The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 18, 1897, PART 2, Image 3

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56-inch Bleached" Damask .'..;...$ .50 Special $ .44
,58 " " .75 .. .62f
58 " . 85 .69 .
70" ." ......... 1.00 " .79.
72 " Satin'. 1.00 '..82
72 " . :'.- 1 . . . 1.25 ' r.96
72 " " ' 1.50 " ' .1.23 V
' 5-8 Bleached Napkins' .80- ' " . .72
5-8 " " 1.00 , ' .79
5-8 " " ' 1.25 -': " .96 '
3-4 " 1.50- ' ' . 1.23
3-4 " " ....... yi.75 1.41.
34; " " : 2.50 '' " 1.99
24 ' " " '. 3.00 2.29 :
3-4 " . " : 4.00 -'v':2.98
3:4 " " 5.00 "... '. 4.07
7-8 " " ............... 7.00 . " 5.19
Special Values for the Holidays in Smyrna, Axmin-
ster, Moquette, Kudistan and Skin Rugs. .
$ :85 values $ .70
1.25 values 1.00
1.50 values 1.25
1.75 values. .. 1.35
$2.50 values::..........$1.95
3.00 values. 2.40
4.50 values..... 3,70 .
5.00 values.U;..:.:. ,3.97
1 - .
pillows, r v.;: . :
A Beautiful Assortment in FIVE BIG PILES
at 22c, 45c, 30c, 80c and 95c , Our better grades of
rillows up to $0. w req ucea in proportion. , . . ;
v Gents.' Black Velvet Embroidered Slippers V '
.;;. ; ::.;.;.i::..,4...vl.:A..i-,i..75c-grade-for $ .50
: Gents' Black Soft Kid Opera Slippers.:. . -"
Gents' Chocolate Stamped Alligator Slippers... - ;
. Aiery good values ,1.25
Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Slippers ':'rj.-.:,:-. :
extra fine and easy ;..:4...'..r... .-.4., :.. j.;:...' 1.50
Gents'. "Wine Pocket-book Leather Slippers '....-;.
-V handsome goods .v.'......... :. i..:. 1.75
Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Pumps, for danc-
" ing parties yX.-,:....;. 1.75
'Gents' Patent Leather Turn' Sole Pumps...!....., ; '
. - " very swell:.... ......;.....;;:: . 2.50 .
Ladies' Plush Trimmed Leather Sole Felt Slip-. .
pers, worth 75c fors!. ....... ; .:...;,4. . 4r.:. ,'.50
. ; Ladies'. Red, Pink and Black' Knit": Slippers;
; very pretty .presents..-:;vv.:v....v,.-..vv;....;,..;.;v-1.00'.
Ladies' Extra Quality Turn Sole Felt Slippers ; " . .
Black or Brown. .-:..,'.,'....:.. 1.35
Ladies' New Grehette Turn Sole Felt Slippers;
- the' latest thing.out!...........:.::.;........ ; :1.50
Also a fine line of Felt Juliets for Ladies, Misses and Children, and ,
numerous other Holiday Goods. ;. '-. ' .
Ail:Gpodf 'Marked;' in Plain Figures. ;
, v.: ' -
"' v'f;.
Furnishing Goods Department;
A handsome assortment of Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, '
. ' ' '. ': r ' Neckties, HosieryEtc . . . : , :
Gents' Neckties, just the thing 'for everyday :-
wear............:.:..- $ .25
Gents' Neckties, especially good wheniyou coni: ': .''';:
v" sider the price .:..,:.-.. L...i.:J.,j.;l;:v..:-:-50i'
. Gents'. Neckties; that vill make homeiy:.Wan,riV;.'.r..
V look. handsome' :.JXL.!.LJii-: .7rv '
r Gents 1 Neckwear, to suit the : most-, fastidious-f V:' : ' '
.'.'.' ' and exacting 85c and ' l.6o i :
" Gents' Neckties; the latest creations oi fin-cU- .y,
secle conceptions and -i.50 :
We have them for 50c that will keep yoji nst '3 -
j.-' " V warm as the very finest. : : ' . ' - v
Fine Silk Mufflers, some haiidsome'pattetns .75; '5
" inlarge:sizes..l.:.:.;:.:i:;J..a.00'--:
V " .' " ; extra igbod,-valu;::::;;.t ;;1.25 ; :,
" ..." .y: " ; superin colorihg..L50 and -4.75 i
Colored bord er or plain hemstitched;V;:,'. ; .'. '.. . 25 ; ,
Silk worked initials, pure white.., .,.;.;.:..'. '-.25 i
In colors a large variety to select from:.;;..:...:..;.' ,35
In colors, heavy silk a,nd large, size' ,...v. 75c and; .1.00
r "' .' . - - HOSIERY: i. ; iy "
Our Large Assortment of FancV and Staple Hosiery". 'V .
v ; will make any man feel gooq from his toes up - - ' ';!'
New bwell Plaids and ancy.bilk Mixtures.:,..;: .$ ;.50 ;
The Weekly Gtooniele;
Published in two parts, on Wednesdays
and Saturdays.
One year
Six months
Three months
.. 1 80
.. 60
' Advertising rates reasonable, and made known
on application.
Address all communications to"THF CHRON
ICLE," Tne Dalles, Oregon.
Telephone No. 1.
Wednesday's Daily.
The Degree of Honor will have initia
tion of candidates tonight, also a good
program and refreshments. -All mem
bers are reqneeted to be present.
Mr. John . ObriBt and Mies 6. Wolfe,
both of Wasco county, were nnited in
marriage on the loth inst., by Rev.
B. Gorham', at his residence in this city.
. The northbound passenger train ran
into an open switch at Rocktord, in Spo
kane county, and struck a special freight
standing on the switch. Several were
injured, bnt none seriously.
Theodore Durrant was ordered by
Judge Bahrs, on motion of District At
torney Barnes, to appear this morning
and receive his sentence of death for the
murder of Minnie Williams. -
Frank Gaby, charged with the mur
der of James Cox, was found ' guilty of
manslaughter Sunday in Everett. The
jury was out 24 hours. It recommended
Gaby to the clemency of the court.
. The timbers for the new bridge are
being unloaded today, and as the piling
on whioh they are to rest is being pat
in shape as rapidly as possible, it will
be but a matter of a short time until
the workmen will be ready to raise the
massive bents into place. '
William Teller, who is supposed to
bave been drowned on the lower river,
and whose ekiff was picked ' up near
, Knappton, was formerly in the employ :
of Seufert Brothers, at their fishery,
near this city. He was a foreman at
the cannery for a tinfe, and was well
liked by all who knew him..
On Christmas day, the Portland and
Multnomah athletic clubs' football
teams will again meet on the gridiron.
The art'cles of agreement, which bave
been the bona of contention for two
weeks, were finally arranged to the sat
isfaction of both parties, and Monday
night they were signed, so that the game
. is now a certainty.
At the' meeting of the fire department
last night, F. S. Gunning was appointed
chief of the department in ' this city.
Mr. Gunning was appointed to fill the
vacancy made by George Gibbons, who
Las moved oat of town. There is no
doubt that good judgment .was shown
in the selecting of Mr. Gunning, and
that be will do all In his power for the
advancement of our volunteer fire de
partment. ' '
The property-owners on the north
side of Second street, between Washing
ton and Federal, are having the mud
ad it'll
.. i - . .
gathered up and" . hauled away, an
makes a wonderful difference in the ap
pearance of theEtreet. It is strange
that some of the other property-owners
would not profit by their good example
and have their, ehare of the streets
cleared in a like manner.and in this way
improve the appearance of our city in
the eyes of outsiders. .
At the annual election of the Eastern
Star held last night, the. following of
ficers were elected: Worthy matron,
Mrs. Alice Crossen; patron. Dr. O. D.
Doane; associate matron, Mrs. Dr. San
ders; conductress, Mrs. A. Burget; as
sociate conductress, Miss Lena Phirman ;
secretary Miss Lena Snell; treasurer,
Mrs. Esther Harris. The other officers
will be chosen by those already elected
but as yet they have not bad time to
make any appointments.
This morning the reporter noticed,
while the workmen were blastinin the
Mill creek basin, that ana mber of small
stones and some large ones, weighing
probably two pounds, were thrown as
far as Second street, near Senator Hil
ton's residence, one large stone strik
ing on the sidewalk immediately in
front of the gate. This is proof of the
fact that more care should be taken by
the men who have charge of this work,
and if they are not careful someone will
be injured by these flying missiles'.
As yet no arrests have been made of
the perpetrators of the recent robberies
and wi tbout any clue it is next to ifa
ooseible for oar officers to capture tbe
guilty parties. The probabilities are
that they left' town. Although Mr.
Wiley is a vigilant and faifhlul officer,
at the same time one man cannot watch
this city as it should be ' watched daring
he night, and for this reason an. assist
ant should be appointed by all means.
Even if it does involve more expense
for the city this money will be well
spent, and the taxpayers will feel satis
fied when they see that their property
is well protected. " ; ,
Our football players came together
Sunday and played a lively practice
game, making an excellent snowing.
We understand that the Dafarites who
failed to best us in baseball last summer,
in spite of all their brawn and muscle,
are going to make an attempt to defeat
oar boys on the gridiron, in the near
future. They may be able to do so, bat
it would not be well for them to be too-
positive, since 'our -lads are seldom be
hind in such sports. Next Sunday an
other practice game will be played, and
anyone who is curious to see it will fee
admitted to the fair grounds free.
Thursday's Daily.
A vagrant was tbe only victim before
Recorder Sinnott this morning..'. He was
fined $10, and will - be allowed to oxer-
cise hia muscles Jn behalf of the city
while b'a is working oat his fine, v
Dr. Eshelman was called yesterJar to
attend the wife of Mr. James .Johnston
of Deechutes, and found . ber a very
sick woman. He did all that medicai
skill could do for her and at present she
is in a fair way towards recovery.
Last evening the Royal Acb, Masons
held a meeting for the election, of officers
for the ensuing year, in the Masonic
ball, with the folld wing results: Chas,
Hilton, H, P.'; F. Gibbins, king; "Dr.
Siddall, scribe ;. Geo: A. Liebe, Treas. ;
;.rjr. Logan, Secy.; Geo. C. Blakeley,' C.
of H. ; A. Larsen, P: S. ; John M. Mar
den, R. A. C. ; ; Ed O. Phirman, G. M.
3d V.; W. E, Garretson, G. M. 2d V.;
E. Shanno, G. M. 1st V.; W. S. Myers,
sentinel. The installation of . officers
will take place the first Wednesday in
January, and will be for members of tbe
chapter only. '."
" Today John Gillvary of Antelpe was
brought to this citv for medical treat
ment, Five days azo'a horse fell with
him and he received several bruises and
had his chin cut open.. ' Dr. Hollister
attended to his injuries and he is resting
easy at preeent. '".'.'
In an interview with Captain L. P.
Hosford, of the Hattie Belle, which be-
ongs to the W hite Star line and makes
daily trips on the lower river "at present,
he said:' "We are. going to put the
Hattie Belle on the upper river to ran
between the' Cascades and The Dalles,
and 'the lone w:'l ran on the lower
river, connecting with it at ' the . locks
daily. This will give this line a daily
boat. '
This morning Mr. Gardner, assisted
by bherifi Driver. . took charge ol tbe
I two Hawthorne children, Etta and Sala,
and will take them to tbe Boys and
Girls Aid Society tomorrow. The hear
ing of the case will be before Judge
Bradsbaw on the 29th inst, and there is
no doubt that abundant evidence will
b brought forward to prove that tbe
children should be removed from the
mothers charge. Their father is in the
insane assylum, and one brother is now
serving a terra in 'the - penitertiary for
the murder an Indian policeman on the
Warm Springs reservation. Tbey were
living in a deplorable condition, and it
is certainly a charitable act to remove
tbe poor unfortunates to a more suitabl e
place for human beings.
. O. D. Emory, it wa,s learned Monday
morning, was arrested in Portland by
Detective Kerrigan for the larceny of
four typewriters (machines') from the
offices of Attorney Richard Williams, E.
Mendenhall, R. R.. Giltner and J. T.
Milner. As he was caught with one of the
machines in his possession, tbe police
astutely concluded that be must have
stolen it, a suspicion which was strength
ened by this - subsequent -confession.
Emory has been employing his time
while in Portland committing several
burglaries. We wonder if be is not tbe
same fellow ' who -stole Mr. Wueon s
typewriter in this city. -.It seems very
! likely that be is, as he seems to 'make
that line of goods a specialty. . ' . : ' -The
John Day river, .'ast week, came
very near adding three more to its an
nual roll of victims. Alonzo and James,
McWillis, assisted by -T. N." Fields, "were
crossing their sheep at the private ferry
on their ranch, when the cable broke
and the ferryboat was capsized,' damp
ing its lad of men and sheep into the
middle of the river. Old Mr. Fields,
although 76 years of age, was the first
to reach land, and James soon, followed
him there,' almost exhausted. v Mean
while, Alonzo, who baa caught the bro
ken cabie and was. trying to stay with
the boat, in some manner ' became en
tangled with the rope in - the midst of
the bunch of sheep, .which forced bim
under the water several times, before be
could extricate himself from the rope.
Once free, by almost superhuman efforts
he managed to surprise his watching
relativer by., emerging from 'the angry
waters a living man.
' . . ' : Friday's Daily. , , "
The Van Pelt gang, held in Curry
county for murder, were denied a writ
.of habeas corpus by Judge Riley last
week. ' ; '' .'' . . .
. Joseph 'Ell was re-elected chief of the
Pendleton fire department for -the fifth
time Monday night, receiving a majority
of seven in a vote of fifty-five.
Teamsters are hauling timbers for the
new school , building in . academy park
today, some of tnem being so long that
it is with difficulty that 'they can torn
the corners. -'.. . . . . .. ,
The Beardsley and McCoy barber shop
changed hands today, the originarowner,
Tom McCoy,1 .having purchased the
same,'and in future it will be conducted
under his supervision.- .' . .
Christmas turkeys are coming in at a
rapid rate, many of which are being
shipped .to other places. Large con
signments will be shipped to Tacoma
and Seattle, and also quite a number to
Portland. -.
Reports from DQfur state that Mon
day and Tuesday were' model days, be
ing warm, dry and beautiful. This bad
the good result of drying up tbe roads to
a great ' extent, so that travel . is much
easier over them now than a week ago.
A crew of men are at work on Second
street under the supervision of Marshal
Laner, and they are patting it in - first
class shape. . We only hope that the
snow will stay away long enough for the
workmen to finish this needed improve
ment. -
The ladieB wish to impress upon the
minds of the children who. take part in
the entertainment ' Saturday, that the
final practice will be held Saturday j
morning at 9 o'clock, ' Every child
shonld be present dressed,-in costume,
and carrying her doll. . -. :.
The government Indian school on the
Umatilla reservation has been placed
under strict quarantine regulations on
account of an epidemic of measles among
the pupils, ' There is Only one pupil at
tending school. ' The disease is of mild
form and as yet no deaths have been
reperted. ' - . ; '
Wednesday . .Theodore " Durrant re
ceived tbe death sentence for tbe fourth
time. -The day named this time is Jan
uary 7th. . His attorneys intend making
another bard fight, and will leave for
Washington immediately; to put bis
case once more before the supreme court
of the United States. '
Bunglars entered the Spa at Astoria
Monday night, forced . open the cash
drawer and secured t8 They also took
several boxs of candyl - Tbe same bur
glars entered the Columbia shoe store
and attempted ' to open a vault, bat
failed. . They' took several pairs of shoes,
The police are' working on a clue; - ' .
About noon, enow began faflinz. and
at the time of going to press it looked as
If it might continue all night. , On ac
count of the muddy condition of the
streets, it melts as soon as it falls; bat
if it turns a few degrees colder, we had
better get oar cutters in running order,
as everything bat Pague's forecast in- i
dicatea a fall of snow. : - ,--
Fred ' Burchtorf has completed one of
tbe most beautiful things in tbe shape
of a work-box we have ever bad the!
pleasure to look- upon. , Tbe outside is Mesdames Jayne and Groat Bang a duet, .
constructed solely of hard wood, beauti- I "The Flight of the. Swallows." '
fully Inlaid with -mother of pearl nicely
polished, and is without . doubt a . won
derful piece of work. The friend whom
be favors with this beautiful Christmas
gift should certainly appreciate it highly.
The election at Harmony Temple, No.
12, Rathbone Sisters, last night, result
ed in the following ladies being elected
to office for the coming year; P. C,
Minnie Gosser ; M. E. C.' Mrs. Brad
shaw ; E. S., Mrs. Kelsay ;' E. J. Mrs.
Rorden; Man., Mrs. Waud: P. of E.,
Mrs. Driver; G. of O. T., Mrs. Gilbert;
M. of R. CIrs. Gavin ; M, of F., Mrs
Walthers; C. of S.; Miss Shell.
' Everything ' is ; exceptionally quiet
around tbe stockyards the last few days.
No shipping of any importance Is being
done, and from indications tbe stock
shipments from Tbe Dalles for this year
are about ended. Since early last spring,
up to a short time ago, scarcely a day
passed that more or 'less stock was not.
shipped from this place, and' the ques
tion in the minds of many was where do
tbey all come from. ,
Snow began to fall about 6 o'clock
last evening, , and continued .falling
lightly during tbe greater part of the
night, - so . that by morning our
city, and more especially the surround
ing country, had a decidedly wintry ap
pearance. About a half inch of snow
remained on the ground during the day,
and at the time of going to press it was
snowing. At Dafur-and other places of
higher altitude there is over an inch of
snow. .'',''
Cradle Songs of Nations.1
Following is the program for the en
tertainment at the Vogt tonight.
It will be unusually good, nd as it has
required a great deal of work to prepare
it, should be greeted-, by a crowded
house: ' -
Piano Duet. . .Georgia Sampson, Clara Nlckelsen
Rec "When Papa was a Little Boy . . ; :
Reuben Trio. : ... P. Snipes, S. Barrett, W. Frank
Rec "Jes 'Fore Christmas" Eugene Field
Miss Georgia Sampson.
Ladies Quartet
Mrs. Condon,. Myrtle' Michell, Nelle Sylvester
Mrs. -Varney. ,
Reading "My Big Sister's W. dding".
:.. Miss 11. JLc
Song I'm Happy, My Honey's Come to Town
.'..j. New Coons
Semi-Chorns Lullaby....'. . . .
Nightcap Drill Thirty Little Girls
Recitation "Dreamland" Constance Frejch
Song (In costume) "In Wluter I Get Up at
. Night ' Fourteen Little Girls
"Baloo, My Wee, Wee Thing" Scotch Mothers
"Lullaby. My Pretty Baby ".. : Russians
"Sleep, Sleep, on the Floor1' ; . .- Japanese
Lul-la-lul-la-by, Hash My Baby Do Not Cry. ,
,....; Germans
"Slumber, Slumber, Darling" ..'.:.. . ;-. . ..Spanish
'Sleep My Baby. Sleep Mv Darling '......Italians
"Go to Sleep, My Little Picaninny" Africans
"Nic-Nac-no-shion na dy" 1 ndlans
"Hush My Baby, Sleep" . . .... French
"Rock-a-bve, ba-bv ou the Tree Top. Americans
Full Chores 'Sleep, Baby, Sleep". . All Nations
Admission 25 cents ; reserved seats 35
cents, on sale at the'. Snipes-Kinersly
drugstore. Doors open at 7 :30? curtain
rises at 8. ' - ,. '
- Degree of Honor. "
The Degree of Honor held an inter-'
eeting -session last nignt., ana tne nan
was veil filled with members. Two
candidates mere initiated and matters
of importance discussed, after which a
short program was . rendered.-. Mre.
Stephens and Mrs. Young - sang a duet
entitled "Like the Lark." ( Mrs. Fll
looo ' gave a humorous ' reading, and
After the program lodge closed and
refreshments ; were .'served, and a good
social time followed. Music, conversa- :
tion, dancing and hypnotism were indulged-
in, tbe latter creating much
amusement. ; '. .
After meals you should have simply a
feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You
shonld not feel any special indications
that digestion is going cn. If you do,
you have indigestion, which means not
digeBtioh. ' This may bo the beginning of ;
sa many dangerous diseases, that it is
baet to take it in hand at once and treat ;
it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For
you know that indication .makes poison,
which causes pain and sickness. -And
that Shaker Digestive - Cordial helps di- ?
gestfon and cures indigestion. Shaker
Digestive Cordial does this by providing
the digestive materials in which the
Sick stomach is wanting. It also tones .
up and strengthens the digestive organs .
and makes, them perfectly Wealthy.
This is the rationale : ot its method .of
cure, as tbe doctors would say. . Sold by
by-druggists, price 10 cents to (1.00 per
bottle. ' . .' v
; Reindeer tor the Klondike. .
Tbondhjeim, Norway", Dec. 15. An .
agent of the United States government '
named Kjeltberg has arrived here to
bay reindeer for the Klondike relief ex-'- -'
petitions. ; ,
" Household Gods. .- ,
The Ancient Greeks, believed that the
Penates. were the gods who attended to .
the welfare and prosperity of the family. ' .
They weje worshipped 'as household
gods in every home. The household god '
of today is Dr. King's New Discovery.'
For consumption,' coughs, colds .'and. for
all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs
it is invaluable. . It has been tried for a
quarter of a century and is guaranteed
to care, or money returned. No bouse- .
hold should be without this good angel.
It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. - Free bottles
at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 2
Thousands are Trylojr It.
' In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre- '
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BEOS., 5G Warron St, N. Y. City. -
I suffered f rom eatarrh of the worst kind',
ever since a boy, and I never hoped for
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm, seems to' do
even that, Many acquaintances have used
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, IIL ' . ' " " - ; ' ;
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
eure for catarrh and contains no cocaine,- i
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
CO cents. ' At druggists or by mail. . -
- Four head of catttlg of the following
deecrption : , Que black -and . white
spotted steer. 3 years old. One red and
white spotted steer, two years oid. One
red and white spotted cow, about 5 years
old. One last spring bull calf, red and
white spotted;,. The first three are
marked with a swallow fork in the right
and underbit in left ear, and all four are
branded g The calf is not ear-marked.
Anvone who has, or knows the where-. '
abouts of, the above described cattle.
will confer a., fpvor on me by notifying
me, and I wiil pay all' expense connect-'
ed therewith. . John Stbgman,'
dec!9 4w .The Dalits, Or,