1JI VOL. VIII. THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY. OREQON. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1891 NUMBER 6. HAVANA IS MENACED Insurgents Again Nearing the Stronghold. RESULT LIKELY TO BE DECISIVE Cnbmn Soldier, an Well Armd Equipped Brarj Spanifih L"S. t Flnar del RI-. onfpidt, Martin Pi I pot, realized , h plitfl. t ouJ re&oued liiui, just as tbe rope mpnorting liim begun to catch i n fire. Purcell lies at Lome in a critical con dition. . . '! TROUBLE OF ITS OWN DE LOME HAS ENEMIES BritishMinistry Dealing with Knotty Problems. NDIA MAY HAVE A NEW VICEROY Failure' of the Largest and Beit- Equipped Force ever Assem bled In India. New York. Dec. 10. A Havana dis patch to the World eays : An important battle ia expected hour ly. The insurgents have planned the most formidable demonstration against Havana of the year. General Parros has started from this city with a string column of troops to meet the insnrgf nts. Senor Canalejas, the con fidential agent of the Spanish government, went with him to ascertain the real condition in Ha vana province. General Rodriguez with the combined Cnban forces nnder Jnan Delgado Lada rez end Rafael Zeckardinas, is en camped twenty miles eonth of here. He has tally 1000 men, who are well armed, and is said to have a Hotchkiss quick fire rifle. Emilio Consalo has hanged Antonio Rivera and a negro named Osman. They went Into Consalo from -Blanco with money and a proposition to lay down his arms and accept autonomy. A note was pinned on tbe breast of the hanged men announcing that anyone coming on a similar mission would meet a like "fate. EXPLOSIVE BCLLET9 WEEK USED. Effort, at New York to Bare the Span ish Minister Keealled. New York, Dec. 10. The Spanish colony in this city has been divided by a petition sent to Madrid at the time of the assas9inat.cn of Premier Canovas, asking for the appointment of a strong snrcf ssor to Senor de Lome. , According to the world th petition was made so as t attack .lie Ime without- mention ing hii nauir, and among the forty prominent Spaniards who eigned it were eeve.al friends of the minister who did London, Dec. 11. Four cabinet coun noteee any attack in the apparently cils in a week are calculated to arouee harmless recommendation. The reeutt comment, but it must be admitted that is a bitterness amone the factions almost the Marquis of Salisbury and his col as strong as their haired of the Cubans, leagues have a multiplicity of matters The petition says: more or less Urgently calling for a settle- " For Spain to succeed in her relations ment. With France trying to filch with the United States she must have pieces of African territory which Great in Washington a representative of abili- Britain ia in tbe habit of calling her own, ty and firmness, whose heart will beat Germany loosening the 'clinch" Albion with the pulsation ot onr mother coon-1 has always claimed to have in China, Reavy Spanish Loss at the Recent Bat tle at Plnar del Rio. Havana, Dec. 10, Latest reports of the late fight in Pinar del rio province show tbe Spanish loss was more than claimed. The dead or wounded include one colonel, one major, seven captains, eleven subordinate officers and seventy four privates. Most of the wounded will die. The loss on the insurgent side was fourteen. Explosive bullets were used by them. LCETGEKT'8 WIFE ALIVE. ' She Was Seen la Boston During the Month of July, Boston, Dec. 10. The Globe, of - this city, says : "Mrs. Luetgert, the supposed victim of the sausage-maker murderer, so called, in Chicago, is alive and well. Mrs. Luetgert was seen hi this city dur ing the month of July, acknowledged her identity, besides giving more or less explanation relative to the reason which caused her to leave her husband, who is again on trial for his life." Such was the startling declaration made by John Schofleld, of 6t. Louis, to a Globe man. Schofield supplement ed this stateme nt further with tbe posi tive assertion that Mrs. Luetgert was at the house, No. 7 Bnjl finch place, for a period of three or . four days during tbe middle of the month of July last. He said he had gained assurance of the fact I that Mrs. Luetgert while in Boston bad acknowledged her identity, with tbe as surance that she left her husband on ac count of his actions with other women . as well as for reasons which she thought would help in his financial embarrass ment in business. He farther stated that he Believed Mrs. Luetgert was still in Boston, and that she will yet be found. The Globe has interviewed Mrs. Moss, of No. 7 BuIInch place, who says that the woman supposed to be Mrs. Luet gert went by the name of Millie Barker, One day the woman seemed distressed alter reading an account of . Luetgert'S trial, and when questioned by Mrs Moss, said. -. ' -"Yon would be surprised if I told you who I am." try, and with a head balanced to base all his diplomatic relations on an indis putable right, and not allow the right to be curtailed in the least by unfounded demands or unjust pretensions from the opposing party,1 The enemies of de Lome are said to be Senor Canelejas and A. Taltavulla. They charge the minister with lack of fore sight and weakness, with permitting Americans to Have a voice in Spanish affairs and with bowing to the senate. These opponents are led by Zerans, for merly vice-president of the Spanish ex change. - ' Row to Prevent Pneumonia. At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its course without the aid ot some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better lemedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaclion- Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy tLat is known to lie a certain Dreventive of nnenmonia, Among the many thousands who have tne "ho" wr will nave to be repeated used it for colds and la grippe, we have m the BPrinS About 1400 omcers and not yet learned of a single case having re- meQ eitber ki.lled or wounded, 3,000,000 suited in pneumonia. Persons who have ruPeeB "P"" a "bb, ana cniisn pree weak Junes or have reason to fear an at- "8e weakened on the frontier, are the tack of pneumona, should keep the oebits, againBt which a tew mud huts remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent and sangarees blown up and probably several thousand natives killed are the only credits. Rumors, too precise to be guesswork, are current to the effect that the Earl of Elgin early -next spring will retire from the viceroyalty of India, and be succeeded by Lord George Hamilton, whose Indian secretaryship will be filled by Lord Lansdowne, the present secre tary of state for war. This will be a good party move, as it will enable tbe Mar- Great Britain ' herself trying to grab a little more country at various other points, and the preparation of the .leg islative program, the ministry has no lack of worries. The announcement which the St. James's Gazette made on Wednesday last, "authoritatively," that the British government does not expect any further trouble with France regarding the Up per Nile regions, France agreeing to ac cept the situation, is unconfirmed and probably unfounded, as there is no lack of evidence that France is deliberately pnrsuing'the task of seizing the upper waters of the Nile above Khartoum, thus cutting tbe British line ot com mnnications between Cape Town and Suez, and the powerful colonial party in France threatens to upset the Meline cabinet, should it recede from this en terprise. AH tbe forces of General Sir William Lockhart, the British commander on the Indian frontier, have been with drawn to the Bara valley for the winter. Thus the largest and best-equipped force ever assembled in India haB failed, and in the sickroom, and there secured about all the rest he had. He had the news papers at hiMtde,an'i when his mother rested most peacefully, he glanced over the columns for the news of the, day Late in the afternoon he and his' wife- emerged from the hnnse and took a few turns on the porch for -exercise and a little fresh air, and a little later he and his brother Abner took a sioiilar walk.' Aside from this he had scarcely been out ofthe room. He was informed of the af fairs of state by communications from the White House, and, jailg:nz from the calls of messengers there are many tele-' grams of sympathy and inquiry, being received from friends of the mother and son in various parts of the country. PANDO IN PURSUIT MAT LOOSE HER EYESIGHT. rs. Oelrich'a Aocldent Threatens to Result Seriously. Chicago, Dec. 13. A NewYork special to the Tribune says : Mrs. Herman Oelricb, it is said, is threatened with total blindness. Her left eye was wounded on December 4th by a tack falling on It while she was su perin tending the hanging Of some tapes try, and withiDg tbe last 48 hours tbe condition of both eyes has become most serious and alarming. Tbere is a hope, of coarse, that her eyesight may.be pre served to her. Dr. Napp, the famous occulist, and two other physicians are treating her and three trained nurses are kept in at tendance. Spanish Forces Assuming an Aggressive Policy. THE CUBAN ARMY HARD PRESSED Pando's Commissioners Hanged by Co bans Weyler's Chilly Recep tion at Madrid. sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. The End Near at Band. Canton, Dec. 10. Dr. Phillips said this morning that Mrs. McEinley is much weaker. He thinks there is no possibility of her living another night. She remains in a palsied sleep. At 10 :45 she was still living, but growing weaker. Free Pills Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample qni8 of Salisonry to place at the head of the war office a skilled man of business. who will satisfy the tax payers as well as box of Dr.- King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. inese rius are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma - laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter- tbe army, and materially smooth the path for the intended demand for mili tary reform. It is intimated that Jo seph Chamberlain may be transferred from tbe colonial to tbe war office, his place being given as a sop to the Mar ions substance and to be purely vegela- qnis of Londonderry, whose "kicking ROASTED IN A SMOKESTACK - A Boilermaker the Victim of Criminal Carelessness. San Francisco, Dec. 10. Michael Parcel, a boiler-maker, was ' making some repairs inside the smokestack, of ttfe steamer Wilmington, at the Fulsom street wharf, when six fires were care lessly started below him. He was strap ped in a chair suspended from the top of tbe stack forty feet from the dampers below. ' It was impossible to go up, and to go down without assistance meant be ing roasted alive. Dense volumes of hot smoke began eailing up the stack, while Parcell shout ed loudly for help. The heat increased every moment until the boiler-makers clothes caught on fire. He beat on the pipe with all his might, and shouted for ble. They do not weaken bv their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular Eize 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) qualities are not appreciated by tbe cab inet. mrs. Mckinley dead. Another Gale in England. T T-v r . .L.o:uoN, jec. iv. a severe gale is again raging along the British coast, es pecially- those parts Irish shores. Ships are running for shelter into all ports.. Buckien-s Arinca aalve. The best salve in the world for cms, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feei sores, tetter, chapped hands,' chilblains corns, and al! skin eruption, and posi tively cui s plies, or no pay required It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents ger box. For eale by Blakeley and onghton. drugcista. Passed Away Feacefally at an Early Honr Yesterday Morning;. Canton, Dec. 11. Mrs. Nancy Allison McKinley passed from this life at a few bordering on the IU,mulra P"" cloc ounuay morning, wiui an uer cuuuren ana otner immedi ate relatives at her bedside. She did not suffer any in her last hours, but gradually passed from the deep, palsied sleep, in which she bad rested almost constantly for the past ten days, into the death sleep. . . . No word could be secured from tbe house for some hours before dissolution. At 2:35 an undertaker was summoned and tho first publicity was given, of the death. The end was most beautiful in its peacefulness. She seemed to sleep so soundly that it was difficult to tell last. Beware of Oinment for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, As mercury will sorely destroy the sense of smell and c impletely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions fiom reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per bottle, Sold by Druggists. 4. Nevada Railway Accident. . Reno, Dec.' 10 A wreck occurred on the N. C. & O. railway about five miles I whether she has yet breathed her north of tms city this morning. Two or three paesengers are reported to have been injured. - Jfegro Murderer Lynched. Wesson. Miss.. Dec. 10. Than. the Negro who On Wednesday murdered her final Uking away This condition continued for half an hour. .The president and all of the fam ily were by her side. . There was no recognition, however. Her last consciousness was -hours before full ten minutes before his helper on the j bis life, Mrs. Brown Smith and her four children near this place, has been captured and lynched by an infuriated mob. . ' A Louisiana Twister. New Orleans, Dec. 13, A small cy clone visited Point Lahachio, five miles bilow this city, this moraine. Several houses were capsized and one man lost The doctor called at 5 :30 o'clock and reported that he found a material change for the worse, such as he regarded as certain to bring about final dissolution daring the night. He had not even a faint hope that she could .live tin til morning. President McKinley continued his vigil all day,, much as he did the pro ceeding days. . He sat almost constantly In The Senate. Washington, Dec. 13. In the Senate today Davis, chairman of tbe committee on foreign relations, called op the bill prohibiting the killing of fur seals in tbe North Pacific ocean, but on suggestion ot rettigrew, who desired to present amendments, it went over till tomorrow. Pettigrew called pp the bill 'granting settlers the right to make second home stead entries of 160 acres, and it was passed. :. An agreement was reached by the sen ate to vote on the immigration bill Jan uary 13th, at 3 o'clock, and the Senate adjourned. '. ' ' The Surprise of All. Mr- James Jones, of tbe drug firm of Jrmes&Son, Cowden, III., speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians ot Cowden and Pana could ao nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. . Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it, Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. 4 Plngree Pardons a ''Lifer." Jackson, Mich., Dec. 13. Edward Rogers, sent to the states prison from Saginaw in 1891 for life, has been par doned by Governor Pingree. Rogers' sister will take him to her home in Cal ifornia. He had a family in New York city, but left them during a drinking spell. At Saginaw he became infatuated with a woman whom he killed because she would not marry hiu." , - , Notice. ; New Yoek, Dec. 13.A' special .dated today from Key West says : It is officially announced that the Span ish col u m n u n der com m an d of Gen eral Pando, in the province of "Puerto Principe, has been pushing the insurg ent leader, General Gomez, so closely that he was obliged to take refuge in the woods and mountains. The comissioners sent - by General Pando to different parts of the inland with instructions to negotiate with the insurgents for their acceptance of the autonomous features of the government proposed by Spain, have not returned in a single case, - which seems to confirm t'ae report that some of them have been hanged by the insurgents, and that oth era are lorced to remain with the ene my. A FROST FOR WRYLER. ' As I desire to close out my entire stock of stamped linens, consisting of center-pieces and doilies of all sizes and styles, I will 'sell ' the same at actual cost. - M. E. Briggs. dec9-4t TTtes Back on the Reservation. -Denver, Dec. 13. Brigadier-General Otis has received a telegram from Fort Duchesne, stating all of, the Ute In dians haved gone back to tbe reservation. OlWe Pecker Cre Indicted. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 13. The Olive Pecker crew has been indicted and will be tried, notwithstanding recent reports that their case would never be tried. . Madrid Populace Falls to Enthuse Over the Deposed Commander. New York, Dec. 13. Describing the reception of General Weyler in Madrid, the Herald's correspondent in that city says: - ' In spite of all Romero Robledo's hard work to insure an enthusiastic reception for General Weyler in Madrid; in spite of the fact that a holiday bad been care fully chosen, and tbe hour of his arrival, 1 o'clock, was a most propitious one, the affair passed off amid almost com plete indifference. . Between 1000 and 1500 snpporteis of the various political parties, an ot wnom expect to secure General Weyler's adhesion, were at the station, but there' were few cries and but little enthusiasm. His passage to the house was tame in the extreme. Solely with a view to prevent hot headed Robledoists or Weylerists from making any demonstrations, the govern ment took all precautions and sent a de tachment to guard the residence of Min ister Woodford, who accepted the guard as a corteous but quite unnecessary attention. The small interest taken in the arrival of General Weyler it government circles is indicated by the fact that a lit tle later in the afternoon the principal members of the cabinet, including Senors Morrell and Gallon, as well as tbe diplomatic corps, among them Min iatern Woodford and Mr. McArthur, sec ond secretary of the United States le gation, went to the station to bid good- by to the Marqnis de Reversauax, de Rauveray, who was proceeding to his new post at Vienna. The Day's Doings in the House. WASHiNGTON.Dec.13. The blind chap- in of the bouse in his invocation todav referred eloquently and feelingly to the I death of the president's mother. Bingham reported to the house the executive, legislative and judicial appro priaiion bill, which he gave notice he would call up, tomorrow. , Cannon, chairman of the committee on - appropriation, secured unanimous consent for the passage of tbe nrgent de ficiency bill, which he explained carried but three items $5000 for the construe tion of a building at the naval academy, 30,000 for payment of temporary em ployes of the honse and senate, and $150,000 for tbe payment of mileage of senators and representatives. Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. mm Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK.' Two Enterprising Klickitat Girls. In November, 1896, eays the Agricul turist, two girls in the lower portion of Klickitat county, invested $1840 in a band of sheep, believing that McKin ley 's election pressaged high wool and genera) good markets. That they were . wise, even beyond the usual brilliancy of their sex, is proven by the result of their purchase. During last summer they made two sales of wool and sheep, receiving on one occasion $1460, and on another $800. The books in the tran saction were closed on . Saiurdav. when the remainder of the band brought to the young ladies in cold cash, $5220. " As will be seen, the net profits approximate $5600 which. isn't bad for a one-year "flyer" on an investment of $1800. It is perhaps unnecessary to add that these maidens, who by the way are as pretty and charming as they, are wise, have lost none of their Republican ideas since the closing of the deal. After meals you should have simply a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You should not feel any special indications that digestion is going cn. ' If you do, you have indigestion, which means not- digestion. This may bo the beginning of so many dangerous diseases, that it is best to take it in haod at once and treat it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. - For you know that indication makes poison, - which causes pain and sickness. And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps di gestion and cures indigestion. Shaker Digestive Cordial does this by providing the digestive materials in which the sick stomach is wanting. It also tones up' and strengthens the digestive organs ' and makes them perfectly healthy. This is the rationale ot its method of cure, as the doctors would say.- Sold by by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. To Be Married at Salem. Luetgert's Line of Defense. Chicago, Dec. 13. Attorneys Harmon and Riez, in their defense of Adolph L. Luetgert, have decided to base a strong fight on the point of the corpus delicti. They have been making a special study of the law coverning this point. Tbey will contend for the principles of com mon law enunciated years and years ago by Lord Hale, that a man cannot be con victed where tbe corpus delicti and the crime are proven by circumstantial evi dence. . -. Either the body mast be pro duced or the murder proven to have been committed, and proved by direct testimony. . Assigned for a third Hearing-. Washington, Dec, 13. In the supreme court today the case of the Boyden Pow er Brake Company vs. the Westinghonse Campany was restored to tbe docket for reargument and assigned to the first Monday in March. . This will make tbe third hearing. . - ' : Mr. B.Frank Meredith, bookkeeper at the Oregon state penitentiary, and Miss Amelia Metschan, daughter, of State Treasurer Phil Metschan, will be joined in matrimony , at the latter's home on the evening of Wednesday, tbe 15th icst. The groom elect ia tbe'eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meredith ; he is a native Salemite, a most obliging and faithful employe, and has a host of friends and acquaintances who will wish him much jov when he becomes a bene dict: Salem Statesman. - . . Mr. Meredith also has many friends in this city, who will join his Salem friends in their beet wishes. His aunts, Mrs. D. M. French and Miss Adamsi ac companied by Mis's BesBie French, left this morning to attend the wedding. Mr. and Mrs.' B. F. Lauhlin and Mr. Frank French will also be present. Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments without reputation or merit Chamberlain's Pain Balm costno more, and its merits have been' proven by u test of many years. Such letters ae the following, from L. G. Bagley, Ifueneme, Cal.i, are constantly b'ing received: "The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and I sayeo after having used it in my.fatnily for several yeare." It cures rheumatism lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by Blakeley & Honehton. ' ", Notice. " , Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the county court for keep ing the county charges by ' the week for the ensuing year.. All bids must be filed with the clerk on or before the 5th day ot January, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m. Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ' A. M. Kelsay, ' ' County Clerk, . NOTICE. - I have a stray horse, a roan, 9 years old, branded with a figure 2 on the right hip,, at my place on three mile. The owner can have the same by paying the cost of this advertisement and proving property. . - Skth Morgan. The Dalles. Subscribe for The Chronicle. '