing to tbe
V- 1 1 J 1. : 1 t. I nk n1
earlv firmness shown by corn and oats J in the open space in front of the school
yard and the number of persons con
gregated about the door, together with
tbe clamor of voices within. The occa
sion was the third meeting of the 8-Mile
Debating Club, the subject, being one
chosen particularly for tbe young folks,
was, "Resolved, That the Cow Is More
Useful to Man than tbe Horse." Un
UBual interest was taken by those de
bating, the leader of tbe affirmative be
ing Charles Connelly, and of the nega
tive Walter Ryan. The judges decided
in favor cf the horse.
After a short recess, a' few matters of
business were disposed of. when tbe fol
lowing program was rendered :
Sone Marching Through Georgia Society
Reading Peril of a Passenger Train. Vetnon Paul
Reading The Elixir of Life O B Connelly
Speech Domestic Animals Henry Kyan
Reading Across the Continent;. . . W. McDonald
Subject for next meeting is, "Resolved
That Capital Punishment Be Abolished"
Leaders, O. H. Kerns affirmative, L. A.
Sears negative.
tt Lasted for n Minute and a Half-
Might Have Flown Indefinitely.
On the 6th of May at last year I had
journeyed, perhaps for the twentieth,
time, to the distant river station and
recommenced the weary routine of an
other launch, with very moderate ex
pectation indeed; and when on that, to
me, memorable afternoon the signal
waa given and the aerodome sprang"
into the air I watched it from the shore
with hardly a hope that the loig seiies
of accidents had come to a close, says
Prof. S. P. Langley in McClure's Maga
zine. Andi yet it had, and for the nrst
time the aerodome swept continuously
through, the air like a living thing, and
as second after second passed On the
face of the stop-watch,' until a minute
had gone by, and it still flew on, and
as . I heard the cheering of the few
spectators' I felt that 'something had
been accomplished at last, for never in
any part M the world, or in any period,
had any Cachine of man's construction
sustained itself in the air before for
even half of this brief time. Still the
aerdome went on in a rising course un
til, at the end of a minute and a half
(for which time only it was provided
with fuel 'and water),' it had accom
plished a little over half a mile, and;
now it settled rather than fell into the
river with a gentle descent. It was im
mediately taken out ,and flown' again
with equal success; nor was there any
thing to indicate that it might not have
flown indefinitely except for the limit
put upon tt. '
'A ReaninUeenca of s Sly; Conrtsnip
. .Yeavra Ago.
"Cupid is no respecter of persona or
Dlaces." savs a member of a well-known
Washington family, according to fhe
Star, "for while 'love laughs at lock
smiths,' Cupid, to my knowledge, has
made himself felt behind prison bars.
Do you remember the old Washington
infirmary, which stood behind tne
courthouse? . Well, that was the jail
ia old times--from 1804 to 1838.- In
those days there was imprisonment for
debt, and quite a handsome young man,
unable to meet his obligations, became
a prisoner." The jailer lived in part of
the building, and Mb family included
pretty daughter. Cupid set to worlc,
and the bars were no obstacle. In a
little while looks betrayed Cupid's con
quest. One day, while on the street-
debtors being allowed to go outside,
but not, beyond the prison bounds
they. met, had a talk wmcn ended in
the procurement of a marriage license,
engagement of a minister and the mar
riage. They returned to the jail, and
telling what they had done, the father
gave the son-in-law a job as assistant
jailer, thus enabling mm- to pay tne
debt, and when he died the son suc
ceeded him. ' ' a i
yot Pronounced Quite a the Atov
tge Reader Would Suppose.
Greek proper names have been the
aource of considerable study to the
reading public of the United States
since the Greek troubles began, and the
pronunciation of the names of some of
the officials who are prominent in
Athens at the present time has been the
subject of controversy.
The man who is well versed on the
subject said that the modern Greek pe
culiarity was to a great extent the ac
centuation and gave as an instance the
name of Mauromichales, the Greek sec
retary of the interior. The name is pro
nounced Mov-ro-michalis, with strong
accent on the second syllable. The sec
retary of foreign affairs, Alexander
Skouzes, pronounces his name Sko-oi-zks,
with strong accent on the u. The
name of Philip Varvogles, minister of
justice, is pronounced Var-vo-chlees,
the ch, in the third syllable being hard
like the German ch. Nicholas Metaxas,
minister of war, has an easy name for
foreigners, but the minister of marine,
Iicvides, pronounces his name Ievee
thes. The president of the chrmber of
deputies writes his name Zah:iPS and
pronounces it Za-i-mis, with accent on
the second syllable. Canaris, the fleet
commander's name, is pronounced Can
arees, with accent on the first syllable.
The name of Delyannis oppcarsin print
every day and most readers have ideas
as to its pronunciation. His Greek
neighbors call the premier De!ee-yan-
ees, with accent on the second syllable.
Like the Russians, the Greeks have no
family names, except in the higher
walks of society, and a man whose name
is Gregorious will call his son Gregor
iades, pronouncing the d much like th
in though. The son of Demetrius is
called Demethriades.
One of the most popular names in
Greece is Pappadopoulos, which may be
assumed by any man whose father was
a priest, and a man instead of taking
the name of Antoniades may call him
self by the longer name, if Father
Antonia was a priest. The d in Antonia
des, Pappadopoulos and in all names
where it comes before a vowel, is pro
nounced like th in though. N. Y. Trib
"ae. . '. ... . -
One Glveii by fhe Chnrch n Ob t)g
the State.
Italy enjoys at the present moment
the distinction of being the only civ
ilized'country in Europe where it is pos
sible to commit bigamy without expos
ing one's self to any danger of punish
mnt. sava the New York Tribune.
Since the constitution of the kingdom
in 1870 the authorities have insisted tnat
only a civil marriage is legally bind
ing. On the other hand, the church re
fuses to recognize this form of matri
monial union as valid, and requires the
faithful to go through the religious
service, venting its displeasure on those
who seek any civil sanction to their alli
ance.. The government has repeatedly
tried to secure the enactment of a law
providing for the punishment of any
priest who should have performed the
religious marriage service without the
latter having been preceded by a civil
ceremony. But the vast body of the
people in Italy are Catholic to the core,
and would not tolerate any measure
which had the appearance of encroach
ing on the rights of the church. The
result is that to-day large numbers of
unscrupulous people take advantage of
the condition of affairs to have two
wives, one in the eyes of the church and
the other in the. eyes of the civil au- '
thorities. And they can do this without -the
slightest danger of being called to
account or of being punished.' . .
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