The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 01, 1897, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghroniele;
Saturday's Dally.
Mardoc McLeod of Kingtley is in the
; city today. -
William Hunter of Kingsley ia in the
city on bnsiness.
Mrs. John O'Leary came np on the
Regulator last night.
! Daniel Kelsay of Grass Valley is one
of the gneats at the Umatilla today.
Emerson Williams, one of Kingsley's
! farmere, is in tne city on business tor
day. -
F. H. Hillgen, one of Dnfar's pros
peroas farmers, made this office a pleas
ant call this morning.
Mr. John Kntb, oneot the well known
and prosperous tillers of ' the Tygh
Ridge soil, is in the city.
Brent Driver of Wamic, brother of
Sheriff Driver, is in the city visiting
friends and attending to business.
Chas. Downer, one of the conductors
on the WashiDeton division, is down
from Da v ton today, visiting friends and
renewing old acquaintances.
. Monday' Dolly.
Dr. Hach Logan made a business trip
to Portland yesterday.
Sheriff Driver went to ' the Cascade
Locks on business this morning. '
Mr. Ira Powers, Jr., traveling for the
Ilevwoo-t Furniture Co., was in the city
F. M. Jiaxton of Baker City is here re
newing oU acquaintances and transact
ing business. ,
Contractor Hach Glenn came np Sat
urday to visit his family, and returned
to Rainier this morning.
Miss Mollie Bottorff retnrned from
Spokane yesterday, where she has been
spending afew days with relatives, and
friends. '- ,
A Great Find of the Highly Prised
Theaaallan Marble.
The quarries from which the ancients
obtained their highly-prized Thessalian
or verd marble have (been discovered
and are again being worked by an Eng
lish company, says the Philadelphia
Kecord. The quarries, which have beeu
lost for more than l.OCO years, are in
the neighborhood of Larissa, in Thes-
saly, Greece. The ancient workings are
very extensive, there being no fewer
than ten quarries, each producing a
somewhat different description of mar
ble, proving without a doubt that every
variety of this marble found in .the
ruined palaces and churches of Rome
and Constantinople and likewise in all
the mosques and museums of the world
came originally from these quarries.
In fact, the very quarry from which the
famous monoliths of St. Sophia, Con
stantinople, were obtained can be iden
tified with absolute certainty by the
matrices . from which they were e;
In modern times verd antico marble
has only been obtainable by tne aestrue-
tion of some ancient work, and it has,
naturally, commanded extraordinarily
high prices. As a consequence, a num
ber of ordinary modern greens of Greek,
French, Italian and American origin
have been described and sold as verd
antique marble. No one, however, who
is really acquainted with the distinctive
character of the genuine material could
be deceived by these inferior marbles.
Thessalian green is easily distinguished
from any other green marble by the fol
lowing characteristics: It is a "brec
cia" of -angular fragments of light and
dark green, with pure statuary white,
the whole being cemented together with
a brighter green, while the snow-white
patches usually have their edges tinted
aff with a delicate fibrous green, radiat
ing to the center of the white. The ce
menting material is also of the same
fibrous character.
ew York ieekly
Mr. Gov G. Willis, a young attorney
of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday
in the city. Mr. Willis is now presi
dent ot the Multnomah Club.
Marion Thompson of upper 15-Mile is
in the city today. He says there is more
snow and that the cold is much more
intense in. his neighborhood than it is
in this place. .
Tuesday'! Dally.
Tom Glavey of Dufur is in the city
today. , . .
Greg Coudell is in from Tygh Ridge
William Staats of Ramsey is in the
city today.
Jobu Mulligan of Centerville lis in the
city on bUbinees.
Joseph Whipple of Dufur is at the
Umatilla House.
Patrick Moran, of the Centerville
neighborhood, is in the city today.
Rev. A. Bronseeest left for Portland
this morning on business, and will' re-
turn tomorrow evening. m
Hugh Morehead of upper 15-Mile is in
the city today, snaking hands with old
friends and renewing acquaintances.
Mrs. . W. Helm of The Dalles, (Jr., a
survivor of tne Whitman massacre, ar
rived last evening to attend the exer
cises. Walla Walla Union.
Mrs. Zene Moody and two children.
from Ashland, Or., arrived last night on
the delayed Spokane train. She will
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Doherty, in this city.
Advertised Letters.
Subject Who "W ill Send Her Majesty
Their Photograph.
Some weeks ago we protested strong
ly against the proposal that cards of
congratulation, should be showered
upon the queen from subjects person
ally unknown to her majesty during the
approaching celebration, savs the Lon
don Times. We pointed out that the fa
tigues of this period for all members
of the court will be quite trying enough
without any addition to them in the
shape of thousands, "possibly millions, I
of extra letters being delivered at the
royal residences and requiring atten
tion. Since then it has been announced
that all communications intended fot
her majesty in connection with the dia
mond jubilee must be forwarded
through the secretary of state, but in
spite of this a firm of photographers,
showing more enterprise than good
sense, revived the unfortunate sugges
tion mentioned above. They have sent
us a specimen of a card they are issu
ing, bearing the words: "With heartfelt
wishes for your most gracious majesty's
royal subject," and witha space for the
sender's photograph, which, of course,
is to be taken by the firm. Perhaps
the surest means of dissuading any who
might be inclined to make use of so
unseasonable a form of felicitating her
majesty on an event of which she knows
all her subjects are proud is to point
out that their cards are not at all like
ly to get any nearer the queen than the
home office in Whitehall..
Farmers and Villagers,
" roR " ' '
Fathers and Mothers,
FOB '. '".
Sons and Daughters,
; FOR ' .
All the Family.
EverV possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. T. Weekly Trib
V ' une one year for only $1.75.
Writ" your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best.
Tribune Office, New York City, ard a eample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you.
igricultitral Implements
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland.
6:00 P.M.
8:30 A. SI.
J7:30 A. M.
press, Salem, Rose-'
burg, Asbland, Sac-1
ramento, Ogden,San I
Franciseo, Mojuve, (
Los Angeles, Kl laso, j
New Orleans . ana I
I East (
Roseburg and way ta-tions
I Via woodburn for
Mt-Angel, gilverton.
West Scio, Browus
ville.Springfield and
(Corvallis and way)
stations j
.V. I.
4:30 P. M
except .
t 5:50 P. M
uany (except sunuayj.
4:50p.m. Lv Portland.... Ar.i 8:25a. m
7:30p.m. Ai..McMinnville..Lv. 5:50a.m.
8:d0p. m. (Ax.. Independence.. Lv.l 4:50a.m.
Daily. tDuiy, except Sunday.
Drapers Manufactured and Repaired.
Pitts' Threshers. Powers and Extras.
Pitts' Harrow's , and Cultivators.
Celebrated Piano Header.
Lubricating Oils, Etc.
White Sewing Machine and Extras.
Following is the list of letters remain'
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for Nov. 27, 1897. Persons call
mg for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Achon, Mrs R L -Becker,
Baker, Walter
Baker, Deforest
-Beiries, George
Becker, Wm F
Bell, Miss A L
Bennett, Mary V
Bunnell, Dennis
JBeris, J C
Britten, Mrs Mary
Bachmer, Laura
Borders, Mr C A
Buskirk, Lee
Burns, Thomas
Campbell, W A B
Gurlln, Mr
Hehruny, Senord
Hermon, Grace
Hammil), Isaac
Harper, HA
Heron, Carolina
Herring, Krjstian
Claik, Van
Campbell, Bert
Clark, J S
Cramer, Will
Donaldson, Laura
European Hotel,
English, Mrs C
Eckels, Miss Sadie
Fosts, Mrs E R
French, FR
Fredrich, Bank '
Fernandes, Jno J
Garfield, Mrs A
Gross, I H
Griam, Mr C
Deisendorfer, Dr
Kerr, Florence J
Maitland, A E
McRevnold. Lou
McAlmond, Miss B
McLeoad, Mrs A
Mitchell, Agnue
Mnlleniniz, Dr L P
Hardisty.MrsEdith Moore, Daniel C
Hansen, Hinricb Miler. John
Mt Hood Camp, 59, Woodmen of World,
Hnbrick, P J Markmann, Wm
Hurst. W J Marlow, Miss Irene
Henry, Miss Bessie Martin, Mrs Anna
Johnson, MiseNellie Newell, J S
Kato, R Olson. Andrew '
Kitching, A C Puckett, Miss H M
Pollard, Miss Eva Smith, Mies Ida
Pennington, JW2) San. Smith C
Peterson, Miss Inez Schwolwot, Caroline
i-ei tenon, u A Schroder, Millie
Petterson, Oscar Thomas, Mrs Sulia
i'eaDoay.Missiulith Thurston, Wm Jr
Parmeter, J R Walker, Mrs Mary
Page.Mrs Elizabeth Wells, Mrs H W
Farrish, Florence 2 Whetstone, A W '
Quappi, Martha Wohlfort, Katie
Rit ten house, Min Wolerton, Bertha
Reynold", Mrs L Wood, Henry
Sloper, Wm Wolfe, F B
Sedgwick, Guys Strand, Martha.
Steele, R W
J. A. Crosses, P. M.
See the Chrysanthemums.
The public is invited to cmne and tee
the chrysanthemums. They are now in
full bloom, and this ia the best time to
get your plants. The lily, byacintbe,
tulip, early and late narcissus and jon
quil bulbs are now ready to plant for
spring and winter blooming, fowl's
the' time to get pansy plants for early
spring blocming. '
19-2 ' Mas. A. C. Stcbling & Son.
Gen. Grant as a Cadet Displayed Quail
ties Conspicuous In Later Days.
The following' story was told by Col.
Green, a classmate of Gen. U. S. Grant
at West Point, says the American Horse
'One day when the members of
Grant's class were called out for drill
on horseback there were not horses
enough by one to go round. Grant was
one of the shortest men in his class,
consequently was on the extreme left
of the company, and he was the one
for whom there was no horse. The
officer ordered a horse brought, which
was done. The animal was a vicious
brute, I which had proved so unman
ageable that he had been discarded.
The officer in charge did not notice the
horse until just as young Grant vault
ed into the saddle, when, horror-stricken,
he ordered him to dismount. The
horse did his part to assist the rider to
obey the order, but Grant drove his
spurs into the sides of ttie infuriated,
plunging, kicking, bolting brute, and
guided him into an open field, where he
gave such an exhibition of amateur
horsemanship as no member of that
class had ever before witnessed. Be
fore the contest was ended the horse
was thoroughly subdued and from that
time became a useful, .obedient animal,
but it was always ridden by Grant."
Names of Cities.
Old .Paris was formerly called by its
Roman inhabitants Lutetia, meaning
"Mudtown." London derives its name
from the old fortified hill of the Brit
ons, standing where St. Paul's cathe
dral now is. Dublin means the "black
pool," and Liverpool "the pool of the
living creatures." Rome is said to
mean "the cross roads," and Berlin is
variously translated as meaning "the
short lake, "the free and open place,"
tne river island" and "the marshy
spot." Pernambuco means "the
mouth of hell," Bombay "good boy,"
while Cairo is a corruption of "El
Kahirah. the victorious." IsDahan is'
'the half cf the world." Askrahan
"the city of the star," Dagdad "the gar
den of justice," and Copenhagen "the
merchants' harbor."
CI o sing Out Sale
Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large stock at
CUbl x' JSow is the time to buy good Furniture cheap.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
settle their account. -
Wasco Warehouse C
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain 6f an kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, feIi
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use ; every rbck is guaranteed to give satisfaction
We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if von don't think so
can ana get our pnceB ana oe convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and OatsV
jVIflliT MQUOftS,
EEtines and Cigars.
I'fllity of Mosquitoes.
The utility of the mosquito has been
fully demonstrated by entomologists.
Born and reared in pestilential swamps,
thia insect does valuable work by con
suming animal' and vegetable matted
which, if allowed to decompose, wfuld
still further poison the air. v
on draught
and in Dottles
' Anheuser-Bnsch Malt Nu trine, a non-alcoholic
beverage, nnequaled as a tonic. . '
Job Printing at This Office.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at an Francisco with Occi
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship
iiucs ior jArAA ana iuiha. bailing aates on
Kates ana tickets to Eastern -Mints ana Ku
A u oTKAU A. can be obtained from
J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent
Th roll Lh Ticket Office. 1K4 Third street, where
tnrougn ncsets to all points in the JKastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates irom
J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Atrent.
A1F above trains arrive at and deoart irom
urana uentrai station, iitm ana Irving street,
Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at
a. m.r, (kzo, :4o, :uo p.
(and 11:80 p. m. on Saturday only, and 8:40 a. m.
and 3:30 p. m. on Sundays only). Arrive at
jfortland aaily at "7:10 and 8:30 a m.; and 1:30,
4:15, 6:35 and 7:55 p. m., (and 10 a. m , 3-15 and
5:10 p. m. on Sundays only).
Leave for Sheridan, week days, tl:30p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesdav and
Friflay at 9:40 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at S :05 p. in. ,
'Except Sunday. Except Saturday. .
Asst. 6. F. dc Pass. Aet
Regulator Line
Tie Dalles. FortlaiJ aiii Astoria-
Navigation co.'
strs. Regolator 6 Dalles City
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks and Port
land daily, except Sunday. .
TWO Transcontinental fiOUTES !
St. Paxil
. Salt Lake
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Every Five Daya for . -
O A TIT l lll A TVT"ITCl"N ' f A T
Steamers monthly from Por Jand to
Yokohama and Hone Kone via North
ern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection
with O. K. &JN.
For full details call on O. R A Co. a Aeent at
The Dalles, or address ,
W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt
. . Portland. Oregon
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives
at 5:25 p. m., leaves at 5:30 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle
ton, Baker City and Union Paciflc.arrives at 12:45
a. m., depart at 12:50 a. m.
No 3. from Snokane and Great Northern, ar
rives at 9-20 a. m., departs at 9:25 a. m.. No. 1,
from Baker Citv and Union Pacific, arrives at
3:20 a. m., departs at 3:30 a. m.
Nog. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, wilt
carry passengers. No. 23 arrives at 6 p. m..
... 1 .AT-
Passengers for Henpner take No. 2. leaving
here at 12:50 p. m.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and bv vir
tue of an order of the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Wasco County, the undersigned,
as administrator o the estate of E. F. Coe, de
ceased, will, on Saturday, the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1897, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m sell at
luuuv nui'uuu, u Liie uigiiesi oiuuer,iae ioiiow
ng described personal property, belongiug te
the estate of E. F. Coe, deceased, to-wit: Thirty
shares of the capital stock of the Hood River
Town6it Company, a corporation, said shares
oeing oi mo par value oi one nunarea dollars
each. .
The sa'e will take nlace at the conrthonse.
The Dalles, and the terms of sale will be one
hall cash , balance in one year at 8 per cent.
xluou iuver, ur., August iy, lay.
H. C. COE, -
Administrator of the estate of E. F. Coc, de
ceased. ; ' ' ' . ang21-i!
Are yon going
If so. save monev and enlov a beautiful trfn on
the Columbia. The west-bound train arrives at
The Dalles io ample time for passengers to take
the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the
outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East-
Douna passengers arriving in The Dales in time
to take the East-bound train. '
For further information apply to
J. N. HARNEY, Agent,
Oak Street Dock. Portland, Oregon,
Or W C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt.,
The Dalles, Oregon
Assignee's : Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned.
assignee of the estate of the Eastern Oregon
Co-operative Association of the Patrons of Hus
bandry, Limited, an insolvent debter, has duly
filed bis final report and account in the matter
of said assignment with the County Clerk of
Wasco County, Oregon, and that said report will
be called up for hearing 'and approval on Mon
day, the 8th day of November. 1897. bv the Hon
orable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County, said day being the first day of
the next re.ular term of said Circuit Court.
All persons having objections to said report
must file such objections with the clerk of said
court on orefore said day.
Dated this 1st day oLOctober, 1897.
Assignee of the Eastern Oregon Co-operative
Association of the Patrons of Husbandry, Lim
ited, an insolvent debtor. octl-Sw-il .
Notice of Final Settlement. -
Notice is hereby given tbat the undersigned, .
executors of the last will and testament of H.
Staley, deceased, have filed their final acconnt
with the Clerk of the County Court for Wasco
County, Oregon, and tbat, by order of the said
County Court.Monday, the 1st day of November,
1807, at the hour of MO o'clock a. m., is fixed aa
the time and the County courtroom of said
I " .1.1 ill Toll... f 'I fl. am tVi. nt.A. (n. Ihd ta-
ing of said final account. . -
spi ll Executors. '"
Administrator's Notice.
One way .....
Round trip
: i.50
The Steamer IONE leaves The
Dalles on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat-
rdays at 6:30 a. m.
Notice is hereby given tbat the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
of the State ot Oregon for Wasco County, ad
ministrator of the estate of John Grant, de
ceased. All porsons having claims against sai .1
estate are hereby notified to present the same to
meat my residence at Antelope, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof ,
Da:ed Nov. 10, 1897. i .
Administrator of the estate of John Grant,
deceased. . , novl0-5t
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
hiB filed, in the office of the Clerk of the County ,.
Court for Wasco County her final account as
administratrix of the estate of Chas. Adams, de
ceased, and by order of the County Court of said
county, Monday, the 1st day of November, 1897,
at 10 o'clock a. m., has been fixed as the time,
and the connty courtroom of said court, in The
Dalles, Oregon, a the place for the hearing of
said final account. ,
oct2-ii Administratrix. . ;
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executor o the last
will and testament of Mary Bill, deceased. All
Sersons having claims against ine estate oi saia
eceased are hereby notified to present the same,
with the proper vouchers therefor, to me at my
office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated September 16, 1897. '
spl8-il JOHN HARDEN, Executor.
Office in the Baldwin Building, foot of
Union street. For freight rates, etc, call
on or address
J. S. BOOTH, Gen. Agt.,
. ' The Dalles, Oregon.
For People That Are nil I
Sick or " Just Dont
Feel WelL"
iT nmv OMR rns a boas
R amoves Pimples, caret Headache, Dyspepsia an4
CntiMMM. 26 cts. a box at drnggista or bv mail
Sample Free, aadrew Br. BoMnke Co, Phil. Fa,
logo poison
tiory 15I.OOD POISON nnii.n.i.
cured ial5c05 days. You can be treated a
home for same price under same giaraa
ty . If too prefer to come here wrwiii m.
tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bUlsjial
nocasrse, it we iau to cure, ii you nave taken mer
vurjr, iui
pains. Hi
rimples, Co
iodide potash, and still have aches and
Patches in mouth, Sore Throat.
ny pars ox tne ooar.iiuiroryeDrows xaurnir
out, it la this Secondary BLOOD FOISOX
sate cases and cnalleng-e the world for a
case we cannot cure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
cians. 8500,000 capital behind our uncondb
tlonal guaranty. Absolnteproofri sent sealed on
applientton. Address COOK. REMEDY COT
24ttaeonio Xemple, CHICAGO, " Tr