The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 01, 1898, PART 2, Image 1

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"Warships Xow Lying in Port
Administration of Corean Affairs ny the
Czar'a Coverumeotto be Stronr
Vly Opposed. 1
London, Dec. 28. The Globe this at
teinoon says private telegrams reached
London last evening announcing that
over twenty British warships have ar
rived at Port Hamilton. Another report
says, a report is current at Choo Foo to
the effect that the Jarjanese fleet has
also arrived at Port Hamilton.
Hew Bouli'i Infraction of the Treaty
Brought It About.
Washington, Dec. 28. The announc
inent of the determination of England
and Japan to protest against the empe
ror of Corea. practically yielding the gov
ernment of that country into the bands
of the Rossian1 minister, excites great
interest here, where the story of Rus
eia'a invasion of Gorea is well known.
A year or more ago Russia and Japan
entered into a treaty of alliance under
- which they agreed to assume jointly the
responsibility of preserving . the peace
and Druvidine a eood government for
Corea. In the division of responsibility
Russia, took command of the army, the
police and the direction of foreign af
fairs, Japan having the departments of
education, agriculture and other com
. tarativeiv unimportant branches of the
The collection of revenues, and the
' management of finances were left in
' charge of an Englishman named Mc-
' Levy Brown, who held the title of "ad
viser to the finance department and
chief commissioner of customs." It was
. his dismissal by the emperor of Corea
which brought forth the English con
sul's protest. It was Mr. Brown's duty
. to see to the collection of customs, which
he performed so well there was a pros-
pect of Corea 's debts being paid. ;
Early in November, however,- to the
surprise of all concerned, there appeared
in Seoul as a guest of the Russian lega
tion, a Mr. Alexieff, whose calling bore
the title in French, "Councillor of State
- and Agent of the Ministry of Finance of
- the Imperial Russian Government, "and
an inscription in Chinese which read
' "Superintendent of the Finances of Co
rea." .
. It is said that the Russian govern
ment compelled the Corean embassador
i at St. Petersbarg to contract with Alex-
ieff to manage the Corean finances with
' out consulting the authorities of Seoul.
- The day after the arrival of Alexieff at
' Seoul he called on the minister, of
- finance, exhibited bis contract and 'an
nounced that he was ready to enter
upon his duties. Mr. Pak explained'
." that the government was already enjoy-1
ing the services of Mr. Brown, and that
- the Corean embassador at St. Petersburg
; had no authority to interfere with the
-: finance department. ' Alexieff respond
', ed that the fact that the minister of.
finance questioned the validity of the
' contract cast a reflection upon his verac
ity. . ."
After a show of . resistance by Corea'
and repeated threats', by the Raseian
. government, Mr. Brown was dismissed
" and Mr. Alexieff Installed in bis place.
: Then followed Brown's appeal - to Lon
- don and the sending .of an English
'fleet. : " ' - ' -. . - ';'
, Hawaii Likely to be Onra. ;
'. Washington, Dec, : zo.r . Attairs -in
China and the East generally," . said
-: Senator Cullom,"have put on an. entire-
' ly different complexion upon Hawaii's
".' prospects of ' annexation.' Sirice-"cpn
gress adjourned for the holidays there
has been a marked change pf sentiment
. concerning Hawaii, - and . it would hot
: surprise me if the impending treaty
should be ratified by the necessary two-
' thirds of the senate. :' f'. Z
" ""It would be the height of folly to let
BUchB opportunity slip as Hawaii pre
sents to the ' United; States ; at such a
. a critical time. Here., is a most deeira-,
. ble piece of property 'pJiiy waiting'for. a
; 'nod from Uncle Sam to become his own,'
- without firing a- gun tr. precipitating
any trouble. '- ''s. .''.' ."
"As soon as ' congress ' meets - we will
gat at the treaty, and my lmprisBion iB
that a number of senators who have
...heretofore been against the ratification
: will be found on our side. It has always
i been my opinion that : we ought to have
- Hawaii, and I am confirmed' in this be-
lief more than ever by the recent course
of events in the Orient."
. ? ., Alger Seriously 1U.
CaiCAGO, De. 28. The Post's Wash
ington special says :
. General Alger,' secretary . of war, is
lying critically ill at his residence, from
an acute attack of grippe, with typhoid
symptoms. "' It is only within the last
few hours that bis 'condition became
siieh. as to warn his family. - Up to yes
terday afternoon he continued- to dis
charge eome of his official duties. -This
he did While lying in bed. Since- then
however, he has been growing gradually
weaker. ' -' ' " .
Alger has ngt been-, in robust health
for some time, as it. was his practice to
give too much time to "the details of the
war department, and he has readily
done a greater amount of work than be
was obliged to. All this has told on
him, and be is now suffering from the
effects of a too close . application ' to his
official labors. ; . " ) - V
, How to Look Oood. ; :
Good looks are really , more than Skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs.- If the
liver be inactive, you have a bilious look';,
if your kidneys .be-effected, Jon have a
pinched look. - Secure good health and
you Will surely' have good looks. ' 'Elec
tric Bitters? is a good Alternative and
Tonic. Acts directly "on the stomach
liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, and
gives a good complexion. Every bottle
guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5
Stewart' View.
. Denver, Dec. 28. Senator W. M.
Stewart is in this city, on his Way to
Salt Lake. He will go from there to his
home for a few days and -hen return to
Washington. ' -
"I do not think that there will be any
effort made to revise the mining laws at
the present session of congress; From
what I understand, the , proposed new
law will not be presented to congress
until it haB been presented to the min
ing congress at Salt Lake, and I do not
think anything will be done there.' The
law as it., stands is getting to be well
understood, and miners are afraii of a
change.?;'., . . . ' . -. . : . '.-'.,
' . - Bnekien'a Annca sal re. , X'J i
The best salve m tne world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet
sores, -tetter, chapped hands,- chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and- posi
tively cuifffl piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or mcnev refunded. - Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by ' Blakeley' and
uonghton, druesnsts.
. A - -
Portland Fo.toffloe Case, , . '
Redlands, Cal., . Dec. ,28. iIJ,ni.ted
States Deputy Marshal Ponrade left here
this naming for Los Angeles with"0'.-S.
Dwyer. snperiutendent of. the -'registry
division of thoPortland, 0.f '. posbffice,
ana laipjriaiii winieou in tue aueuipieu
rohbery case which was set ,fbr jt'rial In
Portland January 3d, . Dwyerwas. ac
companied by a man named .Weber, and
has been here several dayso ifu-
. -. ' ; : ft---?
Kews From Nicaragua; , .
New York; Dec. 28: The... Atlas line
steamer, Alene, , wbicl .rrjyed from
Central American' ports today, : reports
the arrival at Grey to wn ,. . .caragua, on
December 17th, of t6e gunWat Neport,
with the Nicaraguan canal survey com
mission on board. A foi'ceo'f laborers
from Port Limon had already arrived at
GJreytown to aid in the wjork' of making
aj. survey.. . .', '.. : ,'. ::: '. :
', Japanese Cabinet Realgna. "
Yokahama, Dec . 28.vOVing 'to' the
failure of Premier . Marquis. Saigp to re
construct the cabinet all - the 'members
of that body have resigned. , The news
papers demand the formation of a; very
strontr ministry, capable 'of coping with
the situation in the 'East.' 2 ' , . ;
: : : 'Schillings'. B est taking powder and tea are
') '' ' r':" : " : hraits they are money-back.
. .. ..Wt is th. missing word? not SAFE, although Schillings Best baking;
: powiSef and tea are 'safe.' ' . '. , .
." !;rv-. -- ;,.', , -.;..- :
1 " Gt &&illinfs Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the
' ticket fcl&cp ticket ia every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the
tea); aaad a ticket wfjk each word to address below before December 3it '
.' UkSrodober ijth two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one
word lor every ticket ,,-"-'.'; - v
: . If osry oae person finds the word, that person gets $2000.00; if several find
h, faooo.oo wfilbe equally divided among them.. , ' , ; -
.Every one sending a browa or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
wefjing tables at the ead of the contest "Those sending three of more in one
envelope will receive an; 1898 pocket
creeping babies and pocket calendars will
tle-lart contest ; '.;' " r-v .
Better cut these rules out
American Consul at Barce
lona in Fear.
ftfaae-np of General Blanco's New Cab
- inet Cuban Situation, aa Viewed'
- by Pal ma.
New Yokk, Dec. 29. A special to the
Journal and Advertiser from New Ha
ven, Conn., says :
- Captain George L. Kelsey, of the
schooner Wallace Ward, which has just
arrived here from Barcelona, states that
the American consul at that place fears
mob violence, and is unable to keep the
American flag on Uncle Sam's vessels,
He put into port there September 15th,
remaining three days. .
- At first the stars and stripes floated
proubly from the masthead, but Spanish
loiterers were attracted by ill and gath
ered by the vessel, threatening violence.
The American consul heard of the ru
mor that the crowd purposed burning
the vessel, and he sent word to Captain
Kelsey to haul down the flag. - Captain
Keleey defied the Spaniards, but the
next day the consul repeated his advice,
and Captain Kelsey was reluctantly
persuaded to store the stars and stripes
below deck daring the remainder of his
stay. .
Blaneo'a New Cabinet.
New York, Dec. 29. Considerable in
terest was manifested among Cnbans at
the junta headquarters at the reported
makeup of General Blanco's cabinet for
the colonial government of Cuba under
the decree of autonomy. . Jose Maria
Galvez, said to be slated for president of
the cabinet, is the leader of the autono
mist party and was formerly a promi
nent lawyer. - m
, "Bat," said one of the Cubans, ''He
has been ruined by gambling."
'.Rafael Montoro, Marquis of Montoro,
was at one time, they say, leader of the
autononiiBts. He is a lawyer and an
eloquent speaker. He is said to have
been named for minister of finance. ;
The reputed selection for minister of
the interior, Antonio Govin, is a lawyer
and for years was a member of the pro
visional' council. - ,
Francisco Zayas, mentioned' as ap
pointee for minister of education, is a
leading physician of Havana.'
Anuro Amblaro, the proposed minis
ter of commerce is a Spaniard and was
until recently bitterly opposed to auto
nomy and the proposed reforms.
For minister of posts and telegraphs
the man selected is said to be Rafael
Fernandez Castro, a lawyer, a' professor
in the university and the owner of large
sugar plantations. He is the wine con
tractor for the army and has great in
fluence. '
Members of the junta have no com
ments to make on the cabinet, as a
whole. It was not certain, it was said,
that the cabinet report was correct, and
it really mattered little to the insurgents
who were interested in absolute inde
pendence. '-''.'
- The Vlewa of Palma. , ,
New York. Dec. 29. "Governor-Gen
eral Blanco's acceptance of McKinley's
request that American people be per'
mitted to rilieve the suffering of the
concentrados in Cuba is tantamount,- to
an acceptance of the offer of interven
tion by the United States in the conflict
so long in progress between the Cuban
people and rbe Spanish government,"
Slid Thomas - Estrada Palma. chief of
December 31st.
calendar 10 advertising on ft. These
be. different from the ones offered in
;. ' V- ':.,-- '- - "'''' y
the Cuban junta in this city, to an as
sociated Press reporter today, "and as
the administration believes pea'.te in
Cuba can be restored only by political
intervention, it cannot reject the favor
able opportunity that presents itself to
intervene for the purpose of ending the
war In Cuba." -
Larce Property Sale,
San' Francisco, Dec. 30. The Chron
icle says : .
The dispatches received some weeks
ago announcing the sale of the Alaska
Commercial Company's property to a
London syndicate are confirmed by the
prospectus, of the British-American
Corporation published In London.
The selling price is rrnt given in the
prospectus, but it can be surmised ap
proximately. The British-American
Corporation has been capitalized for $1,
500,000, of which it offers for subscrip
tion at par 1,000,000 shares at 1 each.
The new company was financed by the
London & Globe -Finance Corporation,
of which the Marquis of Dugerin, for
merly governor-general of the Dominion
of Canada, is chairman, and Lord Loch,
late governor ot Cape Colony, and C. H.
Mackintosh, lieutenant-governor of the
Northwest Territories are directors.
;The English company will carry on
the mercantile and transportation busi-
bess of the Alaska Commercial Com
pany, and also engage in . banking and
mining. . .
Don't bolt your food, it irritates your
stomach. Choose digestible food and
chew it. Indigestion is a dangerouB
sickness. Proper care prevents it
Shaker Digestive Cordial cures it. That
is the long and short of indigestion,
Now, the question is : 'Have you got di
gestion? Yes, if you have pain or dis
comfort alter eating, headache, dizziness
nausea, offensive breath, heartburn, lan-
gour, weakness, fever, jaundice, flatu
lence, loss of appetite, irritability, con'
stipation, etc. Yes, you have indigea
tion. To core it, take Shaker Digestive
Cordial. The medicinal herbs and
plants-of which Shaker Digestive Cordial
is composed, heip to digest the food in
your stomach. When your stomach is
strong, care will keep it so. Shaker Di
gestive Cordial is for sale by druggists,
price 10 cents to f i.tiu per bottle.
Trouble is Probable.
Dbuveb, Dec. 29. A Washington dis
patch to th eTimes says : '
Indications are today stronger than
they have been at any previoustime of
trouble between the administration and
the silver advocates in the Republican
party. The reason for this change is
found in a declaration made by Senator
Fairbanks at Indianapolis yesterday
that the president had assured him of
his determination to stand by ' the gold
standard. Fairbanks is very near,to
the president, ad the Republican bi
metailists no longer make any secret of
their strong . fear " that McKinlev will
forsake them. j.'
Beware of Olnmenta for Catarrb-t
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and ompletely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescript
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. . In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen-
nine.' It Is taken internally, and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle,
Sold by Druggists. , . 4. .
Foatal Savlng-a Bank Plan.
New Yobk, Dec. 28. The postal sav
ings bank plan is not a popular one in
New York bapking circles. . A canvass
of presidents of, prominent institutions
developed that fact clearly. At the same
time, very few presidents were willing
to express opinions for publication. All
practically agreed with President E. -S.
Mason, of the Bank of New York, in
statement that there are' already, so
many banks that rates for money have
been cut' to such a pain, that there is
little profit in banking. '
Don't be persuaded into buying lini
ments without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters as the
following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme,
Cal., ' are . constantly - being received f
The best remedy for . pain I have ever
used is Chamberlain's Pain' Balm, and I
say so after having used it in my family
for several years." It cures rheumatism
lame back, sprains and swellings. . For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton. '
Came to our place about August 1st,
last, a roan cow: brand indistinct.
Owner can have same by paying all
Moobe Baos.,
Three Mile.
Autonomy to be Established
Next Saturday.
Crown Ministers to Dictate Blaneo'a
Conrae Cnbana to Have Limited
, Representation.
Havana, Dec. 30. The (Gazette (of
ficial) has printed the autonomic legis
lation for Cuba. General Blanco in his
edict assumes supreme command of all
branches of the government as the dele
gate of the crown ministers of state, war
navy and foreign affairs, who reside in
Madrid, and who will continue to dic
tate to General Blanco what he shall do
in carrying out bis functions.
General Blanco, or any -other captain
general who might be appointed in his
place will be simply a vice-royal gover
nor, and will be assisted by six secre
taries assembled with their chairman in
a council of government, The govern
ment will go into offect on Saturday
next, and will be formed of five secre
taries and their chairman, six altogeth
er. The list of five secretaries have
already been forecastod by cable, with
the exception that the department
posts and telegraphs will be under Senor
Rodriguez. '
The correspondent of the Madrid Im-
parcial, who has ridden-over a greater
part of the island, . writes to his paper
that he saw at San Jose Lajas, this
province, 4500 concentrados thrown into
the streets or dying in miserable huts
mere living skeletons. He stated that
10,000 have died within a year. Most of
the reconcentrados, he says, do not care
to work when thev leave their homes,
they carried with them all their belong'
ings, and have gradually sold them. The
women are half nude with ther naked
infants wasted with cold and hunger.
An Aaaeement to Tbat Effect Haa BeejJ
Chicago, Dec. 30. A special from
Minneapolis says:
Advisee from Ottawa indicate that the
British government is preparing to ac
tively resist Russian occupancy of Port
Arthur and Russian influence in Corea
and also that the cooperation of the Jap
anese fleet with that of Oreat JBruain
is a settled fact.
Information has been received from a
reliable source to the effect that the Ot
tawa government thirty days ago noti
fied the Canadian Pacific officials to be
in readiness for immediate traneporta
tion from Montreal to Vancouver and
Esquimau of 3500 .men, the contingent
of engineers, guides and deck officers.
According to information at hand, the
road had prepared for handling 5000 men
five trains being held in ' readiness for
this service. The officers included in
the first contingent are Intended to re
inforce the Japanese fleet, which is said
to be yery short of engineer 'talent, and
deficient in gunnery. ; The dispatch
adds that a secret agreement has been
concluded between Great Britain and
Japan by the terms of which the Russian
pretensions in Corea are to be overcame,
and Russian . aggrandizment in Asia
permanently checked.-
By Decree of the Kaiser.
Vienna, Dec. 29. An imperial decree
has been gazetted authorizing the gov
ernment during the prorogation of par
Iiament to levy taxes and provide for
state expenditures from January 1st to
January 30th, next. , .
. . The Slayer of French.
Burns. Dec. 30. Sheriff McKinnon
and Depnty Henry Richardson arrived
here at 3:30 p. m. with Edward L. Oli
ver, the elayer of Peter French, the
millibnahe. cattle owner. Oliver was
fonnd at his home near Narrows, about
8 o'clock this morning, in bed,' and
promptly responded to the call of the
officers and accompanied them without
trouble. ' He made the statement to
them tbat his intention was to come in
and give himself np today.- He is a man
about 30 years of age, small . of stature,
and looks little like a criminal. . He has
lived about fourteen . years in Harney
county,and has never before been in
volved in serious' trouble. He ' is
married and has several small chil
dren.' , ; ' - ';."' ;'
. Coroner Stephens and .Dr. Marsden
left last night for the scene of the mur
der, and will arrive with the remains
tonight, when" the coroner's jury will
be summoned.
Mr. French's death has long been pre
dicted in this manner, aDd it was not
Royal makes the food pare,
. wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
unexpected, yet the community waa
shocked at its suddenness, and sur
prised that the deed was committed by '
Oliver, as it is contended that he had
no reason for harboring ill-feeling
against French, as no particular trouble
had ever occurred between them.
. Mr. French's remains will reach Ba
ker City tomorrow afternoon. After be
ing embalmed tbey will be shipped to
Red Bluff, Cal., the home of the mother
of the deceased. '
Consumption Poltlvely Cared.
Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Cbil
bowie, Va., certifies that be had con
sumption, was given up to die, sought
all medical treatment that monev could
procure, tried all cough remedies he
could bear of, but got no relief; ' spent:
nights sitting up in a chair; was in
duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by two bottles. For past
three years has been attending' to busi
ness and says Dr. King's New Discovery
is the grandest remedy ever made, as it
has done so much for him and also for.
others in his community. Dr. King's
New Discovery 'is guaranteed for Coughs,
Colds and consumption. It don't fail.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. . "5
the Mesmor:t Convinced
" . Audience of His Power.
Several prominent people were talk
ing together recently in the billiard
room of the principal hotel in a large
provincial town iu the north when a
well-known conjurer and mesmerist
came to see if the bill poster had left
any of his programmes, says the Scot
tish Xiffhts." Two or three gentlemen
5egan to poke fun at the professor and
intimated that there was some trickery
in his performance.
Finally the mesmeric professor stood
upon his dignity and offered to give a
free exhibition of his skill then and
there. He said that he would so place
jne of the party when udVv 1ms influ-
nce that when' he hauca.i-.-cu the sub
ject to grasp his own nose he could not
reave tne room witnout taxing ms
fingers from his nose.
The wager was accepted and one of
the party,-an alderman, gave himself ,
up to the influence of the mesmerist,
who placed him by the side of an iron
column at the end of the room, told him
to close his eyes, and made a few passes
jver his face. He then took the alder
inan's arm, brought it round the col
umn and put his nose between his
fingers.. After a few more passes the
professor said:
"Now, sir, you cannot leave the room
without taking your finger from your
Qose." '
The victim opened his eye? and at
jnce saw the point of the jckc.
An Officer with Vaat Reaponalbllltlea
for Which He Seldom Gets Credit.
From the time, less than 60 years ago,
when the first steam vessel crossedthe
Atlantic the evolution of the marine
engineer has been rapid, but he is the
one class of marine craftsman that. .
above all others, has kept .pace with
the developments of this fast speeding
age, and he stands to-day xne mosi nn
ished product of a century that has
created more new types and more new
occupations than any that has preceded -
says the PaU Mall Magazine, ine
marine engineer to-day is more impor
tant than any deck officer, but his im
portance is as little recognized by the .
nonseafanng man as his identity is
concealed from the view of those who
travel in ships. Down in the bowels
of the vessel, he controls not only the "
propulsion, but the steering, lighting, ,
pumping, anchoring, ventilation of the
modern marine structure, . and on the -warship
he is even responsible for the
manipulation of heavy guns. . The eyes
that steer the ship .are those of the '
officer of the watch, but the brain that
guides 'the ship to her destination and
regulates her internal economy is the ,
brain of the marine engineer. He is
the real responsibility,, and, we ara .
afraid, his is the least share of the hon
or that is given to those who. serve
their country or their employers with
courage and devotion on the sea. .-x; " '
Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Addreea M, care this othce. ,
I ;
1 I .
I :
V "
V -